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Summary Oenothera plants homozygous for a recessive plastome mutator allele (pm) showed spontaneous mutation frequencies for plastome genes that are 200-fold higher than spontaneous levels. Mutations occurred at high frequencies in plants grown in the field, in a glass-house, or as leaf tip cultures under fluorescent light, indicating that the plastome mutator activity is UV-independent. However, the chlorotic sectors became visible at an earlier stage of development when seedlings were irradiated, compared to seedlings that were not exposed to UV. These results imply that the rate of sorting-out was increased by the irradiation treatment, possibly due to a decrease in the effective number of multiplication-competent plastids, or a reduction in the extent of cytoplasmic mixing. Nitroso-methyl urea treatment of seeds had a dramatic effect on mutation frequency in both wild-type and plastome mutator samples. When the background mutation rates were low, the combination of the plastome mutator nucleus and the chemical mutagenesis treatment resulted in a synergistic effect, suggesting that the plastome mutator may involve a cpDNA repair pathway.  相似文献   

The plastids in the cells of the tapetum in anther of Oenothera are involved in the development of male sterility (mst). We combined nuclear homozygosity for each of the two mst genes with the four different plastomes of Oenothera and demonstrated that in both cases the sterile anther phenotype is independent of the plastome. The experiments provide additional information on competition between megaspores and embryo sacs in the ovule.  相似文献   

Summary Recently, Lindenhahn et al. (1985) hypothesized that the plastome mutator (pm) system in Oenothera originated through contaiminating cross-pollination and that the variegation was an example of hybrid plastome-genome incompatibility. Their evidence was based on restriction pattern analyses of white sectors which showed wild-type plastome III patterns rather than the wild-type plastome I patterns of the green portions of their plants. Their hypothesis does not adequately account for the results which our laboratories have obtained independently; the pm-system of Oenothera continues to generate many new and different plastome mutations following the genetic parameters as published originally (Epp 1973). Our studies support mutator gene function. The restriction pattern of the chloroplast DNA of five newly isolated pm-induced variegation sectors are reported here to show a restriction pattern identical to the green wild-type plastids. The restriction pattern reported by Lindenhahn et al. (1985) for their white sector plastids is different than we would expect from a pm-induced plastome mutation. Their overall analysis did not utilize many of the salient features of the genetics of Oenothera and of the pm-system. The white sectors they observed are probably due to an accidental contamination by plastome III plastids. Suggestions are made for delineating experimentally plastome mutations and hybrid incompatibility. For future analyses, a comparative study of numerous pm-induced sectors is recommended, since the pm-system readily generates many different plastome mutations with independent origins. This comparison would greatly assist in the interpretation of restriction patterns.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts observed, by electron microscopy, to be intact and uncontaminated, with high rates of light-dependent protein synthesis and CO2 fixation were isolated from cells grown on low-vitamin-B12 medium in the light or from cells grown in the same medium in the dark and then exposed to light for 36 h. Both types of chloroplasts were active but less variability was encountered with developing chloroplasts from 36-h cells. The 36-h chloroplasts showed good light-dependent incorporation of 5-amino-levulinic acid (ALA) or l-glutamic acid into chlorophyll (Chl) a which was linear for approx. 1 h. The specific activity of the Chl a remained the same after conversion to pheophytin a, methylpheophorbide a or pyromethylpheophorbide a and rechromatography, indicating that the label was in the tetrapyrrole. Incorporation of ALA was inhibited by levulinic acid, and by chloramphenicol and other inhibitors of translation of 70S-type chloroplast ribosomes at concentrations which did not appreciably inhibit photosynthesis but which blocked plastid protein synthesis nearly completely. Cycloheximide, an inhibitor of translation on 87S cytoplasmic ribosomes of Euglena, was without effect. The 70S inhibitors did not block uptake of labeled ALA. Although labeled glycine was taken up by the plastids, no incorporation into Chl a was observed. Thus the developing chloroplasts appear to contain all of the enzymatic machinery necessary to convert glutamic acid to Chl via the C5 pathway of ALA formation but the Shemin pathway from succinyl coenzyme A and glycine to ALA appears to be absent. The requirement for plastid protein synthesis concomitant with Chl synthesis indicates a regulatory interaction and also indicates that at least one protein influencing Chl synthesis is synthesized on 70S-type plastid ribosomes and is subject to metabolic turnover.Abbreviations ALA 5-aminolevulinic acid - Chl chlorophyll  相似文献   

The importance of chlorophyll (Chl) to the process of photosynthesis is obvious, and there is clear evidence that the regulation of Chl biosynthesis has a significant role in the regulation of assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus. The understanding of Chl biosynthesis has rapidly advanced in recent years. The identification of genetic loci associated with each of the biochemical steps has been accompanied by a greater appreciation of the role of Chl biosynthesis intermediates in intracellular signaling. The purpose of this review is to provide a source of information for all the steps in Chl and bacteriochlorophyll a biosynthesis, with an emphasis on steps that are believed to be key regulation points.  相似文献   

Recent advances in chlorophyll biosynthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of chlorophyll (Chl) to the process of photosynthesis is obvious, and there is clear evidence that the regulation of Chl biosynthesis has a significant role in the regulation of assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus. The understanding of Chl biosynthesis has rapidly advanced in recent years. The identification of genetic loci associated with each of the biochemical steps has been accompanied by a greater appreciation of the role of Chl biosynthesis intermediates in intracellular signaling. The purpose of this review is to provide a source of information for all the steps in Chl and bacteriochlorophyll a biosynthesis, with an emphasis on steps that are believed to be key regulation points.  相似文献   

Summary A chlorophyll-deficient mutant, br s -1, of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been shown to accumulate low levels of an intermediate, protoporphyrin (PROTO), and to form light-brown colonies. A double mutant, br s -1 r-1, accumulates 15-fold more PROTO than br s -1 and forms dark-brown colonies. Enzymes synthesizing the first intermediate of chlorophyll, delta-aminolevulinate (ALA), from these two mutants and the wild-type are equally sensitive to inhibition by heme. The activity of ALA-synthesizing enzymes from br s -1 r-1 is similar to that of the wild-type and is more than threefold that of br s -1. It is proposed that the ALA-synthesizing enzymes in br s -1 are under repression while r-1 is a mutation of the regulatory gene and consequently derepresses the synthesis of its own ALA-synthesizing enzymes. In addition, by mutagenizing br s -1, we isolated six more double mutants having the same phenotype as br s -1 r-1. Five of them are identical to br s -1 r-1, the remaining one (db-10) carries a second mutation nonallelic to r-1. The ALA-synthesizing enzymes from db-10 are much less sensitive to heme inhibition than those from the wild type. It is proposed that ALA synthesis in Clamydomonas is regulated both allosterically and genetically.Abbreviations PROTO protoporphyrin - ALA delta-aminolevulinate - Mg-PROTO magnesium-protoporphyrin - GSA glutamate-1-semialdehyde  相似文献   

Summary The chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) of Oenothera berteriana and Oe. odorata (subsection Munzia) were examined by restriction endonuclease analysis with Sal I, Pvu II, Kpn I, Pst I, Hind III, and Bam HI. The fragment patterns show that these cpDNAs have all 133 restriction sites in common as well as a lot of individual bands. Nevertheless the cpDNAs of the two species can be distinguished by distinct differences in size between a small number of fragments. The 42 cleavage sites produced by Sal I, Pvu II and Kpn I were mapped on the circular cpDNAs. This was achieved by an approach which combined experimental and mathematical procedures. The overall serial order of the fragments was found to be the same for both cpDNAs. The size differences of individual fragments in the Sal I, Pvu II and Kpn I patterns between Oe. berteriana and Oe. odorata cpDNA are located within five regions scattered along the plastid chromosome. Two of these regions have been localized in the larger and one in the smaller of the two single-copy parts of the cpDNA molecule. The remaining two overlap the borders between the large single-copy and each of the duplicated parts of the molecule. The positions of distinct restriction sites are altered among the two Oenothera plastome DNAs by 0.02–0.4 MDa (30–600 base pairs). These alterations probably result from insertions/deletions.Abbreviations cpDNA chloroplast, plastid DNA - Oe. Oenothera - MDa Megadalton - rRNA, rDNA ribosomal RNA, DNA Dedicated to Professor Berthold Schwemmle, Tübingen, on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Continued synthesis of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b occurs in Tradescantia albiflora Kunth on transfer to darkness. This synthesis continues for several days and may result in a doubling of chlorophyll content per leaf. It is accompanied by continued cell division and development of normal chloroplast ultrastructure, including stacked thylakoids.  相似文献   

Gabaculin (3-amino 2,3-dihydrobenzoic acid) inhibited the growth of cyanobacteria but not of other prokaryotes. Exposure of growing cultures ofSynechococcus 6301 to 50 M gabaculin resulted in an immediate and complete inhibition of the synthesis of chlorophylla and phycocyanin. With 8 M gabaculin, tetrapyrrole synthesis was suppressed for approximately 10 h and then resumed at a lower rate than in untreated organisms. The effect of 50 M gabaculin was reversed by transferring organisms to inhibitor-free medium; chlorophylla synthesis began within 5 h and exponential growth was re-established after about 25 h. Compared with 4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid (DA) and laevulinic acid (LA), gabaculin was a much more potent inhibitor of tetrapyrrole synthesis inSynechococcus 6301. The catalytic activity of -aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) dehydratase in vitro was inhibited by DA and LA but not by 1 mM gabaculin. However, the specific activity of the dehydratase was much lower in organisms exposed to the inhibitor for 36 h. Growing cultures and cell suspensions ofSynechococcus 6301 exposed to DA excreted appreciable quantities of ALA. In contrast, relatively small amounts of ALA accumulated in the presence of gabaculin alone and this inhibitor blocked the excretion of ALA caused by DA. This suggests that the primary effect of gabaculin is the specific inhibition of the C5 pathway for the biosynthesis of ALA.Abbreviations ALA -aminolaevulinic acid - DA 4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid - LA laevulinic acid - GABA -aminobutyric acid  相似文献   

The 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of chlorophyll a formed in dark-grown Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kützing in the presence of [1-13C]glutamate, [2-13C]- and [1-13C]glycineshowed that the 13C of glutamate was specifically incorporated into the eight-carbon atoms in the tetrapyrrole macrocycles derived from C-5 of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), while the C-2 of glycine was only incorporated into the methyl carbon of the methoxycarbonyl group attached to the isocyclic ring of chlorophyll a. No specific enrichment of these nine carbon atoms was observed in the spectrum of chlorophyll a formed in the presence of [1-13C]-glycine. These labeling patterns provide evidence for the operation of the C5-pathway and against the operation of the ALA synthase pathway for chlorophyll formation in darkness.  相似文献   

Summary A restriction fragment length mutation has been mapped in the large single copy region of the chloroplast DNA from two Munzi-Oenothera species. Fragments containing the deletion/insertion were cloned, further analysed by additional restriction enzymes, and sequenced. A deleted/inserted 136 bp sequence was identified upstream of the 5 end of a tRNA-Leu (UAA) gene and presumably is located in the spacer between this gene and a tRNA-Thr (UGU) gene. The endpoints of the 136 bp sequence are covered by short inverted repeats. Complementary inverted repeats are present in the middle of the deleted/inserted sequence. The repeats are part of sequences resembling the lambda chromosomal attachment site (att-lambda) which is essential for site specific recombination in the lambda/ Escherichia coli system. Possible interactions of the repeats during the deletion/insertion process are discussed. The spacer also contains a 1 bp deletion/insertion within an open reading frame (ORF). Due to this frame shift mutation the ORF sizes are quite different between the two Oenothera species.  相似文献   

Summary A clear influence of ploidy was observed on the frequency of both spontaneous and nitroso-methylurea (NMU) induced, streptomycin-resistant, adventitious shoots developing on leaf explants of Nicotiana tabacum and N. plumbaginifolia. At nearly all NMU levels employed a significantly higher yield of resistant shoots was obtained from haploid compared with diploid leaf strips. At 1 mM NMU the differences were not significant and were absent when a high (1000 mg/1) selective concentration of streptomycin sulphate was used. The influence of ploidy is discussed in relation to the possible effect of plastome copy number on mutagenesis and sorting out of resistant plastids.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of results from experimental hybridization, the plants assigned byMunz toOenothera subg.Oenothera and subg.Raimannia, now divided into approximately 76 species, are referred to a single section,Oenothera. This section is in turn divided into five subsections:Euoenothera, Munzia, Raimannia, Emersonia, and an undescribed group of three species related toOenothera pubescens. Euoenothera is maintained in the traditional sense, and includes about 14 species of North America, widely naturalized elsewhere.Munzia consists of 45 species, comprising three series, and native to South America.Raimannia is restricted to a group of approximately 11 North American species.Emersonia comprises four rather heterogenous species of northern Mexico and southern New Mexico, of whichOenothera macrosceles, O. maysillesii, andO. organensis have been described. Within these four subsections, interspecific hybrids can be made in general, although plastid differentiation often leads to incompatibilities. With varying degrees of difficulty, hybrids were produced in all intersectional combinations involvingEuoenothera, Emersonia, Munzia, andRaimannia, the most difficult being those betweenEmersonia andRaimannia. Based on their habit and distribution,Emersonia species, and especiallyOenothera maysillesii, appear to resemble most closely the common ancestor of the section,Euoenothera andMunzia to have been derived from it or its common ancestor, andRaimannia perhaps to be more closely related to the phylogenetic branch that leads toEuoenothera.  相似文献   

Yellow lupin seeds (Lupinus luteus) cytoplasmic tRNAGlu was isolated and the primary structure was determined to be: pUCCGUUGUAGUCAGDDGGDCAGGAUAUUCGGCUCUCACCCGAAAGACm5CCGGGTCAm1 AGU CCCGGCGACGGAACCAOH. It is 76 nucleotides long and contains 8 modified nucleosides: 2 residues of pseudouridine, ribothymidine, 3 dihydrouridines, 5-methylcytosine and 1-methyladenosine. This tRNAGlu assayed in -aminolevulinic acid synthesis was shown to be inactive. Its structural festures are discussed.  相似文献   

H. Gehring  H. Kasemir  H. Mohr 《Planta》1977,133(3):295-302
Within the temporal pattern of primary differentiation the capacity of chlorophyll — a biosynthesis in the cotyledons ofSinapis alba L. seedlings is controlled by phytochrome (in continuous light) or by releasing the circadian rhythm either with lightdark cycles or by a lightdark transition. The sensor pigment for this process is phytochrome. It is very probable that in continuous light as well as under conditions under which the circadian rhythm plays the major part, the capacity of chlorophyll a biosynthesis is limited by the capacity of the biosynthetic step which produces 5-aminolaevulinate.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll(ide) a - ALA 5-aminolaevulinate - LA laevulinate - PChl protochlorophyll(ide) - ALAD aminolaevulinate dehydratase (EC4.2.1.24) - [Pfr]/[P10c], photoequilibrium of the phytochrome system at the wavelength - whereby [P10c] [Pr]+[Pfr]. Pfr is the physiologically active, far-red absorbing form of the phytochrome system  相似文献   

Helga Kasemir  Hans Mohr 《Planta》1981,152(4):369-373
Chlorophyll a (Chl a) accumulation in the cotyledons of Scots pine seedlings (Pinus sylvestris L.) is much higher in the light than in darkness where it ceases 6 days after germination. When these darkgrown seedlings are treated with continuous white light (3,500 lx) a 3 h lag phase appears before Chl a accumulation is resumed. The lag phase can be eliminated by pretreating the seedlings with 7 h of weak red light (0.14 Wm-2) or with 14 red light pulses separated by relatively short dark periods (<100 min). The effect of 15s red light pulses can be fully reversed by 1 min far-red light pulses. This reversibility is lost within 2 min. In addition, the amount of Chl a formed within 27 h of continuous red light is considerably reduced by the simultaneous application of far-red (RG 9) light. It is concluded that phytochrome (Pfr) is required not only for the elimination of the lagphase but also to maintain a high rate of Chl a accumulation in continuous light. Since accumulation of 5-aminolevulinate (ALA) responds in the same manner as Chl a accumulation to a red light pretreatment it is further concluded that ALA formation is the point where phytochrome regulates Chl biosynthesis in continuous light. No correlation has been found between ALA and Chl a formation in darkness. This indicates that in a darkgrown pine seedling ALA formation is not rate limiting for Chl a accumulation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll(ide) - PChl protochlorophyll(ide) - ALA 5-aminolevulinate - Pr the red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pfr the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Ptot total phytochrome ([Pr]+[Pfr])  相似文献   

Herein, we evaluate the binding of Pb(II) and Bi(III) to cysteine-substituted versions of the TRI peptides [AcG-(LKALEEK)4G-NH2] which have previously been shown to bind Hg(II) and Cd(II) in unusual geometries as compared with small-molecule thiol ligands in aqueous solutions. Studies of Pb(II) and Bi(III) with the peptides give rise to complexes consistent with the metal ions bound to three sulfur atoms with M–S distances of 2.63 and 2.54 Å, respectively. Competition experiments between the metal ions Pb(II), Cd(II), Hg(II) and Bi(III) for the peptides show that Hg(II) has the highest affinity, owing to the initial formation of the extremely strong HgS2 bond. Cd(II) and Pb(II) have comparable binding affinities at pH > 8, while Bi(III) displays the weakest affinity, following the model, M(II) + (TRI LXC)3 3? → M(II)(TRI LXC)3 ?. While the relevant equilibria for Hg(II) binding to the TRI peptides corresponds to a strong first step forming Hg(TRI LXC)2(HTRI LXC), followed by a single deprotonation to give Hg(TRI LXC)3 ?, the binding of Cd(II) and Pb(II) is consistent with initial formation of M(II)(TRI LXC)(HTRI LXC)2 + at pH < 5 followed by a two-proton dissociation step (pK a2) yielding M(II)(TRI LXC)3 ?. Pb(II)(TRI LXC)(HTRI LXC)2 + converts to Pb(II)(TRI LXC)3 ? at slightly lower pH values than the corresponding Cd(II)–peptide complexes. In addition, Pb(II) displays a lower pK a of binding to the “d”-substituted peptide, (TRI L12C, pK a2 = 12.0) compared with the “a”-substituted peptide, (TRI L16C, pK a2 = 12.6), the reverse of the order seen for Hg(II) and Cd(II). Pb(II) also showed a stronger binding affinity for TRI L12C (K bind = 3.2 × 107 M?1) compared with that with TRI L16C (K bind = 1.2 × 107 M?1) at pH > 8.  相似文献   

Etioplasts and etiochloroplasts, isolated from seedlings of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) grown in continuous far-red light, and chloroplasts isolated from cotyledons and primary leaves of white-light-grown seedlings exhibit high prenyl-lipid-forming activities. Only the etioplasts and etiochloroplasts, and to a much lesser extent chloroplasts from cotyledons are capable of forming carotenes from isopentenyl diphosphate as substrate, whereas in chloroplasts from primary leaves no such activities could be detected. By subfractionation experiments, it could be demonstrated that the phytoene-synthase complex in etioplasts and etiochloroplasts is present in a soluble form in the stroma, whereas the subsequent enzymes, i.e. the dehydrogenase, cis-trans isomerase and cyclase are bound to both membrane fractions, the prolamellar bodies/prothylakoids and the envelopes. In good agreement with previous results using isolated chromoplasts and chloroplasts, it is concluded that the phytoene-synthase complex may change its topology from a peripheral membrane protein in non-green plastids to a tightly membrane-associated protein in chloroplasts. This change is apparently paralleled by altered functional properties which render the complex undetectable in isolated chloroplasts. Further experiments concerning the reduction of chlorophyll a containing a geranylgeranyl side chain to chlorophyll a indicate that the light-induced etioplast-chloroplast conversion is accompanied by a certain reorganization of the polyprenoid-forming enzymatic equipment.Abbreviations Chl a chlorophyll a - ChlGG chlorophyll a containing a geranylgeranyl side chain - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - Tris 2-ammo-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   

Anthers of O. hookeri containing uninucleate microspores were cultured, in vitro, at 25°C (16 hours photoperiod) on solid MS medium. After 10–15 days, on media with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine, anthers developed friable calluses. After unsuccessful treatments on embryogenic-and/or organogenic-induction media, calluses were placed on a hormone-free MS medium for 24 months with routine transfers every 3 weeks. After this period, the calluses developed buds and subsequently plants. Ro generation plants, were morphologically distinct.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxiacetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

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