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目的:揭示人体在主动和被动两种行走模式下的步态特征与下肢主要肌群的肌电信号变化规律.方法:选取12名在校男大学生,通过Greenjog履带式自发力跑台和h/p/cosmos电动跑台建立主动式和被动式行走模型,先后在两种模式下以3种递增速度即慢速(2 km/h)、常速(4 km/h)、和快速(6 km/h)进行一次性步行...  相似文献   


In this paper, a mechanical model of the skeletal muscle of human lower limb system is established by using the Hill muscle model and kinetic equation of the movement of lower extremities according to the attachment positions of skeletal muscle. State vector and neural control are delineated by the direct configuration method. Changes of gait and skeletal muscle stress during walking process are analyzed with energy consumption as objective function. Results illustrate that simulation data are in good agreement with actual walking gait data. Feasibility and correctness of the designed model and control behavior of skeletal muscle tension structure are also verified.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:观察MOTOmed下肢运动训练联合等速肌力训练在脑卒中偏瘫患者的应用价值。方法:根据随机数字表法将2019年5月-2022年12月期间南京医科大学附属脑科医院收治的158例脑卒中偏瘫患者分为对照组(n=79,接受等速肌力训练)和观察组(n=79,对照组基础上接受MOTOmed下肢运动训练)。对比两组下肢运动功能、下肢肌张力、步行步态功能。结果:干预12周后,两组Fugl-Meyer运动功能评定量表(FMA)、Berg平衡量表(BBS)评分升高,且观察组高于对照组同期(P<0.05)。干预12周后,两组膝关节后伸(FKE)、前屈(FKF)、髋关节后伸(FHE)、前屈(FHF) 肌张力升高,且观察组高于对照组同期(P<0.05)。干预12周后,两组步速、步频、步长、功能性步行分级量表(FAC)评分升高,且观察组高于对照组同期(P<0.05)。结论:MOTOmed下肢运动训练联合等速肌力训练治疗脑卒中偏瘫患者,可有效改善下肢运动功能、下肢肌张力以及步行步态功能。  相似文献   

Positive and negative work are generated at the lower limb joints in order to locomote over various terrains. Joint work quantifies the changes in energy that are necessary to adapt gait to environmental demands. The aim of this study was to quantify 3D joint work at the hip, knee, and ankle during slope walking. Work was calculated for ten males (23.9 ± 1.1 years) walking at a self-selected speed on inclines and declines (−20, −12, −6, 0, 6, 12, 20 degrees). Sagittal positive work significantly increased at the hip, knee, and ankle for incline walking (for example, hip positive work increased 153%, 280%, and 453% for 6, 12, and 20 degrees, respectively; knee and ankle positive work also increased) (p ≤ 0.05), in order to raise and propel the body forward. Sagittal negative work increased significantly at the hip, knee and ankle for decline walking (for example, knee negative work increased 193%, 355%, and 496% for −6, −12, and −20 degrees, respectively; hip and ankle negative work also increased) (p ≤ 0.05), in order to control body descent. These substantial changes in work will be especially challenging for people with compromised strength due to age and disease. Furthermore, changes in work were not limited to the sagittal plane: 46% of the total hip joint work occurred in the frontal and transverse planes for six degree decline walking. Thus, decline walking placed greater demands on the hip ab/adductors and rotators, and this may be related to the greater risk of falls observed for descent versus ascent.  相似文献   

下肢长骨的性别判别分析研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文对在长春地区收集的下肢骨进行了37项线性测量,统计分析显示,所有项目性别差异显著,采用单项指标性别鉴定可以获得较好的效果,其中一些肢骨两端项目性别鉴定价值优于长度项目,本文采用Fisher判别分析方法和逐步判别分析方法建立了多项下肢骨性别判函数,可用于鉴定国人下肢骨性别,判别率可最高达96.3%。  相似文献   

Biomechanical models are important tools in the study of human motion. This work proposes a computational model to analyse the dynamics of lower limb motion using a kinematic chain to represent the body segments and rotational joints linked by viscoelastic elements. The model uses anthropometric parameters, ground reaction forces and joint Cardan angles from subjects to analyse lower limb motion during the gait. The model allows evaluating these data in each body plane. Six healthy subjects walked on a treadmill to record the kinematic and kinetic data. In addition, anthropometric parameters were recorded to construct the model. The viscoelastic parameter values were fitted for the model joints (hip, knee and ankle). The proposed model demonstrated that manipulating the viscoelastic parameters between the body segments could fit the amplitudes and frequencies of motion. The data collected in this work have viscoelastic parameter values that follow a normal distribution, indicating that these values are directly related to the gait pattern. To validate the model, we used the values of the joint angles to perform a comparison between the model results and previously published data. The model results show a same pattern and range of values found in the literature for the human gait motion.  相似文献   

Clinical gait analysis provides great contributions to the understanding of gait patterns. However, a complete distribution of muscle forces throughout the gait cycle is a current challenge for many researchers. Two techniques are often used to estimate muscle forces: inverse dynamics with static optimization and computer muscle control that uses forward dynamics to minimize tracking. The first method often involves limitations due to changing muscle dynamics and possible signal artefacts that depend on day-to-day variation in the position of electromyographic (EMG) electrodes. Nevertheless, in clinical gait analysis, the method of inverse dynamics is a fundamental and commonly used computational procedure to calculate the force and torque reactions at various body joints. Our aim was to develop a generic musculoskeletal model that could be able to be applied in the clinical setting. The musculoskeletal model of the lower limb presents a simulation for the EMG data to address the common limitations of these techniques. This model presents a new point of view from the inverse dynamics used on clinical gait analysis, including the EMG information, and shows a similar performance to another model available in the OpenSim software. The main problem of these methods to achieve a correct muscle coordination is the lack of complete EMG data for all muscles modelled. We present a technique that simulates the EMG activity and presents a good correlation with the muscle forces throughout the gait cycle. Also, this method showed great similarities whit the real EMG data recorded from the subjects doing the same movement.  相似文献   

The skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis (A.L. 288-1, better known as \"Lucy\") is by far the most complete record of locomotor morphology of early hominids currently available. Even though researchers agree that the postcranial skeleton of Lucy shows morphological features indicative of bipedality, only a few studies have investigated Lucy's bipedal locomotion itself. Lucy's energy expenditure during locomotion has been the topic of much speculation, but has not been investigated, except for several estimates derived from experimental data collected on other animals. To gain further insights into how Lucy may have walked, we generated a full three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and forward-dynamic simulation of upright bipedal locomotion of this ancient human ancestor. Laser-scanned 3D bone geometries were combined with state-of-the-art neuromusculoskeletal modeling and simulation techniques from computational biomechanics. A detailed full 3D neuromusculoskeletal model was developed that encompassed all major bones, joints (10), and muscles (52) of the lower extremity. A model of muscle force and heat production was used to actuate the musculoskeletal system, and to estimate total energy expenditure during locomotion. Neural activation profiles for each of the 52 muscles that produced a single step of locomotion, while at the same time minimizing the energy consumed per meter traveled, were searched through numerical optimization. The numerical optimization resulted in smooth locomotor kinematics, and the predicted energy expenditure was appropriate for upright bipedal walking in an individual of Lucy's body size.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨MOTOmed下肢智能运动训练联合运动想象疗法对脑卒中偏瘫患者下肢功能、步行能力和躯干屈伸肌群肌力的影响。方法:148例脑卒中偏瘫患者来源于我院2019年5月~2021年5月期间我院接收的患者,根据随机数字表法分为对照组(n=74,常规康复训练的基础上结合MOTOmed下肢智能运动训练)和研究组(n=74,对照组的基础上结合运动想象疗法)。两组均干预12周。对比两组下肢功能、步行能力和躯干屈伸肌群肌力变化。结果:两组干预12周后Fugl-Meyer运动功能量表(FMA)、Barthel指数(BI)、功能性步行能力分级量表(FAC)评分升高,且研究组高于对照组(P<0.05)。两组干预12周后步频、步速、跨步长比率升高,且研究组高于对照组(P<0.05)。两组干预12周后健侧腹直肌、竖脊肌表面肌电信号的均方根值未见明显变化,且组间同时点对比无差异(P>0.05)。两组干预12周后患侧腹直肌、竖脊肌表面肌电信号的均方根值升高,且研究组高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:脑卒中偏瘫患者在MOTOmed下肢智能运动训练的基础上进行运动想象疗法,可促进下肢功能改善,提高步行能力,同时还可改善患侧躯干屈伸肌群肌力。  相似文献   

Traditional muscle paths (the straight-line model and the viapoint-line model) emphasise either the mechanical properties that arouse joint movement or the morphological characteristics of the muscles. To consider both the factors, a muscle-path-plane (MPP) method is introduced to model the paths of muscles during joint movement. This method is based on the premise that there is a MPP, constructed by origin, insertion and MPP control point, which represents the major direction of the muscle contraction for an arbitrary joint configuration at any time. Then, we can calculate the functions and the lengths of the muscle paths during instantaneous joint movement in MPP by mathematical approaches. Taking the triceps brachii as an example, the lengths of its paths during elbow flexion are calculated and compared with the relative studies reported in the literature. It is concluded that this method can provide an insight into the simulation of the muscle contraction.  相似文献   

下肢运动功能障碍严重影响了患者的日常生活及步行的功能,严重时会造成偏瘫等现象,越来越多的研究者致力于寻找新的有效的下肢康复训练方法。目前临床常用的下肢康复训练方法有肌电生物反馈与综合康复训练结合法、针灸联合康复训练法、电刺激疗法和步态训练法。本文针对近年来下肢康复训练方法的多样性进行了系统回顾及总结,尤其对早期介入的减重步态训练康复模式进行了综述及展望。  相似文献   

Locomotor researchers have long known that adult primates employ a unique footfall sequence during walking. Most mammals use lateral sequence (LS) gaits, in which hind foot touchdowns are followed by ipsilateral forefoot touchdowns. In contrast, most quadrupedal primates use diagonal sequence (DS) gaits, in which hind foot touchdowns are followed by contralateral forefoot touchdowns. However, gait selection in immature primates is more variable, with infants and juveniles frequently using LS gaits either exclusively or in addition to DS gaits. I explored the developmental bases for this phenomenon by examining the ontogeny of gait selection in juvenile squirrel monkeys walking on flat and simulated arboreal substrates (i.e., a raised pole). Although DS gaits predominated throughout development, the juvenile squirrel monkeys nonetheless utilized LS gaits in one-third of the ground strides and in one-sixth of pole strides. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that gait selection within the juvenile squirrel monkey sample was not significantly associated with either age or body mass per se, arguing against the oft-cited argument that general neuromuscular maturation is responsible for ontogenetic changes in preferred footfall sequence. Rather, lower level biomechanical variables, specifically the position of the whole-body center of mass and the potential for interference between ipsilateral fore and hindlimbs, best explained variation in footfall patterns. Overall, results demonstrate the promise of developmental studies of growth and locomotor development to serve as \"natural laboratories\" in which to explore how variability in morphology is, or is not, associated with variability in locomotor behavior.  相似文献   

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