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We evaluated the elasticity of live tissues of zebrafish embryos using label-free optical elastography. We employed a pair of custom-built elastic microcantilevers to gently compress a zebrafish embryo and used optical-tracking analysis to obtain the induced internal strain. We then built a finite element method (FEM) model and matched the strain with the optical analysis. The elastic moduli were found by minimizing the root-mean-square errors between the optical and FEM analyses. We evaluated the average elastic moduli of a developing somite, the overlying ectoderm, and the underlying yolk of seven zebrafish embryos during the early somitogenesis stages. The estimation results showed that the average elastic modulus of the somite increased from 150 to 700 Pa between 4- and 8-somite stages, while those of the ectoderm and the yolk stayed between 100 and 200 Pa, and they did not show significant changes. The result matches well with the developmental process of somitogenesis reported in the literature. This is among the first attempts to quantify spatially-resolved elasticity of embryonic tissues from optical elastography.  相似文献   

Applications of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in gene therapy have been hampered by the low efficiency of gene transfer to these cells. In current transduction protocols, retrovirus particles with foreign genes make only limited contact with their target cells by passive diffusion and have short life spans, thereby limiting the chances of viral infection. We theorized that mechanically agitating the virus-containing cell suspensions would increase the movement of viruses and target cells, resulting in increase of contact between them. Application of our mechanical agitation for transduction process has increased the absorption of retrovirus particles more than five times compared to the previous static method without changing cell growth rate and viability. The addition of a mechanical agitation step increased transduction efficiency to 42%, higher than that of any other previously-known static transduction protocol.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to use a poroviscohyperelastic (PVHE) model, which is developed based on the porohyperelastic (PHE) model to explore the mechanical deformation properties of single chondrocytes. Both creep and relaxation responses are investigated by using finite element analysis models of micropipette aspiration and atomic force microscopy experiments, respectively. The newly developed PVHE model is compared thoroughly with the standard neo-Hookean solid and PHE models. It has been found that the PVHE can accurately capture both creep and stress relaxation behaviors of chondrocytes better than other two models. Hence, the PVHE is a promising model to investigate mechanical properties of single chondrocytes.  相似文献   

A potent regulator of bone anabolism is physical loading. However, it is currently unclear whether physical stimuli such as fluid shear within the marrow cavity is sufficient to directly drive the osteogenic lineage commitment of resident mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Therefore, the objective of the study is to employ a systematic analysis of oscillatory fluid flow (OFF) parameters predicted to occur in vivo on early MSC osteogenic responses and late stage lineage commitment. MSCs were exposed to OFF of 1 Pa, 2 Pa and 5 Pa magnitudes at frequencies of 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz and 2 Hz for 1 h, 2 h and 4 h of stimulation. Our findings demonstrate that OFF elicits a positive osteogenic response in MSCs in a shear stress magnitude, frequency, and duration dependent manner that is gene specific. Based on the mRNA expression of osteogenic markers Cox2, Runx2 and Opn after short-term fluid flow stimulation, we identified that a regime of 2 Pa shear magnitude and 2 Hz frequency induces the most robust and reliable upregulation in osteogenic gene expression. Furthermore, long-term mechanical stimulation utilising this regime, elicits a significant increase in collagen and mineral deposition when compared to static control demonstrating that mechanical stimuli predicted within the marrow is sufficient to directly drive osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells capable of differentiating into a wide range of cell types and provide a potential to transfer therapeutic protein in vivo, making them valuable candidates for gene therapy and cell therapy. However, using MSCs in in vivo is limited due to the low rate of transfection and transduction efficacy. Therefore, developing methods to efficiently transfer genes into MSCs would provide a number of opportunities for using them in the clinic. Here, we introduce a simple and robust method for efficient transduction of human adipose-derived MSCs by modification under the culture condition of human embryonic kidney cells 293 (HEK293T) and MSCs. Moreover, as a transduction enhancer, polybrene was replaced with Lipofectamine, a cationic lipid. Therefore, we showed that transduction of primary cells can be increased efficiently by modifying the culture condition.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Cellular responses to mechanical stimuli are influenced by the mechanical properties of cells and the surrounding tissue matrix. Cells exhibit...  相似文献   

The conventional enzymatic method is widely used for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolation from adipose tissue. The method holds major drawbacks; it is costly, time-consuming and results in a heterogeneous cell population. Besides, digestion of extracellular matrix causes cell injury and compromise proliferation and differentiation of the cells. Also, because of over handling the samples are also prone to contamination. Here, we introduce a non-enzymatic method for MSCs isolation without disturbing the cells habitat. Small pieces of adipose tissue obtained from animal or human liposuction were explanted into a culture flask, immobilized by fetal bovine serum (FBS) and incubated overnight. The explants were then irrigated with DMEM containing FBS. Within few days, the fibroblast-like cells migrated from the tissue and proliferated rapidly. When subconfluent, the cells were harvested, expanded through 3 passages and used for immunophenotyping and differentiation assays. As judged by flow cytometric analysis of surface markers (CD44+, CD105+, CD34, CD45), Oil Red O and Alizarin Red staining, the MSCs isolated by our non-enzymatic method were pluripotent and exhibited the potential for differentiation into adipocyte and osteoblast. Great isolation yields, homogeneity of isolated cells, brief procedure, and high economy are the advantages of our method over the conventional protocol.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a heterogeneous population of stem/progenitor cells with pluripotent capacity to differentiate into mesodermal and non‐mesodermal cell lineages, including osteocytes, adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, epithelial cells, and neurons. MSCs reside primarily in the bone marrow, but also exist in other sites such as adipose tissue, peripheral blood, cord blood, liver, and fetal tissues. When stimulated by specific signals, these cells can be released from their niche in the bone marrow into circulation and recruited to the target tissues where they undergo in situ differentiation and contribute to tissue regeneration and homeostasis. Several characteristics of MSCs, such as the potential to differentiate into multiple lineages and the ability to be expanded ex vivo while retaining their original lineage differentiation commitment, make these cells very interesting targets for potential therapeutic use in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The feasibility for transplantation of primary or engineered MSCs as cell‐based therapy has been demonstrated. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the signals that control trafficking and differentiation of MSCs. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 984–991, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 建立一种简单的人脐带间充质干细胞分离培养方法.方法 取新鲜脐带,剪成5 cm长的小段,直接剪碎为糊状,加入含10%胎牛血清的DMEM/F12在培养瓶中培养,光学显微镜下观察细胞的生长特征,运用流式细胞仪检测分析细胞的抗原标志表达,并检测其体外多向分化潜能.结果 运用不剥离血管组织、不用酶消化的组织贴块培养法可以从...  相似文献   

Manual segmentation of articular cartilage from knee joint 3D magnetic resonance images (MRI) is a time consuming and laborious task. Thus, automatic methods are needed for faster and reproducible segmentations. In the present study, we developed a semi-automatic segmentation method based on radial intensity profiles to generate 3D geometries of knee joint cartilage which were then used in computational biomechanical models of the knee joint. Six healthy volunteers were imaged with a 3T MRI device and their knee cartilages were segmented both manually and semi-automatically. The values of cartilage thicknesses and volumes produced by these two methods were compared. Furthermore, the influences of possible geometrical differences on cartilage stresses and strains in the knee were evaluated with finite element modeling. The semi-automatic segmentation and 3D geometry construction of one knee joint (menisci, femoral and tibial cartilages) was approximately two times faster than with manual segmentation. Differences in cartilage thicknesses, volumes, contact pressures, stresses, and strains between segmentation methods in femoral and tibial cartilage were mostly insignificant (p > 0.05) and random, i.e. there were no systematic differences between the methods. In conclusion, the devised semi-automatic segmentation method is a quick and accurate way to determine cartilage geometries; it may become a valuable tool for biomechanical modeling applications with large patient groups.  相似文献   

The standard culture method for neural stem cells cannot prevent the attachment of neurospheres, which eventually result in differentiation. This study developed a new method for long-term neural stem cell cultivation. In the antiattachment group, neural stem cells were cultured in flasks coated with 1.5% agarose gel. As a control, cells were cultured in plastic flasks. The 5-bromine-deoxyuridine incorporation assay was used to determine the S-phase labeling index of both groups. The methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) colorimetric assay was used to determine the total cell vitality. After a 3-mo culture, the spontaneous differentiation of stem cells was studied using immunocytochemistry for neuroepithelial stem cell protein. We found that neural stem cells grew rapidly in the antiattachment flasks. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of the S-phase labeling index or MTT assay. When cultured for 3 mo in vitro, many more cells differentiated in the control than in the antiattachment group (32.05 vs. 0.64%, P < 0.01). Moreover, the neural stem cells in the antiattachment group remained multipotent. Therefore, flasks coated with agarose gel are suitable for long-term neural stem cell culture.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a primitive and abundant source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). UCB-derived MSCs have a broad and efficient therapeutic capacity to treat various diseases and disorders. Despite the high latent self-renewal and differentiation capacity of these cells, the safety, efficacy, and yield of MSCs expanded for ex vivo clinical applications remains a concern. However, immunomodulatory effects have emerged in various disease models, exhibiting specific mechanisms of action, such as cell migration and homing, angiogenesis, anti-apoptosis, proliferation, anti-cancer, anti-fibrosis, anti-inflammation and tissue regeneration. Herein, we review the current literature pertaining to the UCB-derived MSC application as potential treatment strategies, and discuss the concerns regarding the safety and mass production issues in future applications.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease associated with reduced bone strong point that results in raised fracture risk, with decreased bone strength, leading to reduced bone mineral density and poor bone quality. It is the most common in older females but some men are also at high risk. Although considered as a predictable result of aging, it is can be avoidable and treatable. The existing treatment of osteoporosis mainly contains antiresorptive and anabolic agents. In spite of these improvements, concerns around unusual side-effects of antiresorptive drugs, and the lack of perfect confirmation in maintenance of their long-standing effectiveness is bring about many patients not receiving these drugs. Over the years, the stem cell-based therapy has attained substantial clinical consideration because of its potential to treat numerous diseases. The stem cell therapy has been recommended as a probable therapeutic approach for patients with osteoporosis. Even though the concept of stem cell-based therapy for osteoporosis has caught substantial attention, no clinical trial has been published on humans. The cell studies based on osteoporosis are primarily focused on osteoclastic activity and bone resorption procedures. Earlier, it was on osteoblastogenesis and in recent times, on the differentiation probable of mesenchymal stem cells. In this review, we have summarized the therapeutic role of stem cell-based strategy in osteoporosis.  相似文献   

间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)是骨髓中除造血干细胞以外的另一种成体干细胞,广泛分布于动物体内骨髓、肝脏、脂肪等多种组织中。MSCS具有强大的自我更新能力和多向分化潜能,是移植领域应用前景广阔的再生来源细胞;同时,MSCs是一种重要的免疫调节细胞,MSCs在炎症细胞因子刺激后对免疫系统表现出很强的抑制作用,所以MSCs有望应用于减少免疫排斥,延长移植物存活时间,治疗相关免疫失调症,如自身免疫疾病等方面。本文主要对间充质干细胞与免疫系统相互作用的研究做相关介绍。  相似文献   

Mechanical stimulation is an important factor regulating mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) functions such as proliferation. The Ca2+-activated K+ channel, KCa3.1, is critically engaged in MSC proliferation but its role in mechanical regulation of MSC proliferation remains unknown. Here, we examined the KCa3.1 channel expression and its role in rat bone marrow-derived MSC (BMSC) proliferation in response to mechanical stretch. Application of mechanical stretch stimulated BMSC proliferation via promoting cell cycle progression. Such mechanical stimulation up-regulated the KCa3.1 channel expression and pharmacological or genetic inhibition of the KCa3.1 channel strongly suppressed stretch-induced increase in cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. These results support that the KCa3.1 channel plays an important role in transducing mechanical forces to MSC proliferation. Our finding provides new mechanistic insights into how mechanical stimuli regulate MSC proliferation and also a viable bioengineering approach to improve MSC proliferation.  相似文献   

We investigated global and regional effects of myocardial transplantation of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (iMSCs) in infarcted myocardium. Acute myocardial infarction (MI) was induced by ligation of left coronary artery of severe combined immunodeficient mice before 2 × 105 iMSCs or cell‐free saline were injected into peri‐infarcted anterior free wall. Sham‐operated animals received no injection. Global and regional myocardial function was assessed serially at 1‐week and 8‐week by segmental strain analysis by using two dimensional (2D) speckle tracking echocardiography. Early myocardial remodelling was observed at 1‐week and persisted to 8‐week with global contractility of ejection fraction and fractional area change in saline‐ (32.96 ± 14.23%; 21.50 ± 10.07%) and iMSC‐injected (32.95 ± 10.31%; 21.00 ± 7.11%) groups significantly depressed as compared to sham control (51.17 ± 11.69%, P < 0.05; 34.86 ± 9.82%, P < 0.05). However, myocardial dilatation was observed in saline‐injected animals (4.40 ± 0.62 mm, P < 0.05), but not iMSCs (4.29 ± 0.57 mm), when compared to sham control (3.74 ± 0.32 mm). Furthermore, strain analysis showed significant improved basal anterior wall strain (28.86 ± 8.16%, P < 0.05) in the iMSC group, but not saline‐injected (15.81 ± 13.92%), when compared to sham control (22.18 ± 4.13%). This was corroborated by multi‐segments deterioration of radial strain only in saline‐injected (21.50 ± 5.31%, P < 0.05), but not iMSC (25.67 ± 12.53%), when compared to sham control (34.88 ± 5.77%). Improvements of the myocardial strain coincided with the presence of interconnecting telocytes in interstitial space of the infarcted anterior segment of the heart. Our results show that localized injection of iMSCs alleviates ventricular remodelling, sustains global and regional myocardial strain by paracrine‐driven effect on neoangiogenesis and myocardial deformation/compliance via parenchymal and interstitial cell interactions in the infarcted myocardium.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) differentiation is regulated by mechanical signals. Mechanical forces generated intrinsically within the cell in response to its extracellular environment, and extrinsic mechanical signals imposed upon the cell by the extracellular environment, play a central role in determining MSC fate. This article reviews chondrogenesis and osteogenesis during skeletogenesis, and then considers the role of mechanics in regulating limb development and regenerative events such as fracture repair. However, observing skeletal changes under altered loading conditions can only partially explain the role of mechanics in controlling MSC differentiation. Increasingly, understanding how epigenetic factors, such as the mechanical environment, regulate stem cell fate is undertaken using tightly controlled in vitro models. Factors such as bioengineered surfaces, substrates, and bioreactor systems are used to control the mechanical forces imposed upon, and generated within, MSCs. From these studies, a clearer picture of how osteogenesis and chondrogenesis of MSCs is regulated by mechanical signals is beginning to emerge. Understanding the response of MSCs to such regulatory factors is a key step towards understanding their role in development, disease and regeneration. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 90:75–85, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a population of primary and non-specialized cells, which can be isolated from various tissues. Currently, MSCs are key players in cellular therapy and regenerative medicine. However, the possibility of using MSCs in the treatment of many diseases needs to be preceded, though, by in-depth analysis of their properties, especially by determining the mechanism of tissue homing as well as the mechanism, due to which cells contribute to tissue regeneration. This review is intended to present information on recent findings regarding the mechanism of recruitment and tissue homing by MSCs and discuss current hypotheses for how MSCs can reach target tissues.  相似文献   

We propose a class of microstructurally informed models for the linear elastic mechanical behaviour of cross-linked polymer networks such as the actin cytoskeleton. Salient features of the models include the possibility to represent anisotropic mechanical behaviour resulting from anisotropic filament distributions, and a power law scaling of the mechanical properties with the filament density. Mechanical models within the class are parameterized by seven different constants. We demonstrate a procedure for determining these constants using finite element models of three-dimensional actin networks. Actin filaments and cross-links were modelled as elastic rods, and the networks were constructed at physiological volume fractions and at the scale of an image voxel. We show the performance of the model in estimating the mechanical behaviour of the networks over a wide range of filament densities and degrees of anisotropy.  相似文献   

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