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Isotachophoretic analysis of ions was performed on guard cells of Vicia faba cv. Ryosai Issun with either open or closed stomata. In guard cells of open stomata, K+ and malic acid concentrations were 5–7 and 5–10 times higher, respectively, than in guard cells of closed stomata. The content of citric acid (plus isocitric acid) also increased during stomatal opening, but the increment was smaller than that of malic acid. Sodium ions, phosphoric and glyceric acids were present in low concentrations but did not increase during the opening. Other cations and anions could not be measured because of low concentrations. Malic acid provided 68–79% of the counter anions for the potassium taken up by guard cells during stomatal opening.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for hydrolyzing of acetylcholine to choline and acetic acid residues, is detected in the guard cell protoplasts. Extensive acetylcholinesterase activity has been found in the guard cell protoplasts as compared with the mesophyll cell protoplasts. Moreover, light could stimulate the enzyme activity. Localization of acetylcholinesterase in the stomata of Vicia faba L. was undertaken using Karnovsky and Roots cytochemical method. It was found that in the stomata of this plant products of acetylcholinesterase enzymatic reaction mainly appeared in the outer side of the guard cell ventral wall and inner wall. When the staining time was prolonged, products of acetylcholinesterase enzymatic reaction could also be found in the ventral and inner wall of the guard cells. In addition, more extensive product of enzymatic reaction was observed in the opened stomata than in the closed stomata. It was assumed that acetylcholineaterase may participate in the regulation of stomatal movement by hydrolyzing acetylcholine around the stomata.  相似文献   

Light-Induced Changes of Membrane Potential in Guard Cells of Vicia faba   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guard cells of Vicia faba maintain a negative membrane potential(MP). They hyperpolarize in the light and depolarize in thedark. The light-induced hyperpolarization is eliminated by addingthe uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, orABA but not by DCMTJ. (Received October 21, 1982; Accepted February 17, 1983)  相似文献   

ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞H2O2的产生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以蚕豆叶片下表皮为材料,将荧光探针HPTS导入蚕豆气孔保卫细胞内,利用荧光光谱和激光共聚焦显微技术,检测了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔关闭过程中H2O2的产生。结果表明,ABA和100μmol/L的H2O2可以迅速猝灭HPTS的荧光,CAT几乎可完全阻止9μl0.2mmol/L的ABA引起荧光猝灭。因此,ABA可以诱导气孔保卫细胞产生H2O2,其产生的强度和速度与ABA的浓度直接有关,并且推测:这种H2O2产生可能是ABA诱导气孔关闭过程中信号转导链的一个中间成分。  相似文献   

Increased variability in stomatal aperture at high temperatures can be attributed, in part, to the differential sensitivity of guard cells to thermal damage. Individual stomata become increasingly open at higher temperatures until guard cells are lethally damaged; at that temperature, apertures decrease. The extent of irreversible damage causing closure was estimated by K+ uptake, neutral red accumulation, and visual scoring of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

蚕豆保卫细胞中钙调素的免疫电镜定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以蚕豆横切和平切气孔为材料,对钙调素进行了免疫胶体金电镜定位的结果表明:在蚕豆保卫细胞的细胞核、细胞质、细胞膜、叶绿体、液泡、高尔基体、细胞壁中都有金颗粒分布,在线粒体上的分布较少.  相似文献   

Cytological observations by fluorescence and U.V.-absorptionmicroscopy together with in vivo spectrophotometric analysesof stomata, guard cell protoplasts and epidermal cells of Viciafaba have shown that kaempferol 3,7-O-glycosides are localizedin the vacuoles. The alkaline-induced emission spectra recordedwith guard and epidermal cells after NH4OH-treatment were identical,exhibiting an emission maximum at 525 nm; the spectra correlatedwith that of reference flavonols after exposure to NH4OH Theexcitation spectra of both cell types are typical of these flavonolsshowing two maxima at 290 nm and 390 nm. In agreement, two absorptionmaxima were recorded for guard cells at 270 nm and 330 nm, withoutalkali, which shifted bathochromically to 275 nm and 380 nm,respectively, after NH4OH treatment. The fluorescence intensitymeasured at 525 nm demonstrates a photostability in epidermalcells whereas it increases by a factor of about five with theexcitation time up to 30 min in guard cells. For the latter,several possible processes are discussed. Key words: Alkaline-induced fluorescence, emission, excitation, U.V.-absorption spectra, kaempferol glycosides, cell specificity  相似文献   

Guard cells and three other cell types from Vicia faba L. `Longpod' leaflets were assayed for enzymes that catalyze one step in each of five major carbon pathways in green plants: the photosynthetic carbon reduction pathway (ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase, EC, the photosynthetic carbon oxidation pathway (hydroxypyruvate reductase, EC, glycolysis ([NAD] glyceraldehyde-P dehydrogenase, EC, the oxidative pentose-P pathway (6-P-gluconate dehydrogenase, EC, and the tricarboxylic acid pathway (fumarase, EC Neither ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase nor hydroxypyruvate reductase could be detected in guard cells or epidermal cells; high levels of these activities were present in mesophyll cells. The specific activity of fumarase (protein basis) was about 4-fold higher in guard cells than in epidermal, palisade parenchyma or spongy parenchyma cells. (NAD) glyceraldehyde-P and 6-P-gluconate dehydrogenases also were present at high protein specific activities in guard cells (2- to 4-fold that in meosphyll cells).

It was concluded that the capacity for metabolite flux through the catabolic pathways is high in guard cells. In addition, other support is provided for the view that photoreduction of CO2 by these guard cells is absent.


Disruption of Microtubules by Abscisic Acid in Guard Cells of Vicia faba L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABA disrupted cortical microtubules in guard cells, but notin epidermal cells, with concomitant closure of stomata. Otherplant growth regulators did not disrupt the microtubles in guardcells. Thus disrution of microtubules seems to be a specificeffect of ABA in guard cells but its physiological significanceremains obscure. (Received September 11, 1995; Accepted April 26, 1996)  相似文献   

Here the regulatory role of CO during stomatal movement In Vicla faba L. was surveyed. Results Indicated that, like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), CO donor Hematin induced stomatal closure in dose- and time-dependent manners. These responses were also proven by the addition of gaseous CO aqueous solution with different concentrations, showing the first time that CO and H2O2 exhibit the similar regulation role in the atomatal movement. Moreover, our data showed that ascorbic acid (ASA, an important reducing substrate for H2O2 removal) and diphenylene iodonium (DPI, an inhibitor of the H2O2-generating enzyme NADPH oxidase) not only reversed stomatal closure by CO, but also suppressed the H2O2 fluorescence induced by CO, implying that CO induced-atomatal closure probably involves H2O2 signal. Additionally, the CO/NO scavenger hemoglobin (Hb) and CO specific synthetic inhibitor ZnPPIX, ASA and DPI reversed the darkness-induced stomatal closure and H2O2 fluorescence. These results show that, perhaps like H2O2, the levels of CO in guard cells of V. faba are higher In the dark than in light, HO-1 and NADPH oxidase are the enzyme systems responsible for generating endogenous CO and H2O2 in darkness respectively, and that CO is involved in darkness-induced H2O2 synthesis in V. faba guard cells.  相似文献   

过氧化氢在水杨酸诱导的蚕豆气孔关闭中的作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
许多植物病原菌可通过气孔进入叶片组织,因此减小气孔开度有利于提高植物的抗性。我们通过表皮条分析和激光扫描共聚显微镜得到的证据表明在保卫细胞中过氧化氢可能是水杨酸信号的中间环节。SA可以浓度依赖的方式诱导气孔关闭(图1A),H2O2也有类似的作用(图1B)。100μmol/L的水杨酸诱导的气孔关闭作用可明显地被20U/ml的过氧化氢酶或10μmol/L的Vc逆转,但CAT和Vc单独处理时诱导气孔开放的作用很微弱。单细胞中基于荧光探针DCFH的时间进程实验表明直接外加(图版I)或显微注射100μmol/L的SA均可诱导保卫细胞中H2O2产生,但以显微注射双蒸水作为对照时对DCFH荧光无影响(图版II)。这些结果暗示了植物被病原菌感染时可能通过产生H2O2导致气孔关闭而阻止病原菌继续通过气孔侵入。  相似文献   

A new procedure is reported for high-yield isolation of guard cell protoplasts from Vicia faba L. Delayed light emission and P700 content plus absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of these protoplast extracts are reported. It is concluded that both photosystems are present. The presence of photosystem II and the absence of the reductive-step enzyme of the Calvin-Benson Cycle (Outlaw WH Jr, J Manchester, CH DiCamelli, DD Randall, B Rapp, GM Veith 1979 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 76: 6371-6375) in a cell has no precedent in the literature. It is speculated that noncyclic photosynthetic electron flow is an environmental sensor which causes stomata to remain open in light.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on the formation of osmoticallyactive solutes and on cell wall synthesis in guard cells wereexamined using sonicated abaxial epidermal strips of Vicia fabaL. incubated with 14C-glucose at pH 4 and 6. Radioactivity wasincorporated mainly into malate,sucrose, starch and cell-wallfractions. 14C- Glucose uptake by the guard cells was reducedwhen 1 µm ABA was added. Malate formation, which was moreactive at pH 6 than at 4, was inhibited by ABA at pH 6, butnot at pH 4. Conversion of 14C-glucose into 14C-sucrose wasstimulated by ABA at both pH values. Release of radio activesolutes (composed mainly of glucose and malate)from the guardcells into the medium was more active at pH 6 than at pH 4.ABA stimulated there lease at both pH values. Turnover of starchwas more remarkable when the pH value was 6. ABA inhibited thesynthesis of starch, but did not affect its degradation. Cell-wallsynthesis inthe guard cells was also inhibited by ABA, the inhibitionrate being greater at pH 4 than at pH 6.These results suggestthat ABA may have two different actions on stomatal movement:to changethe metabolic activities in the guard cells so as tolower the concentration of osmotically active solutes, and tochange the mechanical properties of cell walls by modulatingcell-wall metabolism. (Received September 7, 1987; Accepted November 30, 1987)  相似文献   

Cell-wall synthesis in guard cells of Vicia faba L. was examinedusing sonicated epidermal strips incubated with [14C]glucose.The cell walls of the guard cells incorporated [14C]glucoseat a lower level in the dark than in the light. Stomatal aperturein the epidermal strips was reduced by application of 1 µmabscisic acid (ABA) in the light but not in the dark. The ABAtreatment reduced the incorporation of [14C]glucose into thecell walls especially in the light. Fractionation of the labeledcell-wall components revealed that ABA inhibited the synthesisof pectic substances and cellulose, but did not affect hemicellulosesynthesis. Microautoradiographs of the cell-wall fraction ofthe epidermal strips showed that a large amount of radioactivitywas distributed at both ends of the guard cells in the absenceof ABA and that removal of pectic substances from the cell-wallfraction resulted in uniform distribution of the radioactivityin the cell walls of the guard cells. These results indicatedthat the synthesis of pectic substances was active at both endsof the guard cells and was inhibited by ABA. Measurement ofspecific activities of neutral sugars in the guard-cell wallsshowed that polymers composed of galactose underwent activeturnover and that synthesis of glucans was inhibited by ABA.These results revealed a strong correlation between the stomatalmovement and the synthesis of pectic substances and cellulosein the guard cells, suggesting that the cell-wall metabolismin the guard cells may play a role in the regulation of stomatalmovement. (Received October 9, 1987; Accepted March 9, 1988)  相似文献   

Rogers CA 《Plant physiology》1979,63(2):388-391
Epidermal strips of Vicia faba were floated on 10 millimolar KCl at various temperatures and for several time periods. The diameter of the stomatal aperture was determined microscopically and K+ content was estimated and expressed as the per cent of the guard cell stained. Stomatal opening was associated with increased K+ in guard cells, but the quantitative association was modified both by time and temperature. At low temperatures (0-20 C) there was a prolonged Spannungsphase while at higher temperatures (30-45 C) motorphase was exhibited. During the motorphase there was a rapid opening of the stomates which was highly correlated with K+ influx. At treatment periods of 360 minutes and temperatures higher than 25 C there appeared to be a maintenance phase during which K+ concentration of the guard cells decreased without an equivalent decrease in aperture.  相似文献   

The effects of cations and abscisic acid on chloroplast activity in guard cells of Vicia faba were investigated by analysis of the transient of chlorophyll a fluorescence. When epidermal strips containing guard cells as the only living cells were incubated in water and illuminated with strong light, chlorophyll a fluorescence rose rapidly to a high intensity and then declined slowly to a stationary level. The rate of this decline was enhanced by K+ or Na+, and the effect of these cations was greater when added with phosphate than with chloride as the anion. Ca2+ suppressed the enhancement by Na+ and, to a lesser extent, that by K+. Abscisic acid also suppressed the enhancement by K+ and Na+. Since the fluorescence decline reflects the increase of intrathylakoid H+ concentration necessary for photophosphorylation, the acceleration of the decline by K+ (or Na+ in the absence of Ca2+) implicates chloroplast activity in ion accumulation by guard cells in the light. The differential effects of phosphate and chloride suggest that chloroplast activity may be involved in malate formation in guard cells in the light.  相似文献   

Epidermal strips of Vicia faba were found to contain kaempferoland quercetin glycosides. These flavonols were oxidized by H2O2and oxidation was inhibited by KCN (3.5 nM). Quercetin glycosideswere more sensitive to H2O2 than kaempferol glycosides. Oxidationcould be detected in epidermal strips even at 30 µM H2O2.Flavonol oxidation by H2O2 was observed in both guard and epidermalcells. In guard cells, oxidation appeared as the bleaching ofabsorption bands of flavonols. Epidermal cells could be roughlydivided into two types on the basis of their absorption characteristicsin the UV-light region. In one type, only flavonol oxidationwas observed; in the other, both flavonol and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine(DOPA) oxidation were observed. Oxidation of flavonols and DOPAby H2O2 was also observed in cell-free extracts of the epidermalstrips, even at 10µ H2O2. Oxidation was inhibited by 1mM KCN, suggesting the participation of peroxidase in the reactions.The data obtained in this study indicate the cellular specificdistribution of phenolic compounds in the epidermis and thepossibility of their oxidation by H2O2 generated in epidermaland guard cells. (Received August 24, 1987; Accepted January 21, 1988)  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in the levels of solutes in guardcells under osmotic stress. Epidermal strips peeled from Viciafaba L. leaflets were sonicated and incubated in 0.4 M mannitolsolution (osmotic stress) in either light or dark. Stomata wereclosed by osmotic stress. Under osmotic stress, malate accumulatedlight-dependently and sucrose accumulated light-independentlyin the guard cells. The level of K+ in guard cells increasedslightly under osmotic stress in the light, although withoutstatistical significance. The levels of all these solutes werereduced by 10 µM ABA treatment. These results suggestthat osmotic stress affects carbon metabolism in guard cells;this metabolic change is different from that caused by ABA alone.Respiratory activity of guard cells decreased under osmoticstress. Therefore, the accumulation of malate and sucrose maybe caused by reduced respiration under osmotic stress. Accumulationof solutes in guard cells by osmotic stress may result in increasedosmotic pressure of guard cells and may play a role in protectionof guard cells from osmotic stress. (Received December 17, 1998; Accepted May 28, 1999)  相似文献   

Regulation of the inward K+ -channels in the guard cell plasma membranes plays impotant roles in regulation of stomatal movement in responses to exogenous and endogenous signals. It is well-known that elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ in guard cells inactivates these inward K + channels, and consequently inhibits stomatal opening or induces stomatal closing, yet the downstream molecular mechanism for the Ca2 + -mediated inhibition of the inward K+ channels remains unknown. The calmodulin-like domain protein kinases (CDPKs) have been identified as an unique group of protein kinases in higher plant cells. As a downstream regulator, CDPK may play roles in mediating Ca2+ regulation on the inward K+ -channels in stomatal guard cells. The authors have applied the patchclamp technique to investigate if CDPK be involved in the regulation of the inward K+ -channels in Vicia faba guard cells by cytosolic Ca2+ . The presence of the 1.5 μmol/L intracellular Ca2 + result-ed in inhibition of the inward K+ channel activity by 60%, while the addition of purified CDPK from the cytoplasmic side resulted in greater inhibition than Ca2+ alone. Histone Ⅲ-S and protamine, which is the substrate and substrate competitive inhibitor of CDPKs respectively, completely reversed the Ca2+ -induced inhibition of the inward K+ channel activities. These results are the first reported evidences for that CDPKs are involved in the Ca2+ -mediated inward K+ -channel regulation in guard cells.  相似文献   

Metabolism of abscisic acid (ABA) was investigated in isolated guard cells and in mesophyll tissue of Vicia faba L. and Commelina communis L. After incubation in buffer containing [G-3H]±ABA, the tissue was extracted by grinding and the metabolites separated by thin layer chromatography. Guard cells of Commelina metabolized ABA to phaseic acid (PA), dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), and alkali labile conjugates. Guard cells of Vicia formed only the conjugates. Mesophyll cells of Commelina accumulated DPA while mesophyll cells of Vicia accumulated PA. Controls showed that the observed metabolism was not due to extracellular enzyme contaminants nor to bacterial action.

Metabolism of ABA in guard cells suggests a mechanism for removal of ABA, which causes stomatal closure of both species, from the stomatal complex. Conversion to metabolites which are inactive in stomatal regulation, within the cells controlling stomatal opening, might precede detectable changes in levels of ABA in bulk leaf tissue. The differences observed between Commelina and Vicia in metabolism of ABA in guard cells, and in the accumulation product in the mesophyll, may be related to differences in stomatal sensitivity to PA which have been reported for these species.


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