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Nine calves and nine oxen were divided into 6 groups and exposed in a climatised low pressure chamber to the following conditions: 2 weeks at 400 m and 4 weeks at 3,500 m. High altitude produced the following changes: increases in heart rate and pulmonary artery pressure, both these changes being larger in the calves than in the oxen. During 4 weeks continuous exposure to 3,500 m, heart rate declined, whereas pulmonary arterial pressure rose. There were increments in respiratory rate, blood-pH, leucocyte number, rectal temperature, blood lactate and blood pyruvate, but no changes in the lactate/pyruvate ratio. Increases in erythrocyte number, haemoglobin, haematocrit, blood specific gravity and blood viscosity were more pronounced in the oxen than in the calves. Feed intake in all animals tended to be depressed in the first half of the high altitude periode. Water intake showed a fall during the first day at 3,500 m, but recovered thereafter. It is concluded that in response to high altitude the calves activated preferentially the circulatory, the oxen the erythropoetic system.  相似文献   

Six healthy young men were studied in a high-altitude chamber during a 60-min heat exposure at a simulated altitude of 5,600 m or 0.5 atmosphere absolute (ATA). The heat load was provided by increasing the chamber temperature to 38 degrees C at the rate of 1 degree C/min after a 60-min equilibrium period at thermoneutrality (28 degrees C). Our question was whether or not hypoxia causes differential changes in regional cutaneous circulation during heat exposure. Skin blood flow in the forearm (FBF) and the finger (FiBF), temperatures of the esophagus (Tes) and of the skin, and cardiac output (CO) were measured during the heat exposure at 0.5 ATA and at the sea level (1 ATA). During the equilibrium period, hypoxia increased the mean skin temperature and mean heat transfer coefficient, as well as FBF and forearm vascular conductance. The increased blood flow in the cutaneous circulation during the hypoxic exposure may reflect cutaneous vasodilation and vasoconstriction in other regions of the body, since there was no alteration in CO and total peripheral resistance. During heat exposure, Tes rose faster at high altitude than at sea level. However, at the end of the 60-min heat exposure, all thermal as well as circulatory parameters showed no difference between the two altitudes, except for the FiBF. An attenuated vasodilation in the fingers during heat exposure at high altitude suggests differential vascular controls and possible impairment of thermoregulation when additional stress, such as heat, is imposed. The data suggest that cutaneous blood flow during heat exposure is not uniform throughout the entire skin in a hypoxic environment.  相似文献   

Rats bred at sea level and exposed to 4,350 m simulated altitude for the last two weeks after mating delivered successfully at term and their young survived indefinitely at this altitude. Litter size was not different, but still-births were slightly more frequent at altitude as compared to sea level. The weight of the newborn rats was, on the average, less at 4,350 m than at sea level in the first 60 days from birth, than more comparable thereafter. Growth rate at altitude was slower in the first 15 days of age, then faster, than at sea level. These results extend the previously reported upper limit of altitude of rat neonatal survival by approximately 1,000 m.
Zusammenfassung Ratten, die in Meereshöhe gepaart und danach für zwei Wochen einer Nennhöhe von 4,350 m ausgesetzt wurden,warfen erfolgreich zum Termin, und ihre Jungen überlebten in dieser Höhe uneingeschränkt. Die Grösse des Wurfs war nicht verschieden, jedoch waren Totgeburten in der Höhe verglichen mit der Seehöhe etwas häufiger. Das Gewicht der neugeborenen Ratten war durchschnittlich in den ersten 60 Tagen in 4,350 m geringer als auf Meereshöhe, danach glichen sich die Werte and. Die Wachstumsrate in der Höhe war in den ersten 15 Tagen kleiner, dann grösser als in Seehöhe. Diese Ergebnisse erweitern die kürzlich festgestellte obere Grenze für das Überleben neugeborener Ratten um ungefähr 1,000 m.

Resume Des rats ayant copulé au niveau de la mer furent ensuite placés pour 2 semaines dans une ambiance simulant une altitude de 4,350 m. Ils sont arrivés à terme et leurs jeunes ont tous survécu à cette pression. Le nombre de petits par nichée n'a présenté aucune différence d'avec des témoins.Pourtant, les cas de jeunes mortsnés ont été un peu plus fréquents sous faible pression qu'à celle du niveau de la mer. Le poids des jeunes fut, dans les 60 premiers jours, un peu plus faible en altitude, mais il s'est égalisé par la suite. A 4,350 m d'altitude,l'indice de croissance fut, comparé à celui du niveau de la mer, plus faible durant les 15 premiers jours, plus élevé par la suite. Ces essais ont relevé de quelques 1.000 m la limite supérieure fixée récemment pour la survie de rats nouveaux-nés.

With the technical assistance of Frank Mastroianni

We are indebted to Dr. Milton Landowne for proposing, and making this modification.  相似文献   

Thyroid responses to simulated altitude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

After a 2 week control period at 400 m, cattle were exposed to 5,000 m simulated altitude for 2 weeks, which was followed by a 2-week post-altitude control period. Plasma cortisol values from blood samples taken every 30 min for a total of 24 h indicated that cortisol was secreted episodically and that a circadian rhythm existed. When cortisol values were grouped into 4, 6-h periods, plasma cortisol was most abundant from 06:00 to 12:00 h with an average of 0.96µ g/100 ml and least abundant from 00:30 to 06:00 h with an average of 0.55µ g/100 ml. Plasma cortisol increased from 0.42 to 3.08µ g/100 ml during the 4 h ascent to 5,000 m and decreased to near normal levels the following day. A rhythmic plasma cortisol pattern was maintained after one day at simulated high altitude.  相似文献   

曾菊平  欧阳芳  王勇  刘兴平 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1077-1084
马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus Walker是南方林业重大害虫,目前对其在高海拔区(>700 m)的发生特点仍不清楚。本研究从湖南绥宁(26.35°N,110.09°E)高海拔区采虫,放在5个光周期处理下饲养,以年龄-时期、两性生命表法计算种群参数,揭示光周期对该种群发生的影响。结果显示:L∶D=15.5∶8.5(15.5 h)和L∶D=14.5∶9.5(14.5 h)光周期处理组种群发生正常,而L∶D=11.5∶12.5(11.5 h)、L∶D=12.5∶11.5(12.5 h)和L∶D=13.5∶10.5(13.5 h)光周期处理组未观察到成虫发生。15.5 h组内禀增长率(r)为0.057 d-1,净生殖力(R0)为55.73粒,单雌产卵力(fecundity)为241.5粒,平均世代时间T为71.05 d,14.5 h组r为0.018 d-1,R0为6.29粒,显著低于15.5 h组。该种群在14.5 h光周期处理下表现出分散繁殖行为,即出现两个繁殖期,时差1个月左右。与15.5 h处理组相比,14.5 h处理组成虫寿命显著缩短。该研究表明:马尾松毛虫高海拔种群对光周期变化响应强烈,而湖南绥宁光周期在7月底就开始变短,当地马尾松毛虫在这种光周期诱导下较早进入滞育发育,因而种群年发生仅一代。  相似文献   

Myocardial hypertrophy in Sprague-Dawley adult rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia (0.40 atmosphere of air/18 h daily for 7 days) in a hypobaric chamber was investigated. Changes in the myocardial mass were evaluated on the basis of the dry heart weight and expressed as mg/100 g of total body weight (mean +/- SEM). Data are presented indicating that: chronic hypobaric hypoxia causes a significant degree of myocardial hypertrophy in rats; hypertrophic process involves both ventricles (the right more than the left); removal of the hypoxic stimulus leads to the disappearance of hypertrophy when evaluated as an increase in dry heart weight; hypoxia affects the synthesis of a significant amount of connective tissue in the left ventricle, which is not exposed to pressure load. The r?le of neurohumoral factors (i.e., adrenergic stimulation and catecholamines) in the development of the ventricular hypertrophy is suggested.  相似文献   

Conscious intact rats previously acclimated for 3 wk to barometric pressure of 370-380 Torr (3WHx) were made alkalotic for 3 h by a decrease in inspired O2 fraction from 0.10 to 0.075 at ambient barometric pressure (730-740 Torr). Controls were normoxic littermates (Nx) in which inspired O2 fraction was lowered from approximately 0.21 to 0.10 for 3 h. Arterial PCO2 decreased progressively and similarly in both groups (65-70% of control at 15 min). Initially, arterial pH increased less in 3WHx (0.09 +/- 0.004 vs. 0.15 +/- 0.008). As hypocapnia continued, delta[HCO3-]/delta pH (mmol.l-1.pH) became more negative in Nx, from -15.2 +/- 2.5 at 15 min to -37.0 +/- 2.9 at 3 h, indicating nonrespiratory compensation of alkalosis. In 3WHx, delta[HCO3-]/delta pH did not change during alkalosis. Cumulative renal excretion of base (mueq/100 g) during alkalosis increased by 73.2 +/- 11.1 in Nx and 25.4 +/- 7.3 in 3WHx. This difference was mainly due to a larger increase in HCO3- excretion in Nx. The data suggest that the smaller compensation of hypocapnic alkalosis in 3WHx is partly due to the smaller increase in renal base excretion. Because base availability limits renal base excretion, the smaller renal response of 3WHx may be secondary to the low plasma HCO3- concentration that accompanies altitude acclimation.  相似文献   

Growth and the endocrine status of the pituitary and thyroid glands were studied in rats born and raised in a hypobaric chamber at a simulated high altitude of 3800 m (SHA); comparisons were drawn with similar rats at sea level. From birth until 40 days of age, SHA rats weighed significantly less than controls with the most striking growth impairment found in female SHA rats. Relative organ weights of anterior pituitary glands, ovaries and uteri from 40-day-old female SHA rats were significantly less than controls. Pituitary content of growth hormone (GH) was reduced in 40-day-old female SHA rats while the content of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were significantly increased over sea level controls. Plasma levels of GH, LH, FSH and thyrotropin (TSH) and pituitary TSH levels did not differ from control values. However, thyroidal uptake of 131I and plasma protein-bound 131I were significantly reduced in SHA rats as compared with controls. It is suggested that (1) the continuous exposure of developing female rats to hypoxia significantly impairs pituitary function and reproductive maturation, and (2) that despite other environmental factors acting on the developing organism at high altitude, growth retardation in rats born and raised at high altitudes is primarily a consequence of hypoxia.  相似文献   

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