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An extracellular lipase (EC, SAL-PP1, from Staphylococcus aureus isolated from Arachis hypogaea rhizosphere was purified and characterized. The enzyme was purified using PALL'S Microsep centrifugal device (10 kD cut off), hydrophobic interaction (phenyl sepharose CL-4B column) and Superose-12 gel filtration chromatography and found to have a molecular mass of around 49 kDa. The gene fragment encoding the part of the catalytic site of the SAL-PP1 lipase was sequenced and the deduced amino acid sequence shows 93% identity with that of SEL3. SAL-PP1 showed activity against long acyl-chain triglycerides, various p-nitrophenyl esters and phospholipids. The enzyme shows high stability and activity after incubation with various metal ions (retained >90% activity in presence of Ca2+, Na+, Cu2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, or Hg2+ at 10 mM), organic solvents (retained >80% activity in presence of acetonitrile, ethanol, DMSO, methanol, isopropanol, toluene, or ethylene glycol at 10 mM), detergents (retained >70% activity in Triton X-100, Tween 80, or sodium deoxycholate at 10 mM) and irreversible inhibitors (retained >77% activity in presence of PMSF, leupetin, or β-mercaptoethanol, at 1 mM). Thermal inactivation studies revealed a temperature dependent unfolding of secondary structure of protein. SAL-PP1 showed maximal activity and stability at pH 8.0 and pH 9.0, respectively. The alkali-thermostability, organic solvent-tolerance and broad substrate specificity of this enzyme may have potential implications in detergent formulations, biotransformation, industries, and medicine.  相似文献   

The extracellular lipase of Staphylococcus warneri was secreted as a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 90 kDa. It was then sequentially processed in the supernatant to a protein of 45 kDa. Tryptic digestion of the crude extract resulted in a homogeneous sample containing only the 45-kDa form. Purification was achieved by hydrophobic chromatography. Purified lipase had an optimum pH of 9.0 and an optimum temperature of 25°C. The enzyme was stable within the range pH 5.0–9.0; it had a broad substrate specificity. The results of inhibition studies were consistent with the view that lipases possess a serine residue at the catalytic site.  相似文献   

A method was developed to purify diacetyl-reducing enzymes from Staphylococcus aureus. Two enzymes capable of catalysing diacetyl reduction were isolated, neither of which turned out to be a specific diacetyl reductase. One of them is a lactate dehydrogenase similar to the one from Staphylococcus epidermidis, which accepts diacetyl, although poorly. The other one uses as coenzyme beta-NAD and reduces uncharged alpha-dicarbonyls with more than three carbon atoms (especially the alpha-diketones diacetyl and pentane-2,3-dione), producing the L(+) form of the corresponding alpha-hydroxycarbonyls. This enzyme has an Mr of 68,000 and is, most probably, a monomer. Its optimum pH is 6.0. Its shows a high affinity for NADH and a rather low one for diacetyl, which, at least in vitro, does not seem to be as good a substrate as pentane-2,3-dione. We propose for it the systematic name L-alpha-hydroxyketone:NAD+ oxidoreductase and the recommended name of alpha-diketone reductase (NAD). We also suggest that the diacetyl reductase entry in the I.U.B. classification be suppressed.  相似文献   

We previously reported the presence of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in Staphylococcus aureus ATCC6538P whose activity was induced by methanol. In the present study, the methanol-induced NOS was purified 900-fold from S. aureus by means of Mono Q ion exchange column, 2',5'-ADP-agarose affinity column, and Superdex 200HR gel permeation column chromatography. The purified bacterial NOS showed two protein bands with 67 and 64 kDa molecular mass on SDS-PAGE. However, the molecular mass of the NOS was 135 kDa on Superdex 200HR gel permeation column chromatography, indicating that the native enzyme exists as a heterodimer. This bacterial NOS had K(m) value of 13.4x10(-6) M for L-arginine and V(max) of 35.3 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) protein. In addition, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, flavin adenine dinucleotide, flavin mononucleotide, tetrahydrobiopterin, calmodulin and Ca(2+) were required as cofactors in the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline, and NOS inhibitors selectively inhibited the activity of the purified NOS.  相似文献   

Bacterial true lipases having thermo and alkaline stability are highly attractive for their industrial production of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, cosmetics, and flavour. Staphylococcus aureus lipase (SAL3) remains active at temperatures 40-60°C, with an optimum temperature of 55°C and an optimum pH of 9.5 stable over a range of 5-12. Detailed understanding of the structure and insight into the activity of such lipase would aid in engineering lipases that would function in the desired extreme industrial environments. In the present study, we carried out in silico characterization and structural modeling of SAL3 which is thermoactive, alkaline and detergent-stable. Comparison of SAL3 with other staphylococcal lipases indicates that SAL3 is a true lipase having the catalytic triad (residues Ser119, Asp310 & His352) and the calcium binding site (residues Asp351, Asp354, Asp359, Asp362 and Gly286). Conservation in sequence implies that interfacial activation mechanism is possible in SAL3 with the lid formed by helix (residues 180-196) and loop (residues 197-206). Three dimensional (3D) structure model of SAL3 has been predicted for the first time and aims at understanding its function and biochemical characteristics of possessing relatively high thermal and pH stability.  相似文献   

During infection, Staphylococcus aureus produces multiple enzymes that enable it to invade and destroy host tissues and metastasize to other sites. One such enzyme, lipase, has been recognized for its relationship in the virulence of S. aureus. However, a direct involvement of lipase in the pathogenesis of S. aureus remains to be demonstrated. Our prior study indicated that anti-lipase serum inhibits biofilm formation in S. aureus clinical strains. The aim of this study was to further characterize the roles of lipase in the pathogenesis in S. aureus. We found that deletion of the lipase-coding gene reduced biofilm formation relative to the wild-type strain. This was shown by culture in 96-well plates coated with collagen to resemble the in vivo infection process. Intraperitoneal inoculation of mice with a lipase mutant strain showed defective formation of peritoneal abscesses, and bacterial loads in different organs were much lower compared with the wild-type. Importantly, active immunization with recombinant lipase protected mice against a lethal challenge with S. aureus. Altogether, our data provide evidence that S. aureus lipase plays important roles in the pathogenesis of S. aureus.  相似文献   

A mesophilic bacterial culture, producing an extracellular alkaline lipase, was isolated from the gas-washing wastewaters generated from the Sfax phosphate plant of the Tunisian Chemical Group and identified as Staphylococcus capitis strain. The lipase, named S. capitis lipase (SCL), has been purified to homogeneity from the culture medium. The purified enzyme molecular weight was around 45 kDa. Specific activities about 3,900 and 500 U/mg were measured using tributyrin and olive oil emulsion as substrates, respectively at 37°C and pH 8.5. Interestingly, the SCL maintained more than 60% of its initial activity over a wide pH values ranging from 5 to 11 with a high stability between pH 9 and 11 after 1 hr of incubation at room temperature. The lipase activity was enhanced in the presence of 2 mM of Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+. SCL showed significant stability in the presence of detergents and organic solvents. Altogether, these features make the SCL useful for industrial applications. Besides, SCL was compatible with commercially available detergents, and its incorporation increases lipid degradation performances making it a potential candidate in detergent formulation.  相似文献   

An extracellular lipase from Pichia burtonii was purified to homogeneity by a combination of DEAE-Sephadex A-50 ion-exchange chromatography, Sephadex G-100 gel filtration, and isoelectric focusing. The purified enzyme preparation showed a single protein band corresponding to a molecular mass of 51 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 47 kDa on Superdex 200 gel filtration, suggesting that the enzyme was a monomeric protein. The pI was about 5.8. The optimum pH and temperature for the hydrolysis of olive oil were about 6.5 and 45°C respectively. Rapid loss of the enzyme activity was observed above 30°C in the absence of olive oil, but the addition of olive oil or trimethylolpropane diallyl ether greatly stabilized the enzyme. At 30°C, the enzyme hydrolysed Spans and Tweens as well as simple triglycerides of short- and middle-chain fatty acids. Although the enzyme cleaved all the ester bonds of triolein, it showed some preference for the outer ester bonds.  相似文献   

A gene (mgt) encoding a monofunctional glycosyltransferase (MGT) from Staphylococcus aureus has been identified. This first reported gram-positive MGT shared significant homology with several MGTs from gram-negative bacteria and the N-terminal glycosyltransferase domain of class A high-molecular-mass penicillin-binding proteins from different species. S. aureus MGT contained an N-terminal hydrophobic domain perhaps involved with membrane association. It was expressed in Escherichia coli cells as a truncated protein lacking the hydrophobic domain and purified to homogeneity. Analysis by circular dichroism revealed that secondary structural elements of purified truncated S. aureus MGT were consistent with predicted structural elements, indicating that the protein might exhibit the expected folding. In addition, purified S. aureus MGT catalyzed incorporation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine into peptidoglycan, proving that it was enzymatically active. MGT activity was inhibited by moenomycin A, and the reaction product was sensitive to lysozyme treatment. Moreover, a protein matching the calculated molecular weight of S. aureus MGT was identified from an S. aureus cell lysate using antibodies developed against purified MGT. Taken together, our results suggest that this enzyme is natively present in S. aureus cells and that it may play a role in bacterial cell wall biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The adhesive domain of SdrD from Staphylococcus aureus was solubly expressed in Escherichia coli in high yield. After a series of purification steps, the purified protein was >95% pure, which was SdrD from S. aureus identified by SDS–PAGE and MALDI-TOF MS. Crystals were grown at 18 °C using 25% polyethylene glycol 3350 as precipitant. Diffraction by the crystal extends to 1.65 Å resolution, and the crystal belongs to the space group C2, with the unit cell parameters a = 133.3, b = 58.3, c = 112.3 Å, α = 90.00, β = 111.14, γ = 90.00.  相似文献   

A thermostable lipase from Bacillus sp. has been purified to homogeneity as judged by disc-PAGE, SDS-PAGE, and isoelectric focusing. The purification included ammonium sulfate fractionation, treatment with acrinol, and sequential column chromatographies on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, Toyopearl HW-55F, and Butyl Toyopearl 650M. The purified enzyme was found to be a monomeric protein with Mr of 22,000, and pI of 5.1. The optimal pH at 30 degrees C, and optimal temperature at pH 5.6 were 5.5-7.2, and 60 degrees C, respectively, when olive oil was used as the substrate. The substrate specificity towards simple triglycerides was broad and 1- and 3-positioned ester bonds were hydrolyzed in preference to a 2-positioned ester bond. The addition of acetone to the assay mixture in the range of 0-60% (v/v) stimulated the enzyme remarkably, whereas n-hexane had an inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

A microorganism producing a solvent-tolerant lipase was identified as Fusarium (F.) heterosporum. The lipase was purified from the culture filtrate to homogeneity as judged by disc-PAGE and SDS-PAGE. The purification included SP-Sephadex chromatography, gel filtration and isoelectric focusing, and the recovery yield was 38%. The lipase was a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 31 kDa estimated by SDS-PAGE, and a pI of 7.0. The optimum pH at 40°C and optimum temperature at pH 5.6 were 5.5–6.0 and 45–50°C, respectively, when olive oil was used as the substrate. The lipase was stable over a pH range of 4–10 at 30°C for 4 h, and up to 40°C at pH 5.6 for 30 min. Furthermore, the enzyme was not inactivated even after incubation at 30°C in 50% solvent such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), hexane, benzene and ether for 20 h. The activity did not decrease in a reaction with stirring in a mixture containing 50% DMSO or dimethylformamide. The lipase preferably reacted on middle-chain fatty acid triglycerides (6≤C≤12), and cleaved only 1,3-ester bonds of triolein. The enzyme had an N-terminal sequence of Ala-Val-Thr-Val-Thr-Thr-Gln-Asp-Leu-Ser, which has not previously been found in any other protein. We compared the properties of lipases from F. heterosporum and another strain F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

A phage-induced cell wall solubilizing enzyme isolated from phage-infected Staphylococcus aureus phage type 80 was purified 588-fold. The pH optimal activity was 6.8 to 7.3, and pH optimal stability, 6.5 to 7.5. It was inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and specific rabbit antisera. The cell wall lytic reaction is a peptidase resulting in cleavage of the cell wall peptide at N-terminal alanine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Electron micrographs are shown of cell wall "ghosts" remaining after the enzymatic digestion of cell walls.  相似文献   

Twenty strains of Staphylococcus aureus from ATCC type cultures and strains found in clinical studies were cultivated, and their endopeptidase activity specific for glutamic acid was surveyed using benzyloxycarbonyl-Phe-Leu-Glu-p-nitroanilide (Z-Phe-Leu-Glu-pNA) as a substrate. The activity was found in two of the strains, ATCC 12600 and ATCC 25923. A glutamic acid-specific proteinase, which we propose to call SPase, was purified from the culture filtrate of S. aureus strain ATCC 12600 by a series of column chromatographies on DEAE-Sepharose twice and on Sephacryl S-200. A single band was observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the purified SPase. The molecular weight of the proteinase was estimated to be 34000 by SDS-PAGE. When synthetic peptides and oxidized insulin B-chain were used as substrates, SPase showed the same substrate specificity as V8 proteinase, EC, which specifically cleaves peptide bonds on the C-terminal side of glutamic acid and aspartic acid. Examination with p-nitroanilides of glutamic acid and aspartic acid as substrates, however, revealed that both proteinases are highly specific for a glutamyl bond in comparison with an aspartyl bond. To elucidate the complete primary structure of SPase, its gene was cloned from genomic DNA of S. aureus ATCC 12600, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. Taking the amino acid sequence of SPase from the NH2-terminus to the 27th residue into consideration, the clones encode a mature peptide of 289 amino acids, which follows a prepropeptide of 68 residues. SPase was confirmed to be a novel endopeptidase specific for glutamic acid, being different from V8 proteinase which consists of 268 amino acids.  相似文献   

Characterization and properties of purified Staphylococcus aureus lipase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Mates 《Microbios》1974,9(33):61-74

Park J  Cho SY  Choi SJ 《BMB reports》2008,41(3):254-258
Lipase was purified from squid (Todarodes pacificus) liver in an attempt to investigate the possibility of applying the enzyme for biotechnological applications. Crude extract of squid liver was initially fractionated by the batch type ion exchange chromatography. The fraction containing lipase activity was further purified with an octyl-Sepharose column. Finally, lipase was purified by eluting active protein from a non-dissociating polyacrylamide gel after zymographic analysis. Molecular weight of the purified enzyme was determined to be 27 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme showed the highest activity at a temperature range of 35-40 degrees C and at pH 8.0. The activity was almost completely inhibited at 1 mM concentration of Hg(2+) or Cu(2+) ion. Partial amino acid sequence of the enzyme was also determined.  相似文献   

Many organisms have been shown to possess a methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA), exhibiting high specificity for reduction the S form of free and protein-bound methionine sulfoxide to methionine. Recently, a different form of the reductase (referred to as MsrB) has been detected in several organisms. We show here that MsrB is a selenoprotein that exhibits high specificity for reduction of the R forms of free and protein-bound methionine sulfoxide. The enzyme was partially purified from mouse liver and a derivative of the mouse MsrB gene, in which the codon specifying selenocystein incorporation was replaced by the cystein codon, was prepared, cloned, and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The properties of the modified MsrB protein were compared directly with those of MsrA. Also, we have shown that in Staphylococcus aureus there are two MsrA and one nonselenoprotein MsrB, which demonstrates the same substrate stereospecificity as the mouse MsrB.  相似文献   

A thermostable lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia has been purified to homogeneity as judged by SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing. The purification included treatment of the culture supernatant with acrinol, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and gel filtration. The enzyme was a monomeric protein with M(r) of 36,500 and pI of 5.1. The optimal pH at 50 degrees C and optimal temperature at pH 6.5 were 5.5-6.5 and 55-60 degrees C, respectively, when olive oil was used as the substrate. Simple triglycerides of short and middle chain fatty acids (C < or = 12) were the preferred substrates over those of long chain fatty acids. The enzyme cleaved all the ester bonds of triolein, with some preference for the 1,3-ester bonds. The enzyme retained all its activity even after incubation at 75 degrees C (pH 6.5) for 30 min. Further, the activity was not impaired during 21 h storage at pH 6.5 in 40% water-miscible solvents including methanol, ethanol, acetone, acetonitrile, dimethylformamide, dimethylsulfoxide, and dioxane. The addition of dimethylsulfoxide or acetone to the assay mixture in the range of 0-35% stimulated the enzyme, whereas benzene or n-hexane had an inhibitory effect. These properties together with the N-terminal amino acid sequence confirmed that the enzyme differs from the known Pseudomonas sp. lipases.  相似文献   

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