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The relationship between the force level of sustained isometric contraction and the time until two indices of muscular fatigue was compared for the right elbow flexors between 6 young women and 6 men. The strength of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) measured at the wrist with the elbow at right angle was significantly greater in men (267 +/- 35 N) than in women (163 +/- 23 N). Endurance tasks were performed at randomly assigned contraction levels of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50% MVC. The relative force (F% MVC) or the absolute force (F N) versus the endurance time or the time of pain ("itai") appearance (T min) curves were fitted to the following equation: log T = a + b.log (F--k). The most fitted equations were determined for each individual and each sex group by the value in the coefficient of determination. When comparing the curves in terms of the relative force, the endurance time and pain appearance time were longer in women than in men, particularly at lower contraction levels. In terms of the absolute force, however, they were longer in men than in women, particularly at stronger contractions. At lower contraction levels, less than 70 N, some women were similar to some men in fatigability.  相似文献   

Strength training with low load under conditions of vascular occlusion has been proposed as an alternative to heavy-resistance exercise in the rehabilitation setting, when large forces acting upon the musculoskeletal system are unwanted. Little is known, however, about the relative intensity at which occlusion of blood flow significantly reduces dynamic muscular endurance and, hence, when it may increase the training effect. The purpose of this study was to investigate endurance during dynamic knee extension at different loads with and without cuff occlusion. Sixteen subjects (20-45 years of age) with strength-training experience were recruited. At 4 test sessions, the subjects performed unilateral knee extensions to failure with and without a pressure cuff around the thigh at 20, 30, 40, and 50% of their 1 repetition maximum (1RM). The pressure cuff was inflated to 200 mm Hg during exercise with occlusion. Significant differences in the number of repetitions performed were found between occluded and nonoccluded conditions for loads of 20, 30, and 40% of 1RM (p < 0.01) but not for the 50% load (p = 0.465). Thus, the application of a pressure cuff around the thigh appears to reduce dynamic knee extension endurance more at a low load than at a moderate load. These results may have implications regarding when it could be useful to apply a tourniquet in order to increase the rate of fatigue and perhaps also the resulting training effect. However, the short- and long-term safety of training under ischemic conditions needs to be addressed in both healthy and less healthy populations. Furthermore, the high acute pain ratings and the delayed-onset muscle soreness associated with this type of training may limit its potential use to highly motivated individuals.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine whether six weeks of endurance training minimizes the effects of fatigue on postural control during dynamic postural perturbations. Eighteen healthy volunteers were assigned to either a 6-week progressive endurance training program on a cycle ergometer or a control group. At week 0 and 7, dynamic exercise was performed on an ergometer until exhaustion and immediately after, the anterior–posterior centre of pressure (COP) sway was analyzed during full body perturbations. Maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) of the knee flexors and extensors, muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) of the vastus lateralis and medialis during sustained isometric knee extension contractions, and power output were measured. Following the training protocol, maximum knee extensor and flexor force and power output increased significantly for the training group with no changes observed for the control group. Moreover, the reduction of MFCV due to fatigue changed for the training group only (from 8.6% to 3.4%). At baseline, the fatiguing exercise induced an increase in the centre of pressure sway during the perturbations in both groups (>10%). The fatiguing protocol also impaired postural control in the control group when measured at week 7. However, for the training group, sway was not altered after the fatiguing exercise when assessed at week 7. In summary, six weeks of endurance training delayed the onset of muscle fatigue and improved the ability to control balance in response to postural perturbations in the presence of muscle fatigue. Results implicate that endurance training should be included in any injury prevention program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between fatigue-induced changes in running economy (RE) and muscular strength endurance (MSE). Ten well-trained male runners completed 2 runs of the same energy expenditure at 20%Δ VO(2) below LT. In the middle of the experimental condition (high intensity exercise [HIE]), there was a 4-minute block at sVO(2)max. The aim of the 4-minute block was to increase RE through fatigue, without inducing exhaustion. The MSE of hip extensors (HEs) and knee flexors (KFs) was assessed by 2 20-second eccentric bouts on an isokinetic dynamometer at 180°·s(-1). The RE increased after HIE compared to the control condition. Partial correlations found the increase in RE was strongly related with KF MSE (r = -0.709-0.798; p = 0.03-0.01). Greater MSE appeared to confer a fatigue resistant effect, resulting in a smaller increase in RE. The underlying mechanism of the fatigue resistant effect remains to be elucidated. Conditioning work focusing on augmenting eccentric muscular endurance of the legs may offer beneficial adaptations that promote fatigue resistance.  相似文献   

Increased protein, tyrosine and 3-methylhistidine content has been observed in the skeletal muscles of rats 2-24 h after a 10-hour swimming period. This was accompanied by a significant rise in 3-methylhistidine excretion during the second day of the recovery period. Such combination of alterations suggests simultaneous augmentation of both protein synthesis and decomposition in the muscles after active work. The start of the alterations coincides with post-exercise increase of blood corticosterone level (2-6 h after work) and with the achievement of glycogen supercompensation in the liver and muscles.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the acute effects of different stretching exercises on muscular endurance in men, in terms of the number of sets, set duration, and type of stretching. Two experiments were conducted; in the first one (E1), the subjects (n = 19) were evaluated to test the effect on the number of sets, and, in the second one (E2), the subjects (n = 15) were tested for the effect of set duration and type of stretching. After a warm-up of 10-15 repetitions of a bench press (BP) with submaximal effort, a one-repetition maximum (1RM) test was applied. For E1, BP endurance was evaluated after static stretching comprising one set of 20 seconds (1 x 20), two sets of 20 seconds (2 x 20), and three sets of 20 seconds (3 x 20). For E2, BP endurance was evaluated after static stretching comprising one set of 20 seconds (1 x 20), one set of 40 seconds (1 x 40), and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching. All tests were performed 48-72 hours apart, at which time the muscular endurance was assessed through the maximal number of repetitions (NR) of BP at 85% of 1RM until fatigue. The NR and the overload volume (OV) were compared among tests through repeated-measures analysis of variance. No significant effect of the number of sets on muscular endurance was observed because no statistically significant difference was found when comparing all stretching exercises of E1 in terms of NS (p = 0.5377) and OV (p = 0.5723). However, significant reductions were obtained in the set duration and PNF on NR (p < 0.0001) and OV (p < 0.0001), as observed in E2. The results suggest that a stretching protocol can influence BP endurance, whereas a decrease in endurance is suggested to be attributable to set duration and PNF. On the other hand, a low volume of static stretching does not seem to have a significant effect on muscular endurance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of acute heat exposure upon muscular strength, muscular endurance, and muscular power in euhydrated athletes. Ten healthy, weight-trained men (average age = 23.0 +/- 4.0 years) volunteered for this investigation. Subjects were randomized to normothermic (22.5 degrees C, 65% relative humidity [RH]) or hyperthermic (65-75 degrees C, 15% RH) condition for 30 minutes. Results indicated that all subjects experienced significant (p < 0.05) hemodynamic stress because of the 30 minutes of heat exposure (blood pressure [BP](rest) 124/78 mm Hg to BP(postsauna) 148/60 mm Hg, heart rate [HR](rest) 64 b.min(-1) to HR(postsauna) 122 b.min(-1)). Oral and tympanic temperature measurements correlated strongly (r(2) = 0.904) and increased by 2.48 and 2.71 degrees C, respectively, during sauna exposure. One repetition maximum (1RM) bench press strength did not differ between the 2 conditions, whereas 1RM leg press strength was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) after the hyperthermic protocol. Subjects' muscular endurance decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in both the leg press (29.2%) and bench press (15.8%) after the sauna exposure. In contrast, muscular power (vertical jump) increased significantly (3.1%, p < 0.5) after acute heat exposure. In agreement with previous studies, we concluded that acute heat exposure is detrimental to muscular endurance; however, the areas of strength and power are far less unequivocal.  相似文献   

Recently, a new product called the Tri-Bar has been introduced as an alternative to the standard round weightlifting bar. The Tri-Bar has the same weight, length, and circumference as a standard weightlifting bar and differs only in that the shape of the bar is formed like a triangle with rounded edges. Theoretically, the shape of the bar will enhance gripping comfort and increase muscular endurance. We studied 32 moderately trained males who were free from upper-body injury or limitation. Each participant completed 4 visits to the lab as part of 2 separate investigations. The first investigation was a comparison of straight-arm hang times while grasping a standard Olympic bar or a Tri-Bar attached to the top of a power rack. The second investigation involved grasping a standard revolving cable handle or a Tri-Bar revolving handle attached to a weight equal to half the subject's body weight. In both investigations, time was used as a measure of isometric muscular endurance. Differences were determined using a dependent t-test, and a level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Mean hang times were significantly longer when the men hung from the Tri-Bar (107.6 seconds) versus the standard bar (95.4 seconds) (p = 0.015). Conversely, in the investigation using the revolving handles, the round bar produced longer grasping times (71.5 seconds) than the Tri-Bar (62.6 seconds) (p = 0.000). The results of this investigation indicate that a fixed and stable Tri-Bar may help to increase hang time, but a Tri-Bar free to rotate within the grasp may decrease grasping time in comparison to a standard round handle. With regard to exercises that require isometric grasping, the Tri-Bar may be an effective alternative to the standard bar for increasing isometric grasping endurance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a combination of effervescent creatine, ribose, and glutamine on muscular strength (MS), muscular endurance (ME) and body composition (BC) in resistance-trained men. Subjects were 28 men (age: 22.3 +/- 1.7 years; weight: 85.8 +/- 12.1 kg; height: 1.8 +/- 0.1 m) who had 2 or more years of resistance-training experience. A double blind, randomized trial was completed involving supplementation or placebo control and a progressive resistance-training program for 8 weeks. Dependent measures were assessed at baseline and after 8 weeks of resistance training. Both groups significantly improved MS and ME while the supplement group significantly increased body weight and fat-free mass. Control decreased body fat and increased fat-free mass. This study demonstrated that the supplement group did not enhance MS, ME, or BC significantly more than control after an 8-week resistance-training program.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of different durations of rest between two bouts of exercise on immunoendocrine responses during and after the second bout of exercise. Nine endurance athletes participated in three 25-h trials: 1) complete bed rest (REST), 2) two bouts of exercise separated by 3 h of rest (SHORT), and 3) two bouts of exercise separated by 6 h of rest (LONG). Each cycle ergometer exercise bout lasted 75 min at 75% of maximal O(2) uptake. We observed a more pronounced increase in epinephrine, norepinephrine, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and cortisol, but not in growth hormone, and a larger neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia in connection with the second bout of exercise in trial SHORT compared with trial LONG. Lymphocyte activation was unaltered by the difference in rest protocol. In conclusion, a second bout of exercise elicited more pronounced change in neuroendocrine factors and leukocyte counts when preceded by 3 h of rest as opposed to 6 h of rest after the first bout of exercise.  相似文献   

In a military field artillery trial, the effects of 8 days of sustained manual work and partial sleep loss on isometric right hand grip strength and upper and lower body anaerobic power (using the Wingate test) was investigated in 25 healthy young male soldiers. During the trial, the physical activity of each subject was essentially identical except that an experimental group (n = 18) manually handled a large quantity of artillery shells (weighing 45 kg) and charges (13 kg), whilst a control group (n = 7) merely simulated manual handling activities and did no lifting or loading of shells. The daily amount of sleep obtained by each group was similar (3 to 4 hours), as were their activity patterns and food and fluid intake. Isometric right hand grip strength for both groups fell progressively during the trial and did not return to pre-trial levels during 3 days of recovery. At the end of the 8 day trial, there were statistically significant reductions in the body weight (1.9%, p less than 0.001), % body fat (7.1%, p less than 0.001) and upper body mean power (7.3%, p less than 0.01) of the experimental group but not in the controls. Lower body peak and mean power were significantly increased at the end of the trial in both the experimental (14.7%, p less than 0.001 and 17.0%, p less than 0.001 respectively) and control (14.3%, p less than 0.01 and 15.0%, p less than 0.05 respectively) groups. Lower body power decrease was significantly increased (18.1%, p less than 0.05) in the experimental group but not in the controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A group of 5 women and 11 men walked on a treadmill, each carrying a weight in the right hand. In separate experiments, the mass was varied to give total exhaustion within 3 min, 5 min, 9 min, and 13 min. In additional experiments 50% and 25% of the masses leading to exhaustion after 5 min were used, and these were stopped after 16 min. Heart rate (fc) and systolic blood pressure (BPs) were measured noninvasively. There was a consistent increase in fc x BPs during the experiments leading to exhaustion, while steady-states were obtained in the nonexhausting trials. An electromyogram (EMG) was recorded with cutaneous electrodes over the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles and the number of zero crossings (ZC) of the EMG signal per time unit were analysed. As the subjects approached exhaustion, the number of ZC declined exponentially, reaching approximately 50% of their initial values. In the nonexhausting experiments, however, the decline was slower and less marked, and during the second half of the experiment the number of ZC increased again. Subjectively, endurance was underestimated by all the subjects. It was concluded that cardiovascular and muscle criteria of fatigue in carrying coincided. Prolonged carrying in one hand of more than 6 kg or 10 kg for young healthy women and men respectively should not be recommended, since it could lead to cardiovascular non steady-states and EMG signs of fatigue.  相似文献   

Recovery of short-term power after dynamic exercise   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The intensity of prior cycle ergometer exercise alters the pattern in recovery of maximal short-term power output (STPO). STPO was measured on an isokinetic dynamometer after 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 min of recovery. Immediately after exercise, STPO fell to 85, 75, 55, and 47% of preexercise values for prior exercise equivalent to 60, 80, 100, and 120% of maximal O2 uptake, respectively. STPO had fully recovered by 1 min of postexercise after submaximal work rates (60 and 80%). Recovery was delayed until after 4 min of postexercise after maximal exercise (100%). STPO remained at approximately 90% of preexercise values 8 min postexercise after supramaximal exercise (120%). STPO immediately after exercise and during recovery was inversely proportional to prior exercise intensity. The recovery curve for STPO was similar to that previously reported for creatine phosphate resynthesis after dynamic and isometric exercise. The absolute STPO regained in the initial phase was not inversely proportional to either exercise intensity or 4-min postexercise blood lactate levels, which suggests that factors other than changes in pH alone may mediate initial power recovery.  相似文献   

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