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13C discrimination during CO2 assimilation by the terrestrial biosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estimates of the extent of the discrimination against13CO2 during photosynthesis (A) on a global basis were made using gridded data sets of temperature, precipitation, elevation, humidity and vegetation type. Stomatal responses to leaf-to-air vapour mole fraction difference (D, leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference divided by atmospheric pressure) were first determined by a literature review and by assuming that stomatal behaviour results in the optimisation of plant water use in relation to carbon gain. Using monthly time steps, modelled stomatal responses toD were used to calculate the ratio of stomatal cavity to ambient CO2 mole fractions and then, in association with leaf internal conductances, to calculate A. Weighted according to gross primary productivity (GPP, annual net CO2 asimilation per unit ground area), estimated A for C3 biomes ranged from 12.9 for xerophytic woods and shrub to 19.6 for cool/cold deciduous forest, with an average value from C3 plants of 17.8. This is slightly less than the commonly used values of 18–20. For C4 plants the average modelled discrimination was 3.6, again slightly less than would be calculated from C4 plant dry matter carbon isotopic composition (yielding around 5). From our model we estimate that, on a global basis, 21% of GPP is by C4 plants and for the terrestrial biosphere as a whole we calculate an average isotope discrimination during photosynthesis of 14.8. There are large variations in A across the globe, the largest of which are associated with the precence or absence of C4 plants. Due to longitudinal variations in A, there are problems in using latitudinally averaged terrestrial carbon isotope discriminations to calculate the ratio of net oceanic to net terrestrial carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

Ursula Seelemann 《Oecologia》1968,1(1-2):130-154
Zusammenfassung Die Überwindung der biologischen Grenze zwischen Meer und Land durch Mollusken ist bisher nur wenig im Hinblick auf physiologische Umstellungen untersucht worden. Unter diesem Aspekt wurden Experimente durchgeführt an Alderia modesta, einem amphibisch lebenden Opisthobranchier des unteren Supralitorals, und an Ovatella myosotis, einer Pulmonate, die im oberen Supralitoral vorkommt. Alderia zeigt eine relativ enge Salinitätstoleranz. Zu hohe und zu niedrige Salzgehalte hemmen die Entwicklung, führen zu Mißbildungen bei der Embryonalentwicklung und lassen adulte tiere rasch eingehen. In Beziehung zu der Salinität der angrenzenden Gewässer (Brackwasser der Ostsee und der Ästuare, Meerwasser der Nordsee) existieren verschiedene Biotypen, die auf Aussüßung und hohe Salzkonzentration unterschiedlich reagieren.Die weiter ins Supralitoral vorgedrungene Ovatella myositis hat eine wesentlich breitere Salinitätstoleranz. Schädigungen der Adulten treten auf Süßwasser nicht, auf Salzwasser erst oberhalb von 55 auf. Durch schrittweise Adaptation können höhere Konzentrationen ertragen werden. Der Toleranzunterschied zwischen den untersuchten Populationen ist genetisch bedingt. Eiablage, Embryonalentwicklung und Wachstum erfolgen im Bereich zwischen 5 und mindestens 50 Substratsalinität.Physiologisch wird diese große Salinitätstoleranz durch ein fast durchgehendes poikilosmotisches Verhalten ermöglicht. Auf sehr ausgesüßtem Substrat sind die Schnecken stark hypertonisch (auf Süßwasser hat das Binnenmedium auf 7), im ganzen übrigen Bereich weniger stark (3–4 über der Substratsalinität). Im oberen Extrembereich vermögen die Tiere diese Hypertonie offenbar nur schwer aufrechtzuerhalten (vgl. S. 149).Die Veränderungen von Gastropoden auf dem Wege vom Meer über das Supralitoral zum Land werden diskutiert; im Gebiet der Salzwiesen läßt sich ein günstigeres Schema zu dieser Frage aufstellen als bei den bisher meist zitierten Littorinen.
On the emigration of gastropodes from the sea: Studies on Alderia modesta and Ovatella myosotis
Summary Up to now little attention has been paid to the phylogenetic emigration of gastropods from the sea: almost nothing is known about the physiological changes which enable snails to live in terrestrial habitats. To help solve this question, experiments were carried out on Alderia modesta, an opisthobranch slug of the lower supralittoral, and Ovatella myositis, a primitive pulmonate snail of the upper supralittoral. In each case two subspecies were studied.North Sea Alderias differ from their Baltic counterparts in size and salinitytolerance. The difference in size between Ovatella of the Mediterranean and of the Baltic is very slight. There is a marked difference, however, in the salinity-tolerance. Alderia modesta survives in a comparatively narrow range of different salinities. The optimum is between 10 and 20 for Baltic specimens and between 15 and 35 for those of the North Sea. The results are the same in and out of water. Ovatella can live on a freshwater substratum as well as on 55. Specimens of the Mediterranean can even become adapted to 90. Flooded with water of differrent salinities the tolerated range becomes markedly smaller. Eggs are produced between 5 and 50 (Baltic specimens) or 5 and 65 (Mediterranean specimens). All eggs develop without being damaged between 5 and 40 and 10 and 45 respectively. The optimal salinity-concentration for growth and egg-production is 10. Salinity-concentrations below and above these marks disturb the development. In one spawn-mass some eggs cleave normally, others become deformed, and again others do not cleave at all. This heterogeneous reaction points to the existence of something like a physiological polymorphism in regard to salinity-tolerance. The salinity-concentration of the blood of Ovatella was measured after a long-term acclimatisation. Ovatella is poikilosmotic and slightly hypertonic (3–4) throughout almost the whole range of salinities it tolerates. On extremely low concentrations it becomes more hypertonie; on extremely high concentrations it becomes nearly isotonic.

Stable carbon (13C) and nitrogen (15N) isotopes were used to elucidate primary food sources and trophic relationships of organisms in Khung Krabaen Bay and adjacent offshore waters. The three separate sampling sites were mangroves, inner bay and offshore. The 13C values of mangrove leaves were –28.2 to –29.4, seagrass –10.5, macroalgae –14.9 to –18.2, plankton –20.0 to –21.8, benthic detritus –15.1 to –26.3, invertebrates –16.5 to –26.0, and fishes –13.4 to –26.3. The 15N values of mangrove leaves were 4.3 to 5.7, seagrass 4.3, macroalgae 2.2 to 4.4, plankton 5.7 to 6.4 , benthic detritus 5.1 to 5.3, invertebrates 7.2 to 12.2 , and fishes 6.3 to 15.9. The primary producers had distinct 13C values. The 13C values of animals collected from mangroves were more negative than those of animals collected far from shore. The primary carbon sources that support food webs clearly depended on location. The contribution of mangroves to food webs was confined only to mangroves, but a mixture of macroalgae and plankton was a major carbon source for organisms in the inner bay area. Offshore organisms clearly derived their carbon through the planktonic food web. The 15N values of consumers were enriched by 3–4 relative to their diets. The 15N data suggests that some of aquatic animals had capacity to change their feeding habits according to places and availability of foods and as a result, individuals of the same species could be assigned to different trophic levels at different places.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity on the growth rate and survival of juvenile Littorina saxatilis gastropods reared in the laboratory from the young of progenic females collected in estuarine, intermediate, and marine habitats were studied. The optimum growth conditions of juveniles were dependent on the salinity regime in their original habitat. The progeny of females from the marine site showed maximum survival at a salinity of 23, the value corresponding to the normal salinity in their native habitat during the breeding period, while at 14, the growth of juveniles from this population was strongly suppressed. Juveniles originating from the estuarine habitat were able to maintain equally high growth rates at 23 and 14; however, at 14, they grew significantly faster than juveniles from the marine site. The progeny of females from the intermediate habitat showed intermediate growth rates at 14. Fluctuating salinity (23–8–23) had an adverse effect on the growth of juvenile Littorina, irrespective of the parental habitat. The differences in survival, size, and growth rates of the progeny of L. saxatilis in habitats with different salinity regimes are discussed in relation to their potential adaptive significance to life in estuaries.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratio as a tracer of mangrove carbon in Malaysian ecosystems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary The ratio of stable carbon isotopes (13C) in plants and animals from Malaysian mangrove swamps, coastal inlets, and offshore waters was determined. Vascular plants of the swamps were isotopically distinct ( x±s.d.=-27.1±1.2) from plankton (-21.0±0.3) and other algae (-18.7±2.2). Animals from the swamps (-20.9±4.1) and inlets (-19.8±2.5) had a wide range of isotope ratios (-28.6 to-15.4), indicating consumption of both mangrove and algal carbon. Several commercially important species of bivalves, shrimp, crabs, and fish obtained carbon from mangrove trees. Mangrove carbon was carried offshore as detritus and was isotopically distinguishable in suspended particulate matter and sediments. Animals collected from 2 to 18 km offshore, however, showed no isotopic evidence of mangrove carbon assimilation, with ratios (-16.5±1.1, range-19.1 to-13.1) virtually identical to those reported for similar animals from other plankton-based ecosystems. Within groups of animals, isotope ratios reflected intergencric and interspecific differences in feeding and trophic position. In particular, there was a trend to less negative ratios with increasing trophic level.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea area, the cladoceran Daphnia magna is commonly found in brackish water rockpools and it has been suggested that salinity is one of the niche dimensions that affects the distribution of the species. The salinity tolerance of D. magna was studied both in physiological and life history experiments. The experimental salinities were freshwater, 4S and 8S. The highest respiration and ammonium excretion rates were measured in the freshwater treatment with decreasing respiration and ammonium excretion rates at higher salinities. The lowest O/N ratio (oxygen consumption to ammonium excretion), describing the metabolic status of an organism, was obtained at 8S, although the only significant differences were detected when comparing to 4S treatments. Individual growth rate, reproductive output and population growth rate were highest at 4S. At 8S growth and reproduction were reduced as compared to freshwater and 4S. The life history parameters in the performed experiments indicated higher fitness (expressed as r) as well as more favourable conditions for growth and reproduction at 4S, whereas the O/N ratio was more difficult to interpret and, in this case, gave a less clear picture of the salinity influence.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Enchytraeus albidus aus dem Anwurf mariner Algen an der Kieler Förde (Ostsee) erträgt als Nahrung die folgenden dort vorkommenden Pflanzen (Reihenfolge mit abnehmender Verträglichkeit): Fucus — Grünalgen —Seegras (Zostera) — Rotalgen (Delesseria). Diese Reihenfolge gilt für Nahrungsaufnahme, Fortpflanzungsrate und Überlebensdauer.Mit zunehmender Fäulnis des Nahrungssubstrates steigt die Zahl der Tiere, die aus ihm fliehen. Ihre Anzahl wird außerdem bestimmt durch den Salzgehalt des Substrates: Von 15–45 ist sie proportional der Substratsalinität. Bei 60 ist die Aktivität der Tiere bereits stark eingeschränkt.Bei Fucus-Nahrung ertragen auf Sand gehaltene Tiere eine Salinität von 60–70 länger als 4 Wochen, auf Filtrierpapier dagegen nur 50 für durchschnittlich 1 Woche. Die obere Fortpflanzungsgrenze liegt bei 40 Salzgehalt im Substrat. Bei 5 werden die meisten Kokons abgelegt. Die Sterblichkeit im Kokon ist bei 15 am geringsten. Auf den Substratsalinitäten 0–15 ist die Entwicklungsdauer im Kokon signifikant kürzer als auf Substraten von 30 und 40. Enchytraeus hat sich als Rückwanderer zum Meer mit einer sekundär erweiterten Poikilosmotie an den neuen Lebensraum angepaßt. Er kann eine Binnenkonzentration entsprechend etwa 72 längere Zeit ertragen. Auf niedrigen Salzgehalten besitzt er eine ausgeprägte Hypertonieregulation.
Summary Enchytraeus albidus was fed with Fucus, green algae, Zostera marina and Delesseria. Judging from absorption of food, rate of reproduction and duration of life, the animals preferred the plants in the sequence given above.As the putrefaction of a Fucus substrate advances, more and more enchytraeids leave it. A changing salinity of the substrate also influences the number of emigrating worms, increasing it from 15–45, but decreasing it towards 60. Fed with Fucus E. albidus tolerates a salinity of 60–70 on sand for more than 4 weeks, on filter paper only 50 for about one week.Reproduction is possible at salinities up to 40. Cocoon production is most frequent at 5. The mortality of young worms within the cocoons is lowest at 15. The incubation period is significantly shorter at salinities of 0–15 than at 30 and 40.As a terrestrial immigrant to the seashore Enchytraeus albidus secondarily enlarged its range of poikilosmosis, tolerating a concentration of 72 in its coelomic fluid for some time. At low salinities it maintains a remarkable degree of hyperosmosis.

The stable isotope ratios of nitrogen were measured in the mysid,Neomysis intermedia, together with various biogenic materials in a eutrophic lake, Lake Kasumigaura, in Japan throughout a year of 1984/85. The mysid, particulate organic matter (POM, mostly phytoplankton), and zooplankton showed a clear seasonal change in 15N with high values in spring and fall, but the surface bottom mud did not. A year to year variation as well as seasonal change in 15N was found in the mysid. The annual averages of 15N of each material collected in 1984/85 are as follows: surface bottom mud, 6.3 (range: 5.7–6.9); POM, 7.9 (5.8–11.8); large sized mysid, 11.6 (7.7–14.3); zooplankton, 12.5 (10.0–16.4); prawn, 13.2 (9.9–15.4); goby, 15.1 (13.8–16.7). The degree of15N enrichment by the mysid was determined as 3.2 by the laboratory rearing experiments. The apparent parallel relationship between the POM and the mysid in the temporal patterns of 15N with about 3 difference suggests the POM (mostly phytoplankton) as a possible food source ofN. intermedia in this lake through the year.  相似文献   

Partitioning of water resources among plants of a lowland tropical forest   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Source water used by plants of several species in a semi-evergreen lowland tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, was assessed by comparing the relative abundance of deuterium, D, versus hydrogen, H (stable hydrogen isotope composition, D) in xylem sap and in soil water at different depths, during the dry season of 1992. Ecological correlates of source water were examined by comparing xylem water D values with leaf phenology, leaf water status determined with a pressure chamber, and rates of water use determined as mass flow of sap using the stem heat balance method. Soil water D values decreased sharply to 30 cm, then remained relatively constant with increasing depth. Average D values were-13, for 0–30 cm depth and-36.7 for 30–100 cm depth. Soil water D values were negatively associated with soil water content and soil water potential. Concurrent analyses of xylem water revealed a high degree of partitioning of water resources among species of this tropical forest. Xylem water D of deciduous trees (average=-25.3±1.4) was higher than that of evergreen trees (average=-36.3±3.5), indicating that evergreen species had access to the more abundant soil water at greater depth than deciduous species. In evergreen shade-tolerant and high-light requiring shrubs and small trees, D of xylem water was negatively correlated with transpiration rate and leaf water potential indicating that species using deeper, more abundant water resources had both higher rates of water use and more favorable leaf water status.  相似文献   

Summary The ratio of deuterium to hydrogen (expressed as D) in hydrogen released as water during the combustion of dried plant material was examined. The D value (metabolic hydrogen) determined on plant materials grown under controlled conditions is correlated with pathways of photosynthetic carbon metabolism. C3 plants show mean D values of-132 for shoots and -117 for roots; C4 plants show mean D values of -91 for shoots and-77 for roots and CAM plants a D value of-75 for roots and shoots. The difference between the D value of shoot material from C3 and C4 plants was confirmed in species growing under a range of glasshouse conditions. This difference in D value between C3 and C4 species does not appear to be due to differences in the D value (tissue water) in the plants as a result of physical fractionation of hydrogen isotopes during transpiration. In C3 and C4 plants the hydrogen isotope discrimination is in the same direction as the carbon isotope discrimination and factors contributing to the difference in D values are discussed. In CAM plants grown in the laboratory or collected from the field D values range from-75 to +50 and are correlated with 13C values. When deprived of water, the D value (metabolic hydrogen) in both soluble and insoluble material in leaves of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet et Perr., becomes less negative. These changes may reflect the deuterium enrichment of tissue water during transpiration, or in field conditions, may reflect the different D value of available water in areas of increasing aridity. Whatever the origin of the variable D value in CAM plants, this parameter may be a useful index of the water relations of these plants under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Salinity of Pyramid Lake increased from 3.7 to 5.5 between 1933 and 1980. Concern over future reductions in overall species richness prompted experiments to assess responses of dominant lake organisms to elevated salinity. Salinity tolerances of three important benthic invertebrates, Hyalella aztecta, Chironomus utahensis, and Heterocypris sp., were tested in controlled laboratory bioassays and also in a semi-natural environment consisting of large (47 m3) mesocosms.Densities of H. azteca in mesocosms were significantly lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 compared with 5.6 controls in year one, but not in 8.5 salinity mesocosms in year two. The 96-h LC50 for H. azteca was high at 19.5. Short-term mortalities of C. utahensis were 100% at salinities of 13.3 and greater. Fifty-seven percent fewer larvae matured from third to fourth instar at 8.9 than at 5.5 salinity in 17 day subacute bioassays. Furthermore, larval chironomid densities and emergence of adults from mesocosms were significantly reduced at salinities of 8.0 and higher compared with controls. Mortality of Heterocypris sp. was 50% at a salinity of 18.6 in laboratory bioassays and populations in mesocosms ranged between 40 and 100% lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 than in controls.Multiple generation mesocosm experiments indicated all three invertebrates were more sensitive to elevated salinity than results of short-term bioassays. Our studies suggest populations of these invertebrates may be reduced from present levels if Pyramid Lake's salinity were to double, although none are expected to be extirpated. Food habit shifts and reduced production of lake fishes are likely consequences of salinity-induced disruption in the benthic invertebrate forage base.  相似文献   

The study deals with a comparative analysis of the relative abundances of the carbon isotopes 12C and 13C in the metabolites and biomass of the Burkholderia sp. BS3702 and Pseudomonas putida BS202-p strains capable of utilizing aliphatic (n-hexadecane) and aromatic (naphthalene) hydrocarbons as sources of carbon and energy. The isotope compositions of the carbon dioxide, biomass, and exometabolites produced during the growth of Burkholderia sp. BS3702 on n-hexadecane (13C = –44.6 ± 0.2) were characterized by the values of 13CCO 2 = –50.2 ± 0.4, 13Cbiom = –46.6 ± 0.4, and 13Cexo = –41.5 ± 0.4, respectively. The isotope compositions of the carbon dioxide, biomass, and exometabolites produced during the growth of the same bacterial strain on naphthalene (13C = –21 ± 0.4) were characterized by the isotope effects 13CCO 2 = –24.1 ± 0.4, 13Cbiom = –19.2 ± 0.4, and 13Cexo = –19.1 ± 0.4, respectively. The possibility of using the isotope composition of metabolic carbon dioxide for the rapid monitoring of the microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Apostichopus (= Stichopus) japonicus blastulae and gastrulae were acclimated for 18 h to salinities of 32 (control), 24 and 22 (the lower limit of the range of tolerance), and 20 (below the range of tolerance). Acclimation to 20 resulted in the appearance of teratic larvae, most of which subsequently died. Acclimation to 24, 22, and 20 led to a shift in the range of tolerance of the larvae at further stages of development. With a decrease in salinity, acclimated larvae developed more successfully than unacclimated larvae. Acclimated larvae attained the pentactula stage and settled at a salinity range of 32–20; unacclimated larvae, at 32–22. At different stages of development, acclimated larvae survived greater decreases in salinity than unacclimated larvae. The acclimation effects could be traced up to metamorphosis and settling, i.e., two weeks after the end of the acclimation process.  相似文献   

Summary During high salinity stress, -alanine accumulates to high levels in the sea anemone,Bunodosoma cavernata. Following a salinity increase from 26 to 40 -alanine increased 28-fold from 1.5 to 41.9 moles/g dry weight. Both whole animal studies and experiments with cell free homogenates indicate that under high salinity conditions an increase in the rate of -alanine synthesis from aspartic acid as well as a decrease in the rate of -alanine oxidation are responsible for the observed accumulation of -alanine. The rate of aspartic acid decarboxylation to -alanine is about 3 times greater in anemones acclimated to 40 than for those in normal salinity water (26). -alanine oxidation to CO2 and acetyl-CoA proceeds 2.5 to 3 times slower in high salinity adaptedB. cavernata than in those acclimated to normal salinity. There is always a rapid degradation of uracil to -alanine, but this does not change with salinity.Abbreviations CASF cold acid soluble fraction - FAA free amino acids - MES 2(N-morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid - NPS ninhydrin positive substances - PCA perchloric acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic variation in gas-exchange physiology were analyzed in a 15-year-old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantation that contains 25 populations grown from seed collected from across the natural distribution of the species. Seed was collected from 33°30 to 53°12 north latitude and from 170 m to 2930 m above sea level, and from the coastal and interior (Rocky Mountain) varieties of the species. Carbon isotope discrimination () ranged from 19.70() to 22.43() and was closely related to geographic location of the seed source. The coastal variety (20.50 (SE=0.21)) was not significantly different from the interior variety (20.91 (0.15)). Instead, most variation was found within the interior variety; populations from the southern Rockies had the highest discrimination (21.53 (0.20)) (lowest water-use efficiency). Carbon isotope discrimination (), stomatal conductance to water vapor (g), the ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration (ci/ca), and intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/g) were all correlated with altitude of origin (r=0.76, 0.73, 0.74, and –0.63 respectively); all were statistically significant at the 0.01 level. The same variables were correlated with both height and diameter at age 15 (all at P0.0005). Observed patterns in the common garden did not conform to our expectation of higher WUE, measured by both A/g and , in trees from the drier habitats of the interior, nor did they agree with published in situ observations of decreasing g and with altitude. The genetic effect opposes the altitudinal one, leading to some degree of homeostasis in physiological characteri tics in situ.  相似文献   

Summary Natural carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured in different compartments (needles and twigs of different ages and crown positions, litter, understorey vegetation, roots and soils of different horizons) on 5 plots of a healthy and on 8 plots of a declining Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest in the Fichtelgebirge (NE Bavaria, Germany), which has recently been described in detail (Oren et al. 1988a; Schulze et al. 1989). The 13C values of needles did not differ between sites or change consistently with needle age, but did decrease from the sun-to the shade-crown. This result confirms earlier conclusions from gas exchange measurements that gaseous air pollutants did no long-lasting damage in an area where such damage was expected. Twigs (13C between-25.3 and-27.8) were significantly less depleted in 13C than needles (13C between-27.3 and-29.1), and 13C in twigs increased consistently with age. The 15N values of needles ranged between-2.5 and-4.1 and varied according to stand and age. In young needles 15N decreased with needle age, but remained constant or increased in needles that were 2 or 3 years old. Needles from the healthy site were more depleted in 15N than those from the declining site. The difference between sites was greater in old needles than in young ones. This differentiation presumably reflects an earlier onset of nitrogen reallocation in needles of the declining stand. 15N values in twigs were more negative than in needles (-3.5 to-5.2) and showed age- and stand-dependent trends that were similar to the needles. 15N values of roots and soil samples increased at both stands with soil depth from-3.5 in the organic layer to +4 in the mineral soil. The 15N values of roots from the mineral soil were different from those of twigs and needles. Roots from the shallower organic layer had values similar to twigs and needles. Thus, the bulk of the assimilated nitrogen was presumably taken up by the roots from the organic layer. The problem of separation of ammonium or nitrate use by roots from different soil horizons is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of different salinities on plankton larvae of some polychaetes in the White Sea. It has been found that the salinity resistance of Alitta virens (Nereidae) increases during ontogenesis. Successful fertilization and further larval development in this species occur at the salinity of 22 to 34; embryos taken into the experiment at the stage of 32 blastomeres, trochophores, and early nektochaetes could survive and normally develop at the salinity of 16–32, 14–45, and 12–45 respectively. The rate of settling and metamorphosis in late nektochaetes of A. virens at normal or lowered (down to 14) salinity is dependent on temperature in the range of 5 to 23°C. It is found that the larvae of Harmothoe imbricata (Polynoidae) show the greatest salinity resistance at the stage of nektochaeta, whose lower limit of salinity is 14. Later larval stages of these species can survive in a wide range of salinity due to the development of a provisory nephridial system. The eurybionty of larvae of Spirorbis spirorbis ready for metamorphosis was higher than that in the larvae of Circeus spirillum (Spirorbidae). Under salinity reduced down to 10 the larvae of S. spirorbis die in 8–14 days, whereas more stenohaline larvae of C. spirillum die by the 3-rd day of the experiment. At water temperatures under 5°C the survival of S. spirorbis was the highest at three examined values of salinity, whereas C. spirillum showed the highest survival only under normal salinity.  相似文献   

Summary The mean stable-carbon isotope ratios (13C) for polar bear (Ursus maritimus) tissues (bone collagen –15.7, muscle –17.7, fat –24.7) were close to those of the same tissues from ringed seals (Phoca hispida) (–16.2, –18.1, and –26.1, respectively), which feed exclusively from the marine food chain. The 13C values for 4 species of fruits to which polar bears have access when on land in summer ranged from –27.8 to –26.2, typical of terrestrial plants in the Arctic. An animal's 13C signature reflects closely the 13C signature of it's food. Accordingly, the amount of food that polar bears consume from terrestrial food webs appears negligible, even though some bears spend 1/3 or more of each year on land during the seasons of greatest primary productivity.  相似文献   

Samples of background air were collected in thelower troposphere of the Northern (high Arctic,northern Ontario, Vancouver and Houston) andSouthern (Baring Head, New Zealand) Hemispheresover the period July 1999 until March 2001.These samples were analysed for the stablecarbon isotope ratios of1,1,1-trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC113) andCH3Cl using a gaschromatography-continuous flow on-linecombustion isotope ratio mass spectrometrycombination. For CH3Cl the global averageof the stable carbon isotope ratio is –36.2± 0.3 (error of mean). The average isbased on 78 data points, standard deviation forall measurements is 2.3, and the 90%confidence interval is –35.8 to –36.6.However, the number of data points from theSouthern Hemisphere is rather limited and thusthis observation is not necessarilyrepresentative for the entire SouthernHemisphere. A simple isotopic budget ofCH3Cl shows the most important parametersneeding to be defined are the kinetic isotopeeffect of CH3Cl destruction by OH radicalsand the source composition of CH3Clemitted by the oceans and biomass burning ofC-4 plants. Present budgets of atmosphericCH3Cl show a significant deficit in thesource strength. We estimate that the averagestable carbon isotope ratio of the additionalCH3Cl emissions required to balance thebudget is –41.9 ± 7.8. The averageCFC113 isotopic composition based on 38measurements is –23.3 ± 1.6 (error ofmean), = 9.6 with no significantdifference between the hemispheres.  相似文献   

Eriksen  J.  Høgh-jensen  H. 《Plant and Soil》1998,205(1):67-76
Biological N2 fixation in clover is an important source of N in low external-N input farming systems. Using the natural 15N-abundance method, variations in N2 fixation were investigated in grazed and mowed plots of a ryegrass/white clover field. Ryegrass 15N varied considerably, from 0.2 to 5.6 under mowed conditions and from –3.3 to 11.6 under grazed conditions. Variations in 15N white clover were lower than in ryegrass, especially in the mowed plots (SE = 0.05, n = 20). The variations in the percentage of nitrogen derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) in white clover were highest in the grazed plots where it ranged from 12 to 96% (mean = 64%) compared with the mowed plots where it ranged from 64 to 92% (mean = 79%). Thus, the N2 fixation per unit white clover DM in the grazed ley was lower and more variable than under mowing conditions.Urine from dairy cows equivalent to 0, 200, 400 and 800 kg N ha-1 was applied to a ryegrass/white clover plot 6, 4 or 2 weeks before harvest. Without urine application 15N of ryegrass was positive. By increasing urine application (15N = –1) two weeks before sampling, the 15N of ryegrass decreased strongly to about –7 (P < 0.001). However, this effect was only observed when urine was applied two weeks before sampling. When applying 800 kg N four and six weeks before sampling, 15N in ryegrass was not significantly different from the treatment without urine application. White clover 15N was unaffected by whatever changes occurred in 15N of the plant-available soil N pool (reflected in 15N of ryegrass). This indicates that within the time span of this experiment, N2 fixation per unit DM was not affected by urine. Therefore, newly deposited urine may not be the main contributing factor to the variation in %Ndfa found in the grazed fields. This experiment suggested that the natural abundance method can be applied for estimating %Ndfa without disturbance in natural animal-grazed systems.  相似文献   

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