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Starchy materials such as corn starch, soft wheat flour, potato flour, cassava flour, sorghum starch, sweet potato and industrial potato flours, either acid or enzymatically hydrolysed, were used as substrates for itaconic acid production by Aspergillus terreus NRRL 1960. Both production and yield were highest on corn starch (18·4 g l−1 and 34·0%, respectively). The degree of hydrolysis had a great influence on acid production which was highest when corn starch was saccharified at 85 DE (dextrose equivalent). In a 3 litre benchtop fermenter, itaconic acid production and productivity were 19·8 g l−1 and 0·13 g l−1 h−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of trace and alkaline metals on itaconic acid production by polyurethane-foam-immobilized Aspergillus terreus was examined in repeated shake-flask cultures according to a statistical experimental design. An increase in the glucose or copper concentration increased the need for earth alkaline metals. The experimentally obtained highest itaconic acid concentration of 51 g/l from 15% glucose with a total productivity of 3.67 g/l per day was reached during the first 14-day batch fermentation. In the fourth batch the calculated highest itaconic acid concentration of 19 g/l was reached with 25% glucose, 5 g/l of magnesium sulphate, 13 mg/l of copper sulphate and 10 g/l of calcium chloride. The immobilization of the mycelium increased the itaconic acid concentration obtained by as much as eightfold.Offprint requests to: H. Kautola  相似文献   

衣康酸作为一种平台化合物,可被各行业广泛用于多种高附加值产品的生产,其更是具有替代传统石油基原料的潜力,在工业生产中有着重要地位与应用前景.目前,衣康酸主要由土曲霉深层好氧发酵生产,碳源、氮源、磷酸盐、金属离子、溶解氧、pH、温度等条件对其产量影响显著.在衣康酸生产中,原料成本高是阻碍其市场进一步扩大与发展的重要因素....  相似文献   

Summary Aspergillus terreus NRRC 1960 spores were entrapped in calcium alginate gel beads or alternotely the fungal mycelium was immobilized either on Celite R-626 or in agar gel cubes, and the biocatalyst was employed both in repeated batch and in continuous column reactors to produce itaconic acid from D-xylose or D-glucose. The highest itaconic acid yield obtained in a submerged culture batch fermentation was 54.5% based on total initial glucose (55 g/l) with a volumetric productivity of 0.32 g/l h, and 44.8% from xylose (67 g/l) with a productivity of 0.20 g/l h. In a repeated batch fermentation mycelium immobilized in agar gel had a productivity of 0.112 g/l h, and mycelium grown from spores immobilized in calcium alginate gel 0.06 g/l h, both from xylose (60 g/l). With the best immobilized biocatalyst system used employing Celite R-626 as a carrier, volumetric productivities of 1.2 g/l h from glucose and 0.56 g/l h from xylose (both at 60 g/l) were obtained in continuous column operation for more than 2 weeks.  相似文献   

Sago starch was hydrolyzed using either chemical agents, or enzymes at various pH and concentrations. Hydrolysis using 5000 AUN/ml (0.5%, w/v) glucoamylase exhibited the highest itaconic acid yield up to 0.36 g/g sago starch, whereas hydrolysis using nitric acid at pH 2.0 yielded 0.35 g/g sago starch. The medium was optimized and the composition was (g/l) 140 sago starch, 1.8 corn steep liquor, 1.2 MgSO(4).7H(2)O and 2.9 NH(4)NO(3). When the optimal conditions of hydrolysis and medium composition were applied to itaconic acid production in a 3-l jar fermentor, the itaconic acid production was 48.2 g/l with a yield of 0.34 g/g sago starch. This was filtered from the cultured broth and 37.1g of itaconic acid was recovered with a purity of 97.2%. This result showed that sago starch could be converted to a value-added product with only a simple pretreatment.  相似文献   

Summary The itaconic acid production by immobilizedAspergillus terreus TTK 200-5-3 mycelium was optimized in shake flask fermentations using statistical experimental design and empirical modelling. The maximum itaconic acid concentration was calculated to be 13.3 g/l in the investigated experimental area when initial sucrose concentration was 10%, ammonium nitrate concentration 0.275% and initial pH 3. The itaconic acid product concentration using immobilized mycelium was about double of that obtained with the free mycelium.  相似文献   

Three metabolites, pre-aurantiamine (1), (−)-9-hydroxyhexylitaconic acid (4) and (−)-9-hydroxyhexylitaconic acid-4-methyl ester (5), together with two known compounds, paraherquamide E (6) and secalonic acid D (7), were isolated from the marine-derived fungus, Aspergillus aculeatus.  相似文献   

Repeated itaconic acid production using an air-lift bioreactor was carried out by three methods—two with cell recycling by means of centrifugation and filtration by a stainless steel filter set inside the bioreactor and one by repeated batch culture without cell recycling. In a flask culture, repeated itaconic acid production was stable for 9 cycles (45 d) and the production rate was 0.47 g/l/h. However, in the air-lift bioreactor, it was difficult to produce itaconic acid in the repeated batch culture with cell recycling for a long period due to a decrease in fluidity resulting from an increase in mycelium concentration. In the method without cell recycling, however, repeated itaconic acid production was stable for 4 cycles (21 d) and the production rate was 0.37 g/l/h.  相似文献   

Aspergillus terreus is successfully used for industrial production of itaconic acid. The acid is formed from cis-aconitate, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle, by catalytic action of cis-aconitate decarboxylase. It could be assumed that strong anaplerotic reactions that replenish the pool of the TCA cycle intermediates would enhance the synthesis and excretion rate of itaconic acid. In the phylogenetic close relative Aspergillus niger, upregulated metabolic flux through glycolysis has been described that acted as a strong anaplerotic reaction. Deregulated glycolytic flux was caused by posttranslational modification of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK1) that resulted in formation of a highly active, citrate inhibition-resistant shorter form of the enzyme. In order to avoid complex posttranslational modification, the native A. niger pfkA gene has been modified to encode for an active shorter PFK1 fragment. By the insertion of the modified A. niger pfkA genes into the A. terreus strain, increased specific productivities of itaconic acid and final yields were documented by transformants in respect to the parental strain. On the other hand, growth rate of all transformants remained suppressed which is due to the low initial pH value of the medium, one of the prerequisites for the accumulation of itaconic acid by A. terreus mycelium.  相似文献   

低无机离子稻糠植酸提取方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用醋酸解离并结合加热使植酸从种皮的复合盐中释放、石灰乳沉淀、乳酸酸化植酸钙、碱解再用离子交换脱无机离子,结合流程采用活性炭脱色的方法制备植酸.与同类方法相比,所得植酸纯度较高(68%~72%),总回收率达到70%以上;重复性及产品可溶性好,无非目的成分沉淀;色泽透明清亮,对优化粮油深加工的流程,提高产品质量有积极意义.  相似文献   

Itaconic acid (IA), an unsaturated 5‐carbon dicarboxylic acid, is a building block platform chemical that is currently produced industrially from glucose by fermentation with Aspergillus terreus. However, lignocellulosic biomass has potential to serve as low‐cost source of sugars for production of IA. Research needs to be performed to find a suitable A. terreus strain that can use lignocellulose‐derived pentose sugars and produce IA. One hundred A. terreus strains were evaluated for the first time for production of IA from xylose and arabinose. Twenty strains showed good production of IA from the sugars. Among these, six strains (NRRL strains 1960, 1961, 1962, 1972, 66125, and DSM 23081) were selected for further study. One of these strains NRRL 1961 produced 49.8 ± 0.3, 38.9 ± 0.8, 34.8 ± 0.9, and 33.2 ± 2.4 g IA from 80 g glucose, xylose, arabinose and their mixture (1:1:1), respectively, per L at initial pH 3.1 and 33°C. This is the first report on the production of IA from arabinose and mixed sugar of glucose, xylose, and arabinose by A. terreus. The results presented in the article will be very useful in developing a process technology for production of IA from lignocellulosic feedstocks. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1059–1067, 2017  相似文献   

A filamentous fungus Aspergillus terreus produces itaconic acid, which is predicted to be derived from cis-aconitic acid via catalysis by cis-aconitic acid decarboxylase (CAD) in the carbon metabolism of the fungus. To clarify the enzyme's function and a pathway for itaconic acid biosynthesis, we cloned a novel gene encoding the enzyme. The open reading frame of this gene (CAD1) consists of 1,529 bp encoding 490 amino acids and is interrupted by a single intron. Among the identified proteins in the database, the primary structure of the protein encoded by CAD1 shared high identity with the MmgE/PrpD family of proteins, including a number of 2-methylcitrate dehydratases of bacteria. The cloned gene excluding an intron was introduced into the expression plasmid pAUR-CAD1 controlled by the ADH1 promoter. The CAD activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was confirmed by directly detecting itaconic acid as a product from cis-aconitic acid as a substrate. This result reveals for the first time that this gene encodes CAD, which is essential for itaconic acid production in A. terreus.  相似文献   

The potential of wheat straw hydrolysate for biogas production was investigated in continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors. The hydrolysate originated as a side stream from a pilot plant pretreating wheat straw hydrothermally (195 °C for 10–12 min) for producing 2nd generation bioethanol [Kaparaju, P., Serrano, M., Thomsen, A.B., Kongjan, P., Angelidaki, I., 2009. Bioethanol, biohydrogen and biogas production from wheat straw in a biorefinery concept. Bioresource Technology 100 (9), 2562–2568]. Results from batch assays showed that hydrolysate had a methane potential of 384 ml/g-volatile solids (VS)added. Process performance in CTSR and UASB reactors was investigated by varying hydrolysate concentration and/or organic loading rate (OLR). In CSTR, methane yields increased with increase in hydrolysate concentration and maximum yield of 297 ml/g-COD was obtained at an OLR of 1.9 g-COD/l d and 100% (v/v) hydrolysate. On the other hand, process performance and methane yields in UASB were affected by OLR and/or substrate concentration. Maximum methane yields of 267 ml/g-COD (COD removal of 72%) was obtained in UASB reactor when operated at an OLR of 2.8 g-COD/l d but with only 10% (v/v) hydrolysate. However, co-digestion of hydrolysate with pig manure (1:3 v/v ratio) improved the process performance and resulted in methane yield of 219 ml/g-COD (COD removal of 72%). Thus, anaerobic digestion of hydrolysate for biogas production was feasible in both CSTR and UASB reactor types. However, biogas process was affected by the reactor type and operating conditions.  相似文献   

The synthesis of polygalacturonase (PG) (EC by a strain of Aspergillus terreus was induced by polygalacturonic acid and repressed by glucose, galactose or fructose even in the presence of the inducer. The production of PG increased when the mycelium was washed free of glucose and incubated in a glucose-free medium containing the inducer, a fact that indicated the reversibility of the repression mechanism. When Actinomycin D and cycloheximide were added to the culture medium, the synthesis of PG ceased. PG synthesis increased 43% with the addition of methionine and 64% both with leucine and with tyrosine. Specific productivity with leucine was 210% higher than that of the control as against 149% with methionine and 70% with tyrosine. The results obtained suggest that PG synthesis is regulated by leucine.  相似文献   

Itaconic acid (IA), a building block platform chemical, is produced industrially by Aspergillus terreus utilizing glucose. Lignocellulosic biomass can serve as a low cost source of sugars for IA production. However, the fungus could not produce IA from dilute acid pretreated and enzymatically saccharified wheat straw hydrolyzate even at 100-fold dilution. Furfural, hydroxymethyl furfural and acetic acid were inhibitory, as is typical, but Mn2+ was particularly problematic for IA production. It was present in the hydrolyzate at a level that was 230 times over the inhibitory limit (50 ppb). Recently, it was found that PO43− limitation decreased the inhibitory effect of Mn2+ on IA production. In the present study, a novel medium was developed for production of IA by varying PO43−, Fe3+ and Cu2+ concentrations using response surface methodology, which alleviated the strong inhibitory effect of Mn2+. The new medium contained 0.08 g KH2PO4, 3 g NH4NO3, 1 g MgSO4·7H2O, 5 g CaCl2·2 H2O, 0.83 mg FeCl3·6H2O, 8 mg ZnSO4·7H2O, and 45 mg CuSO4·5H2O per liter. The fungus was able to produce IA very well in the presence of Mn2+ up to 100 ppm in the medium. This medium will be extremely useful for IA production in the presence of Mn2+. This is the first report on the development of Mn2+ tolerant medium for IA production by A. terreus.  相似文献   

New strategies for improving the fermentation yield of (+)-terrein which is a fungal metabolite with multiple bioactivities are very urgent. In this study, the effect of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid, one kind of epigenetic modifier, on the biosynthesis of (+)-terrein by Aspergillus terreus strain PF26 isolated from the marine sponge Phakellia fusca was investigated. It was found that suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid exhibited a positive impact on (+)-terrein production, resulting from promoting the biosynthesis of 6-hydroxymellein, the precursor of (+)-terrein. Through optimization of feeding concentration and time of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid, 5.58 g/L (+)-terrein could be obtained in shake flask cultivation, 29.5% higher than the control. Correspondingly, the fermentation of A. terreus strain PF26 in 7.5-L stirred bioreactor with feeding suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (900 μM, day 4) yielded 9.07 g/L (+)-terrein, 77.1% higher than the control. These results showed that the epigenetic modifier-suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid could be utilized to enhance the production of (+)-terrein, which laid the foundation of massive production of (+)-terrein by fermentation.  相似文献   

The succinate analog itaconic acid was observed to be a competitive inhibitor of the glyoxylate cycle specific enzyme isocitrate lyase (EC in cell-free extracts of Tetrahymena pyriformis. Itaconic acid also inhibited net in vivo glycogen synthesis from glyoxylate cycle-dependent precursors such as acetate but not from glyoxylate cycle-independent precursors such as fructose. The effect of itaconic acid on the incorporation of 14C into glycogen from various 14C-labeled precursors was also consistent with inhibition of isocitrate lyase by this compound. Another analog of succinate which shares a common metabolic fate with itaconic acid, mesaconic acid, had no effect on isocitrate lyase activity in vitro or on 14C-labeled precursor incorporation into glycogen in vivo. In addition, itaconic acid did not affect gluconeogenesis from lactate in isolated perfused rat livers, a system lacking the enzyme isocitrate lyase. These results are taken as evidence that itaconic acid is an inhibitor of glyoxylate cycle-dependent glyconeogenesis Tetrahymena pyriformis via specific competitive inhibition of isocitrate lyase activity.  相似文献   

In this study, the production of sugar monomers from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) by sono-assisted acid hydrolysis was performed. The SCB was subjected to sono-assisted alkaline pretreatment. The cellulose and hemicellulose recovery observed in the solid content was 99% and 78.95%, respectively and lignin removal observed during the pretreatment was about 75.44%. The solid content obtained was subjected to sono-assisted acid hydrolysis. Under optimized conditions, the maximum hexose and pentose yield observed was 69.06% and 81.35% of theoretical yield, respectively. The hydrolysate obtained was found to contain very less inhibitors, which improved the bioethanol production and the ethanol yield observed was 0.17 g/g of pretreated SCB.  相似文献   

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