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The green anole lizard exhibits seasonal courtship behavior that is sexually dimorphic. This courtship consists of the extension of a bright red throat fan (dewlap) associated with head‐bobbing display behavior. While males extend their dewlaps in aggressive encounters as well as in courtship, females use their considerably smaller dewlaps much less frequently and mainly in agonistic encounters. In parallel, a number of components of the neuromuscular system controlling dewlap extension are greater in males than in females during the breeding season, including dewlap motoneuron soma size and muscle fiber size and number. These features do not seem to change substantially in adulthood, despite a dramatic decline in dewlap use during the nonbreeding season. We explored the morphology of this neuromuscular system in more detail in the present experiment in males and females during both the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Fiber and whole muscle length (approximately perpendicular to the fibers) were measured. Acetylcholinesterase histochemistry was used to visualize neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), and the surface area and density of NMJs were assessed for each animal. During the breeding season, NMJ size was larger in males than in females, but NMJ density along each fiber was equivalent between the sexes. In addition, whole muscle length and that of individual muscle fibers, was larger in males than in females. However, when corrected for body size, the sex difference in muscle fiber length disappeared. In the nonbreeding season, the sexual dimorphisms were maintained, suggesting that these features do not change substantially due to differences in circulating testosterone or a difference in use across seasons. Overall, these results are consistent with the idea that enhanced NMJ size is a relatively stable feature of the dewlap muscle in adulthood that either facilitates or is a consequence of using a larger muscle to extend a bigger dewlap in males compared to females. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 50: 24–30, 2002  相似文献   

E. J. Temeles 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):286-297
Summary The relative importance of prey availability and intruder pressure in the regulation of harrier (Circus cyaneus) territory size was investigated over two years using analytical methods chosen to permit comparison with Myers et al. (1979) study of sanderlings (Calidris alba). Relationships between territory area and two variables, prey type (mice; large, medium, and small birds) and intruder type (conspecific neighbors, conspecific floaters, and heterospecific floaters), and the consistency of these relationships between years, also were examined. Individual harrier territory areas were highly variable, ranging from 7.8 to 1249 ha in 1984/1985, and 3.9 to 71.3 ha in 1985/1986. Of the prey variables, only mouse availability was significantly inversely correlated with territory area in both years, and slopes resulting from correlations between the logarithms of these two variables did not differ significantly from — 1, the expected result if harriers were adjusting mouse availabilities. The abundance of mice in conjunction with their greater ease of capture relative to birds made them functionally more available, and hence harriers' primary prey. This may explain why mice, rather than birds, were apparently the defended resource. Of the intruder variables, neighbor variables were most strongly inversely cortelatd with territory area. Partial correlation analyses to determine the relative importance of intruder pressure and prey availability in regulating territory size revealed that in 1984/1985, mouse availability and intruder pressure were relatively independent and each explained some variation in territory area, whereas in 1985/1986, mouse availability, rather than intruder pressure, significantly explained all variation in territory area. Possible explanations for why territory sizes of harriers appear to be regulated more closely by food density, whereas territory sizes of sanderlings appear to be regulated more closely by intruder pressure, are based upon differences in 1) neighbor effects, 2) environmental ronmental variability, and 3) accuracy of resource assessment by intruders. The variation in intruder rates and prey availabilities observed between years suggests the need to conduct studies over several years in order to assess accurately the relative importance of these variables in territory-size regulation.  相似文献   

The copulatory system of green anoles is highly sexually dimorphic. Males possess bilateral copulatory organs called hemipenes, each independently controlled by two muscles: the transversus penis (TPN) and retractor penis magnus (RPM). The TPN everts the hemipene through the cloaca and the RPM retracts it. Adult females do not possess hemipenes or either of these two muscles. The spinal nucleus projecting to the TPN and RPM contains more and larger motoneurons in males than females. Because anoles breed seasonally, two experiments were designed to test whether adult copulatory morphology varies with environmental condition, and if so, whether the effect is mediated by testicular androgens. Three groups of adult males were used in each experiment: males from breeding environmental conditions with reproductive testes (BS); males in breeding conditions with regressed testes (BS-X); and males in nonbreeding conditions with regressed testes (NBS). Experiment 1 compared gonadally intact males and Experiment 2 compared castrated males treated with either testosterone (T) or an empty implant. In both experiments, copulatory and control motoneurons appeared smaller in NBS males, but T did not affect their size. In contrast, while hemipene and RPM muscle fiber size were not plastic across season in gonadally intact males, T in castrated males significantly increased both measures under BS and BS-X, but not NBS, conditions. These results demonstrate that neuron soma size might change on a general level and environmental cues can mediate T-induced changes in peripheral structures, suggesting that plasticity across copulatory system components is regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Animals exist in dynamic environments that may affect both their own fitness and that of their offspring. Maternal effects might allow mothers to prepare their offspring for the environment in which they will be born via several mechanisms, not all of which are well understood. Resource scarcity and forced resource allocation are two scenarios that could affect maternal investment by altering the amount and type of resources available for investment in offspring, albeit in potentially different ways. We tested the hypothesis that maternal dietary restriction and sprint training have different consequences for the offspring phenotype in an oviparous lizard (Anolis carolinensis). To do this, we collected and reared eggs from adult diet-manipulated females (low-diet [LD] or high-diet [HD]) and sprint-trained females (sprint trained [ST] or untrained [UT]) and measured both egg characteristics and hatchling morphology. ST and LD mothers laid both the fewest and heaviest eggs, and ST, UT, and LD eggs also had significantly longer incubation periods than the HD group. Hatchlings from the diet experiment (LD and HD offspring) were the heaviest overall. Furthermore, both body mass of the mother at oviposition and change in maternal body mass over the course of the experiment had significant and sometimes different effects on egg and offspring phenotypes, highlighting the importance of maternal energetic state to the allocation of maternal resources.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between aggressive behavior and circulating androgens in the context of agonistic social interaction and examined the effect of this interaction on the androgen-aggression relationship in response to a subsequent social challenge in male Anolis carolinensis lizards. Individuals comprising an aggressive encounter group were exposed to an aggressive conspecific male for 10 min per day during a 5-day encounter period, while controls were exposed to a neutral stimulus for the same period. On the sixth day, their responses to an intruder test were observed. At intervals, individuals were sacrificed to monitor plasma androgen levels. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test three a priori interaction models of the relationship between social stimulus, aggressive behavior, and androgen. Model 1 posits that exposure to a social stimulus influences androgen and aggressive behavior independently. In Model 2, a social stimulus triggers aggressive behavior, which in turn increases circulating levels of androgen. In Model 3, exposure to a social stimulus influences circulating androgen levels, which in turn triggers aggressive behavior. During the 5 days of the encounter period, circulating testosterone (T) levels of the aggressive encounter group followed the same pattern as their aggressive behavioral responses, while the control group did not show significant changes in their aggressive behavior or T level. Our SEM results supported Model 2. A means analysis showed that during the intruder test, animals with 5 days of aggressive encounters showed more aggressive responses than did control animals, while their circulating androgen levels did not differ. This further supports Model 2, suggesting that an animal's own aggressive behavior may trigger increases in levels of plasma androgen.  相似文献   

1. Territoriality is commonly associated with resource defence polygyny, where males are expected to gain access to females by anticipating how resources will influence female distribution and competing for resource-rich sites to establish their zone of dominance. 2. We tested this hypothesis in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) by simultaneously assessing the influence of resources on female distribution and the influence of female distribution on male distribution and breeding success using paternity analyses. 3. Females did not fully distribute themselves among male territories in relation to resources. As a result, relative female abundance in a male's territory depended on territory size, but not on its habitat quality. In turn, relative female abundance in a male's territory determined, at least partially, his breeding success. 4. Interestingly, male territory size, and hence access to females, was partly determined by male body mass (all males) and by residual antler size (subadults only). The latter result suggests that large antlers may be important to young males for establishing their first territory, which is then usually retained for all subsequent reproductive seasons. 5. To conclude, although territoriality of male roe deer has certainly evolved as a tactic for ensuring access to mates, our results suggest that it does not really conform to a conventional resource defence polygyny strategy, as males seem to gain no obvious benefit from defending a territory in an area of high habitat quality in terms of enhanced access to mates. 6. This may explain the stability of male territories between years, suggesting that male territoriality conforms to an 'always stay' and 'low risk-low gain' mating strategy in roe deer.  相似文献   

The regeneration of plants post‐fire has widely been shown to be attractive to vertebrate herbivores. However, there are few data relevant to the effect of fire size on herbivore densities. In dry eucalypt forest in one region and hummock sedgeland in another region, we used timed scat counts to test the effect of fire and fire size on Tasmanian macropod densities 6 months after burning. We also tested whether soil characteristics and the nature of ground cover related to the degree of attractiveness of post‐burn regeneration. Soil nutrients and higher covers of grasses and herbs in ground layer vegetation were associated with higher macropod densities. In dry eucalypt forest, fire incidence and fire size did not affect macropod density, while in hummock sedgeland, fire had a positive effect on macropod density, but fire size had no effect.  相似文献   

A large number of passerine species migrate at night, although most of them are diurnal outside the migratory seasons. This diurnal-to-nocturnal transition is a major life-history event, yet little is known about its physiological control. Previous work showed that during the migratory periods captive birds showing nocturnal migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) have reduced concentrations of circulating melatonin at night compared to non-migratory periods. This suggested that the hormone melatonin, a main component of the avian circadian system, is involved in the expression of Zugunruhe. Other studies demonstrated that the relationship between low melatonin levels and Zugunruhe is not a seasonal correlation. When Zugunruhe was interrupted by exposing birds to a fasting-and-refeeding protocol, melatonin levels increased. Here we studied whether melatonin and food availability influence the intensity of Zugunruhe in wild migrating garden warblers (Sylvia borin) at a stopover site. Birds were held in recording cages overnight, with or without food available, and either bled to determine melatonin concentrations or treated transdermally with melatonin. We found that melatonin levels at night were correlated with the intensity of diurnal locomotor activity and with condition, but were not correlated with Zugunruhe. Similarly, the melatonin treatment did not have effects on Zugunruhe, whereas food availability increased it. Our study shows that the nocturnal melatonin levels in migrating warblers depend on food availability and are correlated with condition. In addition, it suggests that melatonin does not control Zugunruhe and might rather be involved in energy conservation and/or clock synchronization during migration.  相似文献   

Behavioural plasticity is a form of reversible phenotypic plasticity in which a genotype can express different behavioural phenotypes under different environmental conditions. Though an interest in among-individual differences in behavioural plasticity has flourished in recent decades, few studies have considered the effects of intrinsic factors, such as life-history or morphological traits, in tandem with extrinsic factors, such as presence of conspecifics in different social contexts, on predator-induced behavioural plasticity. Here, we present a study conducted with female green swordtail fishes, Xiphophorus hellerii, designed to assess the effects of age-at-maturation and body size on the expression of predator-induced behavioural plasticity in two social contexts: (a) female-only (two females) and (b) female-and-male (two females and a male). We further examined the extent to which individual expression of behavioural plasticity is consistent across these two social contexts. We found that in the presence of a predator, focal females were more timid in response to the stimulus and more tolerant of the non-focal female, and small females expressed this change from bold/less tolerant to timid/more tolerant to a greater degree than large females, regardless of age-at-maturation. However, individuals were not consistent in the degree or direction of plasticity expressed in the behaviours of interest between the female-only and the female-and-male context. Here, we show that within- and among-individual differences in behavioural expression are common but inconsistent. How intrinsic and extrinsic factors independently or together drive expression of plasticity in antipredator and agonistic behaviours is varied and warrants further study.  相似文献   

Past studies into the roles of testosterone in birds have focused on species that occur in temperate regions. In such species, plasma testosterone levels are high during the establishment of territories in the spring and are associated with increased aggression. In contrast to most temperate species, tropical birds frequently defend territories year-round, during which time territoriality often occurs in a nonsexual context. The few studies that have been carried out on tropical birds show lower levels of circulating testosterone than occur in their temperate counterparts. In some year-round territorial tropical species, testosterone and aggression are dissociated, while in other species testosterone still plays a role in regulating aggression. This study examined the relationship between aggression and plasma testosterone levels in a year-round territorial, subtropical population of the buff-banded rail with characteristics typical of tropical species. Peak testosterone levels were substantially lower than those found in temperate species. Males displayed a seasonal peak in plasma testosterone level when their partners were most likely to be fertile. At other times, testosterone levels were mostly undetectable, despite year-round territoriality. We found that T levels increased with courtship behavior but showed no relationship with aggression, supporting the hypothesis that dissociation between testosterone and territoriality may be widespread among tropical avian taxa.  相似文献   

Many rodents use day length to time reproduction to occur when resources are abundant, but some species also use supplementary environmental cues. One supplementary cue is the plant-derived compound, 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (6-MBOA). Most rodents grow their gonads in response to 6-MBOA in their diets, but it is presently unknown whether they also use 6-MBOA to adjust other aspects of physiology, specifically their immune systems. 6-MBOA is structurally similar to melatonin, and seasonal changes in rodent immune activities are often mediated by melatonin. We therefore predicted that white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), which breed seasonally and are reproductively sensitive to melatonin, would adjust their immune systems when fed 6-MBOA. 6-MBOA treated mice in long day lengths regressed their testes to a greater extent than mice fed a standard diet, or mice kept in short day lengths and fed 6-MBOA or a standard diet. One type of immune activity (delayed-type hypersensitivity) was not affected by 6-MBOA, however, although responses were greater in short versus long day mice. In sum, P. leucopus responded reproductively to 6-MBOA, although differently than other species; immune activity was unaffected. Other aspects of the immune system, especially in herbivorous rodents, may be affected by 6-MBOA and thus warrant further study.  相似文献   

Many rodents use day length to time reproduction to occur when resources are abundant, but some species also use supplementary environmental cues. One supplementary cue is the plant-derived compound, 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (6-MBOA). Most rodents grow their gonads in response to 6-MBOA in their diets, but it is presently unknown whether they also use 6-MBOA to adjust other aspects of physiology, specifically their immune systems. 6-MBOA is structurally similar to melatonin, and seasonal changes in rodent immune activities are often mediated by melatonin. We therefore predicted that white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), which breed seasonally and are reproductively sensitive to melatonin, would adjust their immune systems when fed 6-MBOA. 6-MBOA treated mice in long day lengths regressed their testes to a greater extent than mice fed a standard diet, or mice kept in short day lengths and fed 6-MBOA or a standard diet. One type of immune activity (delayed-type hypersensitivity) was not affected by 6-MBOA, however, although responses were greater in short versus long day mice. In sum, P. leucopus responded reproductively to 6-MBOA, although differently than other species; immune activity was unaffected. Other aspects of the immune system, especially in herbivorous rodents, may be affected by 6-MBOA and thus warrant further study.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii double mutant npq2 lor1 lacks the beta, epsilon-carotenoids lutein and loroxanthin as well as all beta,beta-epoxycarotenoids derived from zeaxanthin (e.g. violaxanthin and neoxanthin). Thus, the only carotenoids present in the thylakoid membranes of the npq2 lor1 cells are beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. The effect of these mutations on the photochemical apparatus assembly and function was investigated. In cells of the mutant strain, the content of photosystem-II (PSII) and photosystem-I (PSI) was similar to that of the wild type, but npq2 lor1 had a significantly smaller PSII light-harvesting Chl antenna size. In contrast, the Chl antenna size of PSI was not truncated in the mutant. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis qualitatively revealed the presence of all LHCII and LHCI apoproteins in the thylakoid membrane of the mutant. The results showed that some of the LHCII and most of the LHCI were assembled and functionally connected with PSII and PSI, respectively. Photon conversion efficiency measurements, based on the initial slope of the light-saturation curve of photosynthesis and on the yield of Chl a fluorescence in vivo, showed similar efficiencies. However, a significantly greater light intensity was required for the saturation of photosynthesis in the mutant than in the wild type. It is concluded that zeaxanthin can successfully replace lutein and violaxanthin in most of the functional light-harvesting antenna of the npq2 lor1 mutant.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of natural vegetation creates one of the largest threats to plant–pollinator interactions. Although fragmentation impacts on plant populations have been explored in many, mainly herbaceous, species, the response of wild mass‐flowering species is poorly known. Here, we studied 28 heathland patches dominated by the mass‐flowering shrub Rhododendron ferrugineum, each presenting different R. ferrugineum floral display sizes (total inflorescence number per patch) and patch isolation (median distance to the three nearest patches). We assessed the impacts of these two factors on (i) heathland patch visitor assemblage (considering R. ferrugineum versus surrounding community) and (ii) R. ferrugineum flower visitation rate and pollen transfer limitation (comparing seed set from emasculated to pollen‐supplemented flowers). We found that diversity and abundance of bees visiting R. ferrugineum in heathland patches significantly decreased with decreasing R. ferrugineum floral display, while overall visitor density per patch and flower visitation rate increased. Moreover, a decrease in massive floral display and increase in patch isolation resulted in reduced visitor density in the surrounding community. Even in patches with few individuals, we found disproportionate visitor abundance in R. ferrugineum compared to the surrounding community. Finally, pollen transfer limitation in R. ferrugineum was neither affected by visitation rate nor by patch attributes. By disproportionally attracting pollinators from co‐flowering species, and probably promoting geitonogamous pollen transfer, the mass‐flowering trait appears adequate to compensate, in terms of conspecific pollen transfer, for the decrease in visitor diversity and abundance and in mate availability, which usually result from population fragmentation.  相似文献   

While evidence is accumulating that stress-induced glucocorticoid responses help organisms to quickly adjust their physiology and behaviour to life-threatening environmental perturbations, the function and the ecological factors inducing variation in baseline glucocorticoid levels remain poorly understood. In this study we investigated the effects of brood size by experimentally manipulating the number of nestlings per brood and the effect of weather condition on baseline corticosterone levels of nestling Alpine swifts (Apus melba). We also examined the potential negative consequences of an elevation of baseline corticosterone on nestling immunity by correlating corticosterone levels with ectoparasite intensity and the antibody production towards a vaccine. Although nestlings reared in enlarged broods were in poorer condition than nestlings reared in reduced broods, they showed similar baseline corticosterone levels. In contrast, nestling baseline corticosterone levels were higher immediately after cold and rainy episodes with strong winds. Neither nestling infestation rate by ectoparastic flies nor nestling antibody production against a vaccine was correlated with baseline corticosterone levels. Thus, our results suggest that altricial Alpine swift nestlings can quickly modulate baseline corticosterone levels in response to unpredictable variations in meteorological perturbation but not to brood size which may be associated with the degree of sibling competition. Apparently, short-term elevations of baseline corticosterone have no negative effects on nestling immunocompetence.  相似文献   

Biparental male hamsters, Phodopus campbelli, act as midwives during the birth of their litter and are highly responsive to an experimentally displaced pup. They also have high peripheral concentrations of estradiol, a hormone with known roles in maternal behavior. Surgical castration during the gestation of their first litter was used to investigate the source of that estradiol and the functional role of testicular sex steroids in paternal responsiveness. In Experiment I, castration reduced both testosterone and estradiol concentrations, confirming that the testes were the primary source of estradiol. However, neither paternal responsiveness nor multiple measures of reproductive success were altered by the castration. Aggression directed towards an intruder, however, was reduced by castration. In Experiment II, removal of prior experience with birth or pups also failed to alter paternal responsiveness in castrated males. Although the present results do not preclude a role for local estradiol synthesis in the brain, results do not support an association between high circulating estradiol in males and their paternal behavior.  相似文献   

Monitor lizards belong to the largest and the most sexually dimorphic lizards in terms of size, making this group an ideal model for studies analyzing ontogenetic causes of sexual dimorphism. Understanding of these ontogenetic factors is essential to the current discussion concerning patterns of sexual dimorphism in animals. We examined the ontogenetic trajectories of body weight and snout-vent length to analyze the emergence of sexual size dimorphism. Experimental animals were 22 males and 13 females of mangrove-dwelling monitors (Varanus indicus) hatched at the Prague Zoo. They were regularly weighed and measured up to the age of 33-40 months, and subsequently sexed by ultrasonographic imaging. The logistic growth equation was used to describe and analyze the observed growth patterns. Our results confirm considerable sexual size dimorphism in the mangrove monitor. The mean asymptotic body weight of males was nearly three times higher than that of females. As the body size of male and female hatchlings is almost equal, and the growth rate parameter (K) of the logistic growth equation as well as the absolute growth rate up to the age of 12 months do not differ between the sexes, size differences between fully grown males and females should be attributed to timing of the postnatal growth. Males continue to grow several months after they reach the age when the growth of females is already reduced. Therefore, the sexual size dimorphism emerges and sharply increases at this period.  相似文献   

Hosts of generalist brood parasites often vary with regardsto their life-history traits, and these differences have thepotential to influence the competitive environment experiencedby brood-parasitic nestlings. Although begging by brood parasitesis more exaggerated than their hosts, it is unclear if generalistbrood parasites modulate their begging behavior relative tohost size. I examined the begging behavior of brown-headed cowbird(Molothrus ater) nestlings when competing against nest matesthat differ in size and under different levels of short-termneed. Cowbird nestlings begged on nearly all feeding visits,responded to adults as fast as (or faster than) their nest mates,and typically begged more intensively than their nest mates.Latency to beg, time spent begging, and maximum begging postureof cowbirds were similar during supplementation and deprivationtreatments, indicating begging intensity was not influencedby short-term need. Time spent begging by cowbirds varied amonghosts of 3 different sizes when short-term need was standardized,suggesting that nest mate size strongly influenced begging behavior.Cowbirds obtained more food when competing against an intermediate-sizedhost due to lower provisioning rates of small hosts or becauseof increased competitive ability of large host nestlings. Overall,cowbirds obtained the greatest volume of food per unit timespent begging when competing against intermediate hosts, butthis value approached that of the small host when adjusted formodal brood size. These results demonstrate that cowbirds adjusttheir begging relative to the size of the hosts against whichthey compete but not to levels of short-term need.  相似文献   

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