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The purpose of this study was to assess the reproducibility of fascicle length (FL) and pennation angle (PA) of gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle during running in vivo. Twelve male recreational long distance runners (mean ± SD; age: 24 ± 3 years, mass: 76 ± 7 kg) ran on a treadmill at a speed of 3.0 m/s, wearing their own running shoes, for two different 10 min sessions that were at least 2 days apart. For each test day 10 acceptable trials were recorded. Ankle and knee joint angle data were recorded by a Vicon 624 system with three cameras operating at 120 Hz. B-mode ultrasonography was used to examine fascicle length and pennation angle of gastrocnemius medialis muscle. The ultrasound probe was firmly secured on the muscle belly using a lightweight foam fixation. The results indicated that fascicle length and pennation angle demonstrated high reproducibility values during treadmill running both for within and between test days. The root mean square scores between the repeated waveforms of pennation angle and fascicle length were small (∼2° and ∼3.5 mm, respectively). However, ∼14 trials for pennation angle and ∼9 trials for fascicle length may be required in order to record accurate data from muscle architecture parameters. In conclusion, ultrasound measurements may be highly reproducible during dynamic movements such as treadmill running, provided that a proper fixation is used in order to assure the constant location and orientation of the ultrasound probe throughout the movement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the influence of inevitable ankle joint motion during an isometric contraction on the measured change of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle (GM) architecture in vivo during the loading and the unloading phase. Sitting on a dynamometer subjects performed isometric maximal voluntary contractions as well as contractions induced by electrostimulation. Synchronous joint angular motion, plantarflexion moment, foot’s centre of pressure and real-time ultrasonography of muscle architecture changes of the GM were obtained. During the contraction the ankle joint position altered and significantly affected the change in muscle architecture. At maximal tendon force (1094 ± 323 N), the measured fascicle length overestimated the change in fascicle length due to the tendon force by 1.53 cm, while the measured pennation angle overestimated the change in pennation angle due to the tendon force by 5.5°. At the same tendon force the measured fascicle length and pennation angle were significantly different between loading and unloading conditions. After correcting the values for the change in ankle joint angle no differences between the loading and the unloading phase at the same tendon force were found. Concerning the estimation of GM fascicle length–force and pennation angle–force curves during the loading and unloading phase of an isometric contraction, these findings indicate that not accounting for ankle joint motion will produce unreliable results.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of resistance training to muscle failure (RT-F) and non-failure (RT-NF) on muscle mass, strength and activation of trained individuals. We also compared the effects of these protocols on muscle architecture parameters. A within-subjects design was used in which 14 participants had one leg randomly assigned to RT-F and the other to RT-NF. Each leg was trained 2 days per week for 10 weeks. Vastus lateralis (VL) muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), pennation angle (PA), fascicle length (FL) and 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) were assessed at baseline (Pre) and after 20 sessions (Post). The electromyographic signal (EMG) was assessed after the training period. RT-F and RT-NF protocols showed significant and similar increases in CSA (RT-F: 13.5% and RT-NF: 18.1%; P < 0.0001), PA (RT-F: 13.7% and RT-NF: 14.4%; P < 0.0001) and FL (RT-F: 11.8% and RT-NF: 8.6%; P < 0.0001). All protocols showed significant and similar increases in leg press (RT-F: 22.3% and RT-NF: 26.7%; P < 0.0001) and leg extension (RT-F: 33.3%, P < 0.0001 and RT-NF: 33.7%; P < 0.0001) 1-RM loads. No significant differences in EMG amplitude were detected between protocols (P > 0.05). In conclusion, RT-F and RT-NF are similarly effective in promoting increases in muscle mass, PA, FL, strength and activation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether weak (10% of maximal voluntary contraction) tonic dorsiflexion (DF) and plantarflexion (PF) affects the two conventional parameters used for evaluating the excitability of the soleus motoneuron (MN) pool, i.e. the ratio of the threshold of H-reflex to that of M-response (Hth:Mth) and the ratio of the maximal amplitude of H-reflex to that of M-response (Hmax:Mmax) in human subjects. The results showed that the Hmax:Mmax decreased during DF and increased during PF compared with that during rest, whereas no clear alteration was observed in Hth:Mth. These results are consistent with the scheme proposed by earlier workers, who have argued that neither inhibitory nor facilitatory effects of the conditioning stimulus apply to specific spinal reflex circuits occurring around the threshold of the test H-reflex. It is suggested, therefore, that the conventional use of the Hth:Mth ratio as a parameter reflecting the excitability of the MN pool should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the predictability of in vivo, ultrasound-based changes in human tibialis anterior (TA) pennation angle from rest to maximum isometric dorsiflexion (MVC) using a planimetric model assuming constant thickness between aponeuroses and straight muscle fibres. Sagittal sonographs of TA were taken in six males at ankle angles of -15 degrees (dorsiflexion direction), 0 degrees (neutral position), + 15 (plantarflexion direction) and + 30 degrees both at rest and during dorsiflexor MVC trials performed on an isokinetic dynamometer. At all four ankle angles scans were taken from the TA proximal, central and distal regions. TA architecture did not differ (P > 0.05) neither between its two unipennate parts nor along the scanned regions over its length at a given ankle angle and state of contraction. Comparing MVC with rest at any given ankle angle, pennation angle was larger (62-71%, P < 0.01), fibre length smaller (37-40%, P < 0.01) and muscle thickness unchanged (P > 0.05). The model used estimated accurately (P > 0.05) changes in TA pennation angle occurring in the transition from rest to MVC and therefore its use is encouraged for estimating the isometric TA ankle moment and force generating capacity using musculoskeletal modelling.  相似文献   

This work aimed to characterise the whole human muscle input/output law during electrical stimulation with triangular varying frequency and amplitude trains through combined analysis of torque, mechanomyogram (MMG) and electromyogram (EMG).The tibialis anterior (TA) of ten subjects (age 23–35 years) was investigated during static contraction obtained through neuromuscular electrical stimulation. After potentiation, TA underwent two 15 s stimulation patterns: (a) frequency triangle (FT): 2 > 35 > 2 Hz at Vmax (amplitude providing full motor unit recruitment); (b) amplitude triangle (AT): Vmin > Vmax > Vmin (Vmin providing TA least mechanical response) at 35 Hz. 2 > 35 Hz or Vmin > Vmax as well as 35 > 2 Hz or Vmax > Vmin were defined as up-going ramp (UGR) and down-going ramp (DGR), respectively. TA torque, MMG and EMG were detected by a load cell, an optical laser distance sensor and a probe with two silver bar electrodes, respectively. For both FT and AT, only the two mechanical signals resulted always larger in DGR than in UGR, during AT extra-torque and extra-MMG were present even in the first 1/3 of the amplitude range where EMG data presented no significant differences between DGR and UGR.Our data suggest that extra-torque and extra-displacement are evident for both FT and AT, being mainly attributed to an intrinsic muscle property.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of fascicle length estimation in the vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus intermedius (VI) using ultrasonography. The fascicle lengths of the VL and VI muscles were measured directly (dFL) using calipers, and were estimated (estmFL) using ultrasonography, in 10 legs from five Thiel’s embalmed cadavers. To determine the validity of the estmFLs, FL was estimated using five previously published models and compared with dFL. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of two of the five models were > 0.75, indicating that these estimates were valid. Both of these models combined measurement of the length of the visible part of the fascicle with linear extrapolation of the length of the part of the fascicle that was not visible on the sonographic image. The ICCs and absolute% difference were best in models that used appropriate pennation angles. These results suggest that two of the five previously published models are valid for obtaining estmFL of the VL and VI using ultrasonography.  相似文献   

1. Sodium exchange was measured with 24Na in incubated guinea-pig cerebral-cortex slices maintained under adequate metabolic conditions with a steady content of fluid and ions resembling that of brain in vivo. 2. Evidence was obtained indicating that Na+ ions behaved in the inulin space as if they were extracellular, and that their entry into the non-inulin space of unstimulated tissue was about 10 times slower and could be separated, on the basis of complete exchangeability, into two components, a `fast' one, which reacted to electrical stimulation, and a `slow' one, exchanging at a rate of about 8μequiv./g./hr., which was not affected by stimulation. 3. The average rate of sodium turnover in unstimulated slices was 175–275μequiv./g./hr., whereas that for stimulated slices was approx. 4–6 times this, or 1050–1180μequiv./g./hr. The stimulated rate was equivalent to a turnover of 32% of the sodium in the non-inulin space/min., or 3mμequiv./g./impulse. 4. Response to the onset of stimulation appeared to be immediate, but after cessation of stimulation increased sodium movements persisted for several minutes before return to unstimulated values. 5. Calculations based on electrochemical gradients suggested that about one-quarter of the energy available from respiration was required for sodium and potassium transport at maximal rates in both unstimulated and stimulated cerebral-cortex slices.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ response of rabbit oocytes to electrical stimulation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Electrical stimulation is known to cause activation in mammalian oocytes, possibly by eliciting an elevation in intracellular calcium (Ca2+). This study reports intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in mature rabbit oocytes using the Ca2+ indicator fura-2. Calcium levels were determined prior to, during, and after the administration of an electrical pulse (3.6 kV/cm for 60 microseconds). Baseline Ca2+ levels ranged from 30 to 90 nM. The intracellular Ca2+ transient evoked by a pulse, peaked at 11 sec, was highly variable in amplitude (40-300 nM) and returned to prepulse levels within 300 sec. Electrically stimulated oocytes did not exhibit repetitive Ca2+ transients. The size of the cytoplasmic Ca2+ rise was influenced by the duration of the pulse, the field strength and the concentrations of external Ca2+ rise was influenced by the duration of the pulse, the field strength and the concentrations of external Ca2+ (P less than 0.05). Oocytes electrically stimulated in the presence of 100 microM CaCl2, which evoked Ca2+ transients with a mean magnitude of 120 nM, activated at a higher rate (P less than 0.05) than oocytes stimulated in the presence of either higher or lower levels of external Ca2+. Although oocytes electrically shocked at 16-18 hr after administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hphCG) activated at a lower rate than oocytes stimulated at 22-24 hphCG (P less than 0.05), their intracellular Ca2+ response to the pulse was similar (P less than 0.05). These results indicate that electrical pulse parameters and extracellular Ca2+ concentrations can be used to modulate intracellular Ca2+ levels and optimize oocyte activation rates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Contraction of the genioglossus (GG) has been shown to improve upper airway patency. In the present study, we evaluated responses in upper airway pressure-flow relationships during sleep to electrical stimulation (ES) of the GG in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Five patients with chronically implanted hypoglossal nerve (HG) electrodes and nine patients with fine-wire electrodes inserted into the GG were studied. Airflow was measured at multiple levels of nasal pressure, and upper airway collapsibility was defined by the nasal pressure below which airflow ceased ["critical" pressure (Pcrit)]. ES shifted the pressure-flow relationships toward higher flow levels in all patients over the entire range of nasal pressure applied. Pcrit decreased similarly during both HG-ES and GG-ES (deltaPcrit was 3.98 +/- 2.31 and 3.18 +/- 1.70 cmH2O, respectively) without a significant change in upstream resistance. The site of collapse (velo- vs. oropharynx) did not influence the response to GG-ES. Moreover, ES-induced reductions in the apnea-hypopnea index of the HG-ES patients were associated with substantial decreases in Pcrit. Our findings imply that responses in apnea severity to HG-ES can be predicted by characterizing the patient's baseline pressure-flow relationships and response to GG-ES.  相似文献   

Intact single twitch fibers from frog muscle were stretched to long sarcomere length, micro-injected with the pH indicator dye phenol red, and activated by action potential stimulation. Indicator-related absorbance changes (denoted by delta A0 and delta A90) were measured with 0 degree and 90 degrees polarized light (oriented, respectively, parallel and perpendicular to the fiber axis). Two components of delta A were detected that had generally similar time courses. The "isotropic" component, calculated as the weighted average (delta A0 + 2 delta A90)/3, had the wavelength dependence expected for a change in myoplasmic pH. If calibrated in pH units, this signal's peak amplitude, which occurred 15-20 ms after stimulation, corresponded to a myoplasmic alkalization of average value 0.0025 +/- 0.0002 (+/- SEM; n = 9). The time course of this change, as judged from a comparison with that of the fibers' intrinsic birefringence signal, was delayed slightly with respect to that of the myoplasmic free [Ca2+] transient. On average, the times to half-peak and peak of the phenol red isotropic signal lagged those of the birefringence signal by 2.4 +/- 0.2 ms (+/- SEM; n = 8) and 8.4 +/- 0.5 ms (+/- SEM; n = 4), respectively. The other component of the phenol red signal was "dichroic," i.e., detected as a difference (delta A0-delta A90 greater than 0) between the two polarized absorbance changes. The wavelength dependence of this signal was similar to that of the phenol red resting dichroic signal (Baylor and Hollingworth. 1990. J. Gen. Physiol. 96:449-471). Because of the presence of the active dichroic signal, and because approximately 80% of the phenol red molecules appear to be bound in the resting state to either soluble or structural sites, the possibility exists that myoplasmic events other than a change in pH underlie the phenol red isotropic signal.  相似文献   

A systems‐level model analysis of neuromuscular response to external electrical stimulation is presented. Action potential (AP) generation, dynamics of voltage‐based calcium release at the motor endplates controlled by the arrival of APs, and muscle force production are all comprehensively included. Numerical predictions exhibit trends that are qualitatively similar to measurements of muscle response in rats from a burst of cortical stimulation and a nanosecond impulse. Modulation of neural membrane conductances (including possible electroporation) that alters the neural impulse generation frequency is hypothesized as a possible mechanism leading to observed changes in muscle force production. Other possibilities such as calcium release at nerve end endings also exist. It is also proposed that multipulsing strategies and changing the electric field direction by using multielectrode systems would be useful. Bioelectromagnetics 31:361–370, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Post-stroke sequelae includes loss functions, such as cognitive and sensory-motor which lead to emotional and social problems, reducing quality of life and well-being. The main aim of our study was to investigate the effects of transcranial laser photobiomodulation together with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in post-stroke patients. We performed a clinical trial and an ex vivo study. For the clinical trial, hemiplegic patients were separated into two groups: Treated Group (TG): Hemiplegics treated with transcranial laser (on) associated with NMES (on) and; Placebo Group (PG): Hemiplegics treated with placebo transcranial laser (off) associated with NMES (on). The cluster prototype includes 12 diode laser beams (4 × 660 nm, 4 × 808 nm and 4 × 980 nm) with average power of 720 mW per cluster applied during one minute, leading to 43.2 J energy per cluster. Fifteen regions for all head were irradiated by cluster, leading to 648 J energy per session. The parameters of NMES of the paretic limbs to generate extension wrist and ankle dorsiflexion were symmetrical biphasic rectangular waveforms, 50 Hz frequency, 250 μs pulse duration, and adjustable intensity to maintain the maximum range of motion (amplitude between 0 and 150 mA). Our clinical trial showed improvement of cognitive function, pain relief, greater manual dexterity, enhancement of physical and social–emotional health which lead to better quality of life and well-being. There was also increased temperature in the treated regions with laser and NMES. For the ex vivo study, the distribution of infrared and red radiation after penetration through the cranium and hemihead of cadavers were showed. Therefore, transcranial laser photobiomodulation associated with NMES can be an important therapeutic resource for rehabilitation after stroke.  相似文献   

Paired pacing has been shown to potentiate contractile function of cardiac muscle, and it has been suggested that this may enhance contractile function of diaphragmatic muscle. The primary goal of this study was to study the effect of paired pacing on potentiation of contractile function of diaphragmatic muscle compared to atrial and ventricular myocardium. Diaphragmatic muscle was isolated from mouse and rat, and atrial and ventricular myocardium from dogs. Potentiation was induced by isolated extrastimuli (equal in duration and intensity to the pacing stimulus) and by repetitive extrastimuli (i.e. paired pacing) at a paced rate of 12, 30 and 60 beats/min. Baseline studies were performed while preparations were isometrically contracting at L(max) in oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit solution at 28 degrees C. Maximal force generation in response to a premature stimulus was determined at each rate by scanning the coupling interval between paced beats. Under baseline conditions, diaphragmatic muscle contracted faster than atrial and ventricular muscle. In all tissues, maximum potentiation (increase in force above baseline) was approximately 100% of baseline force, and peak potentiation occurred at shorter coupling intervals with increasing rates of stimulation. Single and paired pacing of diaphragm potentiated the contraction during which the extrastimuli were introduced, while in cardiac muscle, extrastimuli potentiated the contraction following the extrastimulus. The maximum potentiated response occurred when the extrastimulus was introduced prior to the development of peak force in diaphragmatic muscle. In contrast, in atrial and ventricular muscle, a single or paired premature stimulus potentiated the subsequent beat when delivered late during relaxation. In cardiac muscle, maximal potentiation gradually occurred following several repetitive stimuli. Following cessation of single and paired pacing, the beat following the potentiated response immediately returned to baseline in diaphragmatic muscle, while a gradual decline was evident over several subsequent beats in cardiac muscle. Increasing the bath temperature from 28 to 37 degrees C resulted in a leftward shift in the peak potentiated force vs. coupling interval curve without a decline in the magnitude of potentiated force in diaphragmatic muscle. In diaphragm muscle, exposure to ryanodine markedly decreased baseline force and maximal potentiation. We conclude that closely timed extrastimuli applied to diaphragmatic muscle can potentiate developed force in a given contraction, while in cardiac tissue a delayed stimulus potentiates the subsequent beat. These differences in contractile responsiveness are not due to differences in loading conditions, but appear to reflect intrinsic differences in calcium handling.  相似文献   


Purpose/aim of the study: An increase of hip abductor muscle strength contributes to the increase in gait speed. It is known that the rate of force development (RFD), an indicator of muscle strength, is increased by the combined use of low-intensity neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) to the glutaeus medius (GM) and low-load resistance training (RT). However, it is unclear whether low-intensity neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the glutaeus medius during walking also increases the rate of force development. The aim of this study was to clarify whether NMES to the GM during gait modulates the RFD of the hip abductor muscles in healthy adults.

Materials and methods: Twenty-two healthy adults randomly received both gait with sub-motor threshold NMES and gait with sham NMES conditions. The RFD was assessed at pre- and post-intervention. A two-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyse the effects of time and intervention.

Results: Gait with sub-motor threshold NMES condition significantly increased the RFD in shorter time interval (0–50 and 0–100?ms) compared to gait with sham NMES condition.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that the adding low-intensity NMES of the GM to gait is effective in increasing the RFD of the hip abductor muscles.  相似文献   

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