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In February 2018, the Melanoma Research Foundation and the Moffitt Cancer Center hosted the Second Summit on Melanoma Central Nervous System (CNS) Metastases in Tampa, Florida. In this white paper, we outline the current status of basic science, translational, and clinical research into melanoma brain metastasis development and therapeutic management. We further outline the important challenges that remain for the field and the critical barriers that need to be overcome for continued progress to be made in this clinically difficult area.  相似文献   

Melanoma central nervous system metastases are increasing, and the challenges presented by this patient population remain complex. In December 2015, the Melanoma Research Foundation and the Wistar Institute hosted the First Summit on Melanoma Central Nervous System (CNS) Metastases in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Here, we provide a review of the current status of the field of melanoma brain metastasis research; identify key challenges and opportunities for improving the outcomes in patients with melanoma brain metastases; and set a framework to optimize future research in this critical area.  相似文献   

Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, possessing a diverse landscape of subtypes with distinct molecular signatures and levels of aggressiveness. Although immense progress has been achieved therapeutically for patients with the most common forms of this disease, little is known of how to effectively treat patients with rarer subtypes of melanoma. These subtypes include acral lentiginous (the rarest form of cutaneous melanoma; AL), uveal, and mucosal melanomas, which display variations in distribution across (a) the world, (b) patient age‐groups, and (c) anatomic sites. Unfortunately, patients with these relatively rare subtypes of melanoma typically respond worse to therapies approved for the more common, non‐AL cutaneous melanoma and do not have effective alternatives, and thus consequently have worse overall survival rates. Achieving durable therapeutic responses in these high‐risk melanoma subtypes represents one of the greatest challenges of the field. This review aims to collate and highlight effective preclinical and/or clinical strategies against these rare forms of melanoma.  相似文献   

Melanoma, a lethal malignancy that arises from melanocytes, exhibits a multiplicity of clinico-pathologically distinct subtypes in sun-exposed and non-sun-exposed areas. Melanocytes are derived from multipotent neural crest cells and are present in diverse anatomical locations, including skin, eyes, and various mucosal membranes. Tissue-resident melanocyte stem cells and melanocyte precursors contribute to melanocyte renewal. Elegant studies using mouse genetic models have shown that melanoma can arise from either melanocyte stem cells or differentiated pigment-producing melanocytes depending on a combination of tissue and anatomical site of origin and activation of oncogenic mutations (or overexpression) and/or the repression in expression or inactivating mutations in tumor suppressors. This variation raises the possibility that different subtypes of human melanomas (even subsets within each subtype) may also be a manifestation of malignancies of distinct cells of origin. Melanoma is known to exhibit phenotypic plasticity and trans-differentiation (defined as a tendency to differentiate into cell lineages other than the original lineage from which the tumor arose) along vascular and neural lineages. Additionally, stem cell-like properties such as pseudo-epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT-like) transition and expression of stem cell-related genes have also been associated with the development of melanoma drug resistance. Recent studies that employed reprogramming melanoma cells to induced pluripotent stem cells have uncovered potential relationships between melanoma plasticity, trans-differentiation, and drug resistance and implications for cell or origin of human cutaneous melanoma. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the current state of knowledge on melanoma cell of origin and the relationship between tumor cell plasticity and drug resistance.  相似文献   

In February 2018, the Melanoma Research Foundation and the Moffitt Cancer Center hosted the Second Summit on Melanoma Central Nervous System Metastases in Tampa, Florida. The meeting included investigators from multiple academic centers and disciplines. A consensus summary of the progress and challenges in melanoma parenchymal brain metastases was published (Eroglu et al., Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 2019, 32, 458). Here, we will describe the current state of basic, translational, clinical research, and therapeutic management, for melanoma patients with leptomeningeal disease. We also outline key challenges and barriers to be overcome to make progress in this deadly disease.  相似文献   

杨洁 《激光生物学报》2003,12(3):221-223
黑色素瘤的遗传学特性颇具代表性,常作为肿瘤研究的首选。本文对黑色素瘤发病的分子机理研究与基因治疗新进展作综述。  相似文献   

黑色素瘤是常见的皮肤肿瘤,它放化疗的效果差,达卡巴嗪仍是目前晚期黑色素瘤化疗药物治疗中公认的金标准,但有效率仅8%~12%左右。现抗细胞毒T淋巴细胞相关抗原4(cytotoxic Tlymphocyte-associated antigen-4,CTLA-4)单抗和针对基因突变的分子靶向药物的出现,增加了治疗的手段并取得了好的疗效。这些药物在延长晚期黑色素瘤患者的生存期方面取得了令人瞩目的突破,有可能对晚期黑色素瘤患者的治疗进行彻底的革命,这为治疗晚期恶性黑色素瘤患者带来希望,在目前常用的药物中,虽然威罗菲尼和易普利姆玛被用来治疗转移性黑色素瘤,但他们都有局限性。威罗菲尼有效应答时间短,而易普利姆玛应答率低。本文就恶性黑色素瘤分子靶向治疗的研究进展进行综述,未来几年靶向药物的联合治疗及新的有效靶点的发现可能会成为黑色素瘤治疗的突破点。  相似文献   

Upon the 20th Anniversary of the Society for Melanoma Research, we highlight the perspectives of patients aiming to help improve future experiences, outcomes, and their quality of life over the next 20 years. Five melanoma patients generously shared their inspiring and enlightening stories of diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. Many patients had excellent medical teams that synergistically worked together to provide an accurate diagnosis, effective treatment options, and supportive care. However, it is clear that health inequities persist in communities where people of color are predominant, affecting early detection, patient experience, and outcomes. These stories shed light on the unique challenges faced by patients and how the lack of melanoma awareness and adequate resources, especially in communities of color or low socioeconomic status, can contribute to disparate outcomes in melanoma care. We expect that these stories will raise awareness about the progress in melanoma treatment but also the existent disparities in melanoma diagnosis and treatment and the importance of early detection and prevention.  相似文献   

To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Society of Melanoma Research and the first International Melanoma Research Congress held in June of 2003, we have described in brief, how the Society for Melanoma Research (SMR) began, the purpose, goals, and governance of the SMR, and how the society has evolved to support new melanoma researchers. In celebration of the immense progress in treating melanoma patients over the last 20 years and the impact of the SMR on these advances, we have highlighted memories and insight from early SMR members and founders.  相似文献   

Melanoma is known as an aggressive tumor which shows an increasing incidence and poor prognosis in the metastatic phase. Hence, it seems that diagnosis and effective management (including early diagnosis, choosing of the effective therapeutic platform, caring, and training of patients for early detection) are major aspects of melanoma therapy. Early detection of melanoma is a key point for melanoma therapy. There are various diagnosis options such as assessing of biopsy, imaging techniques, and biomarkers (i.e., several proteins, polymorphism, and liquid biopsy). Among the various biomarkers, assessing circulating tumor cells, cell-free DNAs, cell-free RNAs, and microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as powerful diagnosis tools for melanoma patients. Deregulations of these molecules are associated with melanoma pathogenesis. After detection of melanoma, choosing of effective therapeutic regimen is a key step for recovery of melanoma patients. Several studies indicated that various therapeutic approaches including surgery, immunotherapy, systematic therapy, radiation therapy and antibodies therapy could be used as potential therapeutic candidates for melanoma therapy. Caring for melanoma patients is one of the important components of melanoma therapy. Caring and training for melanoma patients could contribute to better monitoring of patients in response to various therapeutic options. Here, we summarized various diagnosis approaches such as assessing biopsy, imaging techniques, and utilization of various biomarkers (i.e., proteins, CTCs, cfDNAs, and miRNAs) as a diagnostic biomarker for detection and monitoring patients with melanoma. Moreover, we highlighted various therapeutic options and caring aspects in patients with melanoma.  相似文献   

Glenn Merlino  Meenhard Herlyn  David E. Fisher  Boris C. Bastian  Keith T. Flaherty  Michael A. Davies  Jennifer A. Wargo  Clara Curiel‐Lewandrowski  Michael J. Weber  Sancy A. Leachman  Maria S. Soengas  Martin McMahon  J. William Harbour  Susan M. Swetter  Andrew E. Aplin  Michael B. Atkins  Marcus W. Bosenberg  Reinhard Dummer  Jeffrey E. Gershenwald  Allan C. Halpern  Dorothee Herlyn  Giorgos C. Karakousis  John M. Kirkwood  Michael Krauthammer  Roger S. Lo  Georgina V. Long  Grant McArthur  Antoni Ribas  Lynn Schuchter  Jeffrey A. Sosman  Keiran S. Smalley  Patricia Steeg  Nancy E. Thomas  Hensin Tsao  Thomas Tueting  Ashani Weeraratna  George Xu  Randy Lomax  Alison Martin  Steve Silverstein  Tim Turnham  Ze'ev A. Ronai 《Pigment cell & melanoma research》2016,29(4):404-416
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) has charted a comprehensive assessment of the current state of melanoma research and care. Intensive discussions among members of the MRF Scientific Advisory Council and Breakthrough Consortium, a group that included clinicians and scientists, focused on four thematic areas – diagnosis/early detection, prevention, tumor cell dormancy (including metastasis), and therapy (response and resistance). These discussions extended over the course of 2015 and culminated at the Society of Melanoma Research 2015 International Congress in November. Each of the four groups has outlined their thoughts as per the current status, challenges, and opportunities in the four respective areas. The current state and immediate and long‐term needs of the melanoma field, from basic research to clinical management, are presented in the following report.  相似文献   

Melanoma chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (MCSP) is an early cell surface melanoma progression marker implicated in stimulating tumor cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) plays a pivotal role in integrating growth factor and adhesion-related signaling pathways, facilitating cell spreading and migration. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1 and 2, implicated in tumor growth and survival, has also been linked to clinical melanoma progression. We have cloned the MCSP core protein and expressed it in the MCSP-negative melanoma cell line WM1552C. Expression of MCSP enhances integrin-mediated cell spreading, FAK phosphorylation, and activation of ERK1/2. MCSP transfectants exhibit extensive MCSP-rich microspikes on adherent cells, where it also colocalizes with alpha4 integrin. Enhanced activation of FAK and ERK1/2 by MCSP appears to involve independent mechanisms because inhibition of FAK activation had no effect on ERK1/2 phosphorylation. These results indicate that MCSP may facilitate primary melanoma progression by enhancing the activation of key signaling pathways important for tumor invasion and growth.  相似文献   

The 2010 7th International Melanoma Congress sponsored by the Society for Melanoma Research and held in Sydney, Australia, was held together with the International Melanoma and Skin Cancer Centers group and the International Melanoma Pathology Study Group. As a consequence, there were over 900 registrants that included a wide range of clinicians (surgeons, medical oncologists, dermatologists) specialising in the management of melanoma as well as scientists and students carrying out laboratory-based research in melanoma. There was a general consensus that this grouping of clinicians, pathologists and scientists was mutually advantageous and plans are afoot to continue this grouping in future meetings. The meeting was dominated by the advances being made in treatment of melanoma with selective BRAF inhibitors but interest in epithelial mesenchymal transition and phenotypic changes in melanoma was apparent in many of the talks. The authors have attempted to capture many of the new developments in melanoma research but apologize to those speakers and poster presenters who had equally important findings not captured in these summaries.  相似文献   

Mucosal melanoma (MM) is a very rare and aggressive type of cancer for which immunotherapy or targeted therapy such as BRAF/MEK inhibitors, used in cutaneous melanoma, usually fail. Due to our earlier experience showing the high effectiveness of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) inhibitors in reducing the activation of the MAPK and PI3K/AKT signalling pathways, we aim to test whether these drugs would also be effective for mucosal melanoma. Cells representing two commercially available mucosal melanoma cell lines (GAK and HMVII) and one cell line obtained from a patient's vaginal melanoma were treated with MET or EGFR inhibitors, or combinations of these agents. The dual-inhibitor treatment strategy resulted in a decrease of cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Moreover, combinations of inhibitors led to reduction of pEGFR/EGFR and pMET/MET ratio and downregulation of PI3K/AKT and MEK/ERK1/2-based signalling pathways. Our findings indicate a potential therapeutic strategy based on EGFR and MET inhibitors in mucosal melanoma, which should be further evaluated in vivo and in clinical experiments. They also suggest that targeting multiple receptor tyrosine kinases may block signalling crosstalk and possibly delay the appearance of resistance to kinase inhibitors in mucosal melanoma cells.  相似文献   

GATA2 deficiency is a recently described genetic disorder affecting hematopoietic stem cells and is associated with immunodeficiency, hematologic malignancy, and various cutaneous pathologies including cutaneous tumors. To explore the incidence and clinical course of melanoma in patients with germline GATA2 deficiencies, we conducted a retrospective chart review of 71 such patients and identified two with invasive melanoma. One melanoma was diagnosed early because it was associated with pruritus due to a graft‐versus‐tumor effect following bone marrow transplantation. The other one, a lentigo maligna melanoma, was locally excised but progressed to widespread metastasis and death several years later. Our observations and published studies of melanoma biology suggest an association between decreased GATA2 expression and melanoma progression. These findings suggest that GATA2 deficient patients may have an increased risk of melanoma and should be observed closely for new or changing skin lesions.  相似文献   

黑色素瘤是一种高侵袭性的恶性皮肤肿瘤,转移率高、预后差。研究黑素瘤细胞生物学特性对黑素瘤的治疗和控制具有重要的意义。本研究以C57BL/6J小鼠的正常黑色素细胞及B16黑色素瘤细胞为研究对象,采用二代测序技术分析两种细胞间的转录组表达差异,筛选差异基因,为后续黑色素瘤的形成机制研究提供理论依据。采用差异倍数及错误率分析测序数据,鉴定出1 436个新的mRNA和4 086个差异表达的已知mRNA。GO数据库和KEGG数据库分析显示,差异表达的mRNAs参与了149个调控途径, 主要集中在疾病调控、细胞周期调节和环境信息调控方面。qRT-PCR及Western印迹检测发现,调节细胞增殖、迁移的Pdgf-B、Integrin-β1和Integrin-β5以及调节黑色素颗粒增加的Mitf、Tyr、Tyrp1和Tyrp2在B16细胞中的表达量显著高于在正常黑色素细胞中的表达。本研究获得的差异基因为后续黑色素瘤的研究提供了新的候选基因。  相似文献   

Malignant tumors represent a major source of disability and account for more than one of five deaths in Western countries. Among the different cancers, melanoma harbors two distinctive features. First, its has long been recognized as an immunogenic tumor, and second, an unprecedented rise in incidence is currently observed, in face of few therapeutic options. Thus, melanoma represent an ideal target for a cancer immunotherapy program. To date, a number of immunodominant epitopes from tumor associated antigens (TAA) are used as cancer vaccines in clinical trials, in spite of an acknowledged rapid degradation in vivo and low immunogenicity. However, most of the immunotherapy trials reported so far do not achieve consistent clinical results. Hence, there is an urgent need for the development of a carrier system and strong adjuvants suitable for a TAA-based cancer immunotherapy. Liposomes and their further development as virosomes with added adjuvancy may address both these issues. We report here our experience in the tailoring of dedicated advanced liposomal vectors that were developed in the context of an upcoming immunotherapy clinical trial for melanoma.  相似文献   

Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Although treatment with targeted therapies and immune checkpoint inhibitors has dramatically improved survival in advanced melanoma, many patients do not benefit from these therapies or relapse after an initial period of response. Thus, future outcomes in these categories of melanoma patients will depend on the identification of novel therapeutic targets and methods to enhance existing targeted therapy and immunotherapy regimens. Ferroptosis is a newly identified form of iron-dependent regulated cell death that is morphologically, biochemically, and genetically distinct from apoptosis, autophagy, pyroptosis, and necroptosis. Dysregulation of ferroptosis has been linked to the development of several forms of cancer. This review examines ferroptosis in the context of melanoma. It presents an overview of ferroptosis biology, summarizes and interprets the current literature, and poses several outstanding questions and areas of future direction.  相似文献   

The inaugural Diversity and Inclusion in Science Session was held during the 2021 Society for Melanoma Research (SMR) congress. The goal of the session was to discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion in the melanoma research community and strategies to promote the advancement of underrepresented melanoma researchers. An international survey was conducted to assess the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) climate among researchers and clinicians within the Society for Melanoma Research (SMR). The findings suggest there are feelings and experiences of inequity, bias, and harassment within the melanoma community that correlate with one's gender, ethnic/racial group, and/or geographic location. Notably, significant reports of inequity in opportunity, discrimination, and sexual harassment demonstrate there is much work remaining to ensure all scientists in our community experience an academic workplace culture built on mutual respect, fair access, inclusion, and equitable opportunity.  相似文献   

Melanoma is an aggressive form of skin cancer characterized by rapid invasion and metastasis. CD147 is known to be functioning in cell invasion. In this study, we showed that CD147 was translocated from the cell membrane to the mitochondria in advanced melanoma. Melanoma patients with CD147 localized to the mitochondria confer a worse prognosis. The mitochondrial CD147 levels are correlated with the invasion potential of various melanoma cell lines as well as mitochondrial energy metabolism. Depletion of CD147 decreased the activity of mitochondrial complex V. STRING analysis for protein-protein interaction networks (PPIN) in CD147-depleted melanoma cells showed that mitochondrial proteins HSP60 and ATP5B, a subunit of mitochondrial complex V, were node proteins. HSP60 upregulation was correlated with a worse prognosis of melanoma patients. Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) assay indicates that CD147 interacts with HSP60. These data suggested that mitochondrial CD147 may prompt HSP60 to activate ATP5B, thereby promoting the mitochondrial aerobic oxidation and the invasive abilities of melanoma cells. Correlation analysis of the data acquired from patients was helpful to draw a 5-year survival curve for patients who screened positive and negative for mitochondrial CD147. This study unravels the function of CD147 in tumor invasion and highlights it as a potential tumor therapeutic target.  相似文献   

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