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西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis作为一种重要的入侵害虫,在全球范围的入侵过程中,为获取更多资源以建立自己的种群,势必会和处于同一营养级的昆虫发生种间竞争。本文对近年来有关西花蓟马与其它种蓟马、粉虱及叶螨等昆虫种间竞争的研究进行了综述,分析了温度、CO 2、寄主植物、农药和天敌等主要因素在竞争取代中的作用,并对今后的研究方向以及种间竞争的研究方法进行了讨论,以期为揭示西花蓟马在我国的种群动态和变化规律奠定基础。  相似文献   

Invasions of exotic tree species can cause profound changes in community composition and structure, and may even cause legacy effect on nutrient cycling via litter production. In this study, we compared leaf litter decomposition of two invasive exotic trees (Ligustrum lucidum and Morus sp.) and two dominant native trees (Cinnamomum porphyria and Cupania vernalis) in native and invaded (Ligustrum-dominated) forest stands in NW Argentina. We measured leaf attributes and environmental characteristics in invaded and native stands to isolate the effects of litter quality and habitat characteristics. Species differed in their decomposition rates and, as predicted by the different species colonization status (pioneer vs. late successional), exotic species decayed more rapidly than native ones. Invasion by L. lucidum modified environmental attributes by reducing soil humidity. Decomposition constants (k) tended to be slightly lower (−5%) for all species in invaded stands. High SLA, low tensile strength, and low C:N of Morus sp. distinguish this species from the native ones and explain its higher decomposition rate. Contrary to our expectations, L. lucidum leaf attributes were similar to those of native species. Decomposition rates also differed between the two exotic species (35% higher in Morus sp.), presumably due to leaf attributes and colonization status. Given the high decomposition rate of L. lucidum litter (more than 6 times that of natives) we expect an acceleration of nutrient circulation at ecosystem level in Ligustrum-dominated stands. This may occur in spite of the modified environmental conditions that are associated with L. lucidum invasion.  相似文献   

The ‘evolution of increased competitive ability’ (EICA) hypothesis is an extension of optimal defense theory and predicts that reduced pressure from insect herbivores in the introduced range results in evolution of reduced defenses in invading plant populations, allowing greater allocation of resources to competitive traits such as growth rate and reproduction. The EICA hypothesis considered levels of defensive chemistry to be fixed within a particular genotype. In this paper, we propose that if herbivory is reduced in the introduced range, but chemical defenses are inducible in response to herbivory, evolution of reduced defenses and any associated increase competitive ability should not occur. Rather, mean induced and constitutive levels of induced defenses should be similar in introduced and native ranges, but the variance about mean induced levels should be greater in the introduced range. This is predicted because induced levels will occur less frequently in the introduced range where herbivory is reduced, thereby insulating these levels from the stabilizing selection expected in the native range where induced levels occur more frequently. We conducted a preliminary study to examine this by comparing constitutive and induced concentrations of total pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) from native (European) and introduced (western North America) populations of Cynoglossum officinale L. The mean constitutive and induced concentrations of PAs did not differ between continents, but the variability of the induced concentrations was significantly greater for plants from the introduced range. Although our study with C. officinale is provisional due to a small sample size, it supports our predictions for evolution of inducible defenses in introduced ranges where herbivore pressure is reduced. Most chemical defenses in plants have been found to be inducible, so similar patterns may occur widely. If so, this weakens the generality of EICA’s predictions concerning chemical defenses. The effects of inducible defenses should be considered in cross-continent comparisons of other invasive plant species.  相似文献   

Understory shrubs contribute to overall species diversity, providing habitat and forage for animals, influence soil chemistry and forest microclimate. However, very little is known about the chemical defense of various shrub species against folivorous insects. Using six shrub species, we tested how seasonal changes and light conditions affect their constitutive defense to insect damage. We monitored leaf perforation, concentrations of total phenols, condensed tannins, nitrogen (N), and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC). Leaf damage caused by insects was low in Sambucus nigra, Cornus sanguinea, and Frangula alnus, intermediate in Corylus avellana and Prunus serotina, and high in Prunus padus. Leaves of all the species, when growing in high light conditions, had high concentrations of defense metabolites. Except for C. avellana, leaves of the other shrub species growing in full sun were less injured than those in shade. This may be due to higher concentrations of defense metabolites and lower concentrations of nitrogen. Similar patterns of the effects of light on metabolites studied and N were observed for leaves with varying location within the crown of individual shrubs (from the top of the south direction to the bottom of the north), as for leaves from shrubs growing in full sun and shrubs in the shade of canopy trees. A probable cause of the greater damage of more sunlit leaves of C. avellana was the fact that they were herbivorized mostly by Altica brevicollis, a specialist insect that prefers plant tissues with a high TNC level and is not very sensitive to a high level of phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

鹤山重建植被的几种优势种叶解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对南亚热带鹤山恢复植被5种优势种湿地松(Pinus elliottii),马占相思(Acacia mangium),大叶相思(Acacia auriculaeformis),九节(Psychotria rubra)和南洋楹(Albizia falcata)进行了叶解剖学研究。结果显示,变化表现在表皮角质膜的厚度、细胞壁的厚度和形状,叶肉组织中海绵组织和栅栏组织的分化,内皮层维管束的构造等。为以后进一步探讨植被恢复过程中叶解剖结构的变化提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

 Leaf features were examined in three Quercus species (Q. coccifera, Q. ilex and Q. faginea) along a steep rainfall gradient in NE Spain. The analyzed leaf traits were area, thickness, density, specific mass, leaf concentration of nitrogen, phosphorous, lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, both on a dry weight basis (Nw, Pw, Lw, Cw, Hw) and on an area basis (Na, Pa, La, Ca, Ha). These traits were regressed against annual precipitation and correlated with each other, revealing different response patterns in the three species. Q. faginea, a deciduous tree, did not show any significant correlation with rainfall. In Q. coccifera, an evergreen shrub, Nw, Na, Lw, La and Ca increased with higher annual rainfall, while Hw decreased. In Q. ilex, an evergreen tree, leaf area, Pw and Lw increased with precipitation, whereas specific leaf mass, thickness and Ha showed the reverse response. Correlations between the leaf features revealed that specific mass variation in Q. faginea and Q. coccifera could be explained by changes in leaf density, while in Q. ilex specific leaf mass was correlated with thickness. Specific leaf mass in the three species appeared positively correlated with all the chemical components on a leaf area basis except with lignin in Q. ilex and with P in Q. ilex and Q. faginea. In these two tree species Pw showed a negative correlation with specific leaf mass. It is suggested that each species has a different mechanism to cope with water shortage which is to a great extent related to its structure as a whole, and to its habit. Received: 18 December 1995 / Accepted: 8 March 1996  相似文献   

Questions: 1. To what extent does light availability differ among fen plant communities? 2. To what extent does light coincide with productivity and moisture gradients? 3. Does light act as an important environmental filter in natural and transformed riparian landscapes? Location: Current data from the Biebrza Valley, NE Poland; literature data from the T?eboň area, Czech Republic and four sites in the western and southern Netherlands. Methods: Relative light intensity (RLI) was measured in vertical profiles, next to vegetation relevés accompanied by measurements of above‐ground biomass, summer groundwater level, N and P content in vegetation, pH and soil redox potential. Data derived from literature included profiles of RLI, biomass and vegetation records. Relationships between RLI and biomass and between species distribution, RLI and other variables were examined by regression analysis and CCA. Four traits were analysed: ability to spread clonally, seed weight, maximum height of adults and time of commencement of flowering. Results: RLI at ground level varied from < 1% in reed beds and tall herb meadows to > 60% in sedge‐moss communities and litter meadows. RLI was largely determined by the standing crop and explained a large part of variation in species occurrence. The combinations of analysed functional traits were constrained by the communities’ light profiles. Conclusion: Light availability is related more closely to site fertility than to hydrological regime. This confirms that hydrological regime and productivity should be analysed separately with regard to their effect on species distribution in wetlands. Limited light availability seems the major environmental control of the distribution of low growing and late flowering species.  相似文献   

Predictive studies play a crucial role in the study of biological invasions of terrestrial plants under possible climate change scenarios. Invasive species are recognized for their ability to modify soil microbial communities and influence ecosystem dynamics. Here, we focused on six species of allelopathic flowering plants—Ailanthus altissima, Casuarina equisetifolia, Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos, Dioscorea bulbifera, Lantana camara, and Schinus terebinthifolia—that are invasive in North America and examined their potential to spread further during projected climate change. We used Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to predict future suitable areas for these species in North America under several proposed future climate models. ENMEval and Maxent were used to develop SDMs, estimate current distributions, and predict future areas of suitable climate for each species. Areas with the greatest predicted suitable climate in the future include the northeastern and the coastal northwestern regions of North America. Range size estimations demonstrate the possibility of extreme range loss for these invasives in the southeastern United States, while new areas may become suitable in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. These findings show an overall northward shift of suitable climate during the next few decades, given projected changes in temperature and precipitation. Our results can be utilized to analyze potential shifts in the distribution of these invasive species and may aid in the development of conservation and management plans to target and control dissemination in areas at higher risk for potential future invasion by these allelopathic species.  相似文献   

 For the angiosperm dominants of northern California’s mixed evergreen forests, this study compares the display of photosynthetic tissue within leaves and along branches, and examines the correspondence between these morphological attributes and the known environmental tolerances of these species. Measurements were made on both sun and shade saplings of six species: Arbutus m e n z i e s i i (Ericaceae), C h r y s o l e p i s c h r y s o p h y l l a (Fagaceae), L i t h o c a r p u s d e n s i f l o r u s (Fagaceae), Quercus c h r y s o l e p i s (Fagaceae), Quercus w i s l i z e n i i (Fagaceae), and Umbellularia c a l i f o r n i c a (Lauraceae). All species had sclerophyllous leaves with thick epidermal walls, but species differed in leaf specific weight, thickness of mesophyll tissues and in the presence of a hypodermis, crystals, secretory idioblasts, epicuticular deposits, and trichomes. The leaves of Arbutus were 2 – 5 times larger than those of C h r y s o l e p i s, L i t h o c a r p u s and Umbellularia and 4 – 10 times larger than those of both Quercus species. Together with differences in branch architecture, these leaf traits divide the species into groups corresponding to environmental tolerances. Shade-tolerant C h r y s o l e p i s, L i t h o c a r p u s, and Umbellularia had longer leaf lifespans and less palisade tissue, leaf area, and crown mass per volume than the intermediate to intolerant Arbutus and Quercus. Having smaller leaves, Quercus branches had more branch mass per leaf area and per palisade volume than other species, whereas Arbutus had less than other species. These differences in display of photosynthetic tissue should contribute to greater growth for Quercus relative to the other species under high light and limited water, for Arbutus under high light and water availability, and for C h r y s o l e p i s, L i t h o c a r p u s, and Umbellularia under limiting light levels. Accepted: 22 March 1996  相似文献   

A comparative study of leaf anatomy on Aniselytron Merr. and Calamagrostis Adans. s. l. was conducted to review the systematic status of Aniselytron Merr. Calamagrostis s. l. exhibits wide variation in many features, but basic leaf structures of the genus remain constant: absence of a midrib-keel; median and large vascular bundles are central, with double sheaths, accompanied by girders both adaxially and abaxially; prickles have a bulbous base and are not sunken; the abaxial epidermal cells are short and wide and relatively thick-walled. Aniselytron differs from Calamagrostis s. l. in: midrib-keel is present, consisting of a large central bundle with small ones on either side; all vascular bundles are abaxially situated, with abaxial girders only, parenchyma takes the place of the adaxial sclerenchyma; the bases of the prickles are sunken and are not bulbous; the abaxial epidermal cells are tall and thin-walled. These distinct anatomical features, in combination with the differences in spikelet structure and habitat, suggest that Aniselytron should be generically separated from and not merged with Calamagrostis s. l. Due to the adaxial parenchyma in the midrib which has never been found in Pooideae, Aniselytron might have a relationship with some other subfamily.  相似文献   

Despite their economic and environmental impacts, there have been relatively few attempts to model the distribution of invasive ant species. In this study, the potential distribution of six invasive ant species in New Zealand are modelled using three fundamentally different methods (BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, MAXENT). Species records were obtained from museum collections in New Zealand. There was a significant relationship between the length of time an exotic species had been present in New Zealand and its geographic range. This is the first time such a time lag has been described for exotic ant species, and shows there is a considerable time lag in their spread. For example, it has taken many species several decades (40–60 years) to obtain a distribution of 17–25% of New Zealand regions. For all six species, BIOCLIM performed poorly compared to the other two modelling methods. BIOCLIM had lower AUC scores and higher omission error, suggesting BIOCLIM models under-predicted the potential distribution of each species. Omission error was significantly higher between models fitted with all 19 climate variables compared to those models with fewer climate variables for BIOCLIM, but not DOMAIN or MAXENT. Widespread species had a greater commission error. A number of regions in New Zealand are predicted to be climatically suitable for the six species modelled, particularly coastal and lowland areas of both the North and South Islands.  相似文献   

Question: Do thick‐twigged/large‐leaf species have an advantage in leaf display over their counterparts, and what are the effects of leaf habit and leaf form on the leaf‐stem relationship in plant twigs of temperature broadleaf woody species? Location: Gongga Mountain, southwest China. Methods: (1) We investigated stem cross‐sectional area and stem mass, leaf area and leaf/lamina mass of plant twigs (terminal branches of current‐year shoots) of 89 species belonging to 55 genera in 31 families. (2) Data were analyzed to determine leaf‐stem scaling relationships using both the Model type II regression method and the phylogenetically independent comparative (PIC) method. Results: (1) Significant, positive allometric relationships were found between twig cross‐sectional area and total leaf area supported by the twig, and between the cross‐sectional area and individual leaf area, suggesting that species with large leaves and thick twigs could support a disproportionately greater leaf area for a given twig cross‐sectional area. (2) However, the scaling relationships between twig stem mass and total leaf area and between stem mass and total lamina mass were approximately isometric, which indicates that the efficiency of deploying leaf area and lamina mass was independent of leaf size and twig size. The results of PIC were consistent with these correlations. (3) The evergreen species were usually smaller in total leaf area for a given twig stem investment in terms of both cross‐sectional area and stem mass, compared to deciduous species. Leaf mass per area (LMA) was negatively associated with the stem efficiency in deploying leaf area. (4) Compound leaf species could usually support a larger leaf area for a given twig stem mass and were usually larger in both leaf size and twig size than simple leaf species. Conclusions: Generally, thick‐twigged/large‐leaf species do not have an advantage over their counterparts in deploying photosynthetic compartments for a given twig stem investment. Leaf habit and leaf form types can modify leaf‐stem scaling relationships, possibly because of contrasting leaf properties. The leaf size‐twig size spectrum is related to the LMA‐leaf life span dimension of plant life history strategies.  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum dianthum and P. micranthum are two endangered orchid species, with high ornamental and conservation values. They are sympatric species, but their leaf anatomical traits and flowering period have significant differences. However, it is unclear whether the differences in leaf structure of the two species will affect their adaptabilities to temperature. Here, we investigated the leaf photosynthetic, anatomical, and flowering traits of these two species at three sites with different temperatures (Kunming, 16.7 ± 0.2 °C; Puer, 17.7 ± 0.2 °C; Menglun, 23.3 ± 0.2 °C) in southwest China. Compared with those at Puer and Kunming, the values of light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Pmax), stomatal conductance (gs), leaf thickness (LT), and stomatal density (SD) in both species were lower at Menglun. The values of Pmax, gs, LT, adaxial cuticle thickness (CTad) and SD in P. dianthum were higher than those of P. micranthum at the three sites. Compared with P. dianthum, there were no flowering plants of P. micranthum at Menglun. These results indicated that both species were less resistance to high temperature, and P. dianthum had a stronger adaptability to high-temperature than P. micranthum. Our findings can provide valuable information for the conservation and cultivation of Paphiopedilum species.  相似文献   

Co-occurring invasive plant species (invaders hereafter) and natives receive similar or even the same environmental selection pressures. Thus, the differences in functional traits between natives and invaders have become widely recognized as a major driving force of the success of plant invasion. Meanwhile, increasing amounts of acid are deposited into ecosystems. Thus, it is important to elucidate the potential effects of acid deposition on the functional traits of invaders in order to better understand the potential mechanisms for the successful invasion. This study aims to address the differences in functional traits between native red amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.; amaranth hereafter) and invasive redroot pigweed (A. retroflexus L.; pigweed hereafter) under simulated acid deposition with a gradient of pH levels. Pigweed was significantly taller than amaranth under most treatments. The greater height of pigweed can lead to greater competitive ability for resource acquisition, particularly for sunlight. Leaf shape index of pigweed was also significantly greater than that of amaranth under all treatments. The greater leaf shape index of pigweed can enhance the efficiency of resource capture (especially sunlight capture) via adjustments to leaf shape and size. Thus, the greater height and leaf shape index of pigweed can significantly enhance its competitive ability, especially under acid deposition. Acid deposition of pH 5.6 significantly increased amaranth leaf width in the co-cultivation due to added nutrients. The pH 4.5 acid deposition treatment significantly increased the specific leaf area of amaranth in the monoculture compared with the pH 5.6 acid deposition treatment and the control. The main mechanism explaining this pattern may be due to acid deposition mediating a hormesis effect on plants, promoting plant growth. The values of the relative competition intensity between amaranth and pigweed for most functional traits were lower than zero under most treatments. Thus, competitive performance arose in most treatments when the two species were grown together. This may be due to the enhanced competitive intensity under interspecific coexistence. However, the values of the relative competition intensity of the leaf functional traits between amaranth and pigweed were all higher than zero under the pH 5.6 simulated acid deposition treatment. Thus, interspecific facilitation occurs when the two species are co-cultivated under the pH 5.6 simulated acid deposition treatment. This may be due the positive nutritional effects induced in the pH 5.6 simulated acid deposition treatment.  相似文献   

A ragweed leaf beetle, Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), has been highlighted as a potential biological control agent of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. O. communa and A. artemisiifolia are native in North America and alien species in East Asia and Europe. As an invasive weed, A. artemisiifolia causes severe economic losses as reducing agricultural production as well as producing severe allergenic pollen. As an herbivore insect, O. communa has strong host preference on A. artemisiifolia. All the developmental stages of O. communa can be found on A. artemisiifolia and it attacks a single plant in repeated and extended manners. With few individuals on A. artemisiifolia, O. communa can completely defoliate before pollen production. Therefore, O. communa had been focused as a biological control of this invasive weed, but its introduction was denied because of possible damage on an important crop, Helianthus annuus. O. communa was accidentally introduced in East Asia and Europe in 1990s and 2010s, respectively. Fortunately, O. communa population was well established to suppress A. artemisiifolia in the introduced areas. Following detailed field surveys and host specificity tests of O. communa were conducted and proved a strong potential of O. communa as a biological control agent of A. artemisiifolia. Moreover, O. communa has been investigated in physiological and evolutionary studies. In this study, the potential of O. communa as a biological control agent and a study organism are reviewed.  相似文献   

Raccoons are American carnivores, considered invasive across several countries worldwide, especially in Europe. In the Iberian Peninsula, previous studies on raccoons documented several breeding populations in Spain a decade ago and only two confirmed records from isolated individuals in Portugal. Given the need for updating its Iberian distribution and identifying suitable areas with higher invasion risk, we compiled presence records from established breeding populations and isolated individuals. By using a Maxent approach based on breeding records, we forecasted the suitable habitats in Iberia with higher invasion risk for raccoons and identified the related environmental drivers. Overall, we collected 1039 records of raccoon presence throughout the Iberian Peninsula, including 980 records from established breeding populations. Their origin is probably linked to escapes from captivity. Climatic conditions, linked to both drier and wetter environments, and proximity to water bodies were the main predictors of suitable areas for raccoon’s expansion from the currently established breeding nuclei in Iberia. The forecasted high probability areas showed a wide, but fragmented distribution concentrated on four main areas: central, central-north, central-east, and north-west Iberia. NW Portugal seems to be the area with higher invasion risk in the country, although field surveys showed no evidence of raccoon presence yet. However, there are several records in Spain near the Portuguese border, comprising isolated individuals and breeding populations. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure regular monitoring of areas with high invasion risk, particularly those near facilities with captive raccoons that often act as a source of feral individuals, to assure early detection and effective control for the expansion of this invasive carnivore.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships between the amounts of foliage and heights of trees were studied for the dominant understory tree species, including three evergreen and three deciduous species, in a secondary forest of Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl. The relationships showed two phases: leaf increasing and stationary phases. In the leaf-increasing phase, the height growth allowed these species to expand the canopy by increasing the number of leaves. In the stationary phase, the number of leaves was relatively constant number irrespective of tree height from 160 to 400 cm. The number of leaves in the stationary phase represents the maximum number of leaves that can be supported by trees under shady conditions. From the analyses of vertical distributions of leaves in six species, mono- and multi-layer foliage distributions were detected. Two evergreen species, Eurya japonica and Cleyera japonica, showed multi-layer foliage distributions, whereas three deciduous species, Lyonia ovalifolia, Rhododendron reticulatum and Vaccinium hirtum, and one evergreen species, Pieris japonica, showed mono-layer foliage distributions. The relationships between the weights of non-photosynthetic and photosynthetic organs of the six species were examined. The proportion of non-photosynthetic organs increased with tree height. The understory species attained the stationary phase and were maintained by minimizing their investment in non-photosynthetic organs, i.e. their height growth was arrested by the shady conditions under the crown trees.  相似文献   

D. D. Ackerly 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):596-600
Summary Tropical vines in the Araceae family commonly exhibit alternating periods of upward and downward growth, decoupling the usual relationship between decreasing light environment with increasing age among the leaves on a shoot. In this study I examined patterns of light, leaf specific mass, and leaf nitrogen concentration in relation to leaf position, a measure of developmental age, in field collected shoots of Syngonium podophyllum. These data were analyzed to test the hypothesis that nitrogen allocation parallels within-shoot gradients of light availability, regardless of the relationship between light and leaf age. I found that leaf nitrogen concentration, on a mass basis, was weakly correlated with leaf level light environment. However, leaf specific mass, and consequently nitrogen per unit leaf area, were positively correlated with gradients of light within the shoot, and either increased or decreased with leaf age, providing support for the hypothesis that nitrogen allocation parallels gradients of light availability.  相似文献   

The structural causes of variation in leaf mass per area, and of variations in leaf structure accounted for by leaf habit and life form, were explored in a set of laboratory-grown seedlings of 52 European woody species. The leaf traits analysed included density, thickness, saturated mass/dry mass, and leaf nitrogen per mass and per area. Other traits described the anatomy of leaves, most of them relating to the lamina (proportions of palisade and spongy parenchymata, epidermis, air space and sclerified tissues, expressed as volume per leaf area, and per-cell transversal areas of epidermis and parenchymata), and another referring to the mid rib (transversal section of sclerified tissues). Across the whole set of species leaf mass per area was correlated with leaf density but not with thickness, and this was confirmed by taxonomic relatedness tests. Denser leaves corresponded with greater proportion of sclerified tissues in the lamina, smaller cells and lower water and N contents, but no relation was found with the proportion of air space in the lamina. Taxonomic relatedness analysis statistically supported the negative association of leaf density with saturated to dry leaf mass ratio. Thicker leaves also exhibited greater volume per leaf area and greater individual cell area in each of the tissues, particularly parenchyma. Mean leaf mass per area and leaf thickness were lower in deciduous than in evergreen species, but no significant differences in leaf density, proportion of sclerified tissues in the lamina or cell area were found between the two groups. Leaf mass per area was higher in trees and subshrubs than in shrubs and climbers-plus-scramblers, this rank being equal for leaf density and proportion of sclerified tissues in the lamina, and reversed for cell area. Given the standardised environment and ontogenetic phase of the seedlings, we conclude that variation in leaf structure and anatomy among species and species groups has a strong genetic basis, and is already expressed early in the development of woody plants. From an ecological viewpoint, we can interpret greater leaf mass per area across this species set as greater allocation to support and defence functions, as shown predominantly by species from resource-poor environments. Received: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 29 March 2000  相似文献   

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