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The Deason House is located in the heart of the Piney Woods region in the town of Ellisville, Mississippi. During the American Civil War, the Deason House became the epicenter for an event that started a rebellion against the Confederate government. On 5 October 1863, a Confederate deserter named Newton Knight allegedly shot and killed Confederate Major Amos McLemore in the Deason House, which eventually lead to the formation of the Free State of Jones. Despite the historical importance of the house, oral accounts and written documents have failed to provide accurate construction history of the structure. We coupled techniques of dendrochronology and geophysical survey to better understand the construction history of the Deason House and cultural activities of its inhabitants. We extracted 35 Pinus palustris (Mill.) timbers along the west-facing exterior weatherboards and from various logs within the second-floor attic, 25 of which were successfully crossdated against a P. palustris reference chronology located 15 km south in De Soto National Forest (1742–2013). The Deason House chronology anchored against the De Soto time series during the period 1742–1875 (r = 0.55, t = 4.01, p < 0.0001) and extended the reference chronology back to the year 1680 CE. Clustering of cutting- and near-cutting dates from timbers revealed 3 possible stages of construction. First, the house likely existed as a single-pen structure built in the winter of 1835/1836, based on two timbers with wane/bark that were affixed to the original chimney made of clay bricks fired on the homestead. Second, based on the clustering of 1855 cutting dates, we suggest this was the most likely time the original structure was expanded with a vestibule, porch, and larger 4-room house. Finally, six timbers revealed a back addition was constructed in the year 1866. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) helped provide evidence mentioned in written records that the back addition (1866) existed as the detached kitchen then was affixed to the structure ca. 1890. The GPR data revealed geophysical anomalies that indicated the original sites of the detached kitchen, water well, livestock pen, privies, and trash pit. Through the use of dendrochronological analyses and geophysical survey, we were able to provide an updated history of the Deason House construction dynamics and cultural activities of its inhabitants beyond the historical record.  相似文献   

Historical dendroarchaeology uses annual tree-ring widths varied by climate to crossdate structures of potential historical significance. In the Southeastern U.S. Piedmont specifically, crossdating these structures can lead to a broader historical interpretation during and after the colonial era. Our study used historical dendroarchaeology to date the Graves Mill grist mill located in Madison County along the western edge of the Virginia Piedmont. The mill and mill site reflect a regional trend in eighteenth century land use as agriculture transitioned from tobacco to wheat production in response to demand from international markets, as well as the adverse impact of tobacco cultivation on piedmont soils. Mills in this region have also been subject to flooding events from storms, with events recorded in the colonial era to a recent record flood in 1995, as well as re-building with changes in mill technologies through time. In an effort to date this structure as part of its restoration, and to verify the repeatability of this dating, ring widths from six timbers from the upper stories were analyzed independently at tree-ring laboratories at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Rider University. Both laboratories identified an 1816 cutting date for these samples, supporting documentary evidence that the mill likely underwent modifications over time after it was initially constructed in the eighteenth century. The consistent crossdating of these samples highlights the usefulness of dendrochronology as a research tool in the Southeastern U.S. for interpreting historical structures and their surrounding historical context.  相似文献   

The lands including Cave Spring and most of northwest Georgia were held by the Cherokee until Cherokee removal in 1838. In 2010, a two-story pine structure that was encased inside the Green Hotel in downtown Cave Spring, Georgia, was revealed during renovation. Local Cave Spring historians insist the log structure was built by Avery Vann in 1810, making it a Cherokee structure. However, the Gold Lottery maps of 1832 show no structure on lot 871, which today contains the Green Hotel. A construction date also cannot be verified by historical documents, maps, or artifacts discovered around the Green Hotel. The purpose of this research was to determine the construction date of the Green Hotel log structure. Archaeological dating of the window glass thickness of the hotel gave dates of 1810 or 1823. However, the dendroarchaeological dating of the wood indicates cutting dates during the late spring/early summer of 1839. This would indicate that the log structure inside the Green Hotel was not built by Avery Vann or any Cherokee, but by later Euro-American settlers.  相似文献   

Tree rings of eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) were examined from cores extracted from two log cabins located at the Wynnewood State Historic Site in Castalian Springs, Sumner County, Tennessee. One cabin was reportedly built by the first explorer in the area, Isaac Bledsoe, sometime between 1772 and his death in 1793. The second cabin was known as Spencer's Cabin after the first settler of the region, Thomas Sharp Spencer, who lived in the immediate vicinity from 1776 to 1779. The goal of this research was to determine the probable construction year(s) for both cabins and determine whether Bledsoe and Spencer did indeed build these structures. Forty-one cores were extracted from Bledsoe's Cabin, and 30 were used for crossdating and building a floating chronology using COFECHA. The Bledsoe's Cabin chronology was then statistically and graphically crossdated using the eastern red cedar reference tree-ring chronology (ITRDB #TN031) from Norris Dam, Tennessee. We found a statistically significant correlation (r = 0.42, t = 4.18, n = 85, p < 0.0001) between the Bledsoe's Cabin chronology and the reference chronology, anchoring the chronology between 1720 and 1804, with nearly all cores indicating tree harvesting between February and April 1805. Twenty-two cores were extracted from Spencer's Cabin, and 17 were used to build a floating chronology for the cabin. Again, we found a statistically significant correlation (r = 0.44, t = 4.85, n = 100, p < 0.00001) with the reference chronology, which anchored the Spencer's Cabin chronology between 1726 and 1825. All trees appear to have been harvested between February and August in 1826. Therefore, neither structure was built by its historical namesake. No known historical documents suggest who the potential builders were, although the property was owned between ca. 1797 and 1829 by General James Winchester. He and his family, however, never resided on the Wynnewood property because Winchester had built a large multi-room structure in nearby Gallatin, Tennessee, by 1802.  相似文献   

Long-term summer temperature records are important for climate studies on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). Here, we used tree-ring maximum latewood density (MXD) to develop a well-replicated regional chronology back to the year 1630 for the southeastern TP. The MXD chronology is positively related to the observed August mean minimum temperatures (AMMT) in the period 1961–2011. Therefore, the AMMT was reconstructed from the MXD chronology. The reconstruction explained 42.6% of the total variance in the observed AMMT. During the past 382 years, warm periods were found during 1646–1694, 1770–1805, 1930–1971 and 1992–2011, and cold periods were found during 1630–1645, 1695–1749, 1806–1825, 1889–1929 and 1972–1991. Extreme cold summers (≤mean  2 SD) occurred in the years 1701, 1777, 1810, 1817, 1835, 1843, 1857, 1871, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1939, 1983 and 1984, whereas the warm summers (≥mean + 2 SD) occurred in the years 1786, 1788, 2003, 2004 and 2005. A comparison with temperature records in surrounding regions showed general agreements, indicating the fidelity of our reconstruction and its ability to represent summer temperature variations over a broad geographic extent. Conspicuous in-phase relationships between our reconstruction and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) indicated a strongly positive association between large-scale climate circulations and summer temperature variability on the southeastern TP at multidecadal scales.  相似文献   

European black pine (Pinus nigra ssp. nigra Arnold) encroachment at increasing elevation has been analyzed at four treeline ecotones of the central Apennines (Italy). The study sites are located along a North-South gradient of 170 km across Marche and Abruzzo regions in Central Italy. The aims of this study were: (i) to detect possible common patterns of structural attributes of black pine regeneration at the treeline ecotone; (ii) to date the seedlings germination and (iii) to assess the climate influence on the pine upward encroachment process also using intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs) in tree-rings. We sampled 658 encroached black pine trees above the current treeline to the mountain top. All individuals were mapped and their basal stem diameter, total height, annual height increments and other structural attributes measured. One increment core was extracted from stem base of most samples for cambial age determination and detection of intra-annual density fluctuations (IADF). At two sites we also extracted cores at DBH from forest trees to assess climate–growth relationships of black pine. We used multivariate analysis (PCA) to explore the correlation structure of the main tree attributes, regression analysis to relate radial and height increment and dendroclimatic analysis to assess the influence of climate on tree growth and IADF formation.Most black pine trees were located at high altitude and their structural attributes were similar at the four sites where the pine encroachment process started between 30 and 40 years ago featuring similar germination peaks and growth patterns. Black pine is particularly sensitive to maximum temperatures and IADF occurred in mid-late summer with highest frequency peaks between 2003 and 2004. The pine encroachment process, besides the differences of environmental features and land use histories of the four study sites, appears synchronic and spatially diffused. Consistent tree-growth dynamics and the species adaptation to a warming climate are signals envisaging a possible treeline upward shift.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the biological monitoring through the growth rings has received increasing attention from ecologists and toxicologists. Structural analysis of these rings allows the incorporation of a time component in the study of plant responses to environmental variation. This allows also to evaluate long time series from the woody plants. In this paper, we assessed the dendrochronological characteristics of Ceiba speciosa growing in forest environment and under urbanization impact. Stem samples were obtained with Pressler probe into trees growing the campus of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, adjacent to one of the main urban thoroughfares of the city of Rio de Janeiro (Avenida Brasil), and at Tinguá Biological Reserve, an important remnant of Atlantic Forest. The samples were processed and analyzed following usual dendrochronological methods, with COFECHA and ARSTAN softwares. A negative exponential curve was used for standardization of the series. The residual chronologies were correlated with precipitation and temperature indexes obtained from NOAA weather database. Growth rings are distinct and annual, marked by bands of marginal parenchyma, thick-walled and radially flattened fibres in latewood and distended rays in earlywood. In both sites, the intercorrelation between the trees was above 0.40. Ages ranged from 11 to 41 years in the urban site and from 27 to 64 years in the forest site. In urban area, mean annual increment and cumulative average growth rates were 6 mm/year and 142.62 mm, respectively. At the forest site, these rates were 4 mm/year and 173.07 mm, respectively. The comparison between cumulative radial increment of the two sites revealed that trees of the urban site had higher increment rates beginning at the start of their development and consequently, they showed similar diameters despite lower ages. Correlation analysis between the chronologies and climatic factors revealed a positive association between growth and hot and rainy periods for both study sites. However, there is an immediate response of urban trees in relation to the rains and, a late response of forest trees to the same factor. The dry and hot climate, typical of urban environments, and the absence of natural water reserves in urban soil, may explain this more immediate response of urban tree growth to rainfall and temperature indexes. Our results revealed that Ceiba speciosa is a plastic and stress-tolerant species that is able to survive and adapt to polluted urban conditions. These features, along with its wide natural distribution and frequent planting for city landscaping, make this species an important biomarker for environmental monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Samples from 28 stations along the St. Joeeph River in Michigan and Indiana were collected in the Summer and late Fall of 1972. The samples were analyzed chemically (BOD, soluble orthophosphate, total phosphate, and NH3), physically (temperature and suspended solids) and biologically (algal units, Palmer's index, bacteria, and microalgal spectral analysis). Three methods of algal evaluation (microalgal spectral analysis, algal units, and the Palmer's index) provided especially good information indicating that nutrients and degradation were a distinct problem in the lower half of the river, not only in the Indiana portion, but also in Michigan. A pronounced water quality deterioration occurred in Michigan at Niles and at St. Joseph-Benton Harbor at the mouth of the river. Evidence of improved water quality was provided by the algal analyses after the installation of improved waste water treatment facilities. Microalgal spectral analysis was judged the best and most accurate of the methods of algal analysis in spite of its extensive terminology and necessity of determination of the algae to species.  相似文献   

In habitats where disturbance is frequent, seed banks are important for the regeneration of vegetation. Sand dune systems are dynamic habitats in which sand movement provides intermittent disturbance. As succession proceeds from bare sand to forest, the disturbance decreases. At Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, we examined the seed banks of three habitat types across a successional gradient: foredunes, secondary dunes, and oak savanna. There were differences among the types of species that germinated from each of the habitats. The mean seed bank density increased across the successional gradient by habitat, from 376 to 433 to 968 seeds m−2, but with foredune and secondary dune seed bank densities being significantly lower than the savanna seed bank density. The number of seeds germinated was significantly correlated with soil organic carbon, demonstrating for this primary successional sequence that seed density increases with stage and age. The seed bank had much lower species richness than that of the aboveground vegetation across all habitats. Among sites within a habitat type, the similarity of species germinated from the seed banks was very low, illustrating the variability of the seed bank even in similar habitat types. These results suggest that restoration of these habitats cannot rely on seed banks alone.  相似文献   

A cave system in the eolianite deposits of the Māhā′ulepū/Pā′ā area of Kaua′i, Hawai′i, contains a rich fossil record of prehuman Holocene conditions and also preserves a thousand-year record of human activity. Details concerning pre-Contact Polynesian life have been extracted from subaqueous middens and artifacts, including perishable materials such as wood, gourd, and cordage. Oral traditions concerning the cave and vicinity generally show good agreement with the archaeological and paleoecological record and provide rich stories said to derive from as early as the fourteenth century A.D. Fossil evidence highlights biotic and landscape changes before, during, and after initial Polynesian and subsequent European settlement. The approximate temporal coincidence of evidence for human arrival and last occurrence of some now-extinct species is too great to ignore the possibility that humans played a role in some extinctions of native taxa before European colonization. Old maps, an 1824 sketch, records of the Land Court Awards, and old photographs confirm stratigraphic inferences and oral accounts concerning demographic and ecological conditions of the early historical period. Feral livestock proliferated in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with loss of vegetative cover to overgrazing, decline of most of the native flora, and subsequent dune reactivation. Sedimentation rates reach their peak later in the twentieth century after the establishment of agricultural and mining operations nearby.  相似文献   

韩斌  邹晓明  付永能  陈爱国 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2915-2919
从联合国粮农组织提出的土地资源可持续管理目标出发 ,采用层次分析法 (AHP) ,以西双版纳地区爱尼族大卡老寨为研究点 ,选择 4 1个因素作为参评变量 ,建立区域土地可持续管理评价指标体系。评估结果表明 ,目前大卡老寨的土地经营管理仍处于初步可持续管理的前期阶段。主要因为土地生产力过低 ,其他保护性、安全性、生产性均处于较低水平。作者针对提出了改变土地经营模式等参考建议 :1发展生态农业模式 ,提高土地生产率 ;2应用科技成果 ,提高良种普及率 ;3保护耕地 ,推进规模经营 ;4充分发挥森林的经济、生态和社会效益 ;5提高人口素质 ,改变就业结构  相似文献   

2004年10月,中国科学院昆明动物研究所首次发现金苹果螺(Pomacea canaliculata)入侵重要的水源保护区嵩明白邑黑龙潭。金苹果螺起源于中南美洲,在亚洲,它通过有意或无意的传播而逐渐扩散到菲律宾、越南、泰国、老挝、柬埔寨、马来西亚、印尼、巴布几内亚、韩国、日本和中国的南部。金苹果螺已成为水稻产区的最大害虫,给农业生产带来巨大的损失。为防止金苹果螺在云南扩散,目前已经实施了严格的预防、控制措施,同时开展了公众保护教育宣传活动。  相似文献   

Aeration is a promising alternative to the use of pesticides for the control of storage insects by cooling bulk grain, but its effectiveness against mite pests is neither fully understood nor optimised. For this reason, the productivity of three species of storage mites, Acarus siro, Lepidoglyphus destructor and Tyrophagus longior, was studied in a laboratory-based experiment at four combinations of temperature and humidity (10°C and 70% RH, 10°C and 80% RH, 20°C and 70% RH, 20°C and 80% RH) with and without an airflow (at 10 m3/h/tonne, equalling 2.5 l/s/tonne, in tubes containing 15 g of grain). This is the first time that a study has examined the three principal components of aeration separately from each other. The effect of these factors was different for each species. For A. siro, temperature was the most important factor, while airflow and humidity were of similar but lesser importance. For T. longior, temperature was more important than humidity, while the reverse was true for L. destructor. For these two species, airflow was the least important factor. The airflow decreased the productivity of L. destructor and T. longior but increased the productivity of A. siro. This increase in productivity confirms that, in practice, prevention of mite infestations, in particular A. siro, will require storage of grain at low temperature, relative humidity and moisture content. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1. Fish and invertebrate assemblage data collected from 670 stream sites in Minnesota (U.S.A.) were used to calculate concordance across three nested spatial scales (statewide, ecoregion and catchment). Predictive taxa richness models, calibrated using the same data, were used to evaluate whether concordant communities exhibited similar trends in human‐induced taxa loss across all three scales. Finally, we evaluated the strength of the relationship between selected environmental variables and the composition of both assemblages at all three spatial scales. 2. Significant concordance between fish and invertebrate communities occurred at the statewide scale as well as in six of seven ecoregions and 17 of the 21 major catchments. However, concordance was not consistently indicative of significant relationships between rates of fish and invertebrate taxa loss at those same scales. 3. Fish and invertebrate communities were largely associated with different environmental variables, although the composition of both communities was strongly correlated with stream size across all three scales. 4. Predictive taxa‐loss models for fish assemblages were less sensitive and precise than models for invertebrate assemblages, likely because of the relatively low number of common fish taxa in our data set. Both models, however, distinguished reference from non‐reference sites. 5. The importance of concordance, geographic context and scale are discussed in relation to the design and interpretation of stream integrity indicators. In particular, our findings suggest that community concordance should not be viewed as a substitute for an evaluation of how assemblages respond to environmental stressors.  相似文献   

This study describes the application of a protocol for biological assessment of water quality at first to third order streams at Serra dos órg?os, an area covered by Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Major impacts in the region are domestic effluents and deforestation. Our main objective is to establish biocriteria for the establishment of the Serra dos órg?os Multimetric Index (SOMI) based on benthic macroinvertebrates. We used data from previous studies, sampled by experienced biologists, from 1999 through 2002. The benthic macroinvertebrate community was sampled in 12 reference sites and seven impaired sites in three river basins: Guapimirim, Macaé and Grande, all from the same bioregion. From the 22 tested metrics, 6 were included in the SOMI (% Diptera, % Coleoptera, Family Taxa, EPT Taxa, BMWP-CETEC and % Shredders). Scores (5, 3 or 1) were developed for these metrics to allow for aggregation into the index. Seven intermediately impaired sites were used for evaluating the applicability of the multimetric index. We concluded that the SOMI is a robust easy-to-apply tool for biomonitoring programs in the Serra dos órg?os region, south-east Brazil. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorised users. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

A series of 3-(3-(4-(3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propyl)piperazin-1-yl)propyl)-1H-indole derivatives (3ad and 5af) as homo- and hetero-bis-ligands, were synthesized and evaluated for in vitro affinity at the serotonin transporter (SERT) and the 5-HT1A receptor. Compounds 5b and 5f showed nanomolar affinities for both targets. The experimental data were rationalized according to results obtained from docking experiments. These findings are in agreement with our proposal that bis-indole derivatives can bind both targets, and might serve as leads in the quest of ligands endowed with a dual mechanism of action.  相似文献   

张利永  颜天  韩刚  周名江 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1926-1936
2005年在长江口赤潮频发海域调查期间,分别于4月27日、5月4日和5月8日,在zzf1、zc18a和ra5站位利用现场船基培养的方法,研究了添加到赤潮密度10^6cells L^-1的东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)对原生动物群落结构的影响。结果发现,赤潮密度的东海原甲藻抑制了小型无壳纤毛虫的种群数量,而没有抑制中大型砂壳纤毛虫和夜光虫(Noctiluca scintillans)的种群数量,从而使得原生动物群落向中大型种类演替,这种影响的程度与原生动物本身的群落组成和浮游植物的组成密切相关。添加东海原甲藻72h后,在以小型无壳纤毛虫管游虫(Cyrtostrombidium sp.)为优势种的zzf1站位,演替为以大型原生动物夜光虫为优势种的群落;在以中大型原生动物百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnospsis beroidea)和夜光虫为优势种的zc18a站位,仍然是以此为优势种,且大型原生动物夜光虫在群落中的比例上升;在以小型无壳纤毛虫急游虫2(Strombidium sp.2)为优势种的ra5站位,演替为以中大型原生动物百乐拟铃虫和亚速岛网纹虫(Favella azorica)为优势种的群落。zzf1和ra5站位实验组中原生动物的总丰度都呈下降趋势,而zc18a站位变化不明显,这是由于前两个站位的最优势种管游虫(zzf1站位)和急游虫2(ra5站位)的丰度迅速下降,而zc18a站位的优势种百乐拟铃虫和夜光虫的丰度比较稳定造成的。在zzf1和zc18a站位,对照组和实验组中原生动物的总生物量在实验前后都没有大的变化,而在ra5站位却均呈下降的趋势。这可能与浮游植物的组成有关,zzf1和zc18a站位是以无毒的锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)和螺旋环沟藻(Gyrodinium spirale)为主,而ra5站位是以有毒的亚历山大藻(Alexandriumsp.)为主。综上可见,可预测当东海大规模赤潮爆发时,会使原生动物群落向中大型种类演替,进而可能影响海洋生态系统的结构和功能。  相似文献   

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