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Comment on: Mayan M, et al. Cell Cycle 2010; 9:4328–37.  相似文献   

Hypericin, a red-colored naphtodianthrone, is a natural product synthesized in the medicinal plant Hypericum perforatum, widely known as St. John’s wort. Hypericin has been attracting a growing attention of the pharmaceutical industry because of its potential application in various therapies, including the treatment of depression. In vivo, hypericin is synthesized by dimerization of emodin in a complicated multistep reaction that is reportedly catalyzed by a small (17.8 kDa) protein, Hyp-1. Based on relatively low sequence similarity (~50%), Hyp-1 has been tentatively classified as a plant PR-10 (pathogenesis-related class 10) protein. Members of the PR-10 family are ubiquitous plant proteins associated with stress control and tissue differentiation but with no clearly understood molecular mechanism. They have, however, a well-defined folding canon, consisting of an extended antiparallel β-sheet wrapped around a C-terminal α-helix, enclosing in the protein interior a huge cavity, in which various hydrophobic ligands can be bound. Apart from Hyp-1, only two other PR-10 members have been found to possess enzymatic activity (S-norcoclaurine synthase and TcmN aromatase/cyclase). In this paper, we report a high-resolution crystal structure of Hyp-1, confirming that it indeed has a PR-10 fold. The protein binds multiple polyethylene glycol molecules, some of which occupy the hydrophobic cavity. The crystallographic model illustrates a high degree of conformational adaptability of both interacting partners for efficient binding. We have been unable, however, to dimerize emodin to hypericin using Hyp-1 as biocatalyst. This puzzling result does not have a clear explanation at this time.  相似文献   

The diversity, composition and structure of vegetation in a cattle landscape in Matiguás, Nicaragua was characterized, and the floristic and structural differences of six types of habitats (secondary forests, riparian forests, charrales, live fences and pastures with high and low tree cover) were compared. A total of 3 949 trees of 180 species and 52 families were recorded. Forty six percent of the total trees reported for the landscape were represented by Guazuma ulmifolia (18.5%), Bursera simaruha (13.2%), Tabebuia rosea (6.3%), Enterolobium cyclocarpum (4.2%) and Albizia saman (3.4%). Many of the dominant species in the landscape were typical of open and disturbed areas. There were significant differences between the different habitats in the patterns of tree species richness, abundance, diversity, structure and floristic composition. The riparian forests had greater tree richness (p=0.0001) and diversity (p=0.0009) than other habitats. The floristic composition varied across habitats. with pairs of habitats sharing between 18.4 and 51.6% of the same tree species, and with clear differences in composition between the forested (riparian and secondary forests) and agricultural habitats. Of the habitats studied, the riparian forests and secondary forests seem to have greatest value for the conservation of the flora in the agropaisaje because they have the greatest species richness, and maintain small populations of endangered species. On the basis of the study, we recommend including agricultural landscapes in strategies to conserve tree diversity and suggest measures to ensure the maintenance of tree diversity in the Matiguas landscape.  相似文献   

Social scientists have found that direct-to-consumer genetic ancestry testing can increase the influence of genetic notions of identity, but has a varying effect on test takers depending on the individual, social and political context. This paper considers the potential effects of genetic ancestry testing on the Indigenous peoples of Australia. We first review the effects of genetic ancestry testing in different populations, particularly Native Americans. We then draw on a comparative analysis of indigenous political structures in the United States and Australia in order to assess the likely impact of genetic ancestry testing in Australia in the coming years. The most salient point of difference is Australia’s relatively broader definition of Indigenous status. Due to this difference, genetic ancestry testing is likely to have minimal social impact among those who already identify as Indigenous, but may significantly impact those who discover genetic ancestry and do not yet identify as Indigenous.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia that affects thinking, learning, memory and behavior of older people. Based on the previous studies, three pathogenic pathways are now commonly accepted as the culprits of this disease namely, amyloid-β pathway, tauopathology and cholinergic dysfunction. This review focuses on the current findings on the regulatory roles of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in the pathological progression of AD and discusses the potential of the GPCRs as novel therapeutic targets for AD.  相似文献   

Science China Life Sciences - The phylogenetic structure incorporates both ecological and evolutionary processes to explain assembly of a local community. The “phylogenetic niche...  相似文献   

When anthropologists interviewed Honduran and Nepali smallholders in the mid-1990s, they were told that “Insects are a terrible mistake in God’s creation” and “There’s nothing that kills them, except for insecticides”. Even growers who maintained a close bond with nature were either entirely unaware of natural pest control, or expressed doubt about the actual value of these services on their farm. Farmers’ knowledge, beliefs and attitudes towards pests and natural enemies are of paramount importance to the practice of biological control, but are all too often disregarded. In this study, we conduct a retrospective analysis of the extent to which social science facets have been incorporated into biological control research over the past 25 years. Next, we critically examine various biological control forms, concepts and technologies using a ‘diffusion of innovations’ framework, and identify elements that hamper their diffusion and farm-level uptake. Lastly, we introduce effective observation-based learning strategies, such as farmer field schools to promote biological control, and list how those participatory approaches can be further enriched with information and communication technologies (ICT). Although biological control scientists have made substantial technological progress and generate nearly 1000 papers annually, only a fraction (1.4%) of those address social science or technology transfer aspects. To ease obstacles to enhanced farmer learning about biological control, we describe ways to communicate biological control concepts and technologies for four divergent agricultural knowledge systems (as identified within a matrix built around ‘cultural importance’ and ‘ease of observation’). Furthermore, we describe how biological control innovations suffer a number of notable shortcomings that hamper their farm-level adoption and subsequent diffusion, and point at ways to remediate those by tactical communication campaigns or customized, (ICT-based) adult education programs. Amongst others, we outline how video, smart phones, or tablets can be used to convey key ecological concepts and biocontrol technologies, and facilitate social learning. In today’s digital era, cross-disciplinary science and deliberate multi-stakeholder engagement will provide biocontrol advocates the necessary means to bolster farmer adoption rates, counter-act surging insecticide use, and restore public trust in one of nature’s prime services.  相似文献   

DNAs and proteins are major classes of biomolecules that differ in many aspects. However, a considerable number of their members also share a common architectural feature that enables the assembly of multi-protein complexes and thereby permits the effective processing of signals: loop structures of substantial sizes. Here we briefly review a few representative examples and suggest a functional classification of different types of loop structures. In proteins, these loops occur in protein regions classified as intrinsically disordered. Studying such loops, their binders and their interactions with other loops should reveal much about cellular information computation and signaling network architectures. It is also expected to provide critical information for synthetic biologists and bioengineers.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative disease characterized by the clinical triad: tremor, akinesia and rigidity. Several studies have suggested that PD patients show disturbances in olfaction at the earliest onset of the disease. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is becoming a powerful model organism to study neurodegenerative diseases. We sought to use this system to explore olfactory dysfunction, if any, in PINK1 mutants, which is a model for PD. PINK1 mutants display many important diagnostic symptoms of the disease such as akinetic motor behavior. In the present study, we describe for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, neurophysiological and neuroanatomical results concerning the olfactory function in PINK1 mutant flies. Electroantennograms were recorded in response to synthetic and natural volatiles (essential oils) from groups of PINK1 mutant adults at three different time points in their life cycle: one from 3–5 day-old flies, from 15–20 and from 27–30 days. The results obtained were compared with the same age-groups of wild type flies. We found that mutant adults showed a decrease in the olfactory response to 1-hexanol, α-pinene and essential oil volatiles. This olfactory response in mutant adults decreased even more as the flies aged. Immunohistological analysis of the antennal lobes in these mutants revealed structural abnormalities, especially in the expression of Bruchpilot protein, a marker for synaptic active zones. The combination of electrophysiological and morphological results suggests that the altered synaptic organization may be due to a neurodegenerative process. Our results indicate that this model can be used as a tool for understanding PD pathogensis and pathophysiology. These results help to explore the potential of using olfaction as a means of monitoring PD progression and developing new treatments.  相似文献   

In this study, we use deterministic and stochastic models to analyze the demography of Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) in a fluctuating rainfall environment. The model is based on 16 years of data from Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, southwest Madagascar. The parameters in the stage-classified life cycle were estimated using mark-recapture methods. Statistical models were evaluated using information-theoretic techniques and multi-model inference. The highest ranking model is time-invariant, but the averaged model includes rainfall-dependence of survival and breeding. We used a time-series model of rainfall to construct a stochastic demographic model. The time-invariant model and the stochastic model give a population growth rate of about 0.98. Bootstrap confidence intervals on the growth rates, both deterministic and stochastic, include 1. Growth rates are most elastic to changes in adult survival. Many demographic statistics show a nonlinear response to annual rainfall but are depressed when annual rainfall is low, or the variance in annual rainfall is high. Perturbation analyses from both the time-invariant and stochastic models indicate that recruitment and survival of older females are key determinants of population growth rate.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease characterized by memory loss and decreased synaptic function. Advances in transgenic animal models of AD have facilitated our understanding of this disorder, and have aided in the development, speed and efficiency of testing potential therapeutics. Recently, we have described the characterization of a novel model of AD in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, where we expressed the human AD-associated proteins APP and BACE in the central nervous system of the fly. Here we describe synaptic defects in the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ) in this model. Our results indicate that expression of human APP and BACE at the larval NMJ leads to defective larval locomotion behavior, decreased presynaptic connections, altered mitochondrial localization in presynaptic motor neurons and decreased postsynaptic protein levels. Treating larvae expressing APP and BACE with the γ-secretase inhibitor L-685,458 suppresses the behavioral defects as well as the pre- and postsynaptic defects. We suggest that this model will be useful to assess and model the synaptic dysfunction normally associated with AD, and will also serve as a powerful in vivo tool for rapid testing of potential therapeutics for AD.KEY WORDS: APP, Alzheimer’s disease, Drosophila, BACE, Synapse, NMJ  相似文献   

Using data collected from people with at least one brother and one sister, and consistent with an evolutionary perspective, we find that older men and women (a) are more upset by a brother’s partner’s sexual infidelity than by her emotional infidelity and (b) are more upset by a sister’s partner’s emotional infidelity than by his sexual infidelity. There were no effects of participant sex or sex of in-law on upset over a sibling’s partner’s infidelities, but there was an effect of participant sex on reports of upset over one’s own partner’s infidelities. The results suggest that the key variable among older participants is the sex of the sibling or, correspondingly, the sex of the sibling’s partner, as predicted from an evolutionary analysis of reproductive costs, and not the sex of the participant, as predicted from a socialization perspective. Discussion offers directions for future work on jealousy.  相似文献   

The structure named Rebel’s Rest was a two-story, Reconstruction-era house located on the campus of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, before being severely damaged by fire in July 2014. The house was constructed of squared timbers and round logs, with later additions built using sawn lumber. Dendrochronological analyses of timbers and logs salvaged from the house reveals wood from four genera: oak (Quercus spp.), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), American chestnut (Castanea dentata [Marshall] Borkh.), and pine (Pinus spp.). We statistically and graphically crossdated a total of 251 samples (24,410 rings) with regional chronologies from the ITRDB, resulting in three dated chronologies comprised of oak (1645–1874), tulip poplar (1725–1865), and American chestnut (1710–1864). The majority of samples with cutting dates (95.6%) ended in years 1865–1866, confirming the historically reported construction date of 1866 for the initial structure. The cutting date analysis also confirms two rooms as later additions, Room M (1867) and Room B (1875). Based on ring count and the number of chronologies produced, this research represents the largest known dataset from a single historic structure in the Southeastern US.  相似文献   

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