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Biotechnological production of weak organic acids such as succinic acid is most economically advantageous when carried out at low pH. Among naturally occurring microorganisms, several bacterial strains are known to produce considerable amounts of succinic acid under anaerobic conditions but they are inefficient in performing the low‐pH fermentation due to their physiological properties. We have proposed therefore a new strategy for construction of an aerobic eukaryotic producer on the basis of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica with a deletion in the gene coding one of succinate dehydrogenase subunits. Firstly, an original in vitro mutagenesis‐based approach was proposed to construct strains with Ts mutations in the Y. lipolytica SDH1 gene. These mutants were used to optimize the composition of the media for selection of transformants with the deletion in the Y. lipolytica SDH2 gene. Surprisingly, the defects of each succinate dehydrogenase subunit prevented the growth on glucose but the mutant strains grew on glycerol and produced succinate in the presence of the buffering agent CaCO3. Subsequent selection of the strain with deleted SDH2 gene for increased viability allowed us to obtain a strain capable of accumulating succinate at the level of more than 45 g L?1 in shaking flasks with buffering and more than 17 g L?1 without buffering. The possible effect of the mutations on the utilization of different substrates and perspectives of constructing an industrial producer is discussed. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107:673–682. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

琥珀酸是一种高附加值的有机酸,广泛用于食品、化工和农药领域。解脂酵母Yarrowia lipolytica作为新型强健的非传统酵母,近年来逐渐吸引了研究者的注意。前期通过基因敲除琥珀酸脱氢酶基因构建了一株产琥珀酸的重组解脂酵母PGC01003。由于糖酵解和TCA循环流量不协调,PGC01003分泌大量副产物乙酸,限制了琥珀酸产量的进一步提高。为降低乙酸的溢出,实现自然低pH值发酵生产琥珀酸,首先干扰旁路代谢,异源表达来自鼠沙门氏菌的乙酰辅酶A合酶,乙酸的产量下降至4.6 g/L,比对照降低了24.6%。而基因敲除乙酰辅酶A水解酶基因得到的重组菌PGC11505,发酵96 h乙酸分泌量只有0.4 g/L,琥珀酸产量提高到7.0 g/L,琥珀酸的转化率为0.30 g/g,为进一步构建高产琥珀酸的细胞工厂奠定基础。  相似文献   

The process of succinic acid (SA) production represents the combination of microbial synthesis of α-ketoglutaric acid from rapeseed oil by yeast Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2412 and subsequent decarboxylation of α-ketoglutaric acid by hydrogen peroxide to SA that leads to the production of 69.0 g l?1 of SA and 1.36 g l?1 of acetic acid. SA was isolated from the culture broth filtrate in a crystalline form. The SA recovery from the culture filtrate has certain difficulties due to the presence of residual triglycerides of rapeseed oil. The effect of different methods of the culture filtrate treatment and various sorption materials on the coagulation of triglycerides was studied, and as a result, the precipitation of residual triglycerides by acetone was chosen. The subsequent isolation procedures involved the decomposition of H2O2 in the filtrate followed by filtrate bleaching and acidification with a mineral acid, evaporation of filtrate, and SA extraction with ethanol from the residue. The purity of crystalline SA isolated from the culture broth filtrate achieved 97.6–100 %. The product yield varied from 62.6 to 71.6 % depending on the acidity of the supernatant.  相似文献   

The optimal cultivation conditions ensuring the maximal rate of citric acid (CA) biosynthesis by glycerol-grown mutant Yarrowia lipolytica NG40/UV7 were found to be as follows: growth limitation by inorganic nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, or sulfur), 28 °C, pH 5.0, dissolved oxygen concentration (pO2) of 50 % (of air saturation), and pulsed addition of glycerol from 20 to 80 g L?1 depending on the rate of medium titration. Under optimal conditions of fed-batch cultivation, in the medium with pure glycerol, strain Y. lipolytica NG40/UV7 produced 115 g L?1 of CA with the mass yield coefficient of 0.64 g g?1 and isocitric acid (ICA) amounted to 4.6 g L?1; in the medium with raw glycerol, CA production was 112 g L?1 with the mass yield coefficient of 0.90 g g?1 and ICA amounted to 5.3 g L?1. Based on the activities of enzymes involved in the initial stages of raw glycerol assimilation, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the glyoxylate cycle, the mechanism of increased CA yield from glycerol-containing substrates in Y. lipolytica yeast was explained.  相似文献   

The production of α-ketoglutaric acid by yeast Yarrowia lipolytica VKMY-2412 from ethanol and its subsequent chemical conversion to succinic acid (SA) were investigated. A highly effective and environmentally friendly process of α-ketoglutaric acid production was developed using a special pH-controlling strategy, in which the titration of the culture broth with KOH in the acid-formation phase was minimal, that allowed accumulation of only low amounts of inorganic wastes in the course of SA recovery. The culture broth filtrate containing α-ketoglutaric acid (88.7 g l?1) was directly employed for SA production; the amount of SA produced comprised 71.7 g l?1 with the yield of 70 % from ethanol consumed. SA was isolated from the culture broth filtrate in a crystalline form with the purity of 100 %. The yield of isolated SA was as high as 72 % of its amount in the culture broth filtrate. The antimicrobial and nematocidic effects of SA of microbial origin on pathogenic organisms that cause human and plant diseases were revealed for the first time.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine how the dilution rate and the chemical composition of the production medium impacts on the synthesis of citric acid by the Yarrowia lipolytica strain Wratislavia AWG7 from glycerol in a chemostat culture. The yeast Y. lipolytica Wratislavia AWG7, an acetate (acet(-)) and morphological (fil(-)) mutant, was cultured in a nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited medium at the dilution rate of 0.009-0.031h(-1) in the chemostat. Under steady-state conditions, the increase in the dilution rate was paralleled by the decrease in citric acid concentration (from 86.5 to 51.2gL(-1)), as well as by the increase in the volumetric rate (from 0.78 to 1.59gL(-1)h(-1)) and specific rate (from 0.05 to 0.18gg(-1)h(-1)) of citric acid production. The yield of the production process varied from 0.59 to 0.67gg(-1). In a 550-h continuous culture of the yeast test, at a dilution rate of 0.01h(-1), in a medium with enhanced concentrations of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus sources, the concentration of citric acid, the concentration of biomass and the volumetric rate of citric acid production were 97.8gL(-1), 22.2gL(-1) and 0.98gL(-1)h(-1), respectively. The yield of the process decreased to 0.49gg(-1). The number of dead cells did not exceed 1% while that of the budding cells accounted for about 20%. Owing to the low content of isocitric acid and polyols, the fermentation process was characterized by a high purity. This study has produced the following finding: the double mutant Y. lipolytica AWG7 is an effective citric acid producer, with the ability to preserve its properties unchanged during the long run of the continuous chemostat process. This is a valued technological feature of such mutants.  相似文献   

Resveratrol is a plant secondary metabolite with multiple health-beneficial properties. Microbial production of resveratrol in model microorganisms requires extensive engineering to reach commercially viable levels. Here, we explored the potential of the non-conventional yeast Yarrowia lipolytica to produce resveratrol and several other shikimate pathway-derived metabolites (p-coumaric acid, cis,cis-muconic acid, and salicylic acid). The Y. lipolytica strain expressing a heterologous pathway produced 52.1 ± 1.2 mg/L resveratrol in a small-scale cultivation. The titer increased to 409.0 ± 1.2 mg/L when the strain was further engineered with feedback-insensitive alleles of the key genes in the shikimate pathway and with five additional copies of the heterologous biosynthetic genes. In controlled fed-batch bioreactor, the strain produced 12.4 ± 0.3 g/L resveratrol, the highest reported titer to date for de novo resveratrol production, with a yield on glucose of 54.4 ± 1.6 mg/g and a productivity of 0.14 ± 0.01 g/L/h. The study showed that Y. lipolytica is an attractive host organism for the production of resveratrol and possibly other shikimate-pathway derived metabolites.  相似文献   

Succinic acid (SA) has been recognized as one of the most important bio-based building block chemicals due to its numerous potential applications. Fermentation SA production from renewable carbohydrate feedstocks can have the economic and sustainability potential to replace petroleum-based production in the future, not only for existing markets, but also for new larger volume markets. Design and operation of bio-reactors play a key role. During the last 20 years, many different fermentation strategies for SA production have been described in literature, including utilization of immobilized biocatalysts, integrated fermentation and separation systems and batch, fed-batch, and continuous operation modes. This review is an overview of different fermentation process design developed over the past decade and provides a perspective on remaining challenges for an economically feasible succinate production processes. The analysis stresses the idea of improving the efficiency of the fermentation stage by improving bioreactor design and by increasing bioreactor performance.  相似文献   

The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is able to secrete high amounts of several organic acids under conditions of growth limitation and carbon source excess. Here we report the production of citric acid (CA) in a fed-batch cultivation process on sucrose using the recombinant Y. lipolytica strain H222-S4(p67ICL1) T5, harbouring the invertase encoding ScSUC2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the inducible XPR2 promoter control and multiple ICL1 copies (10–15). The pH-dependent expression of invertase was low at pH 5.0 and was identified as limiting factor of the CA-production bioprocess. The invertase expression was sufficiently enhanced at pH 6.0–6.8 and resulted in production of 127–140 g l−1 CA with a yield Y CA of 0.75–0.82 g g−1, whereas at pH 5.0, 87 g l −1 with a yield Y CA of 0.51 gg−1 were produced. The CA-productivity Q CA increased from 0.40 g l −1 h−1 at pH 5.0 up to 0.73 g l −1 h−1 at pH 6.8. Accumulation of glucose and fructose at high invertase expression level at pH 6.8 indicated a limitation of CA production by sugar uptake. The strain H222-S4(p67ICL1) T5 also exhibited a gene–dose-dependent high isocitrate lyase expression resulting in strong reduction (<5%) of isocitric acid, a by-product during CA production.  相似文献   

A new two-step process of production of succinic acid (SA) has been developed, which includes the microbial synthesis of alpha-ketoglutaric acid by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica (step 1) and subsequent oxidation of the acid by hydrogen peroxide to SA (step 2). The maximum concentration of SA and its yield were found to be 63.4 g l−1 and 58% of the ethanol consumed, respectively. The purity of the SA isolated from the culture liquid filtrate reached 100%. The yield of SA was as high as 82% of its amount in the culture liquid filtrate. The quality of the SA produced by the invented method meets the biochemical grade definitions, as is evident from the respiratory and other relevant parameters of rat liver mitochondria upon the oxidation of this SA.  相似文献   

During cultivation under nitrogen starvation, Yarrowia lipolytica produces a mixture of citric acid and isocitric acid whose ratio is mainly determined by the carbon source used. We report that mitochondrial succinate–fumarate carrier YlSfc1 controls isocitric acid efflux from mitochondria. YlSfc1 purified and reconstituted into liposomes transports succinate, fumarate, oxaloacetate, isocitrate and α-ketoglutarate. YlSFC1 overexpression determined the inversion of isocitric acid/citric acid ratio towards isocitric acid, resulting in 33.4 ± 1.9 g/L and 43.3 ± 2.8 g/L of ICA production in test-tube cultivation with glucose and glycerol, respectively. These titers represent a 4.0 and 6.3-fold increase compared to the wild type. YlSFC1 gene expression was repressed in the wild type strain grown in glucose-based medium compared to olive oil medium explaining the reason for the preferred citric acid production during Y. lipolytica growth on carbohydrates. Coexpression of YlSFC1 and adenosine monophosphate deaminase YlAMPD genes together with inactivation of citrate mitochondrial carrier YlYHM2 gene enhanced isocitric acid accumulation up to 41.4 ± 4.1 g/L with an isocitric acid/citric acid ratio of 14.3 in a small-scale cultivation with glucose as a carbon source. During large-scale cultivation with glucose pulse-feeding, the engineered strain produced 136.7 ± 2.5 g/L of ICA with a process selectivity of 88.1%, the highest reported titer and selectivity to date. These results represent the first reported isocitric acid secretion by Y. lipolytica as a main organic acid during cultivation on carbohydrate. Moreover, we demonstrate for the first time that the replacement of one mitochondrial transport system for another can be an efficient tool for switching product accumulation.  相似文献   

The Gpr1 protein of the ascomycetous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica belongs to the poorly characterised Gpr1/Fun34/YaaH protein family whose members have been only found in prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes so far. Gpr1p seems to be involved in acetic acid adaptation at low pH values. Here we show that Gpr1p is subjected to phosphorylation in dependence on the carbon source. Exhaustion of the carbon source resulted in a complete dephosphorylation of Gpr1p, whereas addition of a new carbon source caused the phosphorylation of Gpr1p. Almost all Gpr1p molecules became phosphorylated after addition of acetate, while other carbon sources only triggered the phosphorylation of about half of the Gpr1p molecules. Phosphorylation was found to occur at serine-37. In spite of the clear effect of acetate/acetic acid on the level of phosphorylation of Gpr1p, no correlation of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation and acetic acid hypersensitivity, caused by mutations within Gpr1p, was detected.  相似文献   

During continuous cultivation of Yarrowia lipolytica N 1, oxygen requirements for growth and citric acid synthesis were found to depend on the iron concentration in the medium. A coupled effect of oxygen and iron concentrations on the functioning of the mitochondrial electron transport chain in Y. lipolytica N 1 was established. Based on the results obtained in continuous culture, conditions for citric acid production in a batch culture of Y. lipolytica N 1 were proposed. At relatively low pO(2) value and a high iron concentration, citric acid accumulation was as high as 120 g l(-1); the specific rate of citric acid synthesis reached 120 mg citric acid (g cells h)(-1). The mass yield coefficient was 0.87 and the energy yield coefficient was 0.31.  相似文献   

In recent years, bio‐based production of free fatty acids from renewable resources has attracted attention for their potential as precursors for the production of biofuels and biochemicals. In this study, the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica was engineered to produce free fatty acids by eliminating glycerol metabolism. Free fatty acid production was monitored under lipogenic conditions with glycerol as a limiting factor. Firstly, the strain W29 (Δgpd1), which is deficient in glycerol synthesis, was obtained. However, W29 (Δgpd1) showed decreased biomass accumulation and glucose consumption in lipogenic medium containing a limiting supply of glycerol. Analysis of substrate utilization from a mixture of glucose and glycerol by the parental strain W29 revealed that glycerol was metabolized first and glucose utilization was suppressed. Thus, the Δgpd1Δgut2 double mutant, which is deficient also in glycerol catabolism, was constructed. In this genetic background, growth was repressed by glycerol. Oleate toxicity was observed in the Δgpd1Δgut2Δpex10 triple mutant strain which is deficient additionally in peroxisome biogenesis. Consequently, two consecutive rounds of selection of spontaneous mutants were performed. A mutant released from growth repression by glycerol was able to produce 136.8 mg L?1 of free fatty acids in a test tube, whereas the wild type accumulated only 30.2 mg L?1. Next, an isolated oleate‐resistant strain produced 382.8 mg L?1 of free fatty acids. Finely, acyl‐CoA carboxylase gene (ACC1) over‐expression resulted to production of 1436.7 mg L?1 of free fatty acids. The addition of dodecane promoted free fatty acid secretion and enhanced the level of free fatty acids up to 2033.8 mg L?1 during test tube cultivation.

Acid whey, a byproduct in cheese and yogurt production, demands high costs in disposal at large quantities. Nonetheless, it contains abundant sugars and nutrients that can potentially be utilized by microorganisms. Here we report a novel platform technology that converts acid whey into value-added products using Yarrowia lipolytica. Since wild type strains do not assimilate lactose, a major carbon source in whey, a secreted β-galactosidase was introduced. Additionally, to accelerate galactose metabolism, we overexpressed the relevant native four genes of the Leloir pathway. The engineered strain could achieve rapid total conversion of all carbon sources in acid whey, producing 6.61 g/L of fatty acids (FAs) with a yield of 0.146 g-FAs/g-substrates. Further engineering to introduce an omega-3 desaturase enabled the synthesis of α-linolenic acid from acid whey, producing 10.5 mg/gDCW within a short fermentation time. Finally, PEX10 knockout in our platform strain was shown to minimize hyphal formation in concentrated acid whey cultures, greatly improving fatty acid content. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using acid whey as a previously untapped resource for biotechnology.  相似文献   

Yarrowia lipolytica is an oleaginous yeast that is recognized for its ability to accumulate high levels of lipids, which can serve as precursors to biobased fuels and chemicals. Polyketides, such as triacetic acid lactone (TAL), can also serve as a precursor for diverse commodity chemicals. This study used Y. lipolytica as a host organism for the production of TAL via expression of the 2‐pyrone synthase gene from Gerbera hybrida. Induction of lipid biosynthesis by nitrogen‐limited growth conditions increased TAL titers. We also manipulated basal levels of TAL production using a DNA cut‐and‐paste transposon to mobilize and integrate multiple copies of the 2‐pyrone synthase gene. Strain modifications and batch fermentation in nitrogen‐limited medium yielded TAL titers of 2.6 g/L. Furthermore, we show that minimal medium allows TAL to be readily concentrated at >94% purity and converted at 96% yield to pogostone, a valuable antibiotic. Modifications of this reaction scheme yielded diverse related compounds. Thus, oleaginous organisms have the potential to be flexible microbial biofactories capable of economical synthesis of platform chemicals and the generation of industrially relevant molecules.  相似文献   

The genetically modified yeast strain Yarrowia lipolytica H222‐S4(p67ICL1)T5 is able to utilize sucrose as a carbon source and to produce citric and isocitric acids in a more advantageous ratio as compared to its wild‐type equivalent. In this study, the effect of pH of the fermentation broth (pH 6.0 and 7.0) and proteose‐peptone addition on citric acid production by the recombinant yeast strain were investigated. It was found that the highest citric acid production occurred at pH 7.0 without any addition of proteose‐peptone. Furthermore, two process strategies (fed‐batch and repeated fed‐batch) were tested for their applicability for use in citric acid production from sucrose by Y. lipolytica. Repeated fed‐batch cultivation was found to be the most effective process strategy: in 3 days of cycle duration, approximately 80 g/L citric acid was produced, the yield was at least 0.57 g/g and the productivity was as much as 1.1 g/Lh. The selectivity of the bioprocess for citric acid was always higher than 90% from the very beginning of the fermentation due to the genetic modification, reaching values of up to 96.4% after 5 days of cycle duration.  相似文献   

Succinic acid (SA) was produced from Actinobacillus succinogenes with high cell density by continuous fermentation using fibrous bed bioreactor (FBB). The effects of feeding glucose concentration, dilution rate, and pH on continuous production of SA were examined to achieve an efficient and economical bioprocess. The optimum feeding glucose concentration, dilution rate, and pH were 80 g/L, 0.05 1/h, and 6.0–6.5, respectively. A SA concentration of 55.3 ± 0.8 g/L, productivity of 2.77 ± 0.04 g/L/h, and yield of 0.8 ± 0.02 g/g were obtained, and the continuous fermentation exhibited long-term stability for as long as 18 days (440 h) with no obvious fluctuations in both SA and biomass levels. The Jerusalimsky equation for the specific rate of SA production presented the inhibition phenomenon of the product, demonstrating that 60 g/L SA might be a critical concentration in this continuous FBB system. The results obtained could be beneficial for future fermentor designs and improvements in SA production.  相似文献   

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