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The King site is a Late Mississippian (ca. 1400–1540 CE) aboriginal town located in northwestern Georgia along the Coosa River associated with the Coosa Chiefdom. The site was settled ca. 1530 but was occupied for perhaps only 50 years or so based on the lack of horizontal stratigraphy. The site was visited by members of either or both the Hernando de Soto expedition in 1540 and/or the Tristan de Luna expedition in 1560. In 1974, archaeologists discovered and removed 36 sections of subterranean charred pine posts from six house features. Our objectives were to determine if the tree rings on these posts could be dendrochronologically dated to verify the dates of site occupation and confirm the construction sequence of several houses determined originally via stratigraphic and archaeological evidence. We were able to graphically and statistically crossmatch 13 measurement series representing 10 posts from 5 of the 6 structures, yielding a 157-year floating chronology (average interseries correlation = 0.60). We were unable to absolutely crossdate this floating chronology with the only regional reference chronology long enough (back to 1378 CE) to reach the 16th century, an eastern red cedar chronology from eastern Tennessee. Archaeological evidence indicated Houses 8 and 23.4 were built later in the King site occupancy, confirmed by the tree-ring dates as both houses have the youngest tree rings of the five structures. House 14 had the oldest outermost tree rings but archaeological evidence suggests this house also was likely constructed late in the King site occupancy. We propose some posts were salvaged and reused from abandoned houses as the King site became rapidly depopulated in the last 10–20 years of site occupancy, thus explaining the age of posts used in House 14. We urge archaeologists working in the Southeastern U.S. to consider developing a more formal process for exhuming and preserving charcoalized wood remains from archaeological sites so that these samples can be evaluated using dendrochronological techniques.  相似文献   

The recovery at Shi’bat Dihya 1 (SD1) of a dense Middle Paleolithic human occupation dated to 55 ka BP sheds new light on the role of the Arabian Peninsula at the time of the alleged expansion of modern humans out of Africa. SD1 is part of a complex of Middle Paleolithic sites cut by the Wadi Surdud and interstratified within an alluvial sedimentary basin in the foothills that connect the Yemeni highlands with the Tihama coastal plain. A number of environmental proxies indicate arid conditions throughout a sequence that extends between 63 and 42 ka BP. The lithic industry is geared toward the production of a variety of end products: blades, pointed blades, pointed flakes and Levallois-like flakes with long unmodified cutting edges, made from locally available rhyolite. The occasional exploitation of other local raw materials, that fulfill distinct complementary needs, highlights the multi-functional nature of the occupation. The slightly younger Shi’bat Dihya 2 (SD2) site is characterized by a less elaborate production of flakes, together with some elements (blades and pointed flakes) similar to those found at SD1, and may indicate a cultural continuity between the two sites. The technological behaviors of the SD1 toolmakers present similarities with those documented from a number of nearly contemporaneous assemblages from southern Arabia, the Levant, the Horn of Africa and North Africa. However, they do not directly conform to any of the techno-complexes typical of the late Middle Paleolithic or late Middle Stone Age from these regions. This period would have witnessed the development of local Middle Paleolithic traditions in the Arabian Peninsula, which suggests more complex settlement dynamics and possible population interactions than commonly inferred by the current models of modern human expansion out of Africa.  相似文献   

We studied the isonymic structure of Western Europe using the distributions of 26.2 million surnames in 8 countries, 125 regions and 2094 towns of the Subcontinent. We found that, for the whole of Western Europe, Nei's distance was correlated with geographic distance (r=0.610+/-0.009). It was observed that at long geographic distances the isonymyc distance stays below linearity and tends to become asymptotic, and this was attributed to long distance migration. A dendrogram of the125 regions was built and the clusters identified by the dendrogram are almost exactly coincident with the nations of the Subcontinent. Random inbreeding calculated from isonymy, F(ST), was highest in Spanish regions, and lowest in France. The geographical distribution of alpha in 2094 towns, high in the Center and East of the Subcontinent and lower in Spain, is compatible with the settlement of subsequent waves of migrants moving from the West and from the South toward the centre of the Continent. The present surname structure of Western Europe is strictly linked to local languages.  相似文献   

A palaeoecological study was conducted close to the forest limit in the northern Scandinavian mountain range. The aim was to elucidate the degree to which human impact has affected the vegetation at Hiednikvalta, a Stállo settlement site. Stállo settlements consist of round hut foundations that have a hearth in the middle and are surrounded by a low turf wall. They were probably established by Sámi people using the mountain areas for hunting and/or reindeer herding. In order to separate the effects of humans and climate on the vegetation, a reference area approach was adopted, i.e. the vegetation development at the Stállo settlement site Hiednikvalta was compared with the vegetation development in a forested reference area Avvuhatjåhkkå, at the same altitude as Hiednikvalta but with no archaeological remains of settlements. Peat stratigraphies were retrieved at the two sites and pollen analysis, loss-on-ignition (LOI), pollen accumulation rates (PAR), macrofossil analysis and Betula pollen size statistics were all examined. The results indicate that Hiednikvalta was forested with Betula trees prior to the Stállo settlement period, which occurred between the eighth and thirteenth centuries. Human activities resulted in a decrease in tree cover at the site, as found in a previous study at Adamvalta, another Stállo settlement site in the region. However, the magnitude of vegetation change, and the post-Stállo vegetation development differed between the two areas, suggesting that site-specific factors are important. The use of reference areas in palynological studies is also discussed.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to analyze possible associations of rs7412 and rs429358 of the APOE gene with lipid profile parameters, the risk of myocardial infarction, and death in the mostly white population of Western Siberia (Russia). The study population was selected from a sample surveyed within the framework of the Health, Alcohol and Psychosocial Factors In Eastern Europe (HAPIEE) study (9360 subjects, age 53.8 ± 7.0 years, males/females 50/50). PCR was conducted with fluorescence detection according to the TaqMan principle on a real-time PCR machine. The frequency of a minor allele (C) of rs429358 was 0.13, and the frequency of a minor allele (T) of rs7412 was 0.09. In our study, the woman with the rare ɛ1/ɛ4 genotype had substantial aberrations in blood lipid levels. In Kaplan–Meier curves, statistically significant differences were revealed in the prognosis of survival within the subgroup of females who had a myocardial infarction (p = 0.0006): the prognosis was worse for carriers of the ɛ2/ɛ2 genotype and for ɛ4/ɛ4 carriers. Survival analysis regarding deaths from all causes showed (p = 0.0238) that female carriers of the ɛ2/ɛ4 genotype had a worse prognosis than did carriers of other genotypes. Thus, in the population of Western Siberia (Russia), we confirmed statistically significant associations between rs7412 & rs429358 genotypes and lipid profile parameters.  相似文献   

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