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The Cerithioidea is a very diverse group of gastropods with ca. 14 extant families and more than 200 genera occupying, and often dominating, marine, estuarine, and freshwater habitats. While the composition of Cerithioidea is now better understood due to recent anatomical and ultrastructural studies, the phylogenetic relationships among families remain chaotic. Morphology-based studies have provided conflicting views of relationships among families. We generated a phylogeny of cerithioideans based on mitochondrial large subunit rRNA and flanking tRNA gene sequences (total aligned data set 1873 bp). Nucleotide evidence and the presence of a unique pair of tRNA genes (i.e., threonine + glycine) between valine-mtLSU and the mtSSU rRNA gene support conclusions based on ultrastructural data that Vermetidae and Campanilidae are not Cerithioidea, certain anatomical similarities being due to convergent evolution. The molecular phylogeny shows support for the monophyly of the marine families Cerithiidae [corrected], Turritellidae, Batillariidae, Potamididae, and Scaliolidae as currently recognized. The phylogenetic data reveal that freshwater taxa evolved on three separate occasions; however, all three recognized freshwater families (Pleuroceridae, Melanopsidae, and Thiaridae) are polyphyletic. Mitochondrial rDNA sequences provide valuable data for testing the monophyly of cerithioidean [corrected] families and relationships within families, but fail to provide strong evidence for resolving relationships among families. It appears that the deepest phylogenetic limits for resolving caenogastropod relationships is less than about 245--241 mya, based on estimates of divergence derived from the fossil record.  相似文献   

Suminia getmanovi , a recently discovered basal anomodont from the Late Permian of Russia, is characterized by robust, 'leaf-shaped' teeth, and a masticatory architecture that is similar to that of the highly diverse and cosmopolitan group of Permo-Triassic herbivores, Dicynodontia (Anomodontia). Based on new material, the skull is reconstructed in three dimensions and described in detail. A cladistic analysis of the basal anomodonts, Patranomodon, Galeops, Otsheria, Ulemica , and Suminia , using 37 cranial characters, resulted in a single most parsimonious tree, in which Suminia is united with the Russian taxa, Ulemica and Otsheria. This clade, diagnosed by four unambiguous characters, is designated as Venyukovioidea. The South African anomodont, Galeops , appears as the sister taxon to Dicynodontia. Patranomodon is the most basal anomodont. The cladistic analysis suggests that a 'dicynodont-type' masticatory architecture, with an expanded adductor musculature and sliding jaw articulation, may have originated prior to the advent of the (Venyukovioidea + ( Galeops + Dicynodontia)) clade.  相似文献   

To resolve the population genetic structure and phylogeography of the West Indian manatee ( Trichechus manatus ), mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region sequences were compared among eight locations across the western Atlantic region. Fifteen haplotypes were identified among 86 individuals from Florida, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil. Despite the manatee's ability to move thousands of kilometres along continental margins, strong population separations between most locations were demonstrated with significant haplotype frequency shifts. These findings are consistent with tagging studies which indicate that stretches of open water and unsuitable coastal habitats constitute substantial barriers to gene flow and colonization. Low levels of genetic diversity within Florida and Brazilian samples might be explained by recent colonization into high latitudes or bottleneck effects. Three distinctive mtDNA lineages were observed in an intraspecific phylogeny of T. manatus , corresponding approximately to: (i) Florida and the West Indies; (ii) the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean rivers of South America; and (iii) the northeast Atlantic coast of South America. These lineages, which are not concordant with previous subspecies designations, are separated by sequence divergence estimates of d = 0.04–0.07, approximately the same level of divergence observed between T. manatus and the Amazonian manatee ( T. inunguis , n = 16). Three individuals from Guyana, identified as T. manatus , had mtDNA haplotypes which are affiliated with the endemic Amazon form T. inunguis . The three primary T. manatus lineages and the T. inunguis lineage may represent relatively deep phylogeographic partitions which have been bridged recently due to changes in habitat availability (after the Wisconsin glacial period, 10 000 BP ), natural colonization, and human-mediated transplantation.  相似文献   

Complete or nearly complete mitochondrial DNA sequences were determined from four lizards (Western fence lizard, Warren's spinytail lizard, Terrestrial arboreal alligator lizard, and Chinese crocodile lizard) and a snake (Texas blind snake). These genomes had a typical gene organization found in those of most mammals and fishes, except for a translocation of the glutamine tRNA gene in the blind snake and a tandem duplication of the threonine and proline tRNA genes in the spinytail lizard. Although previous work showed the existence of duplicate control regions in mitochondrial DNAs of several snakes, the blind snake did not have this characteristic. Phylogenetic analyses based on different tree-building methods consistently supported that the blind snake and a colubrid snake (akamata) make a sister clade relative to all the lizard taxa from six different families. An alternative hypothesis that snakes evolved from a lineage of varanoids was not favored and nearly statistically rejected by the Kishino-Hasegawa test. It is therefore likely that the apparent similarity of the tongue structure between snakes and varanoids independently evolved and that the duplication of the control region occurred on a snake lineage after divergence of the blind snake.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA序列特点与昆虫系统学研究   总被引:41,自引:9,他引:41  
昆虫线粒体DNA是昆虫分子系统学研究中应用最为广泛的遗传物质之一。线粒体DNA具有进化速率较核DNA快 ,遗传过程不发生基因重组、倒位、易位等突变 ,并且遵守严格的母系遗传方式等特点。本文概述了mtDNA中的rRNA、tRNA、蛋白编码基因和非编码区的一般属性 ,分析了它们在昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用价值 ,以及应用DNA序列数据来推导分类阶 (单 )元的系统发育关系时 ,基因或DNA片段选择的重要性  相似文献   

The Aeolosomatidae and the Parergodrilidae are meiofaunal Annelida showing different combinations of clitellate‐like and non‐clitellate character states. Their phylogenetic positions and their systematic status within the Annelida are still in debate. Here we attempt to infer their systematic position using 18S rDNA sequences of the aeolosomatid Aeolosoma sp. and the parergodrilid Stygocapitella subterranea and several other meiofaunal taxa such as the Dinophilidae, Polygordiidae and Saccocirridae. The data matrix was complemented by sequences from several annelid, arthropod and molluscan species. After evaluation of the phylogenetic signal the data set was analysed with maximum‐parsimony, distance and maximum‐likelihood algorithms. Sequences from selected arthropods or molluscs were chosen for outgroup comparison. The resolution of the resulting phylogenies is discussed in comparison to previous studies. The results do not unequivocally support a sister‐group relationship of Aeolosoma sp. and the Clitellata. Instead, depending on the algorithms applied, Aeolosoma clusters in various clades within the polychaetes, for instance, together with eunicidan species, the Dinophilidae, Harmothoë impar or Nereis limbata. The position of Aeolosoma sp. thus cannot be resolved on the basis of the data available. S. subterranea always falls close to a cluster comprising Scoloplos armiger, Questa paucibranchiata and Magelona mirabilis, all of which were resolved as not closely related to both Aeolosoma sp. and the Clitellata. Therefore, convergent evolution of clitellate‐like characters in S. subterranea and hence in the Parergodrilidae is suggested by our phylogenetic analysis. Moreover, the Clitellata form a monophyletic clade within the paraphyletic polychaetes.  相似文献   

Toothed mysticetes of the family Aetiocetidae from Oligocene rocks of the North Pacific play a key role in interpretations of cetacean evolution because they are transitional in grade between dorudontine archaeocetes and edentulous mysticetes. The holotype skull of Aetiocetus weltoni from the late Oligocene (28–24 Ma) of Oregon, USA, has been further prepared, revealing additional morphological features of the basicranium, rostrum and dentary that have important implications for mysticete evolution and functional anatomy. The palate of Aetiocetus weltoni preserves diminutive lateral palatal foramina and associated delicate sulci which appear to be homologous with the prominent palatal foramina and sulci that occur along the lateral portion of the palate in extant mysticetes. In modern baleen whales these foramina allow passage of branches of the superior alveolar artery, which supplies blood to the epithelia of the developing baleen racks. As homologous structures, the lateral palatal foramina of A. weltoni suggest that baleen was present in this Oligocene toothed mysticete. Cladistic analysis of 46 cranial and dental characters supports monophyly of the Aetiocetidae, with toothed mysticetes Janjucetus and Mammalodon positioned as successive sister taxa. Morawanacetus is the earliest diverging aetiocetid with Chonecetus as sister taxon to Aetiocetus species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 308–352.  相似文献   

虾虎鱼类体态变异大、体型小、种类多, 形态鉴定及谱系分类较为困难。为深入开展虾虎鱼类的鉴定、分类及遗传进化等研究, 文章对已获得的26种虾虎鱼线粒体全基因组进行分析。结果发现, 虾虎鱼类线粒体基因组的基因组成及排列模式与大多数脊椎动物线粒体基因组特征基本一致; 由于不同物种的控制区存在不同数量的重复序列而导致基因组序列长度存在明显的差异; 26种虾虎鱼线粒体全基因组序列及不同基因中A+T的含量均超过50%, 并存在碱基G偏倚现象。基于37个编码基因序列, 利用Kimura双参数法计算遗传距离, 发现矛尾刺虾虎鱼与斑尾刺虾虎鱼、斑纹舌虾虎鱼与钝吻舌虾虎鱼分别为同种异名。通过对26种虾虎鱼线粒体基因组控制区序列的比较, 识别了终止结合序列区、中央保守区及保守序列区。利用26种虾虎鱼线粒体基因组的36个编码基因序列构建系统发育树, 发现部分聚类结果不同于传统的形态学分类方式, 虾虎鱼科中的5个亚科出现了明显的分化, 近盲虾虎鱼亚科、背眼虾虎鱼亚科、瓢虾虎鱼亚科亲缘关系较近而聚成一大支, 然后与拟虾虎鱼亚科种类形成姐妹类群, 虾虎鱼亚科与其它的4个亚科亲缘关系较远, 单独成为一个类群。根据分子钟估算结果推测虾虎鱼科物种可能起源于始新世晚期至渐新世时段, 在中新世进一步分化为具有现代表征的虾虎鱼种类。  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Periplaneta brunnea was sequenced in this study and used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship of Blattodea. The circular mitogenome was 15,604?bp long and exhibited typical gene organization and order, consistent with other sequenced Periplaneta mitogenomes. The initiation codon of the P. brunnea COX1 gene was unusual in that no typical ATN or TTG start codon was found. The two longest intergenic spacer sequences found in the P. brunnea mitogenome were 21 and 17?bp long. Twenty-one base spacer had a 4?bp motif (TATT) between tRNA-Glu and tRNA-Met that conservatively displayed in 9 sequenced blattarian mitogenomes. The second spacer was between tRNA-Ser (UCN) and NAD1 containing a 7?bp motif (WACTTAA) that was highly conserved in 14 blattarian mitogenomes. The control region showed a relatively fixed motif present in 6 Blattidae mitogenomes, with a big stem-loop structure. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using site-homogeneous models based on 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) and two RNA genes. The trees derived from Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses and recovered a relatively stable relationship among major lineages except for the position of Polyphagidae and inter-family relationships of Blaberidae. Analyses supported the monophyly of Blattidae, Blaberidae, Blattellidae, Polyphagidae, Dictyoptera, and the paraphyly of Blattaria. We also found Mantodea was the sister clade to (Blattaria?+?Isoptera), being the basal position of Dictyoptera in all topologies. Meanwhile, our results also consistently supported that Isoptera should be clustered with Blattaria of Blattodea.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in the upper Río Huallaga in Peru revealed the presence of an intriguing species of the Loricariinae. To characterize and place this species within the evolutionary tree of the subfamily, a molecular phylogeny of this group was inferred based on the 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes and the nuclear gene F-reticulon4. The phylogeny indicated that this distinctive species was a member of the subtribe Loricariina. Given its phylogenetic placement, and its unusual morphology, this species is described as a new genus and new species of Loricariinae: Fonchiiloricaria nanodon. This new taxon is diagnosed by usually possessing one to three premaxillary teeth that are greatly reduced; lips with globular papillae on the surface; the distal margin of lower lip bearing short, triangular filaments; the premaxilla greatly reduced; the abdomen completely covered by plates, with the plates between lateral abdominal plates small and rhombic; a caudal fin with 14 rays; the orbital notch absent; five lateral series of plates; dorsal-fin spinelet absent; preanal plate present, large and solid, and of irregular, polygonal shape, the caudal peduncle becoming more compressed posteriorly for the last seven to 10 plates.  相似文献   

The amphibian genus Telmatobius is a diverse group of species that inhabits the Andes. This study analysed the phylogenetic relationships of 19 species described from the central Andes of Chile and Bolivia, and 12 undescribed populations of Chile. A molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial DNA 16S and cytochrome b shows that the Chilean species belong to three groups: (1) the Telmatobius marmoratus group, widespread in the Chilean and Bolivian Altiplano; (2) the Telmatobius hintoni group, including the species Telmatobius philippii, Telmatobius fronteriensis, and Telmatobius huayra, occurring in the south‐western Altiplano of Chile and Bolivia, and (3) the Telmatobius zapahuirensis group, a new clade which also includes Telmatobius chusmisensis, Telmatobius dankoi, and Telmatobius vilamensis, restricted to western slopes of the Andes, and which was recovered as more closely related to the T. hintoni group than the T. marmoratus group. The divergence times between clades were traced to the late Pleistocene. The molecular phylogeny also confirmed that the groups of the Altiplano and western Andes slopes form a clade separated from the species that inhabit the eastern Andes (Telmatobius verrucosus and Telmatobius bolivianus groups), supporting the forest origin of the Altiplano groups proposed by several previous authors. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Loxostege turbidalis, Loxostege aeruginalis, Pyrausta despicata, and Crambus perlellus belong to Crambidae, Pyraloidea. Their mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) were successfully sequenced. The mitogenomes of L. turbidalis, L. aeruginalis, P. despicata, and C. perlellus are 15 240 bp, 15 339 bp, 15 389 bp, and 15 440 bp. The four mitogenomes all have a typical insect mitochondrial gene order, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and one A + T rich region (control region). The PCGs are initiated by the typical ATN codons, except CGA for the cox1 gene. Most PCGs terminate with common codon TAA or TAG, the incomplete codon T is found as the stop codon for cox2, nad4, and nad5. Most tRNA genes exhibit typical cloverleaf structure, except trnS1 (AGN) lacking the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm. The secondary structure of rRNA of four mitogenomes were predicted. Poly-T structure and micro-satellite regions are conserved in control regions. The phylogenetic analyses based on 13 PCGs showed the relationships of subfamilies in Pyraloidea. Pyralidae, and Crambidae are monophyletic, respectively. Pyralidae comprises four subfamilies, which form the following topology with high support values: (Galleriinae + ((Pyralinae + Epipaschiinae)+ Phycitinae)). Crambidae includes seven subfamilies and is divided into two lineages. Pyraustinae and Spilomelinae are sister groups of each other, and form the “PS clade.” Other five subfamilies (Crambinae, Acentropinae, Scopariinae, Schoenobiinae, and Glaphyriinae) form the “non-PS clade” in the Bayesian inference tree. However, Schoenobiinae is not grouped with the other four subfamilies and located at the base of Crambidae in two maximum likelihood trees.  相似文献   

In this study,both long PCR and conserved primers walking sequencing methods were used to determine the complete sequence of the of Pyrgilauda ruficollis mitochondrial genome(KC836121).The results showed that the complete mitochondrial genome of P.ruficollis is 16909 bp in length with 55.0%A+T content,harboring the typical 37 genes.The mitogenome had the same gene order with that of Podoces hendersoni.All protein coding genes started with ATG codon,except ND3 with GTG.For the stop codon usage,most genes terminate with codons TAA or TAG,but ND5 terminated with AGA,while ND1 and COI genes with AGG,and both the genes COIII and ND4 have an incomplete termination codon(T).The secondary structures of 22 tRNA genes were also predicted,showing that all tRNAs can form typical clover-leaf secondary structures,except for the tRNASer(AGN)which loses the DHU arm,while tRNAPhe harbor an extra nucleotide inserted in the TψC arm.The predicted secondary structures of 12S rRNA and16S rRNA exhibit 47 helices in 4 domains and 60 helices in 6 domains respectively.The control region of P.ruficollis with the length of 1 305 bp was located between tRNAGlu and tRNAPhe,and typical domains of which could be found as other bird groups.Using the data from 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes,results of a final phylogenetic analysis strongly supports the traditional view that P.ruficollis is closely related with Passeridae and Fringillidae.  相似文献   

We present phylogenetic analyses of the lizard genus Diplodactylus subgenus Strophurus using 1646 aligned positions of mitochondrial DNA sequences containing 893 parsimony-informative characters for samples of 12 species of Strophurus and 19 additional Australian gecko species. Sequences from three protein-coding genes (ND1, ND2 and COI) and eight intervening transfer RNA genes were examined using parsimony, maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses. Species of Strophurus appeared to form a monophyletic group with the possible exception of S. taenicauda . Strophurus has evolved two distinct defence/display characteristics: caudal glands, which expel an unpalatable substance, and striking mouth colours. Caudal glands appeared to have arisen once in a common ancestor of Strophurus , with dermal augmentation of caudal glands characterizing a subclade within the subgenus. Evolution of yellow and dark-blue mouth colours in Strophurus occurred in the context of diurnal activity and may be interpreted as an augmentation of defensive behavioural displays. Molecular divergence suggests that arboreality evolved in a common ancestor of Oedura and Strophurus approximately 29 Mya and that the caudal glands of Strophurus arose approximately 25 Mya.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 123–138.  相似文献   

变灰青霉线粒体基因组特征及系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对一株分离自细虫草上的变灰青霉SFY00C3菌株线粒体基因组进行测定,分析其组成特征,并探究其与青霉属真菌的系统发育关系。结果表明,SFY00C3的线粒体基因组是一条长度为28 301 bp的环状DNA分子,共编码42个基因(15个蛋白编码基因、2个rRNA基因和25个tRNA基因),其碱基组成有显著的A-T偏好性,25个tRNA基因均可形成典型三叶草结构,并存在32处G-U错配。通过青霉属物种间共线性分析发现其线粒体基因组发生了基因重排;共有的14个蛋白编码基因的Ka/Ks值均小于1,表明受到了纯化选择压力的影响;系统发育分析表明:SFY00C3在青霉属中是一个独立的分支,应该是6种青霉祖先的姊妹。本研究丰富了变灰青霉的线粒体基因组序列信息,为青霉属的系统发育、资源保护及遗传多样性研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

To choose one or more appropriate molecular markers or gene regions for resolving a particular systematic question among the organisms at a certain categorical level is still a very difficult process. The primary goal of this review, therefore, is to provide a theoretical information in choosing one or more molecular markers or gene regions by illustrating general properties and phylogenetic utilities of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that have been most commonly used for phylogenetic researches. The highly conserved molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for investigating phylogenetic relationships at higher categorical levels (deep branches of evolutionary history). On the other hand, the hypervariable molecular markers and/or gene regions are useful for elucidating phylogenetic relationships at lower categorical levels (recently diverged branches). In summary, different selective forces have led to the evolution of various molecular markers or gene regions with varying degrees of sequence conservation. Thus, appropriate molecular markers or gene regions should be chosen with even greater caution to deduce true phylogenetic relationships over a broad taxonomic spectrum.  相似文献   

In this study, the complete sequence of the Tibetan Mastiff mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) was determined, and the phylogenetic relationships between the Tibetan Mastiff and other species of Canidae were analyzed using the coyote (Canis latrans) as an outgroup. The complete nucleotide sequence of the Tibetan Mastiff mtDNA was 16 710 bp, and included 22 tRNA genes, 2S rRNA gene, 13 protein-coding genes and one non-coding region (D-loop region), which is similar to other mammalian mitochondrial genomes. The characteristics of the protein-coding genes, non-coding region, tRNA and rRNA genes among Canidae were analyzed in detail. Neighbor-joining and maximum-parsimony trees of Canids constructed using 12 mitochondrial protein-coding genes showed that as the coyotes and Tibetan wolves clustered together, so too did the gray wolves and domestic dogs, suggesting that the Tibetan Mastiff originated from the gray wolf as did other domestic dogs. Domestic dogs clustered into four clades, implying at least four maternal origins (A to D). The Tibetan Mastiff, which belongs to clade A, appears to be closely related to the Saint Bernard and the Old English Sheepdog.  相似文献   

RAPD analysis has been performed for 15 plant populations, covering eight different infraspecific taxa of Sideritis pusilla (Lange) Pau, member of the Lamiaceae endemic to southeastern Spain, and their putative parental species Sideritis hirsuta L. and Sideritis Uucantha Cav. Genetic distances, together with the presence of numerous fixed molecular markers differentiating S. pusilla from its putative ancestors, indicate that it should be considered as a true species. Cladistic and populational analysis led to the allocation of S. pusilla populations into three major groups– osteoxylla, jlavovirens and pusilla/almeriensis –which include taxa previously described as ranging from the varietal to the specific level. Low genetic differentiation among groups revealed by a reduced number of specific molecular markers justify their assignment under the infraspecific range. Moreover, the existence of both morphological and biogeographical differences, supports a status for these groups as subspecies of S. pusilla. Highly significant ( P <0.002) variance partitioning data (AMOVA) extracted from the analysis of individuals within S. pusilla populations show that, of the total genetic diversity, 68.8% was attributable to individual differences within populations, 19.9% to populational differences within groups, and only 11.3% to divergence between groups. This distribution is in agreement with the outcrossing nature of these plants. Comparative analysis of variance within populations reveals a reduced genetic variation for the osteoxylla group, thus supporting its previous consideration as an endangered taxon.  相似文献   

陈磊  张洪海  马建章 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1463-1471
应用Long-PCR和克隆测序法得到蒙古狼(Canis lupus chanco)线粒体基因组全序列,结合GenBank中现有犬科动物线粒体基因组数据,应用最大简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和Bayesian分析法对蒙古狼的系统发育地位进行了探讨。结果如下:蒙古狼线粒体基因组全长16709bp,包含13个蛋白质编码基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和1个非编码区。序列碱基的组成存在明显的A-T偏好性。tRNA基因中除tRNA-Ser(AGY)缺少双氢尿嘧啶(DHU)臂以外,其余均能折叠成典型的三叶草二级结构。大多数蛋白质编码基因的起始和终止密码子与犬科动物有报道相同,COXⅡ基因的起始密码子为ATA,与其他犬科动物不同。基于12S rRNA+16S rRNA+H链上的12个蛋白质编码基因的联合数据的系统发育分析发现,在已报道的狼亚种数据中,西藏狼(Canis lupus laniger)的分化时间最早,其次为阿拉伯狼(Canis lupus arabs),蒙古狼与欧亚狼(Canis lupuslupus)的系统发育地位最为接近。  相似文献   

Analysis of complete mitochondrial genome sequences is becoming increasingly common in genetic studies. The availability of full genome datasets enables an analysis of the information content distributed throughout the mitochondrial genome in order to optimize the research design of future evolutionary studies. The goal of our study was to identify informative regions of the human mitochondrial genome using two criteria: (1) accurate reconstruction of a phylogeny and (2) consistent estimates of time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA). We created two series of datasets by deleting individual genes of varied length and by deleting 10 equal-size fragments throughout the coding region. Phylogenies were statistically compared to the full-coding-region tree, while coalescent methods were used to estimate the TMRCA and associated credible intervals. Individual fragments important for maintaining a phylogeny similar to the full-coding-region tree encompassed bp 577-2122 and 11,399-16,023, including all or part of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, ND4, ND5, ND6, and cytb. The control region only tree was the most poorly resolved with the majority of the tree manifest as an unresolved polytomy. Coalescent estimates of TMRCA were less sensitive to removal of any particular fragment(s) than reconstruction of a consistent phylogeny. Overall, we discovered that half the genome, i.e., bp 3669-11,398, could be removed with no significant change in the phylogeny (p(AU)=0.077) while still maintaining overlap of TMRCA 95% credible intervals. Thus, sequencing a contiguous fragment from bp 11,399 through the control region to bp 3668 would create a dataset that optimizes the information necessary for phylogenetic and coalescent analyses and also takes advantage of the wealth of data already available on the control region.  相似文献   

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