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In a small Bahun village in Gorkha district, West Nepal, in only one generation, there has been a huge shift to educating young women and including them in modernity. Ideologies of ‘gender equality’ in education that are promoted in development programs and discourse, and in Maoist rhetoric, have been powerful drivers behind this. In this paper I highlight the gender and generational dynamics of the changing relationship of women to education in Nepal. I argue that the move to educating women is not a simple one, nor is it necessarily a development success story. The importance placed on educating the younger generation, including women, is also very much tied to local Bahun culture, marriage values and status. Bahun villagers of Ludigaun place great importance on both education and marriage. When combined, I argue, education has in fact become dowry. While there have been transformations in education and other modernising processes, as well as in dowry practices, in this paper I show that they have come to maintain traditional hierarchies and to support the status making of the educated Bahun man.  相似文献   

Suicide is a crisis of unknown proportions in much of the developing world. The majority of research into suicide has been done in high-resource countries such as Australia, and most intervention protocols have been drawn up using Western models. There appear to be a number of differences in the aetiology, presentation and treatment options for mental health problems between high-resource and low-resource countries. This review compares suicide in a high-resource country, Australia, and low-resource country, Nepal.Many low-resource countries such as Nepal struggle to address barriers to mental health care due to limited mental health resources and issues such as stigma, workforce and mental health literacy. Issues relating to suicide prevention are raised, contrasting a low-resource country, Nepal, with a high-resource country, Australia.  相似文献   

Forest conservation and environmental management in Nepal: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides information on the status of forests and environmental problems related to forestry in Nepal. It aims to integrate the conservation and sustainable management of forests as a part of environmental planning. A critical review of the main environmental problems with prioritization within the forestry sector; thorough review of all forest related documents, strategies, development plans, programs, institutional arrangements, policies mentioned in the Master Plan for Forestry Sector Nepal of 1988, and other relevant documents; identification of major gaps and constraints of forestry policy and plans and current practices of forest conservation and management have been done. The decline in forestry resources in Nepal took place in the past due to lack of appropriate policy to guide the legal, institutional and operational development for the forestry sector. Forestry policy in Nepal, in the past, was shaped by political and economic motives rather than ecological considerations. Policy formulation mechanisms exist in Nepal; however, there is an excessive delay in translating policies into legislation and then into operational rules and administrative orders. There is a need to implement the international obligations by transforming them into regulations in order to make them legally binding. The data to be generated in the coming years in the areas of forestry at both national and international levels suggest that we should revise the research priorities and strategies. Research to add value to the forest resource products has yet been neglected. More attention is required on regular monitoring and evaluation of the projects. A thorough evaluation of the programs and planning for the forestry sector in Nepal is urgently required to update the progress and revise the programs.  相似文献   

Questions: How do climate conditions and the site's ecohy‐ drological properties affect the age and size structure of natural Pinus sylvestris stands on pristine boreal mires? How do the long‐term stand dynamics on mires proceed as stands age? Do the mire stands reach a balanced, old‐growth stage? Location: Boreal mire forests in southern and northern Finland. Methods: Tree age and diameter distributions were analysed in 52 stands in two climate areas and in two mire site types with different ecohydrological properties. Temporal stand dynamics were examined by (1) comparing the graphs of the stands’ mean tree ages by diameter at breast height (1.3 m) classes and (2) describing the changes in stand characteristics and stand age and size structures as a function of stand dominant age in a chronosequence. Results: In the south, the DBH distributions were mostly unimodal and bell‐shaped in both site type groups. Age distributions were multimodal and flat in fully‐stocked sites but more uneven in sparsely forested composite sites. In the north, both the age and size distributions were clearly uneven in both site type groups. Tree age and size variation increased with stand age, but levelled out in the long term. Particularly in the south, the abundance of small trees decreased as stand age increased. Conclusions: The pine stands on pristine boreal mires are more dynamic than anticipated and are generally not characterised by a balanced, self‐perpetuating structure. Their dynamics reflect differences in climate and ecohydrology: on stocked sites in favourable boreal conditions, the stands showed structures typically resultant of inter‐tree competition processes that control tree growth and regeneration, whereas in harsh boreal climates, the tree regeneration process is ongoing diversifying the stand structure.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation, overexploitation of natural resources, the introduction of alien species and environmental degradation in aquatic environments are the main causes of reductions in aquatic biota diversity. Phytoplankton represent good ecological indicators because they are highly diverse and rapidly respond to a wide array of environmental disturbances. We investigated the interannual variation in alpha diversity of the phytoplankton community in lakes of an alluvial floodplain. We predicted that the phytoplankton diversity decreases over time in lakes and rivers subjected to human activities, whereas those biotopes in areas under pristine environmental conditions do not show a reduction in alpha diversity. Phytoplankton samples were taken quarterly over a period of eleven years (2000–2010), from ten localities associated with three large rivers, which showed different uses of the watershed. The time series of alpha diversity was analysed, to assess the temporal trend, in addition to their relationships with environmental factors. Phytoplankton alpha diversity in the Upper Paraná River floodplain ranged between 4 and 87 species and showed a mean of 30 (±16.5). Sites associated with the Paraná River showed a decline in diversity, which was associated with transparency, nitrogen and phosphorus forms. These results reflect a combination of seston retention by damming and an increase in the N:P ratio, which appears to negatively affect phytoplankton diversity. If temporal trends in environmental variation and the phytoplankton community remain, the future consequences for phytoplanktonic diversity in the Paraná subsystem will be severe, which might cause changes in the trophic structure and dynamics, and therefore in the functioning of environments, since this community is one of the main sources of energy for other trophic levels.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics and their dependence on the stand density of an even-aged, mature forest provides knowledge that is important for forest management. This study investigated the differences in ecosystem total C and N storage and flux between a low-density stand (LD) and a high-density stand (HD) and examined the effects of stand density on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), total belowground C allocation (TBCA) and net ecosystem production (NEP) in a naturally regenerated, 65- to 75-year-old Pinus densiflora S. et Z. forest.Methods LD (450 trees ha-1) and HD (842 trees ha-1) were established in an even-aged, mature P. densiflora forest in September 2006. The forest had been naturally regenerated following harvesting, and the stand density was naturally maintained without any artificial management such as thinning. The diameter at breast height (DBH ≥ 5.0cm) of all live stems within the stands was measured yearly from 2007 to 2011. To compare C and N storage and fluxes in LD and HD, C and N pools in aboveground and belowground biomass, the forest floor, coarse woody debris (CWD) and soil; soil CO2 efflux (R S); autotrophic respiration (R A); litter production; and soil N availability were measured. Further, ANPP, TBCA and NEP were estimated from plot-based measurement data.Important findings Ecosystem C (Mg C ha-1) and N (Mg N ha-1) storage was, respectively, 173.0±7.3 (mean ± SE) and 4.69±0.30 for LD and 162±11.8 and 4.08±0.18 for HD. There were no significant differences in C and N storage in the ecosystem components, except for soils, between the two stands. In contrast, there were significant differences in aboveground ANPP and TBCA between the two stands (P < 0.05). Litterfall, biomass increment and R S were major C flux components with values of, respectively, 3.89, 3.74 and 9.07 Mg C ha-1 year-1 in LD and 3.15, 2.94 and 7.06 Mg C ha-1 year-1 in HD. Biometric-based NEP (Mg C ha-1 year-1) was 4.18 in LD and 5.50 in HD. Although the even-aged, mature P. densiflora forest had similar C and N allocation patterns, it showed different C and N dynamics depending on stand density. The results of the current study will be useful for elucidating the effects of stand density on C and N storage and fluxes, which are important issues in managing natural mature forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The (13)C isotopic signature (C stable isotope ratio; delta(13)C) of CO(2) respired from forest ecosystems and their particular compartments are known to be influenced by temporal changes in environmental conditions affecting C isotope fractionation during photosynthesis. Whereas most studies have assessed temporal variation in delta(13)C of ecosystem-respired CO(2) on a day-to-day scale, not much information is available on its diel dynamics. We investigated environmental and physiological controls over potential temporal changes in delta(13)C of respired CO(2) by following the short-term dynamics of the (13)C signature from newly assimilated organic matter pools in the needles, via phloem-transported organic matter in twigs and trunks, to trunk-, soil- and ecosystem-respired CO(2). We found a strong 24-h periodicity in delta(13)C of organic matter in leaf and twig phloem sap, which was strongly dampened as carbohydrates were transported down the trunk. Periodicity reappeared in the delta(13)C of trunk-respired CO(2), which seemed to originate from apparent respiratory fractionation rather than from changes in delta(13)C of the organic substrate. The diel patterns of delta(13)C in soil-respired CO(2) are partly explained by soil temperature and moisture and are probably due to changes in the relative contribution of heterotrophic and autotrophic CO(2) fluxes to total soil efflux in response to environmental conditions. Our study shows that direct relations between delta(13)C of recent assimilates and respired CO(2) may not be present on a diel time scale, and other factors lead to short-term variations in delta(13)C of ecosystem-emitted CO(2). On the one hand, these variations complicate ecosystem CO(2) flux partitioning, but on the other hand they provide new insights into metabolic processes underlying respiratory CO(2) emission.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated N deposition on changes in mass, C, N and P of decomposing pine (Pinus massoniana) needles in a disturbed and a rehabilitated forest in tropical China were studied during a 24-month period. The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that litter decomposition in a disturbed forest is more sensitive to N deposition rate than litter decomposition in a rehabilitated forest due to the relatively low nutrient status in the former as a result of constant human disturbance (harvesting understory and litter). The litterbag method and N treatments (control, no N addition; low-N, 5 g N m−2 year−1; medium-N, 10 g N m−2 year−1) were employed to evaluate decomposition. The results revealed that N addition increased (positive effect) mass loss rate and C release rate but suppressed (negative effect) the release rate of N and P from decomposing needles in both disturbed and rehabilitated forests. The enhanced needle decomposition rate by N addition was significantly related to the reduction in the C/N ratio in decomposing needles. However, N availability is not the sole factor limiting needle decomposition in both disturbed and rehabilitated forests. The positive effect was more sensitive to the N addition rate in the rehabilitated forest than in the disturbed forest, however the reverse was true for the negative effect. These results suggest that nutrient status could be one of the important factors in controlling the response of litter decomposition and its nutrient release to elevated N deposition in reforested ecosystems in the study region.  相似文献   

西天目山黄山松阔叶林的冠层干扰与动态推测   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
根据年龄结构和直径生长图分析研究了浙江省西天目山黄山松阔叶混交林的冠层干扰年表和发展动态。结果表明黄山松在该林地的定居发生在1861-1880年之间,黄山松定居30-40年后,其他阔叶树开妈在林下萌发生长,形成目前的黄山阔叶混交林,该林浆被阔叶叶树取代。  相似文献   

In order to alleviate a flooding problem of the upper catchment area, it was proposed to construct a drainage channel across the fishponds of Inner Deep Bay which were considered as having high ecological value particularly for wetland birds. The potential loss of 34.6 ha of fishponds, which would be converted into the footprint of the drainage channel, was the major controversial issue of the environmental impact assessment study of the project even though an environmentally friendly design of the channel was proposed as a mitigation measure. Construction works were commenced in 1993 and completed in 1997. Post-construction monitoring of the drainage channel was conducted in 2001 and 2002 and its utilization by wetland birds was reported. The results indicated that the drainage channel with the unlined earth bottom and mangrove plantation provided a favorable habitat for wetland birds especially Ardeids and wintering ducks during low-tide periods. As the channel was connected to the estuary, its ecological function was similar to that of a tidal creek which promoted natural flushing and nutrient recycling. The exposed mudflat during low tide provided an important foraging habitat for wetland birds of the Inner Deep Bay area. The construction of the environmentally friendly drainage channel not only enhanced habitat diversity but also enriched the landscape element of the study area which used to be only fishponds in a homogeneous setting.  相似文献   

Trees bearing novel or exotic gene components are poised to contribute to the bioeconomy for a variety of purposes such as bioenergy production, phytoremediation, and carbon sequestration within the forestry sector, but sustainable release of trees with novel traits in large‐scale plantations requires the quantification of risks posed to native tree populations. Over the last century, exotic hybrid poplars produced through artificial crosses were planted throughout eastern Canada as ornamentals or windbreaks and these exotics provide a proxy by which to examine the fitness of exotic poplar traits within the natural environment to assess risk of exotic gene escape, establishment, and spread into native gene pools. We assessed postzygotic fitness traits of native and exotic poplars within a naturally regenerated stand in eastern Canada (Quebec City, QC). Pure natives (P. balsamifera and P. deltoides spp. deltoides), native hybrids (P. deltoides × P. balsamifera), and exotic hybrids (trees bearing Populus nigra and P. maximowiczii genetic components) were screened for reproductive biomass, yield, seed germination, and fungal disease susceptibility. Exotic hybrids expressed fitness traits intermediate to pure species and were not significantly different from native hybrids. They formed fully viable seed and backcrossed predominantly with P. balsamifera. These data show that exotic hybrids were not unfit and were capable of establishing and competing within the native stand. Future research will seek to examine the impact of exotic gene regions on associated biotic communities to fully quantify the risk exotic poplars pose to native poplar forests.  相似文献   

Charcoal recovered from middens and graves in the neolithic site of Kadero, north of Khartoum, Sudan was analysed. The site lies within the semi-desert vegetation zone at present. During the occupation period (5960-5030 uncal B.P.), a scrub and thorn savanna grew around the site. It is further suggested that the vegetation during the neolithic period at Kadero was already under strong human impact through controlled fires, felling and grazing.  相似文献   

The effects of preplant phosphorus fertilization on fine root (2 mm) distribution were examined in an 11-year-old stand of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) located on the lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Root auger cores were collected from the planting bed and interbed areas from two depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm) from fertilized (45 kg P ha–1 at time of planting) and nonfertilized plots. Root samples were collected and aboveground growth measured during the 11th year after fertilization. Despite significant increases in aboveground volume and biomass due to fertilization, fine root biomass was unaffected. No differences in rooting density (root length per volume of soil) due to phosphorus additions were detected. However, the ratio of fine root biomass to aboveground (shoot) biomass (R:S) was significantly smaller on plots receiving phosphorus fertilization.operated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., under Contract No. DE-AC05-840 R21400 with the U.S. Department of Energy  相似文献   

High-mountain-ecosystems in the Mediterranean-type climate are exceptional because of their outstanding biodiversity but also because of their characteristic drought stress in summer. Still, plant functioning in these habitats has been largely understudied. Here, morphological, photochemical, and biochemical traits were seasonally assessed in six shrubs characterized by contrasting morphological traits, in the Teide mountain in the Canary Islands. Two adjacent populations, the first located in an open site and the second in the understorey of Pinus canariensis treeline forest, were evaluated. We aimed at disentangling (1) the role of morphological and biochemical photoprotective strategies and of their seasonal plasticity to cope with changing environmental conditions in this semiarid ecosystem, (2) how the interspecific differences in biochemical photoprotection are related to leaf morphology and phenology and (3) how living in the understory of the treeline may affect those responses. Our results indicate that both morphological and biochemical traits (particularly leaf habit, morphology and carotenoids from the β-branch) play an intricate role in photoprotection, and that a high interspecific variability exists. According to the down-regulation of photochemical activity and the upregulation of photoprotective molecules, species could be grouped into three types: (1) those more responsive to summer stress (e.g. Descurainia bourgeauana); (2) those more responsive to winter stress (e.g. Pterocephalus lasiospermus, Scrophularia glabrata and Adenocarpus viscosus); and (3) those showing rather constant behavior across seasons (e.g. Spartocytisus supranubius and Erysimum scoparium). In all the species, plants in the open site showed a marked seasonal physiological response in most of the studied parameters. Pinus canariensis canopy buffers environmental abiotic constrains. On a global change scenario, and provided further functional studies are needed, our results pinpoints heterogeneity in the sensitivity of these species against for instance late-frost or summer-heat/drought events, which could easily shift current species distribution in the coming years.  相似文献   

Pinus radiata D. Don trees were grown in the presence and absence of the woody weed broom (Cytisus scoparius L.) on a dryland site for 2 years to determine the effects of competition from weeds on wood properties in juvenile trees. Wood property measurements made on cross-sections from the bark to the pith were scaled to convert results from distance to a time basis using sigmoidal equations fitted to monthly measurements of tree diameter. When averaged across the 2 years, the presence of the weeds significantly increased wood density (+11%), wall thickness (+6%) and modulus of elasticity (MOESS, +93%), and significantly reduced microfibril angle (MFA, –21%) and radial diameter (–8%). Radial growth rate was significantly correlated to wood density, and this relationship held across both treatment and age. At the seasonal scale, there was close correspondence between changes in MFA and growth rate. Ring width was significantly related to both MFA and MOESS at the annual scale. Although both of these relationships held across treatments, year significantly influenced the value of coefficients in the relationships. The results highlight the direct effects of the presence of weeds on wood properties and the need to consider silvicultural treatments appropriate for balancing gains in productivity with losses in wood quality for timber production.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) and of carbohydrate species (starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose) were followed in rhizomes ofPhragmites australis at two sites of the T?eboň Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic): Branná sand pit and Ro?mberk fishpond-western shore, which were classified (according to plant species composition and phosphorus availability) as oligotrophic and hyper-eutrophic, respectively.Phragmites stands at these sites were expanding and retreating, respectively. Rhizomes were sampled within terrestrial parts of the reed stands (at a water depth of about 10 cm). The levels of total non-structural carbohydrates were determined mainly by levels of starch and sucrose, while glucose and fructose were present at comparatively low levels. The most conspicuous differences between the sites were associated with autumnal and March levels of carbohydrates. In March, i.e. at the beginning of vegetative development, TNC and starch levels were lower at the hyper-eutrophic, as compared with the oligotrophic, site. Starch and TNC levels fell from August to September at the hyper-eutrophic, but not at the oligotrophic, site. At the low water depth investigated, the differences between stands in carbohydrate levels do not seem to be large enough to account solely for their different vigour. It is suggested that the effect of water depth needs to be evaluated in more detail.  相似文献   

Pollen, microscopic charcoal, palaeohydrological and dendrochronological analyses are applied to a radiocarbon and tephrochronologically dated mid Holocene (ca. 8500–3000 cal b.p.) peat sequence with abundant fossil Pinus (pine) wood. The Pinus populations on peat fluctuated considerably over the period in question. Colonisation by Pinus from ca. 7900–7600 cal b.p. appears to have had no specific environmental trigger; it was probably determined by the rate of migration from particular populations. The second phase, at ca. 5000–4400 cal b.p., was facilitated by anthropogenic interference that reduced competition from other trees. The pollen record shows two Pinus declines. The first at ca. 6200–5500 cal b.p. was caused by a series of rapid and frequent climatic shifts. The second, the so-called pine decline, was very gradual (ca. 4200–3300 cal b.p.) at Loch Farlary and may not have been related to climate change as is often supposed. Low intensity but sustained grazing pressures were more important. Throughout the mid Holocene, the frequency and intensity of burning in these open PinusCalluna woods were probably highly sensitive to hydrological (climatic) change. Axe marks on several trees are related to the mid to late Bronze Age, i.e., long after the trees had died.  相似文献   

A palaeoecological study was conducted close to the forest limit in the northern Scandinavian mountain range. The aim was to elucidate the degree to which human impact has affected the vegetation at Hiednikvalta, a Stállo settlement site. Stállo settlements consist of round hut foundations that have a hearth in the middle and are surrounded by a low turf wall. They were probably established by Sámi people using the mountain areas for hunting and/or reindeer herding. In order to separate the effects of humans and climate on the vegetation, a reference area approach was adopted, i.e. the vegetation development at the Stállo settlement site Hiednikvalta was compared with the vegetation development in a forested reference area Avvuhatjåhkkå, at the same altitude as Hiednikvalta but with no archaeological remains of settlements. Peat stratigraphies were retrieved at the two sites and pollen analysis, loss-on-ignition (LOI), pollen accumulation rates (PAR), macrofossil analysis and Betula pollen size statistics were all examined. The results indicate that Hiednikvalta was forested with Betula trees prior to the Stállo settlement period, which occurred between the eighth and thirteenth centuries. Human activities resulted in a decrease in tree cover at the site, as found in a previous study at Adamvalta, another Stállo settlement site in the region. However, the magnitude of vegetation change, and the post-Stállo vegetation development differed between the two areas, suggesting that site-specific factors are important. The use of reference areas in palynological studies is also discussed.  相似文献   

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