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We investigated the structure of a lizard assemblage from Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest enclaves in the Brazilian Cerrado biome, by testing the roles of ecological and historical components. We analysed data from 469 individuals, belonging to 18 lizard species, sampled by a combination of pitfall, funnel and glue traps, as well as by haphazard sampling. Null model analyses and Canonical Phylogenetic Ordination analysis, coupled with Monte Carlo simulations, revealed lack of both ecological and phylogenetic structure in microhabitat use. Conversely, these analyses revealed a mean overlap in diet composition significantly smaller than expected by chance and significant historical structure. Structure in diet composition was due to phylogenetic effects corresponding to the most basal divergence of the squamate phylogeny (Iguania/Scleroglossa) and the clades Teiidae and Gymnophthalmidae. Among lizards, evolutionary constraints on microhabitat use appear less than on prey use, suggesting that the availability of historically preferred prey types moderates microhabitat selection. The lack of structure in microhabitat use suggests absence of competitive interactions on the spatial component. On the other hand, food preferences have a deep historical basis and do not reflect current competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract Exotic grasses are becoming increasingly abundant in Neotropical savannas, with Melinis minutiflora Beauv. being particularly invasive. To better understand the consequences for the native flora, we performed a field study to test the effect of this species on the establishment, survival and growth of seedlings of seven tree species native to the savannas and forests of the Cerrado region of Brazil. Seeds of the tree species were sown in 40 study plots, of which 20 were sites dominated by M. minutiflora, and 20 were dominated by native grasses. The exotic grass had no discernable effect on initial seedling emergence, as defined by the number of seedlings present at the end of the first growing season. Subsequent seedling survival in plots dominated by M. minutiflora was less than half that of plots dominated by native species. Consequently, at the end of the third growing season, invaded plots had only 44% as many seedlings as plots with native grasses. Above‐ground grass biomass of invaded plots was more than twice that of uninvaded plots, while seedling survival was negatively correlated with grass biomass, suggesting that competition for light may explain the low seedling survival where M. minutiflora is dominant. Soils of invaded plots had higher mean Ca, Mg and Zn, but these variables did not account for the higher grass biomass or the lower seedling survival in invaded plots. The results indicate that this exotic grass is having substantial effects on the dynamics of the tree community, with likely consequences for ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   



To evaluate the extent to which ant species richness in Neotropical savannas varies with macrogeographic variables, and to identify the potential climatic drivers of such variation.


The Cerrado savanna biome of central Brazil, in a region spanning ca. 20° of latitude and 18°of longitude.


Standardized sampling of the arboreal and ground‐dwelling faunas was performed in 29 well‐preserved savanna sites using pitfall traps. Species were classified according to their habitat affinities: open‐savanna specialists, forest‐associated species or habitat generalists. We used generalized linear models to evaluate the importance of geographic (latitude, longitude and elevation) and climatic (mean temperature and three metrics of rainfall) variables as predictors of species richness.


The total number of species recorded at each site varied more than twofold (from 59 to 144), and latitude was the best geographic correlate of overall species richness. However, contrary to the expected pattern, more species were found at higher than lower latitudes. This reversed latitudinal pattern of diversity occurred for both the arboreal and ground‐dwelling faunas, and for the habitat generalists and forest specialists. The savanna specialists showed a mid‐latitudinal peak in diversity. Overall, there was a significant positive association between rainfall and species richness, but the strength of this relationship varied with ant habitat affinity.

Main conclusions

The Cerrado ant fauna shows a reverse latitudinal gradient in species diversity, and this can be explained by increasing rainfall during the warmest months of the year (and therefore in plant productivity) with increasing latitude. The sensitivity of Cerrado ant diversity to declining rainfall contrasts with the high resilience to aridity of the Australian savanna ant fauna, and this reflects the contrasting evolutionary histories of these faunas. Our findings highlight the importance of historical processes as drivers of intercontinental contrasts in macroecological patterns.  相似文献   

Biophysical characteristics of sapwood and outer parenchyma water storage compartments were studied in stems of eight dominant Brazilian Cerrado tree species to assess the impact of differences in tissue capacitance on whole-plant water relations. The rate of decline in tissue water potential with relative water content (RWC) was greater in the outer parenchyma than in the sapwood for most of the species, resulting in tissue-and species-specific differences in capacitance. Sapwood capacitance on a tissue volume basis ranged from 40 to 160 kg m-3 MPa-1, whereas outer parenchyma capacitance ranged from 25 to only 60 kg m-3 MPa-1. In addition, osmotic potentials at full turgor and at the turgor loss point were more negative for the outer parenchyma compared with the sapwood, and the maximum bulk elastic modulus was higher for the outer parenchyma than for the sapwood. Sapwood capacitance decreased linearly with increasing sapwood density across species, but there was no significant correlation between outer parenchyma capacitance and tissue density. Midday leaf water potential, the total hydraulic conductance of the soil/leaf pathway and stomatal conductance to water vapour (gs) all increased with stem volumetric capacitance, or with the relative contribution of stored water to total daily transpiration. However, the difference between the pre-dawn water potential of non-transpiring leaves and the weighted average soil water potential, a measure of the water potential disequilibrium between the plant and soil, increased asymptotically with total stem capacitance across species, implying that overnight recharge of water storage compartments was incomplete in species with greater capacitance. Overall, stem capacitance contributes to homeostasis in the diurnal and seasonal water balance of Cerrado trees.  相似文献   

Hoffmann WA  Orthen B  Franco AC 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):252-260
Tropical savannas and closed forests are characterized by distinct tree communities, with most species occurring almost exclusively in only one of the two environments. The ecology of these two groups of species will largely determine the structure and dynamics of the savanna-forest boundary, but little is known about the ecological and physiological differences that might control their distributions. We performed field and nursery experiments to compare seedling establishment success, predawn leaf water potential, biomass allocation, and root carbohydrate concentration of congeneric species, each composed of one savanna species and one forest species. Seedling establishment of savanna and forest species responded differently to vegetation cover, with forest species having lowest establishment success in the open savanna and savanna species having lowest success in forest. Subsequent survival followed similar patterns, resulting in even greater differences in cumulative success. The low survival of forest species in the savanna appears related to drought stress, as seedlings of forest species had lower predawn leaf water potential than savanna species. Seedlings of savanna species had greater root: shoot ratios and root total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) concentration, particularly among evergreen genera. Among evergreen genera, root TNC per shoot mass, which may largely determine resprout capacity, was seven times higher in savanna species than forest species. Although water availability and microclimate may reduce the success of forest species, these factors appear unable to completely exclude forest seedling establishment in savanna. Fire, on the other hand, appears to be a much more absolute constraint to success of forest species in savanna.  相似文献   

Questions: Has fire suppression relaxed barriers to the exchange of species between savanna and forest? Do all species or a subset of species participate in this exchange? Would current vegetation structure persist if fire suppression were to cease? Location: A gallery forest edge in the Cerrado region of central Brazil that burned only once in the past 35 years. Methods: Density of tree seedlings, saplings and adults, leaf area index (LAI), tree basal area and diameter were surveyed in 12, 10 m × 70 m transects centred on and perpendicular to the forest–savanna boundary. Community composition was assessed using non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling (NMDS). Results: Basal area and LAI declined substantially from forest to savanna, with an associated shift in species composition. Savanna tree species were nearly absent in the forest, but accounted for the majority of stems in the savanna. In contrast, forest species comprised 14% of adults and more than one‐third of juveniles in the savanna. Despite the high diversity of trees (85 species) in the forest, five species play a particularly large role in this initial phase of forest expansion. Reintroduction of fire, however, would result in widespread topkill of juveniles and the majority of adult forest trees, thereby interrupting the succession towards forest. Conclusions: After 35 years during which the site burned only once, the savanna still remains dominated by savanna species. Nevertheless, the dominance of forest juveniles in border and savanna tree communities suggests that with a continued policy of fire suppression, the forest will continue to expand.  相似文献   

Several studies pointed out soil properties as the prime determinant ofcerrado (the Brazilian savanna) physiognomies, and a gradient from campocerrado (a shrub savanna) to cerradão (a tallwoodland) has been correlated with a soil fertility gradient. Based on thishypothesis, we investigated soil-vegetation relationships in thePé-de-Gigante Reserve (São Paulo State,SoutheasternBrazil). We randomly distributed 10 quadrats (10 × 10 m) oneach ofthe following physiognomies: campo cerrado, cerradosensu stricto, cerradão, andseasonal semideciduous forest, previously defined by the analysis of satelliteimages (LANDSAT-5). We sampled the woody individuals with stem diameter> 3 cm at soil level, identifying their species. In each quadrat, wecollectedsoil samples at the depths of 0–5, 5–25, 40–60, and80–100 cm, and determined pH, K, Ca, Mg, P, Al, H + Al, basesaturation, aluminium saturation, cation exchange capacity, and percentage ofsand, clay and loam. Obtained data were submitted to a canonical correspondenceanalysis (CCA) and to a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). Our resultsshowed a clear distinction between semideciduous forest and the cerradophysiognomies, based in soil parameters. The former was related to higherconcentrations of cations and clay in the soil, while the latter was related tohigher concentrations of exchangeable aluminium in the soil surface. The threecerrado physiognomies – campo cerrado, cerradosensu stricto, and cerradão– could not be distinguished considering plant density and the analysedsoil features.  相似文献   

Lavoisiera bergii Cogn., Macairea radula (Bonpl.) DC. and Trembleya parviflora (D. Don) Cogn. are shrubby species of the family Melastomataceae. They occur in the flooded area of the Vereda Grande palm swamp in the Águas Emendadas Ecological Station (a protected area in the midwest of Brazil). M. radula and T. parviflora also occur in the well-drained soil of the cerrado sensu stricto that surrounds the palm swamp. Root and shoot anatomy of the three species show aerenchyma in plants growing in the waterlogged palm swamp area. In the cortex of roots of L. bergii and T. parviflora this aerenchyma develops in a schizo-lysigenous way. Aerenchymatous spaces occur also in the stems. During secondary growth, the phellogen produces an aerenchymatous polyderm. This latter is formed by two cell types, braciform and compact cells, and shows deposition of suberin in the cell walls. In the emerging organs the polyderm does not form gas spaces. The primary aerenchyma is constitutive and occurs also in the root of M. radula and T. parviflora, even when these species are growing in the well-drained soil of cerrado sensu stricto.  相似文献   

The high rates of future climatic changes, compared with the rates reported for past changes, may hamper species adaptation to new climates or the tracking of suitable conditions, resulting in significant loss of genetic diversity. Trees are dominant species in many biomes and because they are long‐lived, they may not be able to cope with ongoing climatic changes. Here, we coupled ecological niche modelling (ENM) and genetic simulations to forecast the effects of climatic changes on the genetic diversity and the structure of genetic clusters. Genetic simulations were conditioned to climatic variables and restricted to plant dispersal and establishment. We used a Neotropical savanna tree as species model that shows a preference for hot and drier climates, but with low temperature seasonality. The ENM predicts a decreasing range size along the more severe future climatic scenario. Additionally, genetic diversity and allelic richness also decrease with range retraction and climatic genetic clusters are lost for both future scenarios, which will lead genetic variability to homogenize throughout the landscape. Besides, climatic genetic clusters will spatially reconfigure on the landscape following displacements of climatic conditions. Our findings indicate that climate change effects will challenge population adaptation to new environmental conditions because of the displacement of genetic ancestry clusters from their optimal conditions.  相似文献   

With the aim of recognizing the commonest leaf pattern found in the woody flora of the cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) we analyzed the leaf anatomy of 30 representative species. The leaves are mostly dorsiventral and hypostomatic and covered by trichomes and a thick layer of wax and cuticle; the vascular bundles are surrounded by a sheath of fibers. The mesophyll has a developed palisade tissue, dispersed sclerified cells and idioblasts bearing crystals and phenolic compounds. We compared the results with those reported for other species (60 species) from the same biome and for the families that the studied species belong. The present study suggests that the xeromorphism observed for the cerrado leaves is related to the evolutionary history of this biome, since its first floristic elements must have faced deficient water conditions as well as the consequent soil acidity and toxicity. Therefore we may infer that the leaf anatomical pattern here observed was already present in the first elements of the cerrado and was selected to guarantee the survival of those species in the new environment. Furthermore, the xeromorphic features present in those leaves continue nowadays to help the plants protecting themselves from the different biotic and abiotic factors they are subjected to.  相似文献   

The selection of nutrient-rich leaves by leaf-cutter ants ( Atta spp.) is thought to be of indirect benefit to these ants by promoting the growth of their symbiotic fungus. However, relatively few studies have analyzed the influence of leaf nutrient content on host plant selection by leaf-cutter ants, and conflicting results have been found. We compared the content of eight nutritional elements plus the non-nutrient aluminum between leaves harvested by colonies of Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Attini) and leaves collected randomly within their foraging areas. In addition, we evaluated whether leaf nutrient content explained the frequency with which these ants attacked and defoliated some of the tree species found in the study area. For 2 years, we monitored 17–26 trees from 15 species and determined the number of times each plant was attacked and the amount and type of foliage removed. Leaves harvested by A. laevigata presented significantly higher concentrations of N, P, K, Zn, and Cu than those collected randomly. This result is likely to reflect the foraging pattern presented by these ants, which were selective both in terms of the plant species and age of leaves most commonly attacked. Young leaves were the only or the main leaf type exploited in many species, and in comparison to mature leaves these presented significantly higher concentrations of P and K. Large differences in the mean number of ant attacks on the tree species studied were also observed, and those presenting more leaf N tended to be the most frequently attacked.  相似文献   

Effects of fire protection on savanna structure in Central Brazil   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The seasonal savannas (cerrados) of Central Brazil are characterized by a large diversity of evergreen and deciduous trees, which do not show a clear differentiation in terms of active rooting depth. Irrespective of the depth of the root system, expansion of new foliage in deciduous species occurs at the end of the dry season. In this study, we examined a suite of leaf traits related to C assimilation, water and nutrients (N, P) in five deciduous and six evergreen trees that were among the dominant families of cerrado vegetation. Maximum CO2 assimilation on a mass basis (Amass) was significantly correlated with leaf N and P, and specific leaf area (SLA; leaf area per unit of leaf mass). The highest leaf concentrations of both nutrients were measured in the newly mature leaves of deciduous species at the end of the dry period. The differences in terms of leaf N and P between evergreen and deciduous species decreased during the wet season. Deciduous species also invested less in the production of non-photosynthetic leaf tissues and produced leaves with higher SLA and maintained higher water use efficiency. Thus, deciduous species compensated for their shorter leaf payback period by maintaining higher potential payback capacity (higher values of Amass) and lower leaf construction costs (higher SLA). Their short leafless period and the capacity to flush by the end of the dry season may also contribute to offset the longer payback period of evergreen species, although it may involve the higher cost of maintaining a deep-root system or a tight control of plant water balance in the shallow-rooted ones.  相似文献   

  • Species vary in seed size and content of stored reserves, which can be related to dispersal strategies and type of habitat in which they are found. We compare seed carbon and nutrient reserves of anemochorous and zoochorous trees from the Cerrado of central Brazil.
  • We measured seed dry mass, lipids, non‐structural carbohydrates (starch and total soluble sugars), carbon and mineral nutrients in ten forest and 13 savanna species, each classified as having wind‐ or animal‐dispersed seeds. We used phylogenetically independent contrasts to test for correlations among these traits.
  • Seeds of anemochorous species were lighter, with higher concentrations of C, N, P, Ca and Mg. Lipids were the dominant carbon reserve for most anemochorous species, underpinning the importance of allocation to compact carbon reserves. Starch, lipids or soluble sugars were the major carbon reserve in zoochorous seeds. Savanna and forest species did not differ in seed mass or in total carbon reserves. However, seeds of forest species had higher concentrations of starch than seeds of savanna species. Lipid and starch negatively correlated across species, suggesting a trade‐off between starch and lipids as major seed carbon reserves. Calcium was positively correlated with Mn and B, while Mg was positively correlated with C, N, P, K, S, Zn and B. Potassium, S and Cl were positively correlated, while P was positively correlated with Mg and Zn.
  • Dispersal mode rather than vegetation type constrained seed mass and seed storage allocation patterns in forest and savanna trees. We provide evidence that similar mechanisms are involved in seed storage of carbon and mineral nutrients across species.

Studies of ant–plant relationships elucidate how top-down effects of the third trophic level can affect the biomass, richness, and/or species composition of plants. Although widespread in the neotropics, few studies have so far examined the direct effects of ants on plant fitness. Here, through experimental manipulation (ant-exclusion) under natural conditions, we examined the effect of ant visitation to extrafloral nectaries on leaf herbivory and fruit set in Chamaecrista debilis in the Brazilian savanna. As opposed to other Chamaecrista species, our results showed that visiting ants (15 species) significantly reduce herbivory and increase fruit set by more than 50% compared to plants from which ants were excluded. This mutualistic system is facultative in nature, and corroborates the potential beneficial role of exudate-feeding ants as anti-herbivore agents of tropical plants.  相似文献   

1. Lotic ecosystems can be studied on several spatial scales, and usually show high heterogeneity at all of them in terms of biological and environmental characteristics. Understanding and predicting the taxonomic composition of biological communities is challenging and compounded by the problem of scale. Additive diversity partitioning is a tool that can show the diversity that occurs at different scales. 2. We evaluated the spatial distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in a tropical headwater catchment (S.E. Brazil) during the dry season and compared alpha and beta diversities at the scales of stream segments, reaches, riffles and microhabitats (substratum types: gravels, stones and leaf litter). We used family richness as our estimate of diversity. Sampling was hierarchical, and included three stream segments, two stream reaches per segment, three riffles per reach, three microhabitats per riffle and three Surber sample units per microhabitat. 3. Classification analysis of the 53 families found revealed groups formed in terms of stream segment and microhabitat, but not in terms of stream reaches and riffles. Separate partition analyses for each microhabitat showed that litter supported lower alpha diversity (28%) than did stones (36%) or gravel (42%). In all cases, alpha diversity at the microhabitat scale was lower than expected under a null model that assumed no aggregation of the fauna. 4. Beta diversity among patches of the microhabitats in riffles depended on substratum type. It was lower than expected in litter, similar in stone and higher in gravel. Beta diversities among riffles and among reaches were as expected under the null model. On the other hand, beta diversity observed was higher than expected at the scale of stream segments for all microhabitat types. 5. We conclude that efficient diversity inventories should concentrate sampling in different microhabitats and stream sites. In the present study, sampling restricted to stream segments and substratum types (i.e. excluding riffles and stream reaches) would produce around 75% of all observed families using 17% of the sampling effort employed. This finding indicates that intensive sampling (many riffles and reaches) in few stream segments does not result in efficient assessment of diversity in a region.  相似文献   

The expanding agriculture in the Brazilian savanna, the Cerrado, changes C and nutrient storages of the savanna ecosystems thereby affecting the global C budget and the sustainability of the local land use. We examined the biomass and the C, N, P, and S storages in above- and belowground biomass, in the organic layer, and in the top 2 m of the mineral soil (Anionic Acrustoxes) of three replicate plots of each of native Cerrado, Pinus caribaea Morelet plantations, productive and degraded Bracchiaria decumbens Stapf. pastures, and of conventional and no-tillage soybean cultivation. Aboveground biomass – in the cropping systems shortly before harvest – decreased in the order, Pinus (15 kg m–2) > Cerrado (2.3) > conventional tillage (1.9) > no tillage (1.5) > productive pasture (0.64) > degraded pasture (0.37) and belowground biomass in the order, Pinus (9.1) > Cerrado (3.0) > productive pasture (2.2) > degraded pasture (1.5) > conventional tillage (0.60) > no tillage (0.41). The aboveground biomass contained 1.1 (degraded pasture) to 19% (Pinus) of the total C storage, 0.3 (productive pasture, degraded pasture) to 3.5% of the total N storage, 0.3 (degraded pasture) to 2.1% (no tillage, conventional tillage) of the total P storage, and 0.3 (degraded pasture) to 3.7% (Pinus) of the total S storage of the ecosystems. Total C storage in the ecosystems was significantly larger in the Pinus stands (36 kg m–2) than in all other systems; differences among Cerrado (20), degraded pasture (19), productive pasture (20), no tillage (19), and conventional tillage (19) were small and not significant. All land-use systems had larger N (Pinus, 1.5; degraded pasture, 1.3; productive pasture, 1.4; no tillage, 1.4; conventional tillage, 1.4 kg m–2) and S storage (PI, 28; degraded pasture, 33; productive pasture, 34; no tillage, 36; conventional tillage, 38 g m–2) than the Cerrado (N, 1.2 kg; S, 26 g m–2). The P storages varied between 17 and 29 g m–2 and were not significantly different among the studied ecosystems. The N and S accumulations in the 12–20-year-old land-use systems were larger than the cumulative known fertilizer inputs indicating that there were unknown inputs possibly including the exploration of the deeper subsoil by deep-reaching roots and transfer of nutrients to the topsoil. Our results indicate that afforestation with Pinus trees has the potential to sequester large amounts of C while pasture degradation, no tillage, and conventional tillage tended to result in small C losses. Land use resulted in a marked accumulation of N and S relative to the Cerrado.  相似文献   

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