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金道超 《动物学研究》1992,13(2):109-115
作者在整理采自贵阳、长沙、武汉的马氏雄尾螨Arrenurus(Micruracarus)madarasziDaday标本中,发现了两个近似新种:拟马氏雄尾螨Arrenurus(Micruracarus)madarasziatus sp.nov.和华中雄尾螨Arrenurus(Micruracarus)huazhongensis sp.nov.本文记述了此三近以种,并作了特征鉴别。  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-seven species of water mites of the genus Arrenurus were compared with respect to allocation of reproductive effort. Clutch volume was positively correlated to female volume, female volume was positively correlated with clutch size and with larval volume, while clutch size and larval volume were negatively correlated. In threespace, corresponding to female volume, clutch size and larval volume, species were arranged along two trajectories representing separate reproductive strategies. The strategy characterized by small larvae, large clutches and large females corresponded to species of the subgenus Arrenurus, known to be larval parasites of adult Odonata. Members of three subgenera, known to be larval parasites of adult Diptera, followed the second strategy of small clutch size and alrge larvae. Of nine species of mites tested for intraspecific relationships, only one significant relationship was found, between female volume and clutch size for A. (Megaluracarus) bartonensis.  相似文献   

We present direct experimental evidence of pheromone use in six species of Arrenurus and indirect evidence for four species, including members of the subgenera Megaluracarus, Truncaturus, and Arrenurus. Water in which females were housed elicited arrestant behaviour in males, males oriented to the source, and at least some individuals in each species assumed the male readiness posture, a precursor to coupling. Most species responded to water treated with conspecific females, but there was also interspecific sex pheromone responsiveness. Arrenurus manubriator and A. megalurus demonstrated reciprocal pheromone cross-attractancy. Males of A. major, A. marshallae, and A. birgei responded to water from females of related species from within their subgenera. Arrenurus apetiolatus males failed to respond to conspecific female-treated water, but the same water elicited arrestant behaviour and orientation in A. manubriator. Heterospecific reactions to female-conditioned water were limited to cases involving members of the same species group and were not seen between species representing different species groups or different subgenera. The species for which cross-attractancy has been demonstrated commonly co-occur in nature, so apparently these pheromones are of limited value for species recognition. Shared reaction to sex pheromones provides additional evidence for inferring close phylogenetic relationship among species, and thus far, corresponds with morphological evidence based on adult males and larvae.  相似文献   

We present direct experimental evidence of pheromone use in six species of Arrenurus and indirect evidence for four species, including members of the subgenera Megaluracarus, Truncaturus, and Arrenurus. Water in which females were housed elicited arrestant behaviour in males, males oriented to the source, and at least some individuals in each species assumed the male readiness posture, a precursor to coupling. Most species responded to water treated with conspecific females, but there was also interspecific sex pheromone responsiveness. Arrenurus manubriator and A. megalurus demonstrated reciprocal pheromone cross-attractancy. Males of A. major, A. marshallae, and A. birgei responded to water from females of related species from within their subgenera. Arrenurus apetiolatus males failed to respond to conspecific female-treated water, but the same water elicited arrestant behaviour and orientation in A. manubriator. Heterospecific reactions to female-conditioned water were limited to cases involving members of the same species group and were not seen between species representing different species groups or different subgenera. The species for which cross-attractancy has been demonstrated commonly co-occur in nature, so apparently these pheromones are of limited value for species recognition. Shared reaction to sex pheromones provides additional evidence for inferring close phylogenetic relationship among species, and thus far, corresponds with morphological evidence based on adult males and larvae.  相似文献   

The presence of a mounting sex pheromone was demonstrated on the surface of fed female Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. This pheromone, which is present on the female cuticle, allows the male to recognise the female. The pheromone was removed by cleaning the female in hexane, resulting in the loss of male mating behaviour in in vitro experiments. Male mating behaviour was resumed when extract made from fed female cuticle was replaced on cleaned females. When the extract was transferred to innanimate objects typical male mating behaviour was released. Preliminary chemical analyses indicated that the active component of the extract was contained in the sterol ester fraction of the extract.  相似文献   

采用星豹蛛(Pardosa astrigera)成熟雄蛛求偶时潜伏时间、静止时间、身体震动和第一墩步足伸展次数等行为参数,利用行为学方法测定了不同性别、日龄和生殖状态的星豹蛛雌蛛释放的拖丝对雄蛛求偶行为的影响。结果表明,雄蛛第一对步足伸展和身体震动等典型求偶行为是进行星豹蛛性信息素生物测定的可靠评价指标。星豹蛛雄蛛能通过拖丝上的性信息素辨别星豹蛛的性别、日龄和生殖状态。雄蛛在成熟3周未交配雌蛛拖丝处理过滤纸上潜伏时间和静止时间都相应最短,在交配未产卵雌蛛、雌亚成蛛和成熟雄蛛拖丝上时间中等,在卵孵化雌蛛拖丝处理滤纸上潜伏时间和静止时间都相应最长。成熟3周未交配雌蛛和交配未产卵雌蛛释放的拖丝都能引起雄蛛第一对步足伸展和身体震动等典型求偶行为,雄蛛对成熟3周未交配雌蛛拖丝典型求偶行为的频率都相应高于交配未产卵雌蛛。卵孵化雌蛛释放的拖丝虽也能引起雄蛛第一对步足伸展行为,但其伸展频率显著降低;而其它拖丝都不能引起雄蛛典型求偶行为。  相似文献   

The morphology of the larval stages of Arrenurus nobilis and A. robustus is described. Particular attention is given to characters that help to distinguish the two species, and to characters defining the subgenus Arrenurus s. str. The larva of A. robustus resembles the larvae of A. papillator and A. pustulator regarding the shape of dorsal plate, excretory pore plate, coxal plate median margins ratios, and the presence of the IIITa8 seta. The shape of the excretory pore plate in A. nobilis resembles the one in Arrenurus (Megaluracarus) mediorotundatus. The shape of dorsal plate and chelicerae is similar to the ones in the Megaluracarus-species A. globator and A. tubulator. The lack of the IIITa8 seta differs from other species of the subgenus Arrenurus s. str. In the pectinate Lp2 and Mh1 setae A. nobilis resembles representatives of the subgenus Arrenurus s. str. This demonstrates the necessity of verifying the taxonomic status of A. nobilis.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the identification of the following new sex pheromone plasmids inEnterococcus faecalis: a haemolysin-bacteriocin plasmid, pIP964; three R plasmids, pIP1017, pIP1438 and pIP1440; and two cryptic conjugative plasmids, pIP1141 and pMV120. The identification was based on the formation of cell aggregates on filter membranes during conjugation, on efficient transfer in broth matings, and on a positive clumping reaction of cells carrying these plasmids. In addition these plasmids hybridized with DNA probes specific for sex pheromone-induced structural genes encoding surface proteins required for conjugative transfer of the plasmids.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The mating behaviour of Cotesia flavipes Cameron, 1891 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was observed under laboratory conditions. The results demonstrate that chemical stimuli play an important role in bringing males and females together for mating. Females from this species release chemical compounds to attract males, which exhibit a distinct courtship behaviour divided into three main steps: (i) antennation, (ii) lateral bouncing and (iii) wing fluttering. Ethological tests using hexane extracts from two different parts of the female's body (head plus thorax and abdomen) demonstrate that males are more attracted and also display a courtship behaviour when a filter paper containing hexane extracts from the abdomen is presented to them, indicating that the abdomen is the source of the sex pheromone of this species. Naive males of this species respond to hexane extracts of this gland by displaying courtship behaviour. Furthermore, additional tests show that C. flavipes females mate only once, whereas virgin males do not show any preference for virgin or mated females, suggesting that mated females of this species continue to produce sex attractants after mating.  相似文献   

We studied the post-flight behavior and sex attraction in imagoes of the termite Prorhinotermes simplex (Rhinotermitidae, Prorhinotermitinae). Pairing is mediated by the secretion from tergal glands, exposed by females in a calling posture and highly attractive to males. Analysis of extracts of these glands by means of gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection indicated a chromatographic area corresponding to an intense physiological response of males. The retention characteristics of this area proved to be identical with those of (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol. Electroantennographic and behavioral assays revealed that units of picograms of the compound represent a stimulus qualitatively and quantitatively equivalent to one female tergal gland. Thus, we hypothesize that (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol is a major component of the female sex pheromone in P. simplex.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of2,6-dichlorophenol (2,6-DCP) as sex pheromone of Anocentornitens. Sex pheromones were extracted by submerging 150 females fed for 6 days in hexane (3 ml) for two hours and sonicating them for15 min. The extract was analyzed by GC-MS employing the Single Ion Monitoring (SIM) method. Identification of 2,6-DCP was based on the comparison of mass spectra with a computer search using the NIST library and by matching the mass spectrum of the peak at the retention time of 2,6-DCP from extract sand the synthetic product. In an olfactometer, males were released at 2.5cm from females, control rubber septa and impregnated rubber septa with increasing concentrations of 2,6-DCP (50, 500 and 5000 ng). A higher percentage of orientation and higher frequencies of angles between 0° and 10° were observed for males tested with females than with controls. Attraction of males to dummies impregnated with 2,6-DCP was observed with highest response (100%) at 50 ng. There was a gradual decrease of responsiveness of males with increasing concentration of 2,6-DCP (70 to 75%).This compound stimulated a behavior of mounting and ventral positioning ofA. nitens males at the lowest 2,6-DCP concentration where as dummies impregnated with 2,6-DCP higher than 50 ng concentration inhibited these behaviors. Therefore, we can conclude that 2,6-DCP can elicit the complete behavior sequence of orientation, location, mounting and ventral positioning behaviors and plays a role as an attractant and, as a mounting sex pheromone in A. nitens. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ovipositor washings from virgin female Cryptophlebia batrachopa (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) linked to electroantennography (EAG) and by high-resolution GC. The major EAG-active component in ovipositor washings was shown to be (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate with less than 0.5% of the E isomer. GC analysis of ovipositor washings from C. leucotreta confirmed the presence of approximately equal amounts of (Z)- and (E)-8-dodecenyl acetates (Persoons et al., 1977). When pure (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate and mixtures containing up to 50% of the E isomer were tested in the field in Malawi where both Cryptophlebia species occurred, C. batrachopa male moths were caught only in traps baited with 10% or less of the E isomer and highest catches were recorded for the pure Z isomer. By contrast C. leucotretra males were caught predominantly by traps baited with more than 10% E isomer and no catches were recorded for the pure Z isomer. (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate containing 1% of the E isomer was found to attract male moths of Opogona spp.
Résumé Les produits recueillis par lavages de l'ovipositeur de Cryptophlebia batrachopa Meyr. (Lep. Tortricidae) ont été analysés par chromatographie gazeuse (GC) associée à l'électroantennographie (EAG) et la GC à haute résolution. Le principal constituant actif en EAG provenant des lavages s'est révélé être le (Z)-8-dodécényl acétate avec moins de 0,5% de l'isomère E. L'analyse GC de ces produits de lavage de C. leucotreta ont confirmé la présence d'à peu près les mêmes quantités de (Z) et (E)-8-dodécényl acétates (Persoons et al., 1977). Quand des essais sur le terrain ont été effectués au Malawi, où existent les deux espèces de Cryptophlebia, avec du (Z)-8-dodécényl acétate et des mélanges comprenant jusqu'à 50% de l'isomère E, des mâles de C. batrachopa ont seuls été capturés dans des pièges contenant 10% ou moins de l'isomère E; les captures les plus élevées ont été obtenues avec l'isomère Z pur. A l'opposé, surtout des mâles de C. leucotreta ont été capturés dans des pièges garnis avec plus de 10% d'isomère E, et aucune capture n'a été obtenue avec l'isomère Z pur. Des mâles d'Opogona spp. ont été attirés par du (Z)-8-dodécényl acétate contenant 1% de l'isomère E.

The mating behavior of Agromyza frontella was studied under laboratory conditions. Adults were able to mate on the day of emergence, with no evident periodicity throughout the photophase. The host plant was essential for mating to occur, its presence affecting female receptivity rather than male copulatory behavior. Males generally entered a stationary phase once in the proximity of a female, before undertaking a final approach. This stationary behavior frequently resulted in male aggregations around a female, and under such conditions males exhibited a characteristic wing vibrating behavior. As male wing vibration was not an essential behavior for successful mating, and rarely occurred during male encounters in the absence of females or when only one male was near a female, it was considered as being primarily a male-male signal. The majority of females that mated exhibited an ovipositor pumping behavior that stimulated the male approach. However, such behavior was not essential to attract mates, as dead females elicited the entire sequence of male mating behavior. This suggested the presence of a cuticular sex pheromone, as reported for other species of higher Diptera. Whole virgin female (<24- h or 3- day-old) hexane extracts applied to male cadavers increased the time males spent on the plant, the number of contacts with the treated cadavers, the incidence of attempted copulations, and the wing vibrating behavior between males compared with controls using untreated cadavers. The results obtained indicate that females control copulation in A. frontella and that both semiochemical and visual cues are important in eliciting male mating behavior.  相似文献   

Silver nitrate staining of the solenidial and eupathidial sensilla on the palpi, tarsi and tibiae of legs I and II of Arrenurus acutus, Geayia ovata, Mideopsis reelfootensis and Albia caerulea, along with ultrastructural studies, showed that these setae have a porous shaft cuticle. These setae are hollow and contain dendrites in their lumens and more than one neuron is associated with each setae. Behavioural experiments supported the involvement of these sensilla in the perception of chemical cues from prey and sexual partners.  相似文献   

The female sex pheromone of Rhizoglyphus setosus Manson (Astigmata: Acaridae) was identified as S-isorobinal (4S-4-isopropenyl-3-oxo-1-cyclohexene-1-carboxyaldehyde), which stimulated males sexually and enhanced the frequency of the male’s tapping and mounting behavior. Although the female hexane extract indicated no sign of sex pheromone activity against tested males, possibly due to the presence of the alarm pheromone neryl formate, an SiO2 column fraction containing isorobinal elicited sex pheromone activity at a dose of one female equivalent. The stereochemistry of natural isorobinal was identified as S by an HPLC using a chiral column. Both S- and R-isorobinals exhibited maximum activity at the same dose of 1 and 10 ng with a convex dose–response relationship. Amounts of S-isorobinal were determined to be 11.7 ± 1.0 ng per female and 6.4 ± 1.3 ng per male by GLC. This is the second example of two pheromones (the alarm pheromone neryl formate, and the sex pheromone S-isorobinal) demonstrated to be components of the same opisthonotal gland secretion.Chemical ecology of astigmatid mites. LXXVIII  相似文献   

Silver nitrate staining of the solenidial and eupathidial sensilla on the palpi, tarsi and tibiae of legs I and II of Arrenurus acutus, Geayia ovata, Mideopsis reelfootensis and Albia caerulea, along with ultrastructural studies, showed that these setae have a porous shaft cuticle. These setae are hollow and contain dendrites in their lumens and more than one neuron is associated with each setae. Behavioural experiments supported the involvement of these sensilla in the perception of chemical cues from prey and sexual partners.  相似文献   

The attraction range of olfactory response by winged female gynoparae (autumn migrants that give birth to oviparae, the sexual females) and male damson–hop aphids Phorodon humuli (Schrank) is investigated in field experiments over 2 years by analyzing the spatial patterns of catches in concentric circles of yellow‐painted traps (60 in total) around a central trap releasing the species' sex pheromone, (1RS,7S,7aS)‐nepetalactol. Males are more likely than females to be found in the central trap, with 65.6% of the 1824 males caught there compared with 11.2% of 1346 females. Both morphs are more numerous in traps axial with the mean wind direction and centred on the pheromone‐release trap than at other angles. Males are approximately five‐fold more numerous in traps downwind than at similar distances upwind of the pheromone, showing that its presence stimulates landing. For males, the estimated active space of the lure extends 6 m downwind. Catches of females are equally numerous up and downwind of the pheromone lure because females orienting on the axis of the pheromone source continue to respond to visual cues in their flight path if they overshoot the olfactory one. For females, the active space of a pheromone lure is less than 2 m downwind. It is unimportant for either morph whether the pheromone‐release trap is yellow or transparent. In these experiments, both morphs orient with, track and probably arrive in the pheromone source trap from at least 26 m, the distance to the nearest aphid‐infested hops.  相似文献   

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