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Stacking transgenes in forest trees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Huge potential exists for improving plant raw materials and foodstuffs via metabolic engineering. To date, progress has mostly been limited to modulating the expression of single genes of well-studied pathways, such as the lignin biosynthetic pathway, in model species. However, a recent report illustrates a new level of sophistication in metabolic engineering by overexpressing one lignin enzyme while simultaneously suppressing the expression of another lignin gene in a tree, aspen. This novel approach to multi-gene manipulation has succeeded in concurrently improving several wood-quality traits.  相似文献   

Chloroplast genetic engineering overcomes concerns of gene containment, low levels of transgene expression, gene silencing, positional and pleiotropic effects or presence of vector sequences in transformed genomes. Several therapeutic proteins and agronomic traits have been highly expressed via the tobacco chloroplast genome but extending this concept to important crops has been a major challenge; lack of 100 homologous species-specific chloroplast transformation vectors containing suitable selectable markers, ability to regulate transgene expression in developing plastids and inadequate tissue culture systems via somatic embryogenesis are major challenges. We employed a Double Gene/Single Selection (DGSS) plastid transformation vector that harbors two selectable marker genes (aphA-6 and nptII) to detoxify the same antibiotic by two enzymes, irrespective of the type of tissues or plastids; by combining this with an efficient regeneration system via somatic embryogenesis, cotton plastid transformation was achieved for the first time. The DGSS transformation vector is at least 8-fold (1 event/2.4 bombarded plates) more efficient than Single Gene/Single Selection (SGSS) vector (aphA-6; 1 event per 20 bombarded plates). Chloroplast transgenic lines were fertile, flowered and set seeds similar to untransformed plants. Transgenes stably integrated into the cotton chloroplast genome were maternally inherited and were not transmitted via pollen when out-crossed with untransformed female plants. Cotton is one of the most important genetically modified crops ($ 120 billion US annual economy). Successful transformation of the chloroplast genome should address concerns about transgene escape, insects developing resistance, inadequate insect control and promote public acceptance of genetically modified cotton.  相似文献   

Gao Q  Park MS  Palese P 《Journal of virology》2008,82(6):2692-2698

Summary During the last century important ecological and physiological principles in mycorrhizal associations were discovered. Effects of litter extracts on the microflora, nutrient uptake and translocation; hormonal relations, the M factor, and physiogical requirements of ectomycorrhizal fungi and metabolite exchanges are among those of particular significance. Reconsideration of this era of mycorrhizal research is worthy of current consideration since progress particularly in physiology has been slow. To derive the potentially vast benefits from mycorrhizal associations in field applications and to achieve genetic alteration to improve physiological benefits derived from mycorrhizas, fundamental characteristics and biochemical mechanisms in the fungus-root complex must be better understood.  相似文献   

Genomic selection in forest tree breeding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genomic selection (GS) involves selection decisions based on genomic breeding values estimated as the sum of the effects of genome-wide markers capturing most quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the target trait(s). GS is revolutionizing breeding practice in domestic animals. The same approach and concepts can be readily applied to forest tree breeding where long generation times and late expressing complex traits are also a challenge. GS in forest trees would have additional advantages: large training populations can be easily assembled and accurately phenotyped for several traits, and the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) can be high in elite populations with small effective population size (N e) frequently used in advanced forest tree breeding programs. Deterministic equations were used to assess the impact of LD (modeled by N e and intermarker distance), the size of the training set, trait heritability, and the number of QTL on the predicted accuracy of GS. Results indicate that GS has the potential to radically improve the efficiency of tree breeding. The benchmark accuracy of conventional BLUP selection is reached by GS even at a marker density ~2 markers/cM when N e ≤ 30, while up to 20 markers/cM are necessary for larger N e. Shortening the breeding cycle by 50% with GS provides an increase ≥100% in selection efficiency. With the rapid technological advances and declining costs of genotyping, our cautiously optimistic outlook is that GS has great potential to accelerate tree breeding. However, further simulation studies and proof-of-concept experiments of GS are needed before recommending it for operational implementation.  相似文献   

Allocasuarina verticillata is an actinorhizal tree that lives in symbiotic association with a nitrogen fixing actinomycete called Frankia. In the search for promoters that drive strong constitutive expression in this tropical tree, we studied the organ specificity of four different constitutive promoters (CaMV 35S, e35S, e35S-4ocs and UBQ1 from Arabidopsis thaliana) in stably transformed A. verticillata plants. The ß-glucuronidase (gus) gene was used as a reporter and expression studies were carried out by histochemical analyses on shoots, roots and actinorhizal nodules. While the 35S promoter was poorly expressed in the shoot apex and lateral roots, both the e35S and e35S-4ocs were found to drive high constitutive expression in the transgenic non-nodulated plants. In contrast, the UBQ1 promoter was very poorly expressed and appeared unsuitable for A. verticillata. We also showed that none of the promoters studied were active in the nodule infected cells, whatever the developmental stage studied.  相似文献   

王源秀  徐立安  黄敏仁  许远 《遗传》2007,29(10):1199-1199―1206
比较基因组学是基因组研究的重要内容。林木比较基因组学研究发现林木基因组中存在广泛的共线性或同线性及微共线性,在进化过程中呈现高度保守性。本文概述了林木比较基因组学研究的进展状况,探讨了该领域的发展趋势,以期为我国林木基因组学研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Analyses of DNA sequences from four genes (ndhF, rbcL, atpB, and 18S rDNA) and morphological data show that the members of the tropical forest tree family Icacinaceae do not have a common origin. All of the genera earlier placed in Icacinaceae are euasterids but placed in the following three different orders: Garryales, Aquifoliales, and Apiales. Icacina and related genera are members of Garryales and, pending more data, are still best treated as Icacinaceae (sensu stricto). The genera related to Aquifoliales are placed in Cardiopteridaceae and a new family, Stemonuraceae. The genus Pennantia is a member of Apiales and the family Pennantiaceae is recognized. Morphological characters delimiting these groups are discussed. Twenty-six new ndhF sequences were obtained for the study (25 from former Icacinaceae and 1 from Cardiopteris).  相似文献   



Seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) of the Caribbean Islands (primarily West Indies) is floristically distinct from Neotropical SDTF in Central and South America. We evaluate whether tree species composition was associated with climatic gradients or geographical distance. Turnover (dissimilarity) in species composition of different islands or among more distant sites would suggest communities structured by speciation and dispersal limitations. A nested pattern would be consistent with a steep resource gradient. Correlation of species composition with climatic variation would suggest communities structured by broad‐scale environmental filtering.


The West Indies (The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia), Providencia (Colombia), south Florida (USA) and Florida Keys (USA).


Seed plants—woody taxa (primarily trees).


We compiled 572 plots from 23 surveys conducted between 1969 and 2016. Hierarchical clustering of species in plots, and indicator species analysis for the resulting groups of sites, identified geographical patterns of turnover in species composition. Nonparametric analysis of variance, applied to principal components of bioclimatic variables, determined the degree of covariation in climate with location. Nestedness versus turnover in species composition was evaluated using beta diversity partitioning. Generalized dissimilarity modelling partitioned the effect of climate versus geographical distance on species composition.


Despite a set of commonly occurring species, SDTF tree community composition was distinct among islands and was characterized by spatial turnover on climatic gradients that covaried with geographical gradients. Greater Antillean islands were characterized by endemic indicator species. Northern subtropical areas supported distinct, rather than nested, SDTF communities in spite of low levels of endemism.

Main conclusions

The SDTF species composition was correlated with climatic variation. SDTF on large Greater Antillean islands (Hispaniola, Jamaica and Cuba) was characterized by endemic species, consistent with their geological history and the biogeography of plant lineages. These results suggest that both environmental filtering and speciation shape Caribbean SDTF tree communities.  相似文献   

Parallel evolution of dwarf ecotypes in the forest tree Eucalyptus globulus   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Three small populations of a dwarf ecotype of the forest tree Eucalyptus globulus are found on exposed granite headlands in south-eastern Australia. These populations are separated by at least 100 km. Here, we used 12 nuclear microsatellites and a chloroplast DNA marker to investigate the genetic affinities of the dwarf populations to one another and to their nearest populations of tall E. globulus. Cape Tourville was studied in greater detail to assess the processes enabling the maintenance of distinct ecotypes in close geographical proximity. The three dwarf populations were not related to one another and were more closely related to adjacent tall trees than to one another. At Cape Tourville the dwarf and tall ecotypes were significantly differentiated in microsatellites and in chloroplast DNA. The dwarf and tall populations differed in flowering time and no evidence of pollen dispersal from the more extensive tall to the dwarf population was found. The three dwarf populations have evolved in parallel from the local tall ecotypes. This study shows that small marginal populations of eucalypts are capable of developing reproductive isolation from nearby larger populations through differences in flowering time and/or minor spatial separation, making parapatric speciation possible.  相似文献   

Wang X  Comita LS  Hao Z  Davies SJ  Ye J  Lin F  Yuan Z 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e29469
Tree survival plays a central role in forest ecosystems. Although many factors such as tree size, abiotic and biotic neighborhoods have been proposed as being important in explaining patterns of tree survival, their contributions are still subject to debate. We used generalized linear mixed models to examine the relative importance of tree size, local abiotic conditions and the density and identity of neighbors on tree survival in an old-growth temperate forest in northeastern China at three levels (community, guild and species). Tree size and both abiotic and biotic neighborhood variables influenced tree survival under current forest conditions, but their relative importance varied dramatically within and among the community, guild and species levels. Of the variables tested, tree size was typically the most important predictor of tree survival, followed by biotic and then abiotic variables. The effect of tree size on survival varied from strongly positive for small trees (1-20 cm dbh) and medium trees (20-40 cm dbh), to slightly negative for large trees (>40 cm dbh). Among the biotic factors, we found strong evidence for negative density and frequency dependence in this temperate forest, as indicated by negative effects of both total basal area of neighbors and the frequency of conspecific neighbors. Among the abiotic factors tested, soil nutrients tended to be more important in affecting tree survival than topographic variables. Abiotic factors generally influenced survival for species with relatively high abundance, for individuals in smaller size classes and for shade-tolerant species. Our study demonstrates that the relative importance of variables driving patterns of tree survival differs greatly among size classes, species guilds and abundance classes in temperate forest, which can further understanding of forest dynamics and offer important insights into forest management.  相似文献   

分子系统学原理及其在林木上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史全良  诸葛强  黄敏仁 《生命科学》2001,13(2):89-92,81
综述了林木分子系统学的是新研究进展,分析了现代分子生物学方法的不断改进给林木系统学研究带来的革命性进展,阐述了RAPD,cpDNA,rDNA等在林木分子系统学研究中的应用及取得的成果,评述了各种不同分子标记的适用范围以及对相关基因进化规律的认识,同时提出了这些分子标记在分子系统学研究中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

Trees occupy more than 30% of the land biosphere. They are important from both ecological and environmental standpoints and provide some of the most valuable commodities in the world economy. The perennial nature and size of trees are the critical determinants of their survival in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. The identification of the defense pathways at biochemical and genetic levels in tree pathosystems are beginning to be addressed. The basic physiological and biochemical mechanisms in woody perennials in response to pathogen is homologous to the model annual crop like Arabidopsis, but their secondary metabolic processes and ecological survival strategies are likely to be divergent from their annual counterparts. The limited domestication in tree species makes its molecular mechanisms less comparable to the highly pedigreed crop species. Recent reports have highlighted that the possible difference in genetic programs responding to invasive pathogens between annuals and perennials could be the spatial and temporal pattern of gene regulation. Several reviews on pathogen defense with reference to crop species are available, while similar reports from the tree species are limited to few commercially important species like Populus, Pinus, Picea, Eucalyptus, Castanea, and Pseudotsuga. This paper reviews the present status of pathogenesis-related genes and proteins from tree species with emphasis on the resistant genes and the proteins induced during systemic acquired resistance and highlights the ecological and evolutionary significance of defense-related genes from tree species.  相似文献   

树木年龄和断面积对加拿大北方林树木死亡率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen Q  Zhang LF  Fu SL 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2477-2481
以加拿大北部的杨树(Populus spp.)、斑克松(Pinus banksiana)、黑云杉(Picea mariana)为对象,采用长期定位试验,对134块固定样地的活立木及枯死木进行调查,并运用线性回归的方法研究树木年龄、断面积和林分类型对3种树木死亡率的影响.结果表明:随着树龄和断面积的增加,林木的死亡率呈上升趋势.杨树在斑克松林中的死亡率较高,而在黑云杉林中死亡率较低.在黑云杉林中,树龄是影响斑克松死亡率的主要因子;而在杨树林中,断面积是影响斑克松死亡率的重要因子;不同林分类型中树龄对黑云杉死亡率的影响显著.树种组成对树种的死亡率有显著影响;树木年龄、断面积和林分类型之间的交互效应对各树种的死亡率均有显著影响;不同林分类型中同一树种的死亡状况有明显差异.  相似文献   

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