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Propidium iodide DNA flow cytometry, Feulgen-DNA, and nuclear light green protein scanning cytometry were performed in columnar epithelial cells of normal, nonmalignant human endometrium and endometrial adenocarcinomas. Columnar cells were identified by immunohistochemical staining for cytokeratin 18, an intermediate filament protein specifically present in columnar cell epithelium. DNA measurements derived from flow and scanning cytometry showed comparable results. The DNA content of the G0/G1 fraction of the adenocarcinomas had a considerable overlap with that of normal endometrium, with that of the carcinomas shifted toward higher values. For the carcinomas, no correlation was found with the histological grade, with the exception of the adenosquamous carcinomas. Most of the clinical stage I tumors showed a DNA content in the normal diploid region. Three of the four carcinomas of clinical stage II and higher had an increased DNA content. For the carcinomas, the percentage of cells in the proliferative fraction, as determined from scanning cytometric derived DNA histograms, was comparable to that of normal endometrium, or higher. No correlation was found with the histological grade. Tumors of clinical stage II and higher had intermediate values compared to carcinomas of lower stages. The nuclear protein/DNA ratio of malignant endometrium completely overlapped that of normal endometrium. Within the tumor population, no correlation was found with the histological grade, with the exception of the adenosquamous carcinomas, and clinical stage. Based on the aforementioned parameters, no discrimination could be obtained between normal and malignant endometrium. However, when the DNA content of the G0/G1 fraction was combined with the coefficient of variation of the nuclear protein/DNA ratio, a clear discrimination could be obtained with only two false-positive cases.  相似文献   

Isolated cell nuclei were used as the source of template DNA to investigate the role of a cytosolic aprotinin-binding protein (ADR) in the initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication. Computerized image cytometry demonstrated that the DNA content of individual nuclei increased significantly following incubation with ADR-containing preparations, and the extent of DNA synthesis is consistent with that allowed by the limiting concentration of dTTP. Thus, dTTP incorporation into isolated nuclei represents DNA synthesis and not parent strand repair. We found that dTTP incorporation into the isolated nuclei is dependent on DNA polymerase α (a principal polymerase in DNA replication) but that DNA polymerase β (a principal polymerase in DNA repair processes) does not play a significant role in this system. Finally, neither aprotinin nor a previously described cytosolic ADR inhibitor can block the replication of nuclease-treated calf thymus DNA, while both strongly inhibit replication of DNA in isolated nuclei. This result, coupled with the relative ineffectiveness of nuclease-treated DNA compared with nuclear DNA to serve as a replicative template in this assay, argues against a significant contribution from repair or synthesis which initiates at a site of DNA damage. These data indicate that ADR-mediated incorporation of 3H-dTTP into isolated nuclei results from DNA replicative processes that are directly relevant to in vivo S phase events. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The amounts of nuclear DNA in ten species of seaweeds belonging to the Rhodophyceae, Phaeophyceae, and Chlorophyceae were determined by flow cytometric analysis of nuclei isolated from protoplasts. Genome size was determined from the fluorescence of the nuclei stained with ethidium bromide. The size of the nuclear genome ranged from 0.13 pg per cell in the 1 C population ofUlva rigida to 3.40 pg per cell in the 2 C population ofSphacelaria sp. GC% analysis was based on staining with either Hoechst 33342 or mithramycin A, two fluorochromes specific for the bases A-T and G-C, respectively. Two models were used for the estimation of the proportion of guanine plus cytosine in the nuclear genome. The first one was based on the linear relationships mithramycin A fluorescence/G-C content and ethidium bromide fluorescence/total DNA content. The second model, based on the curvilinear relationships Hoechst 33342 fluorescence/A-T content and mithramycin A fluorescence/G-C content, resulted in comparatively more homogenous and consistent data and appears more accurate. Comparison with previous reports from other methods for the physical investigation of nuclear genomes shows that flow cytometry of nuclei isolated from protoplasts is an accurate, convenient and robust technique to assay for genome sizes and base pair composition in marine macroalgae.Abbreviations A-T nucleic bases adenine and thymine - CRBC chicken red blood cell - FALS forward-angle light scatter - G-C nucleic bases guanine and cytosine - SEIM sorbitol enzymatic incubation medium - SWIM sea water incubation medium - Tm thermal denaturation temperature of DNA  相似文献   

Different feature sets (geometric, densitometric, and textural) derived from DNA and nuclear protein staining were evaluated for their use in describing atrophic, secretory, and proliferative endometrium, and well-differentiated stage I and moderately differentiated stage I adenocarcinomas of the endometrium. It was found that the pattern of significant differences among these groups varied between feature sets, while remaining consistent within a set of features. The DNA density and run-length features were not very effective in describing group mean differences, whereas the co-occurrence features revealed significant differences among most groups. The protein run-length features were the only ones that consistently showed a difference between proliferative endometrium and well-differentiated adenocarcinomas. Analyses repeated on only cells in the G0/G1 DNA region improved the differentiation between moderately differentiated adenocarcinomas and the other groups. It was concluded that the use of DNA and nuclear protein texture features are effective in describing group differences that cannot be described by DNA content only.  相似文献   

DNA replication in isolated HeLa cell nuclei   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DNA replication was investigated in HeLa cell nuclei isolated from different phases of the cell cycle. DNA synthesis occurred only in S-phase nuclei and was dependent on the presence of the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, Mg++, ATP and S-phase cytoplasm. G1-phase cytoplasm was unable to support such DNA synthesis. A purified preparation of calf thymus DNA polymerase, however, was able to replace S-phase cytoplasm in supporting ATP dependent DNA synthesis, which suggests that the S-phase cytoplasmic factor is a DNA polymerase. G1-phase nuclei could under no conditions be stimulated to initiate DNA replication prematurely.  相似文献   

Purified rat liver nuclei were incubated at 4°C. After different intervals of incubation aliquots of the nuclear suspension were taken and DNA was extracted by a common SDS-phenol-chloroform procedure. The fractionation of DNA by agar gel electrophoresis revealed large DNA fragments. It was shown that the well-known DNA degradation to monomers and its multiples is preceeded by an earlier breakdown of DNA into characteristic large fragments.  相似文献   

Retinol (vitamin A alcohol) is involved in the proper differentiation of epithelia. The mechanism of this involvement is unknown. We have previously reported that purified cellular retinol-binding (CRBP) will mediate specific binding of retinol to nuclei isolated from rat liver. We now report that pure CRBP delivers retinol to the specific nuclear binding sites without itself remaining bound. Triton X-100-treated nuclei retain the majority of these binding sites. CRBP is also capable of delivering retinol specifically to isolated chromatin with no apparent loss of binding sites, as compared to whole nuclei. CRBP again does not remain bound after transferring retinol to the chromatin binding sites. When isolated nuclei are incubated with [3H]retinol- CRBP, sectioned, and autoradiographed, specifically bound retinol is found distributed throughout the nuclei. Thus, CRBP delivers retinol to the interior of the nucleus, to specific binding sites which are primarily, if not solely, on the chromatin. The binding of retinol to these sites may affect gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated nuclei of rat hepatocytes were incubated with 0.05% sodium heparinate for 2 to 10 min. Alterations in the nuclei were controlled biochemically, determining the amounts of DNA and histones, and by cytophotometric methods determining the amounts of total and nonhistone proteins and DNA. Under the selected experimental conditions 95% of histones are bound already after 5-min incubation with heparin; nonhistone proteins of cell nuclei remain unchanged. The blockade of histones is followed by DNA diffusion into the incubation medium. Experiments with nuclear staining with alcian blue proved the specificity of heparin binding with histones and showed that heparin-histone complex remains in the nuclei, and its histones lose their extractability with 0.25 n HCl.  相似文献   

Isolated yeast nuclei were able to incorporate 3H-labeled pJDB219 DNA in vitro in the presence of ATP and Mg2+. The number of plasmid molecules incorporated into each nucleus was calculated to be 60 under the conditions we used. Enzyme-histochemical staining of the incorporated biotinylated pJDB219 with streptavidin-biotinylated-peroxidase complex indicated a uniform distribution of the incorporated plasmids within each nucleus. After intranuclear incorporation, substrate pJDB219 DNAs (open and closed circular forms) were changed to the linear form and were weakly digested over the longer incubation period (over 60 min). Facile release of the once-incorporated plasmid DNA was never observable; discharge of the incorporated [3H]pJDB219 during a 60-min incubation was less than 5%. The addition of adenylyl-imidodiphosphate, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), or quercetin inhibited in vitro DNA uptake reaction. DCCD and quercetin inhibited the nuclear ATPase and apparent protein kinase, respectively; hence, the involvement of these enzymes in the nuclear DNA transport system was suggested.  相似文献   

Fidelity of DNA replication in isolated L-cell nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In vitro phosphorylation of total nuclear proteins from soybean (Glycine max L) nodules formed by Bradyrhizobium japonicum 61A76 showed several differences in comparison with those from uninfected roots or embryonic-axes nuclei. Three types of protein phosphorylations were observed in nodule nuclei: Ca(2+)- and calmodulin-independent, Ca(2+)- and calmodulin-dependent, and Ca(2+)-dependent but calmodulin-independent. In addition, Ca(2+)-dependent dephosphorylation of some nuclear proteins was observed in nodule nuclei. The first and second types of phosphorylations were also present in root nuclei, but the trifluoperazine-insensitive and Ca(2+)-dependent phosphorylation (indicating calmodulin independence) occurs only in nodules. The latter appears to phosphorylate a nodule-specific protein of 65 kilodaltons and this protein was purified from other nuclear phosphorylated proteins. In addition, some nuclear proteins from uninfected tissue were found to be phosphorylated or dephosphorylated by kinases or phosphatases that originated from the nodule nuclei. These data suggest that some activities of nuclear factors in nodules may be regulated by specific phosphorylation or dephosphorylation during symbiotic interactions with rhizobia.  相似文献   

In this study, cell nuclei from aneuploid breast cancer samples were sorted with respect to DNA content into pure diploid and aneuploid fractions using flow cytometry. The nuclear proteins were then separated by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis (1D-PAGE) and differences in protein expression patterns, between diploid and aneuploid nuclei from the same tumours, were compared. Using a combination of peptide finger printing and peptide identification by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, we identified proteins and confirmed that the proteins were of nuclear origins. The results in this study add further information to the knowledge about the breast cancer disease complexity and heterogeneity at molecular level. For some of the tumours studied different nuclei protein patterns were obtained, in the diploid respective aneuploid nuclei populations, whilst other tumours did not show these differences.  相似文献   

An excellent correlation has been established between the quantity of protein associated with nuclei isolated from heat-shocked cells and the level of hyperthermic cell killing. However, controversy remains about whether increases in nuclear-associated protein result from a heat-induced migration of cytoplasmic proteins into the nucleus or because hyperthermia reduces the solubility of nuclear proteins in the detergent buffers commonly used to isolate nuclei. To address this controversy, the nuclear protein content was measured in whole and detergent-extracted cells before and following hyperthermia. It was found that hyperthermia caused no significant change in the nuclear protein content of whole, unextracted cells, and when fluorescently labeled proteins were microinjected into the cytoplasm no gross change in the selective permeability of the nuclear membrane to soluble proteins was observed during or following hyperthermia. Measurements in extracted cells showed that the detergent buffers removed protein from both the nucleus and cytoplasm of control, nonheated cells and that hyperthermia reduced the extractability of both nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. The amount of protein found in nuclei isolated from heated cells approached that observed in nuclei within nonheated whole cells as the hyperthermic exposure was increased. Thus, the dose-dependent, two- to threefold increase in the protein content of nuclei isolated from heated cells represents a heat-induced reduction in the extractability of proteins normally present within cell nuclei and does not result from a mass migration of cytoplasmic proteins into the nucleus, although some specific proteins (e.g., the 70 KDa heat shock protein) do migrate to the nucleus following heat shock. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements of whole cells, isolated nuclei, cytoplasts, and karyoplasts supported these conclusions and suggested that most of the detergent-insoluble proteins remaining in the nuclei and cytoplasm of heated cells are in their native state. Thus, a relatively small amount of denatured protein may be sufficient to initiate and sustain insoluble protein aggregates comprised of mostly native proteins. Analyses of the DSC data also implied that the previously identified critical target proteins, predicted to have a Tm of 46.0°C, are present in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Isolated nuclei of rat hepatocytes were incubated with 0.05% sodium heparinate for 2 to 10 min. Alterations in the nuclei were controlled biochemically, determining the amounts of DNA and histones, and by cytophotometric methods determining the amounts of total and nonhistone proteins and DNA. Under the selected experimental conditions 95% of histones are bound already after 5-min incubation with heparin; nonhistone proteins of cell nuclei remain unchanged. The blockade of histones is followed by DNA diffusion into the incubation medium. Experiments with nuclear staining with alcian blue proved the specificity of heparin binding with histones and showed that heparin-histone complex remains in the nuclei, and its histones lose their extractability with 0.25 n HCl.  相似文献   

Signal-dependent nuclear protein export was studied in perforated nuclei and isolated nuclear envelopes of Xenopus oocytes by optical single transporter recording. Manually isolated and purified oocyte nuclei were attached to isoporous filters and made permeable for macromolecules by perforation. Export of a recombinant protein (GG-NES) containing the nuclear export signal (NES) of the protein kinase A inhibitor through nuclear envelope patches spanning filter pores could be induced by the addition of GTP alone. Export continued against a concentration gradient, and was NES dependent and inhibited by leptomycin B and GTPgammaS, a nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue. Addition of recombinant RanBP3, a potential cofactor of CRM1-dependent export, did not promote GG-NES export at stoichiometric concentration but gradually inhibited export at higher concentrations. In isolated filter-attached nuclear envelopes, export of GG-NES was virtually abolished in the presence of GTP alone. However, a preformed export complex consisting of GG-NES, recombinant human CRM1, and RanGTP was rapidly exported. Unexpectedly, export was strongly reduced when the export complex contained RanGTPgammaS or RanG19V/Q69L-GTP, a GTPase-deficient Ran mutant. This paper shows that nuclear transport, previously studied in intact and permeabilized cells only, can be quantitatively analyzed in perforated nuclei and isolated nuclear envelopes.  相似文献   

Synthesis of simian virus 40 DNA in isolated nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence or absence of calcium ions during the isolation of nuclei from SV40-infected African green monkey kidney cells significantly affects the size of SV40 DNA synthesized in vitro. When Ca++ is present during the nuclear isolation procedure, the 3–7S fragments of SV40 DNA synthesized in vitro mature into long chains; in the absence of Ca++ they do not.  相似文献   

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