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Anti-CD3 mAb can activate T cells to help in B cell activation as detected by late events, such as maturation of B cells into Ig-secreting cells (IgSC), or by early events, such as B cell surface expression of the activation marker CD23. Two different anti-CD2 mAb each inhibited anti-CD3-induced T cell-dependent B cell activation in a dose-dependent fashion. Neither irradiation of the T cells prior to culture nor depletion of CD8+ cells abrogated the inhibitory effects of anti-CD2 mAb. Despite the ability of these anti-CD2 mAb to inhibit anti-CD3-induced IL2 production, addition of exogenous IL2 to anti-CD2 mAb-containing cultures could not fully reverse the inhibitory effects on IgSC generation. Furthermore, addition of various combinations of IL1, IL2, IL4, and IL6 or crude PBMC or monocyte culture supernatants also could not reverse anti-CD2-driven inhibition. In T cell-depleted cultures, anti-CD2 mAb had no effect on the ability of IL4 to induce B cell CD23 expression, confirming that anti-CD2 mAb had no direct effect on B cells. However, in cultures containing T+ non-T cells, anti-CD2 mAb did partially inhibit IL4-induced B cell CD23 expression. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that certain CD2 ligands can modulate T cell-dependent B cell activation by a mechanism which, at least in part, involves a direct effect by the CD2 ligand on the T cell itself.  相似文献   

Ryanodine receptors (RyR) are involved in regulating intracellular Ca(++) mobilization in T lymphocytes. However, the importance of RyR signaling during T cell activation has not yet been determined. In this study, we have used the RyR-selective antagonists, ruthenium red and dantrolene, to determine the effect of RyR blockade on T cell receptor-mediated activation events and cytokine-dependent T cell proliferation. Both ruthenium red and dantrolene inhibited DNA synthesis and cell division, as well as the synthesis of interleukin (IL)-2 by T lymphocytes responding to mitogenic anti-CD3 antibody. Blockade of RyR at initiation of culture or as late as 24 h after T cell receptor stimulation inhibited T cell proliferation, suggesting a requirement for sustained RyR signaling during cell cycle progression. Although flow cytometry revealed that RyR blockade had little effect on activation-induced expression of the alpha chain (CD25) of the high affinity IL-2 receptor, the inhibitory effect of RyR antagonists could not be reversed by the addition of exogenous IL-2 at initiation of culture. In addition, both ruthenium red and dantrolene had a strong inhibitory effect on IL-2-dependent proliferation of CTLL-2 T cells. These data indicate that RyR are involved in regulating IL-2 receptor signaling that drives T cell progression through the cell cycle. We conclude that RyR-associated Ca(++) signaling regulates T cell proliferation by promoting both IL-2 synthesis and IL-2-dependent cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The effect of monoclonal antibodies (Mab) directed at T cell and accessory cell (AC) surface molecules on OKT3-induced T4 and T8 cell proliferation was examined. Mab directed at nonpolymorphic class I (W6/32, MB40.5) and class II (L243) major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded gene products, an epitope common to LFA-1, CR3, and the p150, 95 molecule (60.3), and a heterodimer present on monocytes (M phi) and activated T cells (4F2) inhibited M phi-supported OKT3-induced proliferation of both T4 and T8 cells. Moreover, an Mab directed at the CD4 molecule (66.1) inhibited OKT3-induced T4 but not T8 cell proliferation, whereas an Mab directed at the CD8 molecule (OKT8) inhibited T8 but not T4 cell responses. With the exception of 66.1, each inhibited OKT3-induced T cell proliferation when added as late as 15 hr after the initiation of culture. Inhibition could not be explained by competition for Fc receptors on the AC. A variety of other Mab including OKT11 and those directed at other HLA-DR and DQ determinants were not inhibitory. The inhibitory Mab were found to diminish T4 cell IL 2 production and IL 2 receptor expression. Consequently, IL 2 reversed some but not all of the Mab-mediated inhibition of T cell proliferation. In contrast to the effects noted with M phi-supported responses, 60.3 and 66.1 but neither L243 nor 4F2 inhibited OKT3-induced T4 cell proliferation supported by Ia- or IFN-gamma-treated Ia+ endothelial cells. None of the Mab tested inhibited T cell proliferation induced by the AC-independent stimuli OKT3 and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or calcium ionophore and PMA in the presence or absence of added AC. The data therefore suggest that the Mab inhibit OKT3-induced activation of T4 and T8 cells by preventing necessary interactions between AC and T cell surface proteins. Moreover, the results suggest that different arrays of interaction molecules are involved in OKT3-induced T cell proliferation depending on the nature of the AC and the responding T cell subset.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) recognizing different CD2 epitopes each inhibited anti-CD3-induced proliferation and anti-CD3-induced increase in surface CD2 expression. The magnitude of inhibition by either anti-CD2 mAb was dependent upon which anti-CD3 mAb was used as the stimulus, being more pronounced when the anti-CD3 mAb 454 was used as the stimulus than when either anti-CD3 mAb 147 or 446 was the stimulus. The effects of neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes (which bind to CD2) were also more pronounced on mAb 454-induced proliferation than on mAb 147- or 446-induced proliferation. Furthermore, the effects of preincubation with anti-CD2 mAb depended upon the responder status of the donor to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Preincubation of high-responder cells with anti-CD2 mAb had little effect on subsequent IgG1 anti-CD3-induced proliferation. In contrast, preincubation of low-responder cells with anti-CD2 mAb usually augmented the otherwise small proliferative response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Taken together, these observations suggest that interaction of surface CD2 with ligand alters the response of T cells to anti-CD3 mAb, but these effects depend upon the individual anti-CD3 mAb used for stimulation. These studies raise the possibility that perturbation of different parts of the CD3-T cell antigen receptor complex may lead to different sequelae, and, as a result, the T cell may respond to a given immunomodulator in different ways.  相似文献   

The effects of anti-CD2 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) on anti-CD3-driven interleukin 2 (IL2) production and IL2 receptor (IL2R) expression were investigated. Two anti-CD2 mAb, which had previously been shown to inhibit in vitro anti-CD3-induced T cell proliferation, also inhibited anti-CD3-induced IL2 production. However, it seemed unlikely that this was the crucial mechanism in the inhibition of anti-CD3-driven proliferation, since anti-CD2 mAb also partially inhibited T cell proliferation induced by the anti-CD3 mAb 446 which does not induce detectable IL2 levels. Anti-CD2 mAb also inhibited anti-CD3-induced surface IL2R expression as measured by immunofluorescence staining with an anti-IL2R mAb against the p55 chain. Inhibition of IL2R expression paralleled inhibition of proliferation. This anti-CD2-mediated inhibition involved a block in the generation of normal numbers of IL2R+ cells rather than a direct inhibitory effect on the IL2R+ cells themselves, since IL2R+ cells isolated from anti-CD2-containing cultures responded normally to IL2. Exogenous IL2 and IL4, singly or in combination, could reverse neither the anti-CD2-mediated inhibition of anti-CD3-induced proliferation nor the anti-CD2-mediated inhibition of anti-CD3-induced IL2R expression. Taken together, these observations suggest that anti-CD2 mAb inhibit anti-CD3-driven proliferation by inhibiting the generation of IL2R+ cells at a maturational stage proximal to their expression of surface IL2R. This inhibition cannot be overcome by exogenous IL2 or IL4, suggesting that the underlying biochemical mechanism involves an IL2- and IL4-independent pathway.  相似文献   

mAb to monomorphic determinants of HLA class II Ag have been shown to inhibit monocyte-dependent OKT3-induced T cell proliferation, indicating that MHC class II molecules play a regulatory role also in Ag nonrestricted, CD3-induced T cell proliferation. This effect involves several steps in the process of T cell activation and proliferation, including IL-1 beta, IL-6, and IL-2 secretion and IL-2R alpha expression. In the present study, we analyzed the effect of an anti-HLA class II mAb (Q5/6) on the mRNA expression of genes related to monocyte and T cell activation. mRNA levels for early (early c-myc, c-fos) and late (late c-myc, N-ras, c-myb) genes involved in T cell activation were determined as well as mRNA levels for IL-1 beta, IL-6, IFN-gamma, IL-2, and IL-2R alpha. The kinetics of mRNA induction for ICAM-1 was also investigated. The results show that in T lymphocytes the expression of c-fos and early c-myc mRNA was unaffected by mAb Q5/6, whereas the c-myb and N-ras mRNA levels were strongly diminished as well as those of IL-2, IL-2R alpha, and IFN-gamma mRNA. An early increase of ICAM-1 mRNA was partially inhibited. In monocytes, a marked reduction of IL-1 beta and IL-6 mRNA was found. It is concluded that the HLA class II determinant involved in the inhibition mechanism can be engaged in the control of IL-1 beta and IL-6 mRNA levels and constitute an accessory signal up-regulating IL-2 and IL-2R alpha gene activation, through a pathway not affecting c-myc and c-fos expression.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of anti-cluster designation (CD) 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) on the activation of a cloned human T cell line, HY837, after triggering the CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) complex by anti-CD3 or anti-TcR mAb is described. HY837, which reacts with a series of mAb directed at different epitopes on the TcR, could be induced to proliferation and interleukin 2 (IL-2) production by soluble mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex in the absence of accessory cells. mAb directed at the CD2 epitope T11-1 were shown to block the IL-2 production by HY837, as well as the expression of the IL-2 receptor, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, resulting in the inhibition of the proliferative response. The effect of anti-CD2 mAb on the proliferative response of HY837, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, was not due to a competition for Fc binding sites. In contrast, the proliferative responses and IL-2 production of HY837, induced by mAb directed at the TcR, were shown to be enhanced by the action of the anti-CD2 mAb. These results indicate that effects mediated by anti-CD3/TcR mAb cannot always be extrapolated to antigen-mediated effects and show that anti-CD2 mAb may regulate the T cell response, induced by mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex, depending on which part of this complex is triggered during activation.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (mAb) recognizing the CD3 (T3) surface complex each induced B cell differentiation (as measured by PFC generation) in cultures containing T + non-T cells. Irradiation of the T cells before culture usually augmented the PFC response. An IgG2a mAb (454) induced PFC in all donors tested, whereas two IgG1 mAb (147 and 446) induced PFC in only 80% of the donors tested. This heterogeneity in PFC response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb strictly paralleled the heterogeneity in proliferative response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb and was governed by cells within the non-T population. In IgG1 anti-CD3 high responders (HR), all anti-CD3 mAb tested induced Tac expression. In IgG1 anti-CD3 low responders (LR), mAb 454 induced Tac expression, but mAb 147 did not. However, when the cultures were supplemented with exogenous interleukin 2, Tac expression and PFC generation in response to mAb 147 was similar to the response to mAb 454 in both HR and LR. The addition of anti-Tac to the cultures partially inhibited anti-CD3-induced PFC generation. These studies indicate that anti-CD3 mAb can lead to B cell differentiation under appropriate experimental conditions and may be valuable in studying polyclonal T cell-dependent B cell differentiation in normal and disease states.  相似文献   

The growth rate of normal cells multiplied in vitro decreases as the cell density of the culture increases. Previous results suggested that this density-dependent inhibition of growth in nontransformed cells was due to the diffusion of growth inhibitory substances in the medium of dense cultures. In this paper, we demonstrate that dense cultures of 3T3 cells secrete inhibitory and stimulatory factors. Macromolecules of conditioned medium were fractionated on Biogel P150 and the different fractions were tested on quiescent cultures of 3T3 cells stimulated or not to proliferate by addition of alpha globulin. When target cells were not stimulated to proliferate by addition of exocrine growth factors, we observed the inhibitory activity of a large molecular weight inhibitor (IDF45) and the stimulatory activity of autocrine growth factors (fraction about 35 and 10 K molecular weight), on the incorporation of 14C inosine into nucleotide pool and RNA. However, DNA synthesis was significantly stimulated with fraction 10 K only. This discrepancy between the stimulation of RNA and DNA synthesis may be explained by the presence, simultaneously, of inhibitory and stimulatory factors in fraction 35 and 10 K molecular weight. The presence of inhibitory factor was demonstrated when the fractions were tested on target cells stimulated to proliferate by alpha globulin addition and labeled with 14C thymidine. In these conditions, the stimulatory activity of autocrine growth factors was not observable, and only the inhibitory activity on DNA synthesis of fractions 35 and 10 K appeared. It is tempting to assume that the regulation of in vitro cell proliferation is determined by the balance between these antagonist stimulatory and inhibitory autocrine growth factors.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) on anti-CD3 mAb (OKT3 and anti-Leu4)-mediated T cell activation. In the absence of monocytes, purified E-rosette-positive cells (further referred to as "T cells") require either solid-phase bound anti-CD3 or the combination of both a high concentration of soluble anti-CD3 and exogenous recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2) to proliferate. PMN cannot sustain T cell proliferation with soluble anti-CD3, but they markedly boost proliferation in the presence of soluble anti-CD3 and rIL-2. When PMN were added to T cell cultures stimulated with anti-CD3, this resulted in IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) expression and CD3 modulation. The mechanism of enhancement of anti-CD3-induced IL-2-responsiveness by PMN was further analyzed. A cellular T cell-PMN interaction was found to play a critical role and this was mediated through PMN Fc receptors (FcR). PMN bear two types of low-affinity FcR (FcRII and FcRIII). FcRII is known to bind mIgG1 (e.g., anti-Leu4) and FcRIII binds mIgG2a (e.g., OKT3). FcR involvement was demonstrated by two observations. Anti-FcRII mAb IV.3 inhibited the PMN signal for T cell activation with anti-Leu4. PMN bearing the second variant of FcRII which is unable to bind mIgG1 failed to promote anti-Leu4/IL-2-mediated T cell proliferation. Thus, PMN potentiate T cell responsiveness to IL-2 in the presence of anti-CD3 mAb and this potentiation by PMN requires interaction of anti-CD3 with PMN-FcR.  相似文献   

T cell activation induced by mouse anti-CD3 mAb has shown to be dependent on the Ig isotype of these antibodies. A study of isotype dependency of human antibodies, however, seems more relevant to human effector systems, especially in view of the availability of humanized antibodies for clinical applications. We constructed a panel of mouse and mouse/human chimeric anti-CD3 mAb, which differ only in their CH region and hence have identical binding sites and affinity. By using these antibodies, we now studied their ability to induce T cell proliferation in human PBMC and analyzed the classes of IgG FcR involved in these responses. The human (h)IgG1, hIgG3, and hIgG4, as well as mouse (m)IgG2a and mIgG3 anti-CD3 mAb induced an Fc gamma RI (CD64)-dependent T cell proliferation in all donors. Activation with hIgG2 and mIgG1 anti-CD3 mAb was observed to be mediated via the low affinity Fc gamma RII (CD32). It was found that leukocytes in a normal donor population display a functional polymorphism with respect to hIgG2 anti-CD3 responsiveness. This polymorphism was found to be inversely related to the previously defined Fc gamma RII-polymorphism to mIgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Monocytes expressing the Fc gamma RII mIgG1 low responder (LR) allele support hIgG2 anti-CD3 induced T cell proliferation efficiently, whereas cells homozygous for the Fc gamma RII mIgG1 high responder (HR) allele do not. This observation could be confirmed in T cell activation studies using hFc gamma RIIa-transfected mouse fibroblasts, expressing either the mIgG1 anti-CD3 HR or LR Fc gamma RII-encoding cDNA.  相似文献   

Human T cells can be divided into subsets based on the expression of CD29, CD45RA, CD45RO, LFA-3, or CD11a. It has been suggested that the subset of CD4+ T cells that expresses high densities of CD29, CD11a, CD45RO, and LFA-3 contains "memory" T cells, whereas the subset of cells that expresses CD45RA contains "naive" T cells. In order to obtain a more complete picture of the functional capacities of human naive and memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets, highly purified T cells were activated with a uniform stimulus and responses were examined in bulk cultures and under limiting dilution conditions. T cell activation was achieved with an immobilized mAb to the CD3 molecular complex, 64.1. In bulk cultures, immobilized 64.1 stimulated a vigorous response. Moreover, the number of cells entering the cell cycle, the magnitude of the [3H]thymidine incorporation, and the growth of the cells over 6 days in culture by naive and memory CD4+ T cells was comparable. To delineate the frequency of responsive cells in each subset more precisely, cells were cultured with immobilized 64.1 at limiting dilution and the precursor frequency of responding cells was assessed by examining wells microscopically for visible growth. Immobilized 64.1 was able to induce some T cells from each subset to grow in the complete absence of AC, when exogenous IL2 was present. The number of responding CD4+ and CD8+ cells was comparable. The percentage of naive cells responding in each population was approximately three times greater than the frequency of memory cells. IL4 could also support the growth of immobilized 64.1-activated CD4+ T cells, but the frequency of responding cells was much lower than that supported by IL2. The vast majority of the IL-4 responsive CD4+ cells resided within the naive cell subset. The data indicate that the response of CD4+ and CD8+ naive and memory T cell subsets to immobilized anti-CD3 depends on the density of responding cells. Naive T cells have an enhanced capacity to grow when cultured in the absence of other T cells or accessory cells. This ability may facilitate their expansion during primary immune responses.  相似文献   

In vivo treatment with anti-CD4 antibody profoundly suppresses a number of T cell-dependent responses and is clinically useful in the treatment of certain mouse models of autoimmune disease. Treatment with anti-CD4 antibody will inactivate and can deplete CD4 T cells, but the mechanisms responsible for these effects are incompletely understood. When mouse spleen cells were exposed in vitro to both SRBC and monoclonal anti-CD4, there was 55% reduction of the anti-SRBC response. If cultures were preincubated with anti-CD4 for 48 h before in vitro challenge, the reduction was greater than 80%. When unfractionated spleen cells were cultured with anti-CD4 for 96 h, there was actual elimination of CD4 cells in these cultures since virtually all CD3+ cells were CD8+. Activation of T cells by exposure to anti-CD3 rendered them resistant to antibody-mediated CD4 depletion. This resistance to CD4 depletion was seen even in cultures that were pretreated with anti-CD4 for as long as 24 h before anti-CD3 exposure. In cultures of purified T cells, anti-CD4 did not eliminate CD4 T cells. However, culture of T cells with macrophage-rich adherent cells and anti-CD4 resulted in elimination of CD4 T cells. Thus, it appears that macrophages play a role in anti-CD4-induced T cell elimination. While anti-CD4 did not eliminate CD4 cells from a population of purified T cells, there was profound down-regulation of cell surface CD4. Activating T cells with immobilized anti-CD3 before addition of anti-CD4 prevented down-regulation of CD4. These experiments demonstrate that T cell activation by anti-CD3 renders the activated cells resistant to antibody-induced CD4 down-regulation and to antibody-induced CD4 T cell depletion. These findings may have relevance to the application of anti-CD4 therapy in human diseases that are mediated by activated Th cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of murine T cell proliferation by B cell stimulatory factor-1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The proliferation of mitogen-activated primary T cells, antigen-activated memory T cells from mixed leukocyte culture, and antigen-dependent alloreactive T cell clones in response to purified murine recombinant B cell stimulatory factor-1 (also known as interleukin 4) was examined. We found that B cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1) stimulated optimal proliferation of these T cells only after their recent activation by antigen or mitogen. Analysis of cell surface BSF-1 receptor expression indicated that although T cell activation is accompanied by a small increase in BSF-1 receptor expression, the cells also express BSF-1 receptors prior to activation at a time when they do not proliferate in response to BSF-1. BSF-1 was as effective a stimulus as interleukin 2 for inducing proliferation of the Lyt-2+ subpopulation of concanavalin A-activated murine spleen cells and an alloreactive cytolytic T cell clone. However, the L3T4+ subpopulation of concanavalin A-activated spleen and an alloreactive helper T cell clone were less responsive to BSF-1 than to interleukin 2. Taken together, the data indicate an important role for BSF-1 in the regulation of normal T cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) predisposes cattle to bacterial pneumonia was investigated by using an in vitro system to demonstrate immunosuppression. At a multiplicity of infection of 0.001, live or inactivated BHV-1 induced a 50% inhibition of the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes to antigen (vaccinia virus in vaccinia virus-immunized cattle which were BHV-1 negative) or interleukin-2. At this same multiplicity of infection, the mitogen-induced proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes was unaffected. This inhibition of antigen and interleukin-2-induced proliferative responses could not be reversed by the addition of excess amounts of interleukin-2 and could not be prevented by the addition of indomethacin to block prostaglandin production. Antibodies to BHV-1, especially those specific for glycoproteins gI and gIV, were able to block the inhibitory effect of BHV-1 in these in vitro assays. These results showed that antibody to BHV-1 blocks the immunosuppressive effect of the virus in vitro and suggested that an appropriate antibody response to BHV-1 could protect cattle from virus-induced immunosuppression leading to secondary bacterial pneumonia.  相似文献   

Accessory cell-depleted T cells required the presence of a protein kinase C (PKC) stimulating phorbol ester, such as phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB), to be activated by soluble antibodies to the CD3 molecular complex. To determine the duration of PDB costimulation necessary to induce a proliferative response, highly purified T cells were pulsed with anti-CD3, incubated with PDB for limited periods of time, and then washed and recultured in the absence of PDB. T cells stimulated with anti-CD3 and PDB for 2 hr were unable to proliferate unless IL-2 or PDB was added to the second culture. With more prolonged exposure to PDB (4-18 hr), anti-CD3-pulsed cells exhibited an increased capacity to proliferate in the absence of additional PDB. Proliferation could be augmented by exogenous IL-2, but remained submaximal. Optimal DNA synthetic responses required the presence of PDB throughout the entire culture. Despite this, costimulation with anti-CD3 and PDB induced a significant number of cells to express IL-2 receptors and enter the cell cycle after 18 hr of costimulation with PDB. Moreover, T cells costimulated by anti-CD3 and PDB produced IL-2 within 4 hr. However, T cells that were stimulated with anti-CD3 and PDB for 4 hr, washed, and recultured rapidly lost the ability to continue to produce IL-2, which reflected a decrease in the content of mRNA encoding IL-2. This loss of IL-2 production was prevented by reculturing the cells with PDB. These studies therefore indicate that after initial T cell activation by anti-CD3, continued stimulation of PKC is necessary for ongoing IL-2 production. These results suggest a model of T cell activation in which sustained stimulation of PKC after cell cycle entry is required to maintain growth factor production and continued proliferation.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulating normal type 1 murine T cell clones with anti-CD3 antibody was examined in vitro. In the absence of accessory cells, anti-CD3 antibody immobilized on plastic plates stimulated inositol phosphate production, suboptimal proliferation, IL-2 and IL-3 production, and maximal IFN-gamma production. Addition of accessory cells augmented lymphokine production and proliferation when the effects of "high-dose suppression" were relieved by removing the T cells from the antibody-coated plates. Exposure of type 1 T cell clones to immobilized anti-CD3 antibody alone rapidly induced long-lasting proliferative unresponsiveness (anergy) to Ag stimulation that could be prevented by accessory cells. This anergic state was characterized by a lymphokine production defect, not a failure of the T cells to respond to exogenous IL-2 or to express surface Ti/CD3 complexes. In addition, anergy could not be induced in the presence of cyclosporine A. These results suggest that under certain conditions anti-CD3 antibodies may have potent immunosuppressive effects independent of Ti/CD3 modulation. Furthermore, our results support a two-signal model of type 1 T cell activation in which Ti/CD3 occupancy alone (signal 1) induces anergy, whereas Ti/CD3 occupancy in conjunction with a costimulatory signal (signal 2) induces a proliferative response.  相似文献   

The role of CD7, a T cell differentiation antigen, in T cell function is not known at present; this study evaluates the effect of anti-CD7 mAb in PMBC cultures activated with suboptimal concentrations of lectins, antigens, and anti-CD3 mAb. We found that the inclusion of anti-CD7 resulted in increased IL-2 production and IL-2R-alpha expression in these cultures. H-7, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, and genistein, a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitor, significantly suppressed the proliferation of T cells in comitogenic assays. This suggested that the comitogenic effect mediated by CD7 molecule involved both the PKC and the PTK pathways of T cell activation. These drugs appeared to affect the CD7-mediated effects by inhibiting the IL-2 autocrine pathway, especially the up-regulation of IL-2R-alpha since inhibition was not relieved with exogenous rIL-2. Taken together, our results suggest that CD7 augments T cell function by up-regulating IL-2R-alpha expression and IL-2 production via multiple pathways of protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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