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Effect of Oxygen on Host Cell Reactivation in Bacteroides fragilis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Host cell reactivation was induced by oxygen in Bacteroides fragilis. Chloramphenicol inhibited the induction of host cell reactivation. DNA and protein syntheses were not inhibited during oxygen-induced host cell reactivation.  相似文献   

A kill of 99.99% was obtained in cell suspensions of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis by incubation with hydrogen peroxide 1.0% (w/v) for 75 and 180 min respectively. The same kill was produced by 30 s irradiation with ultraviolet (u.v.) light in the presence of hydrogen peroxide 1.0% (w/v). This simultaneous treatment with u.v. and hydrogen peroxide produced a synergistic kill at least 30-fold greater than that produced by irradiation of cell suspensions of Esch. coli with or without subsequent incubation with hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Ultra-violet (u.v.) light irradiation of spores of Bacillus subtilis in the presence of hydrogen peroxide produced a rapid kill which was up to 2000-fold greater than that produced by irradiation alone. A kill of 99–99% was produced by 30s u.v. irradiation of spores of 6 strains of Bacillus and Clostridium in the presence of hydrogen peroxide 1.0 g/100 ml but with the more resistant spores of 9 further strains, irradiation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide 2–5 g/100 ml followed by mild heating was required.  相似文献   

The uvr mutations of Escherichia coli K-12 decrease the ability of cells to survive ultraviolet light (UV), to excise pyrimidine dimers from their deoxyribonucleic acid and to reactivate bacteriophage exposed to UV. The rec mutations decrease the ability of the cells to survive UV and to undergo genetic recombination. Certain rec mutations, including recA1, rec-12, recA13, and rec-56, are necessary for the expression of liquid-holding recovery (LHR), observed as an increase in colony-forming ability when irradiated cells are held in buffer in the dark. These rec mutations appear to act indirectly to permit the detection of LHR rather than to affect its occurrence directly. We have tested the effect of uvr markers on LHR in cells containing one of these rec mutations. Recombinants containing rec-56 together with a uvr marker were constructed and tested for LHR. None of the 39 recombinants examined, carrying uvrA6, uvrB5, or uvrC34, showed LHR. Three rec(-)uvr(-) strains were also tested for photoreactivation. In all three, photoreactivation was observed, indicating that they contained detectable amounts of pyrimidine dimers. Our results are consistent with the idea that uvr mutations inactivate LHR, and suggest that LHR reflects excision-dependent repair of pyrimidine dimers.  相似文献   

Two R factors which have the capacity to improve survival of some strains of Escherichia coli K-12 by approximately 60% after ultraviolet light have been identified and characterized. Both are fi(-), but neither produce colicins. The ability to enhance survival can be separated from all other identified R-factor functions. Improved survival does not result from improved excisional capacity, but does require an intact host capacity for genetic recombination. No effects on host cell growth or postirradiation lag were observed. A proposed mechanism of action is described.  相似文献   

We have examined various derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12 for liquid holding recovery, a type of recovery originally observed in E. coli B irradiated with ultraviolet light. Although most of the K-12 derivatives tested showed relatively little or no recovery under our conditions, four of the six independent rec(-) mutants examined, those carrying recA1, rec-12, recA13, and rec-56, respectively, displayed marked recovery. These mutants are distinguished from rec(+) strains by their increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and decreased ability to undergo genetic recombination. Two of them have also been reported to release large amounts of their deoxyribonucleic acid as acid-soluble material, especially after irradiation. None of the three uvr(-) mutants examined, containing uvrA6, uvrB5, or uvrC34, showed comparable liquid holding recovery. The one rec(-) uvr(-) derivative tested, carrying recA13 and uvrA6, did not appear to undergo liquid holding recovery, although recA13 uvr(+) strains did. Genetic analysis of one strain, a recA13 mutant, indicated that all the rec(+) derivatives obtained from it by conjugation, transduction and reversion, had lost the property of showing liquid holding recovery. From these results, we conclude that in E. coli K-12 the expression of liquid holding recovery depends upon certain rec(-) mutations.  相似文献   

The anaerobe Bacteroides fragilis is a gram-negative, opportunistic pathogen that is highly aerotolerant and can persist in aerobic environments for extended periods. In this study, the six B. fragilis thioredoxins (Trxs) were investigated to determine their role during oxidative stress. Phylogenetic analyses of Trx protein sequences indicated that four of the six Trxs (TrxA, TrxC, TrxD, and TrxF) belong to the M-type Trx class but were associated with two different M-type lineages. TrxE and TrxG were most closely associated to Y-type Trxs found primarily in cyanobacteria. Single and multiple trx gene deletions were generated to determine functional differences between the Trxs. The trxA gene was essential, but no anaerobic growth defects were observed for any other single trx deletion or for the ΔtrxC ΔtrxD::cfxA ΔtrxE ΔtrxF ΔtrxG quintuple mutant. Regulation of the trx genes was linked to the oxidative stress response, and all were induced by aerobic conditions. The ΔtrxC ΔtrxE ΔtrxF ΔtrxG and the ΔtrxC ΔtrxD::cfxA ΔtrxE ΔtrxF ΔtrxG multiple deletion strains were impaired during growth in oxidized media, but single trx gene mutants did not have a phenotype in this assay. TrxD was protective during exposure to the thiol oxidant diamide, and expression of trxD was induced by diamide. Diamide-induced expression of trxC, trxE, and trxF increased significantly in a trxD mutant strain, suggesting that there is some capacity for compensation in this complex Trx system. These data provide insight into the role of individual Trxs in the B. fragilis oxidative stress response.Protective mechanisms for dealing with oxidative stress are an integral part of any organism that lives in, or is exposed to, an aerobic environment. While aerobic organisms have developed robust systems to contend with the constant threat of destructive oxygen radicals, anaerobic organisms introduced to an aerobic environment are at an elevated risk for damage. Oxygen toxicity in anaerobes is a complex phenomenon involving many aspects of cellular physiology that are impaired as oxidative damage occurs. For example, aerobic exposure of the aerotolerant Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron inhibits growth, in part due to the oxidation of iron-sulfur clusters located within metabolic enzymes (30). To combat this problem, some anaerobic bacteria have evolved multifaceted strategies to manage the production and effects of reactive oxygen species (38). Bacteroides fragilis is a commensal anaerobe found in the human intestine, but it also is the most frequently isolated anaerobe from human infections (10). B. fragilis is unable to multiply in the presence of air (21% O2); however, it is highly resistant to oxidative stress and can survive for extended periods in a fully aerobic environment. In this regard, B. fragilis is one of the most aerotolerant anaerobes known, and it is able to survive for at least 72 h in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. In contrast, intolerant anaerobes survive for less than 2 h in air (49). This remarkable resistance to oxidative stress is mediated by an oxidative stress response (OSR) which involves a wide array of genes activated during exposure to air or H2O2. An ever-growing set of genes and proteins that are induced in response to aerobic exposure have been discovered, and while the function of some have been deduced, many of their contributions to aerotolerance remain to be clarified (15, 36-38, 48). In this regard, a recent expression microarray showed that the B. fragilis thioredoxin (Trx) genes were induced by aerobic conditions, but their role in the OSR has not been adequately explored (48).Trxs are small redox-active proteins (∼12 kDa) found in all phylogenetic branches. Trxs contain a highly conserved Cys-X-X-Cys motif at their active sites, allowing for catalysis of thiol-disulfide reactions (1, 40). The reduction of Trxs is mediated by flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent Trx reductases (TrxB) which convert oxidized Trxs to their free thiol forms (1). Since the discovery of their role in DNA synthesis and in maintenance of the reduced state of intracellular protein disulfides, Trxs have been shown to be involved in defense against oxidative stress (17). Trxs regenerate oxidatively damaged proteins, modulate the activity of redox stressors, and act as hydrogen donors for detoxification enzymes important during the OSR (7, 9, 25, 27, 28).Analysis of the B. fragilis genome revealed the presence of a single Trx reductase (TrxB) and six Trx homologs. This large repertoire of trx genes appears unusual compared to the typical smaller number of trx genes (two or three) found in other anaerobes (13, 19-21, 33, 42, 29). Previously, Rocha et al. (40) showed that the TrxB/Trx system is the primary thiol/disulfide redox system in B. fragilis; it has an important role in aerotolerance and is essential for survival in an in vivo mouse abscess model. These findings prompted us to propose that while TrxB is required for the function of the system overall, each Trx has important, specific roles in survival and defense against oxidative stress. In this study we present evidence that B. fragilis possesses a complex Trx system in which individual trx genes are differentially regulated but have some capacity to compensate for other trx genes under stress conditions. We also present evidence suggesting that TrxD has a major role in managing thiol oxidation and that trxA is an essential gene.  相似文献   

Members of the Bacteroides fragilis group are indigenous to the human and animal intestinal microbiota and they are responsible for several endogenous infections. Enterotoxigenic B. fragilis (ETBF) has been associated with acute diarrhea in children and farm animals. Immunodeficient patients are more predisposed to different opportunistic infections, including anaerobic infections. In this study, 130 stool samples were analysed from 56 immunodeficient and 74 healthy children. Enterotoxin production was detected by cytotoxicity assay on HT-29 cells and by PCR. B. fragilis sensu strictu was prevalent in both groups and ETBF species was detected from a single stool sample belonged to an immunodeficient child with AIDS.  相似文献   

Over a period of 14 years (1973-1987), 3165 specimens submitted to the microbiology laboratory demonstrated the recovery of anaerobic bacteria. A total of 988 Bacteroides fragilis group isolates were recovered (0.3 isolates per specimen). Bacteroides fragilis accounted for 62% of the total of all B. fragilis group isolates, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron for 15%, Bacteroides vulgatus for 8%, Bacteroides ovatus for 7%, Bacteroides distasonis for 6%, and Bacteroides uniformis for 2%. Of the 988 B. fragilis group isolates, 310 (31%) were recovered after the administration of antimicrobial therapy, and 129 (13%) were the single isolate recovered from the infected site at that time. The recovery rate of all members of B. fragilis group after the administration of antimicrobial therapy, when isolated alone or when mixed with other bacteria, was similar. The data illustrate the equal ability of all members of the B. fragilis group to persist in and to contribute to the inflammatory process; and provide further support for their pathogenic role.  相似文献   

Liquid holding recovery (LHR) in ultraviolet-irradiated Bacteroides fragilis cells occurred under aerobic conditions but was inhibited by anaerobic conditions. The increase in survival after aerobic LHR resulted in an increase in the shoulder regions of the ultraviolet survival curves. Maximum LHR was obtained after holding the cells for 2 to 3 h. LHR was temperature dependent, and in stationary-phase cells LHR was independent of nutrients. Higher levels of LHR occurred in exponential-phase cells than in stationary-phase cells, and LHR was affected by nutrients in exponential-phase cells. Sublethal concentrations of caffeine and acriflavine inhibited LHR. In addition to LHR, minimal medium recovery also occurred in the concentration of [3H]thymine-containing dimers in the acid-insoluble fraction of the cells. A corresponding increase in [3H]thymine-containing dimers was observed in the acid-soluble fraction after LHR. Although a small proportion of irradiated cells produced filaments, this phenomenon was not directly related to LHR in B. fragilis.  相似文献   

The relative sensitivities to ultraviolet light of various simian virus 40 (SV40) functions were studied in human and mouse cells. Transformation appeared to be less ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive than either T or V antigen when all functions were compared in the same cell. However, the time course of both T- and V-antigen appearance was delayed with UV-irradiated virus, so that the survival curves of these functions changed with time. Mouse and human cells which were transformed by UV-SV40 all contained SV40 T antigen. Infectious virus could be recovered from many more transformants than would be expected from the infectivity in African green monkey kidney cells of the irradiated virus. The results suggest that human and mouse cells are capable of reactivating UV-damaged SV40.  相似文献   

Both semiconservative deoxyribonucleic acid replication and "extensive repair" synthesis, after ultraviolet irradiation, appear to be blocked by nalidixic acid. These findings suggest that the agent(s) responsible for both of these modes of replication, or some necessary common process or structure, is affected by this drug.  相似文献   

Bacteroides fragilis cells were more sensitive to far-ultraviolet radiation under aerobic conditions than under anaerobic conditions. The percentage of pyrimidine dimers assayed after irradiation under both conditions was similar.  相似文献   

THE technique of somatic cell hybridization has opened up studies on genetic regulation1 and human genetic analysis2–5. Hybrid cells are isolated in conditions that select against parental cells while allowing hybrids to survive by genomic complementation. In xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a human disease with an autosomal recessive defect in an early stage of DNA repair6, the skin is extremely sensitive to sunlight in vivo7 and skin fibroblasts show sharply reduced survival following ultraviolet irradiation in vitro8,9. This communication concerns the use of ultraviolet irradiation in combination with a chemical method to produce hybrids between fibroblasts from XP and a hamster line, followed by analysis of these cells for their capacity to survive and repair DNA after exposure to ultraviolet. Methods for initiation and propagation of skin fibroblasts from two subjects, male and female siblings with XP, have been described8. Details on the origin of the TG2 line of golden hamster fibroblasts, which has a non-reverting mutation in the gene for hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT), the general hybridization procedure10 and methods for cell survival and DNA repair by unscheduled synthesis8 were also described previously. Hybrids were produced by fusion with Sendai virus and selected by ultraviolet irradiation followed by culture on HAT medium (Fig. 1).  相似文献   

Corneal collagen was labeled in vivo by injection of 14C-proline into the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes. The isolated corneal collagen was incubated in iron-free phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4) containing I mM axorbate and 0.1 mM CuSO4 for either 1 hour or 3 hours at 37°. Addition of 2 volumes of 8 M urea-I mM dithiothreitol and heating for 1 min at 100° solubilized virtually all of the collagen in the control incubations but left a significant amount of insoluble collagen in specimens exposed to the hydroxyl radical generating system. This residue amounted to 19% and 38% of the initial radioactivity in samples incubated for 1 h and 3 h, respectively. The chromatographic profiles (gel filtration on CL-4B) of the soluble fraction showed an increase in both aggregation and degradation products of collagen in the 1 h incubation mixture, whereas after 3 h there was an increase only in degradation products. These observations suggest that additional crosslinking of the soluble collagen aggregates observed at 1 h may be responsible for their subsequent disappearance at 3 h, with concomitant increase of the insoluble fraction. Collagen degradation by OH may play a role in corneal ulceration, whereas hydroxyl radical-mediated crosslinking is consistent with age-dependent increases in insoluble collagen.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):591-594
Corneal collagen was labeled in vivo by injection of 14C-proline into the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes. The isolated corneal collagen was incubated in iron-free phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4) containing I mM axorbate and 0.1 mM CuSO4 for either 1 hour or 3 hours at 37°. Addition of 2 volumes of 8 M urea-I mM dithiothreitol and heating for 1 min at 100° solubilized virtually all of the collagen in the control incubations but left a significant amount of insoluble collagen in specimens exposed to the hydroxyl radical generating system. This residue amounted to 19% and 38% of the initial radioactivity in samples incubated for 1 h and 3 h, respectively. The chromatographic profiles (gel filtration on CL-4B) of the soluble fraction showed an increase in both aggregation and degradation products of collagen in the 1 h incubation mixture, whereas after 3 h there was an increase only in degradation products. These observations suggest that additional crosslinking of the soluble collagen aggregates observed at 1 h may be responsible for their subsequent disappearance at 3 h, with concomitant increase of the insoluble fraction. Collagen degradation by OH may play a role in corneal ulceration, whereas hydroxyl radical-mediated crosslinking is consistent with age-dependent increases in insoluble collagen.  相似文献   

The effect of various clay minerals and humic acid on the survival of Klebsiella aerogenes exposed to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation was investigated. A protective effect was observed and found to depend on the specific light absorption and light scattering properties of the clay minerals and the humic acid used. The higher the specific absorption, the better was the survival of K. aerogenes after UV irradiation. Bacterial survival was lower in clays saturated with divalent cations (Ca, Zn) than in those homoionic to monovalent cations (K).  相似文献   

A cloned xylanase gene from the ruminal bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola 23 was transferred by conjugation into the colonic species Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides uniformis by using the Escherichia coli-Bacteroides shuttle vector pVAL-1. The cloned gene was expressed in both species, and xylanase specific activity in crude extracts was found to be at least 1400-fold greater than that found in the B. ruminicola strain. Analysis of crude extract proteins from the recombinant B. fragilis by SDS-PAGE demonstrated a new 60,000 molecular weight protein. The xylanase activity expressed in both E. coli and B. fragilis was capable of degrading xylan to xylooligosaccharides in vitro. This is the first demonstration that colonic Bacteroides species can express a gene from a ruminal Bacteroides species.  相似文献   

Studies on the proteolytic activity of Bacteroides fragilis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The proteolytic activity of the intestinal bacterium Bacteroides fragilis NCDO 2217 was cell-bound during exponential growth, but was progressively released from the cells in stationary phase. Proteins hydrolysed included casein, trypsin, chymotrypsin, azocasein and the proteins in azosoya bean flour. Collagen, azocoll, elastin, gelatin, ovalbumin and bovine serum albumin were either weakly degraded or completely refractory to proteolysis. Arylamidase activity was exhibited against leucine p-nitroanilide (LPNA), leucine beta-naphthylamide, glycyl-proline p-nitroanilide and valyl-alanine p-nitroanilide. The bacterium grew with ammonia, peptone or casein as sole nitrogen source. Azocasein- and LPNA-hydrolysing activities were consistently higher when grown on casein. Cell-bound protease activity increased concomitantly with growth rate in both carbon- and nitrogen-limited continuous culture. Leucine arylamidase activity was also growth-rate-dependent, being 3-fold greater at D = 0.18 h-1 compared to D = 0.03 h-1. Extracellular proteolytic activity was only detected at low growth rates, accounting for about 25% of total protease activity.  相似文献   

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