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Intraperitoneal inoculation of allogeneic lymphoid cells rapidly activates cytotoxic cells in the peritoneum which are nonadherent and express the NK-1, asialo-GM1, and Thy-1 antigens. Allogeneic spleen cells were very efficient at activating these natural killer (NK) cells, while allogeneic thymocytes were much less effective. Heat-killed allogeneic cells or sonicates also could augment NK activity. — Incompatibility atH-2K, H-2I-A, orH- 2D readily evoked NK cell activity, whileH-2S- andH-2I-E/C-associated disparities did not. Non-H- 2 differences also stimulated NK activity and augmentation was particularly evident inMls-disparate combinations. Thus, the same alloantigens which efficiently activate T cells also activate NK cells.  相似文献   

Inhibition by cortisol of human natural killer (NK) cell activity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effects of cortisol on the natural killer (NK) activity of human peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cells were studied in vitro using a direct 4-h 51Cr-release assay and K 562 cell line as a target. Preincubation for 20 h of PBM cells drawn from healthy donors with 1 X 10(-8) to 1 X 10(-5) M cortisol resulted in a significant decrease of NK cell activity. The magnitude of the suppression was directly related to the steroid concentration and inversely related to the number of effector cells. Cortisol was able to minimize the enhancement of NK cytotoxicity obtainable in the presence of immune interferon (IFN-gamma). A significantly higher suppression was achieved after sequential exposure of PBM cells to cortisol and equimolar levels of prostaglandin E2 (PgE2). The concomitant incubation with theophylline and isobutyl-methylxanthine failed to enhance the cortisol-induced suppression, whereas PgE2-dependent inhibition significantly increased after exposure of PBM cells to methyl-xanthines. The inhibitory effect of cortisol was partially or totally prevented by the concomitant incubation with equimolar amounts of 11-deoxycortisol and RU 486 but not of progesterone. Treatment of NK effectors with a monoclonal anti-human corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) antibody produced an enhancement of the spontaneous NK activity and a partial suppression of cortisol-mediated effects. Our results suggest that endogenous glucocorticoids play a role in the regulation of NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Since the effect of cortisol was additive to that of PgE2 and was not changed by phosphodiesterase inhibitors, it is conceivable that the hormone acts at a level different from the adenylate cyclase-phosphodiesterase system. Data obtained with the use of antiglucocorticoids and the anti-CBG antibody are compatible with a role both of high-affinity glucocorticoid receptors and of CBG in mediating cortisol action on the human NK cell activity.  相似文献   

The 4D1D4 hybridoma cells were derived from the fusion of spleen cells from BALB/c nude mice with NS-1 mouse myeloma cells. The surface phenotypes of 4D1D4 hybridoma cells were Thy-1.2+, L3T4 (CD4)-, Lyt-2 (CD8)-, Asialo GM1+ and p-55 interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor (CD25)-. This phenotypic pattern was consistent with the surface phenotype of NK cells. The 4D1D4 cells showed the definite killer activity against a syngenic tumor cell line, RL male-1, but not against an allogenic YAC-1 line. The killer activity of the 4D1D4 cells was not affected by the addition of exogenous IL-2. It was, therefore, suggested that 4D1D4 cells might be representative of resting NK cells with expression of no functional IL-2 receptors. The hybridoma technology might be useful for establishment of the cloned NK cells.  相似文献   

In vitro augmentation of rat natural killer (NK) cell activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In vitro augmentation of rat natural killer (NK) cell activity was produced by 2 types of treatment. Increased activity occurred "spontaneously" when spleen cells were cultured alone at 37 degrees C. This augmentation was dependent on the presence of adherent, phagocytic cells, presumably macrophages, and was independent of LPS of FCS. Normally low levels of NK activity, present in macrophage-depleted cultured cells, could also be boosted in vitro by incubation with Corynebacterium parvum. This augmentation appeared to be independent of both B cells and macrophages and may be due to stimulation of rat NK cells themselves. Both forms of augmentation were associated with the production of interferon, were found in rats of all ages and strains tested, and should provide an excellent in vitro system for detailed studies of activation of rat NK cells.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2 dependence of human natural killer (NK) cell activity   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
When purified populations of human natural killer (NK) cells were tested for cytotoxic activity in the presence of partially purified preparations of human interleukin 2 (IL 2), a definite, dose-dependent linear increase in reactivity was observed. To determine whether such augmentation by IL 2 might reflect an important aspect of the physiologic regulation of NK activity, we examined the effects of monoclonal antibodies against human IL 2 on spontaneous NK activity. The presence of such antibodies during the 4-hr cytotoxicity assay resulted in significant inhibition of NK activity, and when the NK cells were pretreated for 16 to 20 hr with anti-IL 2, little or no activity remained. These data suggest that the spontaneous cytotoxic activity of NK cells is dependent on their continued exposure to IL 2. The reduction in NK activity resulting from treatment with anti-IL 2 could be at least partially restored by exposure to only low amounts of partially purified IL 2. These data have provided the basis for formulating a novel model of NK cell activation.  相似文献   

A series of mutations in mice was tested for splenic NK-cell activity against YAC-1 target cells. Mutations at six loci that reduce NK-cell activity in the homozygous state were identified, including beige (bg), hairless (hr), motheaten (me), obese (ob), steel (Sl) and, to a lesser extent, dominant spotting (W). Motheaten mice displayed the most profound NK-cell deficiency, with NK-cell activity virtually absent. Two mutations, nude (nu) and lymphoproliferation (Ipr), produced elevated NK-cell-mediated lysis. The double homozygous recessivenu/nu bg/bg nude-beige mouse was viable and NK-cell-deficient, with activity slightly higher than that of +/?bg/bg beige littermate controls. Pigmentation mutants related to beige, including pale ears (ep), pearl (pe), and ruby eyes (ru 2J ) did not dramatically influence NK-cell levels. Unlike the obese gene, other mutations leading to obesity, diabetes (db) and yellow (Asuy), did not impair NK-cell function. The possible site of gene action of these mutants in the NK-cell pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

The in vitro influence of thymus cells on natural killer cell activity of spleen cells against prelabeled target cells (YAC-I and RL♂I) has been studied in syngeneic as well as in allogeneic murine models. In mixing experiments to demonstrate suppression, total thymocytes have been found to have no effect on NK activity of syngeneic or allogeneic spleen cells. Among several thymocyte fractions separated by velocity sedimentation, a relatively faster sedimenting fraction showed remarkable suppression of NK activity by spleen cells against two target cells. The suppressive effect of this particular fraction on NK activity was demonstrated to be proportional to the cell dose. The suppressive function was resistant to irradiation at 1000 or 2000 rad administered in vitro and was not restricted by the major histocompatibility complex. Moreover, the thymocyte fraction which induced suppression was not sensitive to NK-mediated cytolysi? by syngeneic spleen cells. The suppression of NK cytolysis in vitro by certain subpopulations of thymocytes as observed in the present studies may be consistent with a role for the thymus in regulating NK activity in vivo.  相似文献   

A 14-mer Hsp70 peptide stimulates natural killer (NK) cell activity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Compared with normal cells, tumor cell lines exhibit an unusual plasma membrane localization of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70). This tumor-selective Hsp70 membrane expression has been found to correlate with an increased sensitivity to lysis mediated by human natural killer (NK) cells that transiently adhere to plastic following cytokine stimulation. A human Hsp70-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) detects membrane-bound Hsp70 on viable tumor cells and blocks the immune response of NK cells against Hsp70-expressing tumor cells. By peptide scanning (pep-scan) analysis, the epitope of this mAb was mapped as the C-terminal-localized 8-mer NLLGRFEL (NLL, amino acids [aa] 454-461). Most interestingly, similar to full-length Hsp70 protein, the N-terminal-extended 14-mer peptide TKDNNLLGRFELSG (TKD, aa 450-463) was able to stimulate the cytolytic and proliferative activity of NK cells at concentrations equivalent to full-length Hsp70 protein. Blocking studies revealed that an excess of the 14-mer peptide TKDNNLLGRFELSG inhibits the cytolytic activity of NK cells similar to that of Hsp70 protein. In comparison, other TKD-related peptides, including the 8-mer antibody epitope NLLGRFEL (aa 454-461), the 12-mer TKDNNLLGRFEL (aa 450-461), the 13-mer C-terminal-extended peptide NLLGRFELSGIPP (aa 454-466), the 14-mer TKD-equivalent sequences of Hsp70hom TKDNNLLGRFELTG (aa 450-463), Hsc70 TKDNNLLGKFELTG (aa 450-463), and DnaK AADNKSLGQFNLDG (aa 447-460) failed to activate NK activity.  相似文献   

Recent findings have indicated an imbalance of immune responsiveness in primary IgA nephropathy (IgAN). Thus natural killer (NK) cell frequency and NK cytotoxicity were evaluated in fifteen IgAN patients. CD8+, CD11+, CD56+ and CD57+ lymphocyte percentages in IgAN individuals fell within normal values, while a significant decrease of CD16+ cells was observed in the same group of patients. In contrast, NK activity overlapped that seen in controls as assessed by an agarose-single cell cytotoxic assay. To further investigate the discrepancy between CD16+ cell level and NK cytotoxic activity in IgAN, the proportion of CD11+ CD57+, CD56+ CD16+ and CD57+ CD16+ lymphocytes was determined. In spite of the unaffected CD56+ CD16+ cell frequency, IgAN subjects exhibited a significant decrease of CD11+ CD57+ and CD57+ CD16+ lymphocyte percentages in comparison to controls. It is suggested that a redistribution of NK lymphocyte subsets occurs in IgAN. This may have an important role in the impairment of the immunoregulatory network.  相似文献   

Immunoregulatory effects of human macrophages on natural killer (NK) activity were studied. Monocytes were isolated by adherence to plastic, after leukapheresis of normal blood donors, and cultured for 1 to 14 days. In vitro-differentiated (5-7 days) human macrophages consistently and significantly (P less than 0.01) augmented NK activity of fresh autologous or allogeneic PBMNC. During culture, these macrophages also developed increased antitumor cytostatic activity. The optimal time for both the expression of cytostatic activity and up-regulation of NK activity was 5-7 days in culture. In contrast, 12- to 14-day macrophages significantly suppressed NK activity and had less cytostatic activity. Macrophages in culture demonstrated shifts in Leu-M3+HLA-DR+ phenotype from the mean of 60% +/- 11 (SD) in fresh monocytes to 90% +/- 5 between Days 5 and 7 in culture and then down to 10% +/- 5 in 14-day cultures. The activity of NK (CD56+CD3-) cells, purified by Percoll gradient centrifugation and flow cytometry, was up-regulated directly by in vitro-differentiated macrophages at low macrophage to NK cell ratios, and this up-regulation was not dependent on T lymphocytes or other accessory cells. The modulation of NK activity by differentiated macrophages was not MHC-restricted and depended on the viability and cellular integrity of macrophages. Sonicated macrophages could no longer up-regulate NK activity. This study shows that antitumor effects mediated by human in vitro differentiated LeuM3+HLA-DR+ macrophages may simultaneously involve more than one mechanism, namely direct cytostasis of tumor cells and activation of NK cells.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that there is an abnormality in the thymus of dystrophic mice with respect to age-dependent thymus weight changes and altered morphology (T. DeKretser and B. Livett, Nature (London), 263, 682, 1976). Recently, others have shown that natural killer (NK) cells can lyse cells of a large, immature, rapidly dividing cell subpopulation within the thymus of normal young (3 weeks of age) mice (M. Hansson, K. Karre, R. Kiessling, J. Roder, B. Anderson, and P. Hayry, J. Immunol., 123, 765, 1979). The NK susceptibility of dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets was therefore studied. Spleen cells from normal (+/+) and dystrophic (dy2Jdy2J) male C57BL/6J mice 8–10 weeks old were passed over nylon wool and the nonadherent cells were incubated with 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 lymphoma target cells or thymocytes in a 51Cr-release assay. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice killed twofold more YAC-1 target cells than did spleen cells from normal mice. Thymocytes from 3- to 4-week-old dystrophic mice were three to four times more susceptible to NK lysis by dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with normal mouse spleen cells. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice had the same NK activity against dystrophic and normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Normal mouse spleen cells killed three- to fourfold more dystrophic mouse thymocytes than that of normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Target cellbinding studies revealed that conjugate-forming cells from nylon nonadherent dystrophic mouse spleen cells were found to be two- to fourfold greater than for normal mouse spleen cells using YAC-1 tumor cells as targets. The number of lymphocytes bound per YAC-1 target cell ranged from 2 to 5 for dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with 1 to 2 for the normal control group. Using both normal and dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets, the conjugate-forming cells from dystrophic mouse spleen cells were also found to be twofold greater than in the normal control group. Cold target inhibition studies revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was due to a YAC-1-reactive NK cell. Effector cell depletion studies using monoclonal anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement treatment and plastic petri dish adherence also revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was not due to either T lymphocytes or macrophages. Taken together, these results show an increase in NK-sensitive thymocyte targets in dystrophic mice, in combination with an increase in splenic NK activity.  相似文献   

Studies have been performed on the in vitro immunologic effects of homogeneous recombinant human leukocyte interferon, IFLrA. Large granular lymphocytes, enriched for natural killer (NK) cell activity, were pretreated wtih IFLrA or natural interferon preparations and then tested for augmentation of NK activity and of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytoxicity (ADCC). Monocytes were tested for cytolytic and cytostatic activity in 48–72 hr radioisotopic assays performed in the presence or absence of interferon. Treatment with IFLrA caused significant augmentation of NK, ADCC, and monocyte-mediated cytotoxic activities. Even 10 units of IFLrA induced augmentation of NK activity, and 100 units or more boosted monocyte-mediated activity. The effects in each of these assays were species-specific, with no detectable effects on the activity of mouse effector cells. These results indicate that homogeneous recombinant interferon has potent in vitro immunomodulating effects and thus provide a basis for carefully examining the in vivo effects of this protein on host defenses in forthcoming clinical trials with cancer patients.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that the serum thymic factor (FTS) could modulate in vivo the level of splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity in mice. The present report shows that such an effect is also observed after a short term in vitro incubation of the effector cells with FTS. The regulatory effects of FTS result in an increase or a decrease of the splenic NK cell cytotoxicity depending upon the age and the mouse strain. Furthermore, FTS is able to enhance the NK cell activity of thymus and bone marrow cells which are known to be weakly reactive in NK cytotoxicity. Depletion experiments demonstrated that the FTS-induced increase of NK cell activity was not mediated by Thy 1+ cells nor macrophages, thus suggesting a direct action of FTS on the effector cells. Comparative studies using other thymic hormones revealed similar patterns of reactivity. These results favor the hypothesis of a close relationship between the thymus and NK cells.  相似文献   

The presence of calcium (Ca2+) in the culture medium is a requirement for the NK cytotoxic reaction. To further explore the role of Ca2+ and calmodulin (a cytoplasmic protein that mediates most of the biological effects of Ca2+) in this process, we evaluated the effects of nifedipine (a Ca2+ channel antagonist), BAY-K-8644 (a Ca2+ channel agonist), and haloperidol (an inhibitor of calmodulin) on the NK activity of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and the augmentation of this activity by recombinant interleukin 2 (r-IL 2) and interferon-gamma (r-gamma-IFN). We found that all of these drugs inhibit NK activity in a dose-dependent fashion. This appears to result from interference with the programming for lysis stage of the lytic process. In contrast, the presence of these agents during the incubation of PBMC with r-IL 2 or r-gamma-IFN did not induce any change in the enhancement of NK activity. These data suggest that Ca2+ exerts its effect at the intracellular level during the NK cytotoxic process, and that the augmentation of NK activity by lymphokines is independent of the calcium-calmodulin system.  相似文献   

The effect of radium therapy on NK activity in patients with gynecological cancer is presented. Patients were tested before treatment, immediately after treatment and at 1 week intervals for 2 weeks. NK activity in patients before treatment was not statistically different from the normal controls. There was a statistically significant decrease of NK activity after treatment compared to pretreatment value (p less than 0.001). After 1 week NK activity reached pretreatment value and did not change a week later. Radium therapy does not result in a long lasting depression of NK activity, the important host defense mechanism.  相似文献   

Mechanism of cell contact-mediated inhibition of natural killer activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural killer cell activity is inhibited by primary cultures of monolayer cells. In this study, we analyzed the mechanism of the inhibition. Inhibited NK cells showed unaltered binding capacity to NK sensitive K562 cells. The orientation of the effector cells' actin-containing microfilaments, an event known to occur during the programming for the lysis stage in lytic conjugates, was unaffected by the inhibition. In single cell cytotoxicity experiments, the number of killer cells among conjugate-forming cells was reduced. The capacity of the inactivated NK cells to secrete cytotoxic factors upon stimulation with Con A was also impaired. Both NK-resistant inactivating target cells and NK-sensitive K562 cells were sensitive to the toxic factors secreted by NK cells. Thus, the results indicate that the target cell-mediated inactivation of NK cell is based on a block in the lethal hit stage, possibly due to reduced release of toxic factor(s) from the effector cells. The capacity of inactivated effector cells to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity was unimpaired, suggesting that the contact-mediated inhibition of cytotoxicity selectively affects NK cells.  相似文献   

Precursors of activated killer (AK) cells cytotoxic for human noncultured metastatic melanoma and colon carcinoma were characterized. These cells required 3 days incubation with recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL 2) and DNA synthesis for the induction of AK activity. Both negative and positive cell purification methods were used to identify the subpopulation of cells containing AK precursors. By complement-mediated cell depletion studies, AK precursors were largely present in the Leu-11+ fraction, and to a much lesser extent in the Leu-7+ and Leu-2a+ fractions; they were absent in Leu-3a+ and Leu-4+ cells. Lymphocyte subpopulations were then purified with a cell sorter to positively select for the subset containing AK precursors. Leu-11+ cells had the highest level of AK activity and proliferative response when cultured for 3 days with rIL 2 as well as the highest level of NK activity before culture. Leu-7+ cells had neither AK activity nor a proliferative response when cultured with rIL 2, although they still possessed high NK activity. The same levels of AK and NK activity were found in Leu-2a+ and Leu-2a- fractions, but both activities were absent among Leu-4+ and Leu-3a+ cells. Further fractionation with a two-step sorting technique showed that the highest AK activity resided in the Leu-7-Leu-11+ cell fraction. Morphologically, this subfraction was granular lymphocytes. Titration experiments or rIL 2-responsive cells showed that the number of cells required to achieve a comparable level of rIL 2 proliferative response were as follows: 35 X 10(3) cells from unseparated PBL, 10 X 10(3) cells from Leu-11+ cells, 3.3 X 10(3) from Leu-7-Leu-11+ cells, and 640 X 10(3) cells from Leu-7+ cells. These results indicate that the lymphocyte subpopulation that proliferates in the presence of rIL 2 and then develops AK activity was a subpopulation of Leu-11+ granular lymphocytes, which also possessed the highest NK activity. These Leu-11+ cells lacked the antigens defined by the Leu-7, Leu-3a, or Leu-4 antibodies. Although Leu-7+ cells did not respond to rIL 2 by themselves, they may play a role in the induction of AK activity.  相似文献   

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