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Current hypotheses regarding family relationships in the suborder Adephaga (Coleoptera) are conflicting. Here we report full-length 18S ribosomal RNA sequences of 39 adephagans and 13 outgroup taxa. Data analysis focused on the impact of sequence alignment on tree topology, using two principally different approaches. Tree alignments, which seek to minimize indels and substitutions on the tree in a single step, as implemented in an approximate procedure by the computer program POY, were contrasted with a more traditional procedure based on alignments followed by phylogenetic inference based on parsimony, likelihood, and distance analyses. Despite substantial differences between the procedures, phylogenetic conclusions regarding basal relationships within Adephaga and relationships between the four suborders of Coleoptera were broadly similar. The analysis weakly supports monophyly of Adephaga, with Polyphaga usually as its sister, and the two small suborders Myxophaga and Archostemata basal to them. In some analyses, however, Polyphaga was reconstructed as having arisen from within Hydradephaga. Adephaga generally split into two monophyletic groups, corresponding to the terrestrial Geadephaga and the aquatic Hydradephaga, as initially proposed by Crowson in 1955, consistent with a single colonization of the aquatic environment by adephagan ancestors and contradicting the recent proposition of three independent invasions. A monophyletic Hydradephaga is consistently, though not strongly, supported under most analyses, and a parametric bootstrapping test significantly rejects an hypothesis of nonmonophyly. The enigmatic Trachypachidae, which exhibit many similarities to aquatic forms but whose species are entirely terrestrial, were usually recovered as a basal lineage within Geadephaga. Strong evidence opposes the view that terrestrial trachypachids are related to the dytiscoid water beetles.  相似文献   

Adephaga is the second largest suborder of beetles (Coleoptera) and they serve as important arthropod predators in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The suborder is divided into Geadephaga comprising terrestrial families and Hydradephaga for aquatic lineages. Despite numerous studies, phylogenetic relationships among the adephagan families and monophyly of the Hydradephaga itself remain in question. Here we conduct a comprehensive phylogenomic analysis of the suborder using ultraconserved elements (UCEs). This study presents the first in vitro test of a newly developed UCE probe set customized for use within Adephaga that includes both probes tailored specifically for the suborder, alongside generalized Coleoptera probes previously found to work in adephagan taxa. We assess the utility of the entire probe set, as well as comparing the tailored and generalized probes alone for reconstructing evolutionary relationships. Our analyses recovered strong support for the paraphyly of Hydradephaga with whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae) placed as sister to all other adephagan families. Geadephaga was strongly supported as monophyletic and placed sister to a clade composed of Haliplidae + Dytiscoidea. Monophyly of Dytiscoidea was strongly supported with relationships among the dytiscoid families resolved and strongly supported. Relationships among the subfamilies of Dytiscidae were strongly supported but largely incongruent with prior phylogenetic estimates for the family. The results of our UCE probe comparison showed that tailored probes alone outperformed generalized probes alone, as well as the full combined probe set (containing both types of probes), under decreased taxon sampling. When taxon sampling was increased, the full combined probe set outperformed both tailored probes and generalized probes alone. This study provides further evidence that UCE probe sets customized for a focal group result in a greater number of recovered loci and substantially improve phylogenomic analysis.  相似文献   

The evolution of the coleopteran suborder Adephaga is discussed based on a robust phylogenetic background. Analyses of morphological characters yield results nearly identical to recent molecular phylogenies, with the highly specialized Gyrinidae placed as sister to the remaining families, which form two large, reciprocally monophyletic subunits, the aquatic Haliplidae + Dytiscoidea (Meruidae, Noteridae, Aspidytidae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae) on one hand, and the terrestrial Geadephaga (Trachypachidae + Carabidae) on the other. The ancestral habitat of Adephaga, either terrestrial or aquatic, remains ambiguous. The former option would imply two or three independent invasions of aquatic habitats, with very different structural adaptations in larvae of Gyrinidae, Haliplidae and Dytiscoidea.  相似文献   

The structure of polytrophic ovarioles in both Geadephaga and Hydradephaga is reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the significance of various morphological features and their bearing on the phylogeny of Adephaga. It is concluded that the number of nurse cells in the egg chambers is a valuable character in clarifying the phylogenetic relationships. The comparative analysis of the organization of egg chambers in aquatic and terrestrial adephagans, combined with other data suggests that a relatively small and constant number of nurse cells is a plesiomorphic condition for the Adephaga. This conclusion supports the notion that Haliplidae and Gyrinidae stand close to the ancestral stock of adephagous beetles.  相似文献   

Here we present a phylogeny of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) based on DNA sequence data from eight nuclear genes, including six single‐copy nuclear protein‐coding genes, for 367 species representing 172 of 183 extant families. Our results refine existing knowledge of relationships among major groups of beetles. Strepsiptera was confirmed as sister to Coleoptera and each of the suborders of Coleoptera was recovered as monophyletic. Interrelationships among the suborders, namely Polyphaga (Adephaga (Archostemata, Myxophaga)), in our study differ from previous studies. Adephaga comprised two clades corresponding to Hydradephaga and Geadephaga. The series and superfamilies of Polyphaga were mostly monophyletic. The traditional Cucujoidea were recovered in three distantly related clades. Lymexyloidea was recovered within Tenebrionoidea. Several of the series and superfamilies of Polyphaga received moderate to maximal clade support in most analyses, for example Buprestoidea, Chrysomeloidea, Coccinelloidea, Cucujiformia, Curculionoidea, Dascilloidea, Elateroidea, Histeroidea and Hydrophiloidea. However, many of the relationships within Polyphaga lacked compatible resolution under maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian inference, and/or lacked consistently strong nodal support. Overall, we recovered slightly younger estimated divergence times than previous studies for most groups of beetles. The ordinal split between Coleoptera and Strepsiptera was estimated to have occurred in the Early Permian. Crown Coleoptera appeared in the Late Permian, and only one or two lineages survived the end‐Permian mass extinction, with stem group representatives of all four suborders appearing by the end of the Triassic. The basal split in Polyphaga was estimated to have occurred in the Triassic, with the stem groups of most series and superfamilies originating during the Triassic or Jurassic. Most extant families of beetles were estimated to have Cretaceous origins. Overall, Coleoptera experienced an increase in diversification rate compared to the rest of Neuropteroidea. Furthermore, 10 family‐level clades, all in suborder Polyphaga, were identified as having experienced significant increases in diversification rate. These include most beetle species with phytophagous habits, but also several groups not typically or primarily associated with plants. Most of these groups originated in the Cretaceous, which is also when a majority of the most species‐rich beetle families first appeared. An additional 12 clades showed evidence for significant decreases in diversification rate. These clades are species‐poor in the Modern fauna, but collectively exhibit diverse trophic habits. The apparent success of beetles, as measured by species numbers, may result from their associations with widespread and diverse substrates – especially plants, but also including fungi, wood and leaf litter – but what facilitated these associations in the first place or has allowed these associations to flourish likely varies within and between lineages. Our results provide a uniquely well‐resolved temporal and phylogenetic framework for studying patterns of innovation and diversification in Coleoptera, and a foundation for further sampling and resolution of the beetle tree of life.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of hydradephagan water beetles inferred from 18S rRNA sequences   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Several families in the beetle suborder Adephaga have an aquatic life style and are commonly grouped in the "Hydradephaga," but their monophyly is contentious and relationships between and within these families are poorly understood. Here we present full-length 18S rRNA sequence for 84 species of Hydradephaga, including representatives of most major groups down to the tribal level, and a total of 68 species of the largest family, Dytiscidae. Using a direct optimization method for the alignment of length-variable regions, the preferred tree topology was obtained when the cost of gaps and the cost of nucleotide changes were equal, and three hypervariable regions of 18S rRNA were downweighted by a factor of five. Confirming recent molecular studies, the Hydradephaga were found to be monophyletic, indicating a single colonization of the aquatic medium. The most basal group within Hydradephaga is Gyrinidae, followed in a comb-like arrangement by families Haliplidae, Noteridae, Amphizoidae, and Hygrobiidae plus Dytiscidae. Under most alignment parameters, Hygrobiidae is placed amid Dytiscidae in an unstable position, suggesting a possible data artifact. Basal relationships within Dytiscidae are not well established, nor is the monophyly of subfamilies Hydroporinae and Colymbetinae. In contrast, relationships at the genus level appear generally well supported. Despite the great differences in the rates of change and the significant incongruence of the phylogenetic signal in conserved vs hypervariable regions of the 18S rRNA gene, both contribute to establish relationships at all taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of 5S ribosomal RNA from the beetleHarpalus rufipes was determined and compared with primary structures of other insect 5S rRNAs. Sequence differences between two beetle 5S rRNAs may represent phylogenetic markers specific for two groups of Coleoptera — Adephaga and Polyphaga. Analysis of all insect sequences using parsimony allowed us to infer a phylogenetic tree of insects, which is consistent with morphological and paleobiological data.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the holometabolous insect orders were inferred from cladistic analysis of nucleotide sequences of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) (85 exemplars) and 28S rDNA (52 exemplars) and morphological characters. Exemplar outgroup taxa were Collembola (1 sequence), Archaeognatha (1), Ephemerida (1), Odonata (2), Plecoptera (2), Blattodea (1), Mantodea (1), Dermaptera (1), Orthoptera (1), Phasmatodea (1), Embioptera (1), Psocoptera (1), Phthiraptera (1), Hemiptera (4), and Thysanoptera (1). Exemplar ingroup taxa were Coleoptera: Archostemata (1), Adephaga (2), and Polyphaga (7); Megaloptera (1); Raphidioptera (1); Neuroptera (sensu stricto = Planipennia): Mantispoidea (2), Hemerobioidea (2), and Myrmeleontoidea (2); Hymenoptera: Symphyta (4) and Apocrita (19); Trichoptera: Hydropsychoidea (1) and Limnephiloidea (2); Lepidoptera: Ditrysia (3); Siphonaptera: Pulicoidea (1) and Ceratophylloidea (2); Mecoptera: Meropeidae (1), Boreidae (1), Panorpidae (1), and Bittacidae (2); Diptera: Nematocera (1), Brachycera (2), and Cyclorrhapha (1); and Strepsiptera: Corioxenidae (1), Myrmecolacidae (1), Elenchidae (1), and Stylopidae (3). We analyzed approximately 1 kilobase of 18S rDNA, starting 398 nucleotides downstream of the 5' end, and approximately 400 bp of 28S rDNA in expansion segment D3. Multiple alignment of the 18S and 28S sequences resulted in 1,116 nucleotide positions with 24 insert regions and 398 positions with 14 insert regions, respectively. All Strepsiptera and Neuroptera have large insert regions in 18S and 28S. The secondary structure of 18S insert 23 is composed of long stems that are GC rich in the basal Strepsiptera and AT rich in the more derived Strepsiptera. A matrix of 176 morphological characters was analyzed for holometabolous orders. Incongruence length difference tests indicate that the 28S + morphological data sets are incongruent but that 28S + 18S, 18S + morphology, and 28S + 18S + morphology fail to reject the hypothesis of congruence. Phylogenetic trees were generated by parsimony analysis, and clade robustness was evaluated by branch length, Bremer support, percentage of extra steps required to force paraphyly, and sensitivity analysis using the following parameters: gap weights, morphological character weights, methods of data set combination, removal of key taxa, and alignment region. The following are monophyletic under most or all combinations of parameter values: Holometabola, Polyphaga, Megaloptera + Raphidioptera, Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Amphiesmenoptera (Trichoptera + Lepidoptera), Siphonaptera, Siphonaptera + Mecoptera, Strepsiptera, Diptera, and Strepsiptera + Diptera (Halteria). Antliophora (Mecoptera + Diptera + Siphonaptera + Strepsiptera), Mecopterida (Antliophora + Amphiesmenoptera), and Hymenoptera + Mecopterida are supported in the majority of total evidence analyses. Mecoptera may be paraphyletic because Boreus is often placed as sister group to the fleas; hence, Siphonaptera may be subordinate within Mecoptera. The 18S sequences for Priacma (Coleoptera: Archostemata), Colpocaccus (Coleoptera: Adephaga), Agulla (Raphidioptera), and Corydalus (Megaloptera) are nearly identical, and Neuropterida are monophyletic only when those two beetle sequences are removed from the analysis. Coleoptera are therefore paraphyletic under almost all combinations of parameter values. Halteria and Amphiesmenoptera have high Bremer support values and long branch lengths. The data do not support placement of Strepsiptera outside of Holometabola nor as sister group to Coleoptera. We reject the notion that the monophyly of Halteria is due to long branch attraction because Strepsiptera and Diptera do not have the longest branches and there is phylogenetic congruence between molecules, across the entire parameter space, and between morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

Basal relationships of Coleoptera inferred from 18S rDNA sequences   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
The basal relationships of the hyperdiverse insect order Coleoptera (beetles) have proven difficult to resolve. Examination of beetle suborder relationships using 18S ribosomal DNA reveals a previously unproposed relationship among the four major lineages: [(Archostemata(Myxophaga(Adephaga, Polyphaga)))]. Adding representatives of most other insect orders results in a non-monophyletic Coleoptera. However, constraining Coleoptera and its suborders to be monophyletic, in analyses of beetle and outgroup sequences, also results in the above beetle relationships, with the root placed between Archostemata and the remaining suborders.  相似文献   

聂瑞娥  杨星科 《昆虫学报》2013,56(9):1055-1062
鞘翅目是世界上物种最丰富的类群, 分为原鞘亚目(Archostemata Kolbe, 1908)、 藻食亚目(Myxophaga Crowson, 1955)、 肉食亚目(Adephaga Schellenberg, 1806)和多食亚目(Polyphaga Emery, 1886)。随着分子生物学的发展,分子系统学的技术被广泛应用于鞘翅目系统学研究中。本文综述了鞘翅目高级阶元的分子系统学的研究进展及存在问题。基于分子生物学手段, 分子分类学家提出了关于鞘翅目高级阶元分子系统学很多假说, 分子分析结果支持鞘翅目的4个亚目各为单系, 而亚目间的系统关系还不统一。基于分子手段对于亚目内的系统发育关系的研究也有了一定的进展, 比如: 分子系统学结果支持肉食亚目的水生类群和陆生类群分别为单系, 水生类群为一次起源。目前, 鞘翅目高级阶元分子系统学的研究还不够成熟和完善, 主要表现为: 材料选择有限且不均衡、 基因数目和适合度不理想, 以及一些关键节点研究的欠缺。  相似文献   

Relationships among 69 species of Hawaiian Platynini, a monophyletic beetle radiation, was investigated based on evidence from five data partitions, comprising mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences (cytochrome oxidase II, 624 bp; cytochrome b, 783 bp; 28S rDNA, 668 bp; wingless; 441 bp) and morphology (206 features of external and internal anatomy). Results from individual and combined data analyses generally support the monophyly of three putative divisions within Platynini in Hawaii: Division 0 (Colpocaccus species group), Division 1 (Blackburnia species group), and Division 2 (Metromenus species group). However, relationships within and among these three divisions differ from previous morphological hypotheses. An extensive series of sensitivity analyses was performed to assess robustness of recovered clades under a variety of weighted parsimony conditions. Sensitivity analyses support the monophyly of Divisions 0 and 1, but were equivocal for the monophyly of Division 2. A phylogeny based on combined data suggests at least four independent losses/reductions of platynine flight wings. The combined analysis provides corroboration for biogeographic hypotheses, including (1) colonization of Kauai by Hawaiian Platynini with subsequent dispersal and colonization along the island chain from Oahu to Maui Nui to Hawaii Island and (2) incongruent area relationships among Eastern Molokai, West Maui, and Haleakala for two species triplets.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the diverse beetle superfamily Cucujoidea are poorly known. The Cerylonid Series (C.S.) is the largest of all proposed superfamilial cucujoid groups, comprising eight families and representing most of the known cucujoid species diversity. The monophyly of the C.S., however, has never been formally tested and the higher-level relationships among and within the constituent families remain equivocal. Here we present a phylogenetic study based on 18S and 28S rDNA for 16 outgroup taxa and 61 C.S. ingroup taxa, representing seven of the eight C.S. families and 20 of 39 subfamilies. We test the monophyly of the C.S., investigate the relationships among the C.S. families, and test the monophyly of the constituent families and subfamilies. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the combined data was achieved via standard static alignment parsimony analyses, Direct Optimization using parsimony, and partitioned Bayesian analysis. All three analyses support the paraphyly of Cucujoidea with respect to Tenebrionoidea and confirm the monophyly of the C.S. The C.S. families Bothrideridae, Cerylonidae, Discolomatidae, Coccinellidae and Corylophidae are supported as monophyletic in all analyses. Only the Bayesian analysis recovers a monophyletic Latridiidae. Endomychidae is recovered as polyphyletic in all analyses. Of the 14 subfamilies with multiple terminals in this study, 11 were supported as monophyletic. The corylophid subfamily Corylophinae and the coccinellid subfamilies Chilocorinae and Scymninae are recovered as paraphyletic. A sister grouping of Anamorphinae+Corylophidae is supported in all analyses. Other taxonomic implications are discussed in light of our results.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of Meliaceae, including representatives of all four currently recognized subfamilies and all but two tribes (32 genera and 35 species, respectively), were carried out using DNA sequence data from three regions: plastid genes rbcL, matK (partial), and nuclear 26S rDNA (partial). Individual and combined phylogenetic analyses were performed for the rbcL, matK, and 26S rDNA data sets. Although the percentage of informative characters is highest in the segment of matK sequenced, rbcL provides the greatest number of informative characters of the three regions, resulting in the best resolved trees. Results of parsimony analyses support the recognition of only two subfamilies (Melioideae and Swietenioideae), which are sister groups. Melieae are the only tribe recognized previously that are strongly supported as monophyletic. The members of the two small monogeneric subfamilies, Quivisianthe and Capuronianthus, fall within Melioideae and Swietenioideae, respectively, supporting their taxonomic inclusion in these groups. Furthermore, the data indicate a close relationship between Aglaieae and Guareeae and a possible monophyletic origin of Cedreleae of Swietenioideae. For Trichilieae (Melioideae) and Swietenieae (Swietenioideae) lack of monophyly is indicated.  相似文献   

The internal phylogeny of the 'myriapod' class Chilopoda is evaluated for 12 species belonging to the five extant centipede orders, using 18S rDNA complete gene sequence and 28S rDNA partial gene sequence data. Equally and differentially weighted parsimony, neighbour-joining and maximum-likelihood were used for phylogenetic reconstruction, and bootstrapping and branch support analyses were performed to evaluate tree topology stability. The results show that the Chilopoda constitute a monophyletic group that is divided into two lines, Notostigmophora (= Scutigeromorpha) and Pleurostigmophora, as found in previous morphological analyses. The Notostigmophora are markedly modified for their epigenic mode of life. The first offshoot of the Pleurostigmophora are the Lithobiomorpha, followed by the Craterostigmomorpha and by the Epimorpha s. str. (= Scolopendromorpha + Geophilomorpha), although strong support for the monophyly of the Epimorpha s. lat. (= Craterostigmomorpha + Epimorpha s. str.) is only found in the differentially weighted parsimony analysis.  相似文献   

The beetle suborder Adephaga has been the subject of many phylogenetic reconstructions utilizing a variety of data sources and inference methods. However, no strong consensus has yet emerged on the relationships among major adephagan lineages. Ultraconserved elements (UCEs) have proved useful for inferring difficult or unresolved phylogenies at varying timescales in vertebrates, arachnids and Hymenoptera. Recently, a UCE bait set was developed for Coleoptera using polyphagan genomes and a member of the order Strepsiptera as an outgroup. Here, we examine the utility of UCEs for reconstructing the phylogeny of adephagan families, in the first in vitro application a UCE bait set in Coleoptera. Our final dataset included 305 UCE loci for 18 representatives of all adephagan families except Aspidytidae, and two polyphagan outgroups, with a total concatenated length of 83 547 bp. We inferred trees using maximum likelihood analyses of the concatenated UCE alignment and coalescent species tree methods (astral ii , ASTRID, svdquartets ). Although the coalescent species tree methods had poor resolution and weak support, concatenated analyses produced well‐resolved, highly supported trees. Hydradephaga was recovered as paraphyletic, with Gyrinidae sister to Geadephaga and all other adephagans. Haliplidae was recovered as sister to Dytiscoidea, with Hygrobiidae and Amphizoidae successive sisters to Dytiscidae. Finally, Noteridae was recovered as monophyletic and sister to Meruidae. Given the success of UCE data for resolving phylogenetic relationships within Adephaga, we suggest the potential for further resolution of relationships within Adephaga using UCEs with improved taxon sampling, and by developing Adephaga‐specific probes.  相似文献   

利用PAUP和MrBayes软件,对线粒体COⅠ基因序列3个密码子位置的数据模块分别进行了豉甲科(Gyrinidae)和水生肉食亚目(Hydradephaga)在亚科或科水平上的系统发育学分析,结果表明第二密码子数据模块获得了理想的分析结果。由PAUP生成的豉甲科最优树来自第二密码子数据模块的分析,而由MrBayes生成的最优树来自全部密码子数据模块的分析。此外,用对应的氨基酸序列生成的ME和MP树与第二密码子数据模块分析的结果也一致。亚科Orectochilinae和Gyrininae以高的支持率形成了单系。然而,来自亚科Enhydrinae的种Porrorhynchus landaisi landaisi呈现了异常的位置。SH-test检验也支持该异常位置,表明这个种可能代表了一个科。在来自第二密码子数据模块的水生肉食亚目最优ML树中,整个Hydradephaga树呈现单系,豉甲科位于树的基部,表明了该科在水生肉食亚目中是一个早期的分支。在树中还产生了一个单系的Dytiscoidea总科,由Dytiscidae、Hygrobiidae、Noteridae和Amphizoidae 4个科组成,单系的Haliplidae与之成为姐妹群。此外线粒体分子钟的结果表明豉甲科的5对相近种间的分化是一个短时期内发生的(0.01~1.81百万年前),这点可能与它们的特殊地理分布有关。  相似文献   

Model species often provide initial hypotheses and tools for studies of development, genetics and molecular evolution in closely related species. Flour beetles of the genus Tribolium Macleay (1825) are one group with potential for such comparative studies. Tribolium castaneum (Herbst 1797) is an increasingly useful developmental genetic system. The convenience with which congeneric and other species of tenebrionid flour beetles can be reared in the laboratory makes this group attractive for comparative studies on a small phylogenetic scale. Here we present the results of phylogenetic analyses of relationships among the major pest species of Tribolium based on two mitochondrial and three nuclear markers (cytochrome oxidase 1, 16S ribosomal DNA, wingless, 28S ribosomal DNA and histone H3). The utility of partitioning the dataset in a manner informed by biological structure and function is demonstrated by comparing various partitioning strategies. In parsimony and partitioned Bayesian analyses of the combined dataset, the castaneum and confusum species groups are supported as monophyletic and as each other's closest relatives. However, a sister group relationship between this clade and Tribolium brevicornis (Leconte 1859) is not supported. The inferred phylogeny provides an evolutionary framework for comparative studies using flour beetles.  相似文献   

习欠云  王殉章 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1274-1279
水生肉食亚目(Hydradephaga)属于鞘翅目Coleoptera,是一类具有水生习性的食肉性真正水生甲虫(True water beetles)。在真正水生甲虫的系统分类中存在三种假说,一种是肉食亚目(Adephaga)位于该系统的基部,一种是多食亚目(Polyphaga)位于该系统基部,第三种是藻食亚目(Myxophaga)位于该系统基部。最近研究结果更多倾向第一种假说。目前水生肉食亚目大约有5 500个种,200多个属,含8个科。水生肉食亚目的科间水平系统发育关系虽被广泛研究,但观点仍不统一。有代表意义的有三个假说,一是豉甲科(Gyrinidae)位于系统基部,接下来是龙虱科(Dytiscidae)、两栖甲科(Amphizoidae)、水甲科(Hygrobiidae)、小粒龙虱科(Noteridae)与沼梭科(Haliplidae);二是沼梭科位于系统的基部;三是豉甲科位于系统的基部,接下来是沼梭科和龙虱总科(Dytiscoidea),其中龙虱总科由两栖甲科、水甲科、龙虱科、小粒龙虱科组成。目前根据形态学的分类,并结合分子系统学研究方法,第三种假说更符合水生肉食亚目的系统分类,也支持了水生肉食亚目作为一个单系,其祖先来自陆生的假说。  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of genera within the informal suballiance Beaufortia (family Myrtaceae), largely endemic to Australia and New Caledonia, is presented based on separate and combined data sets for 5S and ITS-1 spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The two sets were not in conflict but the 5S data set was more informative. Data were analysed using conventional parsimony, jackknife parsimony, and three-item parsimony analyses. Three-item analysis gave more resolved trees than conventional parsimony analysis. The Beaufortia suballiance includes two major clades, with all Australian representatives of Callistemon (shown to be monophyletic) and most Australian representatives of Melaleuca forming one of these. The sister clade comprises a well-defined group of endemic New Caledonian taxa (classified as Callistemon and Melaleuca ), some Australian species of Melaleuca , a clade including the Western Australia/Northern Territory genera Beaufortia, Lamarchea , and Regelia , and a clade including the south-west Western Australian genera Calothamnus, Eremaea, Conothamnus , and Phymatocarpus . All molecular analyses sup port the monophyly of Conothamnus and of Regelia , genera for which a number of species were included. Three-item analysis of the combined data set supports the monophyly of Beaufortia . The findings have implications for both taxonomy and biogeography.  相似文献   

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