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Biotinylated chromosome-specific probes were prepared from flow-sorted pig chromosomes 1, 13, 18, X, and Y using the degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction. Probes prepared in this way can be used to confirm the identity of chromosomes in the bivariate pig flow karyotype and in pig x mouse somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

Fifty-five single-copy DNA probes were isolated from the library LL06NS01, which was constructed from a complete HindIII digest of a flow-sorted human chromosome 6. Because chromosomes from a human x Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrid were used as the starting material for the flow-sorting, the library could be expected to contain some contaminating Chinese hamster DNA as well as DNA from human chromosomes other than 6. Thirty-seven of the 55 probes, however, were shown to map to human chromosome 6 by Southern blot hybridization with DNA from a panel of somatic cell hybrids. Eleven of the probes were mapped further by in situ hybridization. Four probes were localized to the short arm of chromosome 6, six to the long arm, and one to the centromeric region.  相似文献   

A method is described for the isolation of chromosome region specific cosmids. The 5q35 region of the long arm of human chromosome 5 was microdissected, digested with MboI, ligated to oligonucleotide adaptors, amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and cloned into a plasmid vector. Inserts which did not contain highly repetitive sequences were used to screen a chromosome 5 cosmid library by direct hybridization. There were 33 positive cosmid clones identified with 4 microclones. Individual cosmid clones were biotinylated and used as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. Of the 33 cosmids that were mapped, 29 localized to q35 and 4 to q34, demonstrating the specificity of the microdissection library and the cosmids.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the digestion of template DNAs with restriction endonucleases prior to Alu polymerase chain reaction ("restricted Alu-PCR") reduces the complexity of the Alu-primed amplification patterns of human DNA in somatic cell hybrids and allows a direct informative comparison of these patterns. A comparison of restricted Alu-PCR patterns of a monochromosomal hybrid retaining a human chromosome 17 (MH22-6) and a hybrid retaining a human chromosome 17 deleted for band p11.2 (DH110-D1) revealed four Alu-PCR products that were present in the former but absent in the latter hybrid. Hybridization of these fragments to the total Alu-PCR amplification products of the two hybrids confirmed their absence in DH110-D1 amplification products. Hybridization to a panel of somatic cell hybrids indicated that two of these fragments were deleted in the hybrid DH110-D1 and mapped to 17p11.2, as expected. However, two additional fragments were not deleted in the hybrid DH110-D1 and mapped to other regions of chromosome 17. An insertion-deletion polymorphism was associated with one of the latter fragments, which may be the mechanism for the lack of its amplification in the hybrid DH110-D1. Restricted Alu-PCR should enhance the applications of Alu-PCR and provides a new method for the identification of chromosome-specific polymorphic markers.  相似文献   

The procedure of isolation, purification, and characterization of glucosamine-6-phosphate acetylase from the pig liver is described. The steps of purification were as follows: adsorption on hydroxylapatite, fractionation with ammonium sulfate, chromatography on cellulose phosphate, electrofocusing, and preparative gel electrophoresis. A highly purified (about 3000-fold) preparation of GlcN-6-P acetylase, with a yield of 23%, was obtained. It was found that GlcN-6-P acetylase from pig liver is heterogeneous and exists in two active forms. The characteristic features of the preparation were established: Mr, about 24 kDa; temperature optimum at 37 degrees; pH optimum at 7.45; and Km (GlcN-6-P) 3.7 x 10(-3) M and Km (AcCoA) 1.4 x 10(-3) M. The ions K+, Na+, NH4+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and CH3COO- do not stimulate the acetylase activity. The product of acetylase reaction (GlcNAc-6-P) inhibits this reaction according to the feedback process. The highly purified preparation of GlcN-6-P acetylase is unstable during storage and it is protected by ampholine or glycine from enzyme inactivation, but it is not protected by 2-mercaptoethanol.  相似文献   

Culture of lung tissue of a pig resulted in the isolation ofNocardia asteroides andPasteurella multocida. Confirmatory tests forNocardia were performed.From the Diagnostic Laboratory, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, North Drive, Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240, whereMr. Koehne is Chief Microbiologist.a)Identification was confirmed by Dr. Libero Ajello, Chief, Mycology Section, Laboratory Division, NCDC, Atlanta, Georgia.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) together with their binding proteins (BPs) are potential regulators of folliculogenesis in mammalian ovary. To identify the various species of IGFBPs present in the ovary, we have undertaken a comprehensive purification scheme using gel filtration, ligand-affinity chromatography, and several steps of reverse phase HPLC to isolate all of the BPs in pig ovarian follicular fluid. Our effort yielded five distinct IGFBPs, and upon analysis, they were found to correspond to the previously identified human and rat IGFBP-2, -3, -4, -5, and -6. IGFBP-1 was not found in the pig ovarian follicular fluid under our experimental procedure. Of the six known classes of IGFBPs, the complete primary structures of the first five have been determined, but not IGFBP-6. Using amino acid sequence information from a tryptic fragment of pig IGFBP-6 to prepare a probe, cDNA clones encoding rat and human IGFBP-6 have been isolated and characterized. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed that rat IGFBP-6 contains 201 amino acids with a calculated mol wt of 21,461, while the human homolog contains 216 amino acids with a calculated mol wt of 22,847. In addition, a distinctive feature of human and rat IGFBP-6 is that they lack, respectively, two and four of the 18 homologous cysteines that are present in all other five IGFBPs. The missing cysteines in IGFBP-6 resulted in the absence of the invariant Gly-Cys-Gly-Cys-Cys sequence in the amino-terminal region of the molecule. Human IGFBP-6 possesses a single Asn-linked glycosylation site near the carboxyl-terminal, whereas no potential Asn-linked glycosylation sites are present in the rat sequence. A single 1.3-kilobase IGFBP-6 mRNA was detected by Northern analysis in all rat tissues examined, including testis, intestine, adrenal, kidney, stomach, spleen, heart, lung, brain, and liver, indicating that this BP is a ubiquitous protein. The chromosome location of the IGFBP-6 gene in human has been determined using polymerase chain reaction on somatic cell hybrid DNAs of human and hamster, and the results showed that it is located on chromosome 12.  相似文献   

A hybrid cell line (R21/B1) containing a truncated human chromosome 6 (6pter-6q21) and a human Y chromosome on a hamster background was irradiated and fused to A23 (TK-) or W3GH (HPRT-) hamster cells. Clones containing expressed HLA class I genes (4/40) were selected using monoclonal antibodies. These clones were recloned and analyzed with a panel of probes from the HLA region. One hybrid (4G6) contained the entire HLA complex. Two other hybrids (4J4 and 4H2) contained only the HLA class I region, while the fourth hybrid (5P9) contained HLA class I and III genes in addition to other genes located in the 6p21 chromosomal region. In situ hybridization showed that the hybrid cells contained more than one fragment of human DNA. Alu and LINE PCR products were derived from these cells and compared to each other as well as to products from two somatic cell hybrids having the 6p21 region in common. The PCR fragments were then screened on conventional Southern blots of the somatic cell hybrids to select a panel of novel probes encompassing the 6p21 region. In addition, the origin of the human DNA fragments in hybrid 4J4 was determined by regional mapping of PCR products.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes obtained from pig blood by gradient centrifugation were subjected to a temperature shift (4 to 37 degrees C). The proteins released from the plasma membrane were fractionated by affinity chromatography using immunoglobulin G immobilized on fine polyamide particles. The main component liberated from the adsorbent by diethylamine buffer (pH 11.5) exhibited an apparent Mr of 18000-20000 in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This crude receptor preparation possessed a substantially higher affinity to immobilized immunoglobulin G than to immobilized Fab fragment and inhibited significantly the binding of labeled immunoglobulin G to pig lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Two major gangliosides from pig spleen lymphocytes, accounting for 57% of the total lipid-bound sialic acids, were isolated and purified to homogeneity by column chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex and silica gel. They were identified as GM3 (II3Neu5GcLacCer), and GD3 (II3(Neu5Gc)2LacCer), by thin-layer chromatography in comparison with standards and by analysis of the constituent sugars. The major fatty acids of these gangliosides were stearic acid and myristic acid, respectively. In addition to these gangliosides, GD2 and bands comigrating on thin-layer chromatography with authentic GM2, GM1, GD1a and GD1b were found. These compounds also occur in pig peripheral blood lymphocytes, where, however, GD3 represents about 70% of the total lipid-bound sialic acid.  相似文献   

Isolation of two L-asparaginases from guinea pig liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W S Matthews  H D Brown 《Enzyme》1974,17(5):276-286

Summary Six glucagon-secreting cell lines designated as In-R1G1,-G3,-G7,-G9,-G10, and-G11 were isolated from insulinoma cells (In-111-R1) by single cell cloning. A small amount of insulin was also detectable in the incubation medium when hormone secretion was stimulated by the addition of arginine or theophylline. These cell lines grew as monolayers and the population doubling times varied from 16.8 to 28.8 h. Karyologically these clones were aneuploid and the modes of chromosome numbers were 61 to 70. Electron microscopic examination of one of these clones showed that these cells contained moderately developed Golgi apparatus and a few secretory granules, which more or less resembled α-cell granules. By gell filtration study of the incubation medium, glucagon and glucagonlike material were eluted. The molecular weight of the latter was approximately 9000, which suggested the concomitant secretion of rpoglucagon into the medium. The levels of secreted glucagon in basal state were 0.3 to 3.0 ng/106 cells/2 h. Glucagon secretion was markedly enhanced in the presence of amino acids. Glucagon secretion increased slightly in the presence of high concentration of glucose in Hanks' balanced salt solution; however it was not affected by the varying concentrations of glucose when the cells were incubated in complete media with amino acids. Glucagon secretion was also stimulated by the addition of theophylline. These clonal cell lines seem to provide a useful tool for investigating the mechanism of glucagon secretion.  相似文献   

Guinea pig alpha-macroglobulin was purified to apparent homogeneity by sequential chromatography on Sephacryl S-300, DEAE-cellulose, and hydroxyapatite. A molecular weight of 780,000 was obtained by equilibrium sedimentation. The preparation migrated as a single band of Mr = 180,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. Rabbit antiserum raised against the final preparation partially cross-reacted with human and rat alpha-2-macroglobulins but not with rat alpha-1-macroglobulin. Guinea pig alpha-macroglobulin stimulated the amidolytic activity of trypsin towards a small substrate, but inhibited the proteolytic activity of trypsin towards remazol brilliant blue hide powder. When treated with trypsin or methylamine, four thiol groups per molecule were newly generated. The reaction with trypsin proceeded with at least at two different rates: half of the thiol groups were generated in a fast reaction and the remaining half in a slower reaction. On the other hand, such a two-step reaction was not detected in the reaction with methylamine. The methylamine-treated alpha-macroglobulin retained half the capacity to bind trypsin and its mobility in polyacrylamide gel under nondenaturing conditions remained virtually unchanged. These properties are in marked contrast to those reported for human alpha-2-macroglobulin, but resemble those of rat alpha-2- and mouse alpha-macroglobulins. The amidase activity of trypsin bound to guinea pig alpha-macroglobulin was impaired by soybean trypsin inhibitor to a much greater degree than that of trypsin bound to human or rat alpha-2-macroglobulin.  相似文献   

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