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Instead of vision, many nocturnal animals use alternative senses for navigation and object detection in their dark environment. For this purpose, weakly electric mormyrid fish employ active electrolocation, during which they discharge a specialized electric organ in their tail which discharges electrical pulses. Each discharge builds up an electrical field around the fish, which is sensed by cutaneous electroreceptor organs that are distributed over most of the body surface of the fish. Nearby objects distort this electrical field and cause a local alteration in current flow in those electroreceptors that are closest to the object. By constantly monitoring responses of its electroreceptor organs, a fish can detect, localize, and identify environmental objects.Inspired by the remarkable capabilities of weakly electric fish in detecting and recognizing objects, we designed technical sensor systems that can solve similar problems of remote object sensing. We applied the principles of active electrolocation to technical systems by building devices that produce electrical current pulses in a conducting medium (water or ionized gases) and simultaneously sense local current density. Depending on the specific task a sensor was designed for devices could (i) detect an object, (ii) localize it in space, (iii) determine its distance, and (iv) measure properties such as material properties, thickness, or material faults. Our systems proved to be relatively insensitive to environmental disturbances such as heat, pressure, or turbidity. They have a wide range of applications including material identification, quality control, non-contact distance measurements, medical applications and many more. Despite their astonishing capacities, our sensors still lag far behind what electric fish are able to achieve during active electrolocation. The understanding of the neural principles governing electric fish sensory physiology and the corresponding optimization of our sensors to solve certain technical tasks therefore remain ongoing goals of our research.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fishes are nocturnal and orientate in the absence of vision by using their electrical sense. This enables them not only to navigate but also to perceive and recognize objects in complete darkness. They create an electric field around their bodies by producing electric signals with specialized electric organs. Objects within this field alter the electric current at electroreceptor organs, which are distributed over almost the entire body surface. During active electrolocation, fishes detect, localize and analyse objects by monitoring their self-produced electric signals. We investigated the ability of the mormyrid Gnathonemus petersii to perceive objects three-dimensionally in space. Within a range of about 12 cm, G. petersii can perceive the distance of objects. Depth perception is independent of object size, shape and material. The mechanism for distance determination through electrolocation involves calculating the ratio between two parameters (maximal slope and maximal amplitude) of the electrical image which each object projects onto the fish's skin. During active electrolocation, electric fishes cannot only locate objects in space but in addition can determine the three-dimensional shape of an object. Up to certain limits, objects are spontaneously categorized according to their shapes, but not according to their sizes or the materials of which they are made.  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii detects, localizes, and analyzes objects during active electrolocation even in complete darkness. This enables these fish to lead a nocturnal life and find and identify their prey (small insect larvae) on the ground of their freshwater habitat. During active electrolocation, fish produce a series of brief electric signals, electric organ discharges (EOD), with an electric organ in their tail. Each EOD builds up a stable electric field around the fish, which is distorted only by nearby objects. Field distortions lead to changes of the transepidermal electric current flow at a region of the fish's electroreceptive skin surface called the 'electric image'. Within the electric image, locally perceived EODs can be either altered in amplitude or waveform by an object. Fish measure both parameters to assess object properties, such as the capacitive and resistive components of the object's complex impedance. the object's size and shape, and its distance from the fish. None of these object properties can be evaluated in isolation, but have to be inferred during parallel processing of electric image spatial and qualitative parameters. Two anterior skin regions of G. petersii appear to possess particular properties for special electrolocation tasks and we therefore refer to them as 'foveal' regions. Because of its high electroreceptor density, the electric field geometry around it, and its behavioral use, the 'nasal region' between the nares and the mouth at the head of the fish is suggested to be a fovea for long-range guidance and object detection. We propose that the 'Schnauzenorgan', a long and flexible chin appendix covered densely with electroreceptor organs, is a second electroreceptive fovea associated with a short-range (food) identification system. Together, these two electric foveae constitute an effective prey detection and identification system.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish has an ability to generate a low-frequency electric field actively to locate the surrounding object in complete darkness by sensing the change of the electric field.This ability is called active electrolocation.In this paper,we designed a two-dimensional (2D) experimental platform of underwater active electrolocation system by simulating weakly electric fish.On the platform,location characteristics based on frequency domain were investigated.Results indicated that surface shape of 3D location characteristic curves for the 2D underwater active electrolocation positioning system was convex upwards or concave down which was influenced by the material of probed objects and the frequency of the electric field excitation signal.Experiments also confirmed that the amplitude of the electric field excitation signal and the size of the probed object will only influence the amplitude corresponding to 3D location characteristic curves.Based on above location characteristics,we present three location algorithms including Cross Location Algorithm (CLA),Stochastic Location Algorithm (SLA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) location algorithm in frequency domain and achieved the task of the underwater positioning system.Our work may have reference value for underwater detection study.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish use active electrolocation for orientation at night. They emit electric signals (electric organ discharges) which generate an electrical field around their body. By sensing field distortions, fish can detect objects and analyze their properties. It is unclear, however, how accurately they can determine the distance of unknown objects. Four Gnathonemus petersii were trained in two-alternative forced-choice procedures to discriminate between two objects differing in their distances to a gate. The fish learned to pass through the gate behind which the corresponding object was farther away. Distance discrimination thresholds for different types of objects were determined. Locomotor and electromotor activity during distance measurement were monitored. Our results revealed that all individuals quickly learned to measure object distance irrespective of size, shape or electrical conductivity of the object material. However, the distances of hollow, water-filled cubes and spheres were consistently misjudged in comparison with solid or more angular objects, being perceived as farther away than they really were. As training continued, fish learned to compensate for these 'electrosensory illusions' and erroneous choices disappeared with time. Distance discrimination thresholds depended on object size and overall object distance. During distance measurement, the fish produced a fast regular rhythm of EOD discharges. A mechanisms for distance determination during active electrolocation is proposed.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish use active electrolocation for orientation at night. They emit electric signals (electric organ discharges) which generate an electrical field around their body. By sensing field distortions, fish can detect objects and analyze their properties. It is unclear, however, how accurately they can determine the distance of unknown objects. Four Gnathonemus petersii were trained in two-alternative forced-choice procedures to discriminate between two objects differing in their distances to a gate. The fish learned to pass through the gate behind which the corresponding object was farther away. Distance discrimination thresholds for different types of objects were determined. Locomotor and electromotor activity during distance measurement were monitored. Our results revealed that all individuals quickly learned to measure object distance irrespective of size, shape or electrical conductivity of the object material. However, the distances of hollow, water-filled cubes and spheres were consistently misjudged in comparison with solid or more angular objects, being perceived as farther away than they really were. As training continued, fish learned to compensate for these 'electrosensory illusions' and erroneous choices disappeared with time. Distance discrimination thresholds depended on object size and overall object distance. During distance measurement, the fish produced a fast regular rhythm of EOD discharges. A mechanisms for distance determination during active electrolocation is proposed.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish orient at night in complete darkness by employing their active electrolocation system. They emit short electric signals and perceive the consequences of these emissions with epidermal electroreceptors. Objects are detected by analyzing the electric images which they project onto the animal's electroreceptive skin surface. This process corresponds to similar processes during vision, where visual images are cast onto the retinas of eyes. Behavioral experiments have shown that electric fish can measure the distance of objects during active electrolocation, thus possessing three-dimensional depth perception of their surroundings. The fundamental mechanism for distance determination differs from stereopsis used during vision by two-eyed animals, but resembles some supplementary mechanisms for distance deduction in humans. Weakly electric fish can also perceive the three-dimensional shape of objects. The fish can learn to identify certain objects and discriminate them from all other objects. In addition, they spontaneously categorize objects according to their shapes and not according to object size or material properties. There is good evidence that some fundamental types of perceptional invariances during visual object recognition in humans are also found in electric fish during active electrolocation. These include size invariance (maybe including size constancy), rotational invariance, and translational invariance. The mechanisms of shape detection during electrolocation are still unknown, and their discoveries require additional experiments.  相似文献   

The great variety of species-typical electric signals (electric organ discharges, EOD) emitted by weakly electric mormyrid fish might be the result of evolutionary pressures stemming from the two main functions of the electro-sensory-motor system: electrocommunication and electrolocation. Employing a conditioned discrimination task we tested four species of mormyrids, emitting EODs differing in waveform, for their ability to detect capacitive properties of objects during electrolocation. Each fish could discriminate capacitive objects within a certain range of capacitive values, which was species specific. The upper and lower limits (upper and lower thresholds) of this detectable range were determined for each fish. In fish species emitting long duration EODs composed of mainly low spectral frequencies both the lower and the upper thresholds were shifted to larger capacitive values compared to fish species emitting shorter EODs. The upper limit of the detectable range was much more variable between species than the lower limit, which was relatively low in all fish. We interpret this as an adaptation of mormyrids to detect small capacitive objects, for example food items. All mormyrids could discriminate between a resistive object and a capacitive object even if the complex impedances of the two objects were identical. This implies that the fish are highly sensitive to small waveform distortions of their self produced EODs.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish orient at night by employing active electrolocation. South American and African species emit electric signals and perceive the consequences of these emissions with epidermal electroreceptors. Objects are detected by analyzing the electric images which they project onto the animal’s electroreceptive skin surface. Electric images depend on size, distance, shape, and material of objects and on the morphology of the electric organ and the fish’s body. It is proposed that the mormyrid Gnathonemus petersii possesses two electroreceptive “foveae” at its Schnauzenorgan and its nasal region, both of which resemble the visual fovea in the retina of many animals in design, function, and behavioral use. Behavioral experiments have shown that G. petersii can determine the resistive and capacitive components of an object’s complex impedance in order to identify prey items during foraging. In addition, fish can measure the distance and three-dimensional shape of objects. In order to determine object properties during active electrolocation, the fish have to determine at least four parameters of the local signal within an object’s electric image: peak amplitude, maximal slope, image width, and waveform distortions. A crucial parameter is the object distance, which is essential for unambiguous evaluation of object properties.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish can detect nearby objects and analyse their electric properties during active electrolocation. Four individuals of the South American gymnotiform fish Eigenmannia sp., which emits a continuous wave-type electric signal, were tested for their ability to detect capacitive properties of objects and discriminate them from resistive properties. For individual fish, capacitive values of objects had to be greater than 0.22–1.7 nF (`lower threshold') and smaller than 120–680 nF (`upper threshold') in order to be detected. The capacitive values of natural objects fall well within this detection range. All fish trained could discriminate unequivocally between capacitive and resistive object properties. Thus, fish perceive capacitive properties as a separate object quality. The effects of different types of objects on the locally occurring electric signals which stimulate electroreceptors during electrolocation were examined. Purely resistive objects altered mainly local electric organ discharge (EOD) amplitude, but capacitive objects with values between about 0.5 and 600 nF changed the timing of certain EOD parameters (phase-shift) and EOD waveform. A mechanism for capacitance detection in wave-type electric fish based on time measurements is proposed and compared with the capacitance detection mechanism in mormyrid pulse-type fish, which is based on waveform measurements. Accepted: 31 July 1997  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish produce electric signals with a specialised organ in their tail. In addition, they are electrosensitive and can perceive their self-generated signals (for electrolocation) and electric signals of other electric fishes (for electrocommunication). Mormyrids possess three types of peripheral electroreceptor organs, one used for electrocommunication and two types involved in electolocation. They are innervated by afferent fibres, which project to different zones in the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) in the medulla. Brain circuits for electrolocation and electrocommunication are separated almost throughout the whole brain. Electrolocation pathways run from the ELL-cortex to the torus semicircularis of the midbrain and then via the valvula cerebelli towards the telencephalon. Pathways involved in electrocommunication run from the nucleus of the ELL to another part of the torus and from there through the isthmic granule nucleus to the valvula. In addition, a pathway via the preglomerular complex to the telencephalon might exist. In both the electrolocation and the electrocommunication circuits, prominent recurrent pathways are present.  相似文献   

The field generated by the electric organ of weakly electric fish varies with the electrical properties of nearby objects. Correspondingly, current fluxes in this field differentially stimulate the electroreceptors in the fish's skin. Thus, resistors are to conductors and insulators as gray is to black and white in optics. Additionally, the capacitances of plants and insect larvae contrast with those of water or stones, giving effects comparable to "coloration". Receptors arrayed over a large area of the skin act like a retina upon which the discharge projects "electric images". By further central processing, the fish also discriminate between objects according to their composition, size, or distance, a procedure termed "electrolocation", analogous to echolocation in bats. Here we demonstrate that G. petersii and S. macrurus can also recognize 3D orientations and configurations and extract and generalize spatial features solely with their electrical sense. We presented fish with virtual electrical "objects" formed from electrodes set flush in the inner surface of a Y maze with various patterns of external connectivity. With reward and aversion training, the fish could recognize similar electrode configurations and extract a feature, e.g., a vertical connectivity, present in various novel configurations. Previously, shape recognition has only been shown in electrolocating fish when they are in full mechanical contact with solid objects.  相似文献   

Electroreception, the capacity to detect external underwater electric fields with specialised receptors, is a phylogenetically widespread sensory modality in fishes and amphibians. In passive electroreception, a capacity possessed by c. 16% of fish species, an animal uses low-frequency-tuned ampullary electroreceptors to detect microvolt-range bioelectric fields from prey, without the need to generate its own electric field. In active electroreception (electrolocation), which occurs only in the teleost lineages Mormyroidea and Gymnotiformes, an animal senses its surroundings by generating a weak (< 1 V) electric-organ discharge (EOD) and detecting distortions in the EOD-associated field using high-frequency-tuned tuberous electroreceptors. Tuberous electroreceptors also detect the EODs of neighbouring fishes, facilitating electrocommunication. Several other groups of elasmobranchs and teleosts generate weak (< 10 V) or strong (> 50 V) EODs that facilitate communication or predation, but not electrolocation. Approximately 1.5% of fish species possess electric organs. This review has two aims. First, to synthesise our knowledge of the functional biology and phylogenetic distribution of electroreception and electrogenesis in fishes, with a focus on freshwater taxa and with emphasis on the proximate (morphological, physiological and genetic) bases of EOD and electroreceptor diversity. Second, to describe the diversity, biogeography, ecology and electric signal diversity of the mormyroids and gymnotiforms and to explore the ultimate (evolutionary) bases of signal and receptor diversity in their convergent electrogenic–electrosensory systems. Four sets of potential drivers or moderators of signal diversity are discussed. First, selective forces of an abiotic (environmental) nature for optimal electrolocation and communication performance of the EOD. Second, selective forces of a biotic nature targeting the communication function of the EOD, including sexual selection, reproductive interference from syntopic heterospecifics and selection from eavesdropping predators. Third, non-adaptive drift and, finally, phylogenetic inertia, which may arise from stabilising selection for optimal signal-receptor matching.  相似文献   

The nocturnally active weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii is known to employ active electrolocation for the detection of objects and for orientation in its environment. The fish emits pulse‐type electric signals with an electric organ and perceives these signals with more than 3,000 epidermal electroreceptor organs, the mormyromasts, which are distributed over the animal's skin surface. In this study, we measured the metric dimensions of the mormyromasts from different body regions to find structural and functional specialization of the various body parts. We focused on the two foveal regions of G. petersii, which are located at the elongated and movable chin (the Schnauzenorgan; SO) and at the nasal region (NR), the skin region between the mouth and the nares. These two foveal regions were compared to the dorsal part (back) of the fish, which contains typical nonfoveal mormyromasts. While the gross anatomy of the mormyromasts from all skin regions is similar, the metric dimensions of the main substructures differed. The mormyromasts at the SO are the smallest and contain the smallest receptor cells. In addition, the number of receptor cells per organ is lowest at the SO. In contrast, at the back the biggest receptor organs with the highest amount of receptor cells per organ occur. The mormyromasts at the NR are in several respects intermediate between those from the back and the SO. However, mormyromasts at the NR are longer than those at all other skin regions, the canal leading from the receptor pore to the inner chambers were the longest and the overlaying epidermal layers are the thickest. These results show that mormyromasts and the epidermis they are embedded in at both foveal regions differ specifically from those found on the rest of the body. The morphological specializations lead to functional specialization of the two foveae. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nature has developed a stunning diversity of sensory systems. Humans and many animals mainly rely on visual information. In addition, they may use acoustic, olfactory, and tactile cues for object detection and spatial orientation. Beyond these sensory systems a large variety of highly specialized sensors have evolved. For instance, some buprestid beetles use infrared organs for the detection of forest fires. The infrared sensors of boid and crotalid snakes are used for prey detection at night. For object detection and spatial orientation many species of nocturnal fish employ active electrolocation. This review describes certain aspects of the detection and processing of infrared and electrosensory information. We show that the study of natural exotic sensory systems can lead to discoveries that are useful for the construction of technical sensors and artificial control systems. Comparative studies of animal sensory systems have the power to uncover at least a small fraction of the gigantic untapped reservoir of natural solutions for perceptive problems.  相似文献   

Responses of ampullary and tuberous electroreceptor afferents were studied using moving electrolocation targets and electrical modulations of the animal's electric organ discharge as stimuli. The ability of the electroreceptors to encode these stimuli was measured with and without various forms of electrical jamming signals. The goal of this study was to measure the deterioration in electroreceptor responses due to the jamming signals, and to compare these results with the behavioral measures of electrolocation under the same conditions of jamming as described in the preceding report (Bastian 1987). 1. Three types of jamming stimuli were used to interfere with the tuberous electroreceptor afferents' ability to respond to the test stimuli mentioned above: Broad-band noise, high frequency stimuli consisting of a sinusoidal waveform having a frequency maintained at a chosen difference frequency (DF) from the EOD frequency of the fish being studied, and 5 or 50 Hz sinusoidal stimuli. 2. The tuberous receptor afferents' spontaneous frequency was sensitive to continuous presentation of all but the 5 Hz jamming signals. The 4 Hz DF signal caused the largest increase in spontaneous activity, the 50 Hz stimulus was intermediate in effectiveness, and the noise stimulus caused the smallest increase. Estimates of the variability of the ongoing receptor activity were also made, and both the 4 Hz DF and the 50 Hz stimuli reduced the coefficient of variation of the receptor activity, but noise had no significant effect on this parameter. Noise, 4 Hz DF, and 50 Hz jamming signals also reduced the tuberous receptors' responses to a 100 ms EOD amplitude modulation, and the 5 Hz stimulus was again ineffective. 3. Noise and 4 Hz DF jamming were also effective in reducing tuberous receptor afferents' responses to a moving metal electrolocation target. The 4 Hz DF stimulus was most effective in reducing the receptor's ability to encode information about the target. Receptor responses showed about a three-fold larger decrease per 10 dB increase in DF jamming amplitude as compared to similar sized increases in noise amplitude. Threshold target distances were also determined with and without noise and DF jamming, and again, the noise stimulus was less effective in reducing the distance at which electrolocation targets were just detectable. 4. Recordings from ampullary receptor afferents confirmed that the galvanic potentials produced by metal electrolocation targets stimulate these receptors while EOD distortions caused by such objects probably do not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Modeling signal and background components of electrosensory scenes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Weakly electric fish are able to detect and localize prey based on microvolt-level perturbations in the fishs self-generated electric field. In natural environments, weak prey-related signals are embedded in much stronger electrosensory background noise. To better characterize the signal and background components associated with natural electrolocation tasks, we recorded transdermal voltage modulations in restrained Apteronotus albifrons in response to moving spheres, tail bends, and large nonconducting boundaries. Spherical objects give rise to ipsilateral images with center-surround structure and contralateral images that are weak and diffuse. Tail bends and laterally placed nonconducting boundaries induce relatively strong ipsilateral and contralateral modulations of opposite polarity. We present a computational model of electric field generation and electrosensory image formation that is able to reproduce the key features of these empirically measured signal and background components in a unified framework. The model comprises an array of point sources and sinks distributed along the midline of the fish, which can conform to arbitrary body bends. The model is computationally fast and can be used to estimate the spatiotemporal pattern of activation across the entire electroreceptor array of the fish during natural behaviors.  相似文献   

Frequency tuning in the electroreceptive periphery.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Our studies are concerned with the frequency tuning that is provided by the electrical resonance of tuberous electroreceptors. Frequency selectivity had previously been measured in the electroreceptor's afferent fibers, and resonant conductances in the electroreceptor cell membrane had been implicated in producing the selectivity. With transdermal application of sinusoidal current, we measured the frequency dependence of the impedance of small areas of the electroreceptor/skin structure of the weakly electric fish Sternopygus and Eigenmannia, and used our data to make a quantitative linear model of the structure. The qualitative form of the model was proposed by Bennett (1). The quantitative model allows us to estimate the frequency selectivity of the voltage across the innervated membrane of the electroreceptor cells. The frequency selectivity of electroreceptor cell voltage derived from our data are as sharp as the neural selectivity at frequencies close to the most sensitive frequency. Many of our measurements supported the linear system model. However, spontaneous electroreceptor voltage oscillations were detected in some of our specimens, suggesting that the electroreceptors can operate in a regime of active nonlinearity. A simple explanation for the observed oscillations is that they arise when damping in the electroreceptor cell's resonant membrane is negative for a limited span of membrane voltage surrounding the resting voltage. The response of oscillating units to sinusoidal current was compatible with this explanation. We report experimental observations bearing on the consequences of active nonlinearity for the frequency tuning of a resonant system.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish generate an electric field around their body by electric organ discharge (EOD). By measuring the modulation of the electric field produced by an object in the field these fish are able to accurately locate an object. Theoretical and experimental studies have focused on the amplitude modulations of EODs produced by resistive objects. However, little is known about the phase modulations produced by objects with complex impedance. The fish must be able to detect changes in object impedance to discriminate between food and nonfood objects. To investigate the features of electric images produced by objects with complex impedance, we developed a model that can be used to map the electric field around the fish body. The present model allows us to calculate the spatial distribution of the amplitude and phase shift in an electric image. This is the first study to investigate the changes in amplitude and phase shift of electric images induced by objects with complex impedance in wave-type fish. Using the model, we show that the amplitude of the electric image exhibits a sigmoidal change as the capacitance and resistance of an object are increased. Similarly, the phase shift exhibits a significant change within the object capacitance range of 0.1–100 nF. We also show that the spatial distribution of the amplitude and phase shifts of the electric image resembles a “Mexican hat” in shape for varying object distances and sizes. The spatial distribution of the phase shift and the amplitude was dependent on the object distance and size. Changes in the skin capacitance were associated with a tradeoff relationship between the magnitude of the amplitude and phase shift of the electric image. The specific range of skin capacitance (1–100 nF) allows the receptor afferents to extract object features that are relevant to electrolocation. These results provide a useful basis for the study of the neural mechanisms by which weakly electric fish recognize object features such as distance, size, and impedance.  相似文献   

Electrolocation in the presence of jamming signals: behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electrolocation behavior of Apteronotus leptorhynchus was studied by monitoring the animal's ability to maintain orientation to a variety of moving electrolocation targets. The primary goal of this study was to determine the relative effectiveness of various types of electrical 'jamming signals' in disrupting electrolocation performance. 1. Two measures of electrolocation performance were used: The latency between the electrolocation target motion and the fish's following response, and the minimum distance separating the fish from the target during the target movement sequence. Latency increased and minimum fish-target distance decreased as target size was decreased, and when large diameter ceramic targets were used as control stimuli the fish were less able to avoid, and frequently collided with, these 'electrically transparent' objects. 2. Four types of jamming signals were used in attempts to mask the electrosensory input used for electrolocation. Broad-band noise and sinusoidal signals, different in frequency by a few Hz from the animal's personal electric organ discharge (DF stimuli), were used to jam the tuberous electroreceptors. Five Hz and 50 Hz sinusoidal signals were used to jam the low-frequency or ampullary receptor system. Both the noise and the DF stimuli were effective in reducing electrolocation performance, and the threshold intensity for behavior deterioration was about three-fold lower for DF stimuli as compared to the noise. The rate of change of response deterioration as a function of increasing jamming intensity was, however, not different for these two types of stimuli. Neither the 50 Hz nor the 5 Hz jamming signals caused electrolocation deterioration when presented alone. However, 5 Hz jamming, when added to either the noise or DF jamming, did result in significant increments in response deterioration. This suggests that the ampullary receptors can provide supplementary information for electrolocation. 3. Electrolocation performance deterioration was also studied with various difference frequencies between an animal's EOD and the sinusoidal jamming stimulus. Increasing DF results in decreased electrolocation deterioration, but even at the highest DF frequencies used (128 Hz) significant response degradation was observed. 4. The apparent differences in the effectiveness of noise and DF stimulation in reducing electrolocation performance are largely accounted for by the differential effects of the tuberous electroreceptor filter characteristics on these two types of signals.  相似文献   

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