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Experiments were conducted to determine the adaptability of the guppy to various salt concentrations. The guppy, Poecilia reticulata , (total length 11–40 mm) were subjected to abrupt and gradual changes from fresh water (salinity=0.1%) to various salinities (%). No mortality occurred when the fish were transferred from fresh water to 50% sea water (19.5%). Through gradual adaptation from 50% sea water to 80% of the fish were able to tolerate 100% (39%) sea water for 7 days. After a 7 day stay in sea water, fish were readapted to fresh water during a 3 h period. Through gradual adaptation fish were also able to tolerate salinities ranging from 39.0% (100% sea water) to 58.5%. After a 30 day stay in 150% sea water (58.5%), fish were readapted to fresh water over a 5 h period. The results indicate that they were well able to tolerate the abrupt change from 100 or 150% sea water to fresh water. Females that stayed in 150% sea water (58.5%) for 30 days had embryos in their gonads.  相似文献   

Exocrine pancreatic neoplasms developed in the guppy Poecilia reticulata following exposure to the direct-acting carcinogen methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM-Ac). Fish 6 to 10 d old were exposed to nominal, non-toxic concentrations of 4 and 10 mg MAM-Ac l(-1) for 2 h and then transferred to carcinogen-free water for grow-out. Whole specimens were sampled monthly up to 9 mo post-exposure to follow the histologic progression of the lesions. No neoplasms occurred in 119 control specimens examined. Pancreatic acinar cell adenomas and carcinomas occurred in 42 of 243 (17%) of the specimens exposed to MAM-Ac. As in earlier studies, specimens exposed to the low MAM-Ac concentration exhibited a higher pancreatic neoplasm incidence (27.8%) than those exposed to the high concentration (7.8%). Acinar cell adenomas accounted for 27 of the 42 neoplasms. Adenomas exhibited a high degree of acinar cell differentiation and some contained foci of atypical acinar cells that were less differentiated and more basophilic than were surrounding adenoma cells. Carcinomas occurred in 15 specimens and exhibited a range of cellular patterns. Although no distant metastases were found, carcinomas tended to invade neighboring tissues and organs. The occurrence of carcinogen-induced pancreatic neoplasms in guppies strengthens the usefulness of small fish species in carcinogen testing and provides an additional model for studying pancreatic neoplasia.  相似文献   

Summary The guppy, Poecilia reticulata, is economically the most important species of freshwater ornamental fish cultured in Singapore. About 30 strains with different color patterns and fin shapes are reared in guppy farms practising monoculture in Singapore. To compare the growth rates of domesticated strains with different color patterns, newborn fry of 11 strains were obtained on the same day from a single farm in Singapore and were reared experimentally in the laboratory for about 100 days. Each strain was distributed randomly into 4 tanks with 30 fish/tank. Weekly weighings of 10 fish/tank were made from 17 to 100 days of age. Three strains were homozygous for the autosomal recessive blond gene which gives rise to a pale yellow background pigmentation (bb). These blond strains had significantly smaller body weights than corresponding ones with the same color pattern but with the wild-type grey-brown background coloration due to the dominant allele (BB). The strains with the red tail pattern due to a dominant X-linked gene (Rdt) had more rapid growth than those with other tail color patterns including the blue, black, green snakeskin and variegated. However, no significant differences were detected among the other color pattern strains. Thus among the strains studied, the blond strains were associated with slower growth while those with the red tail color were associated with faster growth.  相似文献   

Free-ranging groups are frequently assorted by phenotypic characters. However, very little is known about the underlying processes that determine this structuring. In this study, we investigate the mechanisms underlying the phenotypic composition of shoals of guppies ( Poecilia reticulata ) in a high-predation stream in Trinidad's Northern Mountain Range. We collected 57 entire wild shoals, which were strongly assorted by body length. Shoal encounters staged within an experimental arena showed shoal fission (but not fusion) events to be an important mechanism in generating phenotypic assortment. In the wild, fission and fusion between guppy shoals occurred extremely frequently and thus are unlikely to constrain the opportunities for shoal assortment. However, fission and fusion processes occur under the restrictions imposed by the distribution of individuals within the environment. We observed size specific segregation within the habitat in three dimensions, providing a passive mechanism that contributes to the maintenance of the observed homogeneity of group composition. Furthermore sex differences were found in social behaviour. Individual male guppies switched between shoals more frequently than females and left a shoal more often than females. We argue that shoal composition is determined by habitat segregation on a medium spatial scale and by fission/fusion processes on a small spatial scale (with sex-specific shoal dynamics adding a additional layer of complexity).  相似文献   

The phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis suggests that a femalecan benefit directly from mate choice when the cues she usesindicate the quantity and/or quality of his spermatozoa. Wetested the link between sperm quality and male body size andcoloration in the resource-free mating system of the guppy,a tropical fish characterized by strong female choice. Largermales possessed larger testes and are therefore predicted toproduce larger numbers of spermatozoa than smaller males. Largermale guppies also produced longer spermatozoa than smaller males.Degree of carotenoid coloration did not predict either the quantityor the quality of a male's spermatozoa. These results are consistentwith a previous study that showed that female guppies in thestudy population prefer larger males to brightly colored males.The male-size directed increase in spermatozoon size may bethe result of interplay between sperm competition and the coevolutionof spermatozoon traits with the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Although schooling behaviour is an important antipredator response of guppies ( Poecilia reticulata ) in Trinidad it is not known whether fish elect to school with particular individuals. Familiarity is a simple mechanism that could lead to non-random associations within schools. In this paper we test the idea that prior experience of particular individuals influences the choice of partners during schooling. We show (in a laboratory study) that female guppies prefer to associate with familiar individuals. However, we are unable to detect any schooling preference for unfamiliar females from the same population.  相似文献   

The guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a teleostean fish of the order Cyprinodontiformes, has been used extensively in studies of host-parasite interactions, courtship behavior, and mating preference, as well as in ecological and evolutionary genetics. A related species was among the first poikilotherm vertebrates to be used in the study of histocompatibility genes. All these studies could benefit from the identification and characterization of the guppy major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes. Here, both class I and class II genes of the guppy are described. The number of expressed loci, as determined by representation of clones in a cDNA library, sequencing, and Southern blot analysis, may be low in both Mhc classes: combined evidence suggests that there may be one expressed class II locus only and one or two expressed class I loci. The variability of aquaristic guppy stocks is very low: only three and two genes have been detected at the class I and class II loci, respectively, in the stocks examined. This genetic paucity is most likely the consequence of breeding practices employed by aquarists and commercial establishments. Limited sampling of wild guppy populations revealed extensive Mhc polymorphism at loci of both classes in nature. Comparison of guppy Mhc sequences with those of other vertebrates has revealed the existence of a set of insertions/deletions which can be used as characters in cladistic analysis to infer phylogenetic relationships among vertebrate taxa and the Mhc genes themselves. These indels are particularly frequent in the regions coding for the loops of 1 and 2 domains of class I proteins.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this publication have been submitted to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers Z54076-Z54095  相似文献   

An alimentary conditioned reflex to beta-phenylethanol and a subsequent differentiation of cumarine were elaborated in conditions of simultaneous paired choice in guppies. It was shown that beta-phenylethanol in a concentration not over 7 X 10(-6) M is perceived through olfaction. The conditioned reflex persists for a long time: twenty five to fifty days after section of the olfactory nerves (the conditioned reflex is restored after their regeneration) and at least seventy days in intact fishes.  相似文献   

Although kin associations between fish can develop in the laboratory, the importance of kin structure in natural social groups remains uncertain. Guppies ( Poecilia reticulata ) possess many behavioural and life-history traits that promote kin structure, and so constitute ideal candidates for testing its general significance amongst fish. We collected 25 adult only shoals from ∼150 m stretches along two Trinidadian rivers. The 272 sampled fish were genotyped from a pool of seven hypervariable microsatellite loci. Although mark-recapture experiments have previously detected male-biased dispersal, which is predicted from the guppy mating system and which may have important implications for population differentiation, we found no sex-biases in dispersal between shoals. Because sex-biased dispersal was not evident, males and females were pooled in analyses of kin structure. Relatedness levels within each shoal did not differ significantly from zero, indicating that kin selection does not contribute to gross structure. Instead, our data is more consistent with the hypothesis that individual-level selection underlies shoal composition dynamics. These dynamics have important implications for the evolution of cooperative behaviour in guppies.  相似文献   

Swimming speed and percentage of time fish swam along the boundary of an aquarium gradually decreased with the time following release of juvenile guppies into unfamiliar surroundings. When swimming speed was plotted against time on a log scale, two distinct phases were identified. The high activity phase lasted c, 3 h in 30-day-old guppies, 6 h in 10-day-olds and not less than S h in 3-day-olds. Observed trends in swimming in guppies are interpreted as a component of exploratory behaviour. Alternating the surroundings confirmed the exploratory role of such swimming and suggested that a period of general exploration was followed by a period of more detailed investigation of habitat. An interaction between exploratory and avoidance (fear) responses is discussed.  相似文献   

Although Trinidadian populations of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, show considerable adaptive genetic differentiation, they have been assumed to show little or no reproductive isolation. We tested this assumption by crossing Caroni (Tacarigua River) and Oropuche (Oropuche R.) drainage populations from Trinidad's Northern Range, and by examining multiple aspects of reproductive compatibility in the F1, F2 and BC1 generations. In open-aquarium experiments, F1 males performed fewer numbers of mating behaviours relative to parental population controls. This is the first documentation of hybrid behavioural sterility within a species, and it suggests that such sterility may feasibly be involved in causing speciation. The crosses also uncovered hybrid breakdown for embryo viability, brood size and sperm counts. In contrast, no reductions in female fertility were detected, indicating that guppies obey Haldane's rule for sterility. Intrinsic isolation currently presents a much stronger obstacle to gene flow than behavioural isolation, and our results indicate that Trinidadian populations constitute a useful model for investigating incipient speciation.  相似文献   

Previous studies on Trinidadian guppies have shown an apparent association of genetic variability, expressed as mean heterozygosity (Ho) at allozyme loci, with river order: fish from lowland sites exhibit higher mean Ho than their upland counterparts. Detailed genetic and behavioural observations were undertaken in the present study by repeated sampling throughout two river courses to examine population heterogeneity. Results show that the predation regime mediated mating behaviour of upland and lowland populations in the wild is not as divergent as previous laboratory observations have suggested. Furthermore, genetic variation at the eight loci variable in Trinidadian populations (p100=0·13–O·88, H0=O·03–0·23) appears to bear little association with predation regime, but is related to sub-structuring of populations by habitat features and geographic isolation. We therefore conclude that the observed patterns of genetic variability arise primarily as a consequence of stochastic as opposed to deterministic factors.  相似文献   

The need to screen potential chemical pollutants for mutagenicity has increased with the increasing volume of such materials being introduced into natural water. The present study demonstrates the utility of a fish, the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), as a model test system in which water-borne chemical mutagens may be assayed for dominant lethal effects. Mature male guppies were injected with three doses of triethylenemelamine (0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg) in addition to a control sham treatment. Each male was subsequently mated to virgin females. In an alternative test, male fish were allowed to swim in triethylenemelamine solutions of known concentration for a period of 24 h prior to being mated to virgin female guppies. 10 days following matings, females were dissected, and numbers of live and dead embryos were recorded. Significant dose effects were demonstrated by analysis of variance techniques in both the injection and the emersion tests with the results showing higher percentages of dead embryos and lower total number of embryos with increasing doses of TEM.  相似文献   

Variation in static allometry, the power relationship between character size and body size among individuals at similar developmental stages, remains poorly understood. We tested whether predation or other ecological factors could affect static allometry by comparing the allometry between the caudal fin length and the body length in adult male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) among populations from different geographical areas, exposed to different predation pressures. Neither the allometric slopes nor the allometric elevations (intercept at constant slope) changed with predation pressure. However, populations from the Northern Range in Trinidad showed allometry with similar slopes but lower intercepts than populations from the Caroni and the Oropouche drainages. Because most of these populations are exposed to predation by the prawn Macrobrachium crenulatum, we speculated that the specific selection pressures exerted by this predator generated this change in relative caudal fin size, although effects of other environmental factors could not be ruled out. This study further suggests that the allometric elevation is more variable than the allometric slope.  相似文献   

Previous work (Reynolds and Gross 1992) has demonstrated that mate choice enables female guppies, Poecilia reticulata, to obtain heritable benefits (''good genes'') for their offspring. It is not yet known whether males also signal their functional fertility, that is, their viability as fathers, to female guppies. Our study tested the hypothesis that a male''s behaviour reveals characteristics of his ejaculate. We uncovered a strong correlation between display rate and sperm number in male guppies derived from two wild Trinidadian populations. This result indicates that information on the functional fertility of potential mates is available to females. However, our investigation also found a significant relationship between the frequency of sneaky mating and sperm number. Female guppies in wild populations, particularly those experiencing a high predation regime, are constantly subjected to sneaky mating attempts. As the males responsible for these sneaky matings have highest reserves of sperm they may have the capacity to undermine female choice. The implications of these findings for sperm competition are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet vision and mate choice in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ultraviolet (UV) vision is well documented for many speciesof vertebrates. UV cues are known to be used in foraging, navigationand in mate choice. We conducted a series of behavioral experimentsto investigate the role of UV perception in mate choice inboth female and male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). In ourexperiments the visual appearance of potential mates was manipulatedusing either UV transmitting (UV+) or UV blocking (UV-) filters.Female guppies significantly preferred UV+ males. Male guppiestended to prefer UV- females, but their preferences were marginallynonsignificant. Further experiments investigating the roleof luminance, indicate that UV wavelengths are probably beingused for color discrimination rather than for detecting differencesin brightness. These experiments raise the possibility thatUV is used in mate assessment in different ways by male andfemale guppies. This may reflect the different strategies thatthe two sexes have in order to maximize reproductive success.To our knowledge, these are the first data showing that UVis used by any fish species in mate selection.  相似文献   

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