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Summary 2 phenotypically normal subjects, both carriers of a double satellite on the short arm of a D-group chromosome, have been studied. The marker chromosome has been identified as a number 14 by means of autoradiography. All D-and G-group chromosomes show satellites in both subjects. Two of the possible mechanisms of formation of a double satellite are described. The variability in the expression of satellites and the frequency of satellite association of the single D-group chromosomes have also been studied. It has to be stressed that these individuals, though being carriers of a partial trisomy, are both phenotypically normal.
Zusammenfassung 2 phänotypisch normale Personen, die beide Träger von doppelten Satelliten eines kurzen Arms der D-Gruppe sind, wurden untersucht. Das Markierungschromosom wurde autoradiographisch als Nr. 14 identifiziert. Alle D-und G-Chromosomen zeigen bei beiden Personen Satelliten. Zwei mögliche Mechanismen der Bildung von doppelten Satelliten werden beschrieben. Die Variabilität des Vorkommens von Satelliten und die Häufigkeit der Satellitenassoziation von einzelnen D-Chromosomen wurden untersucht. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, daß diese Personen als Träger einer partiellen Trisomie beide phänotypisch normal sind.

Summary A family is reported in which the mother and two sons are carriers of a Y-to-X translocation, der(X)t(X;Y) (p22;q11). All of the three carriers have short statute and disproportion of extremities, but otherwise normal phenotype. One of the sons, the propositus, has been affected with schizophrenia. Evidence was obtained that male carriers are probable sterile; both sons aged 26 and 30 years had azoospermia and the biopsied specimens of the testis had histologic pictures showing spermatogenetic arrest. The mother was H-Y weakly positive, and the normal X chromosome was inactivated in the majority of the cells analyzed. Dermatoglyphics of the three carriers were unusual and dissimilar to the features of Turner's syndrome. The clinical and cytogenetic findings in the present study are compared with those of the previously reported familial cases, and the genetic background causing phenotypic abnormalities in the male and female carriers is discussed.  相似文献   

A case of an inherited type of D/G translocation D1-trisomy syndrome was described. A female proposita who had the clinical signs of D1-trisomy syndrome was found to have a chromosome complement of 46,XX,--G,+t(DqGq). examination of Q- and G-stained karyotypes revealed that the chromosomes involved in the translocation were members of Nos. 13 and 22, or t(13q22q) with breaks at p12 of both chromosomes. C-stained figures also showed a large heterochromatin block in its centromeric region. The t(13q22q) chromosome was transmitted from the paternal grandmother of the proposita through at least three generations.  相似文献   

Summary 2 cases of a familial balanced translocation of satellites and part of the short arm between two D-group chromosomes are described.One of these chromosomes shows double satellites on its short arm, and the other appears deprived of visible satellites and part of its short arm. These chromosomes have been identified by means of autoradiography as a number 15 and a number 14, respectively.The possible implications of this type of translocation are discussed in the text.
Zusammenfassung Es wird bei Tochter und Mutter eine balancierte Translokation von Satelliten und einem Teil des kurzen Arms zwischen zwei D-Chromosomen beschrieben.Eines dieser Chromosomen zeigt doppelte Satelliten an seinem kurzen Arm, bei dem anderen ist ein Satellit nicht zu erkennen, und es scheint ein Teil des kurzen Arms zu fehlen. Mit Hilfe der Autoradiographie ist jenes als Nr. 15, dieses als Nr. 14 charakterisiert.Die mögliche Bedeutung dieses Typs von Translokation wird besprochen.

Summary Using the hamster oocyte/human sperm fusion technique, we studied sperm chromosome complements in two male reciprocal translocation heterozygotes, 46,XY,t(11;17)(p11.2;q12.3) and 46,XY,t(1;11) (p36.3;q13.1). For the t(11;17) carrier, 202 sperm chromosome complements were obtained, but 18 karyotypes were not included in the segregation data because of multiple breaks and rearrangements. The alternate and adjacent I types, adjacent II, and 31 segregations accounted for 38.6%, 32.1%, 26.6%, and 2.7% of the sperm analyzed from the t(11;17) carrier. A total of 575 sperm chromosome complements was obtained using sperm from the t(1;11) heterozygote, and 27 karyotypes were excluded from the segregation data because of multiple breaks and rearrangements. For the t(1;11) carrier, the alternate and adjacent I types, adjacent II, and 31 segregations were responsible for 31.4%, 42.9%, 15.9%, and 8.0% of the analyzed sperm chromosome complements. Chromosomal abnormalities unrelated to the translocation, particularly the conservative estimate of aneuploidy frequency, were within the range observed in normal men. Hence, there was no evidence for an interchromosomal effect causing meiotic nondisjunction, despite the large sample sizes studied.  相似文献   

We report the clinical and cytogenetic findings on three cases with ring chromosome 18. These patients are phenotypically apparently normal. The 18 ring chromosome was segregating in two generations. In the available literature, we found only one report of a r (18) transmission through generations, and none report of case without giving any phenotypic effect or mental retardation.  相似文献   

Summary Two cases of partial 10p trisomy due to a t(10;20)(p12;p12) in two generations of a family are presented. Analysis of 20 known cases of such aberrations confirmed the opinion of Schleiermacher et al. (1974) that partial trisomy 10p is a distinct clinically recognizable entity. The most important diagnostic features of this syndrome are dolichocephaly, prominent forehead, wide open sutures and fontanelles, broad root of the nose, cleft lip and palate, clubfoot, and cystic changes in kidneys.  相似文献   

In the course of a chromosome fragility investigation on the cancer prone hereditary disorder xeroderma pigmentosum, a low proportion of cells with a 47,XY,+21 karyotype was found in lymphocyte cultures of a patient not showing any Down syndrome symptom. The presence of trisomy 21 mosaicism was demonstrated also in peripheral blood of the healthy father and confirmed by "chromosome painting" that allowed a rapid detection of chromosomes 21 on metaphase cells and interphase nuclei. The trisomic cell line was not detected in fibroblast cultures. The analysis of chromosome 21 heteromorphism indicated that in both subjects the mosaic could result from either a diploid or an aneuploid zygote. Since in the trisomic cell line of the father and the son the extra chromosome 21 seems to be the same, a predisposition toward mitotic errors (non-disjunction or anaphase lagging) may be postulated, leading to the recurrent gain or loss of a specific chromosome 21. In order to test the hypothesis of an abnormal mitotic behaviour of the chromosome 21, we investigated the centromere separation index and the DNA restriction pattern in Southern blots probed with satellite DNA sequences specific for chromosome 21 centromere. Both the approaches did not reveal any peculiar feature that may account for the genetically determined proneness to mitotic error observed in the family.  相似文献   

A complex familial chromosome translocation.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

非Robertsonian类型小黑麦易位系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非Robertsonian类型小黑麦易位系的研究@胡含$中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室!北京100101小黑麦;;易位系  相似文献   

Centric fission of chromosome No. 7 in three generations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Centric fission of chromosome no. 7 (cen fiss 7) was found after G-, Q-, and C-banding of blood lymphocyte chromosomes in the healthy female proposita, referred for chromosome analysis because of three previous abortions. The same abnormality was found in a further five family members (three females, two males) and had been transmitted over three generations.  相似文献   

Summary We examined metaphases from three patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia and a typical Philadelphia chromosome with one chromosome 9 as the recipient to determine whether the 9q+ 22q- translocation is reciprocal. Good quality G-banded photographs of the chromosomes concerned were subjected to light absorption density analysis. This provided enlarged tracings corresponding to the relevant chromosome regions and so facilitated accurate measurement. This technique has unambiguously shown that the typical Philadelphia chromosome results from a reciprocal translocation and that probably no material is gained or lost in the exchange. Furthermore, in a total of six patients for whom sequential G and C banding was performed, the chromosome 9 with the largest block of centromeric heterochromatin received the translocated material. We offer tentative explanations for this curious observation.  相似文献   

Summary A statistical model is presented for dealing with genotypic frequency data obtained from a single population observed over a run of consecutive generations. This model takes into account possible correlations that exist between generations by conditioning the marginal probability distribution of any one generation on the previously observed generation. Maximum likelihood estimates of the fitness parameters are derived and a hypothesis testing framework developed. The model is very general, and in this paper is applied to random-mating, selfing, parthenogenetic and mixed random-mating and selfing populations with respect to a single locus, g-allele model with constant genotypic fitness differences with all selection occurring either before or after sampling. The assumptions behind this model are contrasted with those of alternative techniques such as minimum chi-square or unconditional maximum likelihood estimation when the marginal likelihoods for any one generation are conditioned only on the initial conditions and not the previous generation. The conditional model is most appropriate when the sample size per generation is large either in an absolute sense or in relation to the total population size. Minimum chi-square and the unconditional likelihood are most appropriate when the population size is effectively infinite and the samples are small. Both models are appropriate when the samples are large and the population size is effectively infinite. Under these last conditions, the conditional model may be preferred because it has greater robustness with respect to small deviations from the underlying assumptions and has a greater simplicity of form. Furthermore, if any genetic drift occurs in the experiment, the minimum chi-square and unconditional likelihood approaches can create spurious evidence for selection while the conditional approach will not. Worked examples are presented.This study was supported in part by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Contract AT (11-1) -1552 to the Department of Human Genetics (CFS), University of Michigan, and by National Science Foundation Grant BMS 74-17453 awarded to the author.  相似文献   

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