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Food competition between American mink and otters was measured by comparing the diets of sympatric mink and otter populations with those of allopatric populations. Niche breadth was narrower for otters than mink. Niche breadth was wider for both mink and otters on islands where they co-existed in comparison to that of the allopatric populations. Niche overlap was lower in sympatric populations on islands with mammalian prey, however, niche overlap was not reduced on small islands without mammalian prey. Obtained data suggest that mink and otter compete for food resources and, when alternative prey sources are available, mink become more generalist predators to avoid competition with otters. However, when alternative prey sources are not available, both species become more generalist.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition is one of several constraints that might prevent an individual from maximising its energy intake. When an interspecific competitor is introduced, an individual is often forced to shift its diet according to the intensity of the competitive pressure. In this paper, we explore whether the introduced American mink ( Mustela vison Schreber) shifts its diet when the density of its potential competitor, the Eurasian otter ( Lutra lutra L.), is increased. We compared the diets of otter and mink at the same location but at two moments in time when the relative densities of these two species were different while controlling for the abundance of aquatic prey. Mink and otters are semi-aquatic mammals belonging to the same guild of mustelids and otters are expected to be the dominant competitor because they are larger and better at hunting underwater. The diets of otters and mink overlap to a great extent but while otters specialise mainly on aquatic prey, mink are able to exploit both aquatic and terrestrial prey. These observations prompted the hypothesis investigated in this work that at higher otter densities the diet of mink should change to include a higher proportion of terrestrial items. This hypothesis was supported by the data and at higher otter densities mink diet was observed to consist of a higher proportion of mammals and birds while fewer fish were present, although this pattern was present only in winter while no changes were observed in spring. Meanwhile the diet of otters remained basically unchanged. In the second part of the study, we investigated whether niche breadth and niche overlap between otter and mink changed at different otter densities. We found that niche overlap declined as the density of otters increased, in agreement with the prediction of habitat selection theory.  相似文献   

M. H. Wise    I. J. Linn    C. R. Kennedy 《Journal of Zoology》1981,195(2):181-213
The feeding habits and prey selectivity of Mink Mustela vison and otters Lutra lutra were compared in two localities in Devon: a eutrophic lake and a moorland river, in which both species occurred and had access to the same prey populations. The effects of prey availability on the predators' diets were assessed by comparing prey consumed, as revealed by scat analysis, with estimates of prey abundance and size range. Otters specialized in fish at all times of year but showed seasonal variation in species taken. Selection for slow-moving fish and seasonal changes in behaviour of some fish species were the probable causes of this variation. Otters diversified more into non-fish food in summer, when fish availability was reduced. The main alternative prey in the lacustrine habitat was waterfowl, but in the riverine habitat, rabbits. Mink were more generalized carnivores, taking a variety of fish, waterside and terrestrial prey in all seasons. These three prey categories were taken to an almost equal extent in the lake but terrestrial prey dominated in the riverine habitat. Fish were taken most frequently in winter and birds and mammals in summer. Neither predator showed selection in respect of prey size. In each area, about one third of the otter and Mink diets was common to both species. Fish was the principal group of the shared component, and dietary overlap in respect of them was greatest in autumn and winter. In view of the dietary preferences of each predator, the existence of alternative prey items and limited degree of dietary overlap, it is considered unlikely that the two species competed for food to any extent. Other factors must therefore be responsible for the spread of feral Mink and the decline in otter populations in many parts of Britain.  相似文献   

P. R. F. Chanin    Ian  Linn 《Journal of Zoology》1980,192(2):205-223
Mink diet in three study areas in southwest Britain was studied by faeces (scat) analysis. In these areas mink ate a wide range of prey, mainly fish, birds and mammals. Proportions of prey in the diet were determined largely by availability, but were also affected by prey behaviour, the physical nature of the habitat and overall prey abundance. Seasonal variation in predation was recorded on moorhens and fish. Changes in rod and net fishing success on the river Teign could not be correlated with the arrival of the mink. Changes in fish populations in Slapton Ley appeared to have causes other than mink. It is concluded that, in the areas studied, domestic stock make up a very small proportion of the mink's diet, and that the wild prey species are not suffering any obvious population depletion.  相似文献   

The diets of free-ranging male and female mink were sampled by analysing faeces collected from radio-tagged individuals. Significant sex differences were apparent in the predation upon three of the five principal prey groups. The larger males preyed much more heavily upon lagomorphs, the largest prey taken, while females preyed more upon fish and crustaceans than did males. These differences were consistent in each season except the autumn (September to November), when males preyed more heavily upon fish and crustacea than did females. Due to their large size, adult lagomorphs are felt to be relatively unavailable to female mink. Male mink are apparently large enough to specialize on lagomorphs, and male mink niche breadth was consistently lower than that of females. Dietary overlap approximated to 40% in all seasons except summer (68%), when female predation upon lagomorphs reached a peak. This reduction in intraspecific feeding competition was felt to be a valuable side-effect of body-size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Multiple group principal component analysis was used to investigate the morphological relationships between feral American mink from three areas of Southern Norway based on 15 skull dimensions. The first principal axis calculated from the variance-covariance matrix of log-transformed data is usually interpreted as a growth axis. In the present analysis, the scores of the first principal axis of males were found to be uncorrelated with estimated age for specimens younger than seven months old, and was interpreted as a growth-free size axis. However, the second component of males was found to reflect mainly growth in the postorbital area. The first component of females was thought to reflect a mixing of growth-out and growth-in size variation. One of the reasons for separating size and size-free variation in the present work was to test whether growth-dependent size influenced the assessment of geographic variation within each sex. The scores on the components reflecting size variation (growthout and growth-in) were, however, not found to deviate significantly between the areas. Discriminant analyses run on the component scores, both with size variation included and excluded, gave the same result. In mean, the mink from Western Norway deviated significantly from the mink from Trondelag and Eastern Norway, while the mink from the two latter areas did not deviate morphometrically. The deviation found was in shape rather than in size of both sexes.  相似文献   

In mink (Mustela vison) kits newborn mortality is very high. One of the major causes of death is hypothermia. The objectives of this study were to observe the development of thermoregulation in mink kits, and their ability to maintain their body temperature during the postnatal period (1-50 days of age). Based on the kit's body weight (BW), and rectal and ambient temperature measurements during cold (+4 degrees C) and warm (+40 degrees C) exposures, a homeothermy index (HI) and cooling and warming rates were calculated. No significant differences in the body temperatures were found between the kits and the dam after 36 days of age. The kits were able to maintain homeothermy by 22 days of age (HI 90%). The body cooling rate was 0.88+/-0.04 degrees C min(-1) on day 1 but only 0.35+/-0.03 degrees C min(-1) at 22 days of age. The body WR was lower: day 1, 0.85+/-0.04 degrees C min(-1) and 0.22+/-0.03 degrees C min(-1) at 22 days of age. All measured and calculated thermophysiological variables were significantly influenced by BW and age of the kit.  相似文献   

Mink are seasonal breeders that display an obligate delay preceding implantation and a post implantation gestation of 31 d. The purpose of this study was to evaluate gestational parameters in mink by ultrasonography. A total of 92 female mink were mated twice during the period from March 2 to 20. The mink were scanned once and allowed to whelp (n=55); or scanned at 3 to 5-d intervals until parturition (n=13); or immediately subjected to autopsy (n=24) after scanning. Embryonic age was calculated from the date of parturition or from crown rump length. Uterine swelling diameter and fetal head size were correlated with embryonic age. The gestational sac grew rapidly once implantation had occurred. Uterine swellings of 4 to 5 mm in diameter were found on Days 2 to 4 post implantation and increased through Days 18 to 20, at which time they began to elongate due to the longitudinal growth of the fetus. Fetal cardiac activity could be detected on Days 10 to 12 post implantation in live embryos. The heart frequency was 198 +/- 3.0 beats per minute and did not vary from Days 12 to 30 post implantation. Fetal head diameter of 5 mm was first detected on Day 19 post implantation and grew gradually to 9 to 10 mm at parturition. It was not possible to accurately assess the number of conceptuses in utero. We conclude that ultrasonography can be employed in mink to diagnose pregnancy, to predict the parturition date and to determine the presence of live fetuses.  相似文献   

Invasive species often cause the decline of native prey or competitors. We highlight a contrasting example of the large-scale recovery of a native species and the concurrent decline and likely displacement of an established invasive competitor. Invasive American mink Mustela vison became widespread in the British Isles at the same time as native Eurasian otters Lutra lutra were declining as a result of water pollution. In common with other invasive predators, mink cause conservation problems for a range of native prey species, most notably water voles Arvicola terrestris . Recent trends in the distribution of native otters and invasive mink in north-east England were examined using a novel regression modelling approach to analyse presence/absence data from field surveys, corroborated by contemporary predator culling records. Between 1991 and 2002, the percentage of sites where mink signs were found decreased from 80% to 20%, while otter signs increased from 18% to 80%. Annual indices of mink captures on shooting estates increased between 1980 and 1996, but were followed by a decline thereafter. Indices of the incidence of native otters were significantly related to those indicating the decline or displacement of invasive mink. This large-scale field study is supportive of localized experimental evidence for the return of dominant, native otters being concurrent with the decline of the invasive alien mink. The recovery of a dominant native species may represent a reversal of the mesopredator release that allowed invasive mink to establish and may eventually serve to mitigate their impact on native prey species.  相似文献   

Trevor B.  Poole  Nigel  Dunstone 《Journal of Zoology》1976,178(3):395-412
Fishing behaviour of the American mink ( Mustela vison Schreber) was investigated in the laboratory. Data were recorded using ciné film and tape recorded commentaries. Three species of prey were presented to mink, namely, carp ( Cyprinus curpio ), goldfish ( Carassius auratus ) and minnows ( Phoxinus phoxinus ).
It was found to be necessary to train ranch-bred mink to enter water and catch fish; young mink appeared to be easier to train than adults. Mink spent 5–20 sec under water when fishing; prey had usually previously been located from an aerial vantage point. Predatory behaviour was highly organized sequentially whereas fish were more prone to indulge in unpredictable stratagems; the behaviour of mink and fish were highly correlated.
The mink's efficiency in catching fish was related to prey size (smaller individuals being more vulnerable to capture) and shoaling. Minnows, which form highly organized shoals, were less easily caught when present in large numbers; this was not true of a loosely shoaling species, the carp.
Of the three species of prey presented, vulnerability to capture took the form goldfish> carp> minnow; these differences, however, may have been influenced by the fish's previous experience of underwater predators.  相似文献   

Isakova GK 《Genetika》2007,43(2):280-283
The frequency of emergence of monochorial twins in the postimplantational embryogeny of the American mink and their karyotypes were studied. Monochorial pairs were found in which embryos had different karyotypes: 2n, XX and 2n, XY or 2n and 3n. This fact contradicts the notion that monochorial twins should be monozygotic and genetically identical but confirms our earlier hypothesis that a third twinning type exists in mink: monozygotic but genetically different. The mechanism of the emergence of this twinning type in mammals is discussed. It is suggested that the high (up to 4.5%) frequency of its emergence in the American mink is related to obligate embryonic diapause, causing abnormal fertilization.  相似文献   

Modupe  Akande 《Journal of Zoology》1972,167(4):475-479
Feral American mink ( Mustela vison ) thrive in Scotland. The potential impact of the mink on the native fauna was investigated through its food. Fifty-five stomachs and 33 scats were analysed by identifying the indigestible remains. Fish formed the main prey (49% occurrence) and birds and mammals 28% and 23% respectively. Most of the fish eaten were Salmonidae (brown trout and salmon). No remains of eels were found.
Mink may compete with otters for food, but the smaller prey taken by the mink and its greater use of land separates it from the otter. Mink seem to be occupying a vacant feeding niche in Scotland.  相似文献   

Fifty-three genes were mapped in the American mink genome using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based analysis of a Chinese hamster-American mink somatic cell hybrid panel. Heterologous primers designed for cat gene mapping were used in this study. Forty-nine of these loci were localized into expected chromosome regions according to Zoo-FISH data, whereas four loci--ALPL, CDC20, ERF-2, and Fc(Mv)23617--were mapped out of expected conserved regions. PCR products amplified with primers corresponding to these four markers were partly sequenced and verified using BLAST. The results showed the homology to be more than 90% between mink and human or cat counterparts. At present, the gene map of American mink has expanded to 127 loci.  相似文献   

(1) We measured cooling rate for neonatal mink during a 10min coldroom (3.9 degrees C) exposure and subsequent warming rate during a 20min incubator (37.2 degrees C) exposure, the behaviour of the kits and the changes in their pelage between 1 and 46d of age, in an attempt to monitor the ontogeny of their thermoregulatory capacity. (2) Body weight of the 1d old kits averaged only 12.8+/-2.3g (n=4), but they gained weight rapidly reaching 226.1+/-28.3g (males, n=4) and 207.6+/-16.1g (females, n=4) at 30-31d of age, and 562.3+/-43.2g (males, n=3) and 435.7+/-35.5g (females, n=4) at 45-46d of age. (3) Body cooling rate (C(rate) ( degrees C/min); n=80) was affected by the age (between 1 and 31d), BW, initial rectal temperature (T(r0)), and sex of the kits, in addition to their body posture (P(cold), 1=extended, 2=curled-up) during coldroom exposure. C(rate) ( degrees C/min)=-0.34-0.02age-0.002BW+0.05T(r0)-0.06sex-0.20P(cold) (R(2)=0.75). (4) Body warming rate (W(rate) ( degrees C/min); n=80) was influenced by the age(2) and rectal temperature of the kit after the coldroom exposure (T(r10)). W(rate)( degrees C/min)=1.24+0.0002age(2)-0.04T(r10) (R(2)=0.76). (5) Kit fur fibre length increased from 5.45+/-0.63mm (males, n=2) and 6.20+/-0.20mm (females, n=3) at 22-23d of age to 9.43+/-1.44mm (males, n=4) and 8.70+/-1.89mm (females, n=4) at 30-31d of age, and to 12.93+/-0.47mm (males, n=3) and 11.38+/-0.41mm (females, n=4) at 45-46d of age, the growth averaging about 0.26mm per day. (6) Under normal circumstances newborn mink kits are hypothermic.Their thermoregulation develops only gradually and is dependent on increase in body mass, insulation and behavioural thermoregulation. Their strategy of survival is based on the ability to withstand hypothermia and on the nutrition and warmth provided by the dam.  相似文献   

The correlation between the skin size of Mustela vison mink and the combination of the alleles of aleutian colour gene has been shown. The studied relation can be presented as ppAa > ppAA > ppaa.  相似文献   

Described herein, the first microsatellite linkage map for the American mink consists of 85 microsatellite markers resolved into 17 linkage groups. The map was constructed using 92 F(1) progeny from five sire families created by crossing mink with different colour types. The linkage groups ranged from 0 to 137 cM. These linkage groups were assigned to 12 of the 14 mink autosomes using a somatic cell hybrid panel. The total map covered 690 sex-averaged Kosambi units with an average marker spacing of 8 cM. This map will facilitate further genetic mapping of monogenic characters and QTL.  相似文献   

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