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Vertical distribution of phytoplankton and the formation of deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in the metalimnion of a small stratified and partly meromictic temperate lake was studied in 1999 and 2000. During summer DCM usually occurred on the borderline of H2S and oxygen-containing waters. At the depths where the bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) maxima were observed, the sulphide concentration was usually relatively low compared to the bottom layers, where its concentration reached as high as possible saturation level. In April 2000, DCM was formed at the depth of 3.5 m, and lowered thereafter slowly to 6.5 m by October. The concentration of Bchl d reached the highest values (over 1000 μg l−1) just before the water column was mixed up in autumn. In December and April Bchl d was detectable only near the bottom of the lake. The concentration of chlorophyll a yielded by the spectrophotometric phaeopigment corrected method and by HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography), fit rather well in the upper layers. In deeper water layers chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a) measured by spectrophotometry was overestimated about 47 times if compared to HPLC values because of the high Bchl d in that layer. In most cases vertical profiles of primary production (PP) did not coincide with the vertical distribution of the pigment content; the maximum values of PP were found in the epilimnion. In some cases PP had notably high values also at the depth of DCM. In the upper layers Chl a usually did not exceeded 20 μg l−1 in spring and 10 μg l−1 in summer. The moderately high Chl a in the epilimnion in spring was significantly reduced after the formation of thermocline most probably because of the establishment of the nutrient limitation in epilimnion. Decreasing Chl a concentration in the epilimnion led to increased water transparency and better light conditions for photosynthetic bacteria in metalimnion.  相似文献   

The present study describes generally the ecosystem of Lake Verevi while more detailed approaches are presented in the same issue. The main task of the article is to estimate long-term changes and find the best method for the restoration of good ecological status. Lake Verevi (surface 12.6 ha, mean depth 3.6 m, maximum depth 11 m, drainage area 1.1 km2, water exchange 0.63-times per year) is a hypertrophic hard-water lake located in town Elva (6400 inhabitants). Long-term complex limnological investigations have taken place since 1929. The lake has been contaminated by irregular discharge of urban wastewaters from oxidation ponds since 1978, flood from streets, and infiltrated waters from the surrounding farms. The so-called spring meromixis occurred due to extremely warm springs in recent years. The index value of buffer capacity of Lake Verevi calculated from natural conditions is on the medium level. Water properties were analysed according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. According to the classification, water quality as a long-term average of surface layers is moderate-good, but the water quality of bottom layers is bad. Values in deeper layers usually exceed 20–30 times the calculated reference values by Vighi and Chiaudani’s model. Naturally, at the beginning of the 20th century the limnological type of the lake was moderately eutrophic. During the 1980s and 1990s the ecosystem was out of balance by abiotic characteristics as well as by plankton indicators. Rapid fluctuations of species composition and abundance can be found in recent years. Seasonal variations are considerable and species composition differs remarkably also in the water column. The dominating macrophyte species vary from year to year. Since the annual amount of precipitation from the atmosphere onto the lake surface is several times higher, the impact of swimmers could be considered irrelevant. Some restoration methods were discussed. The first step, stopping external pollution, was completed by damming the inlet. Drainage (siphoning) of the hypolimnetic water is discussed. Secondary pollution occurs because Fe:P values are below the threshold. The authors propose to use phosphorus precipitation and hypolimnetic aeration instead of siphoning.  相似文献   

In this paper, some important problems related to taxonomic resolution in water quality assessment by means of macroinvertebrates are discussed. Most quality indices based on macroinvertebrates only require identification up to genus or family level. Although this can be seen as a practical trade-off between taxonomic precision and time constraints and financial resources, it can result in biased assessment scores for certain stream types. An additional difficulty of identification levels other than species is caused by possible changes in taxonomy over time. A given genus may indeed have been split up into two or more genera or a species could be assigned to a different genus. These changes may alter biotic index values calculated over time, due to a change in number of taxa or replacement of one taxon by another one having a different tolerance class. An additional problem is caused by the invasion of exotic species. The genus Corbicula for instance is currently invading Belgian watercourses in increasing numbers. Since no Belgian Biotic Index (BBI) tolerance class is defined for Corbicula, this may cause inconsistencies in index calculations as well. In order to eliminate these, a semi-fixed taxa list, including a tolerance class for each taxon, for BBI calculation is proposed.  相似文献   

Lamprocystis roseopersicina was found to be the dominant phototrophic bacterium in meromictic Deadmoose Lake. Using carbon-14 it was determined that phototrophic bacteria fixed 14.3 g C m−2 year−1, 17.1 % of the total limnetic primary production. Experiments indicated low light intensities (X = 8.87 × 10−2 cal cm−2hr−1) to be the most important factor limiting bacterial production. Lamprocystis was shown to be capable of photoorganoheterotrophic uptake of glucose.  相似文献   

In a limnocorral (LC) experiment performed in mesotrophic Lake Lucerne, Switzerland, a control LC containing a planktonic community similar to that in the lake was compared with a LC where the large zooplankton had been removed by filtration at the beginning of the experiment. The herbivorous zooplankton (mainly Daphnia galeata and D. hyalina) reduced algal biomass and primary production, however did not influence the size structure of the phytoplankton and the relative amount of different size classes contributing to the total primary production. Likewise, the seston (POC and PP) concentrations were diminished without changes in particle size composition. Since herbivorous zooplankton transform smaller particles into larger particles (fecal aggregates) through their grazing activity and thus enhanced particle formation owing to coagulation and microbial activity, sedimentation losses of POC and PP were increased in the LC with zooplankton. The importance of planktonic and sestonic particle size structure in aquatic ecosystems is stressed, as the smallest algae (< 12 μm) contributed 80 % of the primary production, which is in contrast to the 33 % contributed to the total POC sedimentation by this particle size class.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of phyto- and zooplankton and macrozoobenthic components in Lake Nainital showed that species richness was high for plankton and low for macrozoobenthos. The algal biomass was dominated by greens (54 %) and blue-greens (31 %), the zooplankton population by copepods (84 %), and the macrozoobenthic community by a Tubifex-Chironomus association constituting≥95 % of the annual number of the macrobenthic invertebrates. Respiration (807.5g C m−2 year−1) surpassed gross production (630.5 g C m−2 year−1). The mean annual ratio between phyto- and zooplankton biomass is 3.3 and between phytoplankton and herbivores it is 4.6. If biomass is treated as a measure of crude production, the relationship among the three trophic levels suggests that herbivory is inefficient while carnivory is efficient, because part of the primary production remains unutilized by dominant herbivorous zooplankters, whereas Mesocyclops leuckarti, the sole carnivore, feeds efficiently on rotifers and juveniles of other copepods. The low diversity of different biotic components and the P/R ratio of less than 1 perhaps suggest that the lake is passing through the stage of heterotrophic succession.  相似文献   

The collection of microphytobenthos for primary production studies in Lake Pavin was performed with a Jenkin sampler. This corer permits sampling at different levels below the surface of the lake. Five levels (10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 m below the surface) were regularly investigated for more than one year. Each was inhabited by a characteristic population of dominant diatoms. The primary production, which was very large during the summer, decreases with depth. During the winter, the 14C assimilation occurs at a very low rate in clear incubators, but in dark incubators, the rate is high. Therefore, the 14C fixation in darkness is greater than the photosynthetic assimilation. This phenomenon together with the very important data recorded for photosynthetic efficiency (especially at the lowest levels, 40 and 60 m deep) suggest that microphytes on the bottom of the lake assimilate organic compounds during much of the year.  相似文献   

Lake Verevi (12.6 ha, maximum depth 11.0 m, mean depth 3.6 m) is a strongly eutrophic and stratified lake. Planktothrix agardhii is the most characteristic phytoplankton species in summer and autumn, while photosynthesizing sulphur bacteria can occur massively in the metalimnion. Primary production (PP) and chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a) were seasonally studied in 1991, 1993, 2000, and 2001. Vertical distribution of PP was rather complex, having usually two peaks, one at or near the surface (0–1 m), and another deeper (at 3–7 m) in the metalimnion. The values of dark fixation of CO2 in the metalimnion were in most cases higher than those in the upper water layer. Considering the average daily PP 896 mg C m−2 and yearly PP 162 mg C m−2, Secchi depth 2.34 m, and epilimnetic concentrations of chlorophyll a (19.6 mg m−3), total nitrogen and total phosphorus (TP, 52 mg m−3) in 2000, L. Verevi is a eutrophic lake of a ‘good’ status. Considering the total amounts of nutrients stored in the hypolimnion, the average potential concentrations in the whole water column could achieve 1885 mg m−3 of TN and 170 mg m−3 of TP reflecting hypertrophic conditions and a ‚bad’ status. Improvement of the epilimnetic water quality from the 1990s to the 2000s may have resulted from incomplete spring mixing and might not reflect the real improvement. A decreased nutrient concentration in the epilimnion has supported the establishment of a ‘clear epilimnion state’ allowing light to penetrate into the nutrient-rich metalimnion and sustaining a high production of cyanobacteria and phototrophic sulphur bacteria.  相似文献   

H. Züllig 《Hydrobiologia》1986,143(1):315-319
Previous examination of drilling cores showed that the majority of the carotenes and carotenoids originally present in the various planktonic organisms and phototrophic bacteria are preserved in sediments. The indicator pigments for algae phyla are: Lutein for Chlorophyta, Myxoxanthophylls and their derivatives for Cyanophyta, Fucoxanthin for Chrysophyta, and Alloxanthin for Cryptophyta.The pigments in the deepest sediment sample (late glacial time, clay, 12.83 m) consists primarily of Alloxanthin, secondly of Lutein and -carotene and thirdly of traces of Okenone, Speroidenone and other such bacterial carotenoids. The first plankton organisms were thus Cryptophyta and some Chlorophyta. The presence of the phototrophic bacteria pigments indicates that at the time of sediment formation, anaerobic conditions prevailed at the lake bottom.The Holocene era commences at a depth of 8.55 m and is characterized by the first occurrence of Myxoxanthophyll and Echinenone from Cyanophyta, as well as by a rapid increase of -carotene, Lutein and Alloxanthin. The pronounced occurrence of Oscillatoria rubescens (blood of the Burgundies), characterized by Oscillaxanthin at 8.21 m must be considered for Swiss lakes as a very surprising discovery.The intensive plankton production again lead to stringent anaerobic conditions. Predominant among phototrophic bacteria pigments were Okenone, Spheroidene and Rhodopin.  相似文献   

The rates of sedimentation of fallout nuclides were determined by means of sediment traps during 28 months after the Chernobyl accident in southern Lake Päijänne, Finland. The spatial distribution of the radionuclide content of the lake bottom was studied on 35 sediment cores in winters 1987/88 and 1988/89. The results were compared with simultaneous observations of the radionuclide content of the water and seston. The role of different transfer mechanisms in the elimination of radionuclides from the water column is discussed.The values recorded for the flux to the lake sediments were on average of the same order of magnitude as the initial deposition on the lake surface (Cs-137 65 kBqm–2). The radionuclide flux to the sediments was rapid during the first months after the accident. After that the elimination of dissolved nuclides from the water mass became significantly slower. The highest flux rate was that of Ce-144 and the lowest that of Rh-106 (Ru-106). Of the radiocesium, about half of the initial inventory was transferred to the sediments after the first observation year.The content of radionuclides showed considerable spatial variation on the lake bottom (Cs-137 7–280 kBqm–2). Direct adsorption of radiocesium explains unexpectedly high concentrations on shallow erosion bottoms. There was a clear tendency for the concentrations to increase with depth, as a result of the focusing effect. Sediment resuspension had a significant impact on the total flux of radionuclides to deepwater sediments. Estimates were made of the resuspended flux of radionuclides.  相似文献   

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