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The adenovirus origin of DNA replication contains three functionally distinct sequence domains (A, B, and C) that are essential for initiation of DNA synthesis. Previous studies have shown that domain B contains the recognition site for nuclear factor I (NF-I), a cellular protein that is required for optimal initiation. In the studies reported here, we used highly purified NF-I, prepared by DNA recognition site affinity chromatography (P. J. Rosenfeld and T. J. Kelly, Jr., J. Biol. Chem. 261:1398-1408, 1986), to investigate the cellular protein requirements for initiation of viral DNA replication. Our data demonstrate that while NF-I is essential for efficient initiation in vitro, other cellular factors are required as well. A fraction derived from HeLa cell nuclear extract (BR-FT fraction) was shown to contain all the additional cellular proteins required for the complete reconstitution of the initiation reaction. Analysis of this complementing fraction by a gel electrophoresis DNA-binding assay revealed the presence of two site-specific DNA-binding proteins, ORP-A and ORP-C, that recognized sequences in domains A and C, respectively, of the viral origin. Both proteins were purified by DNA recognition site affinity chromatography, and the boundaries of their binding sites were defined by DNase I footprint analysis. Additional characterization of the recognition sequences of ORP-A, NF-I, and ORP-C was accomplished by determining the affinity of the proteins for viral origins containing deletion and base substitution mutations. ORP-C recognized a sequence between nucleotides 41 and 51 of the adenovirus genome, and analysis of mutant origins indicated that efficient initiation of replication is dependent on the presence of a high-affinity ORP-C-binding site. The ORP-A recognition site was localized to the first 12 base pairs of the viral genome within the minimal origin of replication. These data provide evidence that the initiation of adenovirus DNA replication involves multiple protein-DNA interactions at the origin.  相似文献   

The precursor terminal protein pTP is the primer for the initiation of adenovirus (Ad) DNA replication and forms a heterodimer with Ad DNA polymerase (pol). Pol can couple dCTP to pTP directed by the fourth nucleotide of the viral genome template strand in the absence of other replication proteins, which suggests that pTP/pol binding destabilizes the origin or stabilizes an unwound state. We analyzed the contribution of pTP to pTP/pol origin binding using various DNA oligonucleotides. We show that two pTP molecules bind cooperatively to short DNA duplexes, while longer DNA fragments are bound by single pTP molecules as well. Cooperative binding to short duplexes is DNA sequence independent and most likely mediated by protein/protein contacts. Furthermore, we observed that pTP binds single-stranded (ss)DNA with a minimal length of approximately 35 nt and that random ssDNA competed 25-fold more efficiently than random duplex DNA for origin binding by pTP. Remarkably, short DNA fragments with two opposing single strands supported monomeric pTP binding. pTP did not stimulate, but inhibited strand displacement by the Ad DNA binding and unwinding protein DBP. These observations suggest a mechanism in which the ssDNA affinity of pTP stabilizes Ad pol on partially unwound origin DNA.  相似文献   

Initiation of adenovirus DNA replication is dependent on a complex of the precursor of the terminal protein and the adenovirus-coded DNA polymerase (pTP-pol complex). This complex catalyzes the formation of a covalent linkage between dCMP and pTP in the presence of a functional origin of DNA replication residing in the terminal nucleotide sequence of adenovirus DNA. We have purified the pTP-pol complex of adenovirus type 5 and studied its binding to double-stranded DNA. Using DNA-cellulose chromatography it could be shown that the pTP-pol complex has a higher affinity for adenovirus DNA than for calf thymus or pBR322 DNA. From the differential binding of the pTP-pol complex to plasmids containing adenovirus terminal sequences with different deletions, it has been concluded that a sequence of 14 nucleotide pairs at positions 9-22 plays a crucial role in the binding of pTP-pol to adenovirus DNA. This region is conserved in the DNA's of all human adenovirus serotypes and is obviously an important structural element of the adenovirus origin of DNA replication. Comparative binding studies with adenovirus DNA polymerase and pTP-pol indicated that pTP is responsible for the binding. The nature of the binding of pTP-pol to the conserved sequence will be discussed.  相似文献   

The origin of DNA replication of many human adenoviruses is composed of a highly conserved core origin and an auxiliary region, containing the binding sites for NFI and NFIII/Oct-1. We examined enhancement of DNA replication in vitro by the purified functional DNA-binding domains of NFI (NFI-BD) and NFIII/Oct-1 (the POU domain), using origins in which the positions of the binding sites for these proteins were transposed. Insertion or deletion of two or three base pairs between the core origin and the NFI binding site resulted in a 3-5-fold decrease of stimulation, whereas larger insertions gradually reduced the stimulation further. Mutants in which the NFI binding site was separated approximately one or two helical turns from the core origin by AT-rich sequences could still be stimulated by NFI. In contrast, insertion of two or more base pairs between the NFI and NFIII/Oct-1 binding sites abolished stimulation by NFIII/Oct-1 almost completely. Furthermore, stimulation by this protein was lost when the Ad2 NFIII/Oct-1 binding site was transposed to a position closer to the core origin, destroying the NFI binding site. This shows that the position of the NFIII/Oct-1 binding site is essential for stimulation. Models to explain these position-dependent effects on stimulation are discussed.  相似文献   

The adenovirus terminal protein (TP) is covalently linked to the 5' ends of the adenovirus genome and enhances DNA replication in vitro by increasing template activity. To study the effect of TP in more detail we isolated short origin fragments containing functional TP using anion exchange chromatography. These fragments were highly active as templates for DNA replication in a reconstituted system. Employing band-shift assays we found that the affinity of the precursor terminal protein-DNA polymerase complex for the TP-containing origin was increased 2 to 3-fold. Binding affinities of two other replication stimulating proteins, NFI and Oct-1, were not influenced by the terminal protein. Upon DNaseI footprinting we observed, unexpectedly, that the breakdown pattern had changed at various positions in the origin, notably in the area 3-6 and 41-51 by the presence of TP. Some differences in the footprint pattern of NFI and Oct-1 were also found. Our results indicate that TP induces subtle changes in the origin structure that influence the interaction of other replication proteins.  相似文献   

The core origin of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication is composed of a 64-base-pair sequence encompassing T-antigen-binding site II and adjacent sequences on either side. A 7-base-pair sequence to the early side of T-antigen-binding site II which is conserved among the papovavirus genomes SV40, BK, JC, and SA12 was recently shown to be part of a 10-base-pair sequence required for origin activity (S. Deb, A.L. DeLucia, C.-P. Baur, A. Koff, and P. Tegtmeyer, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:1663-1670, 1986), but its functional role was not defined. In the present report, we have used gel retention assays to identify a monkey cell factor that interacts specifically with double-stranded DNA carrying this sequence and also binds to single-stranded DNA. DNA-protein complexes formed with extracts from primate cells are more abundant and display electrophoretic mobilities distinct from those formed with rodent cell extracts. The binding activity of the factor on mutant templates is correlated with the replication activity of the origin. The results suggest that the monkey cell factor may be involved in SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA, the mitochondrial DNA of trypanosomatids, is a remarkable DNA structure that contains, in the species Crithidia fasciculata, 5000 topologically linked duplex DNA minicircles. Their replication initiates at two conserved sequences, a dodecamer, known as the universal minicircle sequence (UMS), and a hexamer, which are located at the replication origins of the minicircle L and H strands, respectively. A UMS-binding protein (UMSBP) binds specifically the 12-mer UMS sequence and a 14-mer sequence that contains the conserved hexamer in their single-stranded DNA conformation. In vivo cross-linking analyses reveal the binding of UMSBP to kinetoplast DNA networks in the cell. Furthermore, UMSBP binds in vitro to native minicircle origin fragments, carrying the UMSBP recognition sequences. UMSBP binding at the replication origin induces conformational changes in the bound DNA through its folding, aggregation and condensation.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA, the mitochondrial DNA of the trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata, is a remarkable structure containing 5,000 topologically linked DNA minicircles. Their replication is initiated at two conserved sequences, a dodecamer, known as the universal minicircle sequence (UMS), and a hexamer, which are located at the replication origins of the minicircle L- and H-strands, respectively. A UMS-binding protein (UMSBP), binds specifically the conserved origin sequences in their single stranded conformation. The five CCHC-type zinc knuckle motifs, predicted in UMSBP, fold into zinc-dependent structures capable of binding a single-stranded nucleic acid ligand. Zinc knuckles that are involved in the binding of DNA differ from those mediating protein-protein interactions that lead to the dimerization of UMSBP. Both UMSBP DNA binding and its dimerization are sensitive to redox potential. Oxidation of UMSBP results in the protein dimerization, mediated through its N-terminal domain, with a concomitant inhibition of its DNA-binding activity. UMSBP reduction yields monomers that are active in the binding of DNA through the protein C-terminal region. C. fasciculata trypanothione-dependent tryparedoxin activates the binding of UMSBP to UMS DNA in vitro. The possibility that UMSBP binding at the minicircle replication origin is regulated in vivo by a redox potential-based mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The adenovirus (Ad) DNA-binding protein (DBP) is essential for the elongation phase of Ad DNA replication by unwinding the template in an ATP-independent fashion, employing its capacity to form multimers. DBP also enhances the rate of initiation, with the highest levels obtained at low concentrations of Ad DNA polymerase (Pol). Here, we show that stimulation of initiation depends on the template conformation. Maximal stimulation, up to 15-fold, is observed on double-stranded or viral TP-containing origins. The stimulation is reduced on partially single-stranded origins and DBP does not enhance initiation any more once the origin is completely unwound. This suggests a role for DBP in origin unwinding that is comparable to its unwinding capacity during elongation. However, mutant DBP proteins defective in unwinding and elongation can still enhance initiation on ds templates. DBP also stimulates the binding of nuclear factor I (NFI) to the origin and lowers the K(m) for coupling of the first nucleotide to the precursor terminal protein by Pol. Mobility shift experiments reveal that DBP stimulates the binding of Pol on double-stranded origin and nonorigin DNA but not on single-stranded DNA. This effect is specific for DBP and is also seen with other DNA Pols. Our results suggest that, rather than by origin unwinding, DBP enhances initiation by modulating the origin conformation such that DNA Pol can bind more efficiently.  相似文献   

The RepK protein, which is encoded by the rolling-circle plasmid pKYM, binds to the PR I site in the pKYM DNA replication origin. We have identified HU as a protein that binds to the PR II and PR III sites in the replication-enhancing region which is downstream of PR I. DNA footprinting assays show that HU binds to these two sites only when RepK is bound to PR I, and that HU also enhances the binding of RepK to PR I. In vivo, pKYM was unable to transform an HU null strain. Two mutant RepK proteins, RepKW179Y, which contains a Trp-to-Tyr exchange at position 179, and RepKD277L, which contains an Asp-to-Leu mutation at residue 277, initiate DNA replication in vivo in the absence of HU. In vitro, these mutant RepK proteins form more stable complexes with the pKYM origin region than does the wild-type RepK protein. These results indicate that HU plays a role in the formation of a stable RepK-origin complex, which is required for the initiation of pKYM DNA replication. Received: 24 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

Patrick SM  Oakley GG  Dixon K  Turchi JJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(23):8438-8448
Replication protein A (RPA) is a heterotrimeric protein consisting of 70-, 34-, and 14- kDa subunits that is required for many DNA metabolic processes including DNA replication and DNA repair. Using a purified hyperphosphorylated form of RPA protein prepared in vitro, we have addressed the effects of hyperphosphorylation on steady-state and pre-steady-state DNA binding activity, the ability to support DNA repair and replication reactions, and the effect on the interaction with partner proteins. Equilibrium DNA binding activity measured by fluorescence polarization reveals no difference in ssDNA binding to pyrimidine-rich DNA sequences. However, RPA hyperphosphorylation results in a decreased affinity for purine-rich ssDNA and duplex DNA substrates. Pre-steady-state kinetic analysis is consistent with the equilibrium DNA binding and demonstrates a contribution from both the k(on) and k(off) to achieve these differences. The hyperphosphorylated form of RPA retains damage-specific DNA binding, and, importantly, the affinity of hyperphosphorylated RPA for damaged duplex DNA is 3-fold greater than the affinity of unmodified RPA for undamaged duplex DNA. The ability of hyperphosphorylated RPA to support DNA repair showed minor differences in the ability to support nucleotide excision repair (NER). Interestingly, under reaction conditions in which RPA is maintained in a hyperphosphorylated form, we also observed inhibition of in vitro DNA replication. Analyses of protein-protein interactions bear out the effects of hyperphosphorylated RPA on DNA metabolic pathways. Specifically, phosphorylation of RPA disrupts the interaction with DNA polymerase alpha but has no significant effect on the interaction with XPA. These results demonstrate that the effects of DNA damage induced hyperphosphorylation of RPA on DNA replication and DNA repair are mediated through alterations in DNA binding activity and protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Co-operative interactions during protein folding.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The theory for measuring co-operativity between interactions in proteins by protein engineering experiments is developed by introducing a procedure for analysing increasing orders of synergy in a protein with increasing numbers of residues. The (pairwise) interaction energy (delta 2Gint) between two side-chains may be measured experimentally by a double-mutant cycle consisting of the wild-type protein, the two single mutants and the double mutant. This procedure may be extended to three residues to give a value for delta 3Gint for a triple-mutant cube, and to higher orders using multi-dimensional mutant space. We now show that delta 3Gint is the excess energy of adding all three chains compared with the sum of all the pairwise values of delta 2Gint for each of the constituent double-mutant cycles and the sum of all the single addition energies. This physical interpretation extends to higher orders of mutation. delta nGint (i.e. the interaction energy for n residues), thus, reveals the layers of synergy in interactions as a protein is built up. This procedure is applied to measuring changes in synergy during the refolding of barnase for the triad of salt-linked residues Asp8, Asp12 and Arg110, which are mutated to alanine residues. The value of delta 3Gint in the folded structure is 0.77(+/- 0.06) kcal mol-1 (i.e. the triad is 0.77 kcal mol-1 more stable than expected from the sum of the individual pairwise interactions and single contributions). The value of delta 3Gint is still significant in the transition state for unfolding (0.60(+/- 0.07) kcal mol-1) and in the folding intermediate (0.60(+/- 0.13 kcal mol-1)). These results show that synergistic interactions exist in barnase, in its transition state for unfolding and in a refolding intermediate. A direct measurement of the change of co-operativity between the folded state and the transition state for unfolding shows a decrease of 0.17(+/- 0.04) kcal mol-1, suggesting that the initial stages of protein unfolding may be accompanied by some loosening of structure in parts that still interact. The similar extent of co-operativity in the transition state for unfolding and the intermediate in refolding suggests that the intermediate is homogeneous, at least in the region of the salt-linked triad, as heterogeneity would lower the co-operativity.  相似文献   

R T Hay 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(2):421-426
Adenovirus mini-chromosomes which contain two cloned, inverted adenovirus termini replicate in vivo when supplied with non-defective adenovirus as a helper. This system has been used to define the minimum cis acting DNA sequences required for adenovirus DNA replication in vivo. Deletions into each end of the adenovirus inverted terminal repeat (ITR) were generated with Bal31 exonuclease and the resulting molecules constructed into plasmids which contained two inverted copies of the deleted ITR separated by the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase gene. To determine the effect of the deletion in vivo plasmids cleaved to expose the adenovirus termini were co-transfected with adenovirus type 2 DNA into tissue culture cells. The replicative ability of the molecules bearing adenovirus termini was assayed by Southern blotting of extracted DNA which had been treated with DpnI, a restriction enzyme which cleaves only methylated and therefore unreplicated, input DNA. Molecules containing the terminal 45 bp of the viral genome were fully active whereas molecules containing only 36 bp were in-active in this assay. Therefore sequences required for DNA replication are contained entirely within the terminal 45 bp of the viral genome. Thus, both the previously described highly conserved region (nucleotides 9-18) and the binding site for the cellular nuclear factor I (nucleotides 19-48) are essential for adenovirus DNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   

C Welter  S Dooley  K D Zang    N Blin 《Nucleic acids research》1989,17(15):6077-6086
DNA bending has been suggested to play a role in the regulation of gene expression, initiation of DNA-replication, site specific recombination, and DNA packaging. In the human mitochondrial DNA we have found a DNA curvature structure within the 3'-region of ther URF2 sequence in front of the L-strand origin of replication. This structure interacts specifically with a protein factor isolated from mitochondria. Based on the localization of this DNA curvature structure and the known function of such structures the data suggest a model in which this DNA signal sequence and its specific protein binding is involved in the regulatory initiation event of L-strand replication.  相似文献   

Tus protein binds tightly to specific DNA sequences (Ter) on the Escherichia coli chromosome halting replication. We report here conditions for detecting the 1 : 1 Tus-Ter complex by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). ESI mass spectra of a mixture of Tus and nonspecific DNA showed ions predominantly from uncomplexed Tus protein, indicating that the Tus-Ter complex observed in the gas phase was the result of a specific interaction rather than nonspecific associations in the ionization source. The Tus-Ter complex was very stable using a spray solvent of 10 mM ammonium acetate at pH 8.0, and initial attempts to distinguish binding affinities of Tus and mutant Tus proteins for Ter DNA were unsuccessful. Increasing the ammonium acetate concentration in the electrospray solvent (800 mM at pH 8.0) increased the dissociation constants sufficiently such that relative orders of binding affinity for Tus and various mutant Tus proteins for various DNA sequences could be determined. These were in agreement with the dissociation constants determined in solution studies. A dissociation constant of 700 x 10(-9) M for the binding of the mutant Tus protein A173T (where residue 173 is changed from alanine to threonine) to Ter DNA was estimated, compared with a value of 相似文献   

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