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Emissions of the greenhouse gas methane from Arctic wetlands have been studied extensively, though little is known about the ecology and community structure of methanogenic archaea that catalyze the methane production. As part of a project addressing microbial transformations of methane in Arctic wetlands, we studied archaeal communities in two wetlands (Solvatnet and Stuphallet) at Spitsbergen, Norway (78 degrees N) during two summer seasons. Directly extracted peat community DNA and enrichment cultures of methanogenic archaea were analyzed by nested PCR combined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and subsequent sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Sequences affiliated with Methanomicrobiales, Methanobacteriaceae, Methanosaeta and Group I.3b of the uncultured crenarchaeota were detected at both sites. Sequences affiliated with Methanosarcina were recovered only from the site Solvatnet, while sequences affiliated with the euryarchaeotal clusters Rice Cluster II and Sediment 1 were detected only at the site Stuphallet. The phylogenetic affiliation of the recovered sequences suggested a potential of both hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis at both sites. At Solvatnet, there were clear temporal trends in the archaeal community structure over the Arctic summer season. The archaeal community composition was significantly affected by factors influencing the activity of the overall bacterial community, as measured by in situ emissions of CO2. Methane emissions at both sites were influenced more by peat temperatures and thaw depth than by the archaeal community structure. Enrichment cultures for methanogenic archaea determined that most of the methanogens detected directly in peat could grow in culture at 10 degrees C. Culture based biases were indicated in later enrichment steps by the abundant growth of a Methanosarcina strain that was not detected directly in peat samples.  相似文献   

We evaluated phylogenetic clustering of bacterial and archaeal communities from redox-dynamic subtropical forest soils that were defined by 16S rRNA and rRNA gene sequences. We observed significant clustering for the RNA-based communities but not the DNA-based communities, as well as increasing clustering over time of the highly active taxa detected by only rRNA.  相似文献   

Permafrost environments in the Arctic are characterized by extreme environmental conditions that demand a specific resistance from microorganisms to enable them to survive. In order to understand the carbon dynamics in the climate-sensitive Arctic permafrost environments, the activity and diversity of methanogenic communities were studied in three different permafrost soils of the Siberian Laptev Sea coast. The effect of temperature and the availability of methanogenic substrates on CH4 production was analysed. In addition, the diversity of methanogens was analysed by PCR with specific methanogenic primers and by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) followed by sequencing of DGGE bands reamplified from the gel. Our results demonstrated methanogenesis with a distinct vertical profile in each investigated permafrost soil. The soils on Samoylov Island showed at least two optima of CH4 production activity, which indicated a shift in the methanogenic community from mesophilic to psychrotolerant methanogens with increasing soil depth. Furthermore, it was shown that CH4 production in permafrost soils is substrate-limited, although these soils are characterized by the accumulation of organic matter. Sequence analyses revealed a distinct diversity of methanogenic archaea affiliated to Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanosarcinaceae and Methanosaetaceae. However, a relationship between the activity and diversity of methanogens in permafrost soils could not be shown.  相似文献   

The gut bacterial community from four species of feral locusts and grasshoppers was determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments. The study revealed an effect of phase polymorphism on gut bacterial diversity in brown locusts from South Africa. A single bacterial phylotype, consistent with Citrobacter sp. dominated the gut microbiota of two sympatric populations of Moroccan and Italian locusts in Spain. There was evidence for Wollbachia sp. in the meadow grasshopper caught locally in the UK. Sequence analysis of DGGE products did not reveal evidence for unculturable bacteria and homologies suggested that bacterial species were principally Gammaproteobacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae similar to those recorded previously in laboratory reared locusts.  相似文献   

应用16S rRNA基因文库技术分析土壤细菌群落的多样性   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
[目的]土壤微生物在菜田生态系统中具有重要的生态功能,通过16S rRNA基因克隆文库技术分析典型菜田土壤细菌群落结构的组成情况,为揭示典型的菜田土壤微生物的多样性以及土地利用变化与生态环境效应之间的关系奠定基础.[方法]采用未培养技术直接从北京和山东两地典型菜田土壤样品中提取微生物总的DNA,分别构建基于通用引物PCR扩增的土壤细菌16S rRNA基因克隆文库,通过Hinf Ⅰ和Hae Ⅲ限制性内切酶对两地土壤细菌16s rRNA基因文库中的克隆进行ARDRA(Amplified Ribosomal DNA Rstriction Analysis)分析,将所有阳性克隆分为若干个可操作分类单元(OTU).[目的]通过构建两地细菌克隆文库的系统发育树,并分析主要种群的组成表明:北京和山东菜田土壤细菌克隆文库的优势种群均为γ、β、α变形细菌亚群.两地的细菌种类组成分别包括124个OTUs和92个OTUs.[结论]北京地区和山东地区典型蔬菜地土壤细菌种群中优势种群均为变形细菌,但是土壤细菌多样性降低,这可能与典型菜田的多年连作,种植蔬菜种类单一直接相关.同时,也可能是造成菜田土壤病害普遍发生,土壤退化的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

The effect of three phenyl urea herbicides (diuron, linuron, and chlorotoluron) on soil microbial communities was studied by using soil samples with a 10-year history of treatment. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used for the analysis of 16S rRNA genes (16S rDNA). The degree of similarity between the 16S rDNA profiles of the communities was quantified by numerically analysing the DGGE band patterns. Similarity dendrograms showed that the microbial community structures of the herbicide-treated and nontreated soils were significantly different. Moreover, the bacterial diversity seemed to decrease in soils treated with urea herbicides, and sequence determination of several DGGE fragments showed that the most affected species in the soils treated with diuron and linuron belonged to an uncultivated bacterial group. As well as the 16S rDNA fingerprints, the substrate utilization patterns of the microbial communities were compared. Principal-component analysis performed on BIOLOG data showed that the functional abilities of the soil microbial communities were altered by the application of the herbicides. In addition, enrichment cultures of the different soils in medium with the urea herbicides as the sole carbon and nitrogen source showed that there was no difference between treated and nontreated soil in the rate of transformation of diuron and chlorotoluron but that there was a strong difference in the case of linuron. In the enrichment cultures with linuron-treated soil, linuron disappeared completely after 1 week whereas no significant transformation was observed in cultures inoculated with nontreated soil even after 4 weeks. In conclusion, this study showed that both the structure and metabolic potential of soil microbial communities were clearly affected by a long-term application of urea herbicides.  相似文献   

新疆顿巴斯他乌盐湖沉积物免培养古菌多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】了解新疆顿巴斯他乌盐湖沉积物免培养古菌组成及多样性。【方法】利用免培养法直接从顿巴斯他乌盐湖沉积物样品中提取环境总DNA,采用古菌通用引物对16S rRNA基因进行扩增,构建基因克隆文库。对随机挑选的59个阳性克隆进行HaeⅢ限制性酶切分型并测序、BLAST比对及构建16S rRNA基因系统发育树。【结果】文库覆盖率为89%,Shannon-Wiener指数为2.69,共得到21个不同的可操作分类单元,分属于广古菌门(Euryarchaeota,92%)和泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota,8%),其中多数为盐杆菌科(Halobacteriaceae,88%)的盐杆菌属(Halobacterium,24%)、盐盒菌属(Haloarcula,18%)、盐碱红菌属(Natronorubrum,14%)、盐红菌属(Halorubrum,8%)等,与海盐环境(thalassohaline)获得的16S rRNA基因序列相似性最高(﹥95%);整个文库中约11%的克隆与可培养古菌多个属的相似性小于97%。【结论】顿巴斯他乌盐湖古菌多样性略低于同类高盐环境,组成较为一致,只是各类群所占百分比稍有不同,且可能存在一些潜在新物种或新类群。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场渗滤液中古细菌群落16S rRNA基因的ARDRA分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用特异性的引物对,选择性扩增垃圾填埋场渗滤液中古细菌群落的18S rRNA基因片断,在此基础上建立16S rDNA克隆文库,经古细菌通用寡核苷酸探针的原位杂交筛选后,克隆文库内古细菌16S rDNA扩增片断的多样性通过ARDRA分析(amplified rDNA restriction analysis)而获得,利用PCR将各组重克隆子内的16S rDNA外源片断再扩增出来后,两种限制性内切酶-Hha I和HaeⅢ-被分别用于16S rDNA克隆片断的限制酶切分析,结果表明,随机选出的70个古细菌16S rDNA克隆片断被妥为21个不同的ARDRA型(组),其中的两个优势型总共占了所有被分析克隆子的60%,而其余19个型的相对丰度均处于较低的水平,当中的14个型更仅含有1个克隆子,通过对16S rRNA基因的PCR扩增,克隆及其ARDRA分析,能快速地获得有关填埋场渗滤液中古细菌群落的结构及其多样性的初步信息。  相似文献   

Microbial communities host unparalleled taxonomic diversity. Adequate characterization of environmental and host-associated samples remains a challenge for microbiologists, despite the advent of 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In order to increase the depth of sampling for diverse bacterial communities, we developed a method for sequencing and assembling millions of paired-end reads from the 16S rRNA gene (spanning the V3 region; ~200 nucleotides) by using an Illumina genome analyzer. To confirm reproducibility and to identify a suitable computational pipeline for data analysis, sequence libraries were prepared in duplicate for both a defined mixture of DNAs from known cultured bacterial isolates (>1 million postassembly sequences) and an Arctic tundra soil sample (>6 million postassembly sequences). The Illumina 16S rRNA gene libraries represent a substantial increase in number of sequences over all extant next-generation sequencing approaches (e.g., 454 pyrosequencing), while the assembly of paired-end 125-base reads offers a methodological advantage by incorporating an initial quality control step for each 16S rRNA gene sequence. This method incorporates indexed primers to enable the characterization of multiple microbial communities in a single flow cell lane, may be modified readily to target other variable regions or genes, and demonstrates unprecedented and economical access to DNAs from organisms that exist at low relative abundances.  相似文献   

Faecal contamination is one of the major factors affecting biological water quality. In this study, we investigated microbial taxonomic diversity of faecally polluted lotic ecosystems in Norway. These ecosystems comprise tributaries of drinking water reservoirs with moderate and high faecal contamination levels, an urban creek exposed to extremely high faecal pollution and a rural creek that was the least faecally polluted. The faecal water contamination had both anthropogenic and zoogenic origins identified through quantitative microbial source tracking applying host-specific Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic markers. The microbial community composition revealed that Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes (70–90% relative abundance) were the most dominant bacterial phyla, followed by Firmicutes, especially in waters exposed to anthropogenic faecal contamination. The core archaeal community consisted of Parvarchaeota (mainly in the tributaries of drinking water reservoirs) and Crenarchaeota (in the rural creek). The aquatic microbial diversity was substantially reduced in water with severe faecal contamination. In addition, the community compositions diverge between waters with dominant anthropogenic or zoogenic pollution origins. These findings present novel interpretations of the effect of anthropo-zoogenic faecal water contamination on microbial diversity in lotic ecosystems.  相似文献   

A protocol was devised which permitted the extraction of DNA from deep marine sediments up to 503 m below the sea floor. These sediments have been laid down over the last 3 million years. 16S rRNA gene sequences were amplified from the DNA by the polymerase chain reaction. The details of the successful extraction and polymerase chain reaction methodology varied between samples from different depths. This emphasizes the attention to detail required to allow the diversity of bacteria in these deep sediments to be studied.  相似文献   

An ecological study on distribution of Antarctic bacterial communities was determined by 16S-based phylogenetic analyses of clone libraries derived from RNA and DNA extracted from two different marine areas and compared between each other. Superficial seawater samples were collected from four stations in Ross Sea, three of them located in Rod Bay and one in Evans Cove; for each station two clone libraries (16S rDNA and 16S rRNA) were prepared and evident divergences between DNA and RNA libraries of each site were obtained. Of all phylotypes 93.6% were found in RNA libraries; in contrast, only 31 phylotypes (70.5%) were retrieved from total microbial community (DNA libraries). DNA and RNA sequences related to gamma-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes groups, typical for Antarctic sea-ice bacterial communities, were detected in analysed sites. 16S rDNA and rRNA libraries derived from the two different areas were enriched by picophytoplanktonic 16S sequences of plastid and mitochondrion origins, reflecting that the algal blooms occurred during sampling (Antarctic summer 2003). The finding in Rod Bay libraries of high percentage of DNA clones apparently affiliated with beta-Proteobacteria typical for activated sludges and well water could be explained by the presence of a sewage depuration system at this site. Obtained results clearly demonstrate that combination of 16S rDNA and 16S rRNA gene sequencing is preferred approach to have a more reliable vision on the composition of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Three 16S rRNA gene clone libraries (P1L, P4L and P8L) were constructed using three soil samples (P1S, P4S and P8S) collected near Pindari glacier, Himalayas. The three libraries yielded a total of 703 clones. Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were common to the three libraries. In addition to the above P1L and P8L shared the phyla Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes and Planctomycetes. Phyla Chlamydiae, Chlorobi, Chloroflexi, Dictyoglomi, Fibrobacteres, Nitrospirae, Verrucomicrobia, candidate division SPAM and candidate TM7s TM7a phylum were present only in P1L. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the bacterial diversity in P4S and P8S soil samples was representative of the sample. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that P1S and P8S were different from P4S soil sample. PCA also indicated that arsenic content, pH, Cr and altitude influence the observed differences in the percentage of specific OTUs in the three 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. The observed bacterial diversity was similar to that observed for other Himalayan and non-polar cold habitats. A total of 40 strains of bacteria were isolated from the above three soil samples and based on the morphology 20 bacterial strains were selected for further characterization. The 20 bacteria belonged to 12 different genera. All the isolates were psychro-, halo- and alkalitolerant. Amylase and urease activities were detected in majority of the strains but lipase and protease activities were not detected. Long chain, saturated, unsaturated and branched fatty acids were predominant in the psychrotolerant bacteria.  相似文献   

Forty-nine strains belonging to the genus Gluconobacter were re-examined with respect to their species identification based on the sequences of the 16S rDNA and 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS). A phylogenetic tree constructed from the 16S rDNA sequences indicated the presence of five clusters corresponding, respectively, to the major five species of the genus Gluconobacter, namely G. albidus, G. cerinus, G. frateurii, G. oxydans (type species), and G. thailandicus. The type strain of G. asaii, NBRC 3276T (T=type strain) was included in the G. cerinus cluster, which is consistent with the report that G. asaii is a junior subjective synonym of G. cerinus. Existence of the G. albidus, G. cerinus, G. frateurii, G. oxydans, and G. thailandicus clusters was also recognized by the ITS sequence analysis. Both sequence analyses revealed that the G. cerinus and G. frateurii clusters were heterogeneous. The G. cerinus cluster comprised three strains of G. cerinus and one strain of G. frateurii, while the G. frateurii cluster included ten strains of G. frateurii, three of G. cerinus, and eleven of G. oxydans. These results suggest that phenotypic differences among Gluconobacter species are ambiguous and the species definition must be re-evaluated. The 16S rDNA and ITS sequences determined in this study are valuable for the identification and phylogenetic analysis of Gluconobacter species.  相似文献   

A total of 247 clones of 16S rRNA genes from microorganisms captured by 0.2- and 0.1-microm-pore-size filters from sedimentary and granite rock aquifers were amplified and yielded 37 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Fifteen OTUs captured by 0.1-microm-pore-size filters were affiliated with the candidate divisions OD1 and OP11, representing novel lineages. On the other hand, OTUs captured by 0.2-microm-pore-size filters were largely affiliated with Betaproteobacteria.  相似文献   

We report on the development and validation of a simple microarray method for the direct detection of intact 16S rRNA from unpurified soil extracts. Total RNAs from Geobacter chapellei and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were hybridized to an oligonucleotide array consisting of universal and species-specific 16S rRNA probes. PCR-amplified products from Geobacter and Desulfovibrio were easily and specifically detected under a range of hybridization times, temperatures, and buffers. However, reproducible, specific hybridization and detection of intact rRNA could be accomplished only by using a chaperone-detector probe strategy. With this knowledge, assay conditions were developed for rRNA detection using a 2-h hybridization time at room temperature. Hybridization specificity and signal intensity were enhanced using fragmented RNA. Formamide was required in the hybridization buffer in order to achieve species-specific detection of intact rRNA. With the chaperone detection strategy, we were able to specifically hybridize and detect G. chapellei 16S rRNA directly from a total-RNA soil extract, without further purification or removal of soluble soil constituents. The detection sensitivity for G. chapellei 16S rRNA in soil extracts was at least 0.5 microg of total RNA, representing approximately 7.5 x 10(6) Geobacter cell equivalents of RNA. These results suggest that it is now possible to apply microarray technology to the direct detection of microorganisms in environmental samples, without using PCR.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for comparing 16S rRNA gene clone libraries that is independent of both DNA sequence alignment and definition of bacterial phylogroups. These steps are the major bottlenecks in current microbial comparative analyses. We used direct comparisons of taxon density distributions in an absolute evolutionary coordinate space. The coordinate space was generated by using alignment-independent bilinear multivariate modeling. Statistical analyses for clone library comparisons were based on multivariate analysis of variance, partial least-squares regression, and permutations. Clone libraries from both adult and infant gastrointestinal tract microbial communities were used as biological models. We reanalyzed a library consisting of 11,831 clones covering complete colons from three healthy adults in addition to a smaller 390-clone library from infant feces. We show that it is possible to extract detailed information about microbial community structures using our alignment-independent method. Our density distribution analysis is also very efficient with respect to computer operation time, meeting the future requirements of large-scale screenings to understand the diversity and dynamics of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Modified-atmosphere packaging (MAP) of foods in combination with low-temperature storage extends product shelf life by limiting microbial growth. We investigated the microbial biodiversity of MAP salmon and coalfish by using an explorative approach and analyzing both the total amounts of bacteria and the microbial group composition (both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria). Real-time PCR analyses revealed a surprisingly large difference in the microbial loads for the different fish samples. The microbial composition was determined by examining partial 16S rRNA gene sequences from 180 bacterial isolates, as well as by performing terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and cloning 92 sequences from PCR products of DNA directly retrieved from the fish matrix. Twenty different bacterial groups were identified. Partial least-squares (PLS) regression was used to relate the major groups of bacteria identified to the fish matrix and storage time. A strong association of coalfish with Photobacterium phosphoreum was observed. Brochothrix spp. and Carnobacterium spp., on the other hand, were associated with salmon. These bacteria dominated the fish matrixes after a storage period. Twelve Carnobacterium isolates were identified as either Carnobacterium piscicola (five isolates) or Carnobacterium divergens (seven isolates), while the eight Brochothrix isolates were identified as Brochothrix thermosphacta by full-length 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Principal-component analyses and PLS analysis of the growth characteristics (with 49 different substrates) showed that C. piscicola had distinct substrate requirements, while the requirements of B. thermosphacta and C. piscicola were quite divergent. In conclusion, our explorative multivariate approach gave a picture of the total microbial biodiversity in MAP fish that was more comprehensive than the picture that could be obtained previously. Such information is crucial in controlled food production when, for example, the hazard analysis of critical control points principle is used.  相似文献   

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