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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, is a common and lethal form of muscular dystrophy. With progressive disease, most patients succumb to death from respiratory or heart failure, or both. However, the mechanisms, especially those governing cardiac inflammation and fibrosis in DMD, remain less understood. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) are a group of extracellular matrix proteases involved in tissue remodeling in both physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions. Previous studies have shown that MMP-9 exacerbates myopathy in dystrophin-deficient mdx mice. However, the role and the mechanisms of action of MMP-9 in cardiac tissue and the biochemical mechanisms leading to increased levels of MMP-9 in mdx mice remain unknown. Our results demonstrate that the levels of MMP-9 are increased in the heart of mdx mice. Genetic ablation of MMP-9 attenuated cardiac injury, left ventricle dilation, and fibrosis in 1-y-old mdx mice. Echocardiography measurements showed improved heart function in Mmp9-deficient mdx mice. Deletion of the Mmp9 gene diminished the activation of ERK1/2 and Akt kinase in the heart of mdx mice. Ablation of MMP-9 also suppressed the expression of MMP-3 and MMP-12 in the heart of mdx mice. Finally, our experiments have revealed that osteopontin, an important immunomodulator, contributes to the increased amounts of MMP-9 in cardiac and skeletal muscle of mdx mice. This study provides a novel mechanism for development of cardiac dysfunction and suggests that MMP-9 and OPN are important therapeutic targets to mitigating cardiac abnormalities in patients with DMD.  相似文献   

In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), dystrophin mutation leads to progressive lethal skeletal muscle degeneration. For unknown reasons, dystrophin deficiency does not recapitulate DMD in mice (mdx), which have mild skeletal muscle defects and potent regenerative capacity. We postulated that human DMD progression is a consequence of loss of functional muscle stem cells (MuSC), and the mild mouse mdx phenotype results from greater MuSC reserve fueled by longer telomeres. We report that mdx mice lacking the RNA component of telomerase (mdx/mTR) have shortened telomeres in muscle cells and severe muscular dystrophy that progressively worsens with age. Muscle wasting severity parallels a decline in MuSC regenerative capacity and is ameliorated histologically by transplantation of wild-type MuSC. These data show that DMD progression results, in part, from a cell-autonomous failure of?MuSC to maintain the damage-repair cycle initiated by dystrophin deficiency. The essential role of MuSC function has therapeutic implications for DMD.  相似文献   



The mdx mouse has proven to be useful in understanding the cardiomyopathy that frequently occurs in muscular dystrophy patients. Here we employed a comprehensive array of clinically relevant in vivo MRI techniques to identify early markers of cardiac dysfunction and follow disease progression in the hearts of mdx mice.

Methods and Results

Serial measurements of cardiac morphology and function were made in the same group of mdx mice and controls (housed in a non-SPF facility) using MRI at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after birth. Left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) systolic and diastolic function, response to dobutamine stress and myocardial fibrosis were assessed. RV dysfunction preceded LV dysfunction, with RV end systolic volumes increased and RV ejection fractions reduced at 3 months of age. LV ejection fractions were reduced at 12 months, compared with controls. An abnormal response to dobutamine stress was identified in the RV of mdx mice as early as 1 month. Late-gadolinium-enhanced MRI identified increased levels of myocardial fibrosis in 6, 9 and 12-month-old mdx mice, the extent of fibrosis correlating with the degree of cardiac remodeling and hypertrophy.


MRI could identify cardiac abnormalities in the RV of mdx mice as young as 1 month, and detected myocardial fibrosis at 6 months. We believe these to be the earliest MRI measurements of cardiac function reported for any mice, and the first use of late-gadolinium-enhancement in a mouse model of congenital cardiomyopathy. These techniques offer a sensitive and clinically relevant in vivo method for assessment of cardiomyopathy caused by muscular dystrophy and other diseases.  相似文献   

The mdx mouse is an animal model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Mdx mice fed a 12% NaCl diet from birth up to 20 days of age (mdx-Na mice) had an approximately 50% reduction in serum creatine kinase (CK) activity compared with mdx mice fed a standard diet. Most notably, necrotic fibers in tibialis anterior (TA) muscle of mdx-Na mice were reduced by 99% and were similar in control mice. These mdx mice displayed significantly elevated blood Ca2+ and Na+ levels, while the total calcium content of their TA muscle was reduced to the level of control mice. In addition, mdx-Na mice had elevated zinc and magnesium contents in their TA muscle. These results suggest that elevated serum Na+ leads to Ca2+ extrusion from muscle via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger causing a decrease in intracellular Ca2+ levels and an increase in blood Ca2+ levels. Extracellular Ca2+ and, in addition, Zn2+ and Mg2+ might also contribute to the stabilization of the cell membrane. Other possibilities explaining the surprisingly efficacious beneficial effect of dietary sodium exist and are discussed.  相似文献   

In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), palliative glucocorticoid therapy can produce myopathy or calcification. Since increased nitric oxide synthase activity in dystrophic mice promotes regeneration, the outcome of two nitric oxide (NO) donor drugs, MyoNovin (M) and isosorbide dinitrate (I), on the effectiveness of the anti-inflammatory drug prednisone (P) in alleviating progression of dystrophy was tested. Dystrophic mdx mice were treated (18 days) as controls or with an NO donor ± P. Fiber permeability and DNA synthesis were labeled by Evans blue dye (EBD) and bromodeoxyuridine uptake, respectively. P decreased body weight gain, M increased quadriceps mass, and I increased heart mass. P increased fiber permeability (%EBD+ fibers) and calcification in diaphragm. Treatment with NO donors + P (M+P, I+P) reduced %EBD+ fibers and calcification vs. P alone. %EBD+ fibers in M+P diaphragm did not differ from control. NO donor treatment reduced proliferation and the population of c-met+ cells and accelerated fiber regeneration. Concurrent with P, NO donor treatment suppressed two important detrimental effects of P in mice, possibly by accelerating regeneration, rebalancing satellite cell quiescence and activation in dystrophy, and/or increasing perfusion. Results suggest that NO donors could improve current therapy for DMD.  相似文献   

Germinal mosaicism in Duchenne muscular dystrophy   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
Summary We have identified a Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) pedigree where the disease is associated with a molecular deletion within the DMD locus. We have examined the meiotic segregation products of the common female ancestor using marker restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected by probes that lie within this deletion. These studies show that this female has transmitted three distinet types of X chromosome to her offspring. This observation may be explained by postulating that the mutation arose as a postzygotic deletion within this common ancestor, who was consequently germinally mosaic.  相似文献   

Sporadic cases in Duchenne muscular dystrophy   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary A new estimation of the proportion of sporadic cases in Duchenne muscular dystrophy was attempted by means of segregation analysis in a sample of 988 sibships collected on a world-wide scale by different authors. Maximum likelihood estimates of ascertainment probability (), segregation frequency (p), and frequency of sporadic cases (x) were calculated by Morton's equations under different hypotheses. The best fit was found for p=0.454±0.024 and x=0.235±0.034. The possibility that the proportion of sporadic cases might be lower than the expected 1/3 is suggested.  相似文献   

Plasma lipoproteins of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients and carriers of the disease, together with age- and sex-matched controls, were examined by density gradient ultracentrifugation and agarose gel electrophoresis. Analysis of density gradient profiles revealed a significant reduction in absorbance (435 nm) by low density and high density lipoproteins from Duchenne patients when compared with controls. Although no abnormalities were observed on electrophoresis of whole plasma samples, the isolated low density lipoprotein fractions from Duchenne patients and carriers displayed increased electrophoretic mobility compared with controls. The results obtained implicate the plasma lipoproteins, in particular the low density lipoproteins, as the primary site of the lesion in this disease.  相似文献   

Duchenne型肌营养不良症是我国常见的X连锁隐性遗传性肌病。目前广泛应用的动物模型是mdx小鼠,但其没有很好地模拟人类疾病特点。最近,Sacco等报导了一个新的小鼠模型mdx/mTRG2,它不仅有抗肌萎缩蛋白的缺陷,还有端粒酶的缺失,较好地模拟了人类疾病的症状。通过该模型,人们认识到抗肌萎缩蛋白的缺陷引起肌细胞退化,肌肉干细胞被激活对抗其退化,但干细胞的过度增殖又导致端粒长度下降,引起肌肉干细胞增殖能力的衰竭,最终产生了肌营养不良的表型。该模型使人们对Duchenne型肌营养不良症的发病机制有了进一步的理解,为其治疗提供了新的研究平台。  相似文献   

Dystrophinopathies are multi-system disorders that affect the skeletal musculature, the cardio-respiratory system and the central nervous system. The systematic screening of suitable biofluids for released or altered proteins promises new insights into the highly complex pathophysiology of X-linked muscular dystrophy. However, standard detection approaches using antibody-based assays often fail to reproducibly detect low-abundance protein isoforms in dilute biological fluids. In contrast, mass spectrometric screening approaches enable the proteome-wide identification of minor protein changes in biofluids. This report describes the findings from the comparative proteomic analysis of whole saliva samples from wild type versus the established mdx-4cv mouse model of highly progressive muscular dystrophy, focusing on the kallikrein protein family. Kallikrein-1 (Klk1) and 13 Klk1-related peptidases were identified in saliva and serum from normal mice. Comparative proteomics revealed elevated saliva levels of the Klk1-related peptidases Klk1-b1, Klk1-b5 and Klk-b22, as well as an increased Klk-1 concentration, which agrees with higher Klk-1 levels in serum from mdx-4cv mice. This indicates altered cellular signaling, extracellular matrix remodeling and an altered immune response in the mdx-4cv mouse, and establishes liquid biopsy procedures as suitable bioanalytical tools for the systematic survey of complex pathobiochemical changes in animal models of muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a lethal X-linked muscular disorder. The biochemical defect remains unknown, but the gene responsible has been mapped to band Xp21. The gene has now been cloned in two laboratories solely from knowledge of its map location. L. M. Kunkel and his colleagues isolated genomic sequences (PERT 87) from within a large deletion causing DMD, whereas our group isolated genomic sequences (XJ) spanning the junction of an X-autosome translocation causing the disease. Chromosome walking by both groups has led to the isolation of over 400 kilobases of the PERT 87 and XJ region. Subclones of PERT 87 and XJ reveal restriction fragment length polymorphisms that segregate with the DMD gene in 95% of meioses, and fail to hybridize with DNA from about 8% of male patients. Selected subclones of PERT 87 and XJ contain exons that hybridize to muscle-derived complementary DNA (cDNA) clones. The cDNA clones detect a large (16 kilobase) message. Analysis of deletions, mutations and translocations suggests a DMD gene of between two million and three million base pairs. The clones obtained so far are useful for attempts to generate antibody against the gene product and for carrier identification and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

We have studied by indirect immunofluorescence, using three different polyclonal antidystrophin antibodies raised against fusion proteins, the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) in muscle biopsies from Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients, from human controls and mutant "mdx" mice and normal mice. In controls the periphery of all muscle fibres was strongly labelled by the three dystrophin antibodies and there was a high concentration of labelling at the NMJs (where it was co-localized with acetylcholine receptor labelled by the alpha-bungarotoxin). In DMD and in "mdx" mice the NMJs were equally labelled whereas there was an absence of reaction at the periphery of all (DMD) or most ("mdx" mice) muscle fibers. These findings suggest that a dystrophin-like protein, which was identified by the antibodies we have used, is present at the NMJs in the Duchenne's myopathy and "mdx" mice.  相似文献   

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