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Impatiens comprises more than 1000 species and is one of the largest genera of flowering plants. The genus has a subcosmopolitan distribution, yet most of its evolutionary history is unknown. Diversification analyses, divergence time estimates and historical biogeography, illustrated that the extant species of Impatiens originated in Southwest China and started to diversify in the Early Miocene. Until the Early Pliocene, the net diversification rate within the genus was fairly slow. Since that time, however, approximately 80% of all Impatiens lineages have originated. This period of rapid diversification coincides with the global cooling of the Earth’s climate and subsequent glacial oscillations. Without this accelerated diversification rate, Impatiens would only have contained 1/5th of its current number of species, thereby indicating the rapid radiation of the genus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis using up to 1325 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA from 179 specimens and 30 species of Chalcides, Sphenops, Eumeces, Scincopus and Scincus indicates that Sphenops arose twice independently within Chalcides. It is consequently synonymized with that genus. Chalcides in this broader sense originated in Morocco, diversifying into four main clades about 10 Ma, after which some of its lineages dispersed widely to cover an area 40 times as large. Two separate lineages invaded the Canary Islands and at least five main lineages colonized southern Europe. At least five more spread across northern Africa, one extending into southwest Asia. Elongate bodies with reduced limbs have evolved at least four times in Chalcides, mesic 'grass-swimmers' being produced in one case and extensive adaptation to life in loose desert sand in two others. In clade, Chalcides striatus colonized SW Europe from NW Africa 2.6 Ma and C. chalcides mainland Italy 1.4 Ma, both invasions being across water, while C. c. vittatus reached Sardinia more recently, perhaps anthropogenically, and C. guentheri spread 1200km further east to Israel. C. minutus is a composite, with individuals from the type locality forming a long independent lineage and the remaining ones investigated being most closely related to C. mertensi. In the Northern clade, C. boulengeri and C. sepsoides spread east through sandy habitats north of the Sahara about 5 Ma, the latter reaching Egypt. C. bedriagai invaded Spain around the same time, perhaps during the Messinian period when the Mediterranean was dry, and shows considerable diversification. Although it is currently recognized as one species, the C. ocellatus clade exhibits as much phylogenetic depth as the other main clades of Chalcides, having at least six main lineages. These have independently invaded Malta and Sardinia from Tunisia and also southwest Arabia C. o. humilis appears to have spread over 4000 km through the Sahel, south of the Sahara quite recently, perhaps in the Pleistocene. In the Western clade of Chalcides, C. delislei appears to have dispersed in a similar way. There were also two invasions of the Canary Islands: one around 5 Ma by C. simonyi, and the other about 7 Ma by the ancestor of C. viridanus+C. sexlineatus. C. montanus was believed to be related to C. lanzai of the Northern clade, but in the mtDNA tree it is placed within C. polylepis of the Western clade, although this may possibly be an artifact of introgression. The Eumeces schneideri group, Scincopus and Scincus form a clade separate from Chalcides. Within this clade, the geographically disjunct E. schneideri group is paraphyletic. One of its members, E. algeriensis is the sister taxon to Scincopus, and Scincus may also be related to these taxa. The phylogeny suggests Scincopus entered desert conditions in Africa, up to 9.6 Ma and the same may have been true of Scincus up to 11.7 Ma. Scincus appears to have diversified and spread into Arabia around 6 Ma. Dates of origin and divergence of these skinks, desert Chalcides and other squamates agree with recent geological evidence that the Sahara is at least 5-7 My old. The subspecies Chalcides viridanus coeruleopunctatus is upgraded to the species level as C. coeruleopunctatus stat nov., on the basis of its large genetic divergence from C. v. viridanus.  相似文献   

Molecular systematics is frequently beset with phylogenetic results that are not fully resolved. Researchers either state that the absence of resolution is due to character conflict, explosive speciation, or some combination of the two, but seldom do they carefully examine their data to distinguish between these causes. In this study, we exhaustively analyze a set of nuclear and mitochondrial nucleotide data for the Asian tropical butterfly genus Arhopala so as to highlight the causes of polytomies in the phylogenetic trees, and, as a result, to infer important biological events in the history of this genus. We began by using non-parametric statistical methods to determine whether the ambiguously resolved regions in these trees represent hard or soft polytomies. In addition we determined how this correlated to number of inferred changes on branches, using parametric maximum likelihood estimations. Based on congruent patterns in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we concluded that at two stages in the history of Arhopala there have been accelerated instances of speciation. One event, at the base of the phylogeny, generated many of the groups and subgroups currently recognized in this genus, while a later event generated another major clade consisting of both Oriental and Papuan species groups. Based on comparisons of closely related taxa, the ratio of instantaneous rate of evolution between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA evolution is established at approximately 3:1. The earliest radiation is dated between 7 and 11 Ma by a molecular clock analysis, setting the events generating much of the diversity of Arhopala at well before the Pleistocene. Periodical flooding of the Sunda plateau during interglacial periods was, therefore, not responsible for generating the major divisions in the genus Arhopala. Instead, we hypothesize that large-scale climatic changes taking place in the Miocene have induced the early acceleration in speciation.  相似文献   

Partial sequences of three mitochondrial DNA genes, 12S rDNA, 16S rDNA and cytochrome b, and one nuclear gene, c-mos, were used to assess the phylogenetic relationships of species belonging to the genus Afroablepharus from the volcanic islands of the Gulf of Guinea (West Africa) and neighboring continental Africa. Additionally, partial sequences of cytochrome b were used to compare levels of sequence divergence within populations. The three forms from S?o Tomé, Príncipe and Annobon (one per island) are genetically distinct, with high levels of divergence, supporting the recognition of a distinct species in each island. Populations within each island contain very low levels of genetic diversity. These three forms form a monophyletic group suggesting a single initial colonization followed by radiation to the other islands, possibly from S?o Tomé to Príncipe and Annobon. This is contrary to what was found in other reptiles from these islands such as Mabuya (sensu lato) and Hemidactylus, which colonized the islands multiple times. Assuming a molecular clock for cytochrome b of about 2% divergence per million years (usually applied to Sauria), the lineage on Annobon island exceeds the age of the island, thus casting further doubt on this widely used divergence estimate. Partial sequences of c-mos showed no variation within islands. Five to seven sites were variable among islands, which is a high value further supporting the treatment of each island form as a distinct species.  相似文献   

The dice snake, Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768), is a suitable study organism to address questions of Eurasian phylogeography due to its wide Palearctic distribution. We analysed complete mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences and nuclear ISSR-PCR fingerprints of more than 300 specimens representing nearly the entire geographic range. Nine major mitochondrial lineages were discovered based on mtDNA sequences. The three most basal lineages comprised populations from Iran, Jordan–Egypt, and Greece, respectively. Other lineages were associated with samples from the Turkish peninsula, the Caucasus, the Aral Sea, and eastern Kazakhstan. A sister-group relationship was found between two lineages from Crete and the European mainland. Assuming an evolutionary rate of 1.35% sequence divergence per million years, among-lineage p-distances of 1.7–8.4% suggest that intraspecific differentiation might date back as far as the Miocene/Pliocene transition 5–6 million years ago. The pattern of genetic differentiation in mitochondrial phylogeny with regard to Asia Minor and the region of the Aral Sea was not congruent with the results of the nuclear ISSR-PCR analyses, and suggests admixing within some mtDNA clades at contact zones. The taxonomic implications of the high intraspecific variation in the dice snake are discussed.  相似文献   

The Asian scimitar babblers, including the genus Pomatorhinus and Xiphirhynchus, are a small group of babblers characterized by long down-curved bills and a distribution throughout East and Southeast Asia. To infer the molecular phylogeny of this group and their divergence time, we examined sequences of multiple fragments including two entire mitochondrial genes and four nuclear introns (4352 bp in total) from multiple samples of eight of the nine recognized species of Asian scimitar babblers. The phylogeny resulting from the concatenated multi-locus dataset suggests that Pomatorhinus is paraphyletic. Due to its paraphyly, we propose dividing the traditional genus Pomatorhinus into two morphologically and genetically diagnosable genera: Pomatorhinus and Erythrogenys. Results of the molecular dating based on the conventional mitochondrial DNA divergence rate indicates that the diversification of these babblers is likely congruent with the historical climatic events. Our findings shed light on the diversification of avian species in southern Asia, a poorly studied biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

The genus Tripterygion is the unique genus of the family Tripterygiidae in the Mediterranean Sea and in the northeastern Atlantic coast. Three species and four subspecies had been described: Tripterygion tripteronotus and Tripterygion melanurus (T. m. melanurus and T. m. minor) are endemic of the Mediterranean, and T. delaisi (T. d. delaisi and T. d. xanthosoma) is found in both areas. We used five different genes (12S, 16S, tRNA-val, COI, and 18S) to elucidate their taxonomy status and their phylogenetic relationships. We employed different phylogenetic reconstructions that yielded different tree topologies. This discrepancy may be caused by the speciation process making difficult the reconstruction of a highly supported tree. All pair comparisons between these three species showed the same genetic divergence indicating that the speciation process could have been resolved by a rapid radiation event after the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.2Mya) leading to a trichotomy. Our molecular data revealed two clearly supported clades within T. tripteronotus, whose divergence largely exceeded that found between other fish species, consequently these two groups should be considered two cryptic species diverging 2.75-3.32Mya along the Pliocene glaciations. On the contrary, none of the genes studied supported the existence of two subspecies of T. melanurus. Finally, the two subspecies of T. delaisi were validated and probably originated during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations (1.10-1.23Mya), however their distribution ranges should be redefined.  相似文献   

The combined analyses, based on ITS, trnL-F and matR DNA sequence data respectively from the nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial genomes, reveal that Gordonia is not a monophyletic group, and on the contrary, distributed in two major lineages in Theaceae. The only North American species, G. lasianthus, is located in Gordonieae together with Schima and Franklinia, whereas the Chinese Gordonia species are positioned in Theeae together with Camellia, Pyrenaria s.l. and Apterosperma. This result, to great extent, supports the viewpoints of separating the North American and Asiatic Gordonia species into two different genera, Gordonia s.str. and Polyspora, respectively.The study was partially supported by funds from a project of the Provincial Natural Sciences Foundation Committee of Yunnan, P. R. China (97C039Q), the special support grants from The Chinese Academy of Sciences for biotaxonomy and floristics.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands have been a focus for phylogeographic studies on the colonization and diversification of endemic angiosperm taxa. Based on phylogeographic patterns, both inter island colonization and adaptive radiation seem to be the driving forces for speciation in most taxa. Here, we investigated the diversification of Micromeria on the Canary Islands and Madeira at the inter- and infraspecific level using inter simple sequence repeat PCR (ISSR), the trnK-Intron and the trnT-trnL-spacer of the cpDNA and a low copy nuclear gene. The genus Micromeria (Lamiaceae, Mentheae) includes 16 species and 13 subspecies in Macaronesia. Most taxa are restricted endemics, or grow in similar ecological conditions on two islands. An exception is M. varia, a widespread species inhabits the lowland scrub on each island of the archipelago and could represent an ancestral taxon from which radiation started on the different islands. Our analyses support a split between the "eastern" islands Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and Gran Canaria and the "western" islands Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro. The colonization of Madeira started from the western Islands, probably from Tenerife as indicated by the sequence data. We identified two lineages of Micromeria on Gomera but all other islands appear to be colonized by a single lineage, supporting adaptive radiation as the major evolutionary force for the diversification of Micromeria. We also discuss the possible role of gene flow between lineages of different Micromeria species on one island after multiple colonizations.  相似文献   

We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships of the family Badidae using both mitochondrial and nuclear nucleotide sequence data to address badid systematics and to evaluate the role of vicariant speciation on their evolution and current distribution. Phy-logenetic hypotheses were derived from complete cytochrome b (1,140 base pairs) sequences of 33 individuals representing 13 badid species, and using three species of Nandidae as outgroups. Additionally, we sequenced the nuclear RAG1 (1,473 base pairs) and Tmo-4C4 (511 base pairs) genes from each of the badid species and one representative of the outgroup. Our molecular data provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis of badid intrarelationships. Analysis of the mitochondrial and nuclear nucleotide sequence data sets resulted in well-supported trees, indicating a basal split between the genera Dario and Badis, and further supporting the division of the genus Badis into five species groups as suggested by a previous taxonomic revision of the Badidae. Within the genus Badis, mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies differed in the relative position of B. kyar. We also used our molecular phylogeny to test a vicariant speciation hypothesis derived from geological evidence of large-scale changes in drainage patterns in the Miocene affecting the Irrawaddy- and Tsangpo-Brahmaputra drainages, in the southeastern Himalaya. Within both genera, Badis and Dario, we observed a divergence into Irrawaddy- and Tsangpo-Brahmaputra clades. Using a cytb substitution rate of 8.2 x 10(-9) (substitutions x base pair(-1) x year(-1), we tentatively date this vicariant event at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary (19-24Myr). It is concordant with a hypothesized paleo connection of the Tsangpo river with the Irrawaddy drainage that was most likely interrupted during Miocene orogenic events through tectonic uplifts in eastern Tibet. Our data, therefore, indicate a substantial role of vicariant-based speciation shaping the current distribution patterns of badids.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of representative species from the five genera of Winteraceae (Drimys, Pseudowintera, Takhtajania, Tasmannia, and Zygogynum s.l.) were performed using ITS nuclear sequences and a combined data-set of ITS + psbA-trnH + rpS16 sequences (sampling of 30 and 15 species, respectively). Indel informativity using simple gap coding or gaps as a fifth character was examined in both data-sets. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses support the monophyly of Drimys, Tasmannia, and Zygogynum s.l., but do not support the monophyly of Belliolum, Zygogynum s.s., and Bubbia. Within Drimys, the combined data-set recovers two subclades. Divergence time estimates suggest that the splitting between Drimys and its sister clade (Pseudowintera + Zygogynum s.l.) occurred around the end of the Cretaceous; in contrast, the divergence between the two subclades within Drimys is more recent (15.5–18.5 MY) and coincides in time with the Andean uplift. Estimates suggest that the earliest divergences within Winteraceae could have predated the first events of Gondwana fragmentation.  相似文献   

Intelectins are a recently identified group of animal lectins involved in innate immune surveillance. This paper describes the primary structure, expression and immunohistochemical localization of a rainbow trout plasma intelectin (RTInt). RTInt exhibited calcium-dependent binding to N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and mannose conjugated Toyopearl Amino 650 M matrices. When GlcNAc eluates from chromatography matrices were analyzed by reducing 1D PAGE and Western blots, the lectin appeared as approximately 37 kDa and approximately 72 kDa bands. Similar analysis of plasma revealed a single 72 kDa band under reducing conditions. MALDI-TOF MS demonstrated five, approximately 37 kDa isoforms (pI 5.3-6.1) separated by 2D-PAGE. A 975 bp cDNA sequence obtained by RT-PCR from liver and spleen tissue encoded a 325 amino acid secretory protein with homology to human and murine intelectins, which bind bacterial components and are induced during parasitic infections. Gene expression and immunohistochemistry detected RTInt in gill, spleen, hepatic sinusoid, renal interstitium, intestine, skin, swim bladder and within leukocytes. Direct binding assays demonstrated the ability of RTInt to bind relevant bacterial and chitinous targets. These findings suggest that RTInt plays a role in innate immune defense against bacterial and chitinous microbial organisms.  相似文献   

We present the first parsimony analyses of the Neotropical family Quiinaceae using nucleotide sequence data from the non-coding trnL intron and trnL-trnF intergenic spacer of the plastid genome, analysed separately as well as in combination with morphology. Both molecules and combined data recover Quiinaceae as a well-supported monophyletic group. Quiinaceae form a polytomy together with their potential sister groups, the monophyletic Ochnaceae s.str. and the monotypic Medusagynaceae from the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. Froesia is resolved as sister to the rest of the family. Other members of the family, Lacunaria, Quiina, and Touroulia, are all recovered as monophyletic despite the inclusion of strikingly distinctive representatives (L. oppositifolia and Q. pteridophylla). Relationships among the last three genera, however, are yet uncertain. Optimising characters of breeding system onto the molecular phylogeny reveals that bisexual flowers (Froesia) are the ancestral state in Quiinaceae, whereas androdioecy (Quiina, Touroulia) and dioecy (Lacunaria) are derived breeding systems.  相似文献   

刘树霞  徐军田  邹定辉 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7089-7096
为了研究经济海藻羊栖菜对大气CO2浓度增加与紫外辐射(UVR)相互作用的响应,设置两个CO2浓度(380μL/L和800μL/L)以及两种辐射处理,即PAR处理(滤除UV-A、UV-B,藻体仅接受可见光,400—700nm)和PAB处理(全波长辐射280—700nm)培养海藻,探讨了羊栖菜生长、光合作用、呼吸作用、光合色素含量、可溶性糖和蛋白以及硝酸还原酶活性的变化情况。结果表明高浓度CO2显著提高羊栖菜藻体的相对生长速率,并且紫外辐射的负面效应在高CO2处理下表现不显著。高CO2降低了藻体的光合作用速率,而UVR的负面效应和生长体现为一致性,但是羊栖菜的呼吸作用没有受到环境变化的明显影响。羊栖菜的光合色素叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素在高浓度CO2处理下明显降低,而UVR没有明显影响。环境因子对羊栖菜的可溶性糖没有影响,但是在高CO2和全波长辐射处理下,藻体可溶性蛋白的含量显著增加。同时高CO2明显提高了硝酸还原酶的活性,并且仅在高浓度CO2处理下藻体中UVR对其活性有抑制作用。CO2和UVR对羊栖菜的大多数生理特性存在明显的交互作用,在未来CO2浓度进一步增加的情况下,UVR的负面效应将会得到一定程度的缓解,这样有利于羊栖菜在养殖海区获得更高的产量。  相似文献   

The genus Drosophila has played an essential role in many biological studies during the last 100 years but much controversy and many incompletely addressed issues still remain to be elucidated regarding the phylogeny of this genus. Because information on the Neotropical species contained in the subgenus Drosophila is particularly incomplete, with this taxonomic group being underrepresented in many studies, we designed a study to answer some evolutionary questions related to these species. We subjected at least 41 Drosophilidae taxa to a phylogenetic analysis using a 516-base pair (bp) fragment of the alpha-methyldopa (Amd) nuclear gene and a 672 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) gene both individually and in combination. We found that the subgenus Drosophila is paraphyletic and subdivided into two main clusters: the first containing species traditionally placed in the virilis-repleta radiation and the second assembling species of the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila radiation. Inside the first of these clusters we could detect the monophyly of both the flavopilosa (the sister-clade of the annulimana group) and the mesophragmatica (closely related to the repleta group) species groups. Concerning the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila lineage, Zaprionus, Liodrosophila, Samoaia, and Hirtodrosophila were the early offshoots, followed by the immigrans, quinaria, testacea, and funebris species groups. The tripunctata radiation appears to be a derived clade, composed of a paraphyletic tripunctata group, intimately interposed with members of the cardini, guarani, and guaramunu species groups. Overall, the COII gene yielded a poor phylogenetic performance when compared to the Amd gene, the evolutionary hypothesis of which agreed with the total evidence tree. This phenomenon can be explained by the fast saturation of transitional substitutions in COII, due to strong biases in both base composition and substitution patterns, as also by its great among-site rate variation heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Cyrtomium is an Asiatic genus characterized by anastomosing veins with included veinlets, and comprises about 40 species. We sequenced rbcL and trnL-F sequences of 19 species of Cyrtomium and eight species from related genera in order to elucidate a molecular phylogeny of the genus using maximum-parsimony methods. The phylogenetic trees did not agree with traditional classifications. Cyrtomium was resolved as paraphyletic, and a clade including subseries Balansana of Cyrtomium, Cyrtogonellum, Polystichum subacutidens and Cyrtomidictyum (the BCPC clade) and a second one containing Cyrtomium sensu stricto were monophyletic. The results also implied that: (1) C. uniseriale was synonymous with C. balansae; (2) C. falcatum was likely the female parent of C. devexiscapulae; and (3) based on the rbcL and trnL-F sequence data, C. nephrolepioides and C. grossum were the female parents of C. shingianum and C. chingianum, respectively, although other evidence is needed for the confirmation of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest and research into the benefits of multiple low-copy nuclear regions for phylogenetic studies at low taxonomic levels. In this study, the phylogenetic utility of DNA sequence data from two low-copy nuclear genes, nitrate reductase (NIA) and granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI), was compared with data from nuclear ribosomal ITS and the cpDNA spacers trnT–trnF and trnD–trnT across 33 closely related taxa in tribe Lycieae (Solanaceae). The NIA data (introns 1–2) had the most parsimony-informative characters, with over twice the number provided by GBSSI, but NIA also had greater homoplasy. Although gene trees were generally concordant across the four regions, there were some notable areas of incongruence, suggesting both incomplete lineage sorting as well as possible reticulate origins.  相似文献   

GlyptothoraxBlyth (1860) is the most species-diverse and widely-distributed genus in the Sisoridae, but few studies have examined monophyly of the genus and phylogenetic relations within it. We used the nuclear RAG2 gene and mitochondrial COI and Cyt b genes from 50 of the approximately 70 species to examine monophyly of Glyptothorax and phylogenetic relationships within the genus. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. All methods strongly supported monophyly of Glyptothorax, with Bagarius as its sister group. Both analyses of two- and three-gene datasets recovered nine major subclades of Glyptothorax, but some internal nodes remained poorly resolved. The phylogenetic relationships within the genus and existing taxonomic problems are discussed.  相似文献   

It has proven remarkably difficult to obtain a well-resolved and strongly supported phylogeny for horned lizards (Phrynosoma) because of incongruence between morphological and mitochondrial DNA sequence data. We infer the phylogenetic relationships among all 17 extant Phrynosoma species using >5.1 kb of mtDNA (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, ND1, ND2, ND4, Cyt b, and associated tRNA genes), and >2.2kb from three nuclear genes (RAG-1, BDNF, and GAPD) for most taxa. We conduct separate and combined phylogenetic analyses of these data using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. The phylogenetic relationships inferred from the mtDNA data are congruent with previous mtDNA analyses based on fewer characters and provide strong support for most branches. However, we detected strong incongruence between the mtDNA and nuclear data using comparisons of branch support and Shimodaira-Hasegawa tests, with the (P. platyrhinos+P. goodei) clade identified as the primary source of this conflict. Our analysis of a P. mcalliixP. goodei hybrid suggests that this incongruence is caused by reticulation via introgressive hybridization. Our preferred phylogeny based on an analysis of the combined data (excluding the introgressed mtDNA data) provides a new framework for interpreting character evolution and biogeography within Phrynosoma. In the context of this improved phylogeny we propose a phylogenetic taxonomy highlighting four clades: (1) Tapaja, containing the viviparous short-horned lizards P. ditmarsi, P. hernandesi, P. douglasii, and P. orbiculare; (2) Anota, containing species with prominent cranial horns (P. solare, P. mcallii, and the P. coronatum group); (3) Doliosaurus, containing three species lacking antipredator blood-squirting (P. modestum, P. platyrhinos, and P. goodei); and (4) Brevicauda, containing two viviparous species with extremely short tails that lack blood-squirting (P. braconnieri and P. taurus).  相似文献   

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