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Summary The genetics behind response in barley anther culture was studied with 22 reciprocal and one single: cross between three varieties with high and four varieties with low capacity for green plant formation. Effects of genotypes dominated embryo formation and percentages of green plants, accounting for 62 and 76% of total variation, respectively, with almost no genetic effect on the ability to regenerate plants from pollen embryos. Nuclear genes could explain all genotype effects in this plant material, since no reciprocal effects were indicated. The three parents with high and the four parents with low capacity for green plant formation formed two phenotypically homogeneous groups, producing 27–52% and 0–7% green plants, respectively. Genetic variation within hybrids for both embryo and green plant formation could be explained completely by general combining ability (GCA). The results are discussed with respect to a previous similar study in hexaploid wheat and the reported existence of DNA deletions in the plastid genomes in albino plants from anther culture of wheat and barley.  相似文献   

Barley isolated microspore culture (IMC) was compared to anther culture (AC) for its efficiency in green plant (GP) regeneration. With six cultivars investigated, IMC resulted in significantly more GPs (3.6–287 per 100 anthers) than AC (0–29.6), which was on average 9.3-fold more efficient (113.7 vs 12.2). GPs were produced via IMC from all the genotypes tested, whereas no green shoot was generated by AC in two of the cultivars. In spite of genotype dependency for regeneration rates, the average GP percentage of IMC was just slightly higher than that of AC. Effects of microspore developmental stages and medium-sterilization methods on IMC were examined with the aim of optimizing culture conditions. We found that the optimum stage for cold pretreatment of spikes was different from that for mannitol starvation of anthers. Significant variations in microspore embryogenesis and regeneration were observed among five stages tested. Optimal stages for the two pretreatments were accordingly determined. Percentages of viable microspores were strongly influenced by protocols of medium-aseptisation. Although filter-sterilized media yielded two-time higher frequencies of living microspores and significantly more GPs than autoclaved ones, the filtration protocol was rather labor-intensive and time-consuming. Therefore a new procedure by combining filtering with autoclaving was subsequently developed as it was more effective than autoclaving and more convenient than filter-sterilization. The method described here could be useful for large-scale preparation of culture media.  相似文献   

Caraway (Carum carvi L.) is a traditional medicinal and spice cross-pollinated plant species. Although in vitro techniques are recently extensively applied in plant breeding programmes, these are not commonly utilized in caraway. Therefore, based on the protocol for anther culture in carrot (Daucus carota L., a closely related species of caraway in Daucaceae family), in vitro androgenesis in caraway has been studied with the aim to produce completely homozygous inbred lines. Various induction conditions, such as temperature pretreatments, carbon sources and combination of growth regulators in a culture medium as well as the effect of genotype on in vitro androgenesis were examined. Ten breeding lines of winter caraway representing third generation of forced (artificial) self-pollination were used as donor plant material. Cultured anthers produced embryogenic calli, and subsequently two types of regenerated plants were obtained, namely haploids with evident microspore origin, and diploids which may represent somatic (anther wall) regenerants or spontaneous doubled haploids. The ploidy status of regenerated plants was determined by flow cytometry. This is the first report on androgenic doubled haploid production in caraway.  相似文献   

Androgenesis-based methods of doubled haploid (DH) production show considerable variation in efficiency in different barley genotypes. Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) have been shown to play a key role in several developmental processes, including embryogenesis, in different plant species. In this study we investigated the effect of exogenous AGPs from gum arabic on androgenesis and the regeneration efficiency in barley anther culture. Supplementation of the induction medium with 10 mg l?1 gum arabic increased the total plant regeneration rate up to 2.8 times; when exposure to GA was extended to also include the pretreatment step, the regeneration rate was up to 6.6-times higher than in control. The effect of gum arabic was reversed by the Yariv reagent, an AGPs antagonist. This suggests a direct involvement of AGPs in androgenic development from barely microspores. Addition of gum arabic reduced cell mortality, increased the frequency of mitotic divisions of microspores and the number of multicellular structures (MCSs) when compared to control. The positive effect of gum arabic also included reduction in time required for the androgenic induction and substantially improved the quality of formed embryos. Observations made in this study imply a complex role of AGPs during androgenic development and confirmed the usefulness of gum arabic in production of barley androgenic plants.  相似文献   

Most Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistant barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions perform relatively poorly from an agronomic point of view. Due to the polygenic inheritance of FHB resistance, introgression of this complex trait into well-adapted elite germplasm will likely require multiple cycles of hybridization and selection to combine resistance and agronomic performance. The use of anther culture to produce doubled haploids would seem well justified to reduce the time required to achieve this goal. Unfortunately, little is known concerning the androgenic response of the small number of genotypes with known partial FHB resistance. To make the best use of such FHB resistance donors in a barley improvement program, we first characterized the FHB resistance of eight reported FHB resistance sources (Chevron, Gobernadora, Seijo II, Shyri, Svanhals, Zhedar I, F104-250-9 and C97-21-38-3) in our own FHB nursery in Quebec City (QC, Canada). In parallel, we assessed the androgenic response of these same eight lines with that of three cultivars (ACCA, Léger and Cadette) of known androgenic response. Finally, the androgenic response of F1 hybrids involving some of these genotypes used as parents was measured and compared to that of the parental genotypes. Very large and significant differences were observed in the number of green plants produced by the different accessions and F1s. Although anther culture seemed very promising for some accessions, for others, the androgenic response was so low that a conventional approach would seem more appropriate.  相似文献   

Most cultivars of higher plants display poor regeneration capacity of explants due to yet unknown genotypic determined mechanisms. This implies that technologies such as transformation often are restricted to model cultivars with good tissue characteristics. In the present paper, we add further evidence to our previous hypothesis that regeneration from young barley embryos derived from in vitro-cultured ovules is genotype independent. We investigated the ovule culture ability of four cultivars Femina, Salome, Corniche and Alexis, known to have poor response in other types of tissue culture, and compared that to the data for the model cultivar, Golden Promise. Subsequently, we analyzed the transformation efficiencies of the four cultivars using the protocol for Agrobacterium infection of ovules, previously developed for Golden Promise. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL0, carrying the binary vector pVec8-GFP harboring a hygromycin resistance gene and the green fluorescence protein (GFP) gene, was used for transformation. The results strongly indicate that the tissue culture response level in ovule culture is genotype independent. However, we did observe differences between cultivars with respect to frequencies of GFP-expressing embryos and frequencies of regeneration from the GFP-expressing embryos under hygromycin selection. The final frequencies of transformed plants per ovule were lower for the four cultivars than that for Golden Promise but the differences were not statistically significant. We conclude that ovule culture transformation can be used successfully to transform cultivars other than Golden Promise. Similar to that observed for Golden Promise, the ovule culture technique allows for the rapid and direct generation of high quality transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Homozygosity was induced in transgenic barley by microspore culture. Spikes of transgenic barley plants carrying microspores in the late uni-nucleate stage were cold pretreated. Teflon rod maceration and a density of 100 000 viable micropores per plate were used. The developed calli were regenerated and plantlets were treated with colchicine. The microspore culture of 16 mother plants (three transgenic lines) resulted in 927 green regenerants. Of these plants, 476 were transferred to soil, 380 were transgenic, 358 reached maturity and 350 were fertile with a normal seed-set carrying a yield of 6.9 kg. A production efficiency of 0.8 fertile transgenic doubled haploid barley plants per spike used for microspore isolation was recorded. The produced transgenic seeds were used in malting experiments.  相似文献   

The changes of genetic diversity over time were monitored in 504 European barley cultivars released during the 20th century by genotyping with 35 genomic microsatellites. For analysis, the following four temporal groups were distinguished: 1900–1929 (TG1 with 19 cultivars), 1930–1949 (TG2 with 40 cultivars), 1950–1979 (237 cultivars as TG3), and 1980–2000 (TG4 consisting of 208 cultivars). After rarefaction of allelic diversity data to the comparable sample size of 18 varieties, of the 159 alleles found in the first group (TG1) 134 were retained in the last group (TG4) resulting in a loss of only 15.7% of alleles. On the other hand 51 novel alleles were discovered in the group representing the last investigated time period (TG4) in comparison with the TG1. Novel alleles appeared evenly distributed over the genome, almost at all investigated genomic loci, with up to five such novel alleles per locus. Alleles specific for a temporal group were discovered for all investigated time periods, however analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) did not reveal any significant population structure attributable to temporal decadal grouping. Only 2.77% of the total observed variance was due to differences between the four temporal groups and 1.42% between individual decades of the same temporal group, while 95.81% of the variance was due to variation within temporal groups. The distinction between two-rowed and six-rowed genetic types accounted for 19.5% of the total observed variance by AMOVA, whereas the comparison between ‘winter’ and ‘spring’ types accounted for 17% of the total observed variation. The analysis of linkage disequilibrium did not reveal statistically significant differences between the temporal groups. The results indicated that the impact of breeding effort and variety delivery systems did not result in any significant quantitative losses of genetic diversity in the representative set of barley cultivars over the four time periods.  相似文献   

The vhb gene encoding Vitreoscilla haemoglobin (VHb) was transferred to barley with the aim of studying the role of oxygen availability in germination and growth. Previous findings indicate that VHb expression improves the efficiency of energy generation during oxygen-limited growth, and germination is known to be an energy demanding growth stage during which the embryos also suffer from oxygen deficiency. When subjected to oxygen deficiency, the roots of vhb-expressing barley plants showed a smaller increase in alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity than those of the control plants. This indicates that VHb plants experienced less severe oxygen deficiency than the control plants, possibly due to the ability of VHb to substitute ADH for recycling NADH and maintaining glycolysis. In contrast to previous findings, we found that constitutive vhb expression did not improve the germination rate of barley kernels in any of the conditions studied. In some cases, vhb expression even slowed down germination slightly. VHb production also appeared to restrict root formation in young seedlings. The adverse effects of VHb on germination and root growth may be related to its ability to scavenge nitric oxide (NO), an important signal molecule in both seed germination and root formation. Because NO has both cytotoxic and stimulating properties, the effect of vhb expression in plants may depend on the level and role of endogenous NO in the conditions studied. VHb production also affected the levels of endogenous barley haemoglobin, which may explain the relatively moderate effects of VHb in this study.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) tolerance in barley is conditioned by the Alp locus on the long arm of chromosome 4H, which is associated with Al-activated release of citrate from roots. We developed a high-resolution map of the Alp locus using 132 doubled haploid (DH) lines from a cross between Dayton (Al-tolerant) and Zhepi 2 (Al-sensitive) and 2,070 F2 individuals from a cross between Dayton and Gairdner (Al-sensitive). The Al-activated efflux of citrate from the root apices of Al-tolerant Dayton was 10-fold greater than from the Al-sensitive parents Zhepi 2 and Gairdner. A suite of markers (ABG715, Bmag353, GBM1071, GWM165, HvMATE and HvGABP) exhibited complete linkage with the Alp locus in the DH population accounting 72% of the variation for Al tolerance evaluated as relative root elongation. These markers were used to map this genomic region in the Dayton/Gairdner population in more detail. Flanking markers HvGABP and ABG715 delineated the Alp locus to a 0.2 cM interval. Since the HvMATE marker was not polymorphic in the Dayton/Gairdner population we instead investigated the expression of the HvMATE gene. Relative expression of the HvMATE gene was 30-fold greater in Dayton than Gardiner. Furthermore, HvMATE expression in the F2:3 families tested, including all the informative recombinant lines identified between HvGABP and ABG715 was significantly correlated with Al tolerance and Al-activated citrate efflux. These results identify HvMATE, a gene encoding a multidrug and toxic compound extrusion protein, as a candidate controlling Al tolerance in barley.  相似文献   

A simple anther culture protocol for Australian spring wheat cultivars was developed using ovary co-culture. The inclusion of ovaries in the induction medium significantly increased the production of embryo-like structures (ELS), green and albino plants in two spring wheat cultivars tested. When five ovaries were added to the induction medium, the mean number of ELS per spike increased from 7.6 to 50.1 and green plants per spike increased from 0.6 to 8.9. The addition of 10 ovaries, however, did not further increase the production of ELS or green plants. The growth regulator combination of 2,4-D and KIN was compared with IAA and BA. There were no significant differences in the numbers of ELS or green plants although significantly fewer albino plants were produced with IAA and BA. Eight additional cultivars were screened using the protocol with either 5 or 10 ovaries in the induction medium. Green plants were obtained from nine varieties at frequencies ranging from 0.3 to 33.0 green plants per spike. Regenerant plants at maturity exhibited chromosome fertility rates in different cultivars ranging from 15% to 100%.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the improvement of embryo production in wheat anther culture. Three butanol alcohols, n-butanol, sec-butanol and tert-butanol, were evaluated for their effect on microspore embryogenesis in two spring cultivars of wheat, Pavon and Caramba. Application of n-butanol, at 0.1 and 0.2% (v/v) in the induction media for 5 h, highly improved embryo production in both cultivars. Sec- and tert-butanol performed similarly to control plates. Regeneration ability was unaffected by any butyl-alcohol treatment. As a consequence of the higher embryo production after n-butanol treatment, the number of green regenerated plants increased up to five times in cultivar Pavon and up to three times in cultivar Caramba. The percentage of green plants was improved or unaffected by the treatment. Doubled haploid plant production was between 2 and 4 times higher after n-butanol treatment than in control plates. Therefore, n-butanol was successfully applied in the production of wheat doubled haploids. This primary alcohol is known as an activator of phospholipase D and has been previously reported to disrupt cortical microtubules and detach them from the plasma membrane in plants. Its effects on androgenetic induction could confirm the importance of microtubule regulation in plant cell fate, specifically in microspore development. A possible implication of phospholipase D is discussed.  相似文献   

Local cultivars adapted to specific environmental conditions are the chief source of seed for farmers in Ethiopia and deserve research priority. The aim of this study was, therefore, to determine the genetic relationships between different barley landraces, from north Shewa in Ethiopia so as to differentiate genotypes known by different local names and facilitate their conservation and use in breeding new varieties. Five AFLP primer combinations were analyzed for 19 barley landraces and five malting varieties. The number of scoreable fragments amplified by each AFLP primer combination varied from 49 to 118 with an average of 84.5 and polymorphic fragments for each primer combination varied from 27 to 77 with an average of 58.5. The average percent polymorphism was 69.9% with values ranging from 55.1% to 75.8%. Cluster analysis placed the accessions and malting varieties into one main group while all the farmers’ cultivars, with the exception of two, were in the other main group. It was shown that sampling of germplasm at a given locality might not represent the whole array of genetic variability of locally grown famers’ cultivars. A comprehensive study of all the farmers’ barley cultivars, grown in different parts of Ethiopia, is required to maximize the efforts of germplasm conservation and utilization in national and regional breeding programs.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to maximize the rates of somatic embryogenesis achievable in anther cultures of Chinese pink (Dianthus chinensis L.) (2n = 2x = 30). The genotype of the donor plant was found to be a major factor in determining the success rate. Conditions imposed during anther culture (notably medium composition and light conditions) and pretreatments (namely, cold, heat, and mannitol incubations) were also found to influence somatic embryo induction. For example, the highest levels of embryogenic callus induction were achieved when the donor buds had been cold pretreated and the subsequent anther culture was maintained in darkness. Furthermore, there appeared to be an interaction of genotype with culture conditions. Thus, in cultures of the cultivar (cv.) ‘Carpet’, the highest rates of embryogenesis were obtained when the anthers had received a 5-d heat-shock, but such a thermal treatment did not generally produce a significant effect. Likewise, a 3-d mannitol pretreatment was optimal only for the cross-hybrid line ‘HC’. Assessment of the ploidy of the plants regenerated from the anther cultures revealed both diploid and tetraploid plants. Histological and cytological observations showed that all of these (both from n-pollen and 2n-pollen lines) derived from anther wall cells. Spontaneous chromosome doubling was inferred to have occurred during the embryogenic callus culture period.  相似文献   

Zhao Z  Ma JF  Sato K  Takeda K 《Planta》2003,217(5):794-800
While barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) is the most sensitive species to Al toxicity among small-grain crops, variation in Al resistance between cultivars does exist. We examined the mechanism responsible for differential Al resistance in 21 barley varieties. Citrate was secreted from the roots in response to Al stress. A positive correlation between citrate secretion and Al resistance [(root elongation with Al)/(root elongation without Al)] and a negative correlation between citrate secretion and Al content of root apices, were obtained, suggesting that citrate secretion from the root apices plays an important role in excluding Al and thereby detoxifying Al. The Al-induced secretion of citrate was characterized using an Al-resistant variety (Sigurdkorn) and an Al-sensitive variety (Kearney). In Sigurdkorn, Al-induced secretion of citrate occurred within 20 min, and the secretion did not increase with increasing external Al concentration. The Al-induced citrate secretion ceased at low temperature (6 degrees C) and was inhibited by anion-channel inhibitors. Internal citrate content of root apices was increased by Al exposure in Sigurdkorn, but was not affected in Kearney. The activity of citrate synthase was unaffected by Al in both Al-resistant and Al-sensitive varieties. The secretion rate of organic acid anions from barley was the lowest among wheat, rye and triticale.  相似文献   

The effect of pre-treatment with 200 mM NaCl on the response of four barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Bülbül-89, Kalaycı-97, Tarm-92 and Tokak-157/37) to UV-B radiation was investigated. Salt stress as well as UV-B irradiation led to a decrease of the total chlorophyll (chl) content in all cultivars, except in Kalaycı-97. While carotenoids are almost not affected by NaCl treatment, UV-B irradiation caused an increase by 5–20% of carotenoid content of all cultivars. UV-B induced damages of photosynthetic apparatus were estimated by the rate of photosynthetic electron transport measured by chl fluorescence and the rate of oxygen evolution, the latter being more affected. Pre-treatment with NaCl alleviated harmful effect of UV-B irradiation on F v/F m and ETR, but not on oxygen evolution. UV-B-induced and UV-B-absorbing compounds with absorption at 300 and 438 nm increased as a result of UV-B treatment. The level of stress marker proline increased considerably as a result of NaCl treatment, while UV-B irradiation resulted in a pronounced increase of the level of H2O2. MDA enhanced in the seedlings subjected to salt and UV-B stress. Established cross-acclimation to UV-B as a result of salt treatment could be due to the increased free proline and the level of UV-B absorbing compounds in barley seedlings subjected to NaCl.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis has been used to study the polymorphism of hordeins encoded by the Hrd A, Hrd B, and Hrd F loci in 93 landrace specimens of barley assigned to 17 ancient provinces located in modern Turkey. Forty-five alleles of Hrd A with frequencies of 0.11–29.34%, 51 alleles of Hrd B with frequencies of 0.11–8.07%, and 5 alleles of Hrd F with frequencies of 0.75–41.29% have been detected. Cluster analysis of the matrix of allele frequencies has demonstrated that barley populations from different old provinces of Turkey are similar to one another. Cluster structure of local barley populations has been found, most populations (82%) falling into three clusters. The first cluster comprises barley populations from six provinces (Thracia, Bithynia, Pontus, Lydia, Cappadocia, and Armenia); the second cluster, populations from five provinces (Paphlagonia, Galatia, Lycaonia, Cilicia, and Mesopotamia); and the third one, populations from three provinces (Phrygia, Karia, and Lycia). Barley populations from Mysia, Pamphlya, and Syria do not fall in any cluster.  相似文献   

The origin of six-rowed cultivated barley was studied using a DNA marker cMWG699 closely linked to the vrs1 locus. Restriction patterns of the PCR-amplified product of the cMWG699 locus were examined in 280 cultivated (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) and 183 wild (H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum) barleys. Nucleotide sequences of the PCR products were also examined in selected accessions. Six-rowed cultivated barleys were divided into two distinct groups, types I and II. Type I six-rowed cultivated barley was distributed widely while type II six-rowed cultivated barley was found only in the Mediterranean region. The type I sequence was also found in a wild barley accession from Turkmenistan whereas the type II sequence was also found in a two-rowed cultivated barley from North Africa and a wild barley from Morocco. These results suggested that the six-rowed type I and II barleys were derived from two-rowed type I and II barleys, respectively, by independent mutations at the vrs1 locus. Received: 3 November 2000 / Accepted: 17 April 2001  相似文献   



When plant tissue is passaged through in vitro culture, many regenerated plants appear to be no longer clonal copies of their donor genotype. Among the factors that affect this so-called tissue culture induced variation are explant genotype, explant tissue origin, medium composition, and the length of time in culture. Variation is understood to be generated via a combination of genetic and/or epigenetic changes. A lack of any phenotypic variation between regenerants does not necessarily imply a concomitant lack of genetic (or epigenetic) change, and it is therefore of interest to assay the outcomes of tissue culture at the genotypic level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish a protocol for the efficient production of flax plants of microspore origin. The results were compared to those obtained for plants regenerated from somatic explants from hypocotyls, cotyledons, leaves, stems and roots. All the plants obtained during the experiments were regenerated from callus that was grown for periods from a few weeks to a few months before the regeneration was achieved. Anther cultures were less effective in plant regeneration than somatic cell cultures. However, regenerants derived from anther cells showed valuable breeding features, including increased resistance to fungal wilt. The age of the donor plants and the season they grew in had a noticeable effect on their anther callusing and subsequent plant regeneration. Low temperature had a negative effect and dark pre-treatment a positive effect on callusing and plant regeneration. Different media were most effective for callus induction, shoot induction and rooting. For callus induction two carbon sources (2.5% sucrose and 2.5% glucose) were most effective; for shoots, only sucrose at lower concentration (2%) was effective. Rooting was most efficient in 1% sucrose and reduced (50%) mineral concentration in the medium. It was found that the length of in vitro cultivation significantly increases the ploidy and affects such features as regenerant morphological characteristics, petal colour, and resistance to Fusarium oxysporum-induced fungal wilt. The established plant regeneration system provides a basis for the creation of transgenic flax.Abbreviations BAP 6-Benzyl-aminopurine - IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA -Naphthalene-acetic acidCommunicated by H. Lörz  相似文献   

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