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A bdellovibrio-like bacterium was observed infecting unicellular symbiotic cyanobacteria in two coral reef sponges, Neofibularia irata and Jaspis stellifera. The infecting bacterium, which was located between the cell wall and the cytoplasmic membrane of the cyanobacteria, was similar in size and appearance to previously described bdellovibrios. This observation is believed to extend the host range of the bdellovibrios.  相似文献   

Sponges harbor diverse prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes. However, the nature of sponge-fungal association and diversity of sponge-derived fungi have barely been addressed. In this study, the cultivation-dependent approach was applied to study fungal diversity in the Hawaiian sponges Gelliodes fibrosa, Haliclona caerulea, and Mycale armata. The cultivated fungal isolates were representatives of 8 taxonomic orders, belonging to at least 25 genera of Ascomycota and 1 of Basidiomycota. A portion of these isolates (n=15, 17%) were closely affiliated with fungal isolates isolated from other marine habitats; the rest of the isolates had affiliation with terrestrial fungal strains. Cultivated fungal isolates were classified into 3 groups: 'sponge-generalists'-found in all sponge species, 'sponge-associates'-found in more than one sponge species, and 'sponge-specialists'-found only in one sponge species. Individuals of G. fibrosa collected at two different locations shared the same group of 'sponge-specialists'. Also, representatives of 15 genera were identified for the first time in marine sponges. Large-scale phylogenetic analysis of sponge-derived fungi may provide critical information to distinguish between 'resident fungi' and 'transient fungi' in sponges as it has been done in other marine microbial groups. This is the first report of the host specificity analysis of culturable fungal communities in marine sponges.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the diversity and antimicrobial activity present among Pseudovibrio spp. isolated from marine sponges. Methods and Results: Seventy‐three bacterial isolates from the marine sponges Polymastia boletiformis, Axinella dissimilis and Haliclona simulans were identified as Pseudovibrio spp. using phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Genetic diversity among these isolates was estimated using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and 33 RAPD types were identified among the 73 Pseudovibrio isolates. These Pseudovibrio spp. were assayed for the production of compounds with antimicrobial activity against various clinically relevant pathogens. Sixty‐two (85%) of the isolates showed activity against at least one of the pathogens tested, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium, methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and Clostridium difficile. PCR screens of the Pseudovibrio isolates also revealed the presence of potential antibiotic‐producing polyketide synthase genes. Conclusions: Marine sponges harbour a diverse population of Pseudovibrio spp., the majority of which demonstrate antimicrobial activity. The identification of several different antimicrobial activity spectra suggests that the Pseudovibrio isolates may produce a suite of antimicrobial compounds. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study in which an extended population of Pseudovibrio isolates from marine sponges has been analysed and establishes the little‐studied Pseudovibrio as a potentially important genus in the search for antimicrobial compounds of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Symbiotic bacteria play vital roles in the survival and health of marine sponges. Sponges harbor rich, diverse and species-specific microbial communities. Symbiotic marine bacteria have increasingly been reported as promising source of bioactive compounds. A culturomics-based study was undertaken to study the diversity of bacteria from marine sponges and their antimicrobial potential. We have collected three sponge samples i.e. Acanthaster carteri, Rhytisma fulvum (soft coral) and Haliclona caerulea from north region (Obhur) of Red Sea, Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Total of 144 bacterial strains were isolated from three marine sponges using culture dependent method. Screening of isolated strains showed only 37 (26%) isolates as antagonists against oomycetes pathogens (P. ultimum and P. capsici). Among 37 antagonistic bacteria, only 19 bacterial strains exhibited antibacterial activity against human pathogens (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ATCC 43300, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212). Four major classes of bacteria i.e γ-Proteobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria were recorded from three marine sponges where γ-Proteobacteria was dominant class. One potential bacterial strain Halomonas sp. EA423 was selected for identification of bioactive metabolites using GC and LC-MS analyses. Bioactive compounds Sulfamerazine, Metronidazole-OH and Ibuprofen are detected from culture extract of strain Halomonas sp. EA423. Overall, this study gives insight into composition and diversity of antagonistic bacterial community of marine sponges and coral from Red Sea and presence of active metabolites from potential strain. Our results showed that these diverse and potential bacterial communities further need to be studied to exploit their biotechnological significance.  相似文献   

The model marine crenarchaeote ' Cenarchaeum symbiosum ' is until now the only ammonia-oxidizing archaeon known from a marine sponge. Here, phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA and ammonia monooxygenase subunit A ( amoA ) genes revealed the presence of putative ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in a diverse range of sponges from the western Pacific, Caribbean and Mediterranean. amoA diversity was limited even between different oceans, with many of the obtained sequences (75.9%; n total = 83) forming a monophyletic, apparently sponge- (and coral-) specific lineage, analogous to those previously inferred from comparative 16S rRNA gene studies of sponge-associated microbes. The presence of AOA in sponge larvae, as detected by 16S rRNA and amoA PCR assays as well as by fluorescence in situ hybridization, suggests they are vertically transmitted and thus might be of importance for ammonia detoxification within the sponge.  相似文献   

Marine sponges are potential sources of many unique metabolites, including cytotoxic and anticancer compounds. Natural sponge populations are insufficient or inaccessible for producing commercial quantities of metabolites of interest. This review focuses on methods of producing sponge biomass to overcome supply limitations. Production techniques discussed include aquaculture in the sea, the controlled environments of aquariums, and culture of sponge cells and primmorphs. Cultivation in the sea and aquariums are currently the only practicable and relatively inexpensive methods of producing significant quantities of sponge biomass. In the future, metabolite production from cultured sponge cells and primmorphs may become feasible. Obtaining a consistent biomass yield in aquariums requires attention to many factors that are discussed in this work.  相似文献   

Actinobacteria exclusively within the sub-class Acidimicrobidae were shown by 16S rDNA community analysis to be major components of the bacterial community associated with two sponge species in the genus Xestospongia. Four groups of Actinobacteria were identified in Xestospongia spp., with three of these four groups being found in both Xestospongia muta from Key Largo, Florida and Xestospongia testudinaria from Manado, Indonesia. This suggests that these groups are true symbionts in these sponges and may play a common role in both the Pacific and Atlantic sponge species. The fourth group was found only in X. testudinaria and was a novel assemblage distantly related to any previously sequenced actinobacterial clones. The only actinobacteria that were obtained in initial culturing attempts were Gordonia, Micrococcus and Brachybacterium spp., none of which were represented in the clone libraries. The closest cultured actinobacteria to all the Acidimicrobidae clones from Xestospongia spp. are Microthrix parvicella and Acidimicrobium spp. Xestospongia spp. can now be targeted as source material from which to culture novel Acidimicrobidae to investigate their potential as producers of bioactive compounds. Isolation of sponge-associated Acidimicrobidae will also make it possible to elucidate their role as sponge symbionts.  相似文献   

Marine sponges harbor diverse microbial communities, encompassing not only three domains of life including Bacteria, Archaea and eukaryotes, but also many different phyla within Bacteria. This diversity implies a rich source for biodiscovery of new natural products. Here, we review recent progress in our understanding of this genetic diversity, its retrieval via culture and genomic approaches, and its implications for chemical diversity and other biotechnology applications of sponge microorganisms and their genes.  相似文献   

海水鱼类共附生细菌群落研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
冯敬宾  胡超群 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2722-2734
与海水鱼类处于共生、共栖、寄生或附生关系的细菌群落,称之为海水鱼类共附生细菌群落。这类细菌群落生活在海水鱼体表(皮肤、鳃)以及体内(消化道和血液、肌肉、肝脏、肾脏等内部组织器官),它们彼此之间以及与宿主之间存在着极其密切的关系,并且对于宿主的健康生长具有重要作用。然而,由于目前对养殖系统中的微生物群落中的致病微生物缺乏有效控制措施,处于迅速发展中的养殖产业经受着相当严重的疾病问题。因而,生态健康养殖被提到议事日程上来,并且日益受到重视,其中微生物生态调控是极其重要的一个环节。由于目前相关的基础微生物生态学资料比较缺乏,尤其是在国内作为微生物生态的基本组成部分,与微生物病害发生有着直接关系的大多数海水养殖鱼类的共附生细菌群落研究资料相当缺乏。因此,很有必要开展海水养殖鱼类共附生细菌群落相关研究。在此背景下,从研究的目的和意义以及国内外研究现状包括宿主海水鱼类种类、共附生细菌群落类别、共附生细菌群落的影响因素、共附生细菌群落对宿主的作用等方面综述了海水鱼类共附生细菌群落的研究进展,并对此类研究趋势进行了展望,为开展相关研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Marine sponges are hosts to diverse and dense bacterial communities and thus provide a potential environment for quorum sensing. Quorum sensing, a key factor in cell–cell communication and bacterial colonization of higher animals, might be involved in the symbiotic interactions between bacteria and their sponge hosts. Given that marine Proteobacteria are known to produce N -acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) signal molecules, we tested the production of AHLs by Alpha - and Gammaproteobacteria isolated from marine sponges Mycale laxissima and Ircinia strobilina and the surrounding water column. We used three different AHL biodetection systems in diffusion assays: Chromobacterium violaceum , Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Sinorhizobium meliloti with optimal sensitivity to short-chain (C4–C6), moderate-chain (C8–C12) and long-chain (≥ C14) AHLs respectively. Thirteen of 23 isolates from M. laxissima and five of 25 isolates from I. strobilina were found to produce AHLs. Signals were detected from two of eight proteobacterial strains from the water column. Thin-layer chromatographic assays based on the A. tumefaciens reporter system were utilized to determine the AHL profiles of the positive isolates. The types and amounts of AHLs synthesized varied considerably among the strains. Small ribosomal rRNA gene sequencing revealed that the AHL-producing alphaproteobacterial isolates were mainly from the Silicibacter–Ruegeria subgroup of the Roseobacter clade. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE)-based proteomic analyses were congruent with phylogenetic relationships but provided higher resolution to differentiate these closely related AHL-producing strains.  相似文献   

Parasitic diseases especially those prevail in tropical and subtropical regions severely threaten the lives of people due to available drugs found to be ineffective as several resistant strains have been emerged. Due to the complexity of the marine environment, researchers considered it as a new field to search for compounds with therapeutic efficacy, marine sponges represents the milestone in the discovery of unique compounds of potent activities against parasitic infections. In the present article, literatures published from 2010 until March 2021 were screened to review antiparasitic potency of bioactive compounds extracted from marine sponges. 45 different genera of sponges have been studied for their antiparasitic activities. The antiparasitic activity of the crude extract or the compounds that have been isolated from marine sponges were assayed in vitro against Plasmodium falciparum, P. berghei, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, T. b. brucei, T. cruzi, Leishmania donovani, L. tropica, L. infantum, L. amazonesis, L. major, L. panamesis, Haemonchus contortus and Schistosoma mansoni. The majority of antiparastic compounds extracted from marine sponges were related to alkaloids and peroxides represent the second important group of antiparasitic compounds extracted from sponges followed by terpenoids. Some substances have been extracted and used as antiparasitic agents to a lesser extent like steroids, amino acids, lipids, polysaccharides and isonitriles. The activities of these isolated compounds against parasites were screened using in vitro techniques. Compounds' potent activity in screened papers was classified in three categories according to IC50: low active or inactive, moderately active and good potent active.  相似文献   

The classes of lipid demonstrated in eight species of African sponges are described. Structural lipids are dominant while glycerides are common although variable in quantity. There are triglycerides, and glyceryl ether diesters. Steryl esters were found in all except one species.A wide variety of pigmented substances, up to ten in one species, is characteristic of most of the species studied.  相似文献   

Marine sponges contain complex assemblages of bacterial symbionts, the roles of which remain largely unknown. We identified diverse bacterial nifH genes within sponges and found that nifH genes are expressed in sponges. This is the first demonstration of the expression of any protein-coding bacterial gene within a sponge. Two sponges Ircinia strobilina and Mycale laxissima were collected from Key Largo, Florida and had delta(15)N values of c. 0-1 per thousand and 3-4 per thousand respectively. The potential for nitrogen fixation by symbionts was assessed by amplification of nifH genes. Diverse nifH genes affiliated with Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria were detected, and expression of nifH genes affiliated with those from cyanobacteria was detected. The nifH genes from surrounding seawater were similar to those of Trichodesmium and clearly different from the cyanobacterial nifH genes detected in the two sponges. This study advances understanding of the role of bacterial symbionts in sponges and suggests that provision of fixed nitrogen is a means whereby symbionts benefit sponges in nutrient-limited reef environments. Nitrogen fixation by sponge symbionts is possibly an important source of new nitrogen to the reef environment that heretofore has been neglected and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Sponges harbor highly diverse and dense microbial communities, providing an environment in which bacterial signaling may be important. Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell density-dependent signaling process that bacteria employ to coordinate and regulate their gene expression. Previous studies have found that bacteria isolated from sponges are able to produce acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs), an important class of QS molecules found in proteobacteria. Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) is a second class of QS molecule, and is considered to be an interspecies signal. However, AI-2 signaling has not been reported in sponge bacterial symbionts. In this study, degenerate primers were designed based on known Vibrio luxS sequences to amplify the luxS genes encoding AI-2 synthases of several Vibrio isolates from marine sponges Mycale laxissima and Ircinia strobilina. All the vibrios isolated from these two sponges had luxS genes and were able to produce signals with AI-2 activity as detected using a biological reporter. A novel group of luxS sequences was found, thus extending the known diversity of luxS genes. One isolate was chosen for further analysis of its luxS gene by expression of the gene in Escherichia coli DH5α and by characterization of the profile of AI-2 activity. This work provides the first information about luxS genes and AI-2 activity in sponge-associated bacterial communities.  相似文献   

A compound analysis of two global paleontological databases (Sepkoski??s database (SDB) and The Paleobiology Database) allowed the recognition of a number of previously undescribed trends in the evolution of the phylum Echinodermata. Paleozoic echinoderms, dominated by sessile epibenthic filter feeders, played an important role in benthic communities, especially in the Ordovician and Carboniferous. Paleozoic echinoderms typically showed an increased rate of genus renewal, which significantly decreases in the Meso-Cenozoic. After the P-T crisis the echinoderms became dominated by motile taxa, while the role of infaunal forms increased. During the global turnover in the benthic communities at the K-T boundary, which was accompanied by a sharp increase in the mean alpha-diversity, many marine organisms became inhabitants of much richer (compared to the Mesozoic) communities. However, of all echinoderms, this trend is observed only in crinoids. In contrast to most large taxa, echinoderms do not show positive correlation between the duration of genera and alpha-diversity of communities, which included these genera. During the Phanerozoic the geographical distribution of echinoderms showed a sharp paleolatitudinal gradient, i.e., each period was characterized by one paleolatitudinal zone with the maximum diversity of echinoderms, and the diversity rapidly decreasing to the north and to the south of this zone. The zone of the maximum diversity of echinoderms, like of entire marine biota, during the Phanerozoic gradually moved from the tropics of the southern hemisphere to the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Biotic and abiotic particles shape the microspatial architecture that defines the microbial aquatic habitat, being particles highly variable in size and quality along oceanic horizontal and vertical gradients. We analysed the prokaryotic (bacterial and archaeal) diversity and community composition present in six distinct particle size classes ranging from the pico‐ to the microscale (0.2 to 200 μm). Further, we studied their variations along oceanographic horizontal (from the coast to open oceanic waters) and vertical (from the ocean surface into the meso‐ and bathypelagic ocean) gradients. In general, prokaryotic community composition was more variable with depth than in the transition from the coast to the open ocean. Comparing the six size‐fractions, distinct prokaryotic communities were detected in each size‐fraction, and whereas bacteria were more diverse in the larger size‐fractions, archaea were more diverse in the smaller size‐fractions. Comparison of prokaryotic community composition among particle size‐fractions showed that most, but not all, taxonomic groups have a preference for a certain size‐fraction sustained with depth. Species sorting, or the presence of diverse ecotypes with distinct size‐fraction preferences, may explain why this trend is not conserved in all taxa.  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the diversity and antimicrobial activity of culturable bacteria associated with two temperate‐water marine sponges, Amphilectus fucorum and Eurypon major. Methods and Results: Sponge samples were collected in August 2008 and bacteria were cultured on several different media. The 16S rRNA gene of representative strains was sequenced to allow classification. It was found that Proteobacteria were the dominant group of bacteria cultured from both sponges, but overall, the bacterial composition was diverse and distinct between the sponges. The most notable features were the significantly higher proportion of firmicutes in E. major and the low frequency of actinobacteria in both sponges. Four bacterial isolates were identified as potentially novel species and will be characterised in future studies. Approximately 400 cultured bacteria were screened for antimicrobial activity against a collection of indicator strains, with only eight strains, all Pseudovibrio spp., displaying any such activity. These strains were active against Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis but not Staphylococcus aureus or a selection of fungal strains. Conclusions: Diverse and distinct populations of culturable bacteria are present in the coastal sponges A. fucorum and E. major. Only a minority of isolates produce antibacterial metabolites in culture, but this activity is common in Pseudovibrio spp. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study illustrates the diversity of sponge‐associated bacteria and the need to increase our knowledge about the function of these symbiotic bacteria. The data suggest that production of antibacterial metabolites is restricted to a subset of species, with the majority involved in other functions. The importance of Pseudovibrio as a reservoir of antibacterial metabolites is also highlighted.  相似文献   

Symbiotic microbes play a variety of fundamental roles in the health and habitat ranges of their hosts. While prokaryotes in marine sponges have been broadly characterized, the diversity of sponge-inhabiting fungi has barely been explored using molecular approaches. Fungi are an important component of many marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and they may be an ecologically significant group in sponge-microbe interactions. This study tested the feasibility of using existing fungal primers for molecular analysis of sponge-associated fungal communities. None of the eight selected primer pairs yielded satisfactory results in fungal rRNA gene or internal transcribed spacer (ITS) clone library constructions. However, 3 of 10 denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) primer sets, which were designed to preferentially amplify fungal rRNA gene or ITS regions from terrestrial environmental samples, were successfully amplified from fungal targets in marine sponges. DGGE analysis indicated that fungal communities differ among different sponge species (Suberites zeteki and Mycale armata) and also vary between sponges and seawater. Sequence analysis of DGGE bands identified 23 and 21 fungal species from each of the two sponge species S. zeteki and M. armata, respectively. These species were representatives of 11 taxonomic orders and belonged to the phyla of Ascomycota (seven orders) and Basidiomycota (four orders). Five of these taxonomic orders (Malasseziales, Corticiales, Polyporales, Agaricales, and Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomcetes incertae sedis) have now been identified for the first time in marine sponges. Seven and six fungal species from S. zeteki and M. armata, respectively, are potentially new species because of their low sequence identity (< or =98%) with their references in GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis indicated sponge-derived sequences were clustered into "marine fungus clades" with those from other marine habitats. This is the first report of molecular analysis of fungal communities in marine sponges, adding depth and dimension to our understanding of sponge-associated microbial communities.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the diversity and antimicrobial activity of bacteria from the marine sponges Suberites carnosus and Leucosolenia sp. Methods and Results: Two hundred and thirty‐seven bacteria were isolated from the sponges S. carnosus (Demospongiae) and Leucosolenia sp. (Calcarea). Isolates from the phyla Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were obtained. Isolates of the genus Pseudovibrio were dominant among the bacteria from S. carnosus, whereas Pseudoalteromonas and Vibrio were the dominant genera isolated from Leucosolenia sp. Approximately 50% of the isolates from S. carnosus displayed antibacterial activity, and c. 15% of the isolates from Leucosolenia sp. demonstrated activity against the test fungal strains. The antibacterial activity observed was mostly from Pseudovibrio and Spongiobacter isolates, while the majority of the antifungal activity was observed from the Pseudoalteromonas, Bacillus and Vibrio isolates. Conclusions: Both sponges possess a diverse range of bioactive and potentially novel bacteria. Differences observed from the sponge‐derived groups of isolates in terms of bioactivity suggest that S. carnosus isolates may be a better source of antibacterial compounds, while Leucosolenia sp. isolates appear to be a better source of antifungal compounds. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study in which cultured bacterial isolates from the marine sponges S. carnosus and a Leucosolenia sp. have been evaluated for their antibacterial activity. The high percentage of antibacterial isolates from S. carnosus and of antifungal isolates from Leucosolenia sp. suggests that these two sponges may be good sources for potentially novel marine natural products.  相似文献   

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