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Do photosynthetic bacteria contain cytochrome c1?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A method is described for characterizing, c-type cytochromes in bacterial membrane preparations according to molecular weight on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Applied to the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides this technique is used, together with spectroscopic measurements, to demonstrate that a membrane-bound cytochrome c of mol.wt. 30000 is active in photosynthetic electron transport in addition to the well-known soluble cytochrome, cytochrome c2. The membrane cytochrome has a midpoint potential (E'0) at pH 7 of +290 mV, as compared with +360 mV for purified cytochrome c2. Its alpha-band has a peak near 552 nm, as compared with 550 nm for cytochrome c2. Evidence is presented that chromatophores contain roughly equal amounts of the two cytochromes.  相似文献   

Cyanide binding to Chromatium vinosum ferricytochrome c′ has been studied to further investigate possible allosteric interactions between the subunits of this dimeric protein. Cyanide binding to C. vinosum cytochrome c′ appears to be cooperative. However, the cyanide binding reaction is unusual in that the overall affinity of cyanide increases as the concentration of cytochrome c′ decreases and that cyanide binding causes the ligated dimer to dissociate to monomers as shown by gel-filtration chromatography. Therefore, the cyanide binding properties of C. vinosum ferricytochrome c′ are complicated by a cyanide-linked dimer to monomer dissociation equilibrium of the complexed protein. The dimer to monomer dissociation constant is 20-fold smaller than that for CO linked dissociation constant of ferrocytochrome c′. Furthermore, the pH dependence of both the intrinsic equilibrium binding constant and the dimer to monomer equilibrium dissociation constant was investigated over the pH range of 7.0 to 9.2 to examine the effect of any ionizable groups. The equilibrium constants did not exhibit a significant pH dependence over this pH range.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound enzyme cNOR (cytochrome c dependent nitric oxide reductase) catalyzes the reduction of NO in a non-electrogenic process. This is in contrast to the reduction of O2 in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), the other member of the heme-copper oxidase family, which stores energy by the generation of a membrane gradient. This difference between the two enzymes has not been understood, but it has been speculated to be of kinetic origin, since per electron the NO reduction is more exergonic than the O2 reduction, and the energy should thus be enough for an electrogenic process. However, it has not been clear how and why electrogenicity, which mainly affects the thermodynamics, would slow down the very exergonic NO reduction. Quantum chemical calculations are used to construct a free energy profile for the catalytic reduction of NO in the active site of cNOR. The energy profile shows that the reduction of the NO molecules by the enzyme and the formation of N2O are very exergonic steps, making the rereduction of the enzyme endergonic and rate-limiting for the entire catalytic cycle. Therefore the NO reduction cannot be electrogenic, i.e. cannot take electrons and protons from the opposite sides of the membrane, since it would increase the endergonicity of the rereduction when the gradient is present, thereby increasing the rate-limiting barrier, and the reaction would become too slow. It also means that proton pumping coupled to electron transfer is not possible in cNOR. In CcO the corresponding rereduction of the enzyme is very exergonic.  相似文献   

The inclusion complexes of Luteolin (LU) with cyclodextrins (CDs) including β-cyclodextrin (βCD), hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) and dimethyl-β-cyclodextrin (DMβCD), Scheme 1, have been investigated using the method of steady-state fluorescence. The stoichiometric ratio of the three complexes was found to be 1:1 and the stability constants (K) were estimated from spectrofluorometric titrations, as well as the thermodynamic parameters. Maximum inclusion ability was obtained in the case of HPβCD followed by DMβCD and βCD. Moreover, 1H NMR and 2D NMR were carried out, revealing that LU has different form of inclusion which is in agreement with molecular modeling studies. These models confirm that when LU–βCD and LU–DMβCD complexes are formed, the B-ring is oriented toward the primary rim; however, for LU–HPβCD complex this ring is oriented toward the secondary rim. The ESR results showed that the antioxidant activity of luteolin was the order LU–HPβCD > LU–DMβCD > LU–βCD > LU, hence the LU-complexes behave are better antioxidants than luteolin free.  相似文献   

The free radical, nitric oxide (√NO), is responsible for a myriad of physiological functions. The ability to verify and study √NO in vivo is required to provide insight into the events taking place upon its generation and in particular the flux of √NO at relevant cellular sites. With this in mind, several iron-chelates (Fe2+(L)2) have been developed, which have provided a useful tool for the study and identification of √NO through spin-trapping and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. However, the effectiveness of √NO detection is dependent on the Fe2+(L)2 complex. The development of more efficient and stable Fe2+(L)2 chelates may help to better understand the role of √NO in vivo. In this paper, we present data comparing several proline derived iron–dithiocarbamate complexes with the more commonly used spin traps for √NO, Fe2+-di(N-methyl-D-glutamine-dithiocarbamate) (Fe2+(MGD)2) and Fe2+-di(N-(dithiocarboxy)sarcosine) (Fe2+(DTCS)2). We evaluate the apparent rate constant (kapp) for the reaction of √NO with these Fe2+(L)2 complexes and the stability of the corresponding Fe2+(NO)(L)2 in presence of NOS I.  相似文献   

Nitrogen monoxide (NO) is a vital effector and messenger molecule that plays roles in a variety of biological processes. Many of the functions of NO are mediated by its high affinity for iron (Fe) in the active centres of proteins. Indeed, NO possesses a rich coordination chemistry with this metal and the formation of dinitrosyl–dithiolato–Fe complexes (DNICs) is well known to occur intracellularly. In mammals, NO produced by activated macrophages acts as a cytotoxic effector against tumour cells by binding and releasing cancer cell Fe that is vital for proliferation. Glucose metabolism and the subsequent generation of glutathione (GSH) are critical for NO-mediated Fe efflux and this process occurs by active transport. Our previous studies showed that GSH is required for Fe mobilisation from tumour cells and we hypothesized it was effluxed with Fe as a dinitrosyl–diglutathionyl–Fe complex (DNDGIC). It is well known that Fe and GSH release from cells induces apoptosis, a crucial property for a cytotoxic effector like NO. Furthermore, NO-mediated Fe release is mediated from cells expressing the GSH transporter, multi-drug resistance protein 1 (MRP1). Interestingly, the glutathione-S-transferase (GST) enzymes act to bind DNDGICs with high affinity and some members of the GST family act as storage intermediates for these complexes. Since the GST enzymes and MRP1 form a coordinated system for removing toxic substances from cells, it is possible to hypothesize these molecules regulate NO levels by binding and transporting DNDGICs.  相似文献   

Electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectra of ferric cytochrome c embedded in wet silica gels, in the presence of guanidine HCl as unfolding agent, between pH 0.35 and 7.0 are presented. The data clearly show that the ferric form of the protein encapsulated in sol–gel preserves its active site conformation. However, the spectra of the unfolded embedded protein are different from the corresponding spectra in solution suggesting that a strong interaction between the protein and the sol–gel takes place upon unfolding. The unfolding process mainly depends on the interaction between the exposed positive charges of the unfolded protein and the negatively charged functional groups of the silica surfaces. While this interaction partially stabilizes the protein in its native structure even at very acidic pH, in the presence of denaturants it has the opposite effect, causing mainly the weakening of both the heme-protein and the heme-ligand interactions.  相似文献   

1. The topography of cytochrome P-450 in vesicles from smooth endoplasmic reticulum of rat liver has been examined. Approx. 50% of the cytochrome is directly accessible to the action of trypsin in intact vesicles whereas the remainder is inaccessible and partitioned between luminal-facing or phospholipid-embedded loci. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis reveals three major species of the cytochrome. Of these, the variant with a mol.wt. of 52000 is induced by phenobarbitone and this species is susceptible to trypsin. 2. After trypsin treatment of smooth membrane, some NADPH–cytochrome P-450 (cytochrome c) reductase activity remains and this remaining activity is enhanced by treatment with 0.05% deoxycholate, which renders the membranes permeable to macromolecules. In non-trypsin-treated control membranes the reductase activity is increased to a similar extent. These observations suggest an asymmetric distribution of NADPH–cytochrome P-450 (cytochrome c) reductase in the membrane. 3. As compared with dithionite, NADPH reduces only 44% of the cytochrome P-450 present in intact membranes. After tryptic digestion, none of the remaining cytochrome P-450 is reducible by NADPH. 4. In the presence of both a superoxide-generating system (xanthine plus xanthine oxidase) and NADPH, all the cytochrome P-450 in intact membrane (as judged by dithionite reducibility) is reduced. The cytochrome P-450 remaining after trypsin treatment of smooth vesicles cannot be reduced by this method. 5. The superoxide-dependent reduction of cytochrome P-450 is prevented by treatment of the membranes with mersalyl, which inhibits NADPH–cytochrome P-450 (cytochrome c) reductase. Thus the effect of superoxide may involve NADPH–cytochrome P-450 reductase and cytosolically orientated membrane factor(s).  相似文献   

α-Glucosidase (AG) play crucial roles in the digestion of carbohydrates. Inhibitors of α-glucosidase (AGIs) are promising candidates for the development of anti-diabetic drugs. Here, five series of apigenin and chrysin nitric oxide (NO)-donating derivatives were synthesised and evaluated for their AG inhibitory activity and NO releasing capacity in vitro. Except for 9ac, twelve compounds showed remarkable inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase, with potency being better than that of acarbose and 1-deoxynojirimycin. All organic nitrate derivatives released low concentrations of NO in the presence of l-cysteine. Structure activity relationship studies indicated that 5-OH, hydrophobic coupling chain, and carbonyl groups of the coupling chain could enhance the inhibitory activity. Apigenin and chrysin derivatives therefore represents a new class of promising compounds that can inhibit α-glucosidase activity and supply moderate NO for preventing the development of diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Two intestinal bacterial strains MT4s-5 and MT42 involved in the degradation of (?)-epigallocatechin (EGC) were isolated from rat feces. Strain MT4s-5 was tentatively identified as Adlercreutzia equolifaciens. This strain converted EGC into not only 1-(3, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2, 4, 6-trihydroxyphenyl)propan-2-ol (1), but also 1-(3, 5-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(2, 4, 6-trihydroxyphenyl)propan-2-ol (2), and 4′-dehydroxylated EGC (7). Type strain (JCM 9979) of Eggerthella lenta was also found to convert EGC into 1. Strain MT42 was identified as Flavonifractor plautii and converted 1 into 4-hydroxy-5-(3, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenyl)valeric acid (3) and 5-(3, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone (4) simultaneously. Strain MT42 also converted 2 into 4-hydroxy-5-(3, 5-dihydroxyphenyl)valeric acid (5), and 5-(3, 5-dihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone (6). Furthermore, F. plautii strains ATCC 29863 and ATCC 49531 were found to catalyze the same reactions as strain MT42. Interestingly, formation of 2 from EGC by strain MT4s-5 occurred rapidly in the presence of hydrogen supplied by syntrophic bacteria. Strain JCM 9979 also formed 2 in the presence of the hydrogen or formate. Strain MT4s-5 converted 1, 3, and 4 to 2, 5, and 6, respectively, and the conversion was stimulated by hydrogen, whereas strain JCM 9979 could catalyze the conversion only in the presence of hydrogen or formate. On the basis of the above results together with previous reports, the principal metabolic pathway of EGC and EGCg by catechin-degrading bacteria in gut tract is proposed.  相似文献   

The interaction of cytochrome c with ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (bc1 complex) has been studied for >30 years, yet many aspects remain unclear or controversial. We report the first molecular dynamic simulations of the cyt c-bc1 complex interaction. Contrary to the results of crystallographic studies, our results show that there are multiple dynamic hydrogen bonds and salt bridges in the cyt c-c1 interface. These include most of the basic cyt c residues previously implicated in chemical modification studies. We suggest that the static nature of x-ray structures can obscure the quantitative significance of electrostatic interactions between highly mobile residues. This provides a clear resolution of the discrepancy between the structural data and functional studies. It also suggests a general need to consider dynamic interactions of charged residues in protein-protein interfaces. In addition, a novel structural change in cyt c is reported, involving residues 21-25, which may be responsible for cyt c destabilization upon binding. We also propose a mechanism of interaction between cyt c1 monomers responsible for limiting the binding of cyt c to only one molecule per bc1 dimer by altering the affinity of the cytochrome c binding site on the second cyt c1 monomer.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c′ of Methylococcus capsulatus Bath is involved in electron flow from the enzyme responsible for hydroxylamine oxidation, cytochrome P460, to cytochrome c 555. This cytochrome is spectrally similar to other cytochromes c′ but is larger (16,000 Da) and has a lower midpoint potential (–205 mV). By a combination of Edman degradation, mass spectroscopy, and gene sequencing, we have obtained the primary structure of cytochrome c′ from M. capsulatus Bath. The cytochrome shows low sequence similarity to other cytochromes c′, only residues R12, Y53, G56, and the C-terminal heme-binding region (GXXCXXCHXXXK) being conserved. In contrast, cytochrome c′ from M. capsulatus Bath shows considerable sequence similarity to cytochromes P460 from M. capsulatus Bath (31% identity) and from Nitrosomonas europaea (18% identity). This suggests that P460-type cytochromes may have originated from a c′-type cytochrome which developed a covalent cross-link between a lysine residue and the c′-heme. Received: 26 May 1999 / Accepted: 9 September 1999  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is shown to overcome the cyanide inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase in the presence of excess ferrocytochrome c and oxygen. Addition of NO to the partially reduced cyanide-inhibited form of the bovine enzyme is shown by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to result in substitution of cyanide at ferriheme a3 by NO with reduction of the heme. The resulting nitrosylferroheme a3 is a 5-coordinate structure, the proximal bond to histidine having been broken. NO does not simply act as a reversibly bound competitive inhibitor but is an auxiliary substrate consumed in a catalytic cycle along with ferrocytochrome c and oxygen. The implications of this observation with regard to estimates of steady-state NO levels in vivo is discussed. Given the multiple sources of NO available to mitochondria, the present results appear to explain in part some of the curious biomedical observations reported by other laboratories; for example, the kidneys of cyanide poisoning victims surprisingly exhibit no significant irreversible damage, and lethal doses of potassium cyanide are able to inhibit cytochrome c oxidase activity by only approximately 50% in brain mitochondria.  相似文献   

Cooper CE 《IUBMB life》2003,55(10-11):591-597
In the mid 1990s a number of research groups recognized that mitochondrial oxygen consumption could be reversibly inhibited by nitric oxide at the level of the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase. The inhibition was apparently competitive with respect to the oxygen concentration. This review critically assesses the present state of knowledge as regards the hypothesis that nitric oxide is a competitive, reversible, physiological inhibitor of cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   



Diverse aquatic microorganisms are capable of colonizing living and non-living surfaces leading to the formation of biofilms. Commonly visualized as a slimy layer, these biofilms are filled with hundreds of other microorganisms compared to free living planktonic cells. Microbial surface colonization and surface-associated metabolic activities also exert several macroscale deleterious effects, including biofouling, biocorrosion and the persistence and transmission of harmful or pathogenic microorganisms and virulence determinants. The present study deals with the isolation and screening of marine bacteria for biofilm formation. The screened isolates were characterized and identified as Pychrobacter celer, Pychrobacter alimentarius and Kocuria rhizophila by 16S rRNA sequencing.


Biofilm forming bacteria were isolated by spread plate technique and subjected to screening by microtiter plate assay. The potent biofilm formers were identified by molecular characterization using 16S rRNA gene sequencing.


Twelve bacterial isolates were obtained by pour plate technique and subjected to biofilm assay. Among the 12 isolates three isolates which showed maximum biofilm formation were subjected to molecular characterizationby 16S rRNA gene sequencing method. The isolates were identified as Pychrobacter celer, Pychrobacter alimentarius and Kocuria rhizophila. The EPS produced by the three biofilm forming bacteria was extracted and the protein and carbohydrate content determined.


Among the isolates screened, isolate 8 (Kocuria rhizophila) produced maximum protein and carbohydrate which was also in accordance with the results of microtiter plate assay.

In rats of Krushinsky-Molodkina strain (KMR), the audiogenic stress induced epileptiform seizure and development of acute disturbances of cerebral circulation of hemorrhagic nature. The inhibitor of NO-synthase (L-NNA) increased the severity of clinical symptoms, mortality, and the intensity of intracranial hemorrhages. In contrast, L-arginine elevated the resistance of KMRs to acoustic stress. The intensity of nitrergic innervation was analyzed in preparations of the middle cerebral artery with the use of histochemical NADPH-diaphorase staining. In preparations of control KMRs, a net of NADPH-positive perivascular nerve fibers was found, while in experimental KMRs, in an hour after sound stimulation, such fibers practically were not revealed. Preliminary exposure of KMRs in hypoxic conditions (1 hour in hypobaric chamber at simulated altitude of 5000 m above the sea level) decreased the development of stress lesions. The protective effect of hypoxic training disappeared after the administration of NO-synthase inhibitor (L-NNA). The study demonstrated participation of nitric oxide (NO) in adaptive reactions of cerebral hemodynamics linked with the significant increase of cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a signaling and defense molecule of major importance. NO endows macrophages with bactericidal, cytostatic as well as cytotoxic activity against various pathogens. Bacillus spores can produce serious diseases, which might be attenuated if macrophages were able to kill the spores on contact. Present research was carried out to study whether glycoconjugates stimulated NO and nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) production during phagocytosis killing of Bacillus spores. Murine macrophages exposed to glycoconjugate-treated spores induced NOS2 and NO production that was correlated with high viability of macrophages and killing rate of bacterial spores. Increased levels of inducible NOS2 and NO production by macrophages in presence of glycoconjugates suggested that the latter provide an activation signal directed to macrophages. Glycoconjugates were shown to exert a protective influence, sparing macrophages from spore-induced cell death. In presence of glycoconjugates, macrophages efficiently kill the organisms. Without glycoconjugate activation, murine macrophages were ineffective at killing Bacillus spores. These results suggest that glycoconjugates promote killing of Bacillus spores by blocking spore-induced macrophage cell death, while increasing their activation level and NO and NOS2 production. Glycoconjugates suggest novel antimicrobial approaches to prevention and treatment of infection caused by bacterial spores.  相似文献   

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