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Sexual size dimorphism is generally associated with sexual selection via agonistic male competition in nonhuman primates. These primate models play an important role in understanding the origins and evolution of human behavior. Human size dimorphism is often hypothesized to be associated with high rates of male violence and polygyny. This raises the question of whether human dimorphism and patterns of male violence are inherited from a common ancestor with chimpanzees or are uniquely derived. Here I review patterns of, and causal models for, dimorphism in humans and other primates. While dimorphism in primates is associated with agonistic male mate competition, a variety of factors can affect male and female size, and thereby dimorphism. The causes of human sexual size dimorphism are uncertain, and could involve several non-mutually-exclusive mechanisms, such as mate competition, resource competition, intergroup violence, and female choice. A phylogenetic reconstruction of the evolution of dimorphism, including fossil hominins, indicates that the modern human condition is derived. This suggests that at least some behavioral similarities with Pan associated with dimorphism may have arisen independently, and not directly from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Although the earliest known hominins were apparently upright bipeds, there has been mixed evidence whether particular species of hominins including those in the genus Australopithecus walked with relatively extended hips, knees and ankles like modern humans, or with more flexed lower limb joints like apes when bipedal. Here we demonstrate in chimpanzees and humans a highly predictable and sensitive relationship between the orientation of the ankle joint during loading and the principal orientation of trabecular bone struts in the distal tibia that function to withstand compressive forces within the joint. Analyses of the orientation of these struts using microCT scans in a sample of fossil tibiae from the site of Sterkfontein, of which two are assigned to Australopithecus africanus, indicate that these hominins primarily loaded their ankles in a relatively extended posture like modern humans and unlike chimpanzees. In other respects, however, trabecular properties in Au africanus are distinctive, with values that mostly fall between those of chimpanzees and humans. These results indicate that Au. africanus, like Homo, walked with an efficient, extended lower limb.  相似文献   

Canine tooth size reduction and the associated reduction in canine dimorphism is a basal hominin character that also provides important evidence for models of behavioral evolution. Two specimens of Australopithecus anamensis (KNM-KP 29287 and KNM-KP 29283) that do not preserve the canine crown, but do preserve the root or alveolus, appear to suggest that canine size variation and canine dimorphism in this species may have been greater than in other hominins. We evaluate canine root and crown dimensions in a series of extant hominoids, and estimate canine crown height in Australopithecus afarensis and A. anamensis. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to generate estimates of canine crown height from basal canine crown and root dimensions with a moderate degree of accuracy. Estimates of maxillary canine crown size for A. anamensis are slightly larger than those of A. afarensis, and are approximately the same size as canines of modern female chimpanzees. Estimated mandibular canine crown height is very similar in the two species. Variation within the A. anamensis sample of estimated canine crown heights is similar to that of modern humans, suggesting a low degree of sexual dimorphism. Inclusion of estimates for KNM-KP 29287 and KNM-KP 29283 does not substantially increase either the estimate of overall canine size or variation for A. anamensis.  相似文献   

Among extant hominoids degrees of sexual dimorphism and combined-sex coefficients of variation of canine teeth dimensions are highly correlated. Based on this relationship and coefficients of variation of four species of the genus Australopithecus, we predict degrees of canine dimorphism for these extinct hominids. The estimates show that A. afarensis is as dimorphic as the pygmy chimpanzee, A. boisei slightly less dimorphic than the pygmy chimpanzee, A. robustus slightly more dimorphic than the lar gibbon, while A. africanus overiaps with the lar gibbon as well as a modern human sample. These estimates represent degrees of canine dimorphism substantially lower than results based upon prior sexing of individual specimens. The relationship between canine dimorphism and body weight dimorphism is also analyzed. All four species of Australopithecus are considerably less dimorphic in canine size for their body weight dimorphism than expected. This dissociation of canine size dimorphism and body weight dimorphism is shared with modern humans, and thus represents a unique hominid trait. We interpret the moderate to strong body weight dimorphism in australopithecines as the result of intra- and intersexual selection typical of a polygynous mating structure, while the rather mild canine dimorphism is interpreted in terms of the “developmental crowding” model for reduction in canine size.  相似文献   

Molecular and paleontological evidence now point to the last common ancestor between chimpanzees and modern humans living between five and seven million years ago. Any species considered to be more closely related to humans than chimpanzees we call hominins. Traditionally, early hominins have been conspicuous by their absence in the fossil record, but discoveries in the last 20 years have finally provided us with a number of very important finds. We currently have three described genera, Ardipithecus, Orrorin and Sahelanthropus, of which Ardipithecus is extremely well represented by cranial, dental, and postcranial remains. All three genera are argued to be hominins based on reduced canine size and an increased capacity for bipedal locomotion. The evolutionary relationships between these taxa and both earlier hominoids and later hominins are somewhat disputed, but this is to be expected for any species thought to be close to the root of the hominin lineage.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental biology is quickly transforming our understanding of how lineages evolve through the modification of ontogenetic processes. Yet, while great strides have been made in the study of neontological forms, it is much more difficult to apply the principles of evo-devo to the miserly fossil record. Because fossils are static entities, we as researchers can only infer evolution and development by drawing connections between them. The choices of how we join specimens together??juveniles to adults to study ontogeny, taxon to taxon to study evolution??can dramatically affect our results. Here, I examine paedomorphism in the fossil hominin species Australopithecus africanus. Using extant African apes as proxies for ancestral hominin morphology, I demonstrate that Sts 71 is most similar to a sub-adult African ape, suggesting that A. africanus is paedomorphic relative to the presumed ancestral form. I then plot ontogenetic size and shape in extant great apes, humans, and A. africanus in order to assess patterns of ontogenetic allometry. Results indicate that ontogenetic allometry in A. africanus, subsequent to M1 occlusion is similar to that in modern humans and bonobos; gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans share a different pattern of size-shape relationship. Combined with results from the analysis of paedomorphism plus knowledge about the developmental chronologies of this group, these findings suggest that paedomorphism in A. africanus arises relatively early in ontogeny.  相似文献   

All early (Pliocene–Early Pleistocene) hominins exhibit some differences in proximal femoral morphology from modern humans, including a long femoral neck and a low neck‐shaft angle. In addition, australopiths (Au. afarensis, Au. africanus, Au. boisei, Paranthropus boisei), but not early Homo, have an “anteroposteriorly compressed” femoral neck and a small femoral head relative to femoral shaft breadth. Superoinferior asymmetry of cortical bone in the femoral neck has been claimed to be human‐like in australopiths. In this study, we measured superior and inferior cortical thicknesses at the middle and base of the femoral neck using computed tomography in six Au. africanus and two P. robustus specimens. Cortical asymmetry in the fossils is closer overall to that of modern humans than to apes, although many values are intermediate between humans and apes, or even more ape‐like in the midneck. Comparisons of external femoral neck and head dimensions were carried out for a more comprehensive sample of South and East African australopiths (n = 17) and two early Homo specimens. These show that compared with modern humans, femoral neck superoinferior, but not anteroposterior breadth, is larger relative to femoral head breadth in australopiths, but not in early Homo. Both internal and external characteristics of the australopith femoral neck indicate adaptation to relatively increased superoinferior bending loads, compared with both modern humans and early Homo. These observations, and a relatively small femoral head, are consistent with a slightly altered gait pattern in australopiths, involving more lateral deviation of the body center of mass over the stance limb. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of new postcranial fossils, particularly associated body parts, of several Plio-Pleistocene hominids provides a new opportunity to assess body size in human evolution.1 Body size plays a central role in the biology of animals because of its relationship to brain size, feeding behavior, habitat preference, social behavior, and much more. Unfortunately, the prediction of body weight from fossils is inherently inaccurate because skeletal size does not reflect body size exactly and because the fossils are from species having body proportions for which there are no analogues among modern species. The approach here is to find the relationship between body size and skeletal size in ape and human specimens of known body weight at death and to apply this knowledge to the hominid fossils, using a variety of statistical methods, knowledge of the associated partial skeletons of the of early hominids, formulae derived from a modern human sample, and, finally, common sense. The following modal weights for males and females emerge: Australopithecus afarensis, 45 and 29 kg; A. africanus, 41 and 30 kg; A. robustus, 40 and 32 kg; A. boisei, 49 and 34 kg; H. habilis, 52 and 32 kg. The best known African early H. erectus were much larger with weights ranging from 55 kg on up. These estimates imply that (1) in the earliest hominid species and the “robust” australopithecines body sizes remained small relative to modern standards, but between 2.0 and 1.7 m.y.a. there was a rapid increase to essentially modern body size with the appearance of Homo erectus; (2) the earliest species had a degree of body size sexual dimorphism well above that seen in modern humans but below that seen in modern gorillas and orangs which implies (along with other evidence) a social organization characterized by kin-related, multi-male groups with females who were not kin-related; (3) relative brain sizes increased through time; (4) there were two divergent trends in relative cheek-tooth size—a steady increase through time from A. afarensis to A. africanus to the “robust” australopithecines, and a decrease beginning with H. habilis to H. erectus to H. sapiens.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of early hominid growth patterns, we need to compare skeletal maturation among humans and chimpanzees. This study provides new data on variation of the incisive suture closure in extant species to facilitate the understanding of growth patterns among South African Plio-Pleistocene hominids. The complete anterior closure of the incisive suture occurs early during human life, mostly before birth. In contrast, in chimpanzees a complete anterior closure occurs mostly after the eruption of either the first permanent molars (pygmy chimpanzees) or the third molars (common chimpanzees). The first aim of this study is to test whether the patterns of closure of both the anterior and palatal components of the incisive suture in chimpanzees accurately mirror their polytypism by investigating 720 museum specimens of known geographical origin. Then we use the data gleaned from the incisive suture closure in chimpanzees to determine whether there are different growth patterns among South African Plio-Pleistocene hominids and to interpret them. Results about the pattern of incisive suture closure are consistent with the differences among chimpanzees as revealed by molecular data. Thus, the variation in chimpanzee patterns of incisive suture closure facilitates the interpretation of morphology in South African fossil hominids. In Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustus as compared to Australopithecus africanus, the complete anterior closure and, probably, the complete palatal closure of the incisive suture occurs during early life in the same way as they occur in humans. Moreover, the closure pattern observed on Stw 53, a supposed early Homo from Sterkfontein Member 5, is similar to that seen in A. africanus and in chimpanzees. Thus, with respect to the anterior component of the incisive suture, A. africanus and Stw 53 retain the primitive feature for which A. (P.) robustus and Homo share the derived character state. Finally, it is worth noting that the Taung child does not show the robust condition. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:121–135, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent advances in DNA and isotope analyses have allowed tentative reconstructions of dispersal strategies of Plio-Pleistocene hominins.(1,2) Comparing their findings to dispersal patterns of some extant apes and humans suggested groups of related males and unrelated females in Neandertals indicating patrilocality(2) and Pan-like male philopatry in australopiths.(1) Here we review the demographic, ethnographic, and genetic evidence of dispersal patterns in extant apes and humans and compare the results to the suggestions for Plio-Pleistocene hominins. We find that alternative dispersal patterns, for example among gorillas or gibbons, could explain the findings of related or natal males in a confined geographic area. Based on sexual size dimorphism, we speculate that gorillas might currently be the best model for reconstructing dispersal in robust australopiths. Given that the sexual size dimorphism in other australopiths is still hotly debated, the question of which hominoid model best matches their dispersal pattern must remain unanswered. Neandertal dispersal patterns have been compared to patrilocality of modern humans. However, the latter is related to the advent of food production. Consequently, hunter-gatherers exhibiting primarily multilocality appear to be the better comparison for Neandertals. Overall, human-like patrilocality and Pan-like male philopatry appear to be poor models for the reconstruction of dispersal patterns in Plio-Pleistocene hominins.  相似文献   

One of the more important sources of variability in primate species is sexual dimorphism. Most Primates heavier than five kilos bodyweight are sexually dimorphic, both in body size and in shape of certain hard tissues. Despite these facts, most of the fossil Primates from East African Miocene deposits were originally perceived as being monomorphic, a perception which has propogated through the literature. Re-examination ofProconsul from various sites in Western Kenya results in the view that it was as dimorphic in its splanchonocranium and in bodyweight as chimpanzees and gorillas. The clearest evidence comes from Rusing Island, where adequate samples are known of two morphs, traditionally identified as two species, but more likely to represent two sexes of a single species,P. nyanzae. Co-occurrence of the two morphs is 100% at the various Rusinga sites. Less complete samples have been collected from the Tinderet sites os Koru and Songhor, yet what is available shows that similar patterns of dimorphism characterise the speciesP. africanus andP. major, and that the co-occurrence of the two morphs in each species is 100%. The identification of fossils taking into consideration the role of sexual dimorphism clarifies many of the old debates in which individual specimens frequently shifted between different species, mainly on the basis of metric rather than morphologic evidence. Consequently, the distribution of the species ofProconsul is rather different after accounting for dimorphism, than it was before.  相似文献   

Researchers have hypothesized that nasal morphology, both in archaic Homo and in recent humans, is influenced by body mass and associated oxygen consumption demands required for tissue maintenance. Similarly, recent studies of the adult human nasal region have documented key differences in nasal form between males and females that are potentially linked to sexual dimorphism in body size, composition, and energetics. To better understand this potential developmental and functional dynamic, we first assessed sexual dimorphism in the nasal cavity in recent humans to determine when during ontogeny male‐female differences in nasal cavity size appear. Next, we assessed whether there are significant differences in nasal/body size scaling relationships in males and females during ontogeny. Using a mixed longitudinal sample we collected cephalometric and anthropometric measurements from n = 20 males and n = 18 females from 3.0 to 20.0+ years of age totaling n = 290 observations. We found that males and females exhibit similar nasal size values early in ontogeny and that sexual dimorphism in nasal size appears during adolescence. Moreover, when scaled to body size, males exhibit greater positive allometry in nasal size compared to females. This differs from patterns of sexual dimorphism in overall facial size, which are already present in our earliest age groups. Sexually dimorphic differences in nasal development and scaling mirror patterns of ontogenetic variation in variables associated with oxygen consumption and tissue maintenance. This underscores the importance of considering broader systemic factors in craniofacial development and may have important implications for the study of patters craniofacial evolution in the genus Homo. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:52–60, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Discovery of the first complete Early Pleistocene hominin pelvis, Gona BSN49/P27, attributed to Homo erectus, raises a number of issues regarding early hominin body size and shape variation. Here, acetabular breadth, femoral head breadth, and body mass calculated from femoral head breadth are compared in 37 early hominin (6.0-0.26 Ma) specimens, including BSN49/P27. Acetabular and estimated femoral head sizes in the Gona specimen fall close to the means for non-Homo specimens (Orrorin tugenesis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus robustus), and well below the ranges of all previously described Early and Middle Pleistocene Homo specimens. The Gona specimen has an estimated body mass of 33.2 kg, close to the mean for the non-Homo sample (34.1 kg, range 24-51.5 kg, n = 19) and far outside the range for any previously known Homo specimen (mean = 70.5 kg; range 52-82 kg, n = 17). Inclusion of the Gona specimen within H. erectus increases inferred sexual dimorphism in body mass in this taxon to a level greater than that observed here for any other hominin taxon, and increases variation in body mass within H. erectus females to a level much greater than that observed for any living primate species. This raises questions regarding the taxonomic attribution of the Gona specimen. When considered within the context of overall variation in body breadth among early hominins, the mediolaterally very wide Gona pelvis fits within the distribution of other lower latitude Early and Middle Pleistocene specimens, and below that of higher latitude specimens. Thus, ecogeographic variation in body breadth was present among earlier hominins as it is in living humans. The increased M-L pelvic breadth in all earlier hominins relative to modern humans is related to an increase in ellipticity of the birth canal, possibly as a result of a non-rotational birth mechanism that was common to both australopithecines and archaic Homo.  相似文献   

We quantitatively examined the differences in the size and proportion of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) by comparing the Early Jomon specimens from Torihama shell-midden, Fukui Prefecture and modern specimens from Fukui Prefecture. The purpose of this study was to explore the temporal change in the proportion and size of teeth of the Japanese macaques based on the quantified data. The result of measurements of lower premolars and molars demonstrated that sexual dimorphism was evident only among the modern specimens where the females were significantly smaller than males. The size of male Torihama specimens was within the range of the modern population, whereas the size of the female Torihama specimens was significantly larger than the modern female population. The proportional pattern of premolars and molars for male and female Torihama specimens also differed. The results may suggest a possible difference in the degree of size reduction between males and females since the last glacial period.Morphometric analysis of mandibular cheek teeth from Torihama Shell-midden  相似文献   

S.-H. Lee   《HOMO》2005,56(3):219-232
Size sexual dimorphism is one of the major components of morphological variation and has been associated with socioecology and behavioral variables such as mating patterns. Although several studies have addressed the magnitude and pattern of sexual dimorphism in Australopithecus afarensis, one of the earliest hominids, consensus has yet to be reached. This paper uses assigned resampling method, a data resampling method to estimate the magnitude of sexual dimorphism without relying on individual sex assessments, to examine the fossil hominid sample from Hadar. Two questions are asked: first, whether sexual dimorphism in a selected sample of skeletal elements of A. afarensis is the same as that in living humans, chimpanzees, or gorillas; and second, whether different skeletal elements reflect variation in sexual dimorphism in the same way. All possible metric variables were used as data in applying the method, including seven variables from three elements (mandibular canine, humerus, femur). Analyses show that A. afarensis is similar in size sexual dimorphism to gorillas in femoral variables, to humans in humeral variables, and to chimpanzees in canine variables. The results of this study are compatible with the hypothesis that the pattern of sexual dimorphism in A. afarensis is different from any that are observed in living humans or apes.  相似文献   

Heterochrony has been invoked to explain differences in the morphology of modern humans as compared to other great apes. The distal femur is one area where heterochrony has been hypothesized to explain morphological differentiation among Plio-Pleistocene hominins. This hypothesis is evaluated here using geometric morphometric data to describe the ontogenetic shape trajectories of extant hominine distal femora and place Plio-Pleistocene hominins within that context. Results of multivariate statistical analyses showed that in both Homo and Gorilla, the shape of the distal femur changes significantly over the course of development, whereas that of Pan changes very little. Development of the distal femur of Homo is characterized by an elongation of the condyles, and a greater degree of enlargement of the medial condyle relative to the lateral condyle, whereas Gorilla are characterized by a greater degree of enlargement of the lateral condyle, relative to the medial. Early Homo and Australopithecus africanus fossils fell on the modern human ontogenetic shape trajectory and were most similar to either adult or adolescent modern humans while specimens of Australopithecus afarensis were more similar to Gorilla/Pan. These results indicate that shape differences among the distal femora of Plio-Pleistocene hominins and humans cannot be accounted for by heterochrony alone; heterochrony could explain a transition from the distal femoral shape of early Homo/A. africanus to modern Homo, but not a transition from A. afarensis to Homo. That change could be the result of genetic or epigenetic factors.  相似文献   

Many mammalian species display sexual dimorphism in the pelvis, where females possess larger dimensions of the obstetric (pelvic) canal than males. This is contrary to the general pattern of body size dimorphism, where males are larger than females. Pelvic dimorphism is often attributed to selection relating to parturition, or as a developmental consequence of secondary sexual differentiation (different allometric growth trajectories of each sex). Among anthropoid primates, species with higher body size dimorphism have higher pelvic dimorphism (in converse directions), which is consistent with an explanation of differential growth trajectories for pelvic dimorphism. This study investigates whether the pattern holds intraspecifically in humans by asking: Do human populations with high body size dimorphism also display high pelvic dimorphism? Previous research demonstrated that in some small-bodied populations, relative pelvic canal size can be larger than in large-bodied populations, while others have suggested that larger-bodied human populations display greater body size dimorphism. Eleven human skeletal samples (total N: male = 229, female = 208) were utilized, representing a range of body sizes and geographical regions. Skeletal measurements of the pelvis and femur were collected and indices of sexual dimorphism for the pelvis and femur were calculated for each sample [ln(M/F)]. Linear regression was used to examine the relationships between indices of pelvic and femoral size dimorphism, and between pelvic dimorphism and female femoral size. Contrary to expectations, the results suggest that pelvic dimorphism in humans is generally not correlated with body size dimorphism or female body size. These results indicate that divergent patterns of dimorphism exist for the pelvis and body size in humans. Implications for the evaluation of the evolution of pelvic dimorphism and rotational childbirth in Homo are considered.  相似文献   

Increases in endocranial volume (a measure of brain size) play a major role in human evolution. Despite the importance of brain size increase, the developmental bases of human brain size evolution remain poorly characterized. Comparative analyses of endocranial volume size growth illustrate that distinctions between humans and other primates are consequences of differences in rates of brain size growth, with little evidence for differences in growth duration. Evaluation of available juvenile fossils shows that earliest hominins do not differ perceptibly from chimpanzees (Pan). However, rapid and human-like early brain growth apparently characterized Homo erectus at about 1?Ma before present. Neandertals show patterns of brain growth consistent with modern humans during infancy, but reach larger sizes than modern humans as a result of differences in later growth. Growth analyses reveal commonalities in patterns of early brain size growth during the last million years human evolution, despite major increases in adult size. This result implies consistency across hominins in terms of maternal metabolic costs of infancy. Continued size growth past infancy in Neandertals and modern humans, when compared to earlier hominins, may have cognitive implications. Differences between Neandertals and modern humans are implied, but difficult to define with certainty.  相似文献   

This analysis investigates the ontogeny of body size dimorphism in apes. The processes that lead to adult body size dimorphism are illustrated and described. Potential covariation between ontogenetic processes and socioecological variables is evaluated. Mixed-longitudinal growth data from 395 captive individuals (representing Hylobates lar [gibbon], Hylobates syndactylus [siamang], Pongo pygmaeus [orangutan], Gorilla gorilla [gorilla], Pan paniscus [pygmy chimpanzee], and Pan troglodytes [“common” chimpanzee]) form the basis of this study. Results illustrate heterogeneity in the growth processes that produce ape dimorphism. Hylobatids show no sexual differentiation in body weight growth. Adult body size dimorphism in Pongo can be largely attributed to indeterminate male growth. Dimorphism in African apes is produced by two different ontogenetic processes. Both pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) become dimorphic primarily through bimaturism (sex differences in duration of growth). In contrast, sex differences in rate of growth account for the majority of dimorphism in common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Diversity in the ontogenetic pathways that produce adult body size dimorphism may be related to multiple evolutionary causes of dimorphism. The lack of sex differences in hylobatid growth is consistent with a monogamous social organization. Adult dimorphism in Pongo can be attributed to sexual selection for indeterminate male growth. Interpretation of dimorphism in African apes is complicated because factors that influence female ontogeny have a substantial effect on the resultant adult dimorphism. Sexual selection for prolonged male growth in gorillas may also increase bimaturism relative to common chimpanzees. Variation in female growth is hypothesized to covary with foraging adaptations and with differences in female competition that result from these foraging adaptations. Variation in male growth probably corresponds to variation in level of sexual selection. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Rhinos are the only modern perissodactyls that possess cranial weapons similar to the horns, antlers and ossicones of modern ruminants. Yet, unlike ruminants, there is no clear relationship between sexual dimorphism and sociality. It is possible to extend the study of the coevolution of sociality and sexual dimorphism into extinct rhinos by examining the demographic patterns in large fossil assemblages. An assemblage of the North American early Miocene (∼22 million years ago) rhino, Menoceras arikarense, from Agate Springs National Monument, Nebraska, exhibits dimorphism in incisor size and nasal bone size, but there is no detectible dimorphism in body size. The degree of dimorphism of the nasal horn is greater than the degree of sexual dimorphism of any living rhino and more like that of modern horned ruminants. The greater degree of sexual dimorphism in Menoceras horns may relate to its relatively small body size and suggests that the horn had a more sex-specific function. It could be hypothesized that Menoceras evolved a more gregarious type of sociality in which a fewer number of males were capable of monopolizing a larger number of females. Demographic patterns in the Menoceras assemblage indicate that males suffered from a localized risk of elevated mortality at an age equivalent to the years of early adulthood. This mortality pattern is typical of living rhinos and indicates that young males were susceptible to the aggressive behaviors of dominant individuals in areas conducive to fossilization (e.g., ponds, lakes, rivers). Menoceras mortality patterns do not suggest a type of sociality different from modern rhinos although a group forming type of sociality remains possible. Among both living and extinct rhinos, the severity of socially mediated mortality seems unrelated to the degree of sexual dimorphism. Thus, sexual dimorphism in rhinos is not consistent with traditional theories about the co-evolution of sexual dimorphism and sociality.  相似文献   

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