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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between skeletal aging traits (obtained from evaluation of hand radiographs) and physique characteristics, including indices of obesity, skeletal size, muscular development, and the somatotypes of Heath and Carter (1967) and of Deriabin (1985). To achieve our aims, we used multiple regression analysis, and Pearson's and canonical correlation analyses. The studied population comprised 629 males and 561 females aged 18-90 years, all members of the Chuvasha (Russian Federation). The present study provides evidence for a connection between hand bone aging traits and physique characteristics. The cortical index showed a small but significant correlation with adiposity and the index of overall physique, but bone mineral density (BMD) traits were not correlated with the index of overall physique. Deriabin's set of somatotypes was significantly correlated with BMD, but could explain only 2% of its variation. Significant correlations of the hand osteoarthritis trait were observed with indices of adiposity. Also observed were statistically significant canonical correlations with both sets of somatotypes, which enabled us to predict 2-3% of hand osteoarthritis variation by a combination of somatotype components. Osseometric score evinced statistically significant correlations with most indices of physique as well as with a combination of somatotype components. These findings may prove helpful in epidemiological studies, because they show that body composition is the factor that is statistically significantly associated with skeletal aging.  相似文献   

Body size and host range in European Heteroptera   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We used data on body size and host range of phytophagous Heteroptera in central Europe, an inverse measure of specialisation, to analyse the relationship of body size vs specialisation: 1) we found a clear positive relationship between body size and host range using species as independent data points. 2) However, a nested analysis of variance shows that most of the variance in body size occurred at higher taxonomic levels whereas most of the variance in host specialisation occurred between species. This suggests different phylogenetic inertia of body size and specialisation. Nevertheless, using means of different higher taxonomic levels there is still a significant positive correlation between body size and host range. 3) With more sophisticated methods of correcting for the phylogenetic relatedness between species, the positive correlation between body size and host range still holds, despite the different assumptions of each method. Thus, the relationship between body size and host range is a very robust pattern in true bugs.  相似文献   

The robust diaphyses of Pleistocene hominins are said to indicate higher activity levels in these prehistoric humans than among people today. Thus, it could be argued that the prediction of body mass from fossil lower limb diaphyseal cortical area (CA) using recent human regressions might lead to erroneously high body mass estimates. This study uses three body mass prediction formulae based on the following features: reconstructed femoral 80% (subtrochanteric) CA, femoral head diameter (FH), and bi-iliac breadth and stature (BIB-St) among European Early and Late Upper Paleolithic (EUP and LUP) and recent humans from Africa and Europe. All three methods produce similar body mass estimates for all groups studied, including recent humans.Gleaning behavioral differences from these data is more difficult, as no significant differences in CA were found among the fossil and recent Europeans. It has been suggested that the EUP had less robust diaphyses than their LUP counterparts. However, here this result is only obtained when CA is size-standardized to femoral length(3) (Ruff et al., 1993, Am. J. phys. Anthrop.91, 21-53 Trinkaus et al., 1998, in Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia, pp.391-404, New York: Plenum). This should not be interpreted as evidence for lower activity levels in the EUP, but rather as an artefact of standardization, for as Wolpoff (1999), Am. J. phys. Anthrop.109, 416-423 points out, these standardized variables are extremely sensitive to limb length differences, and the EUP have longer limbs than their LUP counterparts. With this in mind, these data do not support a pattern of behavioral differences between EUP and LUP humans, and therefore more sensitive measures than CA may be required to detect such differences.  相似文献   

I analyzed observations from a yearlong study of the positional behavior of Pan troglodytesat the Mahale Mountains National Park to determine whether there are detectable differences in behavior between large and small individuals. Analysis was complicated by a weak correlation between body size and social rank. To factor out rank effects, I performed two types of analyses, depending on the type of data: (1) multiple regressions or (2) comparisons of similarly ranked animals of different body size. With social rank effects accounted for, larger males fed lower in the canopy, fed on the ground more often, fed preferentially among food tree species with smaller adult heights, and climbed significantly less often than smaller males did. Contrary to expectation, large males utilized smaller weight-bearing structures than small males did. These results suggest that large males minimized climbing versus optimizing support diameters, perhaps because vertical climbing is disproportionally expensive for larger animals. The large body weight of chimpanzees compared with other primates suggests that minimizing altitude changes, and therefore vertical climbing, is an important consideration in budgeting daily energy expenditures.  相似文献   

Aim To test the abundant centre hypothesis by analysing the physical and climatic factors that influence body size variation in the European badger (Meles meles). Location Data were compiled from 35 locations across Europe. Methods We used body mass, body length and condylo‐basal length (CBL) as surrogates of size. We also compiled data on latitude, several climatic variables, habitat type and site position relative to the range edge. We collapsed all continuous climatic variables into independent vectors using principal components analysis (PCA), and used a general linear model to explain the morphometric variation in badger populations across the species’ range. Results Body mass and body length were nonlinearly and significantly related to latitude. In contrast, CBL was linearly related to latitude. Body mass changed nonlinearly along the temperature (PC1) gradient, with the highest values observed at mid‐range. Furthermore, body mass, body length and CBL differed significantly among habitats, with badgers showing larger size in temperate habitats and core areas relative to peripheral zones. Main conclusions Our analysis supports the nonlinear pattern predicted by the abundant centre hypothesis only for body mass and body length. These results imply that individuals are largest and heaviest at the centre of the climatic range of badger distribution. Variation of CBL with latitude follows a linear trend, consistent with Bergmann’s rule. Our results provide mixed support for the abundant centre hypothesis, and suggest food availability/quality to be the main mechanism underlying body size clines in this species.  相似文献   

The 2016 judgment in the ‘Timber Creek’ compensation case (Griffiths v Northern Territory of Australia (no. 3) (2016) FCA 900) signals an end to an era of extinguishment-related injustice and inequality, representing, as it does, the first litigated Federal Court award of compensation for the loss or impairment of rights and interests, under the 1993 Native Title Act. In this paper, I explore some of the methodological challenges and conceptual issues confronting anthropologists involved in researching compensation claims. In drawing upon my experience in researching two such claims, I discuss how the issues of gender, resource development, environmental transformation, the Stolen Generation, and the history of Indigenous-European relations in remote and rural Australia impact upon investigations into the loss or diminution of traditional attachments to land. In conceptualising this loss of connection, I discuss material relating to the ‘anthropology of emotions’, and I point to some of the obstacles encountered when talking about emotions cross-culturally. In conclusion, I explore research undertaken into the social and psychological impacts of ecosystem distress, loss of place, and environmental change, and I posit the value of Glenn Albrecht’s concept of ‘solastalgia’ (2005. “Solastalgia, a New Concept in Human Health and Identity.” Philosophy Activism Nature 3: 41–44) in framing research into the loss of solace, and in expanding upon the legal notion of this loss as ‘inconvenience’ and ‘injured feelings’.  相似文献   

Body size satisfaction may be an important factor associated with physical activity. We analyzed data from the 2002 National Physical Activity and Weight Loss Survey (NPAWLS), a population-based cross-sectional telephone survey of US adults. Multiple logistic regression models were used to examine the association of body size satisfaction on being regularly active. Participants were aged > or =18 years with complete data on weight, race/ethnicity, physical activity level, and body size satisfaction (n = 10,021). More than half of men (55.8%) and women (53.3%) who reported being very satisfied with the body size were regularly active. After adjustment for covariates, participants who reported being somewhat or not satisfied with their body size had a 13 and 44% lower odds of being regularly active, respectively, compared with those very satisfied with their body size. When stratified by race/ethnicity, this association remained in whites (P for trend <0.001), but became weaker and nonsignificant in blacks, Hispanics, or other racial/ethnic groups. Irrespective of actual weight, those who were satisfied with their body size were more likely to engage in regular physical activity than those less satisfied. Further research is needed to explore predictors of physical activity to reduce health disparities.  相似文献   

Estimation of body size and physique from hominin skeletal remains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A.M.W. Porter   《HOMO》2002,53(1):17-38
Three methods of measuring stature from skeletal remains are reviewed: the reconstructed skeletal length, the correspondence of long bone length to stature and the regression of stature on long bone length. Each involves problems and difficulties. For the anthropologist, there is the additional problem of applying findings from extant taxa to extinct taxa with potentially different morphologies and limb proportions. Of the various studies involving regression of the stature the findings of Trotter and Gleser are judged the most robust and useful notwithstanding problems and limitations. The lumbar vertebrae are potentially important as stature predictors. Estimation of body mass from the skeleton is also beset with problems. Eight methods are reviewed: Hartwig-Scherer's taxon independent solution, four methods involving measurements from the weight-bearing appendicular skeleton, Ruff's method using the length of the reconstructed skeleton and an estimate of body breadth, estimates from the total skeletal mass and estimates from the body mass index when the stature is known approximately. Lumbar vertebrae provide reasonable estimates of both body mass and stature and thus by derivation the body mass index. At present both forensic scientists and anthropologists lack adequate data and methods to estimate body size and shape from hominin skeletons. A further large and well-designed study using magnetic resonance imaging is required.  相似文献   

Demographic information and laboratory test results on 136 169 clinical serum specimens submitted to the public health laboratory in Manitoba, Canada, for hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing between January 1995 and December 2003 were analyzed. The difference in the clearance rates of HCV infection, without therapeutic intervention, and the HCV genotypes infecting First Nation and non-First Nation people were studied. The rates of co-infection of HCV-positive individuals with other hepatitis viruses were also compared between the two study groups. The results of the analyses of the data indicated that there was a 4.4-fold increase in the number of specimens tested and a 4.9-fold decrease in HCV antibody (anti-HCV) positive cases during the study period. The proportion of specimens submitted for testing from First Nation individuals was lower than their proportion in the Manitoba population. Our study also indicated that there was a significantly higher proportion of First Nation patients who had self-limiting infection (patients cleared the infection and became HCV RNA negative without anti-HCV treatment) in comparison to non-First Nation patients. The proportion of First Nation females who had self-limiting infection was significantly higher than non-First Nation females. HCV genotype 1 infection represented more than 60% of HCV infection in Manitoba. The rate of individuals positive for the hepatitis A virus antibody in the HCV-positive population was higher among First Nation than non-First Nation individuals. On the other hand, there were more HCV-infected First Nation patients than non-First Nation patients who were not immune to the hepatitis B virus. The data indicate that fewer First Nation patients seek anti-HCV therapy in comparison to non-First Nation. In conclusion, the differences in the rates of HCV self-limiting infection between First Nation and non-First Nation individuals in Manitoba may reflect the genetic differences between the two cohorts, which may consequently affect the immune response to the HCV infection.  相似文献   



In group‐living primates, it has been reported that the alpha male exhibits high concentrations of cortisol and testosterone in the context of mating competition. We investigated how the presence of females affected salivary cortisol and testosterone levels in males from a small captive group of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Specifically, we assessed whether the presence of females resulted in a rapid increase in salivary cortisol and testosterone levels in the alpha male.

Materials and methods

We compared the social behavior and salivary hormone concentrations of four males before and after the presentation of receptive females. Three times a day, we collected saliva samples, a useful matrix for investigating short‐term hormonal changes, and measured cortisol and testosterone concentration by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS).


The frequency of inter‐male aggression increased in the presence of females, indicating intense competition among males. Salivary cortisol levels increased in all males in the presence of females; however, the increase was significantly more pronounced in the alpha male. We found a complex three‐way interaction among the presence of females, sampling timings, and male dominance rank in the analysis of salivary testosterone. Contrary to our prediction, a post hoc analysis revealed that salivary testosterone levels decreased after female introduction and that the alpha male did not show a higher level of salivary testosterone.


Our study provides experimental evidence suggesting that the presence of females plays a significant role in the rank‐related variation in the cortisol levels in male chimpanzees. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate the usefulness of salivary hormones for detecting short‐term physiological changes in studies of socioendocrinology.

Aim To investigate latitudinal and altitudinal patterns in body size variation among north‐west European land snail species, as well as factors influencing such patterns. Location Latitudinal patterns were investigated in north‐west Europe from the British Isles and France in the west to Finland, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary in the east and from Norway in the north to France (with the exception of the Mediterranean part of the country), Switzerland, Austria and Hungary in the south. Altitudinal patterns were examined in the Alps in Austria and Switzerland. Methods Data on latitudinal ranges of 366 north‐west European land snail species, on altitudinal ranges of 175 species from Austria and 150 species from Switzerland, and on their body sizes were used to test for the presence of interspecific latitudinal or altitudinal body size patterns. Four methods, Stevens’ method, the midpoint method, the across‐species method, and a phylogenetically controlled analysis (CAIC) were applied. Results As a result of the predominance of some small bodied clades at higher latitudes and some large bodied clades at lower latitudes, body size of north‐west European land snails decreases significantly with increasing latitude. However, little of the body size variation across species is explained by latitude and the phylogenetically controlled analysis showed that the decrease of body size with increasing latitude is not a result of repeated and independent evolution of an association between body size and latitude in many clades. There is no significant correlation between body size of land snail species and altitude in the Alps although a negative correlation of body size and altitude is frequent within species. Main conclusion If phylogenetic effects are controlled for, neither latitudinal nor altitudinal patterns in body size could be found. Bergmann's rule, which predicts a positive correlation between body size of species and latitude, could not be confirmed for north‐west European land snails.  相似文献   

We present a comparative study of the relationship between body size and described taxonomic diversity in the Metazoa. We find no pattern between body size and taxonomic diversity; neither the smallest organisms nor organisms at an intermediate body size are consistently more diverse than their closest relatives. This conclusion holds for both nonphylogenetic analysis, in which phyla are treated as independent points, and analysis of independent contrasts using several recent hypotheses of metazoan phylogeny. These results appear surprising in the context of existing models of body size distributions. However, such models are built around the prevalence of right‐skewed distributions and we find no evidence for such a distribution.  相似文献   

Body size and the adoption of a migratory tactic in brook charr   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence of a conditional strategy based on size attained before migration and a sex-ratio at migration biased towards females were explored in a population of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in the Sainte-Marguerite River, Quebec Province, Canada, where anadromous and resident forms live sympatrically. Seaward migration in the system occurred at 1 and 2 years old. Comparisons between backcalculated size-at-age of migrant and resident fish revealed that smaller fish at age 1 year delay migration to the following year and that bigger fish either migrated at age 1 year or remained resident for the rest of their life-cycle. Slow growth was associated with migration later in life (age 2 years) at a bigger size, which is consistent with the hypothesis of a threshold size for migration. No difference in size at age 1 year between migrant and resident fish suggests that other factors, such as growth efficiency and the presence of heritability of the tactics, are involved. Overall the sex ratio was equal for migrant and resident fish, while an age-specific bias was found: more males migrated at age 1 year and more females at age 2 years. These differences suggest that different tactics are adopted by different sexes.  相似文献   

Temporal and geographic variability in adult body size can be a useful indicator of a population's adaptation. The southern African Cape supported foraging populations exclusively until some pastoralism is seen, ca. 2000 BP. This paper describes and interprets body-size patterns among foragers, as deduced from maximum femoral lengths and femoral head diameters, using 127 individually dated adult skeletons from the western (70) and southern (57) regions of the Cape (64 male, 60 female, 3 sex undetermined). Estimated statures are comparable to historic Khoesan samples, but show lower values and greater variance during the fifth/fourth millennium before the present among both sexes and both biomes. Variation in femoral length does not correlate with diet protein, as reflected in stable isotope (delta(13)C and delta(15)N) values. Positive correlations between femoral head diameter and isotopic indicators suggest greater body mass with more reliance on marine protein. A decline in femoral length begins at around 4000 BP, a time when archaeologists suggest that population growth led to the incorporation of lower-ranked food resources, and to reduced mobility. A clearly identifiable linear recovery, beginning at around 3000 BP, greatly predates the earliest evidence of pastoralism on the Cape. Apparent problems of food sufficiency were addressed and solved, within a hunting and gathering economy.  相似文献   

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