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A total of 218 individuals living in the Brazilian cities of Porto Alegre (in the South) and Salvador (in the Northeast) were variously studied in relation to nine erythrocyte and four plasma protein systems. The results were compared with previous studies in some of these systems, and estimates of interethnic admixture obtained in subsamples according to morphological appearance. As a whole, Afro-Brazilians from Salvador show 42% of non-African genes, the corresponding figure for Porto Alegre being 59%. The Amerindian contribution to these individuals was estimated as null or negligible. Average heterozygosities are similar to those obtained for African groups, but the gene differentiation coefficient (GST') is small. The phylogenetic tree indicates a closer relationship of Salvador with the African subcluster, as would be expected by the admixture and istorical data. Analyses such as this one are important for the unraveling of the complex networks responsible for the present variability of human populations, and for the dispelling of racist concepts.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of the Berba of Benin was studied on the basis of biodemographic data and ABO, RH, MNS, KEL, JK, FY, ACP1, ADA, AK1, CA2, ESD, GLO1, G6PD, PGD, PGM1 (subtypes and thermostability), PGM2, PGP, SODA, HBα, HBβ, HBδ, BF, C3, and Hp gene frequencies. Comparisons were carried out with other populations of Benin and of sub-Sahara Africa. Correspondence analysis revealed genetic differentiation among the three main groups of populations who inhabit sub-Saharan Africa: Bushmen-Hottentots, Pygmies, and Negroes. The genetic differentiation of the Negroes in relation to their linguistic affiliation and geographic localization was evident. The first group included the populations belonging to the Bantoid subfamily of the Nigritic linguistic stock living in southern Africa; in the second subcluster the populations of central-eastern Africa were localized, and the third subcluster included the populations living in the West. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Biodiversity studies are more efficient when large numbers of breeds belonging to several countries are involved, as they allow for an in‐depth analysis of the within‐ and between‐breed components of genetic diversity. A set of 21 microsatellites was used to investigate the genetic composition of 24 Creole goat breeds (910 animals) from 10 countries to estimate levels of genetic variability, infer population structure and understand genetic relationships among populations across the American continent. Three commercial transboundary breeds were included in the analyses to investigate admixture with Creole goats. Overall, the genetic diversity of Creole populations (mean number of alleles = 5.82 ± 1.14, observed heterozygosity = 0.585 ± 0.074) was moderate and slightly lower than what was detected in other studies with breeds from other regions. The Bayesian clustering analysis without prior information on source populations identified 22 breed clusters. Three groups comprised more than one population, namely from Brazil (Azul and Graúna; Moxotó and Repartida) and Argentina (Long and shorthair Chilluda, Pampeana Colorada and Angora‐type goat). Substructure was found in Criolla Paraguaya. When prior information on sample origin was considered, 92% of the individuals were assigned to the source population (threshold q ≥ 0.700). Creole breeds are well‐differentiated entities (mean coefficient of genetic differentiation = 0.111 ± 0.048, with the exception of isolated island populations). Dilution from admixture with commercial transboundary breeds appears to be negligible. Significant levels of inbreeding were detected (inbreeding coefficient > 0 in most Creole goat populations, P < 0.05). Our results provide a broad perspective on the extant genetic diversity of Creole goats, however further studies are needed to understand whether the observed geographical patterns of population structure may reflect the mode of goat colonization in the Americas.  相似文献   

Selection for performance in diverse production settings has resulted in variation across sheep breeds worldwide. Although sheep are an important species to the United States, the current genetic relationship among many terminal sire breeds is not well characterized. Suffolk, Hampshire, Shropshire and Oxford (terminal) and Rambouillet (dual purpose) sheep (n = 248) sampled from different flocks were genotyped using the Applied Biosystems Axiom Ovine Genotyping Array (50K), and additional Shropshire sheep (n = 26) using the Illumina Ovine SNP50 BeadChip. Relationships were investigated by calculating observed heterozygosity, inbreeding coefficients, eigenvalues, pairwise Wright’s FST estimates and an identity by state matrix. The mean observed heterozygosity for each breed ranged from 0.30 to 0.35 and was consistent with data reported in other US and Australian sheep. Suffolk from two different regions of the United States (Midwest and West) clustered separately in eigenvalue plots and the rectangular cladogram. Further, divergence was detected between Suffolk from different regions with Wright’s FST estimate. Shropshire animals showed the greatest divergence from other terminal breeds in this study. Admixture between breeds was examined using admixture , and based on cross-validation estimates, the best fit number of populations (clusters) was K = 6. The greatest admixture was observed within Hampshire, Suffolk, and Shropshire breeds. When plotting eigenvalues, US terminal breeds clustered separately in comparison with sheep from other locations of the world. Understanding the genetic relationships between terminal sire breeds in sheep will inform us about the potential applicability of markers derived in one breed to other breeds based on relatedness.  相似文献   

R. Qiao  X. Li  X. Han  K. Wang  G. Lv  G. Ren  X. Li 《Animal genetics》2019,50(3):262-265
To investigate the population structure and genetic diversity of Henan indigenous pig breeds, samples from a total of 78 pigs of 11 breeds were collected, including four pig populations from Henan Province, three Western commercial breeds, three Chinese native pig breeds from other provinces and one Asian wild boar. The genotyping datasets were obtained by genotyping‐by‐sequencing technology. We found a high degree of polymorphism and rapid linkage disequilibrium decay in Henan pigs. A neighbor‐joining tree, principal component analysis and structure analysis revealed that the Huainan and Erhualian pigs were clustered together and that the Queshan black pigs were clearly grouped together but that the Nanyang and Yuxi pigs were extensively admixed with Western pigs. In addition, heterozygosity values might indicate that Henan indigenous pigs, especially the Queshan black and Huainan pigs, were subjected to little selection during domestication. The results presented here indicate that Henan pig breeds were admixed from Western breeds, especially Nanyang and Yuxi pigs. Therefore, establishment of purification and rejuvenation systems to implement conservation strategies is urgent. In addition, it is also necessary to accelerate genetic resources improvement and utilization using modern breeding technologies, such as genomic selection and genome‐wide association studies.  相似文献   

Colombia is a country with great geographic heterogeneity and marked regional differences in pre‐Columbian native population density and in the extent of past African and European immigration. As a result, Colombia has one of the most diverse populations in Latin America. Here we evaluated ancestry in over 1,700 individuals from 24 Colombian populations using biparental (autosomal and X‐Chromosome), maternal (mtDNA), and paternal (Y‐chromosome) markers. Autosomal ancestry varies markedly both within and between regions, confirming the great genetic diversity of the Colombian population. The X‐chromosome, mtDNA, and Y‐chromosome data indicate that there is a pattern across regions indicative of admixture involving predominantly Native American women and European and African men. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:13–20, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

滇杨(Populus yunnanensis)是我国西南地区的特有树种, 具有速生、易无性繁殖、适应性强等优良特性, 是典型的南方型杨属树种。研究滇杨遗传多样性及种群结构对其种质资源的收集、保存和利用具有重要的意义。本研究从我国滇杨主要分布区云南和四川共采集了6个种群, 包括云南的昭通(ZT)、会泽(HZ)、嵩明(SM)、洱源(EY)、拉市海(LS)以及四川的美姑(MG), 共64个个体, 利用34对SSR分子标记和3对cpDNA叶绿体标记开展遗传多样性与遗传结构研究。SSR引物共检测到154个等位基因, 平均等位基因数为4.529, 观测杂合度(Ho)与期望杂合度(He)分别为0.552和0.472, 遗传分化系数(Fst)平均值为0.238, 多态性信息含量指数(PIC)平均值为0.421, 基因流(Nm)为0.806。滇杨的遗传结构分析(DAPC)与遗传距离的主坐标分析(PCoA)、UPGMA聚类分析均将6个种群划分为3个亚类: 第І亚类包括昭通种群、会泽种群和嵩明种群的4个个体, 第ІІ亚类包括嵩明种群的6个个体以及洱源种群和拉市海种群, 第III亚类为美姑种群; 嵩明种群包含第І和第ІІ两个亚类的混合遗传成分。3个cpDNA联合序列中共检测到35个变异位点, 分为13个单倍型, 其中单倍型H5在种群中分布最为广泛, 其余的单倍型均为种群特有的单倍型。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明种群内的遗传变异大于种群间变异。研究表明滇杨不同种群的遗传分化具有地域性, 可选择就地保护; 昭通种群遗传多样性最高, 且包含7种叶绿体单倍型, 单倍型类型最多, 应优先保护。  相似文献   

Salers are a native French breed used for beef and dairy production that has expanded to all the continents. The Salers breed was introduced to the north of Spain in 1985 with only 15 individuals from France and has successfully increased to over 20 000 animals. Although over time new animals have been imported from France for breeding, it is possible that the limiting number of founder animals could have resulted in a reduction of the genetic diversity found in Spanish Salers. Thus, the purpose of the present study has been to characterize the genetic diversity of Salers breed in Spain and evaluate a possible founder effect due to reduced number of the first reproducers. A total of 403 individuals from 12 Salers herds were analyzed using 12 microsatellite markers and compared with phylogenetically and geographically close related Blonde d’Aquitaine, Limousin and Charolais French breeds but also other 16 European breeds. Microsatellites in Salers were polymorphic, with a mean allelic richness of 5.129 and an expected heterozygosity of 0.621 across loci (0.576 to 0.736 among all breeds). Average observed heterozygosity was 0.618. All the loci fit the Hardy–Weinberg (HW) equilibrium except TGLA227 locus due to a significant deficit of heterozygotes in only one of the herds, probably attributable to a sampling effect. When all loci were combined, Salers inbreeding coefficient did not differ statistically from 0 (FIS=0.005), indicating not significant excess or deficit of heterozygotes (P=0.309). Based in allelic distribution, Salers revealed a frequency of 0.488 in BM2113-131 and 0.064 in BM2113-143 diagnostic alleles, which are specific to the African zebu. These zebu alleles are also found in some French breeds, supported by STR data previously postulated hypothesis of a migration route through Mediterranean route by which North African cattle may have left a genetic signature in southern Europe. Phylogenetic tree and population structure analyses could unambiguously differentiate Salers cattle from the other populations and 10% of the total genetic variability could be attributed to differences among breeds (mean RST=0.105; P<0.01). Mutation-drift equilibrium tests (sign test and Wilcoxon’s sign rank test) were in correspondence to the absence of founder effect when Bonferroni was applied. Gene diversity previously reported in French Salers was comparable with the observed in our population. Thus, high genetic diversity in Spanish Salers highlights the resources of this population, which looks toward future breeding and selection programs.  相似文献   

A total of 495 individuals from five different Argentinian tribes was examined for variation in 23 blood group and protein genetic systems, and the results were integrated with previous data on some of these systems. These tribes generally present RH * R1, PGM1 * 1, and ACP * A frequencies lower and RH * R2, ESD * 1, and GLO * 1 prevalences higher than those observed in other South American Indian groups. Earlier studies with mitochondrial DNA showed that haplogroup A was present in low frequencies in these tribes, but haplogroup B showed a high prevalence among the Mataco. Average heterozygosities are very similar in the five tribes, while estimates of non-Indian ancestry are generally low. Both the blood group and protein, as well as the mtDNA data sets, divide the five tribes into two groups, and the relationships obtained with the blood group and protein systems are exactly those expected on the basis of geography and language. However, the topology obtained with the mtDNA results was different, possibly due to sampling effects or diverse patterns of exchange between the groups related to sex.  相似文献   

野古草种群克隆的遗传变异和遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用酶电泳法和同工酶分析对东北松嫩草原西北部野古草种群克隆遗传变异性和种群遗传结构做了探讨。讨论了遗传多样性、地理距离和遗传距离之间的关系、大种群和小种群的遗传变异性和种群间的基因流 ;种群间 ,包括大种群和小种群间基因流、遗传和地理距离对遗传多样性的影响、昆虫和风传粉、种群籽苗的补充、遗传多样性的发生和保持 ,自交不亲和性和无性繁殖及体细胞突变  相似文献   

锥栗种群在鼎湖山三个群落中的遗传分化研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP,Amplified fragmen length polymorphism)方法对锥栗(Castanopsis chinensis)在3个不同群落亚种群的遗传分化进行了研究。研究地点位于广东省鼎湖山,3个群落分别是:针叶林群落,针阔叶混交林群落,常绿阔叶林群落。采集的叶要进行DNA提取,酶切、连接、PCR扩增后进行变异性聚丙烯酰胺的凝脉电泳,银染后把所得带进行1/0标记。结果表明,四组引物对分别扩增出27,20,33,39条带,其中分别有15,15,18,26条是多态性带,说明其多样性较高。用AMOVA(Analysis of molecular variance) 分析表明75.36%的遗传变异表现在种群内,24.64%的遗传变异表现在种群间,极显著(P<0.001)。使用Nei遗传距离进行了算术平均数的非加权成组配对法(UPGMA)。其聚类结果表明常绿阔叶林群落亚种群和针阔叶混交林群落亚种群的种群聚合在一起。上述结果说明锥栗不同亚种群有不同的遗传多样性,种群间遗传分化较大。这是种群本身遗传特性的反映,并与群落演替密切相关,即不同群落微环境对种群遗传的影响。  相似文献   

We determined the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships among 26 Chinese indigenous horse breeds and two introduced horse breeds by genotyping these animals for 27 microsatellite loci. The 26 Chinese horse breeds come from 12 different provinces. Two introduced horse breeds were the Mongolia B Horse from Mongolia and the Thoroughbred Horse from the UK. A total of 330 alleles were detected, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.719 (Elenchuns) to 0.780 (Dali). The mean number of alleles among the horse breeds ranged from 6.74 (Hequ) to 8.81 (Debao). Although there were abundant genetic variations found, the genetic differentiation was low between the Chinese horses, which displayed only 2.4% of the total genetic variance among the different breeds. However, genetic differentiation (pairwise FST) among Chinese horses, although moderate, was still apparent and varied from 0.001 for the Guizou–Luoping pair to 0.064 for the Jingjiang–Elenchuns pair. The genetic differentiation patterns and genetic relationships among Chinese horse breeds were also consistent with their geographical distribution. The Thoroughbred and Mongolia B breeds could be discerned as two distinct breeds, but the Mongolia B horse in particular suffered genetic admixture with Chinese horses. The Chinese breeds could be divided into five major groups, i.e. the south or along the Yangtze river group (Bose, Debao, Wenshan, Lichuan, Jianchang, Guizhou, Luoping, Jinjiang and Dali), the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau group (Chaidamu, Hequ, Datong, Yushu, Tibet Grassland and Tibet Valley), the Northeast of China group (Elenchuns, Jilin and Heihe), the Northwest of China group (Kazakh, Yili and Yanqi) and the Inner Mongolia group (Mongolia A, Sanhe, Xinihe,Wuzhumuqin and Sengeng). This grouping pattern was further supported by principal component analysis and structure analysis.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of recently established populations are challenging because the assumption of equilibrium underlying many analyses is likely to be violated. Using microsatellites, we investigated determinants of genetic structure and migration among invasive European-Chinese mitten crab populations, applying a combination of traditional population genetic analyses and nonequilibrium Bayesian methods. Consistent with their recent history, invasive populations showed much lower levels of genetic diversity than a native Chinese population, indicative of recent bottlenecks. Population differentiation was generally low but significant and especially pronounced among recently established populations. Significant differentiation among cohorts from the same geographical location (River Thames) suggests the low effective population size and associated strong genetic drift that would be anticipated from a very recent colonization. An isolation-by-distance pattern appears to be driven by an underlying correlation between geographical distance and population age, suggesting that cumulative homogenizing gene flow reduces founder bottleneck-associated genetic differentiation between longer-established populations. This hypothesis was supported by a coalescent analysis, which supported a drift + gene flow model as more likely than a model excluding gene flow. Furthermore, admixture analysis identified several recent migrants between the UK and Continental European population clusters. Admixture proportions were significantly predicted by the volume of shipping between sites, indicating that human-mediated transport remains a significant factor for dispersal of mitten crabs after the initial establishment of populations. Our study highlights the value of nonequilibrium methods for the study of invasive species, and also the importance of evaluating nonequilibrium explanations for isolation by distance patterns.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation in urban areas has left many species isolated and vulnerable to loss of genetic variation. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), however, thrive in urban areas. We compared genetic diversity and structure among deer in 2 urban metroparks with deer in a fenced reserve and with deer from an open, continuously distributed population to inform urban deer management. If urban deer maintain species' typical matrilineal genetic structure, removal of female groups may effectively reduce local abundance. However, if gene flow in urban areas is high, dispersal may impede efforts to reduce abundance. Although genetic diversity was high and mean relatedness was near zero in all locations, distributions of pairwise relatedness in urban metroparks and the fenced reserve contained greater proportions of closely and distantly related deer than the open locations, likely attributable to matrilineal structure. In addition, deer from the metroparks (approx. 65 km apart) were moderately differentiated (Fst = 0.092) indicating gene flow in urban areas may be less than in other landscapes. Our results indicate that removal of matrilineal groups may reduce local urban deer abundance without inducing immigration from surrounding areas. © The Wildlife Society, 2012  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the Dexter, a minority cattle breed with complex demographic history, was investigated using microsatellite markers and a range of statistical approaches designed to detect both admixture and genetic drift. Modern representatives of two putative ancestral populations, the Devon and Kerry, together with the different populations of the Dexter, which have experienced different demographic histories, were analysed. Breed units showed comparatively high levels of genetic variability ( H E = 0.63–0.68); however, distinct genetic subgroups were detected within the Dexter, which could be attributed to known demographic events. Much lower diversity was identified in three small, isolated Dexter populations ( H E = 0.52–0.55) and higher differentiation ( F ST > 0.13) was found. For one of these populations, where strong selection has taken place, we also found evidence of a demographic bottleneck. Three methods for quantifying breed admixture were applied and substantial method-based variation in estimates for the genetic contribution of the two proposed ancestral populations for each subdivision of the Dexter was found. Results were consistent only in the case of a group consisting of selected Traditional Dexter animals, where the ancestor of the modern Kerry breed was also determined as the greater parental contributor to the Dexter. The inconsistency of estimation of admixture proportions between the methods highlights the potentially confounding role of genetic drift in shaping small population structure, and the consequences of accurately describing population histories from contemporary genetic data.  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) has higher commercial value as food source than any other species of Eriocheir in China.To evaluate the germplasm resources and characterize the genetic diversity and population structure of the crabs in different water systems,two stocks and two farming populations were assessed with 25 polymorphic microsallite loci available in public GenBank.Basic statistics showed that the average observed heterozygosity (Ho) amongst populations ranged from 0.5789 to 0.6824.However,a remarkable presence of inbreeding and heterozygote deficiencies were observed.To analyze population structure,pairwise FST coefficients explained only ~10.3% variability from the subdivision of mitten crab populations,the remaining variability stems from the subdivision within subpopulations.Although the four populations had slight differentiation,different allelic frequencies resulted in distinct population structures.Two stocks and one farming population were clustered together to the phylogenetic branch of Yangtze crab,with an approximate membership of 95%.Whereas,another fanning population was clustered singly to the phylogenetic branch of the Liaohe crab,with a membership of 97.1%.The tests for individual admixture showed that Yangtze crab had probably been contaminated with individuals from other water systems.Genetic relationships between populations also supported the conclusion that Yangtze crab and Liaohe crab had different gene pools in spite of the origins of the same species.  相似文献   

Data on six protein polymorphisms (19 alleles) from the human population of Tenerife are presented and discussed along with other classical markers in relation to the origin of the Canarians. Genetic influences from three population groups were considered: the Iberians, and the Berbers and non-Berbers (Arabs) from north Africa. The systems examined show the Tenerife population lies within the limits of variation described for various Iberian groups, with a slight tendency towards the characteristics of north African populations. When blood groups, red cell enzymes and serum protein data were considered, the similarity of the Canary population to Iberians seems strengthened (70% estimated contribution of Iberian peninsula genes to the present-day Canarian pool), while some relation with north African groups is shown. Genetic distances between Canarians and Arabs and Canarians and Berbers are lower than those between the two north African groups, indicating a relative and comparable contribution of each to the present-day gene pool of the Canarian population. The Arab contribution could be attributable to the slaves who were introduced to these islands after the conquest in the 15th century, while the Berber contribution could be the remnants of the extinct aboriginal peoples of the islands (Guanches) or a more recent immigration due to slavery. Genetic data do not allow us to distinguish between these two possibilities. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 102:337–349, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

North Africa has a great diversity of indigenous sheep breeds whose origin is linked to its environmental characteristics and to certain historical events that took place in the region. To date, few genome‐wide studies have been conducted to investigate the population structure of North African indigenous sheep. The objective of the present study was to provide a detailed assessment of the genetic structure and admixture patterns of six Maghreb sheep populations using the Illumina 50K Ovine BeadChip and comparisons with 22 global populations of sheep and mouflon. Regardless of the method of analysis used, patterns of multiple hybridization events were observed within all North African populations, leading to a heterogeneous genetic architecture that varies according to the breed. The Barbarine population showed the lowest genetic heterogeneity and major southwest Asian ancestry, providing additional support to the Asian origin of the North African fat‐tailed sheep. All other breeds presented substantial Merino introgression ranging from 15% for D'man to 31% for Black Thibar. We highlighted several signals of ancestral introgression between North African and southern European sheep. In addition, we identified two opposite gradients of ancestry, southwest Asian and central European, occurring between North Africa and central Europe. Our results provide further evidence of the weak global population structure of sheep resulting from high levels of gene flow among breeds occurring worldwide. At the regional level, signs of recent admixture among North African populations, resulting in a change of the original genomic architecture of minority breeds, were also detected.  相似文献   

以长白猪(73),大白猪(68),沂蒙黑猪(57)和莱芜猪(83)为研究对象,采用PCR-SSCP方法 对猪MyoG基因遗传多态性进行分析,并研究基因型与初生重、日增重、肌肉嫩度和背膘厚的相关性.根据猪MyoG 基因的DNA序列(M14331)设计引物,结果在内含子1扩增的片段上发现了一个多态性,检测到2个等位基因(A、B),3种基因型(AA、AB、BB),并对纯合子进行测序,发现2 943位G→C突变.基因型在不同猪种分布的多重比较,结果表明,大白猪与长白猪、沂蒙黑猪和莱芜猪比较差异显著(P<0.05),莱芜猪与长白猪和沂蒙黑猪比较差异显著(P<0.05),长白猪与沂蒙黑猪比较差异不显著(P>0.05).固定效应模型分析结果表明,初生重及嫩度基因型间差异显著(P<0.01),而日增重及背膘厚基因型间差异不显著(P>0.05).最小二乘分析结果表明,BB基因型个体与AA基因型个体比较肌肉嫩度的差异显著(P<0.05),AA基因型个体与AB和BB基因型个体比较背膘厚的差异显著(P<0.05).因此,推测MyoG基因对猪肉品质、生长速度及背膘厚存在一定的影响,将 MyoG基因应用于猪育种过程中的标记辅助选择将可以改善猪肉品质,提高生长速度,加快猪的育种进程.  相似文献   

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