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Macaque social relationships differ greatly between species. Based on captive studies that focus mainly on females, researchers have classified stumptail macaque (Macaca arctoides) social relationships as tolerant, as indicated by a high rate of affiliation, frequent aggression, and symmetrical conflicts. To accumulate more data on male social relationships, which are relatively understudied, and to generate comparative data, we investigated male social relationships in a provisioned group of 68 free-ranging, naturally dispersing stumptail macaques in southern Thailand. We collected continuous focal animal and ad libitum data on 7 adult and 2 subadult males, recording social behavior during 283 contact hours between December 2006 and March 2007. Stumptail macaques of this population were less tolerant than predicted based on previous studies on captive groups: Rates of spatial proximity, affiliation, and aggression were low, most males directed affiliative behavior toward higher-ranking males, and conflicts were generally of low intensity and relatively asymmetrical. Thus, male stumptail macaques of the focal group appear to differ in their social style from a previous study of a captive group that mainly comprised of females. In some traits, they are even more intolerant than rhesus macaques, an intensively studied intolerant macaque species. We also compare our data on stumptail macaque males to those on other male macaques, but available data are too sparse to draw final conclusions.  相似文献   

Summary The demographic and ecological characteristics of island populations of small mammals have received increasing attention in recent years, but few studies have compared the behavioral characteristics of island populations with those of mainland populations. Behavior is considered an important variable because it is believed by many to be a crucial factor affecting the population dynamics and demography of natural populations. In particular, among many species of rodents, the social behavior of adults towards juveniles is cited as an important factor influencing dispersal patterns and population regulation. The present study compares social interactions between adults and juveniles of island and mainland populations of the deermouse Peromyscus maniculatus, and attempts to relate differences in behavior to the demographic differences between the two populations. Adult mice were trapped on the mainland of British Columbia and on one of the Gulf Islands off the British Columbia coast, and allowed to breed in the laboratory. Male and female juveniles from both populations were then tested with their own parents and with unrelated male and female adults. The results demonstrate that island adults show almost no aggression towards either own or unrelated young. Mainland adults likewise show little aggression towards their own young, but a proportion of the population, consisting of both male and female adults, shows severe aggression towards unrelated juveniles of both sexes. These results suggest four major conclusions: 1) behavior may be the mechanism responsible for the demographic differences reported for these island and mainland populations; 2) female aggression may be a more important factor in deermouse population dynamics than has been previously recognized; 3) since parents show little aggression towards their own young, adult aggression may be a significant factor in juvenile mortality and emigration only after juveniles have initiated dispersal away from their natal sites; and 4) adult aggression controls the number of both male and female juveniles which are recruited into the population.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that when individuals live in groups or colonies, male–male aggression peaks at intermediate levels of local average relatedness. Assuming that aggression is costly and directed toward nonrelatives and that competition for reproduction acts within the colony, benefits of aggressive behavior are maximized in colonies with a mix of related and unrelated competitors because aggression hurts nonkin often, thereby favoring reproduction of kin. This leads to a dome‐shaped relation between male–male aggression and average relatedness. This prediction has been tested with bacteria in the laboratory, but not with organisms in the field. We study how male–male aggression varies with relatedness in the social spider mite Stigmaeopsis miscanthi. We sampled 25 populations across a wide geographic range between Taiwan and Japan, representing a gradient of high to low within‐population relatedness. For each population the weaponry of males was measured as the length of the first pair of legs, and male–male aggression was tested by placing pairs of nonsibling males together and scoring the frequency of male death over a given period. As these two morphological and behavioral variables correlate strongly, they both reflect the intensity of male–male conflict. Our data on the social spider mite show that male–male aggression as well as weapon size strongly peak at intermediate, average relatedness, thereby confirming theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Adult males are important social partners for all females in mountain gorilla social groups, but male-female relationships can vary in association with variation in female residence status, male age and mating status, and relatedness. Such variation occurred in a large group observed over a 3-year period. All females associated and interacted affiliatively relatively often with a young silverback with whom all mated. Long-term resident females also did so with an old, non-breeding male to whom most were related, but recent immigrants spent little time near him and had few non-aggressive interactions with him. The old male made agonistic interventions to support relatives; interventions in female conflicts by the younger male tended to ameliorate competitive differentials that immigrants faced and may have helped him to retain them as mates. Males aggression toward females was common, most probably served as a mating tactic, and did not involve resource competition. Extensive grooming by an adolescent male suggests that males may also use affiliative behavior to develop mating relationships. Females may have competed for proximity with and social access to the younger silverback; competitive success could influence how well females and their offspring are protected by silver-backs, but the extent of such competition was not clear. Large group size may have heightened differentiation of male-female relationships and competition among females, but comparative data from smaller groups generally corroborate the findings from the large group. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the multimale community is the natural social organization of chimpanzees, both wild and captive adult males have killed other adult males and infants in intercommunity conflicts and intragroup aggression. Despite the potential for serious aggression, the formation of captive, multimale social groups is desirable for the efficient, long-term, humane housing of chimpanzees in socially and physically enriched environments and for the education of zoo visitors. The University of Texas Science Park (UTSP) has maintained multimale groups of chimpanzees for 14 years. In the UTSP outdoor corral housing, multimale/multifemale social groups of unrelated adult and adolescent chimpanzees (42 F, 46 M) were formed by a series of 397 individual introductions. Wounding aggression was minimal during introductions of females to males or other females and upon male-male introductions of formerly single-caged adolescent and young adult males having had long-term prior visual familiarity. Serious wounding occurred during male-male introductions when there were major discrepancies in the age and social experience of the subjects or when adult, socially experienced males were reintroduced to former group mates following lengthy separations. Male wounding in the eight established long-term groups of 5–11 adults (2–7 males) averaged 1.4 episodes per male-year of residence; 14% of male wounding episodes required surgical therapy. Adult wounding was significantly associated with the presence of one or more group females with maximally tumescent genital swellings. No male-perpetrated infanticides occurred. Not all multimale groupings are successful, but the majority of formerly laboratory-housed chimpanzees may live and reproduce safely in multimale groups. Experience with all-male groups at UTSP suggests that bachelor groups are also practical for long-term housing. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A long-term study of immigrant male spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) living in large multimale/multifemale groups (clans) demonstrated that males acquire social status by queuing. Maximumlikelihood estimates of parameters of a stochastic queuingmodel that assessed queuing discipline confirmed that immigrantmales respected the convention that their positions in a queueof typically 15 or more individuals was determined by theirsequence of arrival. Levels of aggression among males were low;males did not attempt to improve their social status throughphysical contests. Size and body mass did not influence malesocial status. The stability of queues was insured by an increasein the rate at which males formed coalitions against othermales as they rose in social status and by coalitions between high-ranked males and dominant females. High-ranked, long-tenuredmales chiefly consorted with ("shadowed") and focused theiraffiliative behavior on females of high reproductive valueand disrupted attempts by subordinate males to associate withthese females. High-ranked males also supported females againstlower-ranked males that harassed them. In contrast, lower-ranked,short-tenured males focused their affiliative behavior on young adult females and rarely shadowed or defended females. Malesthat did not disperse from their natal clan (nondispersers)quickly acquired top rank in the male social hierarchy. Irrespectiveof the social status acquired from their mother when young,nondisperser adult males submitted to all adult females.  相似文献   

1. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, effects of opiate receptor antagonist naloxone, 9 or 30 microg per animal, on aggressive behavior were investigated. 2. Naloxone had no significant impact on aggression of isolated and dominant males. In contrast, the drug caused a dramatic release of social aggression in female and subordinate male crickets. 3. The results suggest that activity of the opioid system contributes to suppress aggression in subordinate males, as well as in females, during social contacts.  相似文献   

Age is a key factor affecting sexual selection, as many physical and social traits are age-related. Although studies of primate mate choice often consider particular age-related traits, few consider the collective effects of male age. We tested the hypothesis that female golden snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus roxellana prefer prime aged males (10–15 years) over younger and older males. We examined a habituated, provisioned troop during a 3-year study in the Qinling Mountains, China. Prime age males were more likely to be resident males of 1-male units (OMUs) than males of other ages. Since females are free to transfer between OMUs, the number of females per OMU can be indicative of female preferences. We examined the number of females per OMU, and found that it increased with resident male age up to 7–8 years, and declined after 12 years, such that prime age resident males had more females than other resident males. Females also initiated extra-unit copulations with high-ranking prime age males at significantly higher rates than with other males. Nevertheless, females tended to transfer from OMUs with high-ranking, older resident males to those with low-ranking, younger resident males. Thus, females appear to use different strategies when choosing social mates and extra-unit mates (i.e., different social contexts). We speculate that females may perceive early signs of aging in males and trade off the benefits and costs of high rank versus male senescence. This study lays the groundwork for future studies that examine possible direct and indirect benefits of such strategies.  相似文献   

When individuals maintain strong inter‐seasonal philopatry to the same territories, males may be able to re‐establish territory occupancy without intense intra‐sexual aggression, and instead spend more time courting females early in the reproductive season. Furthermore, when some males have prior experience defending the same territories, it may be necessary for young males to exhibit higher levels of aggression because they are establishing a territory for the first time. We tested these hypotheses by examining within‐season (1992 and 1997) temporal variation in the social behavior of adult male collared lizards of known age and prior territorial experience in a population where inter‐season philopatry to territories is high. Contrary to expectations, the frequency of aggression exhibited by males with and without prior territorial experience did not differ. The frequency of intra‐sexual aggression was higher in 1992 than in 1997, perhaps because male competitors were more abundant in 1992. Although there was an interactive effect of year, male display and patrol were low at the beginning of the reproductive season in Apr. and May, reached peaks during midseason in June, and then decreased as reproduction ended in July. The size of territories showed a similar pattern, with males defending larger areas in June. Our data support the philopatry hypothesis in that the establishment of territories occurred without high levels of aggression early in the season, perhaps because territory boundaries have been well defined by high rates of patrol and advertisement during the middle of the previous season. Inter‐sexual interactions were most frequent in June rather than at the beginning of the reproductive season. Adult females are producing their second clutches and yearling females are producing their first clutches in June. The high rate of inter‐sexual encounters in June supports the hypothesis that males allocate more time to courtship when females are receptive because there are more reproductively active females at this time. The temporal pattern of activities in adult Crotaphytus collaris appears to function as a compromise between competing intra‐ and inter‐sexual social demands on males, allowing males to maximize mating opportunities as well as maintain future access to productive territories.  相似文献   

Kate C. Baker 《Zoo biology》2000,19(2):111-119
Management strategies for captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) must begin to take into account the increasing age of the captive chimpanzee population. This study represents a baseline assessment of the relationship between advancing age and behavior among male and female chimpanzees living in pairs and trios in indoor/outdoor runs. Data collected on 14 old individuals (30–44 years old) and 20 younger adult individuals (11–22 years old) totaled 240 hours. Levels of agonistic and affiliative social behavior, non‐social activity, abnormal behaviors, and behavioral indicators of anxiety were evaluated. In the same captive setting, the behavior of old chimpanzees was significantly different from younger chimpanzees. Old chimpanzees showed less aggression and moved about their enclosures less. Old females behaved submissively more often than younger adult females; the reverse was found among males. However, affiliative social behavior occurred at similar levels in old and younger adult chimpanzees, implying continued need for social housing with advancing age. The effect of enrichment devices may differ for aged female chimpanzees, given their submissiveness and the lower levels of object manipulation found in aged subjects. These results suggest that aging in chimpanzees may be accompanied by altered patterns of social interaction, requiring careful attention to the compatibility of social partners. Zoo Biol 19:111–119, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Competition for resources and the need for cooperation are reported to affect patterns of social interactions and thus the quality of social relationships in primates. Relationships may be described as high quality when both individuals behave in a way that benefits their partner. We investigated the distribution of a wide range of social behaviors across sex partner combinations of adult spider monkeys with specific reference to contested resources. Data were collected from two communities of wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) in the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh reserve in Yucatan, Mexico. Affiliative behavior was exchanged most frequently between males, and as male-male aggression was rare, male-male social relationships were characterized as high quality. Female-female social relationships were best described as low quality as females showed no preference to be in proximity with other females and female-female affiliative behavior was rare. Relationships between the sexes generally were characterized by high rates of female-directed male aggression, although additional investigation into the effects of kinship and female reproductive state on male-female relationships is required before further conclusions can be drawn. Dyadic and coalitionary female-female aggression was significantly higher than expected in a feeding context, confirming that female spider monkeys primarily compete for access to food. Male-male aggression did not increase significantly when in the presence of females, but males embraced at higher rates when in mixed-sex subgroups. As embraces serve to reduce the likelihood of aggression during tense situations, high rates of male-male embraces in mixed-sex subgroups may mitigate male conflicts over access to females.  相似文献   

In conflicts between primate groups, the resource-holding potential (RHP) of competitors is frequently related to group size or male group size, which can remain relatively constant for long periods of time, promoting stable intergroup dominance relationships. Demographic changes in neighboring groups, however, could introduce uncertainty into existing relationships. Among tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus), dominant male replacement is a relatively infrequent demographic event that can have a profound effect on both the composition and size of the social group. Here, we report such a case and the consequences for home range use and intergroup aggression. Between June 2008 and August 2010, we periodically followed two neighboring groups (Macuco and Rita) in Iguazú National Park, recording daily paths (N = 143) and encounters between the groups (N = 28). We describe the events leading to a change in the male dominance hierarchy in the larger group (Macuco), which resulted in the death or dispersal of all adult males, followed by the succession of a young adult male to the dominant position. This takeover event reduced the numerical advantage in number of males between the two groups, although the ratio of total group sizes remained nearly constant. Following this shift in numerical asymmetry, the degree of escalation of intergroup aggression increased, and we observed reversals in the former intergroup dominance relationship. These changes in behavior during intergroup encounters were associated with changes in the use of overlapping areas. In the 6 months following the takeover, the area of home range overlap doubled, and the formerly dominant group's area of exclusive access was reduced by half. These results suggest that RHPin tufted capuchin monkeys is related to male group size. Furthermore, they highlight the importance of considering rare demographic events in attempts to understand the dynamics of aggression between primate groups.  相似文献   

Territorial aggression is influenced by many social and environmental factors. Since aggression is a costly behavior, individuals should account for multiple factors such as population density or reproductive status before engaging in aggression. Previous work has shown that male California mice (Peromyscus californicus) respond to winning aggressive encounters by initiating aggression more quickly in future encounters, and we investigated the physiological basis for this effect. We found that injections that produced a transient increase in testosterone (T) following an aggressive encounter caused males to behave more aggressively in an encounter the following day. Experience alone was not enough to change aggression, as males treated with saline injections showed no change in aggression. The effect of T injections on aggression was androgen-based, as the inhibition of aromatase did not block the T injections from increasing aggression. Aromatase inhibition did, however, increase aggression in the initial aggression tests (before application of T or saline injections), and aromatase activity in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) was negatively correlated with aggression. A previous study suggested that aromatase activity in the BNST decreases after males become fathers. Thus, distinct neuroendocrine mechanisms allow male California mice to adjust aggressive behavior in response to changes in social and reproductive status.  相似文献   

Mating by young males or low male‐to‐female ratios can decrease pregnancy rates and postpone birthdates in ungulates, thereby hindering population growth. Young (2.5–3.5 yr old) male bighorn (Ovis canadensis) behave differently than older males, and age, horn size, mating behavior, and social rank help determine reproductive success. We estimated birthdates in two populations of bighorn sheep in Utah, USA, to determine if mating by young males or low male‐to‐female ratios resulted in fewer young born per female, a shift in mean timing of births, or asynchronous births. When reintroduced, the Rock Canyon population consisted of four males (two each of 2.5 yr old and 1.5 yr old) and a 1 to 7.5 ratio of males (>2 yr old) to adult females (≥3.5 yr old); the Mount Nebo population consisted of four males ≤1.5 yr old and a 0 to 12 ratio of males to adult females. For both populations, the number of young born per female did not differ between the first parturition period after reintroduction (where females were impregnated by males from their source populations) and the second period of parturition (where females were impregnated by young, reintroduced males). Mean birthdates and synchrony (SD) of births did not differ for Rock Canyon (May 12, 2001 ± 4.5 d, May 14, 2002 ± 3.2 d) or Mount Nebo (May 23, 2005 ± 8.1 d, May 22, 2006 ± 10.2 d) between the first and second years following reintroduction. Mating by young males or low male‐to‐female ratios had no demonstrable effect on the number of young born per female or timing and synchrony of births in these populations.  相似文献   

Fighting commonly occurs among animals and is very important for resolving conflicts between conspecific individuals over limited resources. The plasticity of fighting strategies and neurobiological mechanisms underlying fighting behavior of insects are not fully understood. In the present study, we examined whether physical and social experiences affected the aggressiveness of males of the cricket Velarifictorus aspersus Walker, and whether an octopamine (OA) receptor agonist could affected the aggressiveness of males exposed to different experiences. We found that flight and winning a fight significantly enhanced male aggressiveness, while losing a fight significantly suppressed male aggressiveness, consistent with the findings of existing studies on other cricket species. We also found that female presence had a stronger enhancing effect on male aggressiveness than flight or winning a fight. These findings demonstrated that physical and social experiences can affect the fighting behavior of male V. aspersus. Topical application of a 0.15?M solution of an OA receptor agonist (chlordimeform, CDM) significantly increased male aggression level, suggesting that OA may play an important role as a neuromodulator in controlling fighting behavior of males of this species. Despite displaying a significantly higher aggression level (level 5 or 6), CDM-treated losers did not escalate to physical combat, while fights between courting males usually resulted in physical escalation. It is likely that fighting behavior is only partly regulated by OA, and additional regulatory pathways may be involved in achieving physical combat.  相似文献   

The adolescent period in male mandrills extends from the time the testicles descend (at the age of 3-4 years) to the time adult characteristics develop (at the age of 10 years), and is thus one of the longest adolescent periods in cercopithecines. In this short cross-sectional study of 11 male mandrills (4.7-9.1 years old), we analyzed social behavioral patterns to investigate partner preference and changes in types of interactions throughout puberty. The mandrills were separated into two clusters on the basis of all of the social interactions scored, as well as the age and sex of the protagonist. During early to mid puberty, immature individuals interacted preferentially with other male adolescents and juveniles. Playing was an important activity, and some affiliative interactions with juveniles were observed. Older adolescents interacted more with adult males and females. These older adolescents were predominantly aggressive toward other adolescents, females, and juveniles, and showed little or no affiliative or playful behaviors. These results indicate a shift in social partners: older males interacted more frequently with adult males, and their behavior involved more aggression and less submission compared to younger adolescents, which showed predominantly submissive and playful behavior. These changes are consistent with preparation for dispersal and future intermale competition.  相似文献   

Members of a social group should attempt to maximize their fitness by maintaining an optimal group composition. Allowing an immigrant into the group may be beneficial or costly depending on the characteristics of the immigrant as well as the composition of the group. Therefore, we examined behavioral interactions between pine voles to test three functional hypotheses proposed to explain behavior of residents toward non‐residents: the resource defense, mate defense, and benefit of extra‐pair copulation hypotheses. To test these, we examined the effects of age, sexual experience and sex of non‐residents as well as the effects of sex of residents on the behavior of residents. Neither male nor female residents showed affiliative behavior toward non‐residents. Residents were more aggressive toward non‐residents than vice versa. The frequency of same‐sex aggression was greater than opposite‐sex aggression for male residents and this aggression was directed at adult male non‐residents to a greater degree than at subadult males. Resident males were least aggressive toward adult females. We found no differences in the behavior of females toward subadults, sexually naive adult non‐residents or sexually experienced adult non‐residents. Females also displayed similar amounts of aggression toward male and female non‐residents. Therefore, for males, aggression may function in defense of a mate while for females, aggression functions in resource defense. For both sexes, aggression is likely to play a role in the regulation of group composition.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,12(3):237-260
Two studies were conducted to determine the importance of the postweaning environment and social milieu in regulating the expression of intraspecific aggression in Norway rats. In Experiment 1, male rats were housed either individually or in pairs at 21 days of age. In addition, one-half of the singly housed and paired animals were given experiences with intruders during maturation. At 85 days of age, all animals were given a brief intruder test and then removed from their postweaning environment and provided individually with homecages for a two week period until tested for aggression toward intruders. Results of intruder tests given during maturation indicated agonistic exchanges appeared earlier and more frequently in cages housing a single resident than cages with cohabiting males. However, agonistic exchanges between singly reared residents and intruders had detrimental consequences in adulthood especially under long-term combat situations. That is, although individually reared animals, with early fighting experiences, were capable of initiating intraspecific aggression, such individuals were unable to defend their homecage over a long period of time as evidenced by the high number of wounds and tendency to lose body weight during adult fighting.In Experiment 2, male Norway rats were reared in pairs from 21 days of age and identified as dominant or subordinate on the basis of intracolony social interactions shown during maturation. At 80 days of age, animals were paired with individually reared males in an unfamiliar cage for a 20 day period and examined for agonistic behavior toward intruders at 100 days of age. Group-reared subordinate males exhibited defensive behavior during confrontations with individually reared animals and incurred more wounds and lost more body weight than their cohabiting partner. In addition, subordinate males showed significantly fewer offensive postures toward intruders than individually reared cohabitants. In contrast, group-reared dominant animals did not differ from individually reared males in display of agonistic patterns, in number of wounds, and body weight changes during the period of cohabitation. These findings demonstrate that early rearing factors have pronounced effects on agonistic behavior. Animals experiencing defeat during development are more likely to lose agonistic confrontations in unfamiliar territory than either animals dominant in their early social interactions or animals without the experience of winning or losing agonistic encounters. These results have implications for the understanding of agonistic behavior and predicting outcomes of animal contests, and reveal important differences in agonistic experiences among animals reared in groups.  相似文献   

Chemosensory pheromonal information regulates aggression and reproduction in many species, but how pheromonal signals are transduced to reliably produce behavior is not well understood. Here we demonstrate that the pheromonal signals detected by Gr32a-expressing chemosensory neurons to enhance male aggression are filtered through octopamine (OA, invertebrate equivalent of norepinephrine) neurons. Using behavioral assays, we find males lacking both octopamine and Gr32a gustatory receptors exhibit parallel delays in the onset of aggression and reductions in aggression. Physiological and anatomical experiments identify Gr32a to octopamine neuron synaptic and functional connections in the suboesophageal ganglion. Refining the Gr32a-expressing population indicates that mouth Gr32a neurons promote male aggression and form synaptic contacts with OA neurons. By restricting the monoamine neuron target population, we show that three previously identified OA-FruM neurons involved in behavioral choice are among the Gr32a-OA connections. Our findings demonstrate that octopaminergic neuromodulatory neurons function as early as a second-order step in this chemosensory-driven male social behavior pathway.  相似文献   

Asymmetry of social rank in the competition for food and female was studied using the social dominance model with only two male mice. Marking activity was recorded as a useful indicator of the social status. Social rank was determined by asymmetry in aggressive behavior. A food test was presented for 10 min daily within 5 days of the experiment, whereas a sexual test was performed only on the 5th day for 30 min. Marking behavior was estimated twice: before the first interaction and on the 4th day of the experiment. The competition for food was accompanied by active attacks, escapes, vertical defense postures, and sniffing. The level of aggression, sniffing, and food activity was higher in dominant than submissive males. Time course of aggressive, defensive, and sniffing behaviors was characterized by maximum scores in the period of formation of social hierarchy; however, the rate of food activity in this period was low and increased only to the 4th day. Introduction of a receptive female into the male group with the stable social hierarchy stimulated the intermale aggression, defensive and sniffing behaviors. Dominant males were characterized by a greater number of victories over and sniffing contacts with both male and female. Marking activity was also more intense in dominants. Thus, significant unidirectional rank differences in agonistic, sniffing, food, sexual, and marking behaviors were shown on the social dominance model with the minimum number of partners.  相似文献   

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