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The K system in pigs included at least 6 internationally recognized blood group factors (Ka, Kb, Kc, Kd, Ke and Kf) controlled by the following alleles: Kacef, Kacf, Kade, Kae, Kbf and K- ( Andresen, 1963; Brucks 1967, Hojný et al. 1967, Saison 1967, Hojný, Hradecký & Pazdera, 1979). This paper describes the results obtained with a new antiserum, Kg, by which subgrouping of the Kade allele into Kade or Kadeg is possible.  相似文献   

The linkage group formed by the ELA and A blood group system in horses was studied in American Standardbred horses. The distance between the ELA locus and the A blood group locus was measured as 1.61 centimorgans. observing only the haplotypes contributed by the sires.
Strong linkage disequilibrium was found in pacing Standardbred horses for ELA-W1 with Aa, ELA-W5 with Ab and ELA-W10 with Ab. Linkage disequilibrium was apparent at both the population and family level. Among trotting Standardbred horses, linkage disequilibrium was found for ELA-W1 with Aa and for ELA-W10 with Ab. It was not possible to investigate linkage relationships in Thoroughbred horses because of the high frequency of Aa and low frequency of other A system markers.  相似文献   

Linkage between the C and I blood group loci in sheep was demonstrated by lod score analysis of data from double backcross matings. The recombination frequency between the I locus and the gene coding for the Cb red cell antigen was estimated to be 0.09 with a standard error of 0.04.  相似文献   

Morton's lod score method used for the analysis of data from 168 backcross matings (1094 offspring) did not indicate linkage between the G and H blood group loci of the pig. Linkage closer than 0.413 could be excluded at the 1% significance level.  相似文献   

Three hundred and ninety-five individuals from two populations from the State of Tlaxcala, Mexico, were studied in relation to the ABO, Rh, MNS, P, Kell, Lewis, Diego, Kidd, Duffy, Haptoglobin, Transferrin, Group specific component, Albumin, Acid Phosphatase and Phosphoglucomutase systems. One of the populations (San Pablo del Monte) is Indian, while the other (City of Tlaxcala) is Mestizo. The alleles which show variation in the Mestizo population are intermediate between the Spanish and the Indian gene frequencies. Three different genetic distance measures suggest that the Mestizo population is a triracial hybrid, while the Indian population is closely related to its two most proximal geographic neighbors, Vera Cruz and Puebla.  相似文献   

The distribution of ELY-2 was compared to the distribution of blood group factors Aa, Ab, Ac, Ae, Ca, Da, Db, Dc, Dd, De, Df, Dh, Dk, Ka, Pa, Pb, X, Qa, Qc, Ua, and W in 2465 American Standardbred horses and to ELY-1 in 193 American Standardbred horses. The distribution patterns were different in each case. The segregation of ELY-2.1 and factors at the A, C, D, K, P, Q, U and T (W ) blood group loci and at the ELA locus indicated that ELY-2.1 is not a product of any of those loci. No segregation data were available for the ELY-I locus. Family studies indicated that the gene for ELY-2.1 is not sex-linked.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to determine the association between diabetes and inflammation in clinically diagnosed diabetes patients. We hypothesized that low-grade inflammation in diabetes is associated with the level of glucose control. Using a cross-sectional design we compared pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in a community-recruited cohort of 367 Mexican Americans with type 2-diabetes having a wide range of blood glucose levels. Cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-8) and adipokines (adiponectin, resistin and leptin) were measured using multiplex ELISA. Our data indicated that diabetes as whole was strongly associated with elevated levels of IL-6, leptin, CRP and TNF-α, whereas worsening of glucose control was positively and linearly associated with high levels of IL-6, and leptin. The associations remained statistically significant even after controlling for BMI and age (p = 0.01). The association between TNF-α, however, was attenuated when comparisons were performed based on glucose control. Strong interaction effects between age and diabetes and BMI and diabetes were observed for IL-8, resistin and CRP. The cytokine/adipokine profiles of Mexican Americans with diabetes suggest an association between low-grade inflammation and quality of glucose control. Unique to in our population is that the chronic inflammation is accompanied by lower levels of leptin.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that either the bovine B or C blood group system is the orthologue of human RH. A comparative linkage mapping strategy was applied, using blood typing and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of four loci linked to RH on HSA1; PGD, FGR, ALPL and FUCA1. Four sires with a total of 255 half-sib offspring were used for the linkage analysis. Strong support for linkage between ALPL, FUCA1 and FGR was obtained for all sire families (lod scores >11 for all pairwise comparisons). This new linkage group was assigned to bovine synteny group U17 based on previous somatic cell mapping of the FGR locus. The most favoured order is ALPL—FUCA1—FGR (2·18:1), with ALPL and FGR 5·4 cm and 6·3 cm , respectively, from FUCA1. The B and C blood group systems and PGD were genetically independent of each other and all other markers, indicating that neither B nor C is likely to be the bovine orthologue of human RH. However, given available comparative mapping data, there is some chance that the bovine orthologue of RH is on bovine synteny group U6. Although gene order appears to be conserved with humans, the differences in recombination rates between these three loci in cattle, humans and mice strongly suggest that it is not possible to use human map distances to predict map distances in cattle, making it imperative that bovine gene mappers continue to emphasize adding type I markers to the bovine linkage map.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized eight novel microsatellite loci in the little penguin Eudyptula minor, using nonradioactive polymerase chain reaction‐based techniques to screen GA and GAAA repeats from enriched genomic DNA libraries. All eight loci were polymorphic and seven were variable in our main study population (mean HE = 0.613, mean NA = 7.14). Cross‐amplification using a microsatellite primer developed in Spheniscus demersus (African penguin) yielded one additional polymorphic locus. This locus combined with six of the little penguin loci is suitable for paternity assignment in little penguins (exclusion probability for seven unlinked loci = 0.993).  相似文献   

Some patients' sera react with all available donors' red cells and a compatible donor is difficult or impossible to be found. These may either be due to a complex mixture of antibodies or the presence of alloantibodies against high-frequency antigens (HFAs). The aim of this study is to identify the prevalence and characteristics of antibodies to HFAs in Saudi Arabian patients. A total of 23 out of 172 000 patients who received blood transfusions had rare alloantibodies to HFAs at an incidence of 0.013%. Twenty-three patients suspected with pan-reactive alloantibodies against HFAs had their red cells tested using antisera to HFAs, while their plasma was tested against a selected panel of red blood cells with rare phenotypes. Anti-Ge2 antibody was found in the highest number of patients (56.5%), whereas anti-U, anti JK3, anti H, anti-RH 29, anti-hrs, anti-Kna, anti-Ch, anti-Rg, anti-Yta, and anti-Cra antibodies were found in the remaining patients (43.5%). This study suggests that although antibodies such as anti-Ge2, anti-Kna, anti-Ch, anti-Rg, anti-Yta, and anti-Cra are not clinically significant, they cause a delay in the provision of compatible blood. Whereas, anti-U, anti JK3, anti H, anti-RH29 and anti-hrs are clinically significant antibodies. An understanding of antibody characteristics to HFAs and the widespread use of the extended red cell phenotype and antibody identification panel will both be helpful for the diagnosis of these HFAs.  相似文献   

The results of ABO typing in Chilean mummies, a review of published South American paleoserological studies and a systematic discrepancy of admixture estimates based on ABO and Gm genes support the hypothesis that Andean pre-Columbian populations possessed the A (and perhaps the B) gene in small frequencies.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-six Moroccan Jews now settled in Israel were typed for 7 blood groups, 12 red cell enzymes and 2 plasma protein systems. Their blood group picture is in agreement with results previously obtained on different samples of Moroccan Jews: rather high B in ABO, somewhat elevated frequencies of cDE and cDe in Rh and K in Kell. Differences in various blood markers exist between them and other North African Jewish communities. This fact, together with data on disease distribution and HLA frequencies, supports our assumption that Jews in the North African diaspora lived as small secluded isolates even within the same geographical zones. Comparisons with meager data on the neighboring non-Jewish populations do not disclose any resemblance to either Arab or Berber inhabitants of Morocco.  相似文献   

One hundred eighty-eight Jewish individuals who either they or whose both parents were born in Iraq were typed for 7 blood groups (ABO, MNS, Rh, Kell, Duffy, P and Kidd), 12 red cell enzyme systems and 2 serum proteins. Iraqi Jews are characterized by a high frequency of A (in ABO), N (in MNS), low cde (Rh) and low Hp-1. Several rare electrophoretic variants were encountered: PGM1 6-1, PHI 3-1 and PHI 2-1, and an unidentified AK phenotype. No evidence of Negroid admixture was found in their gene pool. Comparisons with results previously obtained in Iraqi Jews show general similarities in frequencies while comparisons with neighboring non-Jewish populations suggest divergence in most systems investigated. The difficulties of assessing relationships on the basis of a few selected differences and the need for careful interpretations of similarities are emphasized.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies play an important role in the destruction of non-infected red blood cells (nRBCs) during malaria. However, the relationship between this clearance and ABO blood groups is yet to be fully enlightened, especially for Plasmodium vivax infections. Here we show that anti-RBC IgG and IgM are increased in anemic patients with acute vivax malaria. Furthermore, both antibodies are able to decrease the deformability of nRBCs, but only IgG can induce in vitro erythrophagocytosis. Such effects are enhanced in type O erythrocytes, suggesting that individuals from this blood group infected with P. vivax malaria may be more susceptible to develop anemia.  相似文献   

[目的]多年来,蒙古高原典型落叶松害虫雅氏落叶松尺蠖Eeannis jacobssoni发生频繁,使森林生态系统遭到严重破坏.虫口密度可直接描述森林虫害严重程度,进而及时、快速获得害虫虫口密度信息显得极为重要.本研究旨在依据雅氏落叶松尺蠖暴发区的落叶松光谱实测数据和虫口密度数据,构建基于高光谱特征的虫口密度估算方法.[...  相似文献   

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