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Host cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic trypomastigote (MT) is mediated by MT‐specific surface molecule gp82, which binds to a still unidentified receptor, inducing lysosome spreading and exocytosis required for the parasitophorous vacuole formation. We examined the involvement of the major lysosome membrane‐associated LAMP proteins in MT invasion. First, human epithelial HeLa cells were incubated with MT in the presence of antibody to LAMP‐1 or LAMP‐2. Antibody to LAMP‐2, but not to LAMP‐1, significantly reduced MT invasion. Next, HeLa cells depleted in LAMP‐1 or LAMP‐2 were generated. Cells deficient in LAMP‐2, but not in LAMP‐1, were significantly more resistant to MT invasion than wild‐type controls. The possibility that LAMP‐2 might be the receptor for gp82 was examined by co‐immunoprecipitation assays. Protein A/G magnetic beads cross‐linked with antibody directed to LAMP‐1 or LAMP‐2 were incubated with HeLa cell and MT detergent extracts. Gp82 bound to LAMP‐2 but not to LAMP‐1. Binding of the recombinant gp82 protein to wild‐type and LAMP‐1‐deficient cells, which was dose dependent and saturable, had a similar profile and was much higher as compared with LAMP‐2‐depleted cells. These data indicate that MT invasion is accomplished through recognition of gp82 by its receptor LAMP‐2.  相似文献   

Although imaging the live Trypanosoma cruzi parasite is a routine technique in most laboratories, identification of the parasite in infected tissues and organs has been hindered by their intrinsic opaque nature. We describe a simple method for in vivo observation of live single‐cell Trypanosoma cruzi parasites inside mammalian host tissues. BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice infected with DsRed‐CL or GFP‐G trypomastigotes had their organs removed and sectioned with surgical blades. Ex vivo organ sections were observed under confocal microscopy. For the first time, this procedure enabled imaging of individual amastigotes, intermediate forms and motile trypomastigotes within infected tissues of mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Trypanosoma cruzi strain Peru was cultivated in the presence of an established cell line of Triatoma infestans embryo cells (TI-32). Bloodstream trypomastigotes differentiated into amastigote-like cells (first differentiation phase) which multiplied to form large clusters of cells. Because of their clustering nature, a new term, “staphylomastigotes,” has been proposed for this stage. After 10 days of cultivation, 90% of the staphylomastigotes underwent differentiation (2nd differentiation phase) to trypomastigotes (?98%) or epimastigotes (?2%). Bloodstream trypomastigotes cultivated without TI-32 cells underwent the first, but not the 2nd differentiation phase, although occasional epimastigotes were seen (< 1%). The evidence presented suggests that TI-32 cells produce a labile factor(s) important not only for initiation of the 2nd differentiation phase but also for maintaining the parasites in the trypomastigote stage. The pH of the culture medium was not the initiating factor for the 2nd differentiation phase. Infectivity studies indicated that staphylomastigotes were as infective as bloodstream trypomastigotes, but that metacyclic trypomastigotes isolated from culture after the 2nd differentiation phase were slightly more infective than bloodstream forms. Electromicrographs of styphylomastigotes do not provide any evidence of exchange of genetic material between cells.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cell extracts of culture forms of Trypanosoma cruzi are capable of hydrolysing substances belonging to 4 different groups of protease substrates: (a) substrates for trypsin-like enzymes: benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide and benzoylarginine-naphtylamide: (b) substrates for aminopeptidases: leucyl. lysyl and glutamyl-β-naphtylamide; (c) a substrate for chymotrypsin-like enzymes: carbobenzoxy-L-tyrosine-p-nitrophenylester, and (d) a nonspecific substrate for a broad range of proteases: azocasein. Some physico-chemical characteristics of each enzymic reaction were studied. They were found to be distinct enough to allow attributing each hydrolytic activity to a separate enzyme.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes treated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) in vitro are rapidly induced to differentiate into round forms. Using confocal microscopy, we were able to show that trypomastigotes treated with PI-PLC initiate the process of flagellum remodeling by 30 sec after contact with the enzyme and amastigote-like forms are detected as early as 10 min after PI-PLC treatment. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy indicate that trypomastigotes undergo a previously undescribed process of flagellum circularization and internalization. Analysis of the flagellar complex with monoclonal antibody 4D9 shows heterogeneous labeling among the parasites, suggesting a remodeling of these molecules. After PI-PLC treatment, parasites rapidly lose the surface marker Ssp-3 and 24 h post-treatment they begin to exhibit a circular nucleus and a rod-shaped kinetoplast. By flow cytometry analysis and confocal microscopy, the Ssp-4 amastigote-specific epitope can be detected on the parasite surface. This indicates that the release of trypomastigote GPI-anchored molecules by exogenous PI-PLC in vitro can trigger morphological changes.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of severe acute Chagas’ disease acquired by oral infection, leading to death in some cases, have occurred in recent years. Using the mouse model, we investigated the basis of such virulence by analyzing a Trypanosoma cruzi isolate, SC, from a patient with severe acute clinical symptoms, who was infected by oral route. It has previously been shown that, upon oral inoculation into mice, T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes invade the gastric mucosal epithelium by engaging the stage-specific surface glycoprotein gp82, whereas the surface molecule gp90 functions as a down-modulator of cell invasion. We found that, when orally inoculated into mice, metacyclic forms of the SC isolate, which express high levels of gp90, produced high parasitemias and high mortality, in sharp contrast with the reduced infectivity in vitro. Upon recovery from the mouse stomach 1 h after oral inoculation, the gp90 molecule of the parasites was completely degraded, and their entry into HeLa cells, as well as into Caco-2 cells, was increased. The gp82 molecule was more resistant to digestive action of the gastric juice. Host cell invasion of SC isolate metacyclic trypomastigotes was augmented in the presence of gastric mucin. No alteration in infectivity was observed in T. cruzi strains CL and G which were used as references and which express gp90 molecules resistant to degradation by gastric juice. Taken together, our findings suggest that the exacerbation of T. cruzi infectivity, such as observed upon interaction of the SC isolate with the mouse stomach components, may be responsible for the severity of acute Chagas’ disease that has been reported in outbreaks of oral T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

Abstract A workshop organized by the Ibero-American Project of Biotechnology evaluated the diagnostic potential of several cloned Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigens for Chagas' disease serodiagnosis. A set of recombinants, Antigen 2, Antigen 13, SAPA, H49, A13, JL5, JL7, JL8, JL9, and RA1 provided by three different South American laboratories were probed with a panel of 236 South American serum samples. Antigens JL7, H49, Antigen 2, and A13 scored as the best diagnostic recombinant reagents. The results suggested that the main advantage of using cloned peptides for chronic Chagas' disease diagnosis resided in their highly specific immunoreactive properties.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi infection by oral route constitutes the most important mode of transmission in some geographical regions, as illustrated by reports on microepidemics and outbreaks of acute Chagas' disease acquired by ingestion of food contaminated with parasites from triatomine insects. In the mouse model, T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes invade the gastric mucosal epithelium, a unique portal of entry for systemic infection. High efficiency of metacyclic forms in establishing infection by oral route is associated with expression of gp82, a stage-specific surface molecule that binds to gastric mucin and to epithelial cells. Gp82 promotes parasite entry by triggering the signaling cascades leading to intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. T. cruzi strains deficient in gp82 can effectively invade cells in vitro, by engaging the Ca2+ signal-inducing surface glycoprotein gp30. However, they are poorly infective in mice by oral route because gp30 has low affinity for gastric mucin. Metacyclic forms also express gp90, a stage-specific surface glycoprotein that binds to host cells and acts as a negative regulator of invasion. T. cruzi strains expressing gp90 at high levels, in addition to gp82 and gp30, are all poor cell invaders in vitro. Notwithstanding, their infectivity by oral route may vary because, unlike gp82 and gp30, which resist degradation by pepsin in the gastric milieu, the gp90 isoforms of different strains have varying susceptibility to peptic digestion. For instance, in a T. cruzi isolate, derived from an acute case of Chagas' disease acquired by oral route, gp90 is extensively degraded by gastric juice in the mouse stomach and this renders the parasite highly invasive towards target cells. If such an exacerbation of infectivity occurs in humans, it may be responsible for the severity of the disease reported in outbreaks of oral infection.  相似文献   

Reservosomes are the endpoint of the endocytic pathway in Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. These organelles have the particular ability to concentrate proteins and lipids obtained from medium together with the main proteolytic enzymes originated from the secretory pathway, being at the same time a storage organelle and the main site of protein degradation. Subcellular proteomics have been extensively used for profiling organelles in different cell types. Here, we combine cell fractionation and LC‐MS/MS analysis to identify reservosome‐resident proteins. Starting from a purified reservosome fraction, we established a protocol to isolate reservosome membranes. Transmission electron microscopy was applied to confirm the purity of the fractions. To achieve a better coverage of identified proteins we analyzed the fractions separately and combined the results. LC‐MS/MS analysis identified in total 709 T. cruzi‐specific proteins; of these, 456 had predicted function and 253 were classified as hypothetical proteins. We could confirm the presence of most of the proteins validated by previous work and identify new proteins from different classes such as enzymes, proton pumps, transport proteins, and others. The definition of the reservosome protein profile is a good tool to assess their molecular signature, identify molecular markers, and understand their relationship with different organelles.  相似文献   

The high similarity between Trypanosoma cruzi and human ubiquitin prompted us to characterize the human humoral immunity to host and parasite ubiquitin in Chagas disease and its possible role in Chagas autoimmunity. We have used a simplified one step purification procedure to partially purify T. cruzi ubiquitin. Using this preparation we have performed ELISA and Western blots, to show that chagasic sera recognise T. cruzi but not human or Leishmania ubiquitin indicating a species-specific response. Our results show that despite the high degree of similarity in the primary structure of human and T. cruzi ubiquitins, the three amino acid difference is sufficient to distinguish parasite versus host proteins.  相似文献   

We investigated the properties of metacyclic trypomastigotes of non-virulent Trypanosoma cruzi clone CL-14, as compared to the parental isolate CL. In contrast to the CL isolate, which produces high parasitemias in mice, metacyclic forms of clone CL-14 failed to produce patent infection. In vitro, the number of clone CL-14 parasites that entered epithelial HeLa cells, after 1 h incubation, was approximately four-fold lower than that of the CL isolate and at 72 h post-infection intracellular replication was not apparent whereas cells infected with the CL isolate contained large number of parasites replicating as amastigotes. CL isolate metacyclic forms were long and slender, with the kinetoplast localised closer to the nucleus than to the posterior end, whereas clone CL-14 parasites were shorter, with the kinetoplast very close to the posterior end. Cysteine proteinase cruzipain and trans-sialidase activities were lower in CL isolate than in clone CL-14. The surface profile was similar, except that the expression of gp82, the stage-specific glycoprotein that promotes CL isolate mucosal infection in vivo and host cell invasion in vitro, was greatly reduced on the surface of clone CL-14 metacyclic forms. Genistein, a specific inhibitor of protein tyrosine kinase, which is activated in CL isolate by binding of gp82 to its host cell receptor, did not affect host cell entry of clone CL-14. In contrast with CL isolate, the infectivity of clone CL-14 was not affected by phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 but was diminished by a combination of ionomycin plus NH(4)Cl, which releases Ca(2+) from acidic vacuoles. Internalisation of clone CL-14, but not of CL isolate, was significantly increased by treating parasites with neuraminidase, which removes sialic acid from the mucin-like surface molecule gp35/50. Taken together, our data suggest an association between the non-virulence of clone CL-14 metacyclic forms and the reduced expression of gp82, which precludes the activation of signal transduction pathways leading to effective host cell invasion.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan that causes Chagas disease, possesses a complex life cycle involving different developmental stages. Experimental conditions for two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis of T. cruzi trypomastigote, amastigote and epimastigote proteomes were optimized. Comparative proteome analysis of the cell-cycle stages were carried out, revealing that few proteins included in the 2-DE maps displayed significant differential expression among the three developmental forms of the parasite. In order to identify landmark proteins, spots from the trypomastigote 2-DE map were subjected to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry peptide mass fingerprinting, resulting in 26 identifications that corresponded to 19 different proteins. Among the identified polypeptides, there were heat shock proteins (HSP; chaperones, HSP 60, HSP 70 and HSP 90), elongation factors, glycolytic pathway enzymes (enolase, pyruvate kinase and 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate mutase) and structural proteins (KMP 11, tubulin and paraflagellar rod components). The relative expression of the identified proteins in the 2-DE maps of the T. cruzi developmental stages is also presented.  相似文献   

, , and 1986. Inhibition of lysosomal fusion by Trypanosoma cruzi in peritoneal macrophages. International Journal for Parasitology 16: 629–632. Prelabelling of lysosomes with acridine orange has been performed in order to verify whether metacyclic forms of Trypanosoma cruzi are capable of inhibiting lysosomal fusion during the first moments of interiorization in non-sensitized mouse peritoneal macrophages. Thus, the degree of degranulation (lysosomal fusion) in metacyclic forms is low while epimastigote forms present higher levels. When epimastigote forms are made to interact with the macrophages in the presence of various concentrations of the medium used for transformations of epimastigotes to metacyclic forms or when interaction was performed in the presence of NH4Cl, the degree of degranulation was similar to that obtained when interaction was carried out with metacyclic forms.

The present results suggest that during the first moments of the interaction of T. cruzi, only the infective forms may increase the cytoplasmic pH value of the host phagocytic cell, avoiding lysosomal fusion and the subsequent destruction of the parasite.  相似文献   

Ceramide mono (CMH) or dihexoside (CDH) fractions from Trypanosoma cruzi (Dm28c clone) were identified as glucosyl and lactosylceramides containing non-hydroxylated fatty acids. The di-glycosylated form was much more efficiently recognized by sera from T. cruzi-immunized rabbits, indicating that glycosylation influences antigenicity. Fatty acid hydroxylation was also a determinant of serological reactivity, since an alpha-hydroxylated CMH, only present at the Y clone, was recognized by the hyperimmune sera. In summary, these data indicate that T. cruzi CMHs with non-hydroxylated fatty acids are unable to induce antibody responses in animal hosts, which is reverted by the addition of a sugar residue or an alpha-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

Cytoadherence is an important step for the invasion of a mammalian host cell by Trypanosoma cruzi. Cell surface macromolecules are implicated in the T. cruzi-cardiomyocyte recognition process. Therefore, we investigated the role of cell surface proteoglycans during this invasion process and analyzed their expression after the parasite infected the target cells. Treatment of trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi with soluble heparan sulfate resulted in a significant inhibition in successful invasion, while chondroitin sulfate had no effect. Removal of sulfated glycoconjugates from the cardiomyocyte surface using glycosaminoglycan (GAG) lyases demonstrated the specific binding of the parasites to heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Infection levels were reduced by 42% whenthe host cells were previously treated with heparitinase II. No changes were detected in the expression of GAGs infected cardiomyocytes even after 96 h of infection. Our data demonstrate that heparan sulfate proteoglycans, but not chondroitin sulfate, mediate both attachment and invasion of cardiomyocytes by T. cruzi.  相似文献   

Abstract Three proteinase inhibitors, one peptidyl acyloxymethyl ketone (AMK), Z-Phe-Lys-CH2-OCO-(2,4,6-Me3)Ph.HCl, and two diazomethyl ketones (DMKs), Z-Phe-Phe-DMK and Z-Phe-Ala-DMK, have been studied for their effects in vitro on the four developmental stages of Trypanosoma cruzi . The three inhibitors penetrated living parasites and inhibited the major cysteine proteinase, cruzipain. The AMK was the most potent inhibitor of cruzipain itself and at 20 μM caused lysis of epimastigotes and trypomastigotes. When at lower concentrations, however, it had little effect on epimastigote growth but reduced metacyclogenesis. The DMKs had no effect against epimastigotes but inhibited differentiation to metacyclics. All three inhibitors markedly reduced infection of Vero cells by the parasite and the multiplication of the intracellular amastigotes, whereas release of trypomastigotes was almost entirely prevented. The results confirm the importance of cysteine proteinases in the life cycle of T. cruzi , and suggest that the differentiation steps are the most susceptible to cysteine proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Abstract: The subcellular localization of NAD- and NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenases (GDH-NAD and GDH-NADP), alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) and aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) in epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi was studied by digitonin extraction from whole cells, subcellular fractionation by differential centrifugation. A and isopycnic ultracentrifugation. All enzymes presented both a cytosolic and a mitochondrial form; in addition, GDH-NADP seems to have a third, still undefined, localization. The results are compatible with the existence of two pathways for the production of l -alanine linked to the reoxidation of glycolytic NADH, one operative in the mitochondrion and the other in the cytosol, and perhaps responsible for the existence of the two alanine pools detected by 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (B. Frydman et al., Eur. J. Biocbem. 192 (1990) 363–368).  相似文献   

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