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Linear regression (LR) has been used to predict the amino acid (AA) profiles of feed ingredients, given proximate analysis (PA) input. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have also been trained to predict AA levels, generally with better results. Past projects have indicated that ANN more effectively identified the complex relationship between nutrients and feed ingredients than did LR. It was shown that the maximum R2 value, a measurement of the amount of variability explained by the model, was highest when a general regression neural network (GRNN) with iterative calibration (GRNNIT) was used to train the ANN. This was in comparison to LR, Ward backpropagation (WBP) or 3-layer backpropagation (3BP) architectures. The current study investigated the potential of a new, advanced method of calibration using the genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize GRNN smoothing values. Calibration of an ANN allows the neural network to generalize well and therefore provide good results on new data. A GRNN architecture (NeuroShell 2® Software) with GA calibration (GRNNGA) was used to train an ANN to predict AA levels in maize, soya bean meal (SBM), meat and bone meal, fish meal and wheat, based on proximate analysis input. Within the GRNNGA architecture, ANN were trained with either an Euclidean or City Block distance metric and a (0,1), (−1,1), (logistic) or (tanh) input scale. Predictive performance was judged on the basis of the maximum R2 value. In general, maximum R2 values were higher when the GA calibration was used in comparison to LR. For example, the highest methionine (MET) R2 value for SBM was 0.54 (LR), 0.81 (3BP), 0.87 (WBP), 0.92 (GRNNIT) and 0.98 (GRNNGA). Genetic algorithm calibration of GRNN architecture led to further improvements in ANN performance for AA level predictions in most of the cases studied. Exceptions were the TSAA level in SBM (0.94 with GRNNIT vs. 0.90 with GRNNGA) and the TRY level in maize (0.88 with GRNNIT vs. 0.61 with GRNNGA).  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to examine the effect of different levels of rapeseed meal (RSM) and sunflower meal (SFM) and enzyme combination (endoxylanase and β-glucanase) on the production performance, carcass quality, gizzard development and digesta viscosity of broiler chickens. The experimental design was a 3×2 factorial arrangement of treatments evaluating three diet types containing different levels of RSM and SFM (low (L), medium (M) and high (H)) and two levels of enzyme inclusion (0 or 100 g/tonne diet to provide 1220 U xylanase and 152 U β-glucanase per kg diet). Broiler starter and grower/finisher diets were formulated, based on wheat and soya bean meal and containing 50, 50 and 80 g/kg RSM and 0, 50 and 60 g/kg SFM for L, M and H treatments, respectively, during starter period and 80, 80 and 120 g/kg RSM and 0, 80 and 100 g/kg SFM for L, M and H, respectively, during grower/finisher period, and each diet was fed ad libitum to eight pens of 20 male broilers each. During the starter period (1 to 21 days), birds fed the H treatment had lower (P<0.05) BW gain (BWG) compared with those fed the L and M treatments. Diet type also influenced (P<0.05) feed intake (FI). Feeding the H treatment reduced (P<0.05) FI compared with the M treatment. Diet type and enzyme supplementation had no effect (P>0.05) on feed conversion ratio (FCR). During the grower/finisher phase (22 to 42 day) and over the entire period (1 to 42 day) birds fed the H treatment had lower (P<0.05) BWG and higher (P<0.05) FCR compared with those fed the L and M diets. Enzyme supplementation improved (P<0.05) FCR compared with the unsupplemented diets. No interactions (P>0.05) between RSM and SFM inclusion level and enzyme supplementation were observed for any of the measured parameters at any period. Diet type and enzyme supplementation had no effect (P>0.05) on carcass traits, abdominal fat pad, breast meat yield and jejunal digesta viscosity. Diet type influenced (P=0.05) relative empty gizzard weight, where the H treatment had higher relative empty gizzard weight compared with the L treatment. Enzyme supplementation tended (P=0.10) to increase relative empty gizzard weight. The present data suggest that high inclusion of SFM and RSM negatively influenced broiler performance. Enzyme supplementation improved FCR at all levels of RSM and SFM included in this study, but did not recover the reduction in weight gain caused by high inclusion of RSM and SFM.  相似文献   

Extracts of different medicinal plants had been used to control several diseases in both traditional medicine and modern drugs. In the current study, we aimed to examine the changes in chemical composition of Zilla spinosa Forssk. plants collected from different habitats in Saudi Arabia in response to spatial and seasonal variations. Z. spinosa samples were collected from two different sites in Riyadh and Eastern regions in Saudi Arabia to examine the spatial variations effects on the studied parameters. Samples were collected from both sites at two different times (3:00 PM and 3:00 AM) to examine the effect of light on the chemical content and composition of these plants. Samples was, also, collected from the same sites at two different seasons (on start of January 2018 “winter season” and end of May 2018 “summer season”) to examine the effect of temperature changes (seasonal variations) on the chemical content and composition of the different studied plants. In Z. spinosa plants collected from Riyadh region, squalene was found to be the major constitute of 3 samples; however, surprisingly, the sample collected in Winter at 3:00 AM showed the presence of mome inositol and (Z)-5-(formylmethylene)-4-methoxy-2(5 h)-furanone as the dominant components. Similarly, chemical compositions of essential oils extracted from Z. spinosa samples collected from Eastern region in the Summer season was dominated by squalene. Z. spinosa plants showed that all collected samples had high carbohydrate and protein contents with very low content of fats.  相似文献   

Various uses of donkeys’ milk have been recently proposed for human consumption on the basis of its nutritional characteristics. Improvements in milk fatty acid profile and animal oxidative status can be induced through dietary supplementation of phenolic compounds. The study aimed to evaluate in donkeys the effects of dietary supplementation with verbascoside (VB) on: (i) the fatty acid profile and vitamins A and E contents of milk during a whole lactation, and (ii) blood biochemical parameters and markers of oxidative status of the animals. At foaling, 12 lactating jennies were subdivided into two groups (n 6): control, without VB supplement; VB, receiving a lipid-encapsulated VB supplement. Gross composition, fatty acid profile and vitamins A and E contents in milk were assessed monthly over the 6 months of lactation. Serum total cholesterol, high-density lipoproteins cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins cholesterol, tryglicerides, non-esterified fatty acid, bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase, reactive oxygen metabolites, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs), vitamin A and vitamin E were evaluated at 8 days after foaling (D0) and then at D90, D105 and D120 of lactation. In milk, the VB supplementation decreased the saturated fatty acids (P<0.05) and increased the monounsaturated fatty acids (P<0.05), and vitamins A and E (P<0.01) values. On the serum parameters, the VB supplementation decreased total cholesterol (P<0.01), tryglicerides, bilirubin, ALT and TBARs, and increased (P<0.01) vitamin E. In conclusion, the VB dietary supplementation affects the nutritional quality of donkey’s milk with a benefit on the oxidative status and serum lipidic profile of the animals.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted (i) to evaluate broiler response to partial or total substitution of corn by sorghum and millet and (ii) to determine the effect of soybean meal replacement by cottonseed meal in broiler diet. The database included 190 treatments from 29 experiments published from 1990 to 2013. Bird responses to an experimental diet were calculated relative to the control (Experimental−Control), and were submitted to mixed-effect models. Results showed that diets containing millet led to similar performance as the corn-based ones for all parameters, whereas sorghum-based diets decreased growth performance. No major effect of the level of substitution was observed with millet or cottonseed meal. No effect of the level of substitution of sorghum on feed intake was found; however, growth performance decreased when the level of substitution of corn by sorghum increased. Cottonseed meal was substituted to soybean meal up to 40% and found to increase feed intake while reducing growth performance. Young birds were not more sensitive to these ingredients than older birds since there was no negative effect of these ingredients on performance in the starter phase. Results obtained for sorghum pointed out the necessity to find technological improvements that will increase the utilization of these feedstuffs in broiler diet. An additional work is scheduled to validate these statistical results in vivo and to evaluate the interactions induced with the simultaneous inclusions of sorghum, millet and cottonseed meal in broiler feeding.  相似文献   

Research to quantify the potency of larval excretion/secretion from Lucilia sericata using liquid culture assays has produced contradictory results. In this study, viable counting was used to investigate the effectiveness of excretion/secretion against three marker bacterial species (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli) and the effects of varying growing conditions in assays. Results demonstrate that factors such as number of larvae, species of bacteria and addition of nutrient influence its antibacterial potency. Therefore a standardised method should be employed for liquid culture assays when investigating the antibacterial activity of larval excretion/secretion from L. sericata.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(3):101951
The fatty acid (FA) profile, nutritional index, and thermal properties of lipids from Tenebrio molitor and Hermetia illucens larvae were studied. T. molitor and H. illucens larvae had high lipid contents (respectively 28.8% and 42.6%), saturated (25.0% and 55.8%), monounsaturated (MUFA) (39.2% and 28.3%), and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids (35.8% and 15.9%). Both larvae fats contained beneficial ω-3, ω-6, and ω-9 FA. For T. molitor and H. illucens, the lipid nutritional indices were atherogenicity indices 0.68 and 2.75, thrombogenicity indices 0.58 and 0.74, and health-promoting indices 3.51 and 0.80 hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic acid ratio 1.38 and 0.23, suggesting the nutritional superiority of T. molitor larvae fat. Regioisomeric distribution analysis showed that PUFA in H. illucens larvae fat are concentrated on the sn-1,3 positions, whereas those in T. molitor larvae fat are distributed in all three positions. The thermal stability and crystallisation profiles differed for both larvae fats and demonstrated their potential use in thermally processed foods.  相似文献   

The reported beneficial effects of boron on mineralized tissues in animals and humans vary. Thus, a study was performed to assess whether the variability was the result of different forms of boron supplementation, method of supplementation, and increased adiposity of the rabbit experimental model.Thirty-one female New Zealand White rabbits, (aged 8 months, 2–2.5 kg weight) were fed a grain-based high energy diet containing 11.76 MJ/kg (2850 kcal/kg) and 3.88 mg boron/kg. The rabbits were randomly divided into four treatment groups: Control group was not supplemented with boron (n:7; C), and three groups supplemented with 30 mg boron/L in drinking water in the forms of borax decahydrate (Na2O4B7 10H2O, n:10; BD), borax anhydrous (Na2O4B7, n:7; Bah) or boric acid (H2BO3, n:7; BA). Cone beam micro computed tomographic (micro-CT), histological and elemental analysis was used to evaluate the bones/teeth.Results of the experiments demonstrated that boron supplementation had beneficial effects on mineralized tissue but varied with the type of treatment. Mineral density of the femur was increased by the Bah and BA treatments (p < 0.001), but only BA increased mineral density in the tibia (p = 0.015). In incisor teeth, mineral density of dentin was increased by all boron treatments (p < 0.001), and mineral density of enamel was increased by the BD and Bah treatments. Mineral analysis found that all boron treatments increased the boron concentration in tibia and femur. In the tibia, both the BD and Bah treatments decreased the iron concentration, and the BD treatment decreased the magnesium concentration. Sodium and zinc concentrations in the tibia were decreased by the Bah and BA treatments. The boron treatments did not significantly affect the calcium, copper, molybdenum, potassium phosphorus, and sulfur concentrations.The findings show that boron supplementation can have beneficial effects on mineralized tissues in an animal model with increased adiposity, which is a model of increased inflammatory stress. However, this effect varies with the form of boron supplemented, the method of supplementation, and the mineralized tissue examined.  相似文献   

True fruit flies belonging to the Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera:Tephritidae) sibling species complex possess several attributes consistent with a history of sympatric divergence via host plant shifts. Here, we investigate whether hybridization and genetic introgression is occurring between two members of the group, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), whose primary hosts are domestic apples (Malus pumila) and hawthorns (Crataegus spp., and R. zephyria (Snow) whose host is snowberries (Symphoricarpos spp.). These flies are important because they appear to be at a transition stage between taxa reproductively isolated solely on the basis of host plant-related adaptations and those that have evolved additional non-host dependent sterility and inviability. Observing extensive hybridization and introgression between R. pomonella and R. zephyria would have major repercussions for current models of sympatric speciation.In a survey of allozyme and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation for 1105 flies collected throughout the northern United States we found two results suggesting that low level hybridization occurs between R. pomonella and R. zephyria. (1) Two flies reared from snowberries and one fly reared from hawthoms had genotypes indicative of them being R. pomonella and R. zephyria, respectively. Rhagoletis pomonella and R. zephyria adults may therefore occasionally frequent each others host plant, providing the opportunity for hybridization. (2) Four flies collected from hawthorns and one from snowberries had genotypes that made them likely to be F1 hybrids.Likelihood analysis revealed the data were also consistent with an hypothesis of shared ancestral alleles (i.e., the pattern of genetic variation could also be explained by R. pomonella and R. zephyria sharing alleles/haplotypes whose origins date to a common ancestor). We estimated that, in the absence of interspecific mating, random assortment of genes within R. pomonella and R. zephyria populations would produce an average of 5.4 flies with genotypes suggesting they were F1 hybrids – a number equivalent to the 5 putative F1 hybrids observed in the study. Our results therefore underscore the difficulty in distinguishing between hypotheses of low level introgression and shared ancestral polymorphism. But even if hybridization is occurring, the data suggest that it is happening at a very low and probably evolutionarily insignificant level (perhaps 0.09% per generation), consistent with sympatric speciation theory. Future tests are discussed that could help resolve the hybridization issue for R. pomonella and R. zephyria.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the effect of inclusion of defatted black soldier fly larvae (Def-BSFL) meal as a protein source on the performance and blood plasma constituents of broiler chickens. A total of 360-day-old chicks were assigned into four dietary groups, which included four different levels of Def-BSFL meal namely control (0% BSFL), T1(4% BSFL), T2 (8% BSFL) and T3 (12% BSFL) for six weeks experimental feeding period. At the end of the experiment, the blood samples of three birds from each treatment were collected to measure plasma constituents. Birds fed control and T1 diets demonstrated higher feed intake during the finisher stage compared with T2 and T3 diets. The heaviest weight for the 6-week feeding trial was recorded at T1 (1043.8 ± 65.9 g). Birds fed T1 (1.1 ± 0.0) and T3 (0.9 ± 0.1) diets displayed lower feed conversion ratio during the finisher stage than those fed control (1.7 ± 0.1) and T2 (1.8 ± 0.3) diets. Birds fed the control diet demonstrated the highest red blood cell with mean and standard deviation of 7.5 ± 0.34, whereas those fed the T2 diet showed the highest haemoglobin levels with mean and standard deviation of 15.8 ± 0.24. Birds fed T1, T2, and T3 diets exhibited a higher number (P < 0.05) of monocytes than those fed a control diet. There were no differences in white blood cell count across all the groups. In addition, birds fed the T2 diet showed higher (P < 0.05) blood urea nitrogen followed by the T3, control, and T1 diets. As a conclusion, the 4% Def-BSFL in the broiler chicken diet could be used to replace fish meal (FM) and soybean meal (SBM) without compromising bird performance and blood traits.  相似文献   

To study the efficacy of organic zinc (Zn) supplementation on growth, nutrient utilization and mineral profile as compared to inorganic source [zinc sulphate (ZnSO4)], 18 Muzaffarnagari male lambs of 11.30 ± 0.45 kg mean body weight (4–5 months of age) were divided into three groups of six animals in each in a randomized block design. Lambs in the control group were fed a standard total mixed ration (TMR) consisted of 60 kg/100 kg of concentrate mixture (CM) and 40 kg/100 kg of wheat straw. CM was consisted of 300 g/kg crushed maize grain, 270 g/kg soybean meal, 400 g/kg wheat bran, 20 g/kg mineral mixture (without Zn) and 10 g/kg common salt. Animals in the experimental groups were additionally supplemented with 20 mg Zn/kg of diet either through inorganic (ZnSO4) or organic [Zn-methionine AA complex (Zn-meth)] sources. Experimental feeding was done for a period of 150 days including a 6 days metabolism trial. The intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), digestible CP and total digestible nutrients and digestibility of DM, OM, CP, ether extract, neutral detergent fibre and hemicellulose were comparable (P>0.05) among the three groups. However, digestibility of cellulose and acid detergent fibre was significantly (P<0.05) higher in Zn-meth group as compared to control group. Though the balance of calcium was adversely affected (P<0.01) in both the Zn supplemented groups, but it was significantly higher in Zn-meth group compared to ZnSO4 group. While apparent absorption and retention of nitrogen, phosphorus, copper, iron and manganese were similar (P>0.05) among different groups, retention of Zn (P<0.05) as well as its concentration in the serum (P<0.01) were highest in Zn-meth group, followed by ZnSO4 group and lowest in the control group, suggesting higher bioavailability of Zn from Zn-meth as compared to ZnSO4. Average daily gain of the lambs and feed conversion efficiency were also significantly (P<0.05) higher in Zn-meth group as compared to control and ZnSO4 groups, suggesting a positive role of organic zinc supplementation on the performance of lambs.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate in man the consequence on body composition and related biological and metabolic parameters of omitting or adding a meal. Research Methods and Procedures: Twenty‐four young normal‐weight male subjects were recruited, 12 usual four‐meal and 12 usual three‐meal eaters, differing only in the consumption of an afternoon meal. They omitted or added a fourth meal during a 28‐day habituation period and were asked to report their intake on three 3‐day occasions. Before and after this habituation period, subjects participated in a session with a time‐blinded procedure, and blood was collected continuously from lunch to the spontaneously requested dinner. Body composition, respiratory quotient, and biochemical parameters were measured in the late evening preceding each session. Results: Omitting a meal was followed by increases in fat mass (360 ± 115 grams, p < 0.05), late evening leptin concentration (20.7 ± 11.0%, p < 0.05), and respiratory quotient (3.7 ± 1.4%, p < 0.05). Increase in the percentage of dietary fat during the habituation period (+4.1 ± 2.0%, p < 0.05) was correlated with fat mass (r = 0.66, p < 0.05). Adding a meal had no effect, but, in both groups, the change in energy content at this fourth eating occasion was correlated with the change in adiposity. Discussion: Our results suggest that adiposity may increase when young lean male subjects switch from a four‐ to a three‐meal pattern by removing their usual afternoon meal. This effect could be partly mediated by a change in the macronutrient composition of the diet.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss has a great nutritional value and delicious taste. A 90-days experimental trial was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary leaf extract of neem tree Azadirachta indica as a feeding supplement on the growth performance and proximate composition of O. mykiss. Four experimental diets were designed as T1 (with 5% A. indica leaf extract), T2 (with 7% of A. indica leaf extract), T3 (with 10% A. indica leaf extract), and T4 (control group feed with a regular diet with 0% A. indica leaf extract). The average initial weight of fry 0.4 ± 0.14 g was stocked at 25 fish/tank with two replicates per treatment (4 × 2 = 8). After 90 days of the experimental trial, One-way ANOVA showed significant differences in final body weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and survival rate among the treatment groups (p < 0.05). The highest final body weight (48.10 g) and weight gain (47.70 g) was observed in T2 with 7% A. indica leaf extract, which was significantly different from the other treatments (p < 0.05). The lowest FCR was recorded in T2 (1.90), which was significantly different compared to other treatment groups (p < 0.05). Inclusion of A. indica leaf extract in formulated feed for rainbow trout had significant effects in the hepatosomatic index, viscerosomatic index and Fulton’s condition factor (p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference in the survival rate of rainbow trout fry treated with different experimental diets (p > 0.05). The phenomenal regression indicates that 7.5% A. indica inclusion is optimum for best growth performance for rainbow trout under a controlled environment. Thus, the present study suggests that the dietary leaf extract has performed an excellent nutritional supplement by enhancing growth performance and health conditions of rainbow trout in the hatchery conditions.  相似文献   

There is a relationship between the normal progress of digestion and the retention or elimination of the proteins ingested with the meal by Aedes aegyti females. The addition of soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) to a protein meal prevented digestion and resulted in a rapid elimination of the undigested proteins. The addition of a mix of free amino acids to a protein meal together with STI resulted in a significant increase in the retention of the undigested proteins during the first 10-15 hrs after feeding. The effect of the free amino acids on the retention of the proteins was concentration-dependent between 250 microg/ml and 5 mg/ml. Free amino acids were also important for the retention of non-protein meals. When females were fed a meal containing FITC-dextran (20 kD), most of this compound was eliminated into the feces by 10 hrs; the addition of free amino acid resulted in a significant increase in the retention of the FITC-dextran by the midgut during the first 15 hrs after feeding. The presence of free amino acids in the midgut lumen seems to be an important signal used by the mosquito to regulate the retention of the meal.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the use of sorghum, cottonseed meal and millet in broiler diets and their interaction when they are used simultaneously. In Experiment 1, a corn-soybean meal control diet was compared with eight experimental treatments based on low tannin sorghum (S30, S45 and S60), cottonseed meal (CM15, CM40) or both ingredients included in the same diet (S30/CM40, S45/CM25 and S60CM15). Results showed that BW gain was not affected by the inclusion of sorghum or cottonseed meal. However, feed intake tended to be affected by the cereal type with the highest values with sorghum-based diets. Feed conversion ratio increased (P<0.001) with sorghum-based diets compared with the control diet, whereas a combination of cottonseed meal and sorghum in the same diet did not affect the feed conversion ratio. Significant differences (P<0.001) were observed in apparent ileal digestibility (%) of protein and energy with the cottonseed meal and sorghum/cottonseed meal-based diets having lower protein and energy digestibility compared with corn-based diets. In Experiment 2, a control diet was compared with six diets in which corn was substituted at 60%, 80% or 100% by either sorghum or millet and other three diets with simultaneous inclusion of these two ingredients (S30/M30, S40/M40, S50/M50). Single or combined inclusion of sorghum and millet resulted in similar feed intake and growth performance as the control diet. Apparent ileal digestibility of protein and energy was higher with millet-based diets (P<0.001). Total tract digestibility of protein in sorghum and millet-based diets tended to decrease linearly with the increasing level of substitution. Sorghum-based diets resulted in lower total tract digestibility of fat compared with millet and sorghum/millet-based diets (P<0.001). Higher total tract digestibility of starch were obtained with the control diet and millet-based diets compared with the sorghum-based treatments. Results of the two experiments suggest that broiler growth performance was not affected by the dietary level of sorghum, millet or cottonseed meal. Nutrient digestion can, however, be affected by these feed ingredients.  相似文献   

Feed ingredients used in swine diets are often processed to improve nutritional value. However, (over-)processing may result in chemical reactions with amino acids (AAs) that decrease their ileal digestibility. This study aimed to determine effects of (over-)processing of soybean meal (SBM) and rapeseed meal (RSM) on post-absorptive utilization of ileal digestible AAs for retention and on body AA composition of growing pigs. Soybean meal and RSM were processed by secondary toasting in the presence of lignosulfonate to obtain processed soybean meal (pSBM) and processed rapeseed meal (pRSM). Four diets contained SBM, pSBM, RSM or pRSM as sole protein source. Two additional diets contained pSBM or pRSM and were supplemented with crystalline AA to similar standardized ileal digestible (SID) AA level as the SBM or RSM diet. These diets were used to verify that processing affected AA retention by affecting ileal AA digestibility rather than post-absorptive AA utilization. The SID AA levels of the protein sources were determined in a previous study. In total, 59 pigs were used (initial BW of 15.6±0.7 kg) of which five were used to determine initial body composition at the start of the experiment. In total, 54 pigs were fed one of six experimental diets and were slaughtered at a BW of 40 kg. The organ fraction (i.e. empty organs plus blood) and carcass were analyzed separately for N and AA content. Post-absorptive AA utilization was calculated from AA retention and SID AA intake. An interaction between diet type, comprising effects of processing and supplementing crystalline AA, and protein source was observed for CP content in the organ fraction, carcass and empty body and for nutrient retention. Processing reduced CP content and nutrient retention more for SBM than for RSM. Moreover, processing reduced (P<0.001) the lysine content in the organ fraction for both protein sources. Supplementing crystalline AA ameliorated the effect of processing on these variables. Thus, the data indicated that processing affected retention by reducing digestibility. Correcting AA retention for SID AA intake was, therefore, expected to result in similar post-absorptive AA utilization which was observed for the RSM diets. However, post-absorptive AA utilization was lower for the pSBM diet than for the SBM diet which might be related to an imbalanced post-absorptive AA supply. In conclusion, processing negatively affected nutrient retention for both protein sources and post-absorptive utilization of SID AA for retention for SBM. Effects of processing were compensated by supplementing crystalline AA.  相似文献   

Solid-state fermentation (SSF) usingAspergillus carbonarius with canola meal as a substrate showed that production of phytase was associated with growth; maximum activity was achieved after 72 h. Apparent 25% and 10% increases in the protein content of the canola meal were noticed after 48 h and 72 h, respectively but total carbohydrate concentration had fallen by 25% by the end of fermentation. The rate of decrease of phytic acid content was optimum with a moisture content between 53% and 60%; homogenization of the inoculum for 120 s led to the greatest biomass and lowest phytic acid content. Inoculation of sterile meal led to lower phytic acid contents than inoculation of non-sterile meal.The authors are with the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada  相似文献   

We determined whether source of trace mineral supplementation prior to embryo collection affected embryo production and quality. Angus half-sibling heifers (n = 20) originating from a common herd were assigned to three treatment groups using a 3 × 3 latin square design replicated in time (3×) and space (6× complete and 1× incomplete): (1) heifers received no added mineral to their diet (control; n = 53); (2) heifers received a commercially available organic mineral supplement (organic; n = 52); or (3) heifers received an all inorganic mineral supplement (inorganic; n = 55). All heifers had ad libitum access to hay and were fed a supplement containing corn and soybean meal. Treatments were initiated 23 days prior to embryo recovery. Heifers were given a 45-day adaptation period of no mineral supplementation before initiating a new treatment. Ovarian structures were evaluated using transrectal ultrasonography to determine the presence and number of follicles and CL on each ovary. The mean number of recovered ova/embryos was similar among treatments (4.1 ± 0.7, 3.8 ± 0.7, and 3.3 ± 0.7 for control, inorganic, and organic treatments, respectively), the number of unfertilized oocytes was greater (P < 0.05) for inorganic (2.3 ± 0.5) and control (1.6 ± 0.5) treated heifers than organic (0.4 ± 0.4) treated heifers. No differences among treatments existed for the number of degenerate or transferable embryos, but individual heifer influenced the total number of embryos/ova, unfertilized ova, and transferable embryos recovered. We conclude that heifer accounted for the greatest differences in embryo production and quality. Source of trace mineral supplementation did not significantly alter embryo number or quality in superovulated purebred Angus heifers fed a well-balanced diet, meeting all trace mineral requirements.  相似文献   

The present research studied the effect of a dietary inclusion with Hermetia illucens larvae meal (Hi) on rainbow trout’s fillets chemical composition. The effect of Hi inclusion in diets on rainbow trout chemical characteristics was evaluated. Trout were fed three different diets: control (C, no Hi inclusion), 25% and 50% of substitution of fish meal with Hi (Hi25 and Hi50, respectively). Fillets were analysed to quantify proximate composition, carbohydrates percentage, colour parameters, nucleotides concentration, fatty acids profile, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic concentrations. Diets did not affect proximate composition. Contrariwise, Hi50 diet decreased fillet yellowness and both substitution percentages affected negatively adenosine monophosphate concentration. Saturated fatty acids, mostly C12 : 0, increased their contents in relation with Hi inclusion at the expense of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (both n-3 and n-6) fatty acids. Less modifications were reported in VOCs as only heptanal and octanal concentrations were affected, no new compounds appeared in relation with Hi inclusion. No modifications in proteins patterns were shown even if myofibrillar content decreased in trout fed Hi50. The results highlighted that chemical modifications occurred in fillets were related to the chemical composition of the H. illucens meal and to the percentage of inclusion in the diet. Substitution of fish meal with a precisely percentage of H. illucens meal could be a potential future solution in order to decrease the quantity of fish meal used in aquafeeds.  相似文献   

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