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The tissue interactions between endodermal epithelium and mesenchyme originated from splanchnic mesoderm are essential during the formation of digestive tract. In this review, we introduce a series of works to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the epithelial-mesenchymal interaction of stomach development in mainly the chicken embryo. We also describe some molecular studies in mouse stomach development.  相似文献   

The specification of epidermal (L1) identity occurs early during plant embryogenesis. Here we show that, in Arabidopsis, AtDEK1 encodes a key component of the embryonic L1 cell-layer specification pathway. Loss of AtDEK1 function leads to early embryo lethality characterized by a severe loss of cell organization in the embryo proper and abnormal cell divisions within the suspensor. Markers for L1 identity, ACR4 and ATML1, are not expressed in homozygous mutant embryos. In order to clarify the function of AtDEK1 further, an RNAi knockdown approach was used. This allowed embryos to partially complete embryogenesis before losing AtDEK1 activity. Resulting seedlings showed a specific loss of epidermal cell identity within large portions of the cotyledons. In addition, meristem structure and function was systematically either reduced or entirely lost. AtDEK1 expression is not restricted to the L1 epidermal cell layer at any stage in development. This is consistent with AtDEK1 playing an upstream role in the continuous generation or interpretation of positional information required for epidermal specification. Our results not only identify a specific role for AtDEK1 during embryogenesis, but underline the potential key importance of L1 specification at the globular stage for subsequent progression through embryogenesis.  相似文献   

In this study we have addressed the fundamental question of what cellular mechanisms control the growth of the calvarial bones and conversely, what is the fate of the sutural mesenchymal cells when calvarial bones approximate to form a suture. There is evidence that the size of the osteoprogenitor cell population determines the rate of calvarial bone growth. In calvarial cultures we reduced osteoprogenitor cell proliferation; however, we did not observe a reduction in the growth of parietal bone to the same degree. This discrepancy prompted us to study whether suture mesenchymal cells participate in the growth of the parietal bones. We found that mesenchymal cells adjacent to the osteogenic fronts of the parietal bones could differentiate towards the osteoblastic lineage and could become incorporated into the growing bone. Conversely, mid-suture mesenchymal cells did not become incorporated into the bone and remained undifferentiated. Thus mesenchymal cells have different fate depending on their position within the suture. In this study we show that continued proliferation of osteoprogenitors in the osteogenic fronts is the main mechanism for calvarial bone growth, but importantly, we show that suture mesenchyme cells can contribute to calvarial bone growth. These findings help us understand the mechanisms of intramembranous ossification in general, which occurs not only during cranial and facial bone development but also in the surface periosteum of most bones during modeling and remodeling.  相似文献   

Studies of developmental biology are often facilitated by diagram “models” that summarize the current understanding of underlying mechanisms. The increasing complexity of our understanding of development necessitates computational models that can extend these representations to include their dynamic behavior. Here we present a prototype model of Caenorhabditis elegans vulval precursor cell fate specification that represents many processes crucial for this developmental event but that are hard to integrate using other modeling methodologies. We demonstrate the integrative capabilities of our methodology by comprehensively incorporating the contents of three seminal papers, showing that this methodology can lead to comprehensive models of developmental biology. The prototype computational model was built and is run using a language (Live Sequence Charts) and tool (the Play-Engine) that facilitate the same conceptual processes biologists use to construct and probe diagram-type models. We demonstrate that this modeling approach permits rigorous tests of mutual consistency between experimental data and mechanistic hypotheses and can identify specific conflicting results, providing a useful approach to probe developmental systems.  相似文献   

Developmental processes can change during evolution at many levels of the ontogeny of an individual. Embryos of solitary ascidians have a largely invariant mode of development, with fixed cleavage patterns and fate maps. Thus the cell lineages and final body plan of the two quite distantly related species considered in this review, Ciona intestinalis and Halocynthia roretzi, are highly similar. However, close comparison of the developmental mechanisms used by these two species provide examples of evolutionary changes and help pinpoint which aspects of development are evolutionarily flexible. Examples of both similarity and diversity are observed in the mechanisms used to generate the full complement of larval muscle. We will describe the changes in muscle-cell lineage, as well as some striking differences in the intercellular signalling pathways used to induce muscle fate. The somewhat surprising conclusion is that in ascidians, as in nematode vulval development, different signalling mechanisms have been adopted to mediate similar interactions between equivalently positioned cells.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, the first zygotic division usually gives rise to two daughter cells with distinct morphologies and developmental fates, which is critical for embryo pattern formation; however, it is still unclear when and how these distinct cell fates are specified, and whether the cell specification is related to cytoplasmic localization or polarity. Here, we demonstrated that when isolated from both maternal tissues and the apical cell, a single basal cell could only develop into a typical suspensor, but never into an embryo in vitro. Morphological, cytological and gene expression analyses confirmed that the resulting suspensor in vitro is highly similar to its undisturbed in vivo counterpart. We also demonstrated that the isolated apical cell could develop into a small globular embryo, both in vivo and in vitro, after artificial dysfunction of the basal cell; however, these growing apical cell lineages could never generate a new suspensor. These findings suggest that the initial round of cell fate specification occurs at the two‐celled proembryo stage, and that the basal cell lineage is autonomously specified towards the suspensor, implying a polar distribution of cytoplasmic contents in the zygote. The cell fate transition of the basal cell lineage to the embryo in vivo is actually a conditional cell specification process, depending on the developmental signals from both the apical cell lineage and maternal tissues connected to the basal cell lineage.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(15):1365-1382.e6
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The roof plate resident BMPs have sequential functions in the developing spinal cord, establishing cell fate and orienting axonal trajectories. These activities are, however, restricted to the dI1–dI3 neurons in the most dorsal region of the spinal cord. What limits the extent of the action of the BMPs to these neurons? To address this question, we have examined both the distribution of the inhibitory Smads (I-Smads), Smad6 and Smad7 in the spinal cord and the consequence of ectopically expressing the I-Smads in chicken embryos. Our studies suggest that the I-Smads function in vivo to restrict the action of BMP signaling in the dorsal spinal cord. Moreover, the I-Smads have distinct roles in regulating the diverse activities of the BMPs. Thus, the ectopic expression of Smad7 suppresses the dI1 and dI3 neural fates and concomitantly increases the number of dI4–dI6 spinal neurons. In contrast, Smad6 most potently functions to block dI1 axon outgrowth. Taken together, these experiments suggest that the I-Smads have distinct roles in spatially limiting the response of cells to BMP signaling.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2022,29(4):620-634.e6
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Fate maps have been constructed for embryos of Hemithiris and Terebratulina, representatives of two orders in the class Rhynchonellata that have been separated since the middle Ordovician. These fate maps are identical. The animal region of the egg forms the ectodermal covering of the apical lobe and the vegetal region is the site of gastrulation; the vegetal region forms the ectoderm of the ventral and posterior regions of the larva, endoderm and mesoderm. The cells that make up the animal region shift 90 degrees with respect to the vegetal pole during gastrulation. The timing and mode of regional specification in these two species are also identical. In each case, the animal region of the unfertilized egg has the intrinsic ability to form apical lobe ectoderm, while the vegetal region has the ability to form a normal larva. During embryogenesis, the vegetal region interacts with the animal region to suppress apical tuft differentiation in the apical lobe and to promote mantle lobe ectodermal differentiation, while the ability of the vegetal half to regulate by forming apical lobe structures is lost. The plane of bilateral symmetry of the larva begins to be set up between the late blastula and early gastrula stage. The fate maps and the processes of regional specification are compared in the four subphyla that make up the Brachiopoda and used to test a developmental model that provides an explanation for the variety of different body plans generated during the Cambrian.  相似文献   

Successful navigation of the mouse preimplantation stages of development, during which three distinct blastocyst lineages are derived, represents a prerequisite for continued development. We previously identified a role for p38-mitogen-activated kinases (p38-MAPK) regulating blastocyst inner cell mass (ICM) cell fate, specifically primitive endoderm (PrE) differentiation, that is intimately linked to rRNA precursor processing, polysome formation and protein translation regulation. Here, we develop this work by assaying the role of DEAD-box RNA helicase 21 (DDX21), a known regulator of rRNA processing, in the context of p38-MAPK regulation of preimplantation mouse embryo development. We show nuclear DDX21 protein is robustly expressed from the 16-cell stage, becoming exclusively nucleolar during blastocyst maturation, a localization dependent on active p38-MAPK. siRNA-mediated clonal Ddx21 knockdown within developing embryos is associated with profound cell-autonomous and non-autonomous proliferation defects and reduced blastocyst volume, by the equivalent peri-implantation blastocyst stage. Moreover, ICM residing Ddx21 knockdown clones express the EPI marker NANOG but rarely express the PrE differentiation marker GATA4. These data contribute further significance to the emerging importance of lineage-specific translation regulation, as identified for p38-MAPK, during mouse preimplantation development.  相似文献   

The first cell migration event in the mouse embryo is the movement of parietal endoderm cells from the surface of the inner cell mass facing the blastocoel cavity to line the inner surface of the trophectoderm. F9 embryoid bodies provide an in vitro model for this event. They have an inner core of undifferentiated stem cells surrounded by an outer visceral endoderm layer. When plated on a laminin coated substrate, visceral endoderm transitions to parietal endoderm and migrates onto the dish, away from the attached embryoid body. We now show that this outgrowth contains abundant focal complexes and focal adhesions, as well as lamellipodia and filopodia. Treatment with the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 promotes a 2-fold increase in outgrowth, and a transition from focal adhesions and associated stress fibers, to focal complexes and a decrease in stress fibers. ROCK inhibition also leads to an increase in lamellipodia. Inhibition of RhoA by transfection of a vector encoding C3 transferase, direct administration of the C3 enzyme, or transfection of a vector encoding p190 Rho GTPase Activating Protein also promotes outgrowth and an apparent transition from focal adhesions to focal complexes. Parietal endoderm outgrowth generated using vinculin-deficient F9 stem cells migrates 2-fold further than wild type cultures, but this outgrowth retains the morphology of wild type parietal endoderm, including focal adhesions and stress fibers. Addition of Y-27632 to vinculin-null outgrowth cultures further stimulates migration an additional 2-fold, supporting the conclusion that Rho/ROCK and vinculin regulate parietal endoderm outgrowth by distinct pathways.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2021,56(24):3334-3348.e6
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Sialylation, or the covalent addition of sialic acid to the terminal end of glycoproteins, is a biologically important modification that is involved in embryonic development, neurodevelopment, reprogramming, oncogenesis and immune responses. In this review, we have given a comprehensive overview of the current literature on the involvement of sialylation in cell fate decision during development, reprogramming and cancer progression. Sialylation is essential for early embryonic development and the deletion of UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase, a rate-limiting enzyme in sialic acid biosynthesis, is embryonically lethal. Furthermore, the sialyltransferase ST6GAL1 is required for somatic cell reprogramming, and its downregulation is associated with decreased reprogramming efficiency. In addition, sialylation levels and patterns are altered during cancer progression, indicating the potential of sialylated molecules as cancer biomarkers. Taken together, the current evidences demonstrate that sialylation is involved in crucial cell fate decision.  相似文献   

When presumptive ectoderm is treated with high concentrations of activin A, it mainly differentiates into axial mesoderm (notochord, muscle) in Xenopus and into yolk-rich endodermal cells in newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster). Xenopus ectoderm consists of multiple layers, different from the single layer of Cynops ectoderm. This multilayer structure of Xenopus ectoderm may prevent complete treatment of activin A and subsequent whole differentiation into endoderm. In the present study, therefore, Xenopus ectoderm was separated into an outer layer and an inner layer, which were individually treated with a high concentration of activin A (100 ng/mL). Then the differentiation and inductive activity of these ectodermal cells were examined in explantation and transplantation experiments. In isolation culture, ectoderm treated with activin A formed endoderm. Ectodermal and mesodermal tissues were seldom found in these explants. The activin-treated ectoderm induced axial mesoderm and neural tissues, and differentiated into endoderm when it was sandwiched between two sheets of ectoderm or was transplanted into the ventral marginal zone of other blastulae. These findings suggest that Xenopus ectoderm treated with a high concentration of activin A forms endoderm and mimics the properties of the organizer as in Cynops.  相似文献   

Neural development in the chick embryo is now understood in great detail on a cellular and a molecular level. It begins already before gastrulation, when a separation of neural and epidermal cell fates occurs under the control of FGF and BMP/Wnt signalling, respectively. This early specification becomes further refined around the tip of the primitive streak, until finally the anterior-posterior level of the neuroectoderm becomes established through progressive caudalization. In this review we focus on processes in the chick embryo and put classical and more recent molecular data into a coherent scenario.  相似文献   

文昌鱼sfy1基因的克隆及其在早期发育中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文昌鱼是公认现存最接近于脊椎动物的一种头索动物,具有与脊椎动物相似但简单得多的身体图式[1],因而是研究脊椎动物发育机制起源和进化的宝贵材料,也是发育生物学的经典实验模型之一.近年来,人们在对果蝇和脊椎动物发育分子机制的研究取得了一系列重大突破之后,利用发育调控基  相似文献   

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