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The annual reproductive cycle of the dragonet,Repomucenus valenciennei, from Tokyo Bay, Japan, was studied by analysis of seasonal trends in gonadosomatic indices and histological observations of gonads. Sexual dimorphism in the growth of several body parts relative to standard length (SL) and changes in color pattern of the first dorsal fin with growth were also investigated. The spawning season lasted from spring (April [1991] or February [1992]) to autumn (October) with two spawning peaks, in spring and autumn. In spring, only one-year-old (age 1+) fish spawned, age 0+ females not spawning until autumn, at which time they had reached age 1+. Likewise, histological observations of males indicated that testes had reached full maturity by 80 mm SL (age 1+). The minimum mature size of females was estimated as 60 mm SL. In males 45–80 mm SL, the first spine of the first dorsal fin, last ray of the second dorsal fin, last ray of the anal fin, and caudal fin ray showed strongly positive allometry, indicating rapid growth of these structures relative to SL. Subsequently, their growth returned to an isometric pattern in males>80 mm SL. In females, on the other hand, the same body parts showed slightly positive allometry throughout their growth. The color pattern on the first dorsal fin also changed in males 45–80 mm SL.  相似文献   

The age, growth and reproduction ofRutilus lemmingii (Steindachner, 1866), an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied for over a period of two years in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir river basin. Approximately 65 % of the total growth in length occured in the first year of life. Males reached a maximum age of 3+ yr (Fork Length, F.L. = 114 mm) and females 4+ yr (F.L. = 144 mm). Both sexes matured during their second year of life (1 +). The overall sex ratio (334 males to 389 females) differed significantly from unity. Somatic condition decreased markedly during the reproductive period of March to May.R. lemmingii is a multiple spawner and releases two batches of eggs per female each year. Mean egg diameter of the first batch was larger than the second one. The regression between fecundity and Fork Length (mm) was: Fec = 0.014 F.L.Z.2.858 Compared with available information, thisR. lemmingii population, located at a lower latitude, is characterized by fast growth, early maturity, high level of reproductive effort, and a short life-span. These life-history characteristices are typical of species in unstable environments, where adult mortality is high, variable or unpredictable.  相似文献   

Age and growth of Labeo bata (Ham.) was studied by the analysis of annuli found on the scale and by length-frequency distribution. The fish attained lengths of 131, 194, 236, 277, 314, 341 and 364 mm at the end of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th years of life respectively. The increase in length of scale bears a constant relationship with the increase in length of fish, and regression analysis yielded a straight line between scale and body length. Calculated values could be expressed as: Y = –2.534 + 0.064 XThe growth rate of the fish was found high during the 1st and 2nd years and decreased gradually afterwards till the 7th year. Both sexes showed more a or less similar growth rate and attained a similar longevity. Growth trend of the fish confirmed the von Bertalanffy growth equation: Lt = 450(l–e–0.2165(t+0.5963)) The seasonal growth curve was chiefly influenced by feeding intensity in fishes of 1st year class while in adults it was affected by feeding intensity as well as by maturation of the gonads.  相似文献   

双须叶须鱼(Ptychobarbus dipogon Regan)隶属裂腹鱼亚科(Schizothoracinae)叶须鱼属(Ptychobarbus),是西藏特有经济鱼类,2016年被列入中国脊椎动物红色名录,必须加快推动该鱼的养护工作。2013年2~3月份及2014年2~6月份,在雅鲁藏布江谢通门段与支流拉萨河上游段采集1 030尾双须叶须鱼样本,以脊椎骨作为年龄鉴定材料进行年龄与生长特点研究,以期分析和评价该类群鱼类资源情况。研究结果如下:双须叶须鱼样本中最大年龄为49龄,最小年龄为4龄;体重与体长关系是样本总体W=4.4×10-5?SL2.7688、雌鱼W=5.0×10-4?SL2.3474、雄鱼W=2.8×10-5?SL2.8414;体长生长方程为雌鱼Lt(♀)=431.8[1-e-0.19t+1.19)],渐进体长L(♀)=431.8 mm,拐点年龄为3.3龄,雄鱼Lt(♂)=367.6[1-e-0.42t+3.37)],渐进体长L(♂)=367.7 mm;体重生长方程为雌鱼Wt(♀)=767.40[1-e-0.19t+1.19)]2.3474,雄鱼Wt(♂)=545.02[1-e-0.42t+3.37)]2.8414;群体异速生长指数b=2.768 8与匀速生长指数3存在显著性差异,即P<0.05。研究表明双须叶须鱼体趋向低龄化,应当予以充分关注。  相似文献   

Food habits of sika deer on the Boso Peninsula,central japan   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The rumen contents of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) on the Boso Peninsula, central Japan, were analyzed to identify local, sexual and age-specific differences in food habits. Graminoids and woody plants were the primary foods throughout the year. In winter, the use of evergreen broad leaves increased. The food habits of sika deer on Boso Peninsula were intermediate between those of populations inhabiting northern and southern Japan. Acorns, mainlyLithocarpus edulis Nakai, were consumed in fall and winter with a peak in October. Since the availability of acorns is not influenced by foraging in previous years, it can be regarded as a stable food supply and hence may be important for deer on the Boso Peninsula. The local difference between the Amatsukominato (AT) area, having a large plantation ofLithocarpus producing acrons, and the Kamogawa-Katsuura (KK) area, having a small plantation ofLithocarpus, was recognized; seeds and fruit were consumed more in AT than in KK in fall and winter. Males consumed more seeds and fruit than females at both sites in fall. This can be attributed to sexual differences in nutritional requirement.  相似文献   

Age and growth of Mediterranean albacore   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Estimated ages of 1136 individual albacore Thunnus alalunga (57–92 cm L F) from the Aegean and Ionian Sea ranged from 1+ to 9 years. Males grew faster and reached a greater size and age than females. No significant differences were found in the mean lengths at estimated ages between the two sampling areas. The von Bertalanffy growth model was fitted to mean lengths of estimated ages of individual fish and estimated growth parameters for the combined sexes were: L =94·7 cm, K =0·258, to=–1·354 years. Significant differences were found when the Mediterranean albacore growth parameters were compared with those determined for Atlantic Ocean albacore. It is not possible to determine if the differences in growth rates for the two populations are phenotypic or genotypic at the present time.  相似文献   

The age and growth of an Asturian population of the bib Trisopterus luscus L. were studied based on 990 bibs from monthly catches from October 1986 until October 1988.Using the estimates of age taken from otolith readings, it was possible to construct a growth curve for the whole range of ages and demonstrate that most growth takes place during the first two years of life. The maximum age was found to be 5 years. The largest fish caught during the investigation measured 430 mm in standard length.The different growth rates of males and females show that in most cases the mean standard length of females was equal to or greater than that of the males.  相似文献   

A simple approach is proposed to fit a body growth model for the European eel Anguilla anguilla to data‐poor case studies. The model is a modified von Bertalanffy curve allowing for delayed sex determination and sexual dimorphism. The proposed procedure provides preliminary estimates of model parameters on the basis of average age and body length of silver eels.  相似文献   

Population structures of the delicate loach, Niwaella delicata, were inferred from morphology and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of part of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 25 populations, representing the species range in central Honshu Island. The existence of two types of morphological variation corresponding to regional distributions, the "Pacific slope type" and "Sea of Japan slope type," has been known in N. delicata. Our morphological reexamination of the two types revealed some discrepancies in their distribution pattern. Therefore, we reclassified two new color types corresponded to their distribution areas as "gathered spots type (G type)" and "scattered spots type (S type)," respectively. The present classification of G and S types is closely related to the mtDNA divergence pattern. The current analysis also indicated that each G and S type population was further divided into two genetic groups, corresponding to geographic proximity. In spite of marked morphological differentiation, the genetic diversity between G and S type populations (1.153%) was comparable only to that reported for intraspecific levels in most freshwater fishes. Moreover, in the population of which the color patterns of all fish were characterized to the S type, mtDNA haplotypes corresponding to G and S types were sympatrically detected. This result indicates secondary contact between the two type populations and the possibility that they are not reproductively isolated. Received: June 11, 1999 / Revised: September 30, 2000 / Accepted: January 16, 2001  相似文献   

We examined 1567 carp caught in rice field drainage canals in the estuary of the Guadalquivir river (37° N, 6° 25 W). The stock was comprised of a small number of age groups, among which 0+ and 1+ were dominant. Growth was divided in four periods: rapid (June–July); slow (August–November), no growth (December–March), and resumed growth in April when an annulus was formed. A classification based on 12 wild carp populations revealed that growth depends on latitude, and that growth of the studied stock was mediocre, probably due to high salinity. A decrease in somatic condition coincided with an increase in gonadosomatic index (GSI). Specimens of the same stock, age and/or length showed considerable difference in development of the gonads. Gonadal activity began in September and by late Autumn some gonads had reached up to 20% of body weight. The situation remained static during Winter till April, when most reproduction occurred. Later, GSI values decreased to reach a minimum in September.Maximum average GSI values in females were twice those in males. Both sexes achieved maturity during the third growing season (2+ age-group) at a minimum fork length (F.L.) of 110 mm. Fecundity, before reproduction, was expressed by Fec = 241.701 F.L. (mm) – 26776.2. The sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1 : 1.  相似文献   

Captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) mature earlier in body mass and have a greater growth rate compared to wild individuals. However, relatively little is known about how growth parameters compare between chimpanzees living in different captive environments. To investigate, body mass was measured in 298 African sanctuary chimpanzees and was acquired from 1030 zoological and 442 research chimpanzees, using data repositories. An analysis of covariance, adjusting for age, was performed to assess same-sex body mass differences between adult sanctuary, zoological, and research populations. Piecewise linear regression was performed to estimate sex-specific growth rates and the age at maturation, which were compared between sexes and across populations using extra-sum-of-squares F tests. Adult body mass was greater in the zoological and resarch populations compared to the sanctuary chimpanzees, in both sexes. Male and female sanctuary chimpanzees were estimated to have a slower rate of growth compared with their zoological and research counterparts. Additionally, male sanctuary chimpanzees were estimated to have an older age at maturation for body mass compared with zoological and research males, whereas the age at maturation was similar across female populations. For both the zoological and research populations, the estimated growth rate was greater in males compared to females. Together, these data contribute to current understanding of growth and maturation in this species and suggest marked differences between the growth patterns of chimpanzees living in different captive environments.  相似文献   

Many animal taxa exhibit a positive correlation between sexual size dimorphism and sex differences in age at maturity, such that members of the larger sex mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex. Previous workers have suggested that sexual bimaturation is a product of sex differences in growth trajectories, but to date no one has tested this hypothesis. The current study uses growth-based models to study relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation in species with asymptotic growth after maturity. These models show that sex differences in asymptotic size would produce sexual bimaturation even if both sexes approach their respective asymptotic sizes at the same age, mature at the same proportion of asymptotic size and have otherwise equivalent growth and maturation patterns. Furthermore, our analyses show that there are three ways to reduce sexual bimaturation in sexually size-dimorphic species: (1) higher characteristic growth rates for members of the larger sex, (2) larger size at birth, hatching or metamorphosis for members of the larger sex or (3) smaller ratio of size at maturity to asymptotic size (relative size at maturity) for members of the larger sex. Of these three options, sex differences in relative size at maturity are most common in size-dimorphic species and, in both male-larger and female-larger species, members of the larger sex frequently mature at a smaller proportion of their asymptotic size than do members of the smaller sex. Information about the growth and maturation patterns of a taxon can be used to determine relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation for the members of that taxon. This process is illustrated for Anolis lizards, a genus in which both sexes exhibit the same strong correlation (r 0.97) between size at maturity and asymptotic size, and in which the relative size at maturity is inversely related to asymptotic size for both sexes. As a result, sexually size-dimorphic species of anoles exhibit the expected pattern of a smaller relative size at maturity for members of the larger sex. However, for species in this genus, sex differences in the relative size at maturity are not strong enough to produce the same age at maturity for both sexes in sexually size-dimorphic species. Members of the larger sex (usually males) are still expected to mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex in Anolis lizards.  相似文献   

M. Agami 《Oecologia》1987,71(4):486-490
Summary The hills of the Negev highlands, west of Sede Boqer, are typically covered by various half-shrub communities, including the deciduous species of Helianthemum vesicarium Boiss., an Irano-Turanian element that grows only on north facing slopes, and H. ventosum Boiss., a Saharo-Arabian element which grows on both slopes but mainly on those facing south. Upon irrigation, plants of H. vesicarium preserve their natural rhythm of activity during winter and remain deciduous throughout the summer. On the other hand, under a similar irrigation treatment, the growth and flowering season of H. ventosum is modified and is extended well into the summer. Thus, H. ventosum shows a high phenological plasticity, while H. vesicarium seems to be very conservative. The different response of the two species to an improved water regime may partly explain the differences in their natural habitats: H. vesicarium on the more humid north facing slopes and H. ventosum mostly on the more arid and extreme south facing ones. Plants of both species which grow near boulders attain larger sizes and denser stands than those on the slopes.Age analysis based on xylem ring counts of 859 plants of the two natural populations showed that the plants did not exceed 14 years and most of them reached the age of some 5 years only. In general more seedlings are established during rainy year-clusters than during dry ones. However, no direct correlation between seedling establishment and the annual rainfall of specific years could be found.The rapid turnover of plants in the stands of both species of Helianthemum resembles the behavior of desert annuals rather than that of most desert shrubs.  相似文献   

Metapenaeopsis sibogae inhabits the South Pacific and Southeast Asia and is an emerging fisheries resource. However, studies on the population biology of M. sibogae are scant, and their morphometric relationships have not been examined. Thus, we studied the relative growth of M. sibogae, hypothesizing that its morphological sexual maturity can be estimated based on abrupt shifts in allometry. The relationships of body length (BL) and body weight (BW) with carapace length (CL) were determined by the least squares method. Data for each sex were repeatedly partitioned into two size-delimited subsets (early and late phases), considering a CL value as a hypothesized transition point. Analysis of the sum of squared residuals indicated that two separate linear BL/CL models fit the data better than a single linear model showing clear transition points in both males (13.2 mm CL) and females (15.0 mm CL). The changes in allometry in the BL/CL relationships between early- and late-phased males and females were indicated by a 20.5 and 21.5% decrease in the slope, respectively. These transition points could be associated with sexual maturity. The growth rate of BW vs. CL slowed significantly after morphological sexual maturity was reached in both sexes, demonstrating the existence of dimorphic growth.  相似文献   

The age, growth and reproduction of Leuciscus pyrenaicus (Günther, 1868), an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied from November 1987 to September 1989 in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir river basin. Maximum fork lengths observed were a 160 mm male with six scale annuli and a 171 mm female aged 7 +. Maximum ages observed were 7 + in males and 8 + in females. There were no significant differences in the annual growth increments between sexes. Seasonal growth period started in March and continued for 5 to 6 months. Mean lengths of 1 + specimens onwards diminished during summer and/or autumn. Males and females matured in their third and fourth year of life respectively. The overall sex ratio (272 males: 310 females) differed significantly from equality. Spawning began in May and ended in July. L. pyrenaicus is a multiple spawner that releases a minimum of two batches of eggs per female each year. Eggs in each batch were similar in both size (egg diameter) and number released. The relationship between fecundity (Fee) and fork length (mm) was represented by the formula: Fec=1.96 10−3 L2.50.  相似文献   

Evidence for sexual dimorphism is extremely limited in the non‐avian dinosaurs despite their high diversity and disparity, and despite the fact that dimorphism is very common in vertebrate lineages of all kinds. Using body‐size data from both Alligator mississippiensis and Rhea americana, which phylogenetically bracket the dinosaurs, we demonstrate that even when there is strong dimorphism in a species, random sampling of populations of individuals characterized by sustained periods of growth (as in the alligator and most dinosaurs) can result in the loss of this signal. Dimorphism may be common in fossil taxa but very hard to detect without ontogenetic age control and large sample sizes, both of which are hampered by the limitations of the fossil record. Signal detection may be further hindered by Type III survivorship, whereby increased mortality among the young favours the likelihood that they will be sampled (unless predation or taphonomic bias against small size acts against this). These, and other considerations relating to behaviour and ecology, provide powerful reasons to suggest that sexual dimorphism in dinosaurs may be very difficult to detect in almost all currently available samples. Similar issues are likely also to be applicable to many fossil reptiles, or animals more generally.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined potential costs of female choice and factors intrinsic to females that affect choice. To examine these factors, female house crickets, Acheta domesticus, were presented with a simultaneous choice between tapes of a priori attractive and unattractive male chirps. Females varied in age, nutritional condition, body size (potential fecundity), and size-relative reproductive investment. Female age had a significant effect on female choosiness: young females were selective, whereas older females were not selective. Nutritional condition, body size, and size-relative reproductive investment did not affect female choice. Females that chose the call of the attractive male spent approximately twice as long choosing as females that chose the unattractive male call.  相似文献   

We examined geographic variation in the growth of white croaker,Pennahia argentata, off the coast of northwest Kyushu, Japan, Ariake Sound, Tachibana Bay, Omura Bay and the Goto Sea by examination of otoliths. The outer margins of the otoliths showed that a opaque zone was formed once a year, with its peak in June, and could be used as an annulus. White croaker caught during this study reached a maximum age of 10years in the Goto Sea. The growth curves for both sexes in all localities were expressed by the von Bertalanffy growth equations from back-calculated total length of fish. We found significant sexual differences in growth curves in Ariake Sound, Tachibana Bay and the Goto Sea. For both sexes, white croaker in the Goto Sea reached the largest length at each estimated age of the four localities. The growth curves for both sexes showed significant differences among four localities, suggesting that several stocks may exist in the study area although the greatest distance between each locality was at most 30 km.  相似文献   

Stw 505 is the most complete hominin cranium discovered in Sterkfontein Member 4 since Broom's excavations. It was found in situ in Member 4 breccia in 1989 and is larger, on the whole, than any other cranium from Sterkfontein that has comparable parts. Displacement due to breakage, as well as plastic deformation, has affected Stw 505 in several areas, especially the face and the vault. Diagnosticmorphology is nevertheless abundant in the specimen. In several areas-the distinct anterior pillar, the straight inferior border of the zygoma, the pattern of cresting on the naso-alveolar clivus, the basal aspect of the temporal bone-Stw 505 closely matches the morphology of specimens of Australopithecus africanus and is distinct from other hominins. Some isolated characters overlap with other groups, mainly early Homo and/or A. robustus. However, only the hypodigm of A. africanus can accommodate the entire suite of morphology.In some cases, Stw 505 introduces more variation into the Sterkfontein sample. For example, prominent superciliary eminences occupy the medial portions of the supraorbital region and flow medially into a strongly protruding glabellar mound. These characteristics are probably attributable to sexual dimorphism. In many respects, Stw 505 highlights similarities between A. africanus and early Homo. Comparison with other species suggests that males of A. africanus do not show derived features of A. robustus that are not also present in females, and that cranial differences between A. afarensis and A. africanus have, if anything, been understated.  相似文献   

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