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Stm1, a G-protein coupled receptor, which senses nutritional state drives cells to stop the proliferative cell cycle and enter meiosis under nutritionally deficient conditions in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It was shown that overexpression of Stm1 led growth inhibition and uncontrolled mitotic haploidization presumably by the premature initiation of mitosis. Sty1 and Gpa2 seem to play important roles for Stm1 to deliver starvation signal to induce downstream function. Based on the observation that conversion of diploid to haploid by overexpression of Stm1 can be easily detected as pink or red colonies in the media containing low adenine, HTS drug screening system to identify modulators of GPCR was established and tested using 413 compounds. Four very potent modulators of GPCR including Biochanin A, which possess strong inhibitory activity against uncontrolled cell division, were identified in this screening. This study provides the yeast-based platform that allows robust cellular assays to identify novel modulators of G-protein signaling and MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

The mechanism of signal transduction by steroid receptor proteins is complex and not yet understood. We describe here a facile genetic strategy for dissection of the rat glucocorticoid receptor "signaling domain," a region of the protein that binds and transduces the hormonal signal. We found that the characteristics of signal transduction by the receptor expressed in yeast were similar to those of endogenous receptors in mammalian cells. Interestingly, the rank order of particular ligands differed between species with respect to receptor binding and biological efficacy. This suggests that factors in addition to the receptor alone must determine or influence ligand efficacy in vivo. To obtain a collection of receptors with distinct defects in signal transduction, we screened in yeast an extensive series of random point mutations introduced in that region in vitro. Three phenotypic classes were obtained: one group failed to bind hormone, a second displayed altered ligand specificity, and a third bound hormone but lacked regulatory activity. Our results demonstrate that analysis of glucocorticoid receptor action in yeast provides a general approach for analyzing the mechanism of signaling by the nuclear receptor family and may facilitate identification of non-receptor factors that participate in this process.  相似文献   

Despite advances toward understanding the prevention and treatment of many cancers, patients who suffer from oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) confront a survival rate that has remained unimproved for more than 2 decades, indicating our ability to treat them pharmacologically has reached a plateau. In an ongoing effort to improve the clinical outlook for this disease, we previously reported that an essential component of the mechanism by which the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (PS-341, Velcade) induced apoptosis in OSCC required the activation of a terminal unfolded protein response (UPR). Predicated on these studies, the authors hypothesized that high-throughput screening (HTS) of large diverse chemical libraries might identify more potent or selective small-molecule activators of the apoptotic arm of the UPR to control or kill OSCC. They have developed complementary cell-based assays using stably transfected CHO-K1 cell lines that individually assess the PERK/eIF2α/CHOP (apoptotic) or the IRE1/XBP1 (adaptive) UPR subpathways. An 66 K compound collection was screened at the University of Michigan Center for Chemical Genomics that included a unique library of prefractionated natural product extracts. The mycotoxin methoxycitrinin was isolated from a natural extract and found to selectively activate the CHOP-luciferase reporter at 80 μM. A series of citrinin derivatives was isolated from these extracts, including a unique congener that has not been previously described. In an effort to identify more potent compounds, the authors examined the ability of citrinin and the structurally related mycotoxins ochratoxin A and patulin to activate the UPR. Strikingly, it was found that patulin at 2.5 to 10 μM induced a terminal UPR in a panel of OSCC cells that was characterized by an increase in CHOP, GADD34, and ATF3 gene expression and XBP1 splicing. A luminescent caspase assay and the induction of several BH3-only genes indicated that patulin could induce apoptosis in OSCC cells. These data support the use of this complementary HTS strategy to identify novel modulators of UPR signaling and tumor cell death.  相似文献   

Regulators of G-protein signaling (RGSs) are negative regulators of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR)-mediated signaling that function to limit the lifetime of receptor-activated G(alpha)-proteins. Here we show that four mammalian RGSs differentially inhibit the activation of a FUS1--LacZ reporter gene by the STE2 encoded GPCR in yeast. In order to examine the role of the GPCR in modulating RGS function, we functionally expressed the human somatostatin receptor 5 (SST(5)) in yeast. In the absence of RGSs, FUS1--LacZ activation in response to somatostatin increased in a dose-dependent manner in cells expressing SST(5). In contrast to the results obtained with Ste2p, all RGSs completely inhibited SST(5)-mediated signaling even at concentrations of agonist as high as 10(minus sign5) M. The ability of RGSs to inhibit SST(5) signaling was further assessed in cells expressing modified Gpa1 proteins. Even though SST(5)-mediated FUS1--LacZ activation was 5-fold more efficient with a Gpa1p/G(i3alpha) chimera, response to somatostatin was completely abolished by all four RGSs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RGS1, RGS2 and RGS5 have reduced ability to inhibit SST(5)-mediated activation of the RGS-resistant Gpa1p(Gly302Ser) mutant suggesting that the ability to interact with the G(alpha)-protein is required for the inhibition of signaling. Taken together, our results indicate that RGSs serve as better GAPs for Gpa1p when activated by SST(5) than when this G-protein is activated by Ste2p.  相似文献   

The STE4 gene, which encodes the beta subunit of the mating response G-protein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was subjected to a saturation mutagenesis using 'doped' oligodeoxynucleotides. We employed a genetic screen to select dominant-negative STE4 mutants, which when overexpressed from the GAL1 promoter, interfered with the signalling function of the wild type protein. The identified inhibitory amino acid alterations define two small regions that are crucially involved in transmitting the mating signal from G beta to downstream components of the signalling pathway. These results underline the positive signalling role of yeast G beta and assign for the first time the positive signalling function of a G-protein beta subunit to specific structural features.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of mammalian GAP expressed in yeast   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
We have designed a vector to express the mammalian GAP protein in the yeast S. cerevisiae. When expressed in yeast, GAP inhibits the function of the human H-rasgly12 protein, but not that of the H-rasval12 protein, and complements the loss of IRA1. IRA1 is a yeast gene that encodes a protein with homology to GAP and acts upstream of RAS. Mammalian GAP can therefore function in yeast and interact with yeast RAS. Because expression of GAP complements ira1-mutants, we propose that GAP shares some biochemical functions with IRA1. Other studies indicate that IRA1 controls the level of RAS activity, presumably by regulating GTP hydrolysis. By analogy, we propose that GAP may play a similar role.  相似文献   

Common seed analysis to identify off-target effects in siRNA screens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genome-scale small interfering RNA (siRNA) screens have become an increasingly popular approach to new target identification and pathway elucidation. However, the large data sets generated from siRNA screens have demonstrated high false-positive rates and the requirement for extensive experimental triage to distinguish true hits. A number of groups have independently reported the presence of siRNAs with identical seed sequences among their top screening hits. Based on these observations, we have developed a comprehensive technique for detecting and visualizing seed-based off-target effects in siRNA screening data. This is accomplished by analyzing the behavior of siRNAs that share identical seed sequences, which we refer to as common seed analysis (CSA). By applying these techniques to primary screening data of the Wnt pathway, we identify 158 distinct seed sequences that have a statistically significant effect on the assay. The promiscuous seed sequences identified in this manner can then be discounted in the analysis of follow-up experiments using single siRNAs. The ability to detect off-target effects when sufficient numbers of siRNAs share a common seed has significant implications for the design of siRNA screening experiments, data analysis, hit selection, and library design.  相似文献   

The ability of high throughput membrane binding assays to detect ligands for G-protein coupled receptors was examined using mathematical models. Membrane assay models were developed using the extended ternary complex model (Samama et al., 1993) as a basis. Ligand binding to whole cells was modeled by adding a G-protein activation step. Results show that inverse agonists bind more slowly and with a lower affinity to receptors in the membrane binding assay than to receptors in whole cells, causing the membrane assay to miss pharmaceutically important inverse agonists. Assay modifications to allow detection of inverse agonists are discussed. Finally, kinetic binding data are shown to provide information about ligand efficacy. This work demonstrates the utility of mathematical modeling in detecting biases in drug-screening assay, and also in suggesting techniques to correct those biases.  相似文献   

We have developed a robust, fully automated anti-parasitic drug-screening method that selects compounds specifically targeting parasite enzymes and not their host counterparts, thus allowing the early elimination of compounds with potential side effects. Our yeast system permits multiple parasite targets to be assayed in parallel owing to the strains’ expression of different fluorescent proteins. A strain expressing the human target is included in the multiplexed screen to exclude compounds that do not discriminate between host and parasite enzymes. This form of assay has the advantages of using known targets and not requiring the in vitro culture of parasites. We performed automated screens for inhibitors of parasite dihydrofolate reductases, N-myristoyltransferases and phosphoglycerate kinases, finding specific inhibitors of parasite targets. We found that our ‘hits’ have significant structural similarities to compounds with in vitro anti-parasitic activity, validating our screens and suggesting targets for hits identified in parasite-based assays. Finally, we demonstrate a 60 per cent success rate for our hit compounds in killing or severely inhibiting the growth of Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness.  相似文献   

Transfer of yeast artificial chromosomes from yeast to mammalian cells.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human DNA can be cloned as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), each of which contains several hundred kilobases of human DNA. This DNA can be manipulated in the yeast host using homologous recombination and yeast selectable markers. In relatively few steps it is possible to make virtually any change in the cloned human DNA from single base pair changes to deletions and insertions. In order to study the function of the cloned DNA and the effects of the changes made in the yeast, the human DNA must be transferred back into mammalian cells. Recent experiments indicate that large genes can be transferred from the yeast host to mammalian cells in tissue culture and that the genes are transferred intact and are expressed. Using the same methods it may soon be possible to transfer YAC DNA into the mouse germ line so that the expression and function of genes cloned in YACs can be studied in developing and adult mammalian animals.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins are ubiquitous signaling partners of seven transmembrane-domain G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest (and most important pharmacologically) receptor family in mammals. A number of scaffolding proteins have been identified that regulate various facets of GPCR signaling. In this review, we summarize current knowledge concerning those scaffolding proteins that are known to directly bind heterotrimeric G proteins, and discuss the composition of the protein complexes they assemble and their effects on signal transduction. Emerging evidence about possible ways of regulation of activity of these scaffolding proteins is also discussed.  相似文献   

As tools for functional genomics, expression profiling and proteomics provide correlative data, while expression cloning screens can link genes directly to biological function. However, technical limitations of gene transfer, expression, and recovery of candidate genes have limited wider application of genome-wide expression screens. Here we describe the pEYK retroviral vectors, which maintain high titers and robust gene expression while addressing the major bottleneck of expression cloning—efficient candidate gene recovery. By exploiting schemes for enhanced PCR rescue or strategies for direct isolation of proviral DNA as plasmids in bacterial hosts, the pEYK vectors facilitate cDNA isolation from selected cells and enable rapid iteration of screens and genetic reversion analyses to validate gene candidates. These vectors have proven useful to identify genes linked to cell proliferation, senescence and apoptosis.  相似文献   

With the continuing accomplishments of the human genome project, high-throughput strategies to identify DNA sequences that are important in mammalian gene regulation are becoming increasingly feasible. In contrast to the historic, labour-intensive, wet-laboratory methods for identifying regulatory sequences, many modern approaches are heavily focused on the computational analysis of large genomic data sets. Data from inter-species genomic sequence comparisons and genome-wide expression profiling, integrated with various computational tools, are poised to contribute to the decoding of genomic sequence and to the identification of those sequences that orchestrate gene regulation. In this review, we highlight several genomic approaches that are being used to identify regulatory sequences in mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

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